Ejemplo n.º 1
        in corporate environments.
    This directive has been available since 1.3.0.
// disabling directives
HTMLPurifier_ConfigSchema::define('URI', 'Disable', false, 'bool', '
    Disables all URIs in all forms. Not sure why you\'d want to do that 
    (after all, the Internet\'s founded on the notion of a hyperlink). 
    This directive has been available since 1.3.0.
HTMLPurifier_ConfigSchema::defineAlias('Attr', 'DisableURI', 'URI', 'Disable');
HTMLPurifier_ConfigSchema::define('URI', 'DisableResources', false, 'bool', '
    Disables embedding resources, essentially meaning no pictures. You can 
    still link to them though. See %URI.DisableExternalResources for why 
    this might be a good idea. This directive has been available since 1.3.0.
 * Validates a URI as defined by RFC 3986.
 * @note Scheme-specific mechanics deferred to HTMLPurifier_URIScheme
class HTMLPurifier_AttrDef_URI extends HTMLPurifier_AttrDef
    var $parser, $percentEncoder;
    var $embedsResource;
Ejemplo n.º 2

require_once HTML_PURIFIER_LIB_PATH . '/HTMLPurifier/Doctype.php';
// Legacy directives for doctype specification
HTMLPurifier_ConfigSchema::define('HTML', 'Strict', false, 'bool', 'Determines whether or not to use Transitional (loose) or Strict rulesets. ' . 'This directive is deprecated in favor of %HTML.Doctype. ' . 'This directive has been available since 1.3.0.');
HTMLPurifier_ConfigSchema::define('HTML', 'XHTML', true, 'bool', 'Determines whether or not output is XHTML 1.0 or HTML 4.01 flavor. ' . 'This directive is deprecated in favor of %HTML.Doctype. ' . 'This directive was available since 1.1.');
HTMLPurifier_ConfigSchema::defineAlias('Core', 'XHTML', 'HTML', 'XHTML');
class HTMLPurifier_DoctypeRegistry
     * Hash of doctype names to doctype objects
     * @protected
    var $doctypes;
     * Lookup table of aliases to real doctype names
     * @protected
    var $aliases;
     * Registers a doctype to the registry
     * @note Accepts a fully-formed doctype object, or the
     *       parameters for constructing a doctype object
     * @param $doctype Name of doctype or literal doctype object
     * @param $modules Modules doctype will load
     * @param $modules_for_modes Modules doctype will load for certain modes
     * @param $aliases Alias names for doctype
     * @return Reference to registered doctype (usable for further editing)
    function &register($doctype, $xml = true, $modules = array(), $tidy_modules = array(), $aliases = array(), $dtd_public = null, $dtd_system = null)
Ejemplo n.º 3
require_once 'HTMLPurifier/EntityParser.php';
// implementations
require_once 'HTMLPurifier/Lexer/DirectLex.php';
if (version_compare(PHP_VERSION, "5", ">=")) {
    // You can remove the if statement if you are running PHP 5 only.
    // We ought to get the strict version to follow those rules.
    require_once 'HTMLPurifier/Lexer/DOMLex.php';
HTMLPurifier_ConfigSchema::define('Core', 'ConvertDocumentToFragment', true, 'bool', '
This parameter determines whether or not the filter should convert
input that is a full document with html and body tags to a fragment
of just the contents of a body tag. This parameter is simply something
HTML Purifier can do during an edge-case: for most inputs, this
processing is not necessary.
HTMLPurifier_ConfigSchema::defineAlias('Core', 'AcceptFullDocuments', 'Core', 'ConvertDocumentToFragment');
HTMLPurifier_ConfigSchema::define('Core', 'LexerImpl', null, 'mixed/null', '
  This parameter determines what lexer implementation can be used. The
  valid values are:
    Recommended, the lexer implementation will be auto-detected based on
    your PHP-version and configuration.
  <dt><em>string</em> lexer identifier</dt>
    This is a slim way of manually overridding the implementation.
    Currently recognized values are: DOMLex (the default PHP5 implementation)

require_once 'HTMLPurifier/DefinitionCache.php';
HTMLPurifier_ConfigSchema::define('Cache', 'DefinitionImpl', 'Serializer', 'string/null', '
This directive defines which method to use when caching definitions,
the complex data-type that makes HTML Purifier tick. Set to null
to disable caching (not recommended, as you will see a definite
performance degradation). This directive has been available since 2.0.0.
HTMLPurifier_ConfigSchema::defineAlias('Core', 'DefinitionCache', 'Cache', 'DefinitionImpl');
 * Responsible for creating definition caches.
class HTMLPurifier_DefinitionCacheFactory
    protected $caches = array('Serializer' => array());
    protected $implementations = array();
    protected $decorators = array();
     * Initialize default decorators
    public function setup()
     * Retrieves an instance of global definition cache factory.
    public static function &instance($prototype = null)
        static $instance;
Ejemplo n.º 5
    fixed all major errors the HTML may have had. Tidy is a non-default
    extension, and this directive will silently fail if Tidy is not
    If you are looking to make the overall look of your page's source
    better, I recommend running Tidy on the entire page rather than just
    user-content (after all, the indentation relative to the containing
    blocks will be incorrect).
    This directive was available since 1.1.1.
HTMLPurifier_ConfigSchema::defineAlias('Core', 'TidyFormat', 'Output', 'TidyFormat');
HTMLPurifier_ConfigSchema::define('Output', 'Newline', null, 'string/null', '
    Newline string to format final output with. If left null, HTML Purifier
    will auto-detect the default newline type of the system and use that;
    you can manually override it here. Remember, \\r\\n is Windows, \\r
    is Mac, and \\n is Unix. This directive was available since 2.0.1.
 * Generates HTML from tokens.
 * @todo Refactor interface so that configuration/context is determined
 *     upon instantiation, no need for messy generateFromTokens() calls
class HTMLPurifier_Generator
Ejemplo n.º 6

require_once 'HTMLPurifier/AttrDef.php';
require_once 'HTMLPurifier/IDAccumulator.php';
HTMLPurifier_ConfigSchema::define('Attr', 'EnableID', false, 'bool', 'Allows the ID attribute in HTML.  This is disabled by default ' . 'due to the fact that without proper configuration user input can ' . 'easily break the validation of a webpage by specifying an ID that is ' . 'already on the surrounding HTML.  If you don\'t mind throwing caution to ' . 'the wind, enable this directive, but I strongly recommend you also ' . 'consider blacklisting IDs you use (%Attr.IDBlacklist) or prefixing all ' . 'user supplied IDs (%Attr.IDPrefix).  This directive has been available ' . 'since 1.2.0, and when set to true reverts to the behavior of pre-1.2.0 ' . 'versions.');
HTMLPurifier_ConfigSchema::defineAlias('HTML', 'EnableAttrID', 'Attr', 'EnableID');
HTMLPurifier_ConfigSchema::define('Attr', 'IDPrefix', '', 'string', 'String to prefix to IDs.  If you have no idea what IDs your pages ' . 'may use, you may opt to simply add a prefix to all user-submitted ID ' . 'attributes so that they are still usable, but will not conflict with ' . 'core page IDs. Example: setting the directive to \'user_\' will result in ' . 'a user submitted \'foo\' to become \'user_foo\'  Be sure to set ' . '%HTML.EnableAttrID to true before using ' . 'this.  This directive was available since 1.2.0.');
HTMLPurifier_ConfigSchema::define('Attr', 'IDPrefixLocal', '', 'string', 'Temporary prefix for IDs used in conjunction with %Attr.IDPrefix.  If ' . 'you need to allow multiple sets of ' . 'user content on web page, you may need to have a seperate prefix that ' . 'changes with each iteration.  This way, seperately submitted user content ' . 'displayed on the same page doesn\'t clobber each other. Ideal values ' . 'are unique identifiers for the content it represents (i.e. the id of ' . 'the row in the database). Be sure to add a seperator (like an underscore) ' . 'at the end.  Warning: this directive will not work unless %Attr.IDPrefix ' . 'is set to a non-empty value! This directive was available since 1.2.0.');
HTMLPurifier_ConfigSchema::define('Attr', 'IDBlacklistRegexp', null, 'string/null', 'PCRE regular expression to be matched against all IDs. If the expression ' . 'is matches, the ID is rejected. Use this with care: may cause ' . 'significant degradation. ID matching is done after all other ' . 'validation. This directive was available since 1.6.0.');
 * Validates the HTML attribute ID.
 * @warning Even though this is the id processor, it
 *          will ignore the directive Attr:IDBlacklist, since it will only
 *          go according to the ID accumulator. Since the accumulator is
 *          automatically generated, it will have already absorbed the
 *          blacklist. If you're hacking around, make sure you use load()!
class HTMLPurifier_AttrDef_HTML_ID extends HTMLPurifier_AttrDef
    // ref functionality disabled, since we also have to verify
    // whether or not the ID it refers to exists
    function validate($id, $config, &$context)
        if (!$config->get('Attr', 'EnableID')) {
            return false;
        $id = trim($id);
        // trim it first
        if ($id === '') {
            return false;