public function testClassMerge() { $decorator = new HtmlTag('div'); $decorator->setOption('class', 'class'); $toMerge = new HtmlTag(array('class' => 'second')); $decorator->merge($toMerge); $expected = '<div class="class second">foo</div>'; $actual = $decorator->render('foo'); $this->assertSame($expected, $actual); }
/** * TableSection constructor. * * @param $tag * @param $rows * @param bool $header */ public function __construct($tag, $rows, $header = false) { parent::__construct($tag); $this->header = $header; foreach ($rows as $row) { $this->rows[] = new TableRow($row, $header); } }
public static function buildSelect($id = null, $name = null, array $values = null, $selected = null) { $options = null; foreach ($values as $value => $text) { if ($value == $current) { $options .= HtmlTag::option($text)->_value($value)->_selected("selected"); } else { $options .= HtmlTag::option($text)->_value($value); } } $tag = HtmlTag::select($options)->setId($id)->setName($name); }
/** * @depends testInitialState * @return null */ public function testCreateStyleTagWithContentAndTypeAndSep() { $list = array('p {color: red}', 'h1 {color:blue}'); $type = 'text/html'; $sep = ':'; $tag = $this->factory->createStyleTag($list, $type, $sep); $this->assertInstanceOf('Appfuel\\View\\Html\\Tag\\StyleTag', $tag); $this->assertFalse($tag->isEmpty()); $this->assertTrue($tag->isAttribute('type')); $this->assertEquals($type, $tag->getAttribute('type')); $this->assertEquals($sep, $tag->getContentSeparator()); $this->assertEquals($list, $tag->getContent()); }
/** * * @param UserStateInterviewSlots[] $slotStatus * @param RegisterController $controller Description */ function renderInterviewSlotStatus($slotStatus, $controller) { $formatter = O::app()->getLocale()->getDateFormatter(); $ul = HtmlTag::tag('ul'); foreach ($slotStatus as $status) { if ($status->time) { $utime = strtotime($status->time); $time = O::t('oprecx', '{date} at {time}', array('{date}' => $formatter->formatDateTime($utime, 'full', null), '{time}' => $formatter->formatDateTime($utime, null, 'medium'))); } else { $time = O::t('oprecx', 'You have not choosen a slot'); } $ul->appendLi('<strong>' . CHtml::link($status->slot_name, $controller->getURL('interview', array('edit' => 1, 'slotid' => $status->slot_id))) . '</strong>: ' . $time); } $ul->render(true); }
public function setAttribute($attribute, $value = null) { if ($this->getTagName() === 'textarea' && $attribute === 'value') { return $this->addText($value); } $keys = array('select' => 'selected', 'checkbox' => 'checked', 'radio' => 'checked'); if (isset($keys[$this->getOriginalTagName()]) && $attribute === 'value') { foreach ($this->children() as $child) { if ($child->getAttribute('value') == $value) { $verb = $keys[$this->getOriginalTagName()]; $child->setAttribute($verb, $verb); return; } } } return parent::setAttribute($attribute, $value); }
/** * Render a description * * @param string $content * @return string */ public function render($content) { $element = $this->getElement(); $view = $element->getView(); if (null === $view) { return $content; } $description = $element->getDescription(); $description = trim($description); if (!empty($description) && null !== ($translator = $element->getTranslator())) { $description = $translator->translate($description); } if (empty($description)) { return $content; } $separator = $this->getSeparator(); $placement = $this->getPlacement(); $tag = $this->getTag(); $class = $this->getClass(); $escape = $this->getEscape(); $options = $this->getOptions(); if ($escape) { $description = $view->escape($description); } if (!empty($tag)) { $options['tag'] = $tag; $decorator = new HtmlTag($options); $description = $decorator->render($description); } switch ($placement) { case self::PREPEND: return $description . $separator . $content; case self::APPEND: default: return $content . $separator . $description; } }
/** * Render a label * * @param string $content * @return string */ public function render($content) { $element = $this->getElement(); $view = $element->getView(); if (null === $view) { return $content; } $label = $this->getLabel(); $separator = $this->getSeparator(); $placement = $this->getPlacement(); $tag = $this->getTag(); $id = $this->getId(); $class = $this->getClass(); $options = $this->getOptions(); if (empty($label) && empty($tag)) { return $content; } if (!empty($label)) { $options['class'] = $class; $label = $view->broker('formLabel')->direct($element->getFullyQualifiedName(), trim($label), $options); } else { $label = ' '; } if (null !== $tag) { $decorator = new HtmlTag(); $decorator->setOptions(array('tag' => $tag, 'id' => $id . '-label')); $label = $decorator->render($label); } switch ($placement) { case self::APPEND: return $content . $separator . $label; case self::PREPEND: return $label . $separator . $content; } }
/** * TableCell constructor. * * @param $content */ public function __construct($content) { parent::__construct($this->tag); $this->content = $content; }
public function testIdCanBeSet() { $tag = new HtmlTag('somename'); $tag->setId('someid'); self::assertRegExp('/<somename id="someid" \\/>/i', $tag->__toString()); }
public function __construct(HtmlTag $element) { $this->element = $element; $this->type = $element->getTagName(); $this->originType = $element->getOriginType(); }
public function adminGetContainers() { $oTemplate = $this->oPage->getTemplate(); foreach ($oTemplate->identifiersMatching('container', Template::$ANY_VALUE) as $oIdentifier) { $oInheritedFrom = null; $sContainerName = $oIdentifier->getValue(); if (BooleanParser::booleanForString($oIdentifier->getParameter('inherit'))) { $oInheritedFrom = $this->oPage; $iInheritedObjectCount = 0; while ($iInheritedObjectCount === 0 && ($oInheritedFrom = $oInheritedFrom->getParent()) !== null) { $iInheritedObjectCount = $oInheritedFrom->countObjectsForContainer($sContainerName); } } $sInheritedFrom = $oInheritedFrom ? $oInheritedFrom->getName() : ''; $aTagParams = array('class' => 'template-container template-container-' . $sContainerName, 'data-container-name' => $sContainerName, 'data-container-string' => TranslationPeer::getString('container_name.' . $sContainerName, null, $sContainerName), 'data-inherited-from' => $sInheritedFrom); $oContainerTag = TagWriter::quickTag('ol', $aTagParams); $mInnerTemplate = new Template(TemplateIdentifier::constructIdentifier('content'), null, true); //Replace container info //…name $mInnerTemplate->replaceIdentifierMultiple('content', TagWriter::quickTag('div', array('class' => 'template-container-description'), TranslationPeer::getString('', null, null, array('container' => TranslationPeer::getString('template_container.' . $sContainerName, null, $sContainerName)), true))); //…additional info $mInnerTemplate->replaceIdentifierMultiple('content', TagWriter::quickTag('div', array('class' => 'template-container-info'))); //…tag $mInnerTemplate->replaceIdentifierMultiple('content', $oContainerTag); //Replace actual container $oTemplate->replaceIdentifier($oIdentifier, $mInnerTemplate); } $bUseParsedCss = Settings::getSetting('admin', 'use_parsed_css_in_config', true); $oStyle = null; if ($bUseParsedCss) { $sTemplateName = $this->oPage->getTemplateNameUsed() . Template::$SUFFIX; $sCacheKey = 'parsed-css-' . $sTemplateName; $oCssCache = new Cache($sCacheKey, DIRNAME_PRELOAD); $sCssContents = ""; if (!$oCssCache->entryExists() || $oCssCache->isOutdated(ResourceFinder::create(array(DIRNAME_TEMPLATES, $sTemplateName)))) { $oIncluder = new ResourceIncluder(); foreach ($oTemplate->identifiersMatching('addResourceInclude', Template::$ANY_VALUE) as $oIdentifier) { $oIncluder->addResourceFromTemplateIdentifier($oIdentifier); } foreach ($oIncluder->getAllIncludedResources() as $sIdentifier => $aResource) { if ($aResource['resource_type'] === ResourceIncluder::RESOURCE_TYPE_CSS && !isset($aResource['ie_condition']) && !isset($aResource['frontend_specific'])) { if (isset($aResource['media'])) { $sCssContents .= "@media {$aResource['media']} {"; } if (isset($aResource['file_resource'])) { $sCssContents .= file_get_contents($aResource['file_resource']->getFullPath()); } else { // Absolute link, requires fopen wrappers $sCssContents .= file_get_contents($aResource['location']); } if (isset($aResource['media'])) { $sCssContents .= "}"; } } } $oParser = new Sabberworm\CSS\Parser($sCssContents, Sabberworm\CSS\Settings::create()->withDefaultCharset(Settings::getSetting("encoding", "browser", "utf-8"))); $oCss = $oParser->parse(); $this->cleanupCSS($oCss); $sCssContents = Template::htmlEncode($oCss->render(Sabberworm\CSS\OutputFormat::createCompact())); $oCssCache->setContents($sCssContents); } else { $sCssContents = $oCssCache->getContentsAsString(); } $oStyle = new HtmlTag('style'); $oStyle->addParameters(array('scoped' => 'scoped')); $oStyle->appendChild($sCssContents); } $sTemplate = $oTemplate->render(); $sTemplate = substr($sTemplate, strpos($sTemplate, '<body') + 5); $sTemplate = substr($sTemplate, strpos($sTemplate, '>') + 1); $sTemplate = substr($sTemplate, 0, strpos($sTemplate, '</body')); $oParser = new TagParser("<body>{$sTemplate}</body>"); $oTag = $oParser->getTag(); $this->cleanupContainerStructure($oTag); if ($bUseParsedCss) { $oTag->appendChild($oStyle); } $sResult = $oTag->__toString(); $sResult = substr($sResult, strpos($sResult, '<body>') + 6); $sResult = substr($sResult, 0, strrpos($sResult, '</body>')); return array('html' => $sResult, 'css_parsed' => $bUseParsedCss); }
public static function createElement($tag = '') { self::$_instance = new HtmlTag($tag); return self::$_instance; }
public function afterExecuteRoute($dispatcher) { return; //$this->response->setContent($this->htmlDoc); //$this->htmlDoc->getBody()->setContent($this->response->getContent()); //$this->response->setContent($this->htmlDoc); //return $this->response->send(); //$item = new Doc(); $item = new HtmlModel(array('tag' => new Doc())); //var_dump ($doctag->getChild('html')->setAttribute('lang', 'gb')); echo '<pre><code>' . htmlentities($item) . '</code></pre>'; return; $test = HtmlTag::factory(array('tagname' => 'doc', 'children' => array('doctype' => array('tagname' => 'doctype')))); echo '<pre><code>'; var_dump($test); echo '</code></pre>'; return; // Set up the assets manager to not output directly $this->assets->useImplicitOutput(false); // Compile everything into the assets manager foreach ($this->htmldoc['css'] as $css) { if (Text::startsWith($css, 'http')) { $this->assets->addCss($css, false); } elseif (Text::startsWith($css, 'files/')) { $this->assets->addCss($css); } else { $this->assets->addInlineCss($css); } } foreach ($this->htmldoc['js'] as $js) { if (Text::startsWith($js, 'http')) { $this->assets->addJs($js, false); } elseif (Text::startsWith($js, 'files/')) { $this->assets->addJs($js); } else { $this->assets->addInlineJs($js); } } $this->assets->collection('jsfooter'); foreach ($this->htmldoc['jsfooter'] as $js) { if (Text::startsWith($js, 'http')) { $this->assets->collection('jsfooter')->addJs($js, false); } elseif (Text::startsWith($js, 'files/')) { $this->assets->collection('jsfooter')->addJs($js); } else { $this->assets->addInlineJs($js); } } $this->htmldoc['meta-src'] = ''; foreach ($this->htmldoc['meta'] as $meta) { $this->htmldoc['meta-src'] .= $this->tag->tagHtml('meta', $meta, true, true, true); } // Create the css view variable $this->htmldoc['css-src'] = $this->assets->outputCss(); $this->htmldoc['css-inline-src'] = $this->assets->outputInlineCss(); // Create the javascript view variables // Inline scripts are separated $this->htmldoc['js-src'] = $this->assets->outputJs(); $this->htmldoc['js-inline-src'] = $this->assets->outputInlineJs(); // Create the footer javascript view variable $this->htmldoc['jsfooter-src'] = $this->assets->outputJs('jsfooter'); // Create the import view variable $this->htmldoc['import-src'] = ''; foreach ($this->htmldoc['import'] as $import) { $this->htmldoc['import-src'] .= $this->tag->tagHtml('link', array('rel' => 'import', 'href' => $this->url->get($import)), true, true, true); } // Create the menu items $this->htmldoc['menu-items'] = $this->_parse_menu_items($this->htmldoc['menu']); // Add the variables to the view $this->view->setVar('htmldoc', $this->htmldoc); $this->view->setVar('menu', $this->view->getPartial('shared/menu')); }
<h2><?php echo O::t('oprecx', 'Welcome to Oprecx!'); ?> </h2> <?php //echo O::t('oprecx', '<p>Oprecx is web based open recruitment system') ?> <p>Oprecx adalah sistem rekruitmen terbuka berbasis web.</p> <hr /> <h2><?php echo O::t('oprecx', 'Active Open Recruitment'); ?> </h2> <?php /* @var $rec Recruitment */ //JqmTag::listview()->render(TRUE); //* if ($recs) { $ul = JqmTag::listview()->inset()->theme('d')->icon('false')->data('filter', true)->data('filter-placeholder', O::t('oprecx', 'Search recruitment')); foreach ($recs as $rec) { $ul->appendLvItem(HtmlTag::link($rec->full_name, array('registration/default/index', 'rec_name' => $rec->name))); } $ul->render(true); } // */ ?> </div>
/** * Render a form image * * @param string $content * @return string */ public function render($content) { $element = $this->getElement(); $view = $element->getView(); if (null === $view) { return $content; } $tag = $this->getTag(); $placement = $this->getPlacement(); $separator = $this->getSeparator(); $name = $element->getFullyQualifiedName(); $attribs = $this->getAttribs(); $attribs['id'] = $element->getId(); $image = $view->formImage($name, $element->getImageValue(), $attribs); if (null !== $tag) { $decorator = new HtmlTag(); $decorator->setOptions(array('tag' => $tag)); $image = $decorator->render($image); } switch ($placement) { case self::PREPEND: return $image . $separator . $content; case self::APPEND: default: return $content . $separator . $image; } }
protected function showEmail( $step ) { $header = new HtmlTag( 'h2' ); $step_message = 'translate-fs-email-title'; $header->style( 'opacity', 0.4 )->content( wfMsg( $step_message ) ); if ( $step && ( $step !== 'translate-fs-target-title' && $step !== 'translate-fs-permissions-title' ) ) { $this->out->addHtml( $header ); return $step; } if ( $this->user->isEmailConfirmed() ) { $header->content( $header->content . wfMsg( 'translate-fs-pagetitle-done' ) ); $this->out->addHtml( $header ); return $step; // Start translating step } $this->out->addHtml( $header->style( 'opacity', false ) ); $this->out->addWikiMsg( 'translate-fs-email-text' ); return $step_message; }