} if ($newProfile || $Acct->isPC || $Me->privChair) { echo '<div class="fx1"><div class="g"></div>', "\n"; echo '<h3 class="profile">Collaborators and other affiliations</h3>', "\n", "<div>Please list potential conflicts of interest. ", $Conf->message_html("conflictdef"), " List one conflict per line.\n We use this information when assigning reviews.\n For example: “<tt>Ping Yen Zhang (INRIA)</tt>”\n or, for a whole institution, “<tt>INRIA</tt>”.</div>\n <textarea name='collaborators' rows='5' cols='50'>", contact_value("collaborators"), "</textarea>\n"; $topics = $Conf->topic_map(); if (count($topics)) { echo '<div id="topicinterest"><h3 class="profile">Topic interests</h3>', "\n", "<div class='hint'>\n Please indicate your interest in reviewing papers on these conference\n topics. We use this information to help match papers to reviewers.</div>\n <table class='topicinterest'>\n <tr><td></td><th>Low</th><th style='width:2.2em'>-</th><th style='width:2.2em'>-</th><th style='width:2.2em'>-</th><th>High</th></tr>\n"; $interests = array(-2, -1.5, -1, -0.5, 0, 1, 2, 3, 4); foreach ($topics as $id => $name) { echo " <tr><td class=\"ti_topic\">", htmlspecialchars($name), "</td>"; $ival = @(int) $formcj->topics->{$id}; for ($xj = 0; $xj + 1 < count($interests) && $ival > $interests[$xj + 1]; $xj += 2) { /* nothing */ } for ($j = 0; $j < count($interests); $j += 2) { echo "<td class='ti_interest'>", Ht::radio_h("ti{$id}", $interests[$j], $j == $xj), "</td>"; } echo "</td></tr>\n"; } echo " </table></div>\n"; } if ($Me->privChair || @$formcj->tags) { if (is_array(@$formcj->tags)) { $tags = $formcj->tags; } else { $tags = array(); } echo "<h3 class=\"profile\">Tags</h3>\n"; if ($Me->privChair) { echo "<div class='", feclass("contactTags"), "'>", textinput("contactTags", join(" ", $tags), 60), "</div>\n <div class='hint'>Example: “heavy”. Separate tags by spaces; the “pc” tag is set automatically.<br /><strong>Tip:</strong> Use <a href='", hoturl("settings", "group=tags"), "'>tag colors</a> to highlight subgroups in review lists.</div>\n"; } else {