/** * Handle method. Calls doCreate if necessary (the environment variable * "PRODUCT" is not set - which it will be if the RewriteRule has * taken control). * * @param scriptlet.xml.XMLScriptletRequest request * @return string class method (one of doGet, doPost, doHead) * @see xp://scriptlet.xml.XMLScriptlet#_handleMethod */ public function handleMethod($request) { // XXX TDB // if (!$request->getEnvValue('PRODUCT')) { // return 'doCreate'; // } return parent::handleMethod($request); }
public function invalidProtocolRequestsUnsupported() { $req = $this->newRequest('GET', new URL('http://localhost/')); $req->env['SERVER_PROTOCOL'] = 'INVALID/1.0'; $res = new HttpScriptletResponse(); $s = new HttpScriptlet(); $s->service($req, $res); }
public function traceUnSupported() { $this->newRequest('TRACE', new URL('http://localhost/')); $s = new HttpScriptlet(); $s->process(); }
public function forwardedHosts() { $req = $this->newRequest('GET', new URL('http://localhost/')); $req->addHeader('X-Forwarded-Host', 'balance.example.com, proxy.example.com'); $res = new HttpScriptletResponse(); $s = new HttpScriptlet(); $s->service($req, $res); $this->assertEquals('balance.example.com', $req->getURL()->getHost()); }
/** * Calculate method to invoke * * @param scriptlet.HttpScriptletRequest request * @return string */ public function handleMethod($request) { parent::handleMethod($request); return 'doProcess'; }