protected function checkOnline() { $dao = D("Online"); // 记录最后访问时间 $map = new HashMap(); $ip = ip2long(get_client_ip()); $map->put('activeTime', time()); $map->put('userId', $this->mid); $map->put('uri', $_SERVER['PHP_SELF']); if ($online = $dao->getBy('onlineIp', $ip)) { // 已经存在 更新最后访问时间 $map->put('id', $online->id); $dao->save($map); } else { $map->put('onlineIp', $ip); $dao->add($map); } // 归档并删除24小时未在线用户 $dao->deleteAll("(activeTime+86000)<" . time()); // 15分钟活动用户 $count[] = $dao->count("(activeTime+900)>=" . time()); // 24小时活动用户 $count[] = $dao->count("(activeTime+900)<" . time()); return $count; }
function testPutSameElementTwice() { $map = new HashMap("integer", "string"); $map->put(4, "Peter"); $map->put(4, "Raf"); $this->assertEqual(1, $map->size()); $this->assertEqual("Raf", $map->get(4)); }
public function addAll(HashMap $items) { if ($items->size() < 1) { return false; } foreach ($items->getAll() as $itemKey => $itemValue) { $this->add($itemKey, $itemValue); } return true; }
function getCommentCount($recordId, $module) { //评论数量 $map = new HashMap(); $map->put('recordId', $recordId); $map->put('module', $module); $dao = D("Comment"); $count = $dao->count($map); return $count; }
public function testOffsetUnset() { $arr = ['a' => '111', 'b' => '222']; $hash = new HashMap($arr); $this->assertTrue(isset($hash['a'])); unset($hash['a']); $this->assertFalse(isset($hash['a'])); $this->assertTrue(isset($hash['b'])); $hash->offsetUnset(); $this->assertFalse(isset($hash['b'])); }
/** * @depends test_getIterator_any_returnsCorrectInstance * @dataProvider provide_rangeZeroToN */ function test_containsN_returnsKeyValuePairCorrectly($dataToAdd) { $map = new HashMap(); foreach ($dataToAdd as $key => $value) { $map[$key] = $value; } foreach ($map->getIterator() as $key => $value) { $expect = $dataToAdd[$key]; $this->assertEquals($expect, $value); } }
function sendbox() { $map = new HashMap(); $map->put('fromUserId', $this->mid); $dao = D("Message"); $count = $dao->count($map); $this->assign('msgNum', $count); $rows = '10'; $p = new Page($count, $rows); $voList = $dao->findAll($map, '*', 'cTime desc', $p->firstRow . ',' . $p->listRows); $page = $p->show(); $this->assign('list', $voList); $this->assign("page", $page); $this->display(); }
/** * コンストラクタの引数の型に応じた初期データが生成されることを確認します. * * @covers Peach\Util\ArrayMap::__construct */ public function testConstructor() { $obj1 = new ArrayMap(); $this->assertSame(0, $obj1->size()); $obj2 = new ArrayMap(array("foo" => 1, "bar" => 10, "hoge" => 200)); $this->assertSame(3, $obj2->size()); $obj3 = new ArrayMap($this->object); $this->assertSame($this->object->asArray(), $obj3->asArray()); $hashMap = new HashMap(); $hashMap->put(new ArrayMapTest_Object("key1"), 100); $hashMap->put(new ArrayMapTest_Object("key2"), 200); $hashMap->put(new ArrayMapTest_Object("key3"), 300); $obj4 = new ArrayMap($hashMap); $this->assertSame(200, $obj4->get("Test:key2")); }
public function testRetainAll() { // Remove the following lines when you implement this test. $map = new HashMap(); $map->put(1, 1); $map->put(2, 5); $map->put(3, 3); $this->object->retainAll($map); }
/** * Tests HashMap->put() */ public function testPut() { //组织请求参数 // $map = new HashMap(); // $map->put("merId","9996"); // $map->put("orderId",rand(100000,999999)); // $map->put("merDate",date("Ymd")); // $map->put("amount","1"); // $map->put("version","3.0"); //后台直连下订单 // $map = new HashMap(); // $map->put("merId", "9996"); // $map->put("goodsId", "1001"); // $map->put("mobileId", "13720040275"); // $map->put("orderId", "467242"); // $map->put("merDate", "20100402"); // $map->put("amount", "1"); // $map->put("amtType", "01"); // $map->put("bankType", "3"); // $map->put("notyfuUrl", ""); // $map->put("merPriv", ""); // $map->put("expand", ""); // $map->put("version", "3.0"); //订单查询 $map = new HashMap(); $map->put("merId", "9996"); $map->put("goodsId", "100"); $map->put("orderId", "236798"); $map->put("merDate", "20100302"); $map->put("mobileId", "13910173623"); $map->put("version", "3.0"); //获取请求数据对象 // $reqData = MerToPlat::cancelByGet($map);//商户撤销 // $reqData = MerToPlat::directPayByGet($map);//后台直连下单 $reqData = MerToPlat::queryTransByGet($map); //订单 //获取请求URL $url = $reqData->getUrl(); // echo "\n" . $url; //请求平台取得平台响应结果 $html = file_get_contents($url); // echo "\n".$html; //解析平台响应数据 // $resData = PlatToMer::getCancelByHtml($html);//商户撤销职务 // $resData = PlatToMer::getDirectPayByHtml($html);//后台直连下单 $resData = PlatToMer::getQueryTransByHtml($html); $retCode = $resData->get("retCode"); //判断退费结果,retCode=0000为成功,其他为失败, if ($retCode == "0000") { echo "\n商户退费成功"; } else { echo "\n商户退失败,响应码:" . $retCode; } }
function index() { $userId = $this->uid; //我的留言 $dao = D('Wall'); $map = new HashMap(); $map->put("userId", $userId); $count = $dao->count($map); $this->assign('count', $count); $listRows = 10; $p = new Page($count, $listRows); $voList = $dao->findAll($map, '*', 'cTime desc', $p->firstRow . ',' . $p->listRows); $page = $p->show(); $this->assign('userId', $userId); $this->assign('guestId', $this->mid); $this->assign('list', $voList); $this->assign("page", $page); $this->display(); }
function addFriend($friendId, $userId) { if ($friendId == $userId) { return '-1'; } $count = $this->getCount("friendId='{$friendId}' AND userId='{$userId}'"); if ($count > 0) { return '-2'; } $map = new HashMap(); $map->put('friendId', $friendId); $map->put('userId', $userId); $map->put('cTIme', time()); if ($result = $this->add($map)) { return $result; } else { return '-3'; } }
public function __construct($get, $post, $files) { $this->get = HashMap::fromArray("string", "?", $get); $this->post = HashMap::fromArray("string", "?", $post); $this->files = $files; $this->postVars = new ArrayList("MovicoPostVar"); foreach ($post as $name => $value) { if (String::create($name)->startsWith("#")) { $type = isset($post[self::TYPE_PREFIX . $name]) ? $post[self::TYPE_PREFIX . $name] : self::DEFAULT_TYPE; $this->postVars->add(new MovicoPostVar($name, $value, $type)); } } }
public function index() { //个人信息 $dao = D('User'); $list = $dao->find($this->mid); $this->assign("user", $list); //我的通知 $dao = D('Notify'); $map = new HashMap(); $map->put("toUserId", $this->mid); $map->put("status", '0'); $alertCount = $dao->count($map); $list = $dao->findAll($map, '*', 'cTime desc'); $this->assign('notify', $list); $this->assign('notifyCount', $alertCount); //最新注册的会员 $members = D('User')->findAll('', 'id,name', 'cTime desc', '12'); $this->assign('members', $members); //好友动态 //$friendFeed = D('UserFeed')->findAll('','*','cTime desc'); //$this->assign('friendFeed',$friendFeed); $this->display(); }
/** * @return HashMap */ public function getCotacoes() { $map = new CodeMap(); $values = new HashMap(); $values->put("BMF", new ArrayIterator()); $values->put("London", new ArrayIterator()); $values->put("NY", new ArrayIterator()); $values->put("Dolar", new ArrayIterator()); $values->put("Euro", new ArrayIterator()); $values->put("Arabica", new ArrayIterator()); $values->put("IBovespa", new ArrayIterator()); $dateMap = new DateMap(); $classifier = new Classifier($dateMap); foreach ($this->json as $cotacao) { $cotation = $classifier->classify($cotacao); if ($cotation != null) { $cotation->setJsonInfo($cotacao); $values->get($cotation->type())->append($cotation); } $cot = new Cotacao(); } return $values; }
public static function restSubscribe() { self::initRequests(); if (strpos(self::link(), "?") !== false) { $link = substr(self::link(), 0, strpos(self::link(), "?")); } else { $link = self::link(); } if (!Session::isLogged()) { if (self::$map_requests->containsKey($link)) { if (file_exists(self::$map_requests->get($link))) { return self::$map_requests->get($link); } throw new FileNotFoundException("Arquivo de requisição não encontrado!"); } throw new Exception("Destino não encontrado!"); } else { throw new LoginException('Você não pode realizar seu cadastro com um usuário online.'); } }
private function rssItemsToMap() { if ($this->map->isEmpty()) { $i = 0; } else { $i = $this->map->size() + 1; } foreach ($this->rss->channel->item as $item) { $itemMap = new HashMap(); $itemMap->put("title", $item->title); $itemMap->put("link", $item->link); $itemMap->put("pubDate", $item->pubDate); $itemMap->put("description", $item->description); $this->map->put($i++, $itemMap); } }
function inviteEmail() { $toEmails = $_POST['invites']; $emailCount = count($toEmails); $dao = D("User"); $userInfo = $dao->getById(Session::get(C('USER_AUTH_KEY'))); foreach ($toEmails as $k => $toEmail) { $rand = rand(1111, 9999); $toEmail = trim($toEmail); $code = base64_encode($toEmail . "|" . md5($toEmail . $rand)); $map = new HashMap(); $map->put('email', $toEmail); $map->put('active', $rand); $map->put('inviteUser', Session::get(C('USER_AUTH_KEY'))); $dao = D('User'); if ($id = $dao->add($map)) { $code = "http://" . $_SERVER['HOST_NAME'] . __APP__ . "/Public/activate/code/" . $code; $face = str_replace(WEB_PUBLIC_URL . '/Uploads/', "http://" . $_SERVER['HOST_NAME'] . WEB_PUBLIC_URL . '/Uploads/', $userInfo->face); $this->assign('fromuser', $userInfo->name); $this->assign('code', $code); $this->assign('face', $face); $content = $this->fetch('mail'); $title = $userInfo->name . "邀请您体验ThinkSNS!\n"; import('@.Util.sendmail'); if (sendemail($toEmail, $title, $content)) { $success_info .= "<li>{$toEmail} 发送成功!</li>\n"; } else { $success_info .= "<li><font color=red>{$toEmail} 发送失败!</font></li>\n"; } } } $this->assign('count', $emailCount); $this->assign('info', $success_info); $this->display(); }
</head> <?php require_once 'mer2Plat.php'; $service = $_REQUEST['service']; $charset = $_REQUEST['charset']; $mer_id = $_REQUEST['mer_id']; $sign_type = $_REQUEST['sign_type']; $res_format = $_REQUEST['res_format']; $version = $_REQUEST['version']; $trade_no = $_REQUEST['trade_no']; //使用协议进行支付,上送如下参数:支付协议号必填、商户用户标识和用户业务协议号必填其一 $mer_cust_id = $_REQUEST['mer_cust_id']; $usr_busi_agreement_id = $_REQUEST['usr_busi_agreement_id']; $usr_pay_agreement_id = $_REQUEST['usr_pay_agreement_id']; $map = new HashMap(); $map->put("service", $service); $map->put("charset", $charset); $map->put("mer_id", $mer_id); $map->put("sign_type", $sign_type); $map->put("res_format", $res_format); $map->put("version", $version); $map->put("trade_no", $trade_no); //使用协议进行支付,上送如下参数:支付协议号必填、商户用户标识和用户业务协议号必填其一 $map->put("mer_cust_id", $mer_cust_id); $map->put("usr_busi_agreement_id", $usr_busi_agreement_id); $map->put("usr_pay_agreement_id", $usr_pay_agreement_id); $reqData = MerToPlat::makeRequestDataByGet($map); //这个是重要的 $sign = $reqData->getSign(); //这个是为了在本DEMO中显示签名结果。
$settle_date = $data->get("settle_date"); $mer_priv = $data->get("mer_priv"); $trade_state = $data->get("trade_state"); $pay_seq = $data->get("pay_seq"); $error_code = $data->get("error_code"); $gate_id = $data->get("gate_id"); $identity_type = $data->get("identity_type"); $identity_code = $data->get("identity_code"); $card_holder = $data->get("card_holder"); $last_four_cardid = $data->get("last_four_cardid"); $usr_busi_agreement_id = $data->get("usr_busi_agreement_id"); $usr_pay_agreement_id = $data->get("usr_pay_agreement_id"); $version = $data->get("version"); $sign = $data->get("sign"); //获取UMPAY平台请求商户的支付结果通知数据,并对请求数据进行验签,此时商户接收到的支付结果通知会存放在这里,商户可以根据此处的trade_state订单状态来更新订单 $resData = new HashMap(); try { //获取UMPAY平台请求商户的支付结果通知数据,并对请求数据进行验签 //如验证平台签名正确,即应响应UMPAY平台返回码为0000。【响应返回码代表通知是否成功,和通知的交易结果(支付失败、支付成功)无关】 //验签支付结果通知 如验签成功,则返回ret_code=0000 $reqData = PlatToMer::getNotifyRequestData($data); $resData->put("ret_code", "0000"); } catch (Exception $e) { //如果验签失败,则抛出异常,返回ret_code=1111 System . out . printf("验证签名发生异常" + $e); $resData->put("ret_code", "1111"); } //验签后的数据都组织在resData中。 //生成平台响应UMPAY平台数据,将该串放入META标签,以下几个参数为结果通知必备参数 //生成平台响应UMPAY平台数据,将该串放入META标签 $resData->put("mer_id", $data->get("mer_id"));
protected function groupedList() { //map <int, ArrayList<Data>> $map = new HashMap(); $arrayList = new ArrayObject(); $arrayList->append($this->newData(1989, 150)); $arrayList->append($this->newData(1990, 220)); $arrayList->append($this->newData(1991, 285)); $map->put(0, $arrayList); $arrayList = new ArrayObject(); $arrayList->append($this->newAnotherData(1989, 188)); $arrayList->append($this->newAnotherData(1990, 302)); $arrayList->append($this->newAnotherData(1991, 254)); $arrayList->append($this->newAnotherData(1992, 195)); $map->put(1, $arrayList); $arrayList = new ArrayObject(); $arrayList->append($this->newOtherData(1990, 101)); $arrayList->append($this->newOtherData(1991, 148)); $arrayList->append($this->newOtherData(1992, 157)); $map->put(2, $arrayList); return $map; }
<link type="text/css" rel="stylesheet" href="../common/syntaxHighlighter/css/SyntaxHighlighter.css"></link> <script language="javascript" src="../common/syntaxHighlighter/js/shCore.js"></script> <script language="javascript" src="../common/syntaxHighlighter/js/shBrushPhp.js"></script> </head> <?php //引入API文件 require_once 'mer2Plat.php'; $service = $_REQUEST['service']; $charset = $_REQUEST['charset']; $mer_id = $_REQUEST['mer_id']; $sign_type = $_REQUEST['sign_type']; $res_format = $_REQUEST['res_format']; $version = $_REQUEST['version']; $refund_no = $_REQUEST['refund_no']; $map = new HashMap(); $map->put("service", $service); $map->put("charset", $charset); $map->put("mer_id", $mer_id); $map->put("sign_type", $sign_type); $map->put("res_format", $res_format); $map->put("refund_no", $refund_no); $map->put("version", $version); $reqData = MerToPlat::requestTransactionsByGet($map); $sign = $reqData->getSign(); //这个是为了在本DEMO中显示签名结果。 $plain = $reqData->getPlain(); //这个是为了在本DEMO中显示签名原串 $url = $reqData->getUrl(); ?>
/** * V4.0获取商户分账退费结果通知平台请求数据签名明文串 * @param $map 请求数据 */ private static function getSplitMerRefundNotifyPlain($map) { $data = new HashMap(); $service = StringUtil::trim($map->get("service")); $charset = StringUtil::trim($map->get("charset")); $mer_id = StringUtil::trim($map->get("mer_id")); $sign_type = StringUtil::trim($map->get("sign_type")); $order_id = StringUtil::trim($map->get("order_id")); $mer_date = StringUtil::trim($map->get("mer_date")); $refund_no = StringUtil::trim($map->get("refund_no")); $sub_order_id = StringUtil::trim($map->get("sub_order_id")); $sub_refund_amt = StringUtil::trim($map->get("sub_refund_amt")); $refund_amount = StringUtil::trim($map->get("refund_amount")); $org_amount = StringUtil::trim($map->get("org_amount")); $refund_amt = StringUtil::trim($map->get("refund_amt")); $is_success = StringUtil::trim($map->get("is_success")); $sub_mer_id = StringUtil::trim($map->get("sub_mer_id")); $version = StringUtil::trim($map->get("version")); $data->put("service", $service); $data->put("charset", $charset); $data->put("mer_id", $mer_id); $data->put("sign_type", $sign_type); $data->put("order_id", $order_id); $data->put("sub_mer_id", $sub_mer_id); $data->put("refund_amount", $refund_amount); $data->put("mer_date", $mer_date); $data->put("refund_no", $refund_no); $data->put("refund_amt", $refund_amt); $data->put("is_success", $is_success); $data->put("sub_refund_amt", $sub_refund_amt); $data->put("org_amount", $org_amount); $data->put("sub_order_id", $sub_order_id); $data->put("version", $version); if (!is_null($map->get("error_code"))) { $data->put("error_code", StringUtil::trim($map->get("error_code"))); } return StringUtil::getPlainSortAndByAnd($data); }
/** * @covers HashMap::get * @expectedException OutOfBoundsException */ public function testExceptionIsRaisedWhenAccessingAnElementThatDoesNotExist() { $store = new HashMap(); $store->get('foo'); }
$sign_type = $_REQUEST['sign_type']; $res_format = $_REQUEST['res_format']; $ret_url = $_REQUEST['ret_url']; $notify_url = $_REQUEST['notify_url']; $version = $_REQUEST['version']; $goods_id = $_REQUEST['goods_id']; $goods_inf = $_REQUEST['goods_inf']; $order_id = $_REQUEST['order_id']; $mer_date = $_REQUEST['mer_date']; $expire_time = $_REQUEST['expire_time']; $expand = $_REQUEST['expand']; $mer_priv = $_REQUEST['mer_priv']; $amount = $_REQUEST['amount']; $amt_type = $_REQUEST['amt_type']; $user_ip = $_REQUEST['user_ip']; $map = new HashMap(); $map->put("service", $service); $map->put("charset", $charset); $map->put("mer_id", $mer_id); $map->put("sign_type", $sign_type); $map->put("res_format", $res_format); $map->put("ret_url", $ret_url); $map->put("notify_url", $notify_url); $map->put("version", $version); $map->put("goods_id", $goods_id); $map->put("goods_inf", $goods_inf); $map->put("order_id", $order_id); $map->put("mer_date", $mer_date); $map->put("amount", $amount); $map->put("amt_type", $amt_type); $map->put("mer_priv", $mer_priv);
/** +---------------------------------------------------------- * 写入缓存 +---------------------------------------------------------- * @access public +---------------------------------------------------------- * @param string $name 缓存变量名 * @param mixed $value 存储数据 * @param integer $expire 有效时间(秒) +---------------------------------------------------------- * @return boolen +---------------------------------------------------------- */ public function set($name, $value, $expireTime = 0) { $data = serialize($value); $name = addslashes($name); $this->W(1); if (C('DATA_CACHE_COMPRESS') && function_exists('gzcompress')) { //数据压缩 $data = gzcompress($data, 3); } if (C('DATA_CACHE_CHECK')) { //开启数据校验 $crc = md5($data); } else { $crc = ''; } $expire = !empty($expireTime) ? $expireTime : $this->options['expire']; $map = new HashMap(); $map->put('cachekey', $name); $map->put('data', $data); $map->put('datacrc', $crc); $map->put('expire', $expireTime == -1 ? -1 : time() + $expire); //缓存有效期为-1表示永久缓存 $map->put('datasize', strlen($data)); $result = $this->db->getRow('select `id` from `' . $this->options['table'] . '` where `cachekey`=\'' . $name . '\' limit 0,1'); if (false !== $result) { //更新记录 $result = $this->db->save($map, $this->options['table'], '`cachekey`=\'' . $name . '\''); } else { //新增记录 $result = $this->db->add($map, $this->options['table']); } if ($result) { return true; } else { return false; } }
/** * @depends testOffsetSetOffsetGet */ function testHashNull() { $map = new HashMap(); $map->offsetSet(null, 1); $this->assertEquals(1, $map->offsetGet(null)); }
public static function loadFromStream($filename, GenericList $classNotFoundExceptions) { if (is_null($filename)) { throw new NullPointerException('InputStream'); } $whitelistSer = new HashMap(); $whitelistDeser = new HashMap(); $typeIds = new HashMap(); $clientFields = new HashMap(); $br = new BufferedReader($filename); $line = $br->readLine(); $lineNum = 1; while (!is_null($line)) { $line = trim($line); if (mb_strlen($line) > 0) { $components = explode(',', $line); if ($components[0] === self::CLIENT_FIELDS_KEYWORD) { /* * Lines starting with '@ClientFields' list potentially serializable fields known to * client code for classes that may be enhanced with additional fields on the server. * If additional server fields are found, they will be serizalized separately from the * normal RPC process and transmitted to the client as an opaque blob of data stored * in a WeakMapping associated with the object instance. */ $binaryTypeName = trim($components[1]); try { $clazz = Classes::classOf($binaryTypeName); $fieldNames = new HashSet(); for ($i = 2; $i < count($components); $i++) { $fieldNames->add($components[$i]); } $clientFields->put($clazz, $fieldNames); } catch (ClassNotFoundException $e) { // Ignore the error, but add it to the list of errors if one was // provided. if (!is_null($classNotFoundExceptions)) { $classNotFoundExceptions->add($e); } } } else { if (count($components) != 2 && count($components) != 7) { throw new ParseException(self::FORMAT_ERROR_MESSAGE, $lineNum); } for ($i = 0; $i < count($components); $i++) { $components[$i] = trim($components[$i]); if (mb_strlen($components[$i]) == 0) { throw new ParseException(self::FORMAT_ERROR_MESSAGE, $lineNum); } } $binaryTypeName = trim($components[0]); if (count($components) == 2) { $fieldSer = $fieldDeser = true; $instantSer = $instantDeser = Boolean::valueOf($components[1]); $typeId = $binaryTypeName; } else { $idx = 1; // TODO: Validate the instantiable string better $fieldSer = Boolean::valueOf($components[$idx++]); $instantSer = Boolean::valueOf($components[$idx++]); $fieldDeser = Boolean::valueOf($components[$idx++]); $instantDeser = Boolean::valueOf($components[$idx++]); $typeId = $components[$idx++]; if (!$fieldSer && !$fieldDeser && TypeNameObfuscator::SERVICE_INTERFACE_ID != $typeId) { throw new ParseException('Type ' . $binaryTypeName . ' is neither field serializable, field deserializable ' . 'nor the service interface : ', $lineNum); } } try { $clazz = Classes::classOf($binaryTypeName); if ($fieldSer) { $whitelistSer->put($clazz, $instantSer); } if ($fieldDeser) { $whitelistDeser->put($clazz, $instantDeser); } $typeIds->put($clazz, $typeId); } catch (ClassNotFoundException $e) { // Ignore the error, but add it to the list of errors if one was // provided. if (!is_null($classNotFoundExceptions)) { $classNotFoundExceptions->add($e); } } } } $line = $br->readLine(); $lineNum++; } return new StandardSerializationPolicy($whitelistSer, $whitelistDeser, $typeIds, $clientFields); }
function testNormalMap() { $map = new HashMap("string", "integer"); $map->put("123", 4); $map->put("567", 8); $this->assertEqual("{123:4,567:8}", $map->__toString()); }
function insert() { $userId = Session::get(C('USER_AUTH_KEY')); $recordId = intval($_POST['recordId']); if ($_POST['module'] == "Blog") { $dao = D('Blog'); if ($blog = $dao->getById($recordId)) { $toUserId = $blog->userId; $blogTitle = $blog->title; } else { $this->error("文章不存在,无法回复!", false); } } else { if ($_POST['module'] == "Photo") { $dao = D('Photo'); if ($photo = $dao->getById($recordId)) { $toUserId = $photo->userId; $photoPath = $photo->imagePath; } else { $this->error("图片不存在,无法回复!", false); } } } $dao = D("Comment"); $vo = $dao->create(); $vo->cTime = time(); $vo->userId = $userId; if ($result = $dao->add($vo)) { if ($vo->replyType == 0) { $map = new HashMap(); $map->put('replyId', $result); $replyId = $dao->save($map, "id='{$result}'"); } $content = ubb($vo->content); if ($_POST['module'] == 'Blog') { /* add_user_feed */ $feedTitle = "评论了日志:<a href=\"/blog/{$recordId}\">{$blogTitle}</a>"; $feedInfo = '<div class="share-comment"><p>' . $content . '</p></div>'; $this->addUserFeed($userId, 'add', 'comment', $recordId, $feedTitle, $feedInfo); /* /add_user_feed */ $this->addUserAlert($toUserId, "reply" . $_POST['module'], $_POST['recordId']); } elseif ($_POST['module'] == 'Photo') { /* add_user_feed */ $feedTitle = "评论了照片:"; $feedInfo = "<p class=\"image\"><a href=\"/photo/{$recordId}\"><img src=\"" . WEB_PUBLIC_URL . "/Thumb/?w=100&h=100&url={$photoPath}\" alt=\"照片\" /></a></p>" . '<div class="share-comment"><p>' . $content . '</p></div>'; $this->addUserFeed($userId, 'add', 'comment', $recordId, $feedTitle, $feedInfo); /* /add_user_feed */ $this->addUserAlert($toUserId, "reply" . $_POST['module'], $_POST['recordId']); } //$this->success('回复成功!'); if ($_POST['module'] == 'Board') { header("Location:" . __APP__ . "/Board"); } else { echo $result; } } else { //$this->error('回复失败!'); echo false; } }