Ejemplo n.º 1
 public function document_callback($dj, $prow, $dtype, $drow)
     if ($drow->docclass->load($drow)) {
         $dj->content_file = HotCRPDocument::filename($drow);
         $this->zipdoc->add_as($drow, $dj->content_file);
Ejemplo n.º 2
 function _contentDownload($row)
     global $Conf;
     if ($row->finalPaperStorageId != 0) {
         $finalsuffix = "f";
         $finaltitle = "Final version";
         $row->documentType = DTYPE_FINAL;
     } else {
         $finalsuffix = "";
         $finaltitle = null;
         $row->documentType = DTYPE_SUBMISSION;
     if ($row->size == 0 || !$this->contact->can_view_pdf($row)) {
         return "";
     if ($row->documentType == DTYPE_FINAL) {
         $this->any->final = true;
     $this->any->paper = true;
     $t = "&nbsp;<a href=\"" . HotCRPDocument::url($row) . "\">";
     if ($row->mimetype == "application/pdf") {
         return $t . Ht::img("pdf{$finalsuffix}.png", "[PDF]", array("title" => $finaltitle)) . "</a>";
     } else {
         if ($row->mimetype == "application/postscript") {
             return $t . Ht::img("postscript{$finalsuffix}.png", "[PS]", array("title" => $finaltitle)) . "</a>";
         } else {
             return $t . Ht::img("generic{$finalsuffix}.png", "[Download]", array("title" => $finaltitle)) . "</a>";
Ejemplo n.º 3
function documentDownload($doc, $dlimg_class = "dlimg", $text = null, $no_size = false)
    global $Conf;
    $p = HotCRPDocument::url($doc);
    $finalsuffix = $doc->documentType == DTYPE_FINAL ? "f" : "";
    $sp = "&nbsp;";
    $imgsize = $dlimg_class[0] == "s" ? "" : "24";
    if ($doc->mimetype == "application/postscript") {
        $x = "<a href=\"{$p}\" class=\"q\">" . Ht::img("postscript{$finalsuffix}{$imgsize}.png", "[PS]", $dlimg_class);
    } else {
        if ($doc->mimetype == "application/pdf") {
            $x = "<a href=\"{$p}\" class=\"q\">" . Ht::img("pdf{$finalsuffix}{$imgsize}.png", "[PDF]", $dlimg_class);
        } else {
            $x = "<a href=\"{$p}\" class=\"q\">" . Ht::img("generic{$finalsuffix}{$imgsize}.png", "[Download]", $dlimg_class);
    if ($text) {
        $x .= $sp . $text;
    if (isset($doc->size) && $doc->size > 0 && !$no_size) {
        $x .= "&nbsp;<span class=\"dlsize\">" . ($text ? "(" : "");
        if ($doc->size > 921) {
            $x .= round($doc->size / 1024);
        } else {
            $x .= max(round($doc->size / 102.4), 1) / 10;
        $x .= "kB" . ($text ? ")" : "") . "</span>";
    return $x . "</a>";
Ejemplo n.º 4
function document_download()
    global $Conf, $Me, $Opt;
    $documentType = HotCRPDocument::parse_dtype(@$_REQUEST["dt"]);
    if ($documentType === null) {
        $documentType = @$_REQUEST["final"] ? DTYPE_FINAL : DTYPE_SUBMISSION;
    $attachment_filename = false;
    $docid = null;
    if (isset($_REQUEST["p"])) {
        $paperId = cvtint(@$_REQUEST["p"]);
    } else {
        if (isset($_REQUEST["paperId"])) {
            $paperId = cvtint(@$_REQUEST["paperId"]);
        } else {
            $s = $orig_s = preg_replace(',\\A/*,', "", Navigation::path());
            $documentType = $dtname = null;
            if (str_starts_with($s, $Opt["downloadPrefix"])) {
                $s = substr($s, strlen($Opt["downloadPrefix"]));
            if (preg_match(',\\Ap(?:aper)?(\\d+)/+(.*)\\z,', $s, $m)) {
                $paperId = intval($m[1]);
                if (preg_match(',\\A([^/]+)\\.[^/]+\\z,', $m[2], $mm)) {
                    $dtname = $mm[1];
                } else {
                    if (preg_match(',\\A([^/]+)/+(.*)\\z,', $m[2], $mm)) {
                        list($dtype, $attachment_filename) = array($m[1], $m[2]);
            } else {
                if (preg_match(',\\A(?:paper)?(\\d+)-?([-A-Za-z0-9_]*)(?:\\.[^/]+|/+(.*))\\z,', $s, $m)) {
                    list($paperId, $dtname, $attachment_filename) = array(intval($m[1]), $m[2], @$m[3]);
                } else {
                    if (preg_match(',\\A([A-Za-z_][-A-Za-z0-9_]*?)?-?(\\d+)(?:\\.[^/]+|/+(.*))\\z,', $s, $m)) {
                        list($paperId, $dtname, $attachment_filename) = array(intval($m[2]), $m[1], @$m[3]);
            if ($dtname !== null) {
                $documentType = HotCRPDocument::parse_dtype($dtname ?: "paper");
            if ($documentType !== null && $attachment_filename) {
                $o = PaperOption::find($documentType);
                if (!$o || $o->type != "attachments") {
                    $documentType = null;
    if ($documentType === null) {
        document_error("404 Not Found", "Unknown document “" . htmlspecialchars($orig_s) . "”.");
    $prow = $Conf->paperRow($paperId, $Me, $whyNot);
    if (!$prow) {
        document_error("404 Not Found", whyNotText($whyNot, "view"));
    } else {
        if ($whyNot = $Me->perm_view_pdf($prow)) {
            document_error("403 Forbidden", whyNotText($whyNot, "view"));
        } else {
            if ($documentType > 0 && !$Me->can_view_paper_option($prow, $documentType, true)) {
                document_error("403 Forbidden", "You don’t have permission to view this document.");
    if ($attachment_filename) {
        $oa = $prow->option($documentType);
        foreach ($oa ? $oa->documents($prow) : array() as $doc) {
            if ($doc->unique_filename == $attachment_filename) {
                $docid = $doc;
        if (!$docid) {
            document_error("404 Not Found", "No such attachment “" . htmlspecialchars($orig_s) . "”.");
    // Actually download paper.
    // to allow concurrent clicks
    if ($Conf->downloadPaper($prow, cvtint(@$_REQUEST["save"]) > 0, $documentType, $docid)) {
    document_error("500 Server Error", null);
Ejemplo n.º 5
 public function upload_document($docj, PaperOption $o)
     global $Conf;
     // look for an existing document with same sha1;
     // check existing docid's sha1
     $docid = get($docj, "docid");
     if ($docid) {
         $oldj = $this->document_to_json($o->id, $docid);
         if (get($docj, "sha1") && get($oldj, "sha1") !== $docj->sha1) {
             $docid = null;
     } else {
         if (!$docid && $this->paperid > 0 && get($docj, "sha1")) {
             $result = Dbl::qe("select paperStorageId from PaperStorage where paperId=? and documentType=? and sha1=?", $this->paperid, $o->id, $docj->sha1);
             if ($row = edb_row($result)) {
                 $docid = $row[0];
     if ($docid) {
         $docj->docid = $docid;
     // check filter
     if (get($docj, "filter") && is_int($docj->filter)) {
         if (is_int(get($docj, "original_id"))) {
             $result = Dbl::qe("select paperStorageId, timestamp, sha1 from PaperStorage where paperStorageId=?", $docj->original_id);
         } else {
             if (is_string(get($docj, "original_sha1"))) {
                 $result = Dbl::qe("select paperStorageId, timestamp, sha1 from PaperStorage where paperId=? and sha1=?", $this->paperid, $docj->original_sha1);
             } else {
                 if ($o->id == DTYPE_SUBMISSION || $o->id == DTYPE_FINAL) {
                     $result = Dbl::qe("select PaperStorage.paperStorageId, PaperStorage.timestamp, PaperStorage.sha1 from PaperStorage join Paper on (Paper.paperId=PaperStorage.paperId and Paper." . ($o->id == DTYPE_SUBMISSION ? "paperStorageId" : "finalPaperStorageId") . "=PaperStorage.paperStorageId) where Paper.paperId=?", $this->paperid);
                 } else {
                     $result = null;
         if ($row = edb_orow($result)) {
             $docj->original_id = (int) $row->paperStorageId;
             $docj->original_timestamp = (int) $row->timestamp;
             $docj->original_sha1 = $row->sha1;
             if (get($docj, "preserve_timestamp")) {
                 $docj->timestamp = (int) $docj->original_timestamp;
         } else {
     // if no sha1 match, upload
     $docclass = new HotCRPDocument($o->id);
     $upload = null;
     if ($docclass->load($docj)) {
         $upload = $docclass->upload($docj, (object) array("paperId" => $this->paperid));
     if ($upload && get($upload, "paperStorageId") > 1) {
         foreach (array("size", "sha1", "mimetype", "timestamp") as $k) {
             $docj->{$k} = $upload->{$k};
         $this->uploaded_documents[] = $docj->docid = $upload->paperStorageId;
     } else {
         $docj->docid = 1;
         $this->set_option_error_html($o, $upload ? $upload->error_html : "empty document");

$ConfSitePATH = preg_replace(',/batch/[^/]+,', '', __FILE__);
require_once "{$ConfSitePATH}/src/init.php";
$arg = getopt("hfn:", array("help", "force", "name:"));
if (isset($arg["h"]) || isset($arg["help"])) {
    fwrite(STDOUT, "Usage: php batch/killinactivedoc.php [--force]\n");
$storageIds = $Conf->active_document_ids();
$force = isset($arg["f"]) || isset($arg["force"]);
$result = $Conf->qe("select paperStorageId, paperId, timestamp, mimetype,\n        compression, sha1, documentType, filename, infoJson\n        from PaperStorage where paperStorageId not in (" . join(",", $storageIds) . ")\n        and paper is not null and paperStorageId>1 order by timestamp");
$killable = array();
while ($doc = $Conf->document_row($result, null)) {
    $killable[$doc->paperStorageId] = "[" . $Conf->unparse_time_log($doc->timestamp) . "] " . HotCRPDocument::filename($doc) . " ({$doc->paperStorageId})";
if (count($killable)) {
    fwrite(STDOUT, join("\n", $killable) . "\n");
    if (!$force) {
        fwrite(STDOUT, "\nKill " . plural($killable, "document") . "? (y/n) ");
        $x = fread(STDIN, 100);
        if (!preg_match('/\\A[yY]/', $x)) {
            die("* Exiting\n");
    $Conf->qe("update PaperStorage set paper=NULL where paperStorageId in (" . join(",", array_keys($killable)) . ")");
    fwrite(STDOUT, count($killable) . " documents killed.\n");
} else {
    fwrite(STDOUT, "Nothing to do\n");
Ejemplo n.º 7
if (isset($_REQUEST["setfollow"]) && $prow && check_post()) {
if ($prow && isset($_GET["m"]) && $_GET["m"] === "api" && isset($_GET["fn"]) && isset(SiteLoader::$api_map[$_GET["fn"]])) {
    $Qreq = make_qreq();
    SiteLoader::call_api($Qreq->fn, $Me, $Qreq, $prow);
    json_exit(["ok" => false, "error" => "Internal error."]);
// check paper action
if (isset($_REQUEST["checkformat"]) && $prow && $Conf->setting("sub_banal")) {
    $ajax = defval($_REQUEST, "ajax", 0);
    $cf = new CheckFormat();
    $dt = HotCRPDocument::parse_dtype(@$_REQUEST["dt"]);
    if ($dt === null) {
        $dt = @$_REQUEST["final"] ? DTYPE_FINAL : DTYPE_SUBMISSION;
    if ($Conf->setting("sub_banal{$dt}")) {
        $format = $Conf->setting_data("sub_banal{$dt}", "");
    } else {
        $format = $Conf->setting_data("sub_banal", "");
    $status = $cf->analyzePaper($prow->paperId, $dt, $format);
    // chairs get a hint message about multiple checking
    if ($Me->privChair) {
        $nbanal = $Conf->session("nbanal", 0) + 1;
        $Conf->save_session("nbanal", $nbanal);
        if ($nbanal >= 3 && $nbanal <= 6) {
            $cf->msg("info", "To run the format checker for many papers, use Download &gt; Format check on the <a href='" . hoturl("search", "q=") . "'>search page</a>.");
Ejemplo n.º 8

$ConfSitePATH = preg_replace(',/batch/[^/]+,', '', __FILE__);
require_once "{$ConfSitePATH}/src/init.php";
$arg = getopt("hn:", array("help", "name:"));
if (isset($arg["h"]) || isset($arg["help"])) {
    fwrite(STDOUT, "Usage: php batch/s3check.php\n");
if (!$Conf->setting_data("s3_bucket")) {
    fwrite(STDERR, "* S3 is not configured for this conference\n");
$s3doc = HotCRPDocument::s3_document();
$args = array("marker" => null, "max-keys" => 100);
$xml = null;
$xmlpos = 0;
while (1) {
    if ($xml === null || $xmlpos >= count($xml->Contents)) {
        $content = $s3doc->ls("doc/", $args);
        $xml = new SimpleXMLElement($content);
        $xmlpos = 0;
    if (!isset($xml->Contents) || $xmlpos >= count($xml->Contents)) {
    $node = $xml->Contents[$xmlpos];
    $args["marker"] = $node->Key;
    if (preg_match(',/([0-9a-f]{40})(?:[.][^/]*|)\\z,', $node->Key, $m)) {
        echo "{$node->Key}: ";
        $content = $s3doc->load($node->Key);
Ejemplo n.º 9
    $doc = $Conf->document_row($result, null);
    if ($doc->paper_null && !$doc->docclass->filestore_check($doc)) {
    $saved = $checked = $doc->docclass->s3_check($doc);
    if (!$saved) {
        $saved = $doc->docclass->s3_store($doc, $doc);
    if (!$saved) {
        $saved = $doc->docclass->s3_store($doc, $doc);
    $front = "[" . $Conf->unparse_time_log($doc->timestamp) . "] " . HotCRPDocument::filename($doc) . " ({$sid})";
    if ($checked) {
        fwrite(STDOUT, "{$front}: " . HotCRPDocument::s3_filename($doc) . " exists\n");
    } else {
        if ($saved) {
            fwrite(STDOUT, "{$front}: " . HotCRPDocument::s3_filename($doc) . " saved\n");
        } else {
            fwrite(STDOUT, "{$front}: SAVE FAILED\n");
    if ($saved && $kill) {
        $Conf->qe("update PaperStorage set paper=null where paperStorageId={$sid}");
if ($failures) {
    fwrite(STDERR, "Failed to save " . plural($failures, "document") . ".\n");
Ejemplo n.º 10
$s3doc = HotCRPDocument::s3_document();
$ok = 0;
foreach ($arg["_"] as $fn) {
    if ($fn === "-") {
        $content = @stream_get_contents(STDIN);
    } else {
        $content = @file_get_contents($fn);
    if ($content === false) {
        $error = error_get_last();
        $fn = $fn === "-" ? "<stdin>" : $fn;
        if (!$quiet) {
            echo "{$fn}: " . $error["message"] . "\n";
        $ok = 2;
    } else {
        $doc = (object) array("sha1" => sha1($content, true));
        if (!($extensions && preg_match('/(\\.\\w+)\\z/', $fn, $m) && ($doc->mimetype = Mimetype::lookup_extension($m[1])))) {
            $doc->mimetype = Mimetype::sniff($content);
        $s3fn = HotCRPDocument::s3_filename($doc);
        if (!$s3doc->check($s3fn)) {
            if (!$quiet) {
                echo "{$fn}: {$s3fn} not found\n";
            $ok = 1;
 public function filestore_pattern($doc)
     global $Opt, $ConfSitePATH;
     if ($this->no_filestore) {
         return false;
     if (self::$_docstore === null) {
         $fdir = opt("docstore");
         if (!$fdir) {
             return self::$_docstore = false;
         $fpath = $fdir;
         $use_subdir = defval($Opt, "docstoreSubdir", false);
         if ($use_subdir && ($use_subdir === true || $use_subdir > 0)) {
             $fpath .= "/%" . ($use_subdir === true ? 2 : $use_subdir) . "h";
         $fpath .= "/%h%x";
         self::$_docstore = array($fdir, $fpath);
     return self::$_docstore;
Ejemplo n.º 12
 private function __downloadPaper($paperId, $attachment, $documentType, $docid)
     global $Opt, $Me;
     if (is_object($docid)) {
         $docs = array($docid);
     } else {
         $result = $this->document_result($paperId, $documentType, $docid);
         if (!$result) {
             $this->log("Download error: " . $this->dblink->error, $Me, $paperId);
             return set_error_html("Database error while downloading paper.");
         } else {
             if (edb_nrows($result) == 0) {
                 return set_error_html("No such document.");
         // Check data
         $docs = array();
         while ($doc = $this->document_row($result, $documentType)) {
             if (!$doc->mimetype) {
                 $doc->mimetype = Mimetype::PDF;
             $doc->filename = HotCRPDocument::filename($doc);
             $docs[] = $doc;
     if (count($docs) == 1 && $docs[0]->paperStorageId <= 1) {
         return set_error_html("Paper #" . $docs[0]->paperId . " hasn’t been uploaded yet.");
     $downloadname = false;
     if (count($docs) > 1) {
         $name = HotCRPDocument::unparse_dtype($documentType);
         if ($documentType <= 0) {
             $name = pluralize($name);
         $downloadname = $Opt["downloadPrefix"] . "{$name}.zip";
     return Filer::multidownload($docs, $downloadname, $attachment);
Ejemplo n.º 13
if (isset($arg["h"]) || isset($arg["help"]) || !is_numeric($arg["d"]) || !is_numeric($arg["p"]) || count($arg["_"]) > 1 || count($arg["_"]) && $arg["_"][0] !== "-" && $arg["_"][0][0] === "-") {
    $status = isset($arg["h"]) || isset($arg["help"]) ? 0 : 1;
    fwrite($status ? STDERR : STDOUT, "Usage: php batch/adddoc.php [-n CONFID] [-p PID] [-m MIMETYPE] [-d DTYPE] [--no-file-storage] FILE\n");
$file = count($arg["_"]) ? $arg["_"][0] : "-";
if ($file === "-") {
    $content = stream_get_contents(STDIN);
} else {
    $content = file_get_contents($file);
if ($content === false) {
    fwrite(STDERR, "{$file}: Read error\n");
$docclass = new HotCRPDocument((int) $arg["d"]);
if (isset($arg["no-file-storage"])) {
$docinfo = (object) array("paperId" => (int) $arg["p"]);
$doc = (object) array("content" => $content, "documentType" => (int) $arg["d"]);
if (@$arg["f"]) {
    $doc->filename = $arg["f"];
if (@$arg["m"]) {
    $doc->mimetype = $arg["m"];
} else {
    if ($m = Mimetype::sniff($doc->content)) {
        $doc->mimetype = $m;
    } else {
Ejemplo n.º 14
 function makeDownloadPath($doc)
     global $ConfSiteBase, $ConfSiteSuffix;
     if (!property_exists($doc, "mimetype") || !isset($doc->documentType)) {
         $trace = debug_backtrace();
         error_log($trace[0]["file"] . ":" . $trace[0]["line"] . ": makeDownloadPath called with incomplete document");
     if ($doc->mimetype) {
         return $ConfSiteBase . "doc{$ConfSiteSuffix}/" . HotCRPDocument::filename($doc);
     } else {
         $x = $ConfSiteBase . "doc{$ConfSiteSuffix}?p=" . $doc->paperId;
         if ($doc->documentType == DTYPE_FINAL) {
             return $x . "&amp;final=1";
         } else {
             if ($doc->documentType > 0) {
                 return $x . "&amp;dt={$doc->documentType}";
             } else {
                 return $x;