$human1 = new Human();
$human2 = new Human();
$house1 = new House();
$house2 = new House();
$finder = sfPropelFinder::from('House')->
  join('Human owner', 'House.OwnerId', 'owner.Id', 'INNER JOIN')->
  where('owner.Name', 'John');
$nbHouses = $finder->count();
$t->is($nbHouses, 1, 'join() allows to join to another table with several foreign keys using an alias');
$t->is($finder->getLatestQuery(), propel_sql('SELECT COUNT([P13*][P12house.ID]) FROM house INNER JOIN human owner ON (house.OWNER_ID=owner.ID) WHERE owner.NAME=\'John\''), 'join() uses aliased table names when using an alias relation');

/* sfPropelFinder::join() with self-referenced foreign keys */

$t->diag('sfPropelFinder::join() with self-referenced foreign keys');
/* sfPropelFinderRelation::relateObject() and multiple foreign keys */

$t->diag('sfPropelFinderRelation::relateObject() and multiple foreign keys');

$civility1 = new Civility();
$human1 = new Human();
$house1 = new House();

$manager = new sfPropelFinderRelationManager('House');
$ownerRelation = $manager->addRelationFromColumns('House', HousePeer::OWNER_ID, 'Human', HumanPeer::ID, 'owner');
$civilityRelation = $manager->guessRelation('Civility');
$manager[] = $civilityRelation;

$ownerRelation->relateObject($house1, $human1);
$t->is($house1->getOwnerId(), $human1->getId(), 'relateObject() creates a relation between two Propel objects');
$civilityRelation->relateObject($house1, $civility1);
$t->is($human1->getTheSex(), $civility1->getId(), 'relateObject() creates a relation between two Propel objects via another relation');

/* sfPropelFinderRelation::relateObject() and aliases */