printAjaxPager() static public method

Print Ajax pager for list in tab panel
static public printAjaxPager ( $title, $start, $numrows, $additional_info = '' ) : nothing
$title displayed above
$start from witch item we start
$numrows total items
$additional_info Additional information to display (default '')
return nothing (print a pager)
  * Print the wainting ticket form
  * @param $ID integer ID of the item
  * @param $options array
  *     - target filename : where to go when done.
  *     - withtemplate boolean : template or basic item
  * @return Nothing (display)
  * */
 static function showForTicket($item)
     global $CFG_GLPI;
     // validation des droits
     if (!Session::haveRight('plugin_moreticket', READ)) {
         return false;
     if (isset($_REQUEST["start"])) {
         $start = $_REQUEST["start"];
     } else {
         $start = 0;
     // Total Number of events
     $number = countElementsInTable("glpi_plugin_moreticket_waitingtickets", "`tickets_id`='" . $item->getField('id') . "'");
     if ($number < 1) {
         echo "<div class='center'>";
         echo "<table class='tab_cadre_fixe'>";
         echo "<tr><th>" . __('No historical') . "</th></tr>";
         echo "</table>";
         echo "</div><br>";
     } else {
         echo "<div class='center'>";
         // Display the pager
         Html::printAjaxPager(__('Ticket suspension history', 'moreticket'), $start, $number);
         echo "<table class='tab_cadre_fixe'>";
         echo "<tr>";
         echo "<th>" . __('Suspension date', 'moreticket') . "</th>";
         echo "<th>" . __('Reason', 'moreticket') . "</th>";
         echo "<th>" . PluginMoreticketWaitingType::getTypeName(1) . "</th>";
         echo "<th>" . __('Postponement date', 'moreticket') . "</th>";
         echo "<th>" . __('Suspension end date', 'moreticket') . "</th>";
         echo "</tr>";
         foreach (self::getWaitingTicketFromDB($item->getField('id'), array('start' => $start, 'limit' => $_SESSION['glpilist_limit'])) as $waitingTicket) {
             echo "<tr class='tab_bg_2'>";
             echo "<td>";
             echo Html::convDateTime($waitingTicket['date_suspension']);
             echo "</td>";
             echo "<td>";
             echo $waitingTicket['reason'];
             echo "</td>";
             echo "<td>";
             echo Dropdown::getDropdownName('glpi_plugin_moreticket_waitingtypes', $waitingTicket['plugin_moreticket_waitingtypes_id']);
             echo "</td>";
             echo "<td>";
             if ($waitingTicket['date_report'] == "0000-00-00 00:00:00") {
                 echo _x('periodicity', 'None');
             } else {
                 echo Html::convDateTime($waitingTicket['date_report']);
             echo "</td>";
             echo "<td>";
             echo Html::convDateTime($waitingTicket['date_end_suspension']);
             echo "</td>";
             echo "</tr>";
         echo "</table>";
         echo "</div>";
         Html::printAjaxPager(__('Ticket suspension history', 'moreticket'), $start, $number);
  * Show computers linked to a License
  * @param $license SoftwareLicense object
  * @return nothing
 static function showForLicense(SoftwareLicense $license)
     global $DB, $CFG_GLPI;
     $searchID = $license->getField('id');
     if (!Software::canView() || !$searchID) {
         return false;
     $canedit = Session::haveRightsOr("software", array(CREATE, UPDATE, DELETE, PURGE));
     $canshowcomputer = Computer::canView();
     if (isset($_GET["start"])) {
         $start = $_GET["start"];
     } else {
         $start = 0;
     if (isset($_GET["order"]) && $_GET["order"] == "DESC") {
         $order = "DESC";
     } else {
         $order = "ASC";
     if (isset($_GET["sort"]) && !empty($_GET["sort"])) {
         // manage several param like location,compname : order first
         $tmp = explode(",", $_GET["sort"]);
         $sort = "`" . implode("` {$order},`", $tmp) . "`";
     } else {
         $sort = "`entity` {$order}, `compname`";
     //SoftwareLicense ID
     $query_number = "SELECT COUNT(*) AS cpt\n                       FROM `glpi_computers_softwarelicenses`\n                       INNER JOIN `glpi_computers`\n                           ON (`glpi_computers_softwarelicenses`.`computers_id`\n                                 = `glpi_computers`.`id`)\n                       WHERE `glpi_computers_softwarelicenses`.`softwarelicenses_id` = '{$searchID}'" . getEntitiesRestrictRequest(' AND', 'glpi_computers') . "\n                             AND `glpi_computers`.`is_deleted` = '0'\n                             AND `glpi_computers`.`is_template` = '0'\n                             AND `glpi_computers_softwarelicenses`.`is_deleted` = '0'";
     $number = 0;
     if ($result = $DB->query($query_number)) {
         $number = $DB->result($result, 0, 0);
     echo "<div class='center'>";
     if ($canedit) {
         echo "<form method='post' action='" . $CFG_GLPI["root_doc"] . "/front/computer_softwarelicense.form.php'>";
         echo "<input type='hidden' name='softwarelicenses_id' value='{$searchID}'>";
         echo "<table class='tab_cadre_fixe'>";
         echo "<tr class='tab_bg_2 center'>";
         echo "<td>";
         Computer::dropdown(array('entity' => $license->fields['entities_id'], 'entity_sons' => $license->fields['is_recursive']));
         echo "</td>";
         echo "<td><input type='submit' name='add' value=\"" . _sx('button', 'Add') . "\" class='submit'>";
         echo "</td></tr>";
         echo "</table>";
     if ($number < 1) {
         echo "<table class='tab_cadre_fixe'>";
         echo "<tr><th>" . __('No item found') . "</th></tr>";
         echo "</table></div>\n";
     // Display the pager
     Html::printAjaxPager(__('Affected computers'), $start, $number);
     $query = "SELECT `glpi_computers_softwarelicenses`.*,\n                       `glpi_computers`.`name` AS compname,\n                       `glpi_computers`.`id` AS cID,\n                       `glpi_computers`.`serial`,\n                       `glpi_computers`.`otherserial`,\n                       `glpi_users`.`name` AS username,\n                       `glpi_users`.`id` AS userid,\n                       `glpi_users`.`realname` AS userrealname,\n                       `glpi_users`.`firstname` AS userfirstname,\n                       `glpi_softwarelicenses`.`name` AS license,\n                       `glpi_softwarelicenses`.`id` AS vID,\n                       `glpi_softwarelicenses`.`name` AS vername,\n                       `glpi_entities`.`completename` AS entity,\n                       `glpi_locations`.`completename` AS location,\n                       `glpi_states`.`name` AS state,\n                       `glpi_groups`.`name` AS groupe,\n                       `glpi_softwarelicenses`.`name` AS lname,\n                       `glpi_softwarelicenses`.`id` AS lID,\n                       `glpi_softwarelicenses`.`softwares_id` AS softid\n                FROM `glpi_computers_softwarelicenses`\n                INNER JOIN `glpi_softwarelicenses`\n                     ON (`glpi_computers_softwarelicenses`.`softwarelicenses_id`\n                          = `glpi_softwarelicenses`.`id`)\n                INNER JOIN `glpi_computers`\n                     ON (`glpi_computers_softwarelicenses`.`computers_id` = `glpi_computers`.`id`)\n                LEFT JOIN `glpi_entities` ON (`glpi_computers`.`entities_id` = `glpi_entities`.`id`)\n                LEFT JOIN `glpi_locations`\n                     ON (`glpi_computers`.`locations_id` = `glpi_locations`.`id`)\n                LEFT JOIN `glpi_states` ON (`glpi_computers`.`states_id` = `glpi_states`.`id`)\n                LEFT JOIN `glpi_groups` ON (`glpi_computers`.`groups_id` = `glpi_groups`.`id`)\n                LEFT JOIN `glpi_users` ON (`glpi_computers`.`users_id` = `glpi_users`.`id`)\n                WHERE (`glpi_softwarelicenses`.`id` = '{$searchID}') " . getEntitiesRestrictRequest(' AND', 'glpi_computers') . "\n                       AND `glpi_computers`.`is_deleted` = '0'\n                       AND `glpi_computers`.`is_template` = '0'\n                       AND `glpi_computers_softwarelicenses`.`is_deleted` = '0'\n                ORDER BY {$sort} {$order}\n                LIMIT " . intval($start) . "," . intval($_SESSION['glpilist_limit']);
     $rand = mt_rand();
     if ($result = $DB->query($query)) {
         if ($data = $DB->fetch_assoc($result)) {
             if ($canedit) {
                 $rand = mt_rand();
                 Html::openMassiveActionsForm('mass' . __CLASS__ . $rand);
                 $massiveactionparams = array('num_displayed' => $_SESSION['glpilist_limit'], 'container' => 'mass' . __CLASS__ . $rand, 'specific_actions' => array('purge' => _x('button', 'Delete permanently')));
                 // show transfer only if multi licenses for this software
                 if (self::countLicenses($data['softid']) > 1) {
                     $massiveactionparams['specific_actions'][__CLASS__ . MassiveAction::CLASS_ACTION_SEPARATOR . 'move_license'] = _x('button', 'Move');
                 // Options to update license
                 $massiveactionparams['extraparams']['options']['move']['used'] = array($searchID);
                 $massiveactionparams['extraparams']['options']['move']['softwares_id'] = $license->fields['softwares_id'];
             $soft = new Software();
             $showEntity = $license->isRecursive();
             $linkUser = User::canView();
             $text = sprintf(__('%1$s = %2$s'), Software::getTypeName(1), $soft->fields["name"]);
             $text = sprintf(__('%1$s - %2$s'), $text, $data["vername"]);
             Session::initNavigateListItems('Computer', $text);
             $sort_img = "<img src='" . $CFG_GLPI["root_doc"] . "/pics/" . ($order == "DESC" ? "puce-down.png" : "puce-up.png") . "' alt='' title=''>";
             echo "<table class='tab_cadre_fixehov'>";
             $columns = array('compname' => __('Name'), 'entity' => __('Entity'), 'serial' => __('Serial number'), 'otherserial' => __('Inventory number'), 'location,compname' => __('Location'), 'state,compname' => __('Status'), 'groupe,compname' => __('Group'), 'username,compname' => __('User'));
             if (!$showEntity) {
             $sort_img = "<img src=\"" . $CFG_GLPI["root_doc"] . "/pics/" . ($order == "DESC" ? "puce-down.png" : "puce-up.png") . "\" alt='' title=''>";
             $header_begin = "<tr>";
             $header_top = '';
             $header_bottom = '';
             $header_end = '';
             if ($canedit) {
                 $header_begin .= "<th width='10'>";
                 $header_top .= Html::getCheckAllAsCheckbox('mass' . __CLASS__ . $rand);
                 $header_bottom .= Html::getCheckAllAsCheckbox('mass' . __CLASS__ . $rand);
                 $header_end .= "</th>";
             foreach ($columns as $key => $val) {
                 // Non order column
                 if ($key[0] == '_') {
                     $header_end .= "<th>{$val}</th>";
                 } else {
                     $header_end .= "<th>" . ($sort == "`{$key}`" ? $sort_img : "") . "<a href='javascript:reloadTab(\"sort={$key}&amp;order=" . ($order == "ASC" ? "DESC" : "ASC") . "&amp;start=0\");'>{$val}</a></th>";
             $header_end .= "</tr>\n";
             echo $header_begin . $header_top . $header_end;
             do {
                 Session::addToNavigateListItems('Computer', $data["cID"]);
                 echo "<tr class='tab_bg_2'>";
                 if ($canedit) {
                     echo "<td>" . Html::getMassiveActionCheckBox(__CLASS__, $data["id"]) . "</td>";
                 $compname = $data['compname'];
                 if (empty($compname) || $_SESSION['glpiis_ids_visible']) {
                     $compname = sprintf(__('%1$s (%2$s)'), $compname, $data['cID']);
                 if ($canshowcomputer) {
                     echo "<td><a href='computer.form.php?id=" . $data['cID'] . "'>{$compname}</a></td>";
                 } else {
                     echo "<td>" . $compname . "</td>";
                 if ($showEntity) {
                     echo "<td>" . $data['entity'] . "</td>";
                 echo "<td>" . $data['serial'] . "</td>";
                 echo "<td>" . $data['otherserial'] . "</td>";
                 echo "<td>" . $data['location'] . "</td>";
                 echo "<td>" . $data['state'] . "</td>";
                 echo "<td>" . $data['groupe'] . "</td>";
                 echo "<td>" . formatUserName($data['userid'], $data['username'], $data['userrealname'], $data['userfirstname'], $linkUser) . "</td>";
                 echo "</tr>\n";
             } while ($data = $DB->fetch_assoc($result));
             echo $header_begin . $header_bottom . $header_end;
             echo "</table>\n";
             if ($canedit) {
                 $massiveactionparams['ontop'] = false;
         } else {
             // Not found
             _e('No item found');
     // Query
     Html::printAjaxPager(__('Affected computers'), $start, $number);
     echo "</div>\n";
Ejemplo n.º 3
 static function showMinimalList($params = array())
     global $DB, $CFG_GLPI;
     $item = new self();
     $itemtype = $item->getType();
     $itemtable = $item->getTable();
     // Default values of parameters
     $p['link'] = array();
     $p['field'] = array();
     $p['contains'] = array();
     $p['searchtype'] = array();
     $p['sort'] = '1';
     $p['order'] = 'ASC';
     $p['start'] = 0;
     $p['is_deleted'] = 0;
     $p['id'] = 0;
     $p['export_all'] = 0;
     $p['link2'] = '';
     $p['contains2'] = '';
     $p['field2'] = '';
     $p['itemtype2'] = '';
     $p['searchtype2'] = '';
     $p['withtemplate'] = 0;
     foreach ($params as $key => $val) {
         $p[$key] = $val;
     $PluginResourcesResource = new PluginResourcesResource();
     $canedit = $PluginResourcesResource->can($p['id'], 'w');
     if (isset($_POST["start"])) {
         $p['start'] = $_POST["start"];
     } else {
         $p['start'] = 0;
     if (isset($_POST["sort"])) {
         $p['sort'] = $_POST["sort"];
     } else {
         $p['sort'] = 1;
     if (isset($_POST["order"]) && $_POST["order"] == "DESC") {
         $p['order'] = "DESC";
     } else {
         $p['order'] = "ASC";
     // Manage defautll seachtype value : for bookmark compatibility
     if (count($p['contains'])) {
         foreach ($p['contains'] as $key => $val) {
             if (!isset($p['searchtype'][$key])) {
                 $p['searchtype'][$key] = 'contains';
     if (is_array($p['contains2']) && count($p['contains2'])) {
         foreach ($p['contains2'] as $key => $val) {
             if (!isset($p['searchtype2'][$key])) {
                 $p['searchtype2'][$key] = 'contains';
     $target = Toolbox::getItemTypeSearchURL($itemtype);
     $limitsearchopt = Search::getCleanedOptions($itemtype);
     $LIST_LIMIT = $_SESSION['glpilist_limit'];
     // Set display type for export if define
     $output_type = Search::HTML_OUTPUT;
     if (isset($_GET['display_type'])) {
         $output_type = $_GET['display_type'];
         // Limit to 10 element
         if ($_GET['display_type'] == Search::GLOBAL_SEARCH) {
             $LIST_LIMIT = Search::GLOBAL_DISPLAY_COUNT;
     $entity_restrict = $item->isEntityAssign();
     // Get the items to display
     $toview = Search::addDefaultToView($itemtype);
     // Add items to display depending of personal prefs
     $displaypref = DisplayPreference::getForTypeUser($itemtype, Session::getLoginUserID());
     if (count($displaypref)) {
         foreach ($displaypref as $val) {
             array_push($toview, $val);
     // Add searched items
     if (count($p['field']) > 0) {
         foreach ($p['field'] as $key => $val) {
             if (!in_array($val, $toview) && $val != 'all' && $val != 'view') {
                 array_push($toview, $val);
     // Add order item
     if (!in_array($p['sort'], $toview)) {
         array_push($toview, $p['sort']);
     // Clean toview array
     $toview = array_unique($toview);
     foreach ($toview as $key => $val) {
         if (!isset($limitsearchopt[$val])) {
     $toview_count = count($toview);
     //// 1 - SELECT
     $query = "SELECT " . Search::addDefaultSelect($itemtype);
     // Add select for all toview item
     foreach ($toview as $key => $val) {
         $query .= Search::addSelect($itemtype, $val, $key, 0);
     $query .= "`" . $itemtable . "`.`id` AS id ";
     //// 2 - FROM AND LEFT JOIN
     // Set reference table
     $query .= " FROM `" . $itemtable . "`";
     // Init already linked tables array in order not to link a table several times
     $already_link_tables = array();
     // Put reference table
     array_push($already_link_tables, $itemtable);
     // Add default join
     $COMMONLEFTJOIN = Search::addDefaultJoin($itemtype, $itemtable, $already_link_tables);
     $query .= $COMMONLEFTJOIN;
     $searchopt = array();
     $searchopt[$itemtype] =& Search::getOptions($itemtype);
     // Add all table for toview items
     foreach ($toview as $key => $val) {
         $query .= Search::addLeftJoin($itemtype, $itemtable, $already_link_tables, $searchopt[$itemtype][$val]["table"], $searchopt[$itemtype][$val]["linkfield"], 0, 0, $searchopt[$itemtype][$val]["joinparams"]);
     // Search all case :
     if (in_array("all", $p['field'])) {
         foreach ($searchopt[$itemtype] as $key => $val) {
             // Do not search on Group Name
             if (is_array($val)) {
                 $query .= Search::addLeftJoin($itemtype, $itemtable, $already_link_tables, $searchopt[$itemtype][$key]["table"], $searchopt[$itemtype][$key]["linkfield"], 0, 0, $searchopt[$itemtype][$key]["joinparams"]);
     $query .= " WHERE `" . $itemtable . "`.`plugin_resources_resources_id` = '" . $p['id'] . "'";
     $query .= " AND `" . $itemtable . "`.`is_deleted` = '" . $p['is_deleted'] . "' ";
     //// 7 - Manage GROUP BY
     $GROUPBY = "";
     // Meta Search / Search All / Count tickets
     if (in_array('all', $p['field'])) {
         $GROUPBY = " GROUP BY `" . $itemtable . "`.`id`";
     if (empty($GROUPBY)) {
         foreach ($toview as $key2 => $val2) {
             if (!empty($GROUPBY)) {
             if (isset($searchopt[$itemtype][$val2]["forcegroupby"])) {
                 $GROUPBY = " GROUP BY `" . $itemtable . "`.`id`";
     $query .= $GROUPBY;
     //// 4 - ORDER
     $ORDER = " ORDER BY `id` ";
     foreach ($toview as $key => $val) {
         if ($p['sort'] == $val) {
             $ORDER = Search::addOrderBy($itemtype, $p['sort'], $p['order'], $key);
     $query .= $ORDER;
     // Get it from database
     if ($result = $DB->query($query)) {
         $numrows = $DB->numrows($result);
         $globallinkto = Search::getArrayUrlLink("field", $p['field']) . Search::getArrayUrlLink("link", $p['link']) . Search::getArrayUrlLink("contains", $p['contains']) . Search::getArrayUrlLink("field2", $p['field2']) . Search::getArrayUrlLink("contains2", $p['contains2']) . Search::getArrayUrlLink("itemtype2", $p['itemtype2']) . Search::getArrayUrlLink("link2", $p['link2']);
         $parameters = "sort=" . $p['sort'] . "&amp;order=" . $p['order'] . $globallinkto;
         if ($output_type == Search::GLOBAL_SEARCH) {
             if (class_exists($itemtype)) {
                 echo "<div class='center'><h2>" . $item->getTypeName();
                 // More items
                 if ($numrows > $p['start'] + Search::GLOBAL_DISPLAY_COUNT) {
                     echo " <a href='{$target}?{$parameters}'>" . __('All') . "</a>";
                 echo "</h2></div>\n";
             } else {
                 return false;
         if ($p['start'] < $numrows) {
             if ($output_type == Search::HTML_OUTPUT && !$p['withtemplate']) {
                 echo "<div align='center'>";
                 echo "<a href='" . $CFG_GLPI["root_doc"] . "/plugins/resources/front/task.php?contains%5B0%5D=" . $p['id'] . "&field%5B0%5D=13&sort=1&is_deleted=0&start=0'>" . _x('button', 'Search') . "</a><br>";
                 echo "</div>";
             // Pager
             if ($output_type == Search::HTML_OUTPUT) {
                 // HTML display - massive modif
                 $search_config = "";
                 if ($item->canCreate() && $canedit) {
                     $tmp = " class='pointer' onClick=\"var w ='" . $CFG_GLPI["root_doc"] . "/front/popup.php?popup=search_config&amp;itemtype=" . $itemtype . "' ,'glpipopup', " . "'height=400, width=1000, top=100, left=100, scrollbars=yes' ); w.focus();\"";
                     $search_config = "<img alt='" . __('Select default items to show') . "' title='" . __('Select default items to show') . "' src='" . $CFG_GLPI["root_doc"] . "/pics/options_search.png' ";
                     $search_config .= $tmp . ">";
                 //echo Search::showHeaderItem($output_type,$search_config,$header_num,"",0,$p['order']);
             // Pager
             if ($output_type == Search::HTML_OUTPUT) {
                 Html::printAjaxPager(self::getTypeName(2), $p['start'], $numrows, $search_config);
                 echo "<br>";
             // Define begin and end var for loop
             // Search case
             $begin_display = $p['start'];
             $end_display = $p['start'] + $LIST_LIMIT;
             // Export All case
             if ($p['export_all']) {
                 $begin_display = 0;
                 $end_display = $numrows;
             //massive action
             $sel = "";
             if (isset($_GET["select"]) && $_GET["select"] == "all") {
                 $sel = "checked";
             if ($item->canCreate() && $canedit && $output_type == Search::HTML_OUTPUT && $p['withtemplate'] != 2) {
                 Html::openMassiveActionsForm('massform' . $itemtype);
                 $massiveactionparams = array('num_displayed' => $end_display - $begin_display, 'fixed' => true, 'is_deleted' => $p['is_deleted']);
                 Html::showMassiveActions($itemtype, $massiveactionparams);
             // Add toview elements
             $nbcols = $toview_count;
             if ($output_type == Search::HTML_OUTPUT) {
                 // HTML display - massive modif
             // Display List Header
             echo Search::showHeader($output_type, $end_display - $begin_display + 1, $nbcols, 1);
             $header_num = 1;
             // Display column Headers for toview items
             $headers_line = '';
             $headers_line_top = '';
             $headers_line_bottom = '';
             echo Search::showNewLine($output_type);
             if ($output_type == Search::HTML_OUTPUT && $item->canCreate() && $canedit) {
                 // HTML display - massive modif
                 $headers_line_top .= Search::showHeaderItem($output_type, Html::getCheckAllAsCheckbox('massform' . $itemtype), $header_num, "", 0, $p['order']);
                 $headers_line_bottom .= Search::showHeaderItem($output_type, Html::getCheckAllAsCheckbox('massform' . $itemtype), $header_num, "", 0, $p['order']);
             // Display column Headers for toview items
             foreach ($toview as $key => $val) {
                 $linkto = '';
                 if (!isset($searchopt[$itemtype][$val]['nosort']) || !$searchopt[$itemtype][$val]['nosort']) {
                     $linkto = "javascript:reloadTab('sort=" . $val . "&amp;order=" . ($p['order'] == "ASC" ? "DESC" : "ASC") . "&amp;start=" . $p['start'] . $globallinkto . "')";
                 $headers_line .= Search::showHeaderItem($output_type, $searchopt[$itemtype][$val]["name"], $header_num, $linkto, $p['sort'] == $val, $p['order']);
             // End Line for column headers
             $headers_line .= Search::showEndLine($output_type);
             $headers_line_top .= $headers_line;
             $headers_line_bottom .= $headers_line;
             echo $headers_line_top;
             $DB->data_seek($result, $p['start']);
             // Define begin and end var for loop
             // Search case
             $i = $begin_display;
             // Init list of items displayed
             if ($output_type == Search::HTML_OUTPUT) {
                 Session::initNavigateListItems($itemtype, PluginResourcesResource::getTypeName(2) . " = " . (empty($PluginResourcesResource->fields['name']) ? "(" . $p['id'] . ")" : $PluginResourcesResource->fields['name']));
             // Num of the row (1=header_line)
             $row_num = 1;
             // Display Loop
             while ($i < $numrows && $i < $end_display) {
                 $item_num = 1;
                 $data = $DB->fetch_array($result);
                 echo Search::showNewLine($output_type, $i % 2);
                 Session::addToNavigateListItems($itemtype, $data['id']);
                 $tmpcheck = "";
                 if ($item->canCreate() && $canedit && $output_type == Search::HTML_OUTPUT && $p['withtemplate'] != 2) {
                     $sel = "";
                     $tmpcheck = "<input type='checkbox' name='item[" . $data["id"] . "]' value='1' {$sel}>";
                 echo Search::showItem($output_type, $tmpcheck, $item_num, $row_num, "width='10'");
                 foreach ($toview as $key => $val) {
                     echo Search::showItem($output_type, Search::giveItem($itemtype, $val, $data, $key), $item_num, $row_num, Search::displayConfigItem($itemtype, $val, $data, $key));
                 echo Search::showEndLine($output_type);
             // Close Table
             $title = "";
             // Create title
             if ($output_type == Search::PDF_OUTPUT_PORTRAIT || $output_type == Search::PDF_OUTPUT_LANDSCAPE) {
                 $title .= __('Tasks list', 'resources');
             // Display footer
             echo Search::showFooter($output_type, $title);
             //massive action
             if ($item->canCreate() && $canedit && $output_type == Search::HTML_OUTPUT && $p['withtemplate'] != 2) {
                 $massiveactionparams['ontop'] = false;
                 Html::showMassiveActions($itemtype, $massiveactionparams);
             } else {
                 echo "</table></div>";
             // Pager
             if ($output_type == Search::HTML_OUTPUT) {
                 echo "<br>";
                 Html::printAjaxPager(self::getTypeName(2), $p['start'], $numrows);
         } else {
             echo Search::showError($output_type);
Ejemplo n.º 4
  * Show Licenses of a software
  * @param $software Software object
  * @return nothing
 static function showForSoftware(Software $software)
     global $DB, $CFG_GLPI;
     $softwares_id = $software->getField('id');
     $license = new self();
     $computer = new Computer();
     if (!$software->can($softwares_id, READ)) {
         return false;
     $columns = array('name' => __('Name'), 'entity' => __('Entity'), 'serial' => __('Serial number'), 'number' => _x('quantity', 'Number'), '_affected' => __('Affected computers'), 'typename' => __('Type'), 'buyname' => __('Purchase version'), 'usename' => __('Version in use'), 'expire' => __('Expiration'));
     if (!$software->isRecursive()) {
     if (isset($_GET["start"])) {
         $start = $_GET["start"];
     } else {
         $start = 0;
     if (isset($_GET["order"]) && $_GET["order"] == "DESC") {
         $order = "DESC";
     } else {
         $order = "ASC";
     if (isset($_GET["sort"]) && !empty($_GET["sort"]) && isset($columns[$_GET["sort"]])) {
         $sort = "`" . $_GET["sort"] . "`";
     } else {
         $sort = "`entity` {$order}, `name`";
     // Righ type is enough. Can add a License on a software we have Read access
     $canedit = Software::canUpdate();
     $showmassiveactions = $canedit;
     // Total Number of events
     $number = countElementsInTable("glpi_softwarelicenses", "glpi_softwarelicenses.softwares_id = {$softwares_id} " . getEntitiesRestrictRequest('AND', 'glpi_softwarelicenses', '', '', true));
     echo "<div class='spaced'>";
     Session::initNavigateListItems('SoftwareLicense', sprintf(__('%1$s = %2$s'), Software::getTypeName(1), $software->getName()));
     if ($canedit) {
         echo "<div class='center firstbloc'>";
         echo "<a class='vsubmit' href='softwarelicense.form.php?softwares_id={$softwares_id}'>" . _x('button', 'Add a license') . "</a>";
         echo "</div>";
     $rand = mt_rand();
     $query = "SELECT `glpi_softwarelicenses`.*,\n                       `buyvers`.`name` AS buyname,\n                       `usevers`.`name` AS usename,\n                       `glpi_entities`.`completename` AS entity,\n                       `glpi_softwarelicensetypes`.`name` AS typename\n                FROM `glpi_softwarelicenses`\n                LEFT JOIN `glpi_softwareversions` AS buyvers\n                     ON (`buyvers`.`id` = `glpi_softwarelicenses`.`softwareversions_id_buy`)\n                LEFT JOIN `glpi_softwareversions` AS usevers\n                     ON (`usevers`.`id` = `glpi_softwarelicenses`.`softwareversions_id_use`)\n                LEFT JOIN `glpi_entities`\n                     ON (`glpi_entities`.`id` = `glpi_softwarelicenses`.`entities_id`)\n                LEFT JOIN `glpi_softwarelicensetypes`\n                     ON (`glpi_softwarelicensetypes`.`id`\n                          = `glpi_softwarelicenses`.`softwarelicensetypes_id`)\n                WHERE (`glpi_softwarelicenses`.`softwares_id` = '{$softwares_id}') " . getEntitiesRestrictRequest('AND', 'glpi_softwarelicenses', '', '', true) . "\n                ORDER BY {$sort} {$order}\n                LIMIT " . intval($start) . "," . intval($_SESSION['glpilist_limit']);
     if ($result = $DB->query($query)) {
         if ($num_displayed = $DB->numrows($result)) {
             // Display the pager
             Html::printAjaxPager(self::getTypeName(Session::getPluralNumber()), $start, $number);
             if ($showmassiveactions) {
                 Html::openMassiveActionsForm('mass' . __CLASS__ . $rand);
                 $massiveactionparams = array('num_displayed' => $num_displayed, 'container' => 'mass' . __CLASS__ . $rand, 'extraparams' => array('options' => array('' => array('condition' => "`glpi_softwareversions`.`softwares_id`\n                                                                  = {$softwares_id}"), '' => array('itemlink_as_string' => true))));
             $sort_img = "<img src=\"" . $CFG_GLPI["root_doc"] . "/pics/" . ($order == "DESC" ? "puce-down.png" : "puce-up.png") . "\" alt='' title=''>";
             $sort_img = "<img src=\"" . $CFG_GLPI["root_doc"] . "/pics/" . ($order == "DESC" ? "puce-down.png" : "puce-up.png") . "\" alt='' title=''>";
             echo "<table class='tab_cadre_fixehov'>";
             $header_begin = "<tr><th>";
             $header_top = Html::getCheckAllAsCheckbox('mass' . __CLASS__ . $rand);
             $header_bottom = Html::getCheckAllAsCheckbox('mass' . __CLASS__ . $rand);
             $header_end = '';
             foreach ($columns as $key => $val) {
                 // Non order column
                 if ($key[0] == '_') {
                     $header_end .= "<th>{$val}</th>";
                 } else {
                     $header_end .= "<th>" . ($sort == "`{$key}`" ? $sort_img : "") . "<a href='javascript:reloadTab(\"sort={$key}&amp;order=" . ($order == "ASC" ? "DESC" : "ASC") . "&amp;start=0\");'>{$val}</a></th>";
             $header_end .= "</tr>\n";
             echo $header_begin . $header_top . $header_end;
             $tot_assoc = 0;
             for ($tot = 0; $data = $DB->fetch_assoc($result);) {
                 Session::addToNavigateListItems('SoftwareLicense', $data['id']);
                 $expired = true;
                 if (is_null($data['expire']) || $data['expire'] > date('Y-m-d')) {
                     $expired = false;
                 echo "<tr class='tab_bg_2" . ($expired ? '_2' : '') . "'>";
                 if ($license->canEdit($data['id'])) {
                     echo "<td>" . Html::getMassiveActionCheckBox(__CLASS__, $data["id"]) . "</td>";
                 } else {
                     echo "<td>&nbsp;</td>";
                 echo "<td><a href='softwarelicense.form.php?id=" . $data['id'] . "'>" . $data['name'] . (empty($data['name']) ? "(" . $data['id'] . ")" : "") . "</a></td>";
                 if (isset($columns['entity'])) {
                     echo "<td>";
                     echo $data['entity'];
                     echo "</td>";
                 echo "<td>" . $data['serial'] . "</td>";
                 echo "<td class='numeric'>" . ($data['number'] > 0 ? $data['number'] : __('Unlimited')) . "</td>";
                 $nb_assoc = Computer_SoftwareLicense::countForLicense($data['id']);
                 $tot_assoc += $nb_assoc;
                 $color = $data['is_valid'] ? 'green' : 'red';
                 echo "<td class='numeric {$color}'>" . $nb_assoc . "</td>";
                 echo "<td>" . $data['typename'] . "</td>";
                 echo "<td>" . $data['buyname'] . "</td>";
                 echo "<td>" . $data['usename'] . "</td>";
                 echo "<td class='center'>" . Html::convDate($data['expire']) . "</td>";
                 echo "</tr>";
                 if ($data['number'] < 0) {
                     // One illimited license, total is illimited
                     $tot = -1;
                 } else {
                     if ($tot >= 0) {
                         // Expire license not count
                         if (!$expired) {
                             // Not illimited, add the current number
                             $tot += $data['number'];
             echo "<tr class='tab_bg_1 noHover'>";
             echo "<td colspan='" . ($software->isRecursive() ? 4 : 3) . "' class='right b'>" . __('Total') . "</td>";
             echo "<td class='numeric'>" . ($tot > 0 ? $tot . "" : __('Unlimited')) . "</td>";
             $color = $software->fields['is_valid'] ? 'green' : 'red';
             echo "<td class='numeric {$color}'>" . $tot_assoc . "</td><td></td><td></td><td></td><td></td>";
             echo "</tr>";
             echo "</table>\n";
             if ($showmassiveactions) {
                 $massiveactionparams['ontop'] = false;
             Html::printAjaxPager(self::getTypeName(Session::getPluralNumber()), $start, $number);
         } else {
             echo "<table class='tab_cadre_fixe'><tr><th>" . __('No item found') . "</th></tr></table>";
     echo "</div>";
Ejemplo n.º 5
 public static function showForBudget($budgets_id)
     global $DB, $CFG_GLPI;
     $table = getTableForItemType(__CLASS__);
     $query = "SELECT *\n                FROM `{$table}`\n                WHERE `budgets_id` = '{$budgets_id}'\n                AND `is_template`='0'\n                ORDER BY `entities_id`, `name` ";
     $result = $DB->query($query);
     $nb = $DB->numrows($result);
     echo "<div class='center'>";
     if ($nb) {
         $start = isset($_REQUEST["start"]) ? $_REQUEST["start"] : 0;
         $query_limit = $query . " LIMIT " . intval($start) . "," . intval($_SESSION['glpilist_limit']);
         Html::printAjaxPager(__("Linked orders", "order"), $start, $nb);
         echo "<table class='tab_cadre_fixe'>";
         echo "<tr>";
         echo "<th style='width:15%;'>" . _n("Action", "Actions", 2) . "</th>";
         echo "<th>" . __("Name") . "</th>";
         echo "<th>" . __("Order status", "order") . "</th>";
         echo "<th>" . __("Entity") . "</th>";
         echo "<th>" . __("Price tax free", "order") . "</th>";
         echo "<th>" . __("Price ATI", "order") . "</th>";
         echo "</tr>";
         $total = 0;
         foreach ($DB->request($query_limit) as $data) {
             $PluginOrderOrder_Item = new PluginOrderOrder_Item();
             $prices = $PluginOrderOrder_Item->getAllPrices($data["id"]);
             $postagewithTVA = $PluginOrderOrder_Item->getPricesATI($data["port_price"], Dropdown::getDropdownName("glpi_plugin_order_ordertaxes", $data["plugin_order_ordertaxes_id"]));
             $total += $prices["priceTTC"] + $postagewithTVA;
             $link = Toolbox::getItemTypeFormURL(__CLASS__);
             echo "<tr class='tab_bg_1' align='center'>";
             echo "<td>";
             echo "<a href=\"" . $link . "?unlink_order=unlink_order&id=" . $data["id"] . "\">" . __("Unlink", "order") . "</a>";
             echo "</td>";
             echo "<td>";
             if (self::canView()) {
                 echo "<a href=\"" . $link . "?id=" . $data["id"] . "\">" . $data["name"] . "</a>";
             } else {
                 echo $data["name"];
             echo "</td>";
             echo "<td>";
             echo Dropdown::getDropdownName(getTableForItemType('PluginOrderOrderState'), $data["plugin_order_orderstates_id"]);
             echo "</td>";
             echo "<td>";
             echo Dropdown::getDropdownName("glpi_entities", $data["entities_id"]);
             echo "</td>";
             echo "<td>";
             echo Html::formatNumber($prices["priceHT"]);
             echo "</td>";
             echo "<td>";
             echo Html::formatNumber($prices["priceTTC"] + $postagewithTVA);
             echo "</td>";
             echo "</tr>";
         echo "</table></div>";
         echo "<br><div class='center'>";
         echo "<table class='tab_cadre' width='15%'>";
         echo "<tr class='tab_bg_2'><td>" . __("Budget already used") . ": </td>";
         echo "<td>";
         echo Html::formatNumber($total) . "</td>";
         echo "</tr>";
         echo "</table></div>";
     } else {
         echo "<table class='tab_cadre_fixe'>";
         echo "<tr><td class='center'>" . __("No item to display") . "</td></tr>";
         echo "</table>";
Ejemplo n.º 6
  * Show items for the group
  * @param $tech   boolean  false search groups_id, true, search groups_id_tech
 function showItems($tech)
     global $DB, $CFG_GLPI;
     $rand = mt_rand();
     $ID = $this->fields['id'];
     if ($tech) {
         $types = $CFG_GLPI['linkgroup_tech_types'];
         $field = 'groups_id_tech';
         $title = __('Managed items');
     } else {
         $types = $CFG_GLPI['linkgroup_types'];
         $field = 'groups_id';
         $title = __('Used items');
     $tree = Session::getSavedOption(__CLASS__, 'tree', 0);
     $user = Session::getSavedOption(__CLASS__, 'user', 0);
     $type = Session::getSavedOption(__CLASS__, 'onlytype', '');
     if (!in_array($type, $types)) {
         $type = '';
     echo "<div class='spaced'>";
     // Mini Search engine
     echo "<table class='tab_cadre_fixe'>";
     echo "<tr class='tab_bg_1'><th colspan='3'>{$title}</tr>";
     echo "<tr class='tab_bg_1'><td class='center'>";
     echo __('Type') . "&nbsp;";
     Dropdown::showItemType($types, array('value' => $type, 'name' => 'onlytype', 'plural' => true, 'on_change' => 'reloadTab("start=0&onlytype="+this.value)', 'checkright' => true));
     if ($this->haveChildren()) {
         echo "</td><td class='center'>" . __('Child groups') . "&nbsp;";
         Dropdown::showYesNo('tree', $tree, -1, array('on_change' => 'reloadTab("start=0&tree="+this.value)'));
     } else {
         $tree = 0;
     if ($this->getField('is_usergroup')) {
         echo "</td><td class='center'>" . User::getTypeName(Session::getPluralNumber()) . "&nbsp;";
         Dropdown::showYesNo('user', $user, -1, array('on_change' => 'reloadTab("start=0&user="******"</td></tr></table>";
     $datas = array();
     if ($type) {
         $types = array($type);
     $start = isset($_GET['start']) ? intval($_GET['start']) : 0;
     $nb = $this->getDataItems($types, $field, $tree, $user, $start, $datas);
     $nbcan = 0;
     if ($nb) {
         Html::printAjaxPager('', $start, $nb);
         Html::openMassiveActionsForm('mass' . __CLASS__ . $rand);
         echo Html::hidden('field', array('value' => $field, 'data-glpicore-ma-tags' => 'common'));
         $massiveactionparams = array('num_displayed' => $nb, 'check_itemtype' => 'Group', 'check_items_id' => $ID, 'container' => 'mass' . __CLASS__ . $rand, 'extraparams' => array('is_tech' => $tech, 'massive_action_fields' => array('field')), 'specific_actions' => array(__CLASS__ . MassiveAction::CLASS_ACTION_SEPARATOR . 'changegroup' => __('Move')));
         echo "<table class='tab_cadre_fixehov'>";
         $header_begin = "<tr><th width='10'>";
         $header_top = Html::getCheckAllAsCheckbox('mass' . __CLASS__ . $rand);
         $header_bottom = Html::getCheckAllAsCheckbox('mass' . __CLASS__ . $rand);
         $header_end = '</th>';
         $header_end .= "<th>" . __('Type') . "</th><th>" . __('Name') . "</th><th>" . __('Entity') . "</th>";
         if ($tree || $user) {
             $header_end .= "<th>" . sprintf(__('%1$s / %2$s'), self::getTypeName(1), User::getTypeName(1)) . "</th>";
         $header_end .= "</tr>";
         echo $header_begin . $header_top . $header_end;
         $tuser = new User();
         $group = new Group();
         foreach ($datas as $data) {
             if (!($item = getItemForItemtype($data['itemtype']))) {
             echo "<tr class='tab_bg_1'><td>";
             if ($item->canEdit($data['items_id'])) {
                 Html::showMassiveActionCheckBox($data['itemtype'], $data['items_id']);
             echo "</td><td>" . $item->getTypeName(1);
             echo "</td><td>" . $item->getLink(array('comments' => true));
             echo "</td><td>" . Dropdown::getDropdownName("glpi_entities", $item->getEntityID());
             if ($tree || $user) {
                 echo "</td><td>";
                 if ($grp = $item->getField($field)) {
                     if ($group->getFromDB($grp)) {
                         echo $group->getLink(array('comments' => true));
                 } else {
                     if ($usr = $item->getField(str_replace('groups', 'users', $field))) {
                         if ($tuser->getFromDB($usr)) {
                             echo $tuser->getLink(array('comments' => true));
             echo "</td></tr>";
         echo $header_begin . $header_bottom . $header_end;
         echo "</table>";
     } else {
         echo "<p class='center b'>" . __('No item found') . "</p>";
     if ($nb) {
         $massiveactionparams['ontop'] = false;
     if ($nb) {
         Html::printAjaxPager('', $start, $nb);
     echo "</div>";
 function showReport($params)
     global $CFG_GLPI;
     $PluginAddressingReport = new PluginAddressingReport();
     // Default values of parameters
     $default_values["start"] = $start = 0;
     $default_values["id"] = $id = 0;
     $default_values["export"] = $export = false;
     foreach ($default_values as $key => $val) {
         if (isset($params[$key])) {
             ${$key} = $params[$key];
     if ($this->getFromDB($id)) {
         $result = $this->compute($start);
         $nbipf = 0;
         // ip libres
         $nbipr = 0;
         // ip reservees
         $nbipt = 0;
         // ip trouvees
         $nbipd = 0;
         // doublons
         foreach ($result as $ip => $lines) {
             if (count($lines)) {
                 if (count($lines) > 1) {
                 if (isset($lines[0]['pname']) && strstr($lines[0]['pname'], "reserv")) {
             } else {
         echo "<div class='spaced'>";
         echo "<table class='tab_cadre_fixe'><tr class='tab_bg_2 left'>";
         echo "<td>";
         if ($this->fields['free_ip']) {
             echo __('Number of free ip', 'addressing') . " " . $nbipf . "<br>";
         if ($this->fields['reserved_ip']) {
             echo __('Number of reserved ip', 'addressing') . " " . $nbipr . "<br>";
         if ($this->fields['alloted_ip']) {
             echo __('Number of assigned ip (no doubles)', 'addressing') . " " . $nbipt . "<br>";
         if ($this->fields['double_ip']) {
             echo __('Doubles', 'addressing') . " " . $nbipd . "<br>";
         echo "</td>";
         echo "<td>";
         if ($this->fields['double_ip']) {
             echo "<span class='plugin_addressing_ip_double'>" . __('Red row', 'addressing') . "</span> - " . __('Same Ip', 'addressing') . "<br>";
         if (isset($this->fields['use_ping']) && $this->fields['use_ping']) {
             echo __('Ping free Ip', 'addressing') . "<br>";
             echo "<span class='plugin_addressing_ping_off'>" . __('Ping: got a response - used Ip', 'addressing') . "</span><br>";
             echo "<span class='plugin_addressing_ping_on'>" . __('Ping: no response - free Ip', 'addressing') . "</span>";
         } else {
             echo "<span class='plugin_addressing_ip_free'>" . __('Blue row', 'addressing') . "</span> - " . __('Free Ip', 'addressing') . "<br>";
         echo "</td></tr>";
         echo "<tr><td colspan='2' align='center'>";
         echo "<a href='./report.form.php?id=" . $this->getID() . "&export=true'>" . __('Export') . "</a>";
         echo "</td></tr>";
         echo "</table>";
         echo "</div>";
         $numrows = 1 + ip2long($this->fields['end_ip']) - ip2long($this->fields['begin_ip']);
         if (strpos($_SERVER['PHP_SELF'], "report.form.php")) {
             Html::printPager($start, $numrows, $_SERVER['PHP_SELF'], "start={$start}&amp;id=" . $id, 'PluginAddressingReport');
         } else {
             Html::printAjaxPager("", $start, $numrows);
         //////////////////////////liste ips////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
         $ping_response = $PluginAddressingReport->displayReport($result, $this);
         if ($this->fields['use_ping']) {
             $total_realfreeip = $nbipf - $ping_response;
             echo "<table class='tab_cadre_fixe'><tr class='tab_bg_2 center'>";
             echo "<td>";
             echo __('Real free Ip (Ping=KO)', 'addressing') . " " . $total_realfreeip;
             echo "</td></tr>";
             echo "</table>";
         echo "</div>";
     } else {
         echo "<div class='center'>" . "<img src=\"" . $CFG_GLPI["root_doc"] . "/pics/warning.png\" alt='warning'><br><br><b>" . __('Problem detected with the IP Range', 'addressing') . "</b></div>";
Ejemplo n.º 8
 function showErrorLog()
     $fic = GLPI_LOG_DIR . "/ocsng_fullsync.log";
     if (!is_file($fic)) {
         return false;
     $size = filesize($fic);
     if ($size > 20000) {
         $logfile = file_get_contents($fic, 0, NULL, $size - 20000, 20000);
         $events = explode("\n", $logfile);
         // Remove fist partial event
     } else {
         $logfile = file_get_contents($fic);
         $events = explode("\n\n", $logfile);
     // Remove last empty event
     $number = count($events);
     $SEARCH_OPTION = getSearchOptions();
     if (isset($_REQUEST["start"])) {
         $start = $_REQUEST["start"];
     } else {
         $start = 0;
     if ($number < 1) {
         return $this->lognothing();
     if ($start > $number) {
         $start = $number;
     // Display the pager
     Html::printAjaxPager("Logfile: ocsng_fullsync.log", $start, $number);
     // Output events
     echo "<div class='center'><table class='tab_cadre_fixe'>";
     echo "<tr><th>Message</th></tr>";
     for ($i = $start; $i < $start + $_SESSION['glpilist_limit'] && $i < count($events); $i++) {
         $lines = explode("\n", $events[$i]);
         echo "<tr class='tab_bg_2 top'><td>" . $lines[0] . "</td>";
         echo "</tr>";
     echo "</table></div>";
Ejemplo n.º 9
 public static function showReferencesFromSupplier($ID)
     global $DB, $CFG_GLPI;
     if (isset($_POST["start"])) {
         $start = $_POST["start"];
     } else {
         $start = 0;
     $query = "SELECT  `gr`.`id`, `gr`.`manufacturers_id`, `gr`.`entities_id`, `gr`.`itemtype`, `gr`.`name`,\n                        `grm`.`price_taxfree`, `grm`.`reference_code`\n               FROM `glpi_plugin_order_references_suppliers` AS grm, `glpi_plugin_order_references` AS gr\n               WHERE `grm`.`suppliers_id` = '{$ID}'\n               AND `grm`.`plugin_order_references_id` = `gr`.`id`" . getEntitiesRestrictRequest(" AND ", "gr", '', '', true);
     $query_limit = $query . " LIMIT " . intval($start) . "," . intval($_SESSION['glpilist_limit']);
     $result = $DB->query($query);
     $nb = $DB->numrows($result);
     echo "<div class='center'>";
     if ($nb) {
         $result = $DB->query($query_limit);
         Html::printAjaxPager(__("List references", "order"), $start, $nb);
         echo "<table class='tab_cadre_fixe'>";
         echo "<tr>";
         echo "<th>" . __("Entity") . "</th>";
         echo "<th>" . __("Manufacturer") . "</th>";
         echo "<th>" . __("Product reference", "order") . "</th>";
         echo "<th>" . __("Reference") . "</th>";
         echo "<th>" . __("Product reference", "order") . "</th>";
         echo "<th>" . __("Unit price tax free", "order") . "</th></tr>";
         while ($data = $DB->fetch_array($result)) {
             echo "<tr class='tab_bg_1' align='center'>";
             echo "<td>";
             echo Dropdown::getDropdownName("glpi_entities", $data["entities_id"]);
             echo "</td>";
             echo "<td>";
             echo Dropdown::getDropdownName("glpi_manufacturers", $data["manufacturers_id"]);
             echo "</td>";
             echo "<td>";
             $PluginOrderReference = new PluginOrderReference();
             echo $PluginOrderReference->getReceptionReferenceLink($data);
             echo "</td>";
             echo "<td>";
             $item = new $data["itemtype"]();
             echo $item->getTypeName();
             echo "</td>";
             echo "<td>";
             echo $data['reference_code'];
             echo "</td>";
             echo "<td>";
             echo number_format($data["price_taxfree"], 2);
             echo "</td>";
             echo "</tr>";
     echo "</table>";
     echo "</div>";
Ejemplo n.º 10
  * Print the HTML array of items for a location
  * @since version 0.85
  * @return Nothing (display)
 function showItems()
     global $DB, $CFG_GLPI;
     $locations_id = $this->fields['id'];
     $crit = Session::getSavedOption(__CLASS__, 'criterion', '');
     if (!$this->can($locations_id, READ)) {
         return false;
     $first = 1;
     $query = '';
     if ($crit) {
         $table = getTableForItemType($crit);
         $query = "SELECT `{$table}`.`id`, '{$crit}' AS type\n                   FROM `{$table}`\n                   WHERE `{$table}`.`locations_id` = '{$locations_id}' " . getEntitiesRestrictRequest(" AND", $table, "entities_id");
     } else {
         foreach ($CFG_GLPI['location_types'] as $type) {
             $table = getTableForItemType($type);
             $query .= ($first ? "SELECT " : " UNION SELECT  ") . "`id`, '{$type}' AS type\n                      FROM `{$table}`\n                      WHERE `{$table}`.`locations_id` = '{$locations_id}' " . getEntitiesRestrictRequest(" AND", $table, "entities_id");
             $first = 0;
     $result = $DB->query($query);
     $number = $DB->numrows($result);
     $start = isset($_REQUEST['start']) ? intval($_REQUEST['start']) : 0;
     if ($start >= $number) {
         $start = 0;
     // Mini Search engine
     echo "<table class='tab_cadre_fixe'>";
     echo "<tr class='tab_bg_1'><th colspan='2'>" . __('Type') . "</th></tr>";
     echo "<tr class='tab_bg_1'><td class='center'>";
     echo __('Type') . "&nbsp;";
     Dropdown::showItemType($CFG_GLPI['location_types'], array('value' => $crit, 'on_change' => 'reloadTab("start=0&criterion="+this.value)'));
     echo "</td></tr></table>";
     if ($number) {
         echo "<div class='spaced'>";
         Html::printAjaxPager('', $start, $number);
         echo "<table class='tab_cadre_fixe'>";
         echo "<tr><th>" . __('Type') . "</th>";
         echo "<th>" . __('Entity') . "</th>";
         echo "<th>" . __('Name') . "</th>";
         echo "<th>" . __('Serial number') . "</th>";
         echo "<th>" . __('Inventory number') . "</th>";
         echo "</tr>";
         $DB->data_seek($result, $start);
         for ($row = 0; ($data = $DB->fetch_assoc($result)) && $row < $_SESSION['glpilist_limit']; $row++) {
             $item = getItemForItemtype($data['type']);
             echo "<tr class='tab_bg_1'><td class='center top'>" . $item->getTypeName() . "</td>";
             echo "<td class='center'>" . Dropdown::getDropdownName("glpi_entities", $item->getEntityID());
             echo "</td><td class='center'>" . $item->getLink() . "</td>";
             echo "<td class='center'>" . (isset($item->fields["serial"]) ? "" . $item->fields["serial"] . "" : "-");
             echo "</td>";
             echo "<td class='center'>" . (isset($item->fields["otherserial"]) ? "" . $item->fields["otherserial"] . "" : "-");
             echo "</td></tr>";
     } else {
         echo "<p class='center b'>" . __('No item found') . "</p>";
     echo "</table></div>";
Ejemplo n.º 11
  * Show users linked to a License
  * @param $license SoftwareLicense object
  * @return nothing
 static function showForLicense(SoftwareLicense $license)
     global $DB, $CFG_GLPI;
     $searchID = $license->getField('id');
     if (!Software::canView() || !$searchID) {
         return false;
     $canedit = PluginFpsoftwareVersionhelper::checkRights("software", array(CREATE, UPDATE, DELETE, PURGE), "Or");
     $canshowuser = User::canView();
     if (isset($_GET["start"])) {
         $start = $_GET["start"];
     } else {
         $start = 0;
     if (isset($_GET["order"]) && $_GET["order"] == "DESC") {
         $order = "DESC";
     } else {
         $order = "ASC";
     //SoftwareLicense ID
     $query_number = "SELECT COUNT(*) AS cpt\n                       FROM `glpi_users_softwarelicenses`\n                       INNER JOIN `glpi_users`\n                           ON (`glpi_users_softwarelicenses`.`users_id`\n                                 = `glpi_users`.`id`)\n                       WHERE `glpi_users_softwarelicenses`.`softwarelicenses_id` = '{$searchID}'";
     $number = 0;
     if ($result = $DB->query($query_number)) {
         $number = $DB->result($result, 0, 0);
     echo "<div class='center'>";
     if ($canedit) {
         echo "<form method='post' action='" . $CFG_GLPI["root_doc"] . self::$front_url . "/front/user_softwarelicense.form.php'>";
         echo "<input type='hidden' name='softwarelicenses_id' value='{$searchID}'>";
         echo "<table class='tab_cadre_fixe'>";
         echo "<tr class='tab_bg_2 center'>";
         echo "<td>";
         User::dropdown(array('right' => 'all'));
         echo "</td>";
         echo "<td><input type='submit' name='add' value=\"" . _sx('button', 'Add') . "\" class='submit'>";
         echo "</td></tr>";
         echo "</table>";
     if ($number < 1) {
         echo "<table class='tab_cadre_fixe'>";
         echo "<tr><th>" . __('No item found') . "</th></tr>";
         echo "</table></div>\n";
     // Display the pager
     Html::printAjaxPager(__('Affected users'), $start, $number);
     $query = "SELECT `glpi_users_softwarelicenses`.*,\n                       `glpi_users`.`name` AS username,\n                       `glpi_users`.`id` AS userid,\n                       `glpi_users`.`realname` AS userrealname,\n                       `glpi_users`.`firstname` AS userfirstname,\n                       `glpi_softwarelicenses`.`name` AS license,\n                       `glpi_softwarelicenses`.`id` AS lID\n                FROM `glpi_users_softwarelicenses`\n                INNER JOIN `glpi_softwarelicenses`\n                     ON (`glpi_users_softwarelicenses`.`softwarelicenses_id`\n                          = `glpi_softwarelicenses`.`id`)\n                INNER JOIN `glpi_users`\n                     ON (`glpi_users_softwarelicenses`.`users_id` = `glpi_users`.`id`)\n                WHERE `glpi_softwarelicenses`.`id` = '{$searchID}'\n                LIMIT " . intval($start) . "," . intval($_SESSION['glpilist_limit']);
     $rand = mt_rand();
     if ($result = $DB->query($query)) {
         if ($data = $DB->fetch_assoc($result)) {
             if ($canedit) {
                 $rand = mt_rand();
                 Html::openMassiveActionsForm('mass' . __CLASS__ . $rand);
                 list($higher_version, $massiveactionparams) = PluginFpsoftwareVersionhelper::massiveActionParams($rand, __CLASS__);
                 // Options to update license
                 $massiveactionparams['extraparams']['options']['move']['used'] = array($searchID);
                 $massiveactionparams['extraparams']['options']['move']['softwares_id'] = $license->fields['softwares_id'];
                 Html::showMassiveActions($higher_version ? $massiveactionparams : __CLASS__, $massiveactionparams);
             $soft = new Software();
             $text = sprintf(__('%1$s = %2$s'), Software::getTypeName(1), $soft->fields["name"]);
             $text = sprintf(__('%1$s - ID %2$s'), $text, $license->fields['softwares_id']);
             Session::initNavigateListItems('User', $text);
             echo "<table class='tab_cadre_fixehov'>";
             $columns = array('username' => __('Username'), 'userrealname' => __('Surname'), 'userfirstname' => __('First name'), 'added' => __('Added'));
             $header_begin = "<tr>";
             $header_top = '';
             $header_bottom = '';
             $header_end = '';
             if ($canedit) {
                 $header_begin .= "<th width='10'>";
                 $header_top .= Html::getCheckAllAsCheckbox('mass' . __CLASS__ . $rand);
                 $header_bottom .= Html::getCheckAllAsCheckbox('mass' . __CLASS__ . $rand);
                 $header_end .= "</th>";
             foreach ($columns as $key => $val) {
                 // Non order column
                 $header_end .= "<th>{$val}</th>";
             $header_end .= "</tr>\n";
             echo $header_begin . $header_top . $header_end;
             do {
                 Session::addToNavigateListItems('User', $data["userid"]);
                 echo "<tr class='tab_bg_2'>";
                 if ($canedit) {
                     echo "<td>" . Html::getMassiveActionCheckBox(__CLASS__, $data["id"]) . "</td>";
                 if ($canshowuser) {
                     echo "<td><a href='user.form.php?id=" . $data['userid'] . "'>" . $data['username'] . "</a></td>";
                 } else {
                     echo "<td>" . $data['username'] . "</td>";
                 echo "<td>" . $data['userrealname'] . "</td>";
                 echo "<td>" . $data['userfirstname'] . "</td>";
                 echo "<td style=\"text-align:center;\">" . $data['added'] . "</td>";
                 echo "</tr>\n";
             } while ($data = $DB->fetch_assoc($result));
             echo $header_begin . $header_bottom . $header_end;
             echo "</table>\n";
             if ($canedit) {
                 $massiveactionparams['ontop'] = false;
         } else {
             // Not found
             _e('No item found');
     // Query
     Html::printAjaxPager(__('Affected users'), $start, $number);
     echo "</div>\n";
  * Show table with linked licenses to user
  * @param Software $software
  * @return bool
 private static function showUsersLicenses(Software $software)
     global $DB;
     $softwareId = $software->getField("id");
     $totalRecordsCount = self::countLicenses($software);
     $currentPage = isset($_GET["start"]) ? $_GET["start"] : 0;
     $sortingOrder = SortingOrder::getFromString($_GET["order"]);
     $columnKeys = array_keys(self::getColumns());
     $sortingColumn = array_key_exists($_GET["sort"], self::getColumns()) ? $_GET["sort"] : reset($columnKeys);
     $queryResult = $DB->query(self::getDataQuery($softwareId, $currentPage, $sortingColumn, $sortingOrder));
     $options = PluginFpsoftwareConfig::getConfigValues(array('group_by_users'));
     Html::printAjaxPager(self::getTypeName(2), $currentPage, $totalRecordsCount);
     echo self::printTableBegin();
     echo self::printGridColumnsHeaders($sortingOrder, $sortingColumn);
     if ($totalRecordsCount > 0) {
         while ($data = $DB->fetch_assoc($queryResult)) {
             echo "<tr class='tab_bg_1'>";
             echo "<td class='left'><a href='softwarelicense.form.php?id=" . $data['license_id'] . "'>" . $data["license_name"] . "</a> - " . $data["license_serial"] . " (" . $data["license_type"] . ") " . "</td>";
             echo "<td class='left'><a href='user.form.php?id=" . $data['user_id'] . "'>" . $data["user_name"] . "</a></td>";
             if ($options['group_by_users']) {
                 $computers = array();
                 if ($data['computer_ids']) {
                     $computer_ids = explode(';|;', $data['computer_ids']);
                     $computer_names = explode(';|;', $data['computer_names']);
                     foreach ($computer_ids as $index => $computer_id) {
                         $computers[] = " <a href='computer.form.php?id=" . $computer_id . "'>" . $computer_names[$index] . "</a>";
                 echo "<td class='left'>";
                 echo implode("<br /><br />", $computers) . "</td>";
             } else {
                 echo "<td class='left'><a href='computer.form.php?id=" . $data['computer_id'] . "'>" . $data["computer_name"] . "</a></td>";
             echo "<td class='left'><a href='location.form.php?id=" . $data['location_id'] . "'>" . $data["location_name"] . "</a></td>";
             echo "</tr>";
     } else {
         echo "<tr class='tab_bg_1'><td class='center' colspan='3'>No results.</td></tr>";
     Html::printAjaxPager(self::getTypeName(2), $currentPage, $totalRecordsCount);
     echo self::printTableEnd();
     return true;
  * Show installations of a software
  * @param $searchID  value of the ID to search
  * @param $crit      to search : softwares_id (software) or id (version)
  * @return nothing
 private static function showInstallations($searchID, $crit)
     global $DB, $CFG_GLPI;
     if (!Session::haveRight("software", "r") || !$searchID) {
         return false;
     $canedit = Session::haveRight("software", "w");
     $canshowcomputer = Session::haveRight("computer", "r");
     if (isset($_POST["start"])) {
         $start = $_POST["start"];
     } else {
         $start = 0;
     if (isset($_POST["order"]) && $_POST["order"] == "DESC") {
         $order = "DESC";
     } else {
         $order = "ASC";
     if (isset($_POST["sort"]) && !empty($_POST["sort"])) {
         // manage several param like location,compname :  order first
         $tmp = explode(",", $_POST["sort"]);
         $sort = "`" . implode("` {$order},`", $tmp) . "`";
     } else {
         if ($crit == "softwares_id") {
             $sort = "`entity` {$order}, `version`, `compname`";
         } else {
             $sort = "`entity` {$order}, `compname`";
     // Total Number of events
     if ($crit == "softwares_id") {
         // Software ID
         $query_number = "SELECT COUNT(*) AS cpt\n                          FROM `glpi_computers_softwareversions`\n                          INNER JOIN `glpi_softwareversions`\n                              ON (`glpi_computers_softwareversions`.`softwareversions_id`\n                                    = `glpi_softwareversions`.`id`)\n                          INNER JOIN `glpi_computers`\n                              ON (`glpi_computers_softwareversions`.`computers_id`\n                                    = `glpi_computers`.`id`)\n                          WHERE `glpi_softwareversions`.`softwares_id` = '{$searchID}'" . getEntitiesRestrictRequest(' AND', 'glpi_computers') . "\n                                AND `glpi_computers`.`is_deleted` = '0'\n                                AND `glpi_computers`.`is_template` = '0'\n                                AND `glpi_computers_softwareversions`.`is_deleted` = '0'";
     } else {
         //SoftwareVersion ID
         $query_number = "SELECT COUNT(*) AS cpt\n                          FROM `glpi_computers_softwareversions`\n                          INNER JOIN `glpi_computers`\n                              ON (`glpi_computers_softwareversions`.`computers_id`\n                                    = `glpi_computers`.`id`)\n                          WHERE `glpi_computers_softwareversions`.`softwareversions_id`\n                                       = '{$searchID}'" . getEntitiesRestrictRequest(' AND', 'glpi_computers') . "\n                                AND `glpi_computers`.`is_deleted` = '0'\n                                AND `glpi_computers`.`is_template` = '0'\n                                AND `glpi_computers_softwareversions`.`is_deleted` = '0'";
     $number = 0;
     if ($result = $DB->query($query_number)) {
         $number = $DB->result($result, 0, 0);
     echo "<div class='center'>";
     if ($number < 1) {
         echo "<table class='tab_cadre_fixe'>";
         echo "<tr><th>" . __('No item found') . "</th></tr>";
         echo "</table></div>\n";
     // Display the pager
     Html::printAjaxPager(self::getTypeName(2), $start, $number);
     $query = "SELECT DISTINCT `glpi_computers_softwareversions`.*,\n                       `glpi_computers`.`name` AS compname,\n                       `glpi_computers`.`id` AS cID,\n                       `glpi_computers`.`serial`,\n                       `glpi_computers`.`otherserial`,\n                       `glpi_users`.`name` AS username,\n                       `glpi_users`.`id` AS userid,\n                       `glpi_users`.`realname` AS userrealname,\n                       `glpi_users`.`firstname` AS userfirstname,\n                       `glpi_softwareversions`.`name` AS version,\n                       `glpi_softwareversions`.`id` AS vID,\n                       `glpi_softwareversions`.`softwares_id` AS sID,\n                       `glpi_softwareversions`.`name` AS vername,\n                       `glpi_entities`.`completename` AS entity,\n                       `glpi_locations`.`completename` AS location,\n                       `glpi_states`.`name` AS state,\n                       `glpi_groups`.`name` AS groupe\n                FROM `glpi_computers_softwareversions`\n                INNER JOIN `glpi_softwareversions`\n                     ON (`glpi_computers_softwareversions`.`softwareversions_id`\n                           = `glpi_softwareversions`.`id`)\n                INNER JOIN `glpi_computers`\n                     ON (`glpi_computers_softwareversions`.`computers_id` = `glpi_computers`.`id`)\n                LEFT JOIN `glpi_entities` ON (`glpi_computers`.`entities_id` = `glpi_entities`.`id`)\n                LEFT JOIN `glpi_locations`\n                     ON (`glpi_computers`.`locations_id` = `glpi_locations`.`id`)\n                LEFT JOIN `glpi_states` ON (`glpi_computers`.`states_id` = `glpi_states`.`id`)\n                LEFT JOIN `glpi_groups` ON (`glpi_computers`.`groups_id` = `glpi_groups`.`id`)\n                LEFT JOIN `glpi_users` ON (`glpi_computers`.`users_id` = `glpi_users`.`id`)\n                WHERE (`glpi_softwareversions`.`{$crit}` = '{$searchID}') " . getEntitiesRestrictRequest(' AND', 'glpi_computers') . "\n                       AND `glpi_computers`.`is_deleted` = '0'\n                       AND `glpi_computers`.`is_template` = '0'\n                       AND `glpi_computers_softwareversions`.`is_deleted` = '0'\n                ORDER BY {$sort} {$order}\n                LIMIT " . intval($start) . "," . intval($_SESSION['glpilist_limit']);
     $rand = mt_rand();
     if ($result = $DB->query($query)) {
         if ($data = $DB->fetch_assoc($result)) {
             $softwares_id = $data['sID'];
             $soft = new Software();
             $showEntity = $soft->getFromDB($softwares_id) && $soft->isRecursive();
             $linkUser = Session::haveRight('user', 'r');
             $title = $soft->fields["name"];
             if ($crit == "id") {
                 $title = sprintf(__('%1$s - %2$s'), $title, $data["vername"]);
             Session::initNavigateListItems('Computer', sprintf(__('%1$s = %2$s'), Software::getTypeName(1), $title));
             $sort_img = "<img src='" . $CFG_GLPI["root_doc"] . "/pics/" . ($order == "DESC" ? "puce-down.png" : "puce-up.png") . "' alt=''\n                          title=''>";
             if ($canedit) {
                 $rand = mt_rand();
                 Html::openMassiveActionsForm('mass' . __CLASS__ . $rand);
                 $paramsma = array('num_displayed' => $_SESSION['glpilist_limit'], 'specific_actions' => array('move_version' => _x('button', 'Move'), 'purge' => _x('button', 'Delete permanently')));
                 // Options to update version
                 $paramsma['extraparams']['options']['move']['softwares_id'] = $softwares_id;
                 if ($crit == 'softwares_id') {
                     $paramsma['extraparams']['options']['move']['used'] = array();
                 } else {
                     $paramsma['extraparams']['options']['move']['used'] = array($searchID);
                 Html::showMassiveActions(__CLASS__, $paramsma);
             echo "<table class='tab_cadre_fixehov'><tr>";
             if ($canedit) {
                 echo "<th width='10'>";
                 Html::checkAllAsCheckbox('mass' . __CLASS__ . $rand);
                 echo "</th>";
             if ($crit == "softwares_id") {
                 echo "<th>" . ($sort == "`vername`" ? $sort_img : "") . "<a href='javascript:reloadTab(\"sort=vername&amp;order=" . ($order == "ASC" ? "DESC" : "ASC") . "&amp;start=0\");'>" . _n('Version', 'Versions', 2) . "</a></th>";
             echo "<th>" . ($sort == "`compname`" ? $sort_img : "") . "<a href='javascript:reloadTab(\"sort=compname&amp;order=" . ($order == "ASC" ? "DESC" : "ASC") . "&amp;start=0\");'>" . __('Name') . "</a></th>";
             if ($showEntity) {
                 echo "<th>" . (strstr($sort, "entity") ? $sort_img : "") . "<a href='javascript:reloadTab(\"sort=entity,compname&amp;order=" . ($order == "ASC" ? "DESC" : "ASC") . "&amp;start=0\");'>" . __('Entity') . "</a></th>";
             echo "<th>" . ($sort == "`serial`" ? $sort_img : "") . "<a href='javascript:reloadTab(\"sort=serial&amp;order=" . ($order == "ASC" ? "DESC" : "ASC") . "&amp;start=0\");'>" . __('Serial number') . "</a></th>";
             echo "<th>" . ($sort == "`otherserial`" ? $sort_img : "") . "<a href='javascript:reloadTab(\"sort=otherserial&amp;order=" . ($order == "ASC" ? "DESC" : "ASC") . "&amp;start=0\");'>" . __('Inventory number') . "</a></th>";
             echo "<th>" . (strstr($sort, "`location`") ? $sort_img : "") . "<a href='javascript:reloadTab(\"sort=location,compname&amp;order=" . ($order == "ASC" ? "DESC" : "ASC") . "&amp;start=0\");'>" . __('Location') . "</a></th>";
             echo "<th>" . (strstr($sort, "state") ? $sort_img : "") . "<a href='javascript:reloadTab(\"sort=state,compname&amp;order=" . ($order == "ASC" ? "DESC" : "ASC") . "&amp;start=0\");'>" . __('Status') . "</a></th>";
             echo "<th>" . (strstr($sort, "groupe") ? $sort_img : "") . "<a href='javascript:reloadTab(\"sort=groupe,compname&amp;order=" . ($order == "ASC" ? "DESC" : "ASC") . "&amp;start=0\");'>" . __('Group') . "</a></th>";
             echo "<th>" . (strstr($sort, "username") ? $sort_img : "") . "<a href='javascript:reloadTab(\"sort=username,compname&amp;order=" . ($order == "ASC" ? "DESC" : "ASC") . "&amp;start=0\");'>" . __('User') . "</a></th>";
             echo "<th>" . ($sort == "`lname`" ? $sort_img : "") . "<a href='javascript:reloadTab(\"sort=lname&amp;order=" . ($order == "ASC" ? "DESC" : "ASC") . "&amp;start=0\");'>" . _n('License', 'Licenses', 2) . "</a></th>";
             echo "</tr>\n";
             do {
                 Session::addToNavigateListItems('Computer', $data["cID"]);
                 echo "<tr class='tab_bg_2'>";
                 if ($canedit) {
                     echo "<td>";
                     Html::showMassiveActionCheckBox(__CLASS__, $data["id"]);
                     echo "</td>";
                 if ($crit == "softwares_id") {
                     echo "<td><a href='softwareversion.form.php?id=" . $data['vID'] . "'>" . $data['version'] . "</a></td>";
                 $compname = $data['compname'];
                 if (empty($compname) || $_SESSION['glpiis_ids_visible']) {
                     $compname = sprintf(__('%1$s (%2$s)'), $compname, $data['cID']);
                 if ($canshowcomputer) {
                     echo "<td><a href='computer.form.php?id=" . $data['cID'] . "'>{$compname}</a></td>";
                 } else {
                     echo "<td>" . $compname . "</td>";
                 if ($showEntity) {
                     echo "<td>" . $data['entity'] . "</td>";
                 echo "<td>" . $data['serial'] . "</td>";
                 echo "<td>" . $data['otherserial'] . "</td>";
                 echo "<td>" . $data['location'] . "</td>";
                 echo "<td>" . $data['state'] . "</td>";
                 echo "<td>" . $data['groupe'] . "</td>";
                 echo "<td>" . formatUserName($data['userid'], $data['username'], $data['userrealname'], $data['userfirstname'], $linkUser) . "</td>";
                 $lics = Computer_SoftwareLicense::GetLicenseForInstallation($data['cID'], $data['vID']);
                 echo "<td>";
                 if (count($lics)) {
                     foreach ($lics as $data) {
                         $serial = $data['serial'];
                         if (!empty($data['type'])) {
                             $serial = sprintf(__('%1$s (%2$s)'), $serial, $data['type']);
                         echo "<a href='softwarelicense.form.php?id=" . $data['id'] . "'>" . $data['name'];
                         echo "</a> - " . $serial;
                         echo "<br>";
                 echo "</td>";
                 echo "</tr>\n";
             } while ($data = $DB->fetch_assoc($result));
             echo "</table>\n";
             if ($canedit) {
                 $paramsma['ontop'] = false;
                 Html::showMassiveActions(__CLASS__, $paramsma);
         } else {
             // Not found
             _e('No item found');
     // Query
     Html::printAjaxPager(self::getTypeName(2), $start, $number);
     echo "</div>\n";
Ejemplo n.º 14
  * Show History of an item
  * @param $item                     CommonDBTM object
  * @param $withtemplate    integer  withtemplate param (default '')
 static function showForItem(CommonDBTM $item, $withtemplate = '')
     global $DB;
     $itemtype = $item->getType();
     $items_id = $item->getField('id');
     $SEARCHOPTION = Search::getOptions($itemtype);
     if (isset($_POST["start"])) {
         $start = $_POST["start"];
     } else {
         $start = 0;
     // Total Number of events
     $number = countElementsInTable("glpi_logs", "`items_id`='{$items_id}' AND `itemtype`='{$itemtype}'");
     // No Events in database
     if ($number < 1) {
         echo "<div class='center'>";
         echo "<table class='tab_cadre_fixe'>";
         echo "<tr><th>" . __('No historical') . "</th></tr>";
         echo "</table>";
         echo "</div><br>";
     // Display the pager
     Html::printAjaxPager(self::getTypeName(1), $start, $number);
     // Output events
     echo "<div class='center'><table class='tab_cadre_fixe'>";
     echo "<tr><th>" . __('ID') . "</th><th>" . __('Date') . "</th>";
     echo "<th>" . __('User') . "</th><th>" . __('Field') . "</th>";
     //TRANS: a noun, modification, change
     echo "<th>" . _x('name', 'Update') . "</th></tr>";
     foreach (self::getHistoryData($item, $start, $_SESSION['glpilist_limit']) as $data) {
         if ($data['display_history']) {
             // show line
             echo "<tr class='tab_bg_2'>";
             echo "<td>" . $data['id'] . "</td><td>" . $data['date_mod'] . "</td>" . "<td>" . $data['user_name'] . "</td><td>" . $data['field'] . "</td>";
             echo "<td width='60%'>" . $data['change'] . "</td></tr>";
     echo "</table></div>";
     Html::printAjaxPager(self::getTypeName(1), $start, $number);
Ejemplo n.º 15
  * Print out the consumables of a defined type
  * @param $consitem           ConsumableItem object
  * @param $show_old  boolean  show old consumables or not. (default 0)
  * @return Nothing (displays)
 static function showForConsumableItem(ConsumableItem $consitem, $show_old = 0)
     global $DB, $CFG_GLPI;
     $tID = $consitem->getField('id');
     if (!$consitem->can($tID, READ)) {
         return false;
     if (isset($_GET["start"])) {
         $start = $_GET["start"];
     } else {
         $start = 0;
     $canedit = $consitem->can($tID, UPDATE);
     $rand = mt_rand();
     $where = "";
     if (!$show_old) {
         // NEW
         $where = " AND `date_out` IS NULL\n                  ORDER BY `date_in`, `id`";
     } else {
         $where = " AND `date_out` IS NOT NULL\n                  ORDER BY `date_out` DESC,\n                           `date_in`,\n                           `id`";
     $number = countElementsInTable("glpi_consumables", "`consumableitems_id` = '{$tID}' {$where}");
     $query = "SELECT `glpi_consumables`.*\n                FROM `glpi_consumables`\n                WHERE `consumableitems_id` = '{$tID}'\n                      {$where}\n                LIMIT " . intval($start) . "," . intval($_SESSION['glpilist_limit']);
     $result = $DB->query($query);
     echo "<div class='spaced'>";
     // Display the pager
     Html::printAjaxPager(Consumable::getTypeName(Session::getPluralNumber()), $start, $number);
     if ($canedit && $number) {
         Html::openMassiveActionsForm('mass' . __CLASS__ . $rand);
         $actions = array('delete' => _x('button', 'Delete permanently'), 'Infocom' . MassiveAction::CLASS_ACTION_SEPARATOR . 'activate' => __('Enable the financial and administrative information'));
         if ($show_old) {
             $actions['Consumable' . MassiveAction::CLASS_ACTION_SEPARATOR . 'backtostock'] = __('Back to stock');
         } else {
             $actions[__CLASS__ . MassiveAction::CLASS_ACTION_SEPARATOR . 'give'] = _x('button', 'Give');
         $entparam = array('entities_id' => $consitem->getEntityID());
         if ($consitem->isRecursive()) {
             $entparam = array('entities_id' => getSonsOf('glpi_entities', $consitem->getEntityID()));
         $massiveactionparams = array('num_displayed' => $number, 'specific_actions' => $actions, 'container' => 'mass' . __CLASS__ . $rand, 'extraparams' => $entparam);
         echo "<input type='hidden' name='consumableitems_id' value='{$tID}'>\n";
     echo "<table class='tab_cadre_fixehov'>";
     if (!$show_old) {
         echo "<tr><th colspan=" . ($canedit ? '5' : '4') . ">";
         echo self::getCount($tID, -1);
         echo "</th></tr>";
     } else {
         // Old
         echo "<tr><th colspan='" . ($canedit ? '7' : '6') . "'>" . __('Used consumables') . "</th></tr>";
     if ($number) {
         $i = 0;
         $header_begin = "<tr>";
         $header_top = '';
         $header_bottom = '';
         $header_end = '';
         if ($canedit) {
             $header_begin .= "<th width='10'>";
             $header_top .= Html::getCheckAllAsCheckbox('mass' . __CLASS__ . $rand);
             $header_bottom .= Html::getCheckAllAsCheckbox('mass' . __CLASS__ . $rand);
             $header_end .= "</th>";
         $header_end .= "<th>" . __('ID') . "</th>";
         $header_end .= "<th>" . _x('item', 'State') . "</th>";
         $header_end .= "<th>" . __('Add date') . "</th>";
         if ($show_old) {
             $header_end .= "<th>" . __('Use date') . "</th>";
             $header_end .= "<th>" . __('Given to') . "</th>";
         $header_end .= "<th width='200px'>" . __('Financial and administrative information') . "</th>";
         $header_end .= "</tr>";
         echo $header_begin . $header_top . $header_end;
         while ($data = $DB->fetch_assoc($result)) {
             $date_in = Html::convDate($data["date_in"]);
             $date_out = Html::convDate($data["date_out"]);
             echo "<tr class='tab_bg_1'>";
             if ($canedit) {
                 echo "<td width='10'>";
                 Html::showMassiveActionCheckBox(__CLASS__, $data["id"]);
                 echo "</td>";
             echo "<td class='center'>" . $data["id"] . "</td>";
             echo "<td class='center'>" . self::getStatus($data["id"]) . "</td>";
             echo "<td class='center'>" . $date_in . "</td>";
             if ($show_old) {
                 echo "<td class='center'>" . $date_out . "</td>";
                 echo "<td class='center'>";
                 if ($item = getItemForItemtype($data['itemtype'])) {
                     if ($item->getFromDB($data['items_id'])) {
                         echo $item->getLink();
                 echo "</td>";
             echo "<td class='center'>";
             Infocom::showDisplayLink('Consumable', $data["id"]);
             echo "</td>";
             echo "</tr>";
         echo $header_begin . $header_bottom . $header_end;
     echo "</table>";
     if ($canedit && $number) {
         $massiveactionparams['ontop'] = false;
     echo "</div>";
  * Show users of a group
  * @since version 0.83
  * @param $group  Group object: the group
 static function showForGroup(Group $group)
     global $DB, $CFG_GLPI;
     $ID = $group->getID();
     if (!User::canView() || !$group->can($ID, READ)) {
         return false;
     // Have right to manage members
     $canedit = self::canUpdate();
     $rand = mt_rand();
     $user = new User();
     $crit = Session::getSavedOption(__CLASS__, 'criterion', '');
     $tree = Session::getSavedOption(__CLASS__, 'tree', 0);
     $used = array();
     $ids = array();
     // Retrieve member list
     $entityrestrict = self::getDataForGroup($group, $used, $ids, $crit, $tree);
     if ($canedit) {
         self::showAddUserForm($group, $ids, $entityrestrict, $crit);
     // Mini Search engine
     echo "<table class='tab_cadre_fixe'>";
     echo "<tr class='tab_bg_1'><th colspan='2'>" . User::getTypeName(Session::getPluralNumber()) . "</th></tr>";
     echo "<tr class='tab_bg_1'><td class='center'>";
     echo _n('Criterion', 'Criteria', 1) . "&nbsp;";
     $crits = array('' => Dropdown::EMPTY_VALUE, 'is_manager' => __('Manager'), 'is_userdelegate' => __('Delegatee'));
     Dropdown::showFromArray('crit', $crits, array('value' => $crit, 'on_change' => 'reloadTab("start=0&criterion="+this.value)'));
     if ($group->haveChildren()) {
         echo "</td><td class='center'>" . __('Child groups');
         Dropdown::showYesNo('tree', $tree, -1, array('on_change' => 'reloadTab("start=0&tree="+this.value)'));
     } else {
         $tree = 0;
     echo "</td></tr></table>";
     $number = count($used);
     $start = isset($_GET['start']) ? intval($_GET['start']) : 0;
     if ($start >= $number) {
         $start = 0;
     // Display results
     if ($number) {
         echo "<div class='spaced'>";
         Html::printAjaxPager(sprintf(__('%1$s (%2$s)'), User::getTypeName(Session::getPluralNumber()), __('D=Dynamic')), $start, $number);
         Session::initNavigateListItems('User', sprintf(__('%1$s = %2$s'), Group::getTypeName(1), $group->getName()));
         if ($canedit) {
             Html::openMassiveActionsForm('mass' . __CLASS__ . $rand);
             $massiveactionparams = array('num_displayed' => min($number - $start, $_SESSION['glpilist_limit']), 'container' => 'mass' . __CLASS__ . $rand);
         echo "<table class='tab_cadre_fixehov table-striped table-hover'>";
         $header_begin = "<tr>";
         $header_top = '';
         $header_bottom = '';
         $header_end = '';
         if ($canedit) {
             $header_begin .= "<th width='10'>";
             $header_top .= Html::getCheckAllAsCheckbox('mass' . __CLASS__ . $rand);
             $header_bottom .= Html::getCheckAllAsCheckbox('mass' . __CLASS__ . $rand);
             $header_end .= "</th>";
         $header_end .= "<th>" . User::getTypeName(1) . "</th>";
         if ($tree) {
             $header_end .= "<th>" . Group::getTypeName(1) . "</th>";
         $header_end .= "<th>" . __('Dynamic') . "</th>";
         $header_end .= "<th>" . __('Manager') . "</th>";
         $header_end .= "<th>" . __('Delegatee') . "</th></tr>";
         echo $header_begin . $header_top . $header_end;
         $tmpgrp = new Group();
         for ($i = $start, $j = 0; $i < $number && $j < $_SESSION['glpilist_limit']; $i++, $j++) {
             $data = $used[$i];
             Session::addToNavigateListItems('User', $data["id"]);
             echo "\n<tr class='tab_bg_" . ($user->isDeleted() ? '1_2' : '1') . "'>";
             if ($canedit) {
                 echo "<td width='10'>";
                 Html::showMassiveActionCheckBox(__CLASS__, $data["linkID"]);
                 echo "</td>";
             echo "<td>" . $user->getLink();
             if ($tree) {
                 echo "</td><td>";
                 if ($tmpgrp->getFromDB($data['groups_id'])) {
                     echo $tmpgrp->getLink(array('comments' => true));
             echo "</td><td class='center'>";
             if ($data['is_dynamic']) {
                 echo "<img src='" . $CFG_GLPI["root_doc"] . "/pics/ok.png' width='14' height='14' alt=\"" . __('Dynamic') . "\">";
             echo "</td><td class='center'>";
             if ($data['is_manager']) {
                 echo "<img src='" . $CFG_GLPI["root_doc"] . "/pics/ok.png' width='14' height='14' alt=\"" . __('Manager') . "\">";
             echo "</td><td class='center'>";
             if ($data['is_userdelegate']) {
                 echo "<img src='" . $CFG_GLPI["root_doc"] . "/pics/ok.png' width='14' height='14' alt=\"" . __('Delegatee') . "\">";
             echo "</tr>";
         echo $header_begin . $header_bottom . $header_end;
         echo "</table>";
         if ($canedit) {
             $massiveactionparams['ontop'] = false;
         Html::printAjaxPager(sprintf(__('%1$s (%2$s)'), User::getTypeName(Session::getPluralNumber()), __('D=Dynamic')), $start, $number);
         echo "</div>";
     } else {
         echo "<p class='center b'>" . __('No item found') . "</p>";
  * Show the list of rules
  * @param $target
  * @param $options   array
  * @return nothing
 function showListRules($target, $options = array())
     global $CFG_GLPI;
     $p['inherited'] = 1;
     $p['childrens'] = 0;
     $p['active'] = false;
     $p['condition'] = 0;
     $rand = mt_rand();
     foreach (array('inherited', 'childrens', 'condition') as $param) {
         if (isset($options[$param]) && $this->isRuleRecursive()) {
             $p[$param] = $options[$param];
     $rule = $this->getRuleClass();
     $display_entities = $this->isRuleRecursive() && ($p['inherited'] || $p['childrens']);
     // Do not know what it is ?
     $canedit = self::canUpdate() && !$display_entities;
     $use_conditions = false;
     if ($rule->useConditions()) {
         // First get saved option
         $p['condition'] = Session::getSavedOption($this->getType(), 'condition', 0);
         if ($p['condition'] == 0) {
             $p['condition'] = $this->getDefaultRuleConditionForList();
         $use_conditions = true;
         // Mini Search engine
         echo "<table class='tab_cadre_fixe'>";
         echo "<tr class='tab_bg_1'><td class='center' width='50%'>";
         echo __('Rules used for') . "</td><td>";
         $rule->dropdownConditions(array('value' => $p['condition'], 'on_change' => 'reloadTab("start=0&inherited=' . $p['inherited'] . '&childrens=' . $p['childrens'] . '&condition="+this.value)'));
         echo "</td></tr></table>";
     $nb = $this->getCollectionSize($p['inherited'], $p['condition']);
     $p['start'] = isset($options["start"]) ? $options["start"] : 0;
     if ($p['start'] >= $nb) {
         $p['start'] = 0;
     $p['limit'] = $_SESSION['glpilist_limit'];
     Html::printAjaxPager('', $p['start'], $nb);
     Html::openMassiveActionsForm('mass' . __CLASS__ . $rand);
     echo "\n<div class='spaced'>";
     if ($canedit && $nb) {
         $massiveactionparams = array('num_displayed' => min($p['limit'], $nb), 'container' => 'mass' . __CLASS__ . $rand, 'extraparams' => array('entity' => $this->entity, 'condition' => $p['condition'], 'rule_class_name' => $this->getRuleClassName()));
     echo "<table class='tab_cadre_fixehov table-striped table-hover'>";
     $colspan = 6;
     if ($display_entities) {
     if ($use_conditions) {
     echo "<tr><th colspan='{$colspan}'>" . $this->getTitle() . "</th></tr>\n";
     echo "<tr>";
     echo "<th>";
     if ($canedit) {
         Html::checkAllAsCheckbox('mass' . __CLASS__ . $rand);
     echo "</th>";
     echo "<th>" . __('Name') . "</th>";
     echo "<th>" . __('Description') . "</th>";
     if ($use_conditions) {
         echo "<th>" . __('Use rule for') . "</th>";
     echo "<th>" . __('Active') . "</th>";
     if ($display_entities) {
         echo "<th>" . __('Entity') . "</th>\n";
     if (!$display_entities) {
         echo "<th colspan='2'>&nbsp;</th>";
     echo "</tr>\n";
     if (count($this->RuleList->list)) {
         $ruletype = $this->RuleList->list[0]->getType();
     for ($i = $p['start'], $j = 0; isset($this->RuleList->list[$j]); $i++, $j++) {
         $this->RuleList->list[$j]->showMinimalForm($target, $i == 0, $i == $nb - 1, $display_entities, $p['condition']);
         Session::addToNavigateListItems($ruletype, $this->RuleList->list[$j]->fields['id']);
     if ($nb) {
         echo "<tr>";
         echo "<th>";
         if ($canedit) {
             Html::checkAllAsCheckbox('mass' . __CLASS__ . $rand);
         echo "</th>";
         echo "<th>" . __('Name') . "</th>";
         echo "<th>" . __('Description') . "</th>";
         if ($use_conditions) {
             echo "<th>" . __('Use rule for') . "</th>";
         echo "<th>" . __('Active') . "</th>";
         if ($display_entities) {
             echo "<th>" . __('Entity') . "</th>\n";
         if (!$display_entities) {
             echo "<th colspan='2'>&nbsp;</th>";
         echo "</tr>\n";
     echo "</table>\n";
     if ($canedit && $nb) {
         $massiveactionparams['ontop'] = false;
     echo "</div>";
     Html::printAjaxPager('', $p['start'], $nb);
     echo "<div class='spaced center'>";
     if ($plugin = isPluginItemType($this->getType())) {
         $url = $CFG_GLPI["root_doc"] . "/plugins/" . strtolower($plugin['plugin']);
     } else {
         $url = $CFG_GLPI["root_doc"];
     echo "<a class='vsubmit' href='#' onClick=\"" . Html::jsGetElementbyID('allruletest' . $rand) . ".dialog('open');\">" . __('Test rules engine') . "</a>";
     Ajax::createIframeModalWindow('allruletest' . $rand, $url . "/front/rulesengine.test.php?" . "sub_type=" . $this->getRuleClassName() . "&condition=" . $p['condition'], array('title' => __('Test rules engine')));
     echo "</div>";
     if ($this->can_replay_rules) {
         echo "<div class='spaced center'>";
         echo "<a class='vsubmit' href='" . $rule->getSearchURL() . "?replay_rule=replay_rule'>" . __s('Replay the dictionary rules') . "</a>";
         echo "</div>";
     echo "<div class='spaced'>";
     echo "</div>";
Ejemplo n.º 18
  * Print the HTML array of the Netpoint associated to a Location
  * @param $item Location
  * @return Nothing (display)
 static function showForLocation($item)
     global $DB, $CFG_GLPI;
     $ID = $item->getField('id');
     $netpoint = new self();
     $item->check($ID, READ);
     $canedit = $item->canEdit($ID);
     if (isset($_GET["start"])) {
         $start = intval($_GET["start"]);
     } else {
         $start = 0;
     $number = countElementsInTable('glpi_netpoints', "`locations_id`='{$ID}'");
     if ($canedit) {
         echo "<div class='first-bloc'>";
         // Minimal form for quick input.
         echo "<form action='" . $netpoint->getFormURL() . "' method='post'>";
         echo "<br><table class='tab_cadre_fixe'>";
         echo "<tr class='tab_bg_2 center'>";
         echo "<td class='b'>" . _n('Network outlet', 'Network outlets', 1) . "</td>";
         echo "<td>" . __('Name') . "</td><td>";
         Html::autocompletionTextField($item, "name", array('value' => ''));
         echo "<input type='hidden' name='entities_id' value='" . $_SESSION['glpiactive_entity'] . "'>";
         echo "<input type='hidden' name='locations_id' value='{$ID}'></td>";
         echo "<td><input type='submit' name='add' value=\"" . _sx('button', 'Add') . "\" class='submit'>";
         echo "</td></tr>\n";
         echo "</table>\n";
         // Minimal form for massive input.
         echo "<form action='" . $netpoint->getFormURL() . "' method='post'>";
         echo "<table class='tab_cadre_fixe'>";
         echo "<tr class='tab_bg_2 center'>";
         echo "<td class='b'>" . _n('Network outlet', 'Network outlets', Session::getPluralNumber()) . "</td>";
         echo "<td>" . __('Name') . "</td><td>";
         echo "<input type='text' maxlength='100' size='10' name='_before'>&nbsp;";
         Dropdown::showNumber('_from', array('value' => 0, 'min' => 0, 'max' => 400));
         echo "&nbsp;-->&nbsp;";
         Dropdown::showNumber('_to', array('value' => 0, 'min' => 0, 'max' => 400));
         echo "&nbsp;<input type='text' maxlength='100' size='10' name='_after'><br>";
         echo "<input type='hidden' name='entities_id' value='" . $_SESSION['glpiactive_entity'] . "'>";
         echo "<input type='hidden' name='locations_id' value='{$ID}'>";
         echo "<input type='hidden' name='_method' value='AddMulti'></td>";
         echo "<td><input type='submit' name='execute' value=\"" . _sx('button', 'Add') . "\"\n                    class='submit'>";
         echo "</td></tr>\n";
         echo "</table>\n";
         echo "</div>";
     echo "<div class='spaced'>";
     if ($number < 1) {
         echo "<table class='tab_cadre_fixe'>";
         echo "<tr><th>" . self::getTypeName(1) . "</th>";
         echo "<th>" . __('No item found') . "</th></tr>";
         echo "</table>\n";
     } else {
         Html::printAjaxPager(sprintf(__('Network outlets for %s'), $item->getTreeLink()), $start, $number);
         if ($canedit) {
             $rand = mt_rand();
             Html::openMassiveActionsForm('mass' . __CLASS__ . $rand);
             $massiveactionparams = array('num_displayed' => $_SESSION['glpilist_limit'], 'container' => 'mass' . __CLASS__ . $rand, 'specific_actions' => array('purge' => _x('button', 'Delete permanently')));
         echo "<table class='tab_cadre_fixe'><tr>";
         if ($canedit) {
             echo "<th width='10'>";
             Html::checkAllAsCheckbox('mass' . __CLASS__ . $rand);
             echo "</th>";
         echo "<th>" . __('Name') . "</th>";
         // Name
         echo "<th>" . __('Comments') . "</th>";
         // Comment
         echo "</tr>\n";
         $crit = array('locations_id' => $ID, 'ORDER' => 'name', 'START' => $start, 'LIMIT' => $_SESSION['glpilist_limit']);
         Session::initNavigateListItems('Netpoint', sprintf(__('%1$s = %2$s'), $item->getTypeName(1), $item->getName()));
         foreach ($DB->request('glpi_netpoints', $crit) as $data) {
             Session::addToNavigateListItems('Netpoint', $data["id"]);
             echo "<tr class='tab_bg_1'>";
             if ($canedit) {
                 echo "<td>" . Html::getMassiveActionCheckBox(__CLASS__, $data["id"]) . "</td>";
             echo "<td><a href='" . $netpoint->getFormURL();
             echo '?id=' . $data['id'] . "'>" . $data['name'] . "</a></td>";
             echo "<td>" . $data['comment'] . "</td>";
             echo "</tr>\n";
         echo "</table>\n";
         if ($canedit) {
             $massiveactionparams['ontop'] = false;
         Html::printAjaxPager(sprintf(__('Network outlets for %s'), $item->getTreeLink()), $start, $number);
     echo "</div>\n";
  * Print the wainting ticket form
  * @param $ID integer ID of the item
  * @param $options array
  *     - target filename : where to go when done.
  *     - withtemplate boolean : template or basic item
  * @return Nothing (display)
  * */
 static function showList($item, $canedit)
     global $CFG_GLPI;
     // validation des droits
     if (!self::canView()) {
         return false;
     if (isset($_REQUEST["start"])) {
         $start = $_REQUEST["start"];
     } else {
         $start = 0;
     $rand = mt_rand();
     // Get close informations
     $data = self::getCloseTicketFromDB($item->getField('id'), array('start' => $start, 'limit' => $_SESSION['glpilist_limit']));
     if (!count($data)) {
         echo "<div class='center'>";
         echo "<table class='tab_cadre_fixe'>";
         echo "<tr><th>" . __('No historical') . "</th></tr>";
         echo "</table>";
         echo "</div><br>";
     } else {
         $doc = new Document();
         echo "<div class='center'>";
         // Display the pager
         Html::printAjaxPager(__('Close ticket informations', 'moreticket'), $start, count($data));
         if ($canedit) {
             Html::openMassiveActionsForm('mass' . __CLASS__ . $rand);
             $massiveactionparams = array('item' => __CLASS__, 'container' => 'mass' . __CLASS__ . $rand);
         echo "<table class='tab_cadre_fixe'>";
         echo "<tr>";
         echo "<th width='10'>";
         if ($canedit) {
             echo Html::getCheckAllAsCheckbox('mass' . __CLASS__ . $rand);
         echo "</th>";
         echo "<th>" . __('Date') . "</th>";
         echo "<th>" . __('Comments') . "</th>";
         echo "<th>" . __('Writer') . "</th>";
         echo "<th>" . __('Document') . "</th>";
         echo "</tr>";
         foreach ($data as $closeTicket) {
             echo "<tr class='tab_bg_2'>";
             echo "<td width='10'>";
             if ($canedit) {
                 Html::showMassiveActionCheckBox(__CLASS__, $closeTicket['id']);
             echo "</td>";
             echo "<td>";
             echo Html::convDateTime($closeTicket['date']);
             echo "</td>";
             echo "<td>";
             echo $closeTicket['comment'];
             echo "</td>";
             echo "<td>";
             echo getUserName($closeTicket['requesters_id']);
             echo "</td>";
             echo "<td>";
             if ($doc->getFromDB($closeTicket['documents_id'])) {
                 echo $doc->getLink();
             echo "</td>";
             echo "</tr>";
         if ($canedit) {
             $massiveactionparams['ontop'] = false;
         echo "</table>";
         echo "</div>";
         Html::printAjaxPager(__('Close ticket informations', 'moreticket'), $start, count($data));
Ejemplo n.º 20
 static function showForItem(CommonGLPI $item, $withtemplate = 0)
     global $DB, $CFG_GLPI;
     if ($item->getType() == 'IPNetwork') {
         if (isset($_GET["start"])) {
             $start = $_GET["start"];
         } else {
             $start = 0;
         if (!empty($_GET["order"])) {
             $table_options['order'] = $_GET["order"];
         } else {
             $table_options['order'] = 'ip';
         $order_by_itemtype = $table_options['order'] == 'itemtype';
         $table_options['SQL_options'] = "LIMIT " . $_SESSION['glpilist_limit'] . "\n                                           OFFSET {$start}";
         $table = new HTMLTableMain();
         $content = "<a href='javascript:reloadTab(\"order=ip\");'>" . self::getTypeName(Session::getPluralNumber()) . "</a>";
         $internet_column = $table->addHeader('IP Address', $content);
         $content = sprintf(__('%1$s - %2$s'), _n('Item', 'Items', Session::getPluralNumber()), "<a href='javascript:reloadTab(\"order=itemtype\");'>" . __('Order by item type') . "</a>");
         $item_column = $table->addHeader('Item', $content);
         if ($order_by_itemtype) {
             foreach ($CFG_GLPI["networkport_types"] as $itemtype) {
                 $table_options['group_' . $itemtype] = $table->createGroup($itemtype, $itemtype::getTypeName(Session::getPluralNumber()));
                 self::getHTMLTableHeader($item->getType(), $table_options['group_' . $itemtype], $item_column, NULL, $table_options);
         $table_options['group_None'] = $table->createGroup('Main', __('Other kind of items'));
         self::getHTMLTableHeader($item->getType(), $table_options['group_None'], $item_column, NULL, $table_options);
         self::getHTMLTableCellsForItem(NULL, $item, NULL, $table_options);
         if ($table->getNumberOfRows() > 0) {
             Html::printAjaxPager(self::getTypeName(Session::getPluralNumber()), $start, self::countForItem($item));
             Session::initNavigateListItems(__CLASS__, sprintf(__('%1$s = %2$s'), $item->getTypeName(1), $item->getName()));
             $table->display(array('display_title_for_each_group' => $order_by_itemtype, 'display_super_for_each_group' => false, 'display_tfoot' => false));
             Html::printAjaxPager(self::getTypeName(Session::getPluralNumber()), $start, self::countForItem($item));
         } else {
             echo "<table class='tab_cadre_fixe'>";
             echo "<tr><th>" . __('No IP address found') . "</th></tr>";
             echo "</table>";
  * Show software installed on a computer
  * @param $comp            Computer object
  * @param $withtemplate    template case of the view process (default '')
  * @return nothing
 static function showForComputer(Computer $comp, $withtemplate = '')
     global $DB, $CFG_GLPI;
     if (!Software::canView()) {
         return false;
     $computers_id = $comp->getField('id');
     $rand = mt_rand();
     $canedit = Session::haveRightsOr("software", array(CREATE, UPDATE, DELETE, PURGE));
     $entities_id = $comp->fields["entities_id"];
     $crit = Session::getSavedOption(__CLASS__, 'criterion', -1);
     $where = '';
     if ($crit > -1) {
         $where = " AND `glpi_softwares`.`softwarecategories_id` = {$crit}";
     $add_dynamic = '';
     if (Plugin::haveImport()) {
         $add_dynamic = "`glpi_computers_softwareversions`.`is_dynamic`,";
     $query = "SELECT `glpi_softwares`.`softwarecategories_id`,\n                       `glpi_softwares`.`name` AS softname,\n                       `glpi_computers_softwareversions`.`id`,\n                       {$add_dynamic}\n                       `glpi_states`.`name` AS state,\n                       `glpi_softwareversions`.`id` AS verid,\n                       `glpi_softwareversions`.`softwares_id`,\n                       `glpi_softwareversions`.`name` AS version,\n                       `glpi_softwares`.`is_valid` AS softvalid\n                FROM `glpi_computers_softwareversions`\n                LEFT JOIN `glpi_softwareversions`\n                     ON (`glpi_computers_softwareversions`.`softwareversions_id`\n                           = `glpi_softwareversions`.`id`)\n                LEFT JOIN `glpi_states`\n                     ON (`glpi_states`.`id` = `glpi_softwareversions`.`states_id`)\n                LEFT JOIN `glpi_softwares`\n                     ON (`glpi_softwareversions`.`softwares_id` = `glpi_softwares`.`id`)\n                WHERE `glpi_computers_softwareversions`.`computers_id` = '{$computers_id}'\n                      AND `glpi_computers_softwareversions`.`is_deleted` = '0'\n                      {$where}\n                ORDER BY `softname`, `version`";
     $result = $DB->query($query);
     $i = 0;
     if ((empty($withtemplate) || $withtemplate != 2) && $canedit) {
         echo "<form method='post' action='" . $CFG_GLPI["root_doc"] . "/front/computer_softwareversion.form.php'>";
         echo "<div class='spaced'><table class='tab_cadre_fixe'>";
         echo "<tr class='tab_bg_1'><td class='center'>";
         echo _n('Software', 'Software', Session::getPluralNumber()) . "&nbsp;&nbsp;";
         echo "<input type='hidden' name='computers_id' value='{$computers_id}'>";
         Software::dropdownSoftwareToInstall("softwareversions_id", $entities_id);
         echo "</td><td width='20%'>";
         echo "<input type='submit' name='add' value=\"" . _sx('button', 'Install') . "\"\n                class='submit'>";
         echo "</td>";
         echo "</tr>\n";
         echo "</table></div>\n";
     echo "<div class='spaced'>";
     $cat = -1;
     Session::initNavigateListItems('Software', sprintf(__('%1$s = %2$s'), Computer::getTypeName(1), $comp->getName()));
     Session::initNavigateListItems('SoftwareLicense', sprintf(__('%1$s = %2$s'), Computer::getTypeName(1), $comp->getName()));
     // Mini Search engine
     echo "<table class='tab_cadre_fixe'>";
     echo "<tr class='tab_bg_1'><th colspan='2'>" . Software::getTypeName(Session::getPluralNumber()) . "</th></tr>";
     echo "<tr class='tab_bg_1'><td class='center'>";
     echo __('Category') . "</td><td>";
     SoftwareCategory::dropdown(array('value' => $crit, 'toadd' => array('-1' => __('All categories')), 'emptylabel' => __('Uncategorized software'), 'on_change' => 'reloadTab("start=0&criterion="+this.value)'));
     echo "</td></tr></table></div>";
     $number = $DB->numrows($result);
     $start = isset($_REQUEST['start']) ? intval($_REQUEST['start']) : 0;
     if ($start >= $number) {
         $start = 0;
     $installed = array();
     if ($number) {
         echo "<div class='spaced'>";
         Html::printAjaxPager('', $start, $number);
         if ($canedit) {
             $rand = mt_rand();
             Html::openMassiveActionsForm('mass' . __CLASS__ . $rand);
             $massiveactionparams = array('num_displayed' => $number, 'container' => 'mass' . __CLASS__ . $rand, 'specific_actions' => array('purge' => _x('button', 'Delete permanently')));
         echo "<table class='tab_cadre_fixehov'>";
         $header_begin = "<tr>";
         $header_top = '';
         $header_bottom = '';
         $header_end = '';
         if ($canedit) {
             $header_begin .= "<th width='10'>";
             $header_top .= Html::getCheckAllAsCheckbox('mass' . __CLASS__ . $rand);
             $header_bottom .= Html::getCheckAllAsCheckbox('mass' . __CLASS__ . $rand);
             $header_end .= "</th>";
         $header_end .= "<th>" . __('Name') . "</th><th>" . __('Status') . "</th>";
         $header_end .= "<th>" . __('Version') . "</th><th>" . __('License') . "</th>";
         if (Plugin::haveImport()) {
             $header_end .= "<th>" . __('Automatic inventory') . "</th>";
         $header_end .= "<th>" . SoftwareCategory::getTypeName(1) . "</th>";
         $header_end .= "<th>" . __('Valid license') . "</th>";
         $header_end .= "</tr>\n";
         echo $header_begin . $header_top . $header_end;
         for ($row = 0; $data = $DB->fetch_assoc($result); $row++) {
             if ($row >= $start && $row < $start + $_SESSION['glpilist_limit']) {
                 $licids = self::softsByCategory($data, $computers_id, $withtemplate, $canedit, true);
             } else {
                 $licids = self::softsByCategory($data, $computers_id, $withtemplate, $canedit, false);
             Session::addToNavigateListItems('Software', $data["softwares_id"]);
             foreach ($licids as $licid) {
                 Session::addToNavigateListItems('SoftwareLicense', $licid);
                 $installed[] = $licid;
         echo $header_begin . $header_bottom . $header_end;
         echo "</table>";
         if ($canedit) {
             $massiveactionparams['ontop'] = false;
     } else {
         echo "<p class='center b'>" . __('No item found') . "</p>";
     echo "</div>\n";
     if ((empty($withtemplate) || $withtemplate != 2) && $canedit) {
         echo "<form method='post' action='" . $CFG_GLPI["root_doc"] . "/front/computer_softwarelicense.form.php'>";
         echo "<div class='spaced'><table class='tab_cadre_fixe'>";
         echo "<tr class='tab_bg_1'>";
         echo "<td class='center'>";
         echo _n('License', 'Licenses', Session::getPluralNumber()) . "&nbsp;&nbsp;";
         echo "<input type='hidden' name='computers_id' value='{$computers_id}'>";
         Software::dropdownLicenseToInstall("softwarelicenses_id", $entities_id);
         echo "</td><td width='20%'>";
         echo "<input type='submit' name='add' value=\"" . _sx('button', 'Add') . "\" class='submit'>";
         echo "</td></tr>\n";
         echo "</table></div>\n";
     echo "<div class='spaced'>";
     // Affected licenses NOT installed
     $query = "SELECT `glpi_softwarelicenses`.*,\n                       `glpi_computers_softwarelicenses`.`id` AS linkID,\n                       `glpi_softwares`.`name` AS softname,\n                       `glpi_softwareversions`.`name` AS version,\n                       `glpi_states`.`name` AS state\n                FROM `glpi_softwarelicenses`\n                LEFT JOIN `glpi_computers_softwarelicenses`\n                      ON (`glpi_computers_softwarelicenses`.softwarelicenses_id\n                              = `glpi_softwarelicenses`.`id`)\n                INNER JOIN `glpi_softwares`\n                      ON (`glpi_softwarelicenses`.`softwares_id` = `glpi_softwares`.`id`)\n                LEFT JOIN `glpi_softwareversions`\n                      ON (`glpi_softwarelicenses`.`softwareversions_id_use`\n                              = `glpi_softwareversions`.`id`\n                           OR (`glpi_softwarelicenses`.`softwareversions_id_use` = '0'\n                               AND `glpi_softwarelicenses`.`softwareversions_id_buy`\n                                       = `glpi_softwareversions`.`id`))\n                LEFT JOIN `glpi_states`\n                     ON (`glpi_states`.`id` = `glpi_softwareversions`.`states_id`)\n                WHERE `glpi_computers_softwarelicenses`.`computers_id` = '{$computers_id}'\n                      AND `glpi_computers_softwarelicenses`.`is_deleted` = '0'\n                      {$where}";
     if (count($installed)) {
         $query .= " AND `glpi_softwarelicenses`.`id` NOT IN (" . implode(',', $installed) . ")";
     $query .= " ORDER BY `softname`, `version`;";
     $req = $DB->request($query);
     if ($number = $req->numrows()) {
         if ($canedit) {
             $rand = mt_rand();
             Html::openMassiveActionsForm('massSoftwareLicense' . $rand);
             $actions = array('Computer_SoftwareLicense' . MassiveAction::CLASS_ACTION_SEPARATOR . 'install' => _x('button', 'Install'));
             if (SoftwareLicense::canUpdate()) {
                 $actions['purge'] = _x('button', 'Delete permanently');
             $massiveactionparams = array('num_displayed' => $number, 'container' => 'massSoftwareLicense' . $rand, 'specific_actions' => $actions);
         echo "<table class='tab_cadre_fixehov'>";
         $header_begin = "<tr>";
         $header_top = '';
         $header_bottom = '';
         $header_end = '';
         if ($canedit) {
             $header_begin .= "<th width='10'>";
             $header_top .= Html::getCheckAllAsCheckbox('massSoftwareLicense' . $rand);
             $header_bottom .= Html::getCheckAllAsCheckbox('massSoftwareLicense' . $rand);
             $header_end .= "</th>";
         $header_end .= "<th>" . __('Name') . "</th><th>" . __('Status') . "</th>";
         $header_end .= "<th>" . __('Version') . "</th><th>" . __('License') . "</th>";
         $header_end .= "</tr>\n";
         echo $header_begin . $header_top . $header_end;
         $cat = true;
         foreach ($req as $data) {
             self::displaySoftsByLicense($data, $computers_id, $withtemplate, $canedit);
             Session::addToNavigateListItems('SoftwareLicense', $data["id"]);
         echo $header_begin . $header_bottom . $header_end;
         echo "</table>";
         if ($canedit) {
             $massiveactionparams['ontop'] = false;
     echo "</div>\n";
Ejemplo n.º 22
  * Display list of a runned tasks
  * @return nothing
 function showHistory()
     global $DB, $CFG_GLPI;
     if (isset($_GET["crontasklogs_id"]) && $_GET["crontasklogs_id"]) {
         return $this->showHistoryDetail($_GET["crontasklogs_id"]);
     if (isset($_GET["start"])) {
         $start = $_GET["start"];
     } else {
         $start = 0;
     // Total Number of events
     $number = countElementsInTable('glpi_crontasklogs', ['crontasks_id' => $this->fields['id'], 'state' => CronTaskLog::STATE_STOP]);
     echo "<br><div class='center'>";
     if ($number < 1) {
         echo "<table class='tab_cadre_fixe'>";
         echo "<tr><th>" . __('No item found') . "</th></tr>";
         echo "</table>";
         echo "</div>";
     // Display the pager
     Html::printAjaxPager(__('Last run list'), $start, $number);
     $query = "SELECT *\n                FROM `glpi_crontasklogs`\n                WHERE `crontasks_id` = '" . $this->fields['id'] . "'\n                      AND `state` = '" . CronTaskLog::STATE_STOP . "'\n                ORDER BY `id` DESC\n                LIMIT " . intval($start) . "," . intval($_SESSION['glpilist_limit']);
     if ($result = $DB->query($query)) {
         if ($data = $DB->fetch_assoc($result)) {
             echo "<table class='tab_cadrehov'>";
             $header = "<tr>";
             $header .= "<th>" . __('Date') . "</th>";
             $header .= "<th>" . __('Total duration') . "</th>";
             $header .= "<th>" . _x('quantity', 'Number') . "</th>";
             $header .= "<th>" . __('Description') . "</th>";
             $header .= "</tr>\n";
             echo $header;
             do {
                 echo "<tr class='tab_bg_2'>";
                 echo "<td><a href='javascript:reloadTab(\"crontasklogs_id=" . $data['crontasklogs_id'] . "\");'>" . Html::convDateTime($data['date']) . "</a></td>";
                 echo "<td class='right'>" . sprintf(_n('%s second', '%s seconds', intval($data['elapsed'])), number_format($data['elapsed'], 3)) . "&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;</td>";
                 echo "<td class='numeric'>" . $data['volume'] . "</td>";
                 // Use gettext to display
                 echo "<td>" . __($data['content']) . "</td>";
                 echo "</tr>\n";
             } while ($data = $DB->fetch_assoc($result));
             echo $header;
             echo "</table>";
         } else {
             // Not found
             _e('No item found');
     // Query
     Html::printAjaxPager(__('Last run list'), $start, $number);
     echo "</div>";
  * Display history of taskjob
  * @param $taskjobs_id integer id of the taskjob
  * @param $width integer how large in pixel display array
  * @param $options array to display with specific options
  *     - items_id integer id of item to display history
  *     - itemtype value type of item to display
  * @return bool TRUE if form is ok
 function showHistory($taskjobs_id, $width = "950", $options = array())
     global $DB, $CFG_GLPI;
     $a_uniqid = array();
     $start = 0;
     if (isset($_REQUEST["start"])) {
         $start = $_REQUEST["start"];
     $where = '';
     if (isset($options['items_id']) and isset($options['itemtype'])) {
         $where = " AND `items_id`='" . $options['items_id'] . "'\n                    AND `itemtype`='" . $options['itemtype'] . "' ";
     if (isset($options['uniqid'])) {
         $where .= " AND `uniqid`='" . $options['uniqid'] . "' ";
     echo "<center>";
     $query = 'SELECT * FROM `glpi_plugin_fusioninventory_taskjobstates`
      WHERE `plugin_fusioninventory_taskjobs_id`="' . $taskjobs_id . '"
         AND `state`!="3"
         ' . $where . '
      GROUP BY uniqid, plugin_fusioninventory_agents_id
      ORDER BY `id` DESC';
     $result = $DB->query($query);
     // ***** Display for all status running / prepared
     if (isset($options['uniqid']) and $DB->numrows($result) == '0') {
     } else {
         // Display
         echo "<table class='tab_cadre' style='width: " . $width . "px'>";
         echo "<tr class='tab_bg_1'>";
         echo "<th width='32'>";
         echo "<img src='" . $CFG_GLPI['root_doc'] . "/plugins/fusioninventory/pics/task_running.png'/>";
         echo "</th>";
         echo "<td>";
         if ($DB->numrows($result) > 0) {
             echo "<table class='tab_cadre'>";
             echo "<tr>";
             echo "<th></th>";
             echo "<th>" . __('Unique id', 'fusioninventory') . "</th>";
             echo "<th>" . __('Process number', 'fusioninventory') . "</th>";
             echo "<th>" . __('Agent', 'fusioninventory') . "</th>";
             echo "<th>";
             echo __('Date');
             echo "</th>";
             echo "<th>";
             echo __('Status');
             echo "</th>";
             echo "<th>";
             echo __('Comments');
             echo "</th>";
             echo "</tr>";
             while ($data = $DB->fetch_array($result)) {
                 $this->showHistoryLines($data['id'], 1, 0, 7);
                 $a_uniqid[] = $data['uniqid'];
             echo "</table>";
         echo "</td>";
         echo "</tr>";
         echo "</table><br/>";
     // ***** Display for statejob OK
     if (count($a_uniqid) > 0) {
         $where .= " AND `uniqid` NOT IN ('" . implode("', '", $a_uniqid) . "')";
         $query = 'SELECT * FROM `glpi_plugin_fusioninventory_taskjobstates`
         WHERE `plugin_fusioninventory_taskjobs_id`="' . $taskjobs_id . '"
            AND `state`!="3"
            ' . $where . '
         GROUP BY uniqid, plugin_fusioninventory_agents_id
         ORDER BY `id` DESC';
     $querycount = 'SELECT count(*) AS cpt FROM `glpi_plugin_fusioninventory_taskjobstates`
      WHERE `plugin_fusioninventory_taskjobs_id`="' . $taskjobs_id . '"
         AND `state`="3"
         ' . $where . '
      GROUP BY uniqid, plugin_fusioninventory_agents_id';
     $resultcount = $DB->query($querycount);
     $a_datacount = $DB->fetch_assoc($resultcount);
     $number = $a_datacount['cpt'];
     if (isset($options['uniqid']) and $number == '0') {
     } else {
         // display
         echo "<table class='tab_cadre' width='" . $width . "'>";
         echo "<tr class='tab_bg_1'>";
         echo "<th width='32'>";
         echo "<img src='" . $CFG_GLPI['root_doc'] . "/plugins/fusioninventory/pics/task_finished.png'/>";
         echo "</td>";
         echo "<td>";
         echo "<table class='tab_cadre' >";
         echo "<tr>";
         echo "<td colspan='5'>";
         Html::printAjaxPager('', $start, $number);
         echo "</td>";
         echo "</tr>";
         $query = str_replace('`state`!="3"', '`state`="3"', $query);
         $query .= ' LIMIT ' . intval($start) . ', ' . intval($_SESSION['glpilist_limit']);
         $result = $DB->query($query);
         echo "<tr>";
         echo "<th></th>";
         echo "<th>" . __('Unique id', 'fusioninventory') . "</th>";
         echo "<th>" . __('Agent', 'fusioninventory') . "</th>";
         echo "<th>";
         echo __('Date');
         echo "</th>";
         echo "<th>";
         echo __('Status');
         echo "</th>";
         echo "</tr>";
         while ($data = $DB->fetch_array($result)) {
             $this->showHistoryLines($data['id'], 0, 0, 5);
         echo "<tr>";
         echo "<td colspan='5'>";
         Html::printAjaxPager('', $start, $number);
         echo "</td>";
         echo "</tr>";
         echo "</table>";
         echo "</td>";
         echo "</tr>";
         echo "</table>";
     echo "</center>";
     return TRUE;
Ejemplo n.º 24
  * \brief Show names for an item from its form
  * Beware that the rendering can be different if readden from direct item form (ie : add new
  * NetworkName, remove, ...) or if readden from item of the item (for instance from the computer
  * form through NetworkPort::ShowForItem).
  * @param $item                     CommonGLPI object
  * @param $withtemplate   integer   withtemplate param (default 0)
 static function showForItem(CommonDBTM $item, $withtemplate = 0)
     global $DB, $CFG_GLPI;
     $ID = $item->getID();
     if (!$item->can($ID, READ)) {
         return false;
     $rand = mt_rand();
     if ($item->getType() == 'NetworkPort' && Session::haveRight('internet', UPDATE) && $item->canUpdateItem()) {
         $items_id = $item->getID();
         $itemtype = $item->getType();
         echo "<div class='firstbloc'>\n";
         echo "<form method='post' action='" . static::getFormURL() . "'>\n";
         echo "<table class='tab_cadre_fixe'>\n";
         echo "<tr><th colspan='4'>" . __('Add a network name') . "</th></tr>";
         echo "<tr class='tab_bg_1'><td class='right'>";
         echo "<input type='hidden' name='items_id' value='{$items_id}'>\n";
         echo "<input type='hidden' name='itemtype' value='{$itemtype}'>\n";
         _e('Not associated');
         echo "</td><td class='left'>";
         self::dropdown(array('name' => 'addressID', 'condition' => '`items_id`=0'));
         echo "</td><td class='left'>";
         echo "<input type='submit' name='assign_address' value='" . _sx('button', 'Associate') . "' class='submit'>";
         echo "</td>";
         if (static::canCreate()) {
             echo "<td class='right' width='30%'>";
             echo "<a href=\"" . static::getFormURL() . "?items_id={$items_id}&amp;itemtype={$itemtype}\">";
             echo __('Create a new network name') . "</a>";
             echo "</td>";
         echo "</tr>\n";
         echo "</table>\n";
         echo "</div>\n";
     $table_options = array('createRow' => true);
     if ($item->getType() == 'FQDN' || $item->getType() == 'NetworkEquipment') {
         if (isset($_GET["start"])) {
             $start = $_GET["start"];
         } else {
             $start = 0;
         if (!empty($_GET["order"])) {
             $table_options['order'] = $_GET["order"];
         } else {
             $table_options['order'] = 'name';
         if ($item->getType() == 'FQDN') {
             $table_options['column_links'] = array('NetworkName' => 'javascript:reloadTab("order=name");', 'NetworkAlias' => 'javascript:reloadTab("order=alias");', 'IPAddress' => 'javascript:reloadTab("order=ip");');
         $table_options['SQL_options'] = "LIMIT " . $_SESSION['glpilist_limit'] . "\n                                           OFFSET {$start}";
         $canedit = false;
     } else {
         $canedit = Session::haveRight('internet', UPDATE) && $item->canUpdateItem();
     $table_options['canedit'] = false;
     $table_options['rand'] = $rand;
     $table_options['massiveactionnetworkname'] = $canedit;
     $table = new HTMLTableMain();
     $column = $table->addHeader('Internet', self::getTypeName(Session::getPluralNumber()));
     $t_group = $table->createGroup('Main', '');
     self::getHTMLTableHeader(__CLASS__, $t_group, $column, NULL, $table_options);
     $t_row = $t_group->createRow();
     self::getHTMLTableCellsForItem($t_row, $item, NULL, $table_options);
     if ($table->getNumberOfRows() > 0) {
         $number = $table->getNumberOfRows();
         if ($item->getType() == 'FQDN') {
             $number = min($_SESSION['glpilist_limit'], $table->getNumberOfRows());
             Html::printAjaxPager(self::getTypeName(Session::getPluralNumber()), $start, self::countForItem($item));
         Session::initNavigateListItems(__CLASS__, sprintf(__('%1$s = %2$s'), $item->getTypeName(1), $item->getName()));
         if ($canedit && $number) {
             Html::openMassiveActionsForm('mass' . __CLASS__ . $rand);
             $massiveactionparams = array('num_displayed' => $number, 'container' => 'mass' . __CLASS__ . $rand);
         $table->display(array('display_title_for_each_group' => false, 'display_thead' => false, 'display_tfoot' => false, 'display_header_on_foot_for_each_group' => true));
         if ($canedit && $number) {
             $massiveactionparams['ontop'] = false;
         if ($item->getType() == 'FQDN') {
             Html::printAjaxPager(self::getTypeName(Session::getPluralNumber()), $start, self::countForItem($item));
     } else {
         echo "<table class='tab_cadre_fixe'><tr><th>" . __('No network name found') . "</th></tr>";
         echo "</table>";
Ejemplo n.º 25
 public function showOrders($ref)
     global $DB;
     $order = new PluginOrderOrder();
     $query = "SELECT `glpi_plugin_order_orders_items`.*\n                FROM `glpi_plugin_order_orders_items`\n                LEFT JOIN `glpi_plugin_order_references`\n                   ON (`glpi_plugin_order_references`.`id` = `glpi_plugin_order_orders_items`.`plugin_order_references_id`)\n                WHERE `plugin_order_references_id` = '" . $ref->getID() . "'";
     $query .= getEntitiesRestrictRequest(" AND ", "glpi_plugin_order_references", "entities_id", $ref->fields["entities_id"], true);
     $query .= " GROUP BY `glpi_plugin_order_orders_items`.`plugin_order_orders_id`\n               ORDER BY `entities_id`, `name` ";
     $result = $DB->query($query);
     $nb = $DB->numrows($result);
     echo "<div class='center'>";
     if ($nb) {
         if (isset($_REQUEST["start"])) {
             $start = $_REQUEST["start"];
         } else {
             $start = 0;
         $query_limit = $query . " LIMIT " . intval($start) . "," . intval($_SESSION['glpilist_limit']);
         Html::printAjaxPager(__("Linked orders", "order"), $start, $nb);
         echo "<table class='tab_cadre_fixe'>";
         echo "<tr>";
         echo "<th>" . __("Name") . "</a></th>";
         echo "<th>" . __("Entity") . "</th>";
         echo "</tr>";
         foreach ($DB->request($query_limit) as $data) {
             echo "<tr class='tab_bg_1' align='center'>";
             echo "<td>";
             echo $order->getLink(PluginOrderOrder::canView());
             echo "</td>";
             echo "<td>";
             echo Dropdown::getDropdownName("glpi_entities", $order->fields["entities_id"]);
             echo "</td>";
             echo "</tr>";
         echo "</table>";
     } else {
         echo "<table class='tab_cadre_fixe'>";
         echo "<tr class='tab_bg_1'><td class='center'>" . __("No item to display") . "</td></tr>";
         echo "</table>";
     echo "</div>";
Ejemplo n.º 26
  * Show the aliases contained by the alias
  * @param $item                     the FQDN owning the aliases
  * @param $withtemplate  integer    withtemplate param
 static function showForFQDN(CommonGLPI $item, $withtemplate)
     global $DB;
     $alias = new self();
     $address = new NetworkName();
     $item->check($item->getID(), 'r');
     $canedit = $item->can($item->getID(), 'w');
     if (isset($_POST["start"])) {
         $start = $_POST["start"];
     } else {
         $start = 0;
     if (!empty($_POST["order"])) {
         $order = $_POST["order"];
     } else {
         $order = "alias";
     $number = countElementsInTable($alias->getTable(), "`fqdns_id`='" . $item->getID() . "'");
     echo "<br><div class='center'>";
     if ($number < 1) {
         echo "<table class='tab_cadre_fixe'>";
         echo "<tr><th>" . self::getTypeName(1) . "</th><th>" . __('No item found') . "</th></tr>";
         echo "</table>\n";
     } else {
         Html::printAjaxPager(self::getTypeName($number), $start, $number);
         echo "<table class='tab_cadre_fixe'><tr>";
         echo "<th><a href='javascript:reloadTab(\"order=alias\");'>" . self::getTypeName(1) . "</a></th>";
         // Alias
         echo "<th><a href='javascript:reloadTab(\"order=realname\");'>" . __("Computer's name") . "</a></th>";
         echo "<th>" . __('Comments') . "</th>";
         echo "</tr>\n";
         Session::initNavigateListItems($item->getType(), sprintf(__('%1$s = %2$s'), self::getTypeName(1), $item->fields['name']));
         $query = "SELECT `glpi_networkaliases`.`id` AS alias_id,\n                          `glpi_networkaliases`.`name` AS alias,\n                          `glpi_networknames`.`id` AS address_id,\n                          `glpi_networkaliases`.`comment` AS comment\n                   FROM `glpi_networkaliases`, `glpi_networknames`\n                   WHERE `glpi_networkaliases`.`fqdns_id` = '" . $item->getID() . "'\n                         AND  `glpi_networknames`.`id` = `glpi_networkaliases`.`networknames_id`\n                   ORDER BY `{$order}`\n                   LIMIT " . $_SESSION['glpilist_limit'] . "\n                   OFFSET {$start}";
         foreach ($DB->request($query) as $data) {
             Session::addToNavigateListItems($alias->getType(), $data["alias_id"]);
             if ($address->getFromDB($data["address_id"])) {
                 echo "<tr class='tab_bg_1'>";
                 echo "<td><a href='" . $alias->getFormURL() . '?id=' . $data['alias_id'] . "'>" . $data['alias'] . "</a></td>";
                 echo "<td><a href='" . $address->getLinkURL() . "'>" . $address->getInternetName() . "</a></td>";
                 echo "<td>" . $data['comment'] . "</td>";
                 echo "</tr>\n";
         echo "</table>\n";
         Html::printAjaxPager(self::getTypeName($number), $start, $number);
     echo "</div>\n";
Ejemplo n.º 27
  * Show the list of rules
  * @param $target
  * @param $options   array
  * @return nothing
 function showListRules($target, $options = array())
     global $CFG_GLPI;
     $p['inherited'] = true;
     $p['childrens'] = false;
     $p['active'] = false;
     $rand = mt_rand();
     foreach (array('inherited', 'childrens') as $param) {
         if (isset($options[$param]) && $this->isRuleRecursive()) {
             $p[$param] = $options[$param];
     $rule = $this->getRuleClass();
     $display_entities = $this->isRuleRecursive() && ($p['inherited'] || $p['childrens']);
     // Do not know what it is ?
     $canedit = Session::haveRight(static::$right, "w") && !$display_entities;
     $nb = $this->getCollectionSize($p['inherited']);
     $p['start'] = isset($options["start"]) ? $options["start"] : 0;
     if ($p['start'] >= $nb) {
         $p['start'] = 0;
     $p['limit'] = $_SESSION['glpilist_limit'];
     Html::printAjaxPager('', $p['start'], $nb);
     Html::openMassiveActionsForm('mass' . __CLASS__ . $rand);
     echo "\n<div class='spaced'>";
     if ($canedit && $nb) {
         $massiveactionparams = array('num_displayed' => min($p['limit'], $nb), 'extraparams' => array('entity_restrict' => $this->entity));
         Html::showMassiveActions($this->getRuleClassName(), $massiveactionparams);
     echo "<table class='tab_cadre_fixehov'>";
     $colspan = 6;
     if ($display_entities) {
     echo "<tr><th colspan='{$colspan}'>" . $this->getTitle() . "</th></tr>\n";
     echo "<tr>";
     echo "<th>";
     if ($canedit) {
         Html::checkAllAsCheckbox('mass' . __CLASS__ . $rand);
     echo "</th>";
     echo "<th>" . __('Name') . "</th>";
     echo "<th>" . __('Description') . "</th>";
     echo "<th>" . __('Active') . "</th>";
     if ($display_entities) {
         echo "<th>" . __('Entity') . "</th>\n";
     if (!$display_entities) {
         echo "<th colspan='2'>&nbsp;</th>";
     echo "</tr>\n";
     if (count($this->RuleList->list)) {
         $ruletype = $this->RuleList->list[0]->getType();
     for ($i = $p['start'], $j = 0; isset($this->RuleList->list[$j]); $i++, $j++) {
         $this->RuleList->list[$j]->showMinimalForm($target, $i == 0, $i == $nb - 1, $display_entities);
         Session::addToNavigateListItems($ruletype, $this->RuleList->list[$j]->fields['id']);
     if ($nb) {
         echo "<tr>";
         echo "<th>";
         if ($canedit) {
             Html::checkAllAsCheckbox('mass' . __CLASS__ . $rand);
         echo "</th>";
         echo "<th>" . __('Name') . "</th>";
         echo "<th>" . __('Description') . "</th>";
         echo "<th>" . __('Active') . "</th>";
         if ($display_entities) {
             echo "<th>" . __('Entity') . "</th>\n";
         if (!$display_entities) {
             echo "<th colspan='2'>&nbsp;</th>";
         echo "</tr>\n";
     echo "</table>\n";
     if ($canedit && $nb) {
         $massiveactionparams['ontop'] = false;
         Html::showMassiveActions($this->getRuleClassName(), $massiveactionparams);
     echo "</div>";
     Html::printAjaxPager('', $p['start'], $nb);
     echo "<div class='spaced center'>";
     if ($plugin = isPluginItemType($this->getType())) {
         $url = $CFG_GLPI["root_doc"] . "/plugins/" . strtolower($plugin['plugin']);
     } else {
         $url = $CFG_GLPI["root_doc"];
     echo "<a class='vsubmit' href='#' onClick=\"var'" . $url . "/front/popup.php?popup=test_all_rules&amp;sub_type=" . $this->getRuleClassName() . "&amp' ,'glpipopup', 'height=400, width=1000, top=100, left=100, scrollbars=yes' );" . "w.focus();\">" . __('Test rules engine') . "</a></div>";
     if ($this->can_replay_rules) {
         echo "<div class='spaced center'>";
         echo "<a class='vsubmit' href='" . $rule->getSearchURL() . "?replay_rule=replay_rule'>" . __s('Replay the dictionary rules') . "</a>";
         echo "</div>";
     echo "<div class='spaced'>";
     echo "</div>";