receiveStringLiteral() abstract public method

Receives fixed number of bytes from IMSP socket. Used when server returns a string literal.
abstract public receiveStringLiteral ( integer $length ) : string
$length integer Number of bytes to read from socket.
return string Text of string literal.
Ejemplo n.º 1
  * Function sends a GET command to IMSP server and retrieves values.
  * @param  string $option  Name of option to retrieve. Accepts '*' as wild
  *                         card.
  * @return array  Hash containing option=>value pairs.
  * @throws Horde_Imsp_Exception
 public function get($option)
     $options = array();
     $this->_imsp->send("GET {$option}", true, true);
     $server_response = $this->_imsp->receive();
     while (preg_match("/^\\* OPTION/", $server_response)) {
         /* First, check for a {}. */
         if (preg_match(Horde_Imsp_Client_Base::OCTET_COUNT, $server_response, $tempArray)) {
             $temp = explode(' ', $server_response);
             $options[$temp[2]] = $this->_imsp->receiveStringLiteral($tempArray[2]);
         } else {
             $temp = explode(' ', $server_response);
             $options[$temp[2]] = trim($temp[3]);
             $i = 3;
             $lastChar = "";
             $nextElement = trim($temp[3]);
             /* Was the value quoted and spaced? */
             if (substr($nextElement, 0, 1) == '"' && substr($nextElement, strlen($nextElement) - 1, 1) != '"') {
                 do {
                     $nextElement = $temp[$i + 1];
                     $lastChar = substr($nextElement, strlen($nextElement) - 1, 1);
                     $options[$temp[2]] .= ' ' . $nextElement;
                     if ($lastChar == '"') {
                         $done = true;
                     } else {
                         $done = false;
                         $lastChar = substr($temp[$i + 2], strlen($temp[$i + 2]) - 1, 1);
                 } while ($lastChar != '"');
                 if (!$done) {
                     $nextElement = $temp[$i + 1];
                     $options[$temp[2]] .= ' ' . $nextElement;
         $server_response = $this->_imsp->receive();
     if ($server_response != 'OK') {
         throw new Horde_Imsp_Exception('Did not receive the expected response from the server.');
     $this->_imsp->_logger->debug('GET command OK.');
     return $options;
Ejemplo n.º 2
  * Parses a IMSP fetchaddress response text string into key-value pairs
  * @param  string  $server_response The raw fetchaddress response.
  * @return array   Address book entry information as key=>value pairs.
 protected function _parseFetchAddressResponse($server_response)
     $abook = '';
     if (!preg_match("/^\\* FETCHADDRESS /", $server_response)) {
         $this->_imsp->_logger->err('Did not receive a FETCHADDRESS response from server.');
         throw new Horde_Imsp_Exception('Did not receive the expected response from the server.');
     /* NOTES
      * Parse out the server response string
      * After choping off the server command response tags and
      * explode()'ing the server_response string
      * the $parts array contains the chunks of the server returned data.
      * The predifined 'name' field starts in $parts[1].
      * The server should return any single item of data
      * that contains spaces within it as a double quoted string.
      * So we can interpret the existence of a double quote at the beginning
      * of a chunk to mean that the next chunk(s) are part of
      * the same value.  A double quote at the end of a chunk signifies the
      * end of that value and the chunk following that can be interpreted
      * as a key name.
      * We also need to watch for the server returning a {} response for the
      * value of the key as well. */
     // Was the address book name a  {}?
     if (preg_match("/(^\\* FETCHADDRESS )({)([0-9]{1,})(\\}\$)/", $server_response, $tempArray)) {
         $abook = $this->_imsp->receiveStringLiteral($tempArray[3]);
         $chopped_response = trim($this->_imsp->receive());
     } else {
         // Take off the stuff from the beginning of the response
         $chopped_response = trim(preg_replace("/^\\* FETCHADDRESS /", '', $server_response));
     $parts = explode(' ', $chopped_response);
     /* If addres book was sent as a {} then we must 'push' a blank
      * value to the start of this array so the rest of the routine
      * will work with the correct indexes. */
     if (!empty($abook)) {
         array_unshift($parts, ' ');
     // Was the address book name quoted?
     $numOfParts = count($parts);
     $name = $parts[0];
     $firstNameIdx = 1;
     $firstChar = substr($name, 0, 1);
     if ($firstChar == "\"") {
         for ($i = 1; $i < $numOfParts; $i++) {
             $lastChar = substr($parts[$i], strlen($parts[$i]) - 1, 1);
             if ($lastChar == "\"") {
     // Now start working on the entry name
     $name = $parts[$firstNameIdx];
     $firstChar = substr($name, 0, 1);
     // Check to see if the first char of the name string is a double quote
     // so we know if we have to extract more of the name.
     if ($firstChar == "\"") {
         $name = ltrim($name, "\"");
         for ($i = $firstNameIdx + 1; $i < $numOfParts; $i++) {
             $name .= ' ' . $parts[$i];
             $lastChar = substr($parts[$i], strlen($parts[$i]) - 1, 1);
             if ($lastChar == "\"") {
                 $name = rtrim($name, "\"");
                 $nextKey = $i + 1;
         // Check for {}
     } elseif (preg_match('/\\{(\\d+)\\}/', $name, $matches)) {
         $name = $this->_imsp->receiveStringLiteral($matches[1]);
         $response = $this->_imsp->receive();
         $parts = explode(' ', $response);
         $numOfParts = count($parts);
         $nextKey = 0;
     } else {
         // If only one chunk for 'name' then we just have to point
         // to the next chunk in the array...which will hopefully
         // be '2'
         $nextKey = $firstNameIdx + 1;
     $lastChar = '';
     $entry['name'] = $name;
     // Start parsing the rest of the response.
     for ($i = $nextKey; $i < $numOfParts; $i += 2) {
         $key = $parts[$i];
         /* Check for {} */
         if (@preg_match(Horde_Imsp_Client_Base::OCTET_COUNT, $parts[$i + 1], $tempArray)) {
             $server_data = $this->_imsp->receiveStringLiteral($tempArray[2]);
             $entry[$key] = $server_data;
             /* Read any remaining data from the stream and reset
              * the counter variables so the loop will continue
              * correctly. Note we set $i  to -2 because it will
              * be incremented by 2 before the loop will run again */
             $parts = $this->_imsp->getServerResponseChunks();
             $i = -2;
             $numOfParts = count($parts);
         } else {
             // Not a string literal response
             @($entry[$key] = $parts[$i + 1]);
             // Check to see if the value started with a double
             // quote.  We also need to check if the last char is a
             // quote to make sure we REALLY have to check the next
             // elements for a closing quote.
             if (@substr($parts[$i + 1], 0, 1) == '"' && substr($parts[$i + 1], strlen($parts[$i + 1]) - 1, 1) != '"') {
                 do {
                     $nextElement = $parts[$i + 2];
                     // Was this element the last one?
                     $lastChar = substr($nextElement, strlen($nextElement) - 1, 1);
                     $entry[$key] .= ' ' . $nextElement;
                     // NOW, we can check the lastChar.
                     if ($lastChar == '"') {
                         $done = true;
                     } else {
                         // Check to see if the next element is the
                         // last one. If so, the do loop will terminate.
                         $done = false;
                         $lastChar = substr($parts[$i + 3], strlen($parts[$i + 3]) - 1, 1);
                 } while ($lastChar != '"');
                 // Do we need to add the final element, or were
                 // there only two total?
                 if (!$done) {
                     $nextElement = $parts[$i + 2];
                     $entry[$key] .= ' ' . $nextElement;
                 // Remove the quotes sent back to us from the server.
                 if (substr($entry[$key], 0, 1) == '"') {
                     $entry[$key] = substr($entry[$key], 1, strlen($entry[$key]) - 2);
                 if (substr($entry[$key], strlen($entry[$key]) - 1, 1) == '"') {
                     $entry[$key] = substr($entry[$key], 0, strlen($entry[$key]) - 2);
             } elseif (@substr($parts[$i + 1], 0, 1) == '"' && substr($parts[$i + 1], -1, 1) == '"') {
                 // Remove the quotes sent back to us from the server.
                 if (substr($entry[$key], 0, 1) == '"') {
                     $entry[$key] = substr($entry[$key], 1, strlen($entry[$key]) - 2);
                 if (substr($entry[$key], -1, 1) == '"') {
                     $entry[$key] = substr($entry[$key], 0, strlen($entry[$key]) - 2);
     return $entry;