Ejemplo n.º 1
        if (!$all || Acl::cidrs_allowed($cidrs, $entityPerms["assets"])) {
            $result[] = $net->get_ips();
    $all = count($entityPerms["sensors"]);
    $sensors = Sensor::get_all($conn);
    foreach ($sensors as $sensor) {
        if (!$all || $entityPerms["sensors"][$sensor->get_ip()]) {
            $result[] = $sensor->get_ip();
    echo implode("\n", $result);
    $buffer = implode("\n", $result);
} else {
    if ($key == "hostgroup") {
        $hg_list = Host_group::get_list($conn, "", "ORDER BY name");
        if (count($hg_list) > 0) {
            $j = 0;
            $buffer .= "[";
            foreach ($hg_list as $hg) {
                if ($j >= $from && $j < $to) {
                    $hg_name = $hg->get_name();
                    $hg_title = Util::htmlentities($hg_name);
                    $hg_key = "hostgroup_" . base64_encode($hg_name);
                    $hg_url = "NODES:" . $hg_title;
                    $title = strlen($hg_name) > $length_name ? substr($hg_name, 0, $length_name) . "..." : $hg_name;
                    $title = Util::htmlentities($title);
                    $tooltip = $hg_title;
                    $li = "key:'{$hg_key}', isLazy:true , url:'{$hg_url}', icon:'../../pixmaps/theme/host_group.png', title:'{$title}', tooltip:'{$tooltip}'\n";
                    $buffer .= ($j > $from ? "," : "") . "{ {$li} }\n";
Ejemplo n.º 2
function getHostGroupList()
    global $conn;
    if ($host_list = Host_group::get_list($conn, '', '')) {
        return $host_list;
    return '';
Ejemplo n.º 3
function draw_members_select($form_data)
    global $conn, $id;
    $resp = new xajaxResponse();
    $type = $form_data['member_type'];
    // The user selected the empty type
    if (!$type) {
        $resp->AddAssign("members_select", "innerHTML", _("Please select a type"));
        return $resp;
    // Get the list of members of the given type
    $options = array();
    switch ($type) {
        case 'host':
            include_once 'classes/Host.inc';
            $list = Host::get_list($conn, "", 'ORDER BY hostname');
            foreach ($list as $obj) {
                $descr = $obj->get_descr();
                if (strlen($descr) > 50) {
                    $descr = substr($descr, 0, 47) . '...';
                $options[$obj->get_ip()] = $obj->get_hostname() . ' ' . $obj->get_ip() . ' - ' . $descr;
        case 'net':
            include_once 'classes/Net.inc';
            $list = Net::get_list($conn, "", 'ORDER BY name');
            foreach ($list as $obj) {
                $descr = $obj->get_descr();
                if (strlen($descr) > 50) {
                    $descr = substr($descr, 0, 47) . '...';
                $options[$obj->get_name()] = $obj->get_name() . ' ' . $obj->get_ips() . ' - ' . $descr;
        case 'host_group':
            include_once 'classes/Host_group.inc';
            $list = Host_group::get_list($conn, "", 'ORDER BY name');
            foreach ($list as $obj) {
                $descr = $obj->get_descr();
                if (strlen($descr) > 50) {
                    $descr = substr($descr, 0, 47) . '...';
                $options[$obj->get_name()] = $obj->get_name() . ' - ' . $descr;
        case 'net_group':
            include_once 'classes/Net_group.inc';
            $list = Net_group::get_list($conn, '', 'ORDER BY name');
            foreach ($list as $obj) {
                $descr = $obj->get_descr();
                if (strlen($descr) > 50) {
                    $descr = substr($descr, 0, 47) . '...';
                $options[$obj->get_name()] = $obj->get_name() . ' - ' . $descr;
    // Build the SELECT tag
    $html = '<select name="member_name">';
    foreach ($options as $name => $description) {
        $html .= "<option value='{$name}'>{$description}</option>";
    $html .= '</select>';
    $resp->AddAssign("members_select", "innerHTML", $html);
    return $resp;
Ejemplo n.º 4
if ($key == "hostgroup") {
    if ($filter == "") {
        $wherehg = "";
    } else {
        if (preg_match("/\\d+.\\d+/", $filter)) {
            $wherehg = " AND r.host_ip like '%{$filter}%'";
        } else {
            $wherehg = " AND g.name like '%{$filter}%'";
    $hg_list = Host_group::get_list($conn, $wherehg);
    if (count($hg_list) > 0) {
        $j = 0;
        $buffer .= "[";
        foreach ($hg_list as $hg) {
            if ($j >= $from && $j < $to) {
                $hg_name = $hg->get_name();
                $hg_title = utf8_encode($hg_name);
                $hg_url = "HOST_GROUP:" . $hg_title;
                $hg_key = "hostgroup_" . base64_encode($hg_name);
                $title = strlen($hg_name) > $length_name ? substr($hg_name, 0, $length_name) . "..." : $hg_name;
                $title = Util::htmlentities(utf8_encode($title));
                $tooltip = Util::htmlentities($hg_title);
                $li = "key:'{$hg_key}', isLazy:true , url:'{$hg_url}', icon:'../../pixmaps/theme/host_group.png', title:'{$title}', tooltip:'{$tooltip}'\n";
                $buffer .= ($j > $from ? "," : "") . "{ {$li} }\n";
Ejemplo n.º 5
function update_db($global_info, $scan)
    $db = new ossim_db();
    $conn = $db->connect();
    $array_os = array("win" => "1", "linux" => "2", "cisco" => "3", "freebsd" => "5", "netbsd" => "6", "openbsd" => "7", "hp-ux" => "8", "solaris" => "9", "macos" => "10", "plan9" => "11", "sco" => "12", "aix" => "13", "unix" => "14");
    $ips = $global_info["ips"];
    $sensors = $global_info["sboxs"];
    $nagios = $global_info['nagios'];
    // load protocol ids
    $protocol_ids = array();
    if ($protocol_list = Protocol::get_list($conn)) {
        foreach ($protocol_list as $protocol_data) {
            $protocol_ids[$protocol_data->get_name()] = $protocol_data->get_id();
    for ($i = 0; $i < $ips; $i++) {
        $ip = $global_info["ip_{$i}"];
        if (!empty($ip)) {
            $hosts[] = $ip;
            $os = $scan[$ip]["os"];
            $os_id = 0;
            foreach ($array_os as $k => $v) {
                if (preg_match("/{$k}/i", $os)) {
                    $os_id = $v;
            if (Host::in_host($conn, $ip)) {
                echo "* " . gettext("Updating") . " {$ip}..<br/>";
                Host::update($conn, $ip, gethostbyaddr($ip), $global_info["asset"], $global_info["threshold_c"], $global_info["threshold_a"], $global_info["rrd_profile"], 0, 0, $global_info["nat"], $sensors, $global_info["descr"], $scan["{$ip}"]["os"], $scan["{$ip}"]["mac"], $scan["{$ip}"]["mac_vendor"]);
                Host_scan::delete($conn, $ip, 3001);
                //if (isset($global_info["nessus"])) { Host_scan::insert($conn, $ip, 3001, 0); }
            } else {
                echo "<span style='color='blue'>\n";
                echo "* " . gettext("Inserting") . " {$ip}..<br/>\n";
                echo "</span>\n";
                Host::insert($conn, $ip, gethostbyaddr($ip), $global_info["asset"], $global_info["threshold_c"], $global_info["threshold_a"], $global_info["rrd_profile"], 0, 0, $global_info["nat"], $sensors, $global_info["descr"], $scan[$ip]["os"], $scan[$ip]["mac"], $scan[$ip]["mac_vendor"]);
                // if (isset($global_info["nessus"])) { Host_scan::insert($conn, $ip, 3001, 0); }
            if ($os_id != 0) {
                Host_plugin_sid::delete($conn, $ip, 5001);
                Host_plugin_sid::insert($conn, $ip, 5001, $os_id);
            if (!empty($nagios)) {
                if (!Host_scan::in_host_scan($conn, $ip, 2007)) {
                    Host_scan::insert($conn, $ip, 2007, "", $ip, $sensors, "");
            } else {
                if (Host_scan::in_host_scan($conn, $ip, 2007)) {
                    Host_scan::delete($conn, $ip, 2007);
            /* Services */
            Host_plugin_sid::delete($conn, $ip, 5002);
            foreach ($scan[$ip]["services"] as $port_proto => $service) {
                $service["proto"] = $protocol_ids[strtolower(trim($service["proto"]))];
                Host_services::insert($conn, $ip, $service["port"], strftime("%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S"), $_SERVER["SERVER_ADDR"], $service["proto"], $service["service"], $service["service"], $service["version"], 1);
                Host_plugin_sid::insert($conn, $ip, 5002, $service["port"]);
    // Insert group name
    $groupname = $global_info["groupname"];
    if (!empty($groupname) && !empty($hosts)) {
        $exists_hosts = count(Host_group::get_list($conn, " AND g.name='{$groupname}'")) > 0;
        if ($exists_hosts) {
            echo "<br/>" . _("The group name already exists") . "<br/>";
        } else {
            Host_group::insert($conn, $groupname, $global_info["threshold_c"], $global_info["threshold_a"], $global_info["rrd_profile"], $sensors, $hosts, $global_info["descr"]);
        //if (isset($global_info["nessus"])) { Host_group_scan::insert($conn, $groupname, 3001, 0); }
        if (!empty($nagios)) {
            Host_group_scan::insert($conn, $groupname, 2007, 0);
Ejemplo n.º 6
require_once "classes/Scan.inc";
require_once "classes/Sensor.inc";
Session::logcheck("MenuPolicy", "ToolsScan");
$db = new ossim_db();
$conn = $db->connect();
$net_group_list = Net_group::get_list($conn);
$net_list = Net::get_list($conn);
$assets = array();
foreach ($net_list as $_net) {
    $assets_aux[] = '{ txt:"NET:' . $_net->get_name() . ' [' . $_net->get_ips() . ']", id: "' . $_net->get_ips() . '" }';
$host_list = Host::get_list($conn);
foreach ($host_list as $_host) {
    $assets_aux[] = '{ txt:"HOST:' . $_host->get_ip() . ' [' . $_host->get_hostname() . ']", id: "' . $_host->get_ip() . '/32" }';
$host_group_list = Host_group::get_list($conn);
foreach ($host_group_list as $_host_group) {
    $hosts = $_host_group->get_hosts($conn, $_host_group->get_name());
    $ids = null;
    foreach ($hosts as $k => $v) {
        $ids .= $v->get_host_ip() . "/32 ";
    $assets_aux[] = '{ txt:"HOSTGROUP:' . $_host_group->get_name() . '", id: "' . rtrim($ids) . '" }';
$sensor_list = Sensor::get_list($conn, "ORDER BY name");
foreach ($sensor_list as $_sensor) {
    $assets_aux[] = '{ txt:"SENSOR:' . $_sensor->get_name() . ' [' . $_sensor->get_ip() . ']", id: "' . $_sensor->get_ip() . '/32" }';
$assets = implode(",\n", $assets_aux);
require_once "ossim_conf.inc";
Ejemplo n.º 7
    $threshold_a = $_SESSION['_hostgroup']['threshold_a'];
    $threshold_c = $_SESSION['_hostgroup']['threshold_c'];
    $rrd_profile = $_SESSION['_hostgroup']['rrd_profile'];
    $nagios = $_SESSION['_hostgroup']['nagios'];
} else {
    $conf = $GLOBALS["CONF"];
    $threshold_a = $threshold_c = $conf->get_conf("threshold");
    $descr = $nagios = "";
    $hosts = $sensors = array();
    if ($hgname != '') {
        ossim_valid($hgname, OSS_ALPHA, OSS_SPACE, OSS_PUNC, OSS_NULLABLE, OSS_SQL, 'illegal:' . _("Host Group Name"));
        if (ossim_error()) {
        if ($host_group_list = Host_group::get_list($conn, " AND g.name = '{$hgname}'")) {
            $host_group = $host_group_list[0];
            $descr = $host_group->get_descr();
            $threshold_c = $host_group->get_threshold_c();
            $threshold_a = $host_group->get_threshold_a();
            $obj_hosts = $host_group->get_hosts($conn);
            foreach ($obj_hosts as $host) {
                $hosts[] = $host->get_host_ip($conn);
            $nagios = Host_group_scan::in_host_group_scan($conn, $hgname, 2007) ? "1" : '';
            $rrd_profile = $host_group->get_rrd_profile();
            if (!$rrd_profile) {
                $rrd_profile = "None";
            $tmp_sensors = $host_group->get_sensors($conn);
            foreach ($tmp_sensors as $sensor) {
Ejemplo n.º 8
if (empty($order)) {
    $order = "name";
$start = ($page - 1) * $rp;
$limit = "LIMIT {$start}, {$rp}";
$xml = "";
$where = "";
if ($field == "name") {
    $where = " AND g.name like '%{$search}%'";
} else {
    if ($field == "ip") {
        $where = " AND r.host_ip like '%{$search}%'";
$host_group_list = Host_group::get_list($conn, $where, "ORDER BY {$order} {$limit}");
if ($host_group_list[0]) {
    $total = $host_group_list[0]->get_foundrows();
    if ($total == 0) {
        $total = count($host_group_list);
} else {
    $total = 0;
$xml .= "<rows>\n";
$xml .= "<page>{$page}</page>\n";
$xml .= "<total>{$total}</total>\n";
foreach ($host_group_list as $host_group) {
    $name = $host_group->get_name();
    $xml .= "<row id='" . htmlspecialchars(utf8_encode($name)) . "'>";
    $link_modify = "<a style='font-weight:bold;' href=\"./newhostgroupform.php?name=" . urlencode($name) . "\">" . utf8_encode(Util::htmlentities($name)) . "</a>";