Ejemplo n.º 1
 public function validation()
     if (!$this->active) {
     if (!array_key_exists('xml', $_POST)) {
     if (_PS_MAGIC_QUOTES_GPC_) {
         $_POST['xml'] = stripslashes($_POST['xml']);
     require_once dirname(__FILE__) . '/mapi/mapi_package.php';
     if (HIPAY_MAPI_COMM_XML::analyzeNotificationXML($_POST['xml'], $operation, $status, $date, $time, $transid, $amount, $currency, $id_cart, $data) === false) {
         file_put_contents('logs' . Configuration::get('HIPAY_UNIQID') . '.txt', '[' . date('Y-m-d H:i:s') . '] Analysis error: ' . htmlentities($_POST['xml']) . "\n", FILE_APPEND);
         return false;
     if (_PS_VERSION_ >= 1.5) {
         Context::getContext()->cart = new Cart((int) $id_cart);
     $cart = new Cart((int) $id_cart);
     if (Tools::encrypt($cart->id . $cart->secure_key . Configuration::get('HIPAY_SALT')) != Tools::getValue('token')) {
         file_put_contents('logs' . Configuration::get('HIPAY_UNIQID') . '.txt', '[' . date('Y-m-d H:i:s') . '] Token error: ' . htmlentities($_POST['xml']) . "\n", FILE_APPEND);
     } else {
         if (trim($operation) == 'capture' and trim(strtolower($status)) == 'ok') {
             /* Paiement capturé sur Hipay = Paiement accepté sur Prestashop */
             $orderMessage = $operation . ': ' . $status . '\\ndate: ' . $date . ' ' . $time . '\\ntransaction: ' . $transid . '\\namount: ' . (double) $amount . ' ' . $currency . '\\nid_cart: ' . (int) $id_cart;
             $this->validateOrder((int) $id_cart, Configuration::get('PS_OS_PAYMENT'), (double) $amount, $this->displayName, $orderMessage, array(), NULL, false, $cart->secure_key);
         } elseif (trim($operation) == 'refund' and trim(strtolower($status)) == 'ok') {
             /* Paiement remboursé sur Hipay */
             if (!($id_order = Order::getOrderByCartId((int) $id_cart))) {
             $order = new Order((int) $id_order);
             if (!$order->valid or $order->getCurrentState() === Configuration::get('PS_OS_REFUND')) {
             $orderHistory = new OrderHistory();
             $orderHistory->id_order = (int) $order->id;
             $orderHistory->changeIdOrderState((int) Configuration::get('PS_OS_REFUND'), (int) $id_order);
Ejemplo n.º 2
 public function validation()
     if (!array_key_exists('xml', $_POST)) {
     if (_PS_MAGIC_QUOTES_GPC_) {
         $_POST['xml'] = stripslashes($_POST['xml']);
     require_once dirname(__FILE__) . '/mapi/mapi_package.php';
     if (HIPAY_MAPI_COMM_XML::analyzeNotificationXML($_POST['xml'], $operation, $status, $date, $time, $transid, $amount, $currency, $id_cart, $data) === false) {
         file_put_contents('logs' . Configuration::get('HIPAY_UNIQID') . '.txt', '[' . date('Y-m-d H:i:s') . '] ' . $_POST['xml'] . "\n", FILE_APPEND);
     if (trim($operation) == 'capture' and trim(strtolower($status)) == 'ok') {
         /* Paiement capturé sur Hipay = Paiement accepté sur Prestashop */
         $orderMessage = $operation . ': ' . $status . "\n" . 'date: ' . $date . ' ' . $time . "\n" . 'transaction: ' . $transid . "\n" . 'amount: ' . (double) $amount . ' ' . $currency . "\n" . 'id_cart: ' . (int) $id_cart;
         $this->validateOrder((int) $id_cart, _PS_OS_PAYMENT_, (double) $amount, $this->displayName, $orderMessage);
     } elseif (trim($operation) == 'refund' and trim(strtolower($status)) == 'ok') {
         /* Paiement remboursé sur Hipay */
         if (!($id_order = Order::getOrderByCartId(intval($id_cart)))) {
         $order = new Order(intval($id_order));
         if (!$order->valid or $order->getCurrentState() === _PS_OS_REFUND_) {
         $orderHistory = new OrderHistory();
         $orderHistory->id_order = intval($order->id);
         $orderHistory->changeIdOrderState(intval(_PS_OS_REFUND_), intval($id_order));
Ejemplo n.º 3
 public function validation()
     # LOG
     $message = '######################################' . "\r\n";
     $message .= '# Date Début Validation - ' . date("d/m/Y H:i:s") . "\r\n";
     $message .= '#### Module actif - ' . ($this->active ? 'TRUE' : 'FALSE') . "\r\n";
     $message .= '#### Variable POST :' . "\r\n";
     $message .= print_r($_POST, true);
     $message .= "\r\n";
     # ---
     if (!$this->active) {
     if (!array_key_exists('xml', $_POST)) {
     if (_PS_MAGIC_QUOTES_GPC_) {
         $_POST['xml'] = stripslashes($_POST['xml']);
     require_once dirname(__FILE__) . '/mapi/mapi_package.php';
     # LOG
     $this->HipayLog('#### Début HIPAY_MAPI_COMM_XML::analyzeNotificationXML' . "\r\n");
     # ---
     if (HIPAY_MAPI_COMM_XML::analyzeNotificationXML($_POST['xml'], $operation, $status, $date, $time, $transid, $amount, $currency, $id_cart, $data) === false) {
         file_put_contents('logs' . Configuration::get('HIPAY_UNIQID') . '.txt', '[' . date('Y-m-d H:i:s') . '] Analysis error: ' . htmlentities($_POST['xml']) . "\n", FILE_APPEND);
         return false;
     # LOG
     $message = '#### Fin HIPAY_MAPI_COMM_XML::analyzeNotificationXML' . "\r\n";
     $message .= '#### Version Prestashop : ' . _PS_VERSION_;
     # ---
     if (version_compare(_PS_VERSION_, '', '>=')) {
         # LOG
         $this->HipayLog('#### ID Panier : ' . (int) $id_cart . "\r\n");
         # ---
         Context::getContext()->cart = new Cart((int) $id_cart);
     $cart = new Cart((int) $id_cart);
     # LOG
     $message = '#### TOKEN : ' . Tools::getValue('token') . "\r\n";
     $message .= '#### SECURE KEY : ' . $cart->secure_key . "\r\n";
     $message .= '#### HIPAY SALT : ' . Configuration::get('HIPAY_SALT') . "\r\n";
     $message .= '#### CLE ENCRYPTE : ' . Tools::encrypt($cart->id . $cart->secure_key . Configuration::get('HIPAY_SALT')) . "\r\n";
     # ---
     if (Tools::encrypt($cart->id . $cart->secure_key . Configuration::get('HIPAY_SALT')) != Tools::getValue('token')) {
         # LOG
         $this->HipayLog('#### TOKEN = CLE : NOK' . "\r\n");
         # ---
         file_put_contents('logs' . Configuration::get('HIPAY_UNIQID') . '.txt', '[' . date('Y-m-d H:i:s') . '] Token error: ' . htmlentities($_POST['xml']) . "\n", FILE_APPEND);
     } else {
         # LOG
         $message = '#### Opération : ' . trim($operation) . "\r\n";
         $message .= '#### Status : ' . trim(strtolower($status)) . "\r\n";
         # ---
         if (trim($operation) == 'authorization' && trim(strtolower($status)) == 'waiting') {
             // Authorization WAITING
             $orderMessage = $operation . ": " . $status . "\ndate: " . $date . " " . $time . "\ntransaction: " . $transid . "\namount: " . (double) $amount . " " . $currency . "\nid_cart: " . (int) $id_cart;
             $this->validateOrder((int) $id_cart, Configuration::get('HIPAY_WAITINGPAYMENT_OS'), (double) $amount, $this->displayName, $orderMessage, array(), NULL, false, $cart->secure_key);
             # LOG
             $this->HipayLog('######## AW - création Commande / status : ' . (int) Configuration::get('HIPAY_WAITINGPAYMENT_OS') . "\r\n");
             # ---
         } else {
             if (trim($operation) == 'authorization' && trim(strtolower($status)) == 'ok') {
                 // vérification si commande existante
                 $id_order = Order::getOrderByCartId((int) $id_cart);
                 # LOG
                 $this->HipayLog('######## AOK - ID Commande : ' . ($id_order ? $id_order : 'Pas de commande') . "\r\n");
                 # ---
                 if ($id_order !== false) {
                     // change statut si commande en attente de paiement
                     $order = new Order((int) $id_order);
                     if ((int) $order->getCurrentState() == (int) Configuration::get('HIPAY_WAITINGPAYMENT_OS')) {
                         // on affecte à la commande au statut paiement autorisé par HiPay
                         $statut_id = Configuration::get('HIPAY_AUTHORIZATION_OS');
                         $order_history = new OrderHistory();
                         $order_history->id_order = $id_order;
                         $order_history->changeIdOrderState($statut_id, $id_order);
                         # LOG
                         $this->HipayLog('######## AOK - Historique Commande / Change status : ' . (int) Configuration::get('HIPAY_AUTHORIZATION_OS') . "\r\n");
                         # ---
                 } else {
                     // on revérifie si la commande n'existe pas au cas où la capture soit arrivée avant
                     // sinon on ne fait rien
                     $id_order = Order::getOrderByCartId((int) $id_cart);
                     if ($id_order === false) {
                         // Authorization OK
                         $orderMessage = $operation . ": " . $status . "\ndate: " . $date . " " . $time . "\ntransaction: " . $transid . "\namount: " . (double) $amount . " " . $currency . "\nid_cart: " . (int) $id_cart;
                         $this->validateOrder((int) $id_cart, Configuration::get('HIPAY_AUTHORIZATION_OS'), (double) $amount, $this->displayName, $orderMessage, array(), NULL, false, $cart->secure_key);
                         # LOG
                         $this->HipayLog('######## AOK - création Commande / status : ' . (int) Configuration::get('HIPAY_AUTHORIZATION_OS') . "\r\n");
                         # ---
             } else {
                 if (trim($operation) == 'capture' && trim(strtolower($status)) == 'ok') {
                     // Capture OK
                     $orderMessage = $operation . ": " . $status . "\ndate: " . $date . " " . $time . "\ntransaction: " . $transid . "\namount: " . (double) $amount . " " . $currency . "\nid_cart: " . (int) $id_cart;
                     $id_order = Order::getOrderByCartId((int) $id_cart);
                     # LOG
                     $this->HipayLog('######## C*K - ID Commande : ' . ($id_order ? $id_order : 'Pas de commande') . "\r\n");
                     # ---
                     if ($id_order !== false) {
                         # LOG
                         $this->HipayLog('######## C*K - id_order existant' . "\r\n");
                         # ---
                         $order = new Order((int) $id_order);
                         # LOG
                         $this->HipayLog('######## C*K - objet order loadé' . "\r\n");
                         # ---
                         // si la commande est au statut Autorisation ok ou en attente de paiement
                         // on change le statut en paiement accepté
                         if ((int) $order->getCurrentState() == (int) Configuration::get('HIPAY_AUTHORIZATION_OS') || (int) $order->getCurrentState() == (int) Configuration::get('HIPAY_WAITINGPAYMENT_OS')) {
                             $statut_id = Configuration::get('PS_OS_PAYMENT');
                             $order_history = new OrderHistory();
                             $order_history->id_order = $id_order;
                             $order_history->changeIdOrderState($statut_id, $id_order);
                             # LOG
                             $this->HipayLog('######## C*K - Historique Commande / Change status : ' . (int) Configuration::get('PS_OS_PAYMENT') . "\r\n");
                             # ---
                     } else {
                         $this->validateOrder((int) $id_cart, Configuration::get('PS_OS_PAYMENT'), (double) $amount, $this->displayName, $orderMessage, array(), NULL, false, $cart->secure_key);
                         # LOG
                         $this->HipayLog('######## C*K - création Commande / status : ' . (int) Configuration::get('PS_OS_PAYMENT') . "\r\n");
                         # ---
                     // Commande que prestashop lance mais n'a aucune incidence dans le module...
                     // Ajouté en commentaire
                     // Configuration::updateValue('HIPAY_CONFIGURATION_OK', true);
                 } else {
                     if (trim($operation) == 'capture' && trim(strtolower($status)) == 'nok') {
                         // Capture NOK
                         $id_order = Order::getOrderByCartId((int) $id_cart);
                         # LOG
                         $this->HipayLog('######## CNOK - ID Commande : ' . ($id_order ? $id_order : 'Pas de commande') . "\r\n");
                         # ---
                         if ($id_order !== false) {
                             $order = new Order((int) $id_order);
                             if ((int) $order->getCurrentState() == (int) Configuration::get('HIPAY_AUTHORIZATION_OS')) {
                                 $statut_id = Configuration::get('PS_OS_ERROR');
                                 $order_history = new OrderHistory();
                                 $order_history->id_order = $id_order;
                                 $order_history->changeIdOrderState($statut_id, $id_order);
                                 # LOG
                                 $this->HipayLog('######## CNOK - Historique Commande / Change status : ' . (int) Configuration::get('PS_OS_ERROR') . "\r\n");
                                 # ---
                     } elseif (trim($operation) == 'refund' and trim(strtolower($status)) == 'ok') {
                         /* Paiement remboursé sur Hipay */
                         if (!($id_order = Order::getOrderByCartId((int) $id_cart))) {
                         $order = new Order((int) $id_order);
                         if (!$order->valid or $order->getCurrentState() === Configuration::get('PS_OS_REFUND')) {
                         $statut_id = Configuration::get('PS_OS_REFUND');
                         $order_history = new OrderHistory();
                         $order_history->id_order = $id_order;
                         $order_history->changeIdOrderState($statut_id, $id_order);
                         # LOG
                         ${$this}->HipayLog('######## ROK - Historique Commande / Change status : ' . (int) Configuration::get('PS_OS_REFUND') . "\r\n");
                         # ---
     # Patch LOG Pour les erreurs 500
     $message = '# Date Fin Validation - ' . date("d/m/Y H:i:s") . "\r\n";
     $message .= '######################################' . "\r\n";
     # ---------------------------------------------------------
     return true;
Ejemplo n.º 4
 public function validation()
     if (!$this->active) {
     if (!array_key_exists('xml', $_POST)) {
     if (_PS_MAGIC_QUOTES_GPC_) {
         $_POST['xml'] = stripslashes($_POST['xml']);
     require_once dirname(__FILE__) . '/mapi/mapi_package.php';
     if (HIPAY_MAPI_COMM_XML::analyzeNotificationXML($_POST['xml'], $operation, $status, $date, $time, $transid, $amount, $currency, $id_cart, $data) === false) {
         file_put_contents('logs' . Configuration::get('HIPAY_UNIQID') . '.txt', '[' . date('Y-m-d H:i:s') . '] Analysis error: ' . htmlentities($_POST['xml']) . "\n", FILE_APPEND);
         return false;
     if (version_compare(_PS_VERSION_, '', '>=')) {
         Context::getContext()->cart = new Cart((int) $id_cart);
     $cart = new Cart((int) $id_cart);
     if (Tools::encrypt($cart->id . $cart->secure_key . Configuration::get('HIPAY_SALT')) != Tools::getValue('token')) {
         file_put_contents('logs' . Configuration::get('HIPAY_UNIQID') . '.txt', '[' . date('Y-m-d H:i:s') . '] Token error: ' . htmlentities($_POST['xml']) . "\n", FILE_APPEND);
     } else {
         if (trim($operation) == 'authorization' && trim(strtolower($status)) == 'ok') {
             // Authorization OK
             $orderMessage = $operation . ": " . $status . "\ndate: " . $date . " " . $time . "\ntransaction: " . $transid . "\namount: " . (double) $amount . " " . $currency . "\nid_cart: " . (int) $id_cart;
             $this->validateOrder((int) $id_cart, Configuration::get('HIPAY_AUTHORIZATION_OS'), (double) $amount, $this->displayName, $orderMessage, array(), NULL, false, $cart->secure_key);
         } else {
             if (trim($operation) == 'capture' && trim(strtolower($status)) == 'ok') {
                 // Capture OK
                 $orderMessage = $operation . ": " . $status . "\ndate: " . $date . " " . $time . "\ntransaction: " . $transid . "\namount: " . (double) $amount . " " . $currency . "\nid_cart: " . (int) $id_cart;
                 $id_order = Order::getOrderByCartId((int) $id_cart);
                 if ($id_order !== false) {
                     $order = new Order((int) $id_order);
                     if ((int) $order->getCurrentState() == (int) Configuration::get('HIPAY_AUTHORIZATION_OS')) {
                         $orderHistory = new OrderHistory();
                         $orderHistory->id_order = (int) $order->id;
                         $orderHistory->changeIdOrderState((int) Configuration::get('PS_OS_PAYMENT'), (int) $id_order);
                 } else {
                     $this->validateOrder((int) $id_cart, Configuration::get('PS_OS_PAYMENT'), (double) $amount, $this->displayName, $orderMessage, array(), NULL, false, $cart->secure_key);
                 Configuration::updateValue('HIPAY_CONFIGURATION_OK', true);
             } else {
                 if (trim($operation) == 'capture' && trim(strtolower($status)) == 'nok') {
                     // Capture NOK
                     $id_order = Order::getOrderByCartId((int) $id_cart);
                     if ($id_order !== false) {
                         $order = new Order((int) $id_order);
                         if ((int) $order->getCurrentState() == (int) Configuration::get('HIPAY_AUTHORIZATION_OS')) {
                             $orderHistory = new OrderHistory();
                             $orderHistory->id_order = (int) $order->id;
                             $orderHistory->changeIdOrderState((int) Configuration::get('PS_OS_ERROR'), (int) $id_order);
                 } elseif (trim($operation) == 'refund' && trim(strtolower($status)) == 'ok') {
                     /* Paiement remboursé sur Hipay */
                     if (!($id_order = Order::getOrderByCartId((int) $id_cart))) {
                     $order = new Order((int) $id_order);
                     if (!$order->valid or $order->getCurrentState() === Configuration::get('PS_OS_REFUND')) {
                     $orderHistory = new OrderHistory();
                     $orderHistory->id_order = (int) $order->id;
                     $orderHistory->changeIdOrderState((int) Configuration::get('PS_OS_REFUND'), (int) $id_order);