public function OutputReport($szOutputBuffer, &$szErrorStr) { global $gl_root_path; // Helper variable, init with buffer $szFinalOutput = $szOutputBuffer; $res = SUCCESS; // Simple HTML Output! if ($this->_outputFormat == REPORT_OUTPUT_HTML) { // do nothing } else { if ($this->_outputFormat == REPORT_OUTPUT_PDF) { // Convert into PDF! include_once $gl_root_path . 'classes/html2fpdf/html2fpdf.php'; // $pdf=new HTML2FPDF('landscape'); $pdf = new HTML2FPDF(); $pdf->UseCss(true); $pdf->AddPage(); // $pdf->SetFontSize(12); $pdf->WriteHTML($szOutputBuffer); $szFinalOutput = $pdf->Output('', 'S'); // Output to STANDARD Input! } } // Simple HTML Output! if ($this->_outputTarget == REPORT_TARGET_STDOUT) { // Check if we need another header if ($this->_outputFormat == REPORT_OUTPUT_PDF) { Header('Content-Type: application/pdf'); } // Kindly output to browser echo $szFinalOutput; $res = SUCCESS; } else { if ($this->_outputTarget == REPORT_TARGET_FILE) { // Get Filename first if (isset($this->_arrOutputTargetDetails['filename'])) { // Get Filename property $szFilename = $this->_arrOutputTargetDetails['filename']; // Create file and Write Report into it! $handle = @fopen($szFilename, "w"); if ($handle === false) { $szErrorStr = "Could not create '" . $szFilename . "'!"; $res = ERROR; } else { fwrite($handle, $szFinalOutput); fflush($handle); fclose($handle); // For result $szErrorStr = "Results were saved into '" . $szFilename . "'"; $res = SUCCESS; } } else { $szErrorStr = "The parameter 'filename' was missing."; $res = ERROR; } } } // return result return $res; }