/** * Render view. * * @return string */ public function content() { if (!$this->topics) { return ''; } ob_start(); ?> <ul class="unstyled"> <?php foreach ($this->topics as $topic) { ?> <li> <small class="ago"><?php echo HTML::time(Date::short_span($topic->last_posted, true), $topic->last_posted); ?> </small> <?php echo HTML::anchor(Route::model($topic), '<i class="muted iconic-upload"></i>', array('title' => __('First post'))); ?> <?php echo HTML::anchor(Route::model($topic, '?page=last#last'), HTML::chars($topic->name), array('title' => $topic->name)); ?> </li> <?php } ?> </ul> <?php return ob_get_clean(); }
/** * Render content. * * @return string */ public function content() { ob_start(); // Stamp echo HTML::time(Date('l ', $this->event->stamp_begin) . Date::format('DDMMYYYY', $this->event->stamp_begin), $this->event->stamp_begin, true); // Location if ($this->event->venue) { echo ' @ ', HTML::anchor(Route::model($this->event->venue), HTML::chars($this->event->venue->name)), ', ', HTML::chars($this->event->venue->city_name); } elseif ($this->event->venue_name) { echo ' @ ', $this->event->venue_url ? HTML::anchor($this->event->venue_url, $this->event->venue_name) : HTML::chars($this->event->venue_name), $this->event->city_name ? ', ' . HTML::chars($this->event->city_name) : ''; } elseif ($this->event->city_name) { echo ' @ ', HTML::chars($this->event->city_name); } // Flyer if ($flyer = $this->event->flyer()) { echo '<figure>', HTML::image($flyer->image_url(Model_Image::SIZE_THUMBNAIL)), '</figure>'; } elseif ($this->event->flyer_front_url) { echo '<figure>', HTML::image($this->event->flyer_front_url, ['class' => 'img-responsive']), '</figure>'; } // Favorites if ($this->event->favorite_count) { echo '<span class="stats"><i class="fa fa-heart"></i> ' . $this->event->favorite_count . '</span>'; } return ob_get_clean(); }
/** * Render content. * * @return string */ public function content() { ob_start(); // Stamp echo HTML::time(Date('l ', $this->event->stamp_begin) . Date::format('DDMMYYYY', $this->event->stamp_begin), $this->event->stamp_begin, true); // Location if ($this->event->venue) { echo ' @ ', HTML::anchor(Route::model($this->event->venue), HTML::chars($this->event->venue->name)), ', ', HTML::chars($this->event->venue->city_name); } elseif ($this->event->venue_name) { echo ' @ ', $this->event->venue_url ? HTML::anchor($this->event->venue_url, $this->event->venue_name) : HTML::chars($this->event->venue_name), $this->event->city_name ? ', ' . HTML::chars($this->event->city_name) : ''; } elseif ($this->event->city_name) { echo ' @ ', HTML::chars($this->event->city_name); } // Flyer if ($this->event->flyer_front) { echo '<figure>', HTML::image($this->event->flyer_front->get_url(Model_Image::SIZE_THUMBNAIL)), '</figure>'; } elseif ($this->event->flyer_back) { echo '<figure>', HTML::image($this->event->flyer_back->get_url(Model_Image::SIZE_THUMBNAIL)), '</figure>'; } elseif (Valid::url($this->event->flyer_front_url)) { echo '<br /><figure>', HTML::image($this->event->flyer_front_url, array('width' => 160)), '</figure>'; } // Favorites if ($this->event->favorite_count) { echo '<span class="stats"><i class="icon-heart"></i> ' . $this->event->favorite_count . '</span>'; } return ob_get_clean(); }
/** * Render content. * * @return string */ public function content() { ob_start(); // Cover if (Valid::url($this->track->cover)) { echo HTML::image($this->track->cover, array('class' => 'cover img-responsive', 'alt' => __('Cover'))); } // Time if ($this->track->size_time) { echo '<i class="fa fa-fw fa-clock-o"></i> ' . $this->track->size_time . '<br />'; } // Listen count if ($this->track->listen_count > 1) { echo '<i class="fa fa-fw fa-play"></i> ' . ($this->track->listen_count == 1 ? __(':count play', array(':count' => $this->track->listen_count)) : __(':count plays', array(':count' => $this->track->listen_count))) . '<br />'; } // Tags if ($tags = $this->track->tags()) { echo '<i class="fa fa-fw fa-music"></i> ' . implode(', ', $tags) . '<br />'; } elseif (!empty($this->track->music)) { echo '<i class="fa fa-fw fa-music"></i> ' . $this->track->music . '<br />'; } // Meta echo '<footer class="meta text-muted">'; echo __('Added :date', array(':date' => HTML::time(Date::format(Date::DMY_SHORT, $this->track->created), $this->track->created))); echo '</footer>'; return ob_get_clean(); }
/** * Render content. * * @return string */ public function content() { $shouts = array(); foreach (Model_Shout::find_latest($this->limit) as $shout) { $shouts[] = array('created' => $shout->created, 'user_id' => $shout->author_id, 'shout' => $shout->shout); } if ($shouts) { ob_start(); ?> <ul class="list-unstyled"> <?php foreach (array_reverse($shouts) as $shout) { ?> <li> <?php echo HTML::time(Date::format('HHMM', $shout['created']), array('datetime' => $shout['created'], 'class' => 'muted')); ?> <?php echo HTML::user($shout['user_id']); ?> : <?php echo Text::smileys(Text::auto_link_urls(HTML::chars($shout['shout']))); ?> </li> <?php } ?> </ul> <?php if ($this->_can_shout) { ?> <form <?php echo $this->aside ? 'class="ajaxify"' : ''; ?> action="<?php echo Route::url('shouts', array('action' => 'shout')); ?> " method="post"> <input class="form-control" type="text" name="shout" maxlength="300" placeholder="<?php echo __('Shout, and ye shall be heard..'); ?> " /> <?php echo Form::CSRF(); ?> </form> <?php } return ob_get_clean(); } return ''; }
/** * Render view. * * @return string */ public function content() { ob_start(); // Title if ($this->area->description) { echo $this->area->description . '<hr>'; } if ($this->area->topic_count) { // Area has topics $last_topic = $this->area->last_topic(); $last_poster = $last_topic->last_post()->author(); ?> <div class="media"> <div class="pull-left"> <?php echo HTML::avatar($last_poster ? $last_poster['avatar'] : null, $last_poster ? $last_poster['username'] : null, false); ?> </div> <div class="media-body"> <small class="ago"><?php echo HTML::time(Date::short_span($last_topic->last_posted, true, true), $last_topic->last_posted); ?> </small> <?php echo $last_poster ? HTML::user($last_poster) : HTML::chars($last_topic->last_poster); ?> <br> <?php echo HTML::anchor(Route::model($last_topic, '?page=last#last'), Forum::topic($last_topic), array('title' => HTML::chars($last_topic->name))); ?> <br /> </div> </div> <small class="stats muted"> <i class="icon-comments"></i> <?php echo Num::format($this->area->topic_count, 0); ?> <i class="icon-comment"></i> <?php echo Num::format($this->area->post_count, 0); ?> </small> <?php } else { // Empty area echo __('No topics yet.'); } return ob_get_clean(); }
/** * Render view. * * @return string */ public function content() { ob_start(); ?> <dl> <?php echo $this->user->homepage ? '<dt>' . __('Homepage') . '</dt><dd>' . HTML::anchor($this->user->homepage, HTML::chars($this->user->homepage)) . '</dd>' : ''; ?> <?php echo $this->user->gender ? '<dt>' . __('Gender') . '</dt><dd>' . ($this->user->gender == 'm' ? __('Male') : __('Female')) . '</dd>' : ''; ?> <?php echo $this->user->dob ? '<dt>' . __('Date of Birth') . '</dt><dd>' . Date::format('DMYYYY', $this->user->dob) . ' (' . Date::age($this->user->dob) . ')</dd>' : ''; ?> <dt><?php echo __('Registered'); ?> </dt><dd><?php echo HTML::time(Date::fuzzy_span($this->user->created), $this->user->created); ?> (<?php echo __('member #:member', array(':member' => '<var>' . number_format($this->user->id) . '</var>')); ?> )</dd> <dt><?php echo __('Updated'); ?> </dt><dd><?php echo HTML::time(Date::fuzzy_span($this->user->modified), $this->user->modified); ?> </dd> <dt><?php echo __('Last login'); ?> </dt><dd><?php echo HTML::time(Date::fuzzy_span($this->user->last_login), $this->user->last_login); ?> (<?php echo __($this->user->login_count == 1 ? ':logins login' : ':logins logins', array(':logins' => '<var>' . number_format($this->user->login_count) . '</var>')); ?> )</dd> </dl> <?php return ob_get_clean(); }
/** * Render view. * * @return string */ public function content() { ob_start(); // Title if ($this->user['title']) { echo HTML::chars(trim($this->user['title'])) . '<br />'; } // Image if ($this->user['thumb']) { echo '<figure>' . HTML::image($this->user['thumb'], array('width' => 160)) . '</figure>'; } // Last login echo __('Last login: :login', array(':login' => HTML::time(Date::fuzzy_span($this->user['last_login']), $this->user['last_login']))); return ob_get_clean(); }
/** * Render newsfeed. * * @return string */ public function content() { if ($items = $this->_items()) { ob_start(); ?> <ul class="media-list"> <?php foreach ($items as $item) { ?> <li class="media"> <div class="pull-left"> <?php echo HTML::avatar($item['user']['avatar'], $item['user']['username'], $this->mini); ?> </div> <div class="media-body"> <?php echo HTML::user($item['user']); ?> <small class="pull-right"><?php echo HTML::time(Date::short_span($item['stamp'], true, true), $item['stamp']); ?> </small> <?php echo $item['text']; ?> </div> </li> <?php } ?> </ul> <?php return ob_get_clean(); } return __('Whoa, we are totally out of news items for you!'); }
/** * Render view. * * @return string */ public function content() { ob_start(); $friends = array(); foreach ($this->user->find_friends() as $friend_id) { $friend = Model_User::find_user_light($friend_id); $friends[$friend['username']] = $friend; } ksort($friends, SORT_LOCALE_STRING); ?> <ul class="unstyled"> <?php foreach ($friends as $friend) { ?> <li class="row-fluid"> <?php echo HTML::avatar($friend['avatar'], $friend['username']); ?> <?php echo HTML::user($friend); ?> <?php if ($friend['last_login']) { echo '<small class="ago">' . HTML::time(Date::short_span($friend['last_login'], true, true), $friend['last_login']) . '</small>'; } ?> </li> <?php } ?> </ul> <?php return ob_get_clean(); }
/** * Render view. * * @return string */ public function content() { ob_start(); if ($this->blog_entries && count($this->blog_entries)) { // List blog entries foreach ($this->blog_entries as $blog_entry) { /** @var Model_Blog_Entry $blog_entry */ $author = $blog_entry->author(); ?> <article class="row blog-entry"> <div class="span1"><?php echo HTML::avatar($author['avatar'], $author['username']); ?> </div> <div class="span7"> <header> <h4><?php echo HTML::anchor(Route::model($blog_entry), HTML::chars($blog_entry->name)); ?> </h4> <p><?php echo __('By :user :ago', array(':user' => HTML::user($author), ':ago' => HTML::time(Date::fuzzy_span($blog_entry->created), $blog_entry->created))); ?> </p> </header> </div> </article> <?php } } else { // No blog entries available echo new View_Alert(__('Alas, the quill seems to be dry, no blog entries found.'), View_Alert::INFO); } return ob_get_clean(); }
/** * Render newsfeed. * * @return string */ public function content() { if ($items = $this->_items()) { ob_start(); ?> <ul class="unstyled"> <?php foreach ($items as $item) { ?> <li class="row-fluid"> <?php echo HTML::avatar($item['user']['avatar'], $item['user']['username'], $this->mini); ?> <?php echo HTML::user($item['user']); ?> <small class="ago"><?php echo HTML::time(Date::short_span($item['stamp'], true, true), $item['stamp']); ?> </small> <?php echo $item['text']; ?> </li> <?php } ?> </ul> <?php return ob_get_clean(); } return __('Whoa, we are totally out of news items for you!'); }
?> " class="<?php echo implode(' ', $classes); ?> "> <?php echo HTML::avatar($author['avatar'], $author['username'], true); ?> <?php echo HTML::user($author); ?> <small class="ago"><?php echo in_array('new', $classes) ? __('New') : ''; ?> <?php echo HTML::time(Date::short_span($comment->created, true, true), $comment->created); ?> </small> <?php if ($user && $comment->user_id == $user->id || $mine) { ?> <nav class="actions inline"> <?php if ($private && !$comment->private) { ?> <?php echo HTML::anchor(sprintf($private, $comment->id), __('Set as private'), array('class' => 'action small comment-private')); ?> <?php }
/** * Render view. * * @return string */ public function content() { if (!$this->groups) { return new View_Alert(__('No groups available..'), __('Oh snap!'), View_Alert::ERROR); } ob_start(); ?> <ol class="list-unstyled"> <?php foreach ($this->groups as $group) { ?> <li> <h4><?php echo HTML::chars($group->name); ?> </h4> <ol class="list-unstyled"> <?php $areas = $group->areas(); if (count($areas)) { foreach ($areas as $area) { ?> <li> <?php if (Permission::has($area, Model_Forum_Area::PERMISSION_READ)) { // Can read area if ($area->topic_count > 0) { $last_topic = $area->last_topic(); if ($last_topic->last_posted) { echo '<small class="pull-right muted">' . HTML::time(Date::short_span($last_topic->last_posted, true, true), $last_topic->last_posted) . '</small>'; } } echo HTML::anchor(Route::model($area), HTML::chars($area->name), array('class' => 'hoverable')); } elseif ($area->status != Model_Forum_Area::STATUS_HIDDEN) { // Can't read area echo HTML::chars($area->name); } ?> </li> <?php } } else { ?> <li> <?php echo __('No areas available.'); ?> <br> <?php if (Permission::has($group, Model_Forum_Group::PERMISSION_UPDATE)) { ?> <?php echo HTML::anchor(Route::model($group, 'edit'), '<i class="icon-edit"></i> ' . __('Edit group'), array('class' => 'btn btn-inverse')); ?> <?php } ?> <?php if (Permission::has($group, Model_Forum_Group::PERMISSION_CREATE_AREA)) { ?> <?php echo HTML::anchor(Route::model($group, 'add'), '<i class="icon-plus-sign"></i> ' . __('New area'), array('class' => 'btn btn-primary')); ?> <?php } ?> </li> <?php } ?> </ol> </li> <?php } ?> </ol> <?php return ob_get_clean(); }
<?php defined('SYSPATH') or die('No direct access allowed.'); /** * Shout * * @package Anqh * @author Antti Qvickström * @copyright (c) 2010 Antti Qvickström * @license http://www.opensource.org/licenses/mit-license.php MIT license */ $ordered = array(); foreach ($shouts as $shout) { $ordered[] = '<li>' . HTML::time(Date::format('HHMM', $shout->created), $shout->created) . ' ' . HTML::user($shout->author) . ': ' . Text::smileys(HTML::chars($shout->shout)) . '</li>'; } ?> <ul> <?php echo implode("\n", array_reverse($ordered)); ?> </ul> <?php if ($can_shout) { ?> <?php echo Form::open(Route::get('shouts')->uri(array('action' => 'shout'))); ?> <fieldset class="horizontal">
/** * Add event subtitle. * * @param Model_Event $event * @return string */ protected function _event_subtitle(Model_Event $event) { $subtitle = array(); // Date $subtitle[] = '<i class="icon-calendar icon-white"></i> ' . HTML::time(Date('l', $event->stamp_begin) . ', ' . Date::format(Date::DMY_LONG, $event->stamp_begin), $event->stamp_begin, true); // Time if ($event->stamp_begin != $event->stamp_end) { $subtitle[] = $event->stamp_end ? '<i class="icon-time icon-white"></i> ' . __(':from until :to', array(':from' => HTML::time(Date::format('HHMM', $event->stamp_begin), $event->stamp_begin), ':to' => HTML::time(Date::format('HHMM', $event->stamp_end), $event->stamp_end))) : '<i class="icon-time icon-white"></i> ' . __('From :from onwards', array(':from' => HTML::time(Date::format('HHMM', $event->stamp_begin), $event->stamp_begin))); } // Venue if ($_venue = $event->venue()) { // Venue found from db $venue = HTML::anchor(Route::model($_venue), HTML::chars($_venue->name)); $address = HTML::chars($_venue->city_name); if ($_venue->latitude) { $map = array('marker' => HTML::chars($_venue->name), 'infowindow' => HTML::chars($_venue->address) . '<br />' . HTML::chars($_venue->city_name), 'lat' => $_venue->latitude, 'long' => $_venue->longitude); Widget::add('foot', HTML::script_source(' head.ready("anqh", function() { $("a[href=#map]").on("click", function toggleMap(event) { $("#map").toggle("fast", function openMap() { $("#map").googleMap(' . json_encode($map) . '); }); return false; }); }); ')); } } else { if ($event->venue_name) { // No venue in db $venue = $event->venue_url ? HTML::anchor($event->venue_url, HTML::chars($event->venue_name)) : HTML::chars($event->venue_name); $address = HTML::chars($event->city_name); } else { // Venue not set $venue = $event->venue_hidden ? __('Underground') : __('(Unknown)'); $address = HTML::chars($event->city_name); } } $subtitle[] = '<i class="icon-map-marker icon-white"></i> ' . $venue . ($address ? ', ' . $address : ''); if (isset($map)) { $subtitle[] = HTML::anchor('#map', __('Show map')); return implode(' ', $subtitle) . '<div id="map" style="display: none">' . __('Map loading') . '</div>'; } return implode(' ', $subtitle); }
/** * Blog entries * * @package Blog * @author Antti Qvickström * @copyright (c) 2010-2011 Antti Qvickström * @license http://www.opensource.org/licenses/mit-license.php MIT license */ foreach ($entries as $entry) { $author = $entry->author(); ?> <article> <header> <?php echo HTML::avatar($author['avatar'], $author['username']); ?> <h4><?php echo HTML::anchor(Route::model($entry), HTML::chars($entry->name), array('title' => $entry->name)); ?> </h4> <span class="details"> <?php echo __('By :user :ago', array(':user' => HTML::user($author), ':ago' => HTML::time(Date::fuzzy_span($entry->created), $entry->created))); ?> </span> </header> </article> <?php }
<dt><?php echo __('Registered'); ?> </dt><dd><?php echo HTML::time(Date::fuzzy_span($user->created), $user->created); ?> (<?php echo __('member #:member', array(':member' => '<var>' . number_format($user->id) . '</var>')); ?> )</dd> <dt><?php echo __('Updated'); ?> </dt><dd><?php echo HTML::time(Date::fuzzy_span($user->modified), $user->modified); ?> </dd> <dt><?php echo __('Last login'); ?> </dt><dd><?php echo HTML::time(Date::fuzzy_span($user->last_login), $user->last_login); ?> (<?php echo __($user->login_count == 1 ? ':logins login' : ':logins logins', array(':logins' => '<var>' . number_format($user->login_count) . '</var>')); ?> )</dd> </dl>
/** * Render view. * * @return string */ public function content() { ob_start(); // Comment form echo $this->form(); // Pagination if ($this->pagination) { echo $this->pagination->render(); } ?> <ul class="media-list"> <?php $new_comments = isset($new_comments) ? (int) $new_comments : 0; foreach ($this->comments as $comment) { /** @var Model_Comment $comment */ $author = $comment->author(); // Ignore if (Visitor::$user && Visitor::$user->is_ignored($author)) { continue; } $classes = array('media'); // Private comment? if ($comment->private) { $classes[] = 'private'; } // Viewer's post if (Visitor::$user && $author['id'] == Visitor::$user->id) { $classes[] = 'my'; } // Topic author's post if ($author['id'] == $comment->user_id) { $classes[] = 'owner'; } // New comment? if ($new_comments-- > 0) { $classes[] = 'new'; } ?> <li class="<?php echo implode(' ', $classes); ?> " id="comment-<?php echo $comment->id; ?> "> <div class="pull-left"> <?php echo HTML::avatar($author['avatar'], $author['username']); ?> </div> <div class="arrow"></div> <div class="media-body"> <small class="pull-right"> <?php if (Visitor::$user && $comment->user_id == Visitor::$user->id || in_array('my', $classes)) { if ($this->private && !$comment->private) { echo HTML::anchor(sprintf($this->private, $comment->id), __('Set as private'), array('class' => 'comment-private')) . ' • '; } if ($this->delete) { echo HTML::anchor(sprintf($this->delete, $comment->id), __('Delete'), array('class' => 'comment-delete')) . ' • '; } } ?> <?php echo in_array('new', $classes) ? __('New') : ''; ?> <?php echo HTML::time(Date::short_span($comment->created, true, true), $comment->created); ?> </small> <?php echo HTML::user($author); ?> <br /> <?php echo $comment->private ? '<span class="label label-special" title="' . __('Private comment') . '">' . __('Priv') . '</span>: ' : ''; ?> <?php echo Text::smileys(Text::auto_link_urls(HTML::chars($comment->comment))); ?> </div> </li> <?php } ?> </ul> <?php // Pagination if ($this->pagination) { echo $this->pagination->render(); } return ob_get_clean(); }
?> "> <article> <div class="thumb"> <?php echo HTML::anchor(Route::model($gallery, isset($approval) ? 'pending' : null), $default_image ? HTML::image($default_image->get_url('thumbnail', $gallery->dir)) : __('New gallery')); ?> </div> <h4><?php echo HTML::anchor(Route::model($gallery, isset($approval) ? 'pending' : null), HTML::chars($gallery->name)); ?> </h4> <div class="info"> <!-- <?php echo HTML::time(Date::format('DMYYYY', $gallery->date), array('datetime' => $gallery->date, 'title' => __('Updated :updated', array(':updated' => Date::format('DMYYYY_HM', $gallery->modified)))), true); ?> <br /> --> <?php if (isset($approval)) { $copyrights = array(); $pending_images = $gallery->find_images_pending($approval ? null : $user); foreach ($pending_images as $image) { $copyrights[$image->author_id] = $image->author(); } foreach ($copyrights as $copyright_id => &$copyright) { $copyright = HTML::user($copyright); } ?>
/** * Render view. * * @return string */ public function content() { ob_start(); $areas = $this->group->areas(); if (count($areas)) { ?> <table class="table"> <thead> <tr> <th class="span4"><h3><?php echo HTML::anchor(Route::model($this->group), HTML::chars($this->group->name)); ?> </h3></th> <th class="span1"><?php echo __('Topics'); ?> </th> <th class="span1"><?php echo __('Posts'); ?> </th> <th class="span2"><?php echo __('Latest post'); ?> </th> </tr> </thead> <tbody> <?php foreach ($areas as $area) { ?> <?php if (Permission::has($area, Model_Forum_Area::PERMISSION_READ, self::$_user)) { ?> <tr> <td> <h4><?php echo HTML::anchor(Route::model($area), HTML::chars($area->name)); ?> </h4> <?php echo $area->description; ?> </td> <td><?php echo Num::format($area->topic_count, 0); ?> </td> <td><?php echo Num::format($area->post_count, 0); ?> </td> <td> <?php if ($area->topic_count > 0) { $last_topic = $area->last_topic(); ?> <small class="ago"><?php echo HTML::time(Date::short_span($last_topic->last_posted, true, true), $last_topic->last_posted); ?> </small> <?php echo HTML::user($last_topic->last_post()->author_id, $last_topic->last_poster); ?> <br /> <?php echo HTML::anchor(Route::model($last_topic), '<i class="muted iconic-upload"></i>', array('title' => __('First post'))); ?> <?php echo HTML::anchor(Route::model($last_topic, '?page=last#last'), HTML::chars($last_topic->name), array('title' => HTML::chars($last_topic->name))); ?> <?php } else { ?> <sup><?php echo __('No topics yet.'); ?> </sup> <?php } ?> </td> </tr> <?php } elseif ($area->status != Model_Forum_Area::STATUS_HIDDEN) { ?> <tr> <td colspan="4"> <h4><?php echo HTML::chars($area->name); ?> </h4> <?php echo __('Members only'); ?> </td> </tr> <?php } ?> <?php } ?> </tbody> </table> <?php } else { echo new View_Alert(__('No areas yet.'), null, View_Alert::INFO); } return ob_get_clean(); }
* * @package Anqh * @author Antti Qvickström * @copyright (c) 2010 Antti Qvickström * @license http://www.opensource.org/licenses/mit-license.php MIT license */ ?> <?php if ($user->title) { echo HTML::chars(trim($user->title)) . '<br />'; } ?> <?php if ($user->default_image->id) { ?> <?php echo HTML::image($user->default_image->get_url('thumbnail')) . '<br />'; } elseif (Validate::url($user->picture)) { ?> <?php echo HTML::image($user->picture, array('width' => 160)) . '<br />'; } ?> <?php echo __('Last login: :login', array(':login' => HTML::time(Date::fuzzy_span($user->last_login), $user->last_login))); ?> <br />
/** * Render view. * * @return string */ public function content() { ob_start(); if (count($this->topics)) { ?> <table class="table"> <thead> <tr> <th class="span1 from"><?php echo __('From'); ?> </th> <th class="span5 topic"><?php echo __('Topic'); ?> </th> <th class="span1 replies"><?php echo __('Replies'); ?> </th> <th class="span2 latest"><?php echo __('Latest post'); ?> </th> </tr> </thead> <tbody> <?php foreach ($this->topics as $topic) { ?> <tr> <td class="from"> <?php echo HTML::user($topic->author_id, $topic->author_name); ?> </td> <td class="topic"> <?php echo HTML::anchor(Route::model($topic, '?page=last#last'), '<i class="' . (($recipients = $topic->recipient_count) < 3 ? 'icon-envelope' : 'icon-comment') . ' icon-white"></i> ' . HTML::chars($topic->name), array('title' => $recipients < 3 ? __('Personal message') : __(':recipients recipients', array(':recipients' => Num::format($recipients, 0))))); ?> </td> <td class="replies"> <?php echo Num::format($topic->post_count - 1, 0); ?> </td> <td class="latest"> <small class="ago"><?php echo HTML::time(Date::short_span($topic->last_posted, true, true), $topic->last_posted); ?> </small> <?php echo HTML::user($topic->last_poster, $topic->last_poster); ?> </td> </tr> <?php } ?> </tbody> </table> <?php } else { // Empty area echo new View_Alert(__('Here be nothing yet.'), null, View_Alert::INFO); } return ob_get_clean(); }
/** * Render content. * * @return string */ public function content() { ob_start(); /* // Stamp if ($this->event->stamp_begin != $this->event->stamp_end): echo ($this->event->stamp_end ? '<i class="icon-time icon-white"></i> ' . __('From :from to :to', array( ':from' => HTML::time(Date::format('HHMM', $this->event->stamp_begin), $this->event->stamp_begin), ':to' => HTML::time(Date::format('HHMM', $this->event->stamp_end), $this->event->stamp_end) )) : '<i class="icon-time icon-white"></i> ' . __('From :from onwards', array( ':from' => HTML::time(Date::format('HHMM', $this->event->stamp_begin), $this->event->stamp_begin), ))) . '<br />'; endif; */ // Price if ($this->event->price == 0) { echo '<i class="icon-shopping-cart icon-white"></i> ' . __('Free entry') . '<br />'; } elseif ($this->event->price > 0) { echo '<i class="icon-shopping-cart icon-white"></i> ' . __('Tickets :price', array(':price' => '<var>' . Num::currency($this->event->price, $this->event->stamp_begin) . '</var>')); echo ($this->event->price2 !== null ? ', ' . __('presale :price', array(':price' => '<var>' . Num::currency($this->event->price2, $this->event->stamp_begin) . '</var>')) : '') . '<br />'; } // Age limit if ($this->event->age > 0) { echo '<i class="icon-user icon-white"></i> ' . __('Age limit') . ': ' . __(':years years', array(':years' => '<var>' . $this->event->age . '</var>')) . '<br />'; } // Homepage if (!empty($this->event->homepage)) { echo '<i class="icon-home icon-white"></i> ' . HTML::anchor($this->event->homepage, Text::limit_url($this->event->homepage, 25)) . '<br />'; } // Tags if ($tags = $this->event->tags()) { echo '<i class="icon-music icon-white"></i> ' . implode(', ', $tags) . '<br />'; } elseif (!empty($this->event->music)) { echo '<i class="icon-music icon-white"></i> ' . $this->event->music . '<br />'; } /* // Venue if ($_venue = $this->event->venue()): // Venue found from db $venue = HTML::anchor(Route::model($_venue), HTML::chars($_venue->name)); $address = $_venue->address ? HTML::chars($_venue->address) . ', ' . HTML::chars($_venue->city_name) : HTML::chars($_venue->city_name); if ($_venue->latitude): $map = array( 'marker' => HTML::chars($_venue->name), 'infowindow' => HTML::chars($_venue->address) . '<br />' . HTML::chars($_venue->city_name), 'lat' => $_venue->latitude, 'long' => $_venue->longitude ); Widget::add('foot', HTML::script_source(' head.ready("anqh", function() { $("#event-info a[href=#map]").on("click", function toggleMap(event) { $("#map").toggle("fast", function openMap() { $("#map").googleMap(' . json_encode($map) . '); }); return false; }); }); ')); endif; elseif ($this->event->venue_name): // No venue in db $venue = $this->event->venue_url ? HTML::anchor($this->event->venue_url, HTML::chars($this->event->venue_name)) : HTML::chars($this->event->venue_name); $address = HTML::chars($this->event->city_name); else: // Venue not set $venue = $this->event->venue_hidden ? __('Underground') : __('(Unknown)'); $address = HTML::chars($this->event->city_name); endif; echo '<address><strong><i class="icon-map-marker icon-white"></i> ', $venue, '</strong>' . ($address ? ', ' . $address : '') . '<br />'; if (isset($map)): echo HTML::anchor('#map', __('Toggle map')) . '<br />'; echo '<div id="map" style="display: none">', __('Map loading') . '</div>'; endif; echo '</address>'; */ // Meta echo '<br /><footer class="meta">'; echo __('Added') . ' ' . HTML::time(Date::format(Date::DMY_SHORT, $this->event->created), $this->event->created); if ($this->event->modified) { echo ', ' . __('last modified') . ' ' . HTML::time(Date::short_span($this->event->modified, false), $this->event->modified); } echo '</footer>'; return ob_get_clean(); }
* * @package Anqh * @author Antti Qvickström * @copyright (c) 2011 Antti Qvickström * @license http://www.opensource.org/licenses/mit-license.php MIT license */ ?> <ul> <?php foreach ($friends as $friend) { ?> <li class="group"> <?php echo HTML::avatar($friend['avatar'], $friend['username']); ?> <?php echo HTML::user($friend); ?> <?php if (isset($friend['last_login'])) { echo '<small class="ago">', HTML::time(Date::short_span($friend['last_login'], true, true), $friend['last_login']), '</small>'; } ?> </li> <?php } ?> </ul>
/** * Render view. * * @return string */ public function content() { ob_start(); ?> <div class="pull-left"> <?php if ($this->author) { ?> <?php echo HTML::avatar($this->author->avatar, $this->author->username); ?> <p> <small><?php echo __('Posts: :posts', array(':posts' => '<var>' . Num::format($this->author->post_count, 0) . '</var>')); ?> </small> </p> <?php } else { ?> <?php echo HTML::avatar(false); ?> <?php } ?> </div> <div class="arrow"></div> <div class="media-body"> <header<?php echo $this->forum_post->id == $this->forum_topic->last_post_id ? ' id="last"' : ''; ?> > <small class="ago"> <?php echo HTML::anchor(Route::url($this->private ? 'forum_private_post' : 'forum_post', array('id' => Route::model_id($this->forum_post), 'topic_id' => Route::model_id($this->forum_topic))) . '#post-' . $this->forum_post->id, '#' . $this->nth, array('title' => __('Permalink'))); ?> • <?php if (Permission::has($this->forum_post, Model_Forum_Post::PERMISSION_UPDATE, self::$_user)) { echo HTML::anchor(Route::url($this->private ? 'forum_private_post' : 'forum_post', array('id' => Route::model_id($this->forum_post), 'topic_id' => Route::model_id($this->forum_topic), 'action' => 'edit')), __('Edit'), array('class' => 'post-edit')) . ' • '; } ?> <?php if (Permission::has($this->forum_post, Model_Forum_Post::PERMISSION_DELETE, self::$_user)) { echo HTML::anchor(Route::url($this->private ? 'forum_private_post' : 'forum_post', array('id' => Route::model_id($this->forum_post), 'topic_id' => Route::model_id($this->forum_topic), 'action' => 'delete')) . '?token=' . Security::csrf(), __('Delete'), array('class' => 'post-delete')) . ' • '; } ?> <?php if (Permission::has($this->forum_topic, Model_Forum_Topic::PERMISSION_POST, self::$_user)) { echo HTML::anchor(Route::url($this->private ? 'forum_private_post' : 'forum_post', array('id' => Route::model_id($this->forum_post), 'topic_id' => Route::model_id($this->forum_topic), 'action' => 'quote')), __('Reply'), array('class' => 'post-quote')) . ' • '; } ?> <?php echo HTML::time(Date::short_span($this->forum_post->created, true, true), $this->forum_post->created); ?> </small> <?php if ($this->author) { echo HTML::user($this->author->light_array()); if ($this->author->title) { echo ' <small>“' . HTML::chars($this->author->title) . '”</small>'; } } else { echo $this->forum_post->author_name; echo ' <small>“' . __('Guest') . '”</small>'; } ?> </header> <?php if ($this->forum_post->parent_id) { echo __('Replying to :parent', array(':parent' => HTML::anchor(Route::url($this->private ? 'forum_private_post' : 'forum_post', array('topic_id' => Route::model_id($this->forum_topic), 'id' => $this->forum_post->parent_id)) . '#post-' . $this->forum_post->parent_id, HTML::chars($this->forum_post->parent()->topic()->name)))); } ?> <?php echo BB::factory($this->forum_post->post)->render(); ?> <footer> <?php echo $this->author && $this->author->signature ? BB::factory("\n--\n" . $this->author->signature)->render() : ''; ?> <?php if ($this->forum_post->modify_count > 0) { echo '<br /><br />' . __('Edited :ago', array(':ago' => HTML::time(Date::fuzzy_span($this->forum_post->modified), $this->forum_post->modified))); } ?> </footer> </div> <?php return ob_get_clean(); }
/** * Set gallery specific title and actions. * * @param Model_Gallery $gallery */ protected function _set_gallery(Model_Gallery $gallery) { // Set title $images = count($gallery->images()); $this->view->tab = 'gallery'; $this->view->title = $gallery->name; $this->view->subtitle = __($images == 1 ? ':images image' : ':images images', array(':images' => $images)) . ' - ' . HTML::time(Date::format('DMYYYY', $gallery->date), $gallery->date, true); // Set actions $this->view->tabs['galleries']['link'] = Route::url('galleries', array('action' => 'browse', 'year' => date('Y', $gallery->date), 'month' => date('m', $gallery->date))); if ($this->view->actions['upload'] && Permission::has(new Model_Gallery(), Model_Gallery::PERMISSION_UPLOAD, self::$user)) { $this->view->actions['upload']['link'] = Route::model($gallery, 'upload'); } $this->view->tabs['gallery'] = array('link' => Route::model($gallery), 'text' => '<i class="icon-camera icon-white"></i> ' . __('Gallery')); if ($event = $gallery->event()) { $this->view->tabs[] = array('link' => Route::model($event), 'text' => '<i class="icon-calendar icon-white"></i> ' . __('Event') . ' »'); } }
/** * Create new view. * * @param Model_Event $event */ public function __construct(Model_Event $event) { parent::__construct(); $this->event = $event; $this->title = HTML::chars($this->event->name) . ' ' . HTML::time(Date('l ', $this->event->stamp_begin) . Date::format('DDMMYYYY', $this->event->stamp_begin), $this->event->stamp_begin, true); }
/** * Render view. * * @return string */ public function content() { ob_start(); if (count($this->topics)) { ?> <table class="table table-condensed table-striped"> <tbody> <?php foreach ($this->topics as $topic) { $last_poster = $topic->last_post()->author(); $area = $this->area ? false : $topic->area(); ?> <tr> <td> <h4 class="media-heading"> <?php if ($this->area || $topic->recipient_count) { ?> <?php echo HTML::anchor(Route::model($topic), Forum::topic($topic)); ?> <small class="transparent"><?php echo HTML::anchor(Route::model($topic, '?page=last#last'), '<i class="text-muted fa fa-level-down"></i>', array('title' => __('Last post'))); ?> </small> <?php } else { ?> <?php echo HTML::anchor(Route::model($topic, '?page=last#last'), Forum::topic($topic)); ?> <small class="transparent"><?php echo HTML::anchor(Route::model($topic), '<i class="text-muted fa fa-level-up"></i>', array('title' => __('First post'))); ?> </small> <?php } ?> </h4> <?php if ($area) { ?> <small class="muted"> <?php echo HTML::anchor(Route::model($area), HTML::chars($area->name), array('class' => 'hoverable')); ?> </small> <?php } ?> </td> <td class="text-right muted nowrap"> <small title="<?php echo __('Replies'); ?> "><?php echo Num::format($topic->post_count - 1, 0); ?> <i class="fa fa-comment"></i></small> </td> <td> <?php echo HTML::avatar($last_poster ? $last_poster['avatar'] : null, $last_poster ? $last_poster['username'] : null, 'small'); ?> <?php echo $last_poster ? HTML::user($last_poster) : HTML::chars($topic->last_poster); ?> </td> <td> <small class="muted pull-right nowrap"><?php echo HTML::time(Date::short_span($topic->last_posted, true, true), $topic->last_posted); ?> </small> </td> </tr> <?php } ?> </tbody> </table> <?php } else { // Empty area echo new View_Alert(__('Here be nothing yet.'), null, View_Alert::INFO); } return ob_get_clean(); }
/** * Render view. * * @return string */ public function content() { // Image basic info $info = array(__('Copyright') => $this->image->author_id ? HTML::user($this->image->author_id) : null, __('Added') => HTML::time(Date::format('DMYYYY_HM', $this->image->created), $this->image->created), __('Statistics') => '<i class="icon-comment icon-white"></i> ' . (int) $this->image->comment_count . ', ' . '<i class="icon-eye-open icon-white"></i> ' . (int) $this->image->view_count); // Image EXIF if ($exif = $this->image->exif()) { if ($exif->make || $exif->model) { $info[__('Camera')] = ($exif->make ? HTML::chars($exif->make) : '') . ($exif->model ? ($exif->make ? '<br />' : '') . HTML::chars($exif->model) : ''); } if ($exif->exposure) { $info[__('Exposure')] = HTML::chars($exif->exposure); } if ($exif->aperture) { $info[__('Aperture')] = HTML::chars($exif->aperture); } if ($exif->focal) { $info[__('Focal length')] = HTML::chars($exif->focal); } if ($exif->iso) { $info[__('ISO speed')] = HTML::chars($exif->iso); } if ($exif->taken) { $info[__('Taken')] = Date::format('DMYYYY_HM', $exif->taken); } if ($exif->flash) { $info[__('Flash')] = HTML::chars($exif->flash); } if ($exif->program) { $info[__('Program')] = HTML::chars($exif->program); } if ($exif->metering) { $info[__('Metering')] = HTML::chars($exif->metering); } if ($exif->latitude) { $info[__('Latitude')] = HTML::chars($exif->latitude); } if ($exif->longitude) { $info[__('Longitude')] = HTML::chars($exif->longitude); } if ($exif->altitude) { $info[__('Altitude')] = HTML::chars($exif->altitude) . 'm'; } if ($exif->lens) { $info[__('Lens')] = HTML::chars($exif->lens); } } ob_start(); if (!empty($info)) { ?> <dl class="dl-horizontal"> <?php foreach ($info as $term => $definition) { if (!is_null($definition)) { ?> <dt><?php echo $term; ?> </dt><dd><?php echo $definition; ?> </dd> <?php } } ?> </dl> <?php } return ob_get_clean(); }