public function getColumn($column) { global $post; switch ($column) { case 'category': echo get_the_term_list($post->ID, $post->post_type . '_category', '', ', ', ''); break; case 'thumbnail': if ($post->Thumbnail) { echo GummRegistry::get('Helper', 'Media')->display($post->Thumbnail->guid, array('width' => 70, 'height' => 70)); } break; case 'gallery_album': echo get_the_term_list($post->ID, 'gallery_album', '', ', ', ''); break; case 'portfolio_cats': echo get_the_term_list($post->ID, 'portfolio_cat', '', ', ', ''); break; case $post->post_type . '_author': $author = isset($post->PostMeta['author']) ? $post->PostMeta['author'] : ''; $organisation = isset($post->PostMeta['organisation']) ? $post->PostMeta['organisation'] : ''; echo '<span class="testimonial_author_name">' . $author . '</span>'; if ($organisation) { echo ' - <span class="testimonial_author_occupation">' . $organisation . '</span>'; } break; case $post->post_type . '_excerpt': edit_post_link(GummRegistry::get('Helper', 'Text')->truncate(get_the_excerpt(), 100, array('exact' => false))); break; } }
public function display($options = array()) { $options = array_merge(array('separator' => ' / '), $options); $crumbs = array(); $path = array(); $post = GummRegistry::get('Model', 'Post')->getQueriedObject(); if (is_page() && $post->ID != $this->Wp->getFrontPageId()) { $path = $this->getPathFromNavMenu($post->ID); if (!$path) { $path = $this->getPathFromAncestors($post); } } elseif ($post && is_home()) { $path[] = $this->getNode($post, 'page'); } elseif (is_single()) { $postCategories = $this->Wp->getPostCategories($post); $counter = 1; foreach ($postCategories as $catId => $postCategory) { if ($counter > 4) { break; } $path[] = array('id' => $catId, 'title' => $postCategory, 'url' => $this->Wp->getPostCategoryLink($post, $catId)); $counter++; } $path[] = $this->getNode($post, 'page'); } elseif (is_search()) { $path[] = array('id' => null, 'title' => __('Search', 'gummfw'), 'url' => null); } array_unshift($path, array('id' => $this->Wp->getFrontPageId(), 'title' => __('Home', 'gummfw'), 'url' => home_url())); $path = apply_filters('gumm_breadcrumb_path', $path); foreach ($path as $item) { $crumbs[] = $this->crumb($item); } return implode($options['separator'], $crumbs); }
public function get_styles_structure() { $this->autoRender = false; if (!$this->RequestHandler->isAjax()) { return; } echo json_encode(GummRegistry::get('Helper', 'Html')->getStylesStructureForLayout()); die; }
public function __construct(array $settings) { parent::__construct(); $this->Wp = GummRegistry::get('Helper', 'Wp'); if (!isset($settings['path'])) { trigger_error(__('Cannot intialize external plugin without supplying path', 'gummfw')); } if ($this->Wp->isPluginActive($settings['path'])) { $this->initialize(); } }
public function __construct() { parent::__construct(); if (!$this->name) { $this->name = str_replace('Helper', '', get_class($this)); } if (isset($this->data['_mergeonsave']) && (int) $this->data['_mergeonsave'] === 0) { $this->mergeOnSave = false; } foreach ($this->helpers as $helper) { $this->{$helper} = GummRegistry::get('Helper', $helper); } GummRegistry::updateRegistry('Helper_' . $this->name, $this); }
public function __construct() { $this->options['classname'] = Inflector::slug(Inflector::underscore(get_class($this)), '-'); $this->WP_Widget($this->options['classname'], GUMM_THEME . ' ' . $this->customName, $this->options); foreach ($this->helpers as $helper) { $helper = Inflector::camelize($helper); $this->{$helper} = GummRegistry::get('Helper', $helper); } if ($fields = $this->_fields()) { foreach ($fields as $k => $v) { $val = isset($v['value']) ? $v['value'] : null; $this->fields[$k] = $val; } } }
public function __construct() { parent::__construct(); $thisclassVars = get_class_vars(get_class($this)); $selfClassVars = get_class_vars('Controller'); $this->name = $this->getName(); if (isset($thisClassVars['helpers'])) { $this->helpers = array_merge($selfClassVars['helpers'], $thisClassVars['helpers']); } foreach ($this->components as $component) { $this->{$component} = GummRegistry::get('Component', $component); } foreach ($this->uses as $model) { $this->{$model} = GummRegistry::get('Model', $model); } }
/** * @param int $optionId * @return string */ public function getNewBlockLayerId($optionId) { $gummWpHelper = GummRegistry::get('Helper', 'Wp'); $newBlockLayerId = sprintf($this->_layerIdSchema, $this->_layerBlockDepth); $blockData = $gummWpHelper->getOption($optionId); if ($blockData && is_array($blockData)) { for ($i = $this->_layerBlockDepth; $i >= 1; $i--) { $currLayerId = sprintf($this->_layerIdSchema, $i); if (!isset($blockData[$currLayerId])) { $newBlockLayerId = $currLayerId; break; } } } return $newBlockLayerId; }
public function getExcerptLengthForLayout($layoutSchema) { $layout = GummRegistry::get('Model', 'Layout')->findSchemaForLayout(); $sidebarsNumber = count($layout['sidebars']); $length = null; switch ($sidebarsNumber) { case 0: $length = Configure::read('excerptLengthMap.noSidebars.' . $layoutSchema); break; case 1: $length = Configure::read('excerptLengthMap.oneSidebar.' . $layoutSchema); break; case 2: $length = Configure::read('excerptLengthMap.twoSidebars.' . $layoutSchema); break; } return $length; }
public function parseTweets($tweets) { $result = array(); if ($tweets) { foreach ($tweets as $tweet) { $text = $tweet->text; $text = preg_replace("#(^|[\n ])([\\w]+?://[\\w]+[^ \"\n\r\t< ]*)#", "\\1<a href=\"\\2\" >\\2</a>", $text); $text = preg_replace("#(^|[\n ])((www|ftp)\\.[^ \"\t\n\r< ]*)#", "\\1<a href=\"http://\\2\" >\\2</a>", $text); $text = preg_replace("/@(\\w+)/", "<a href=\"\\1\" class=\"twitter-atreply pretty-link\" >@\\1</a>", $text); $text = preg_replace("/#(\\w+)/", "<a href=\"\\1\" >#\\1</a>", $text); // return $ret; // if ($replyTo = $tweet['in_reply_to_screen_name']) { // $replyToLink = '<a href="' . $replyTo . '" class="twitter-atreply pretty-link"><s>@</s><strong>' . $replyTo . '</strong></a>'; // $text = str_replace('@' . $replyTo, $replyToLink, $text); // } $time = GummRegistry::get('Helper', 'Time')->timeAgoInWords($tweet->created_at); $result[] = array('text' => $text, 'time' => $time, 'user' => $tweet->user); } } return $result; }
public function beforeRender($options) { global $post; $this->posts = GummRegistry::get('Model', 'Post')->findRelated($post, (int) $this->getParam('postsNumber')); if (!$this->posts) { return false; } $visibleNum = $this->getParam('layout') === 'blog' ? (int) $this->getParam('rows') : (int) $this->getParam('columns'); if (count($this->posts) > $visibleNum) { if ($this->getParam('layout') === 'blog') { $this->shouldPaginate = true; $this->htmlClass .= 'flex-slider'; $this->htmlElementData = array('data-direction-nav-container' => '#' . $this->id() . '-nav-controls', 'data-animation' => $this->getParam('flexSliderAnimation'), 'data-animation-loop' => '1', 'data-smooth-height' => '1'); } else { $this->shouldPaginate = true; $this->htmlClass .= ' gumm-layout-element-slider'; $this->htmlElementData = array('data-directional-nav' => '.heading-pagination', 'data-num-visible' => (int) $this->getParam('columns')); } } $this->supports['title'] = __('Related', 'gummfw'); $this->htmlClass .= ' bluebox-related-blog-posts'; $this->metaFields = array_keys(Set::filter(Set::booleanize($this->getParam('metaFields')))); }
private function _renderLayoutGaugeWithText($options) { $iconLinkAtts = array_merge($this->_defaultLinkAtts(), array('class' => 'bb-gauge-icon-container')); ?> <h4 class="head-link"> <a<?php echo $this->Html->_constructTagAttributes($this->_defaultLinkAtts()); ?> ><?php echo $this->getParam('headingText'); ?> <span class="icon-chevron-right"></span></a> </h4> <div class="bluebox-clear"></div> <a<?php echo $this->Html->_constructTagAttributes($iconLinkAtts); ?> > <?php $icon = $this->getParam('gaugeIcon'); echo GummRegistry::get('Helper', 'Layout')->gaugeChart(array('size' => $this->getParam('gaugeSize'), 'percent' => $this->getParam('gaugePercent'), 'backgroundColor' => '#fafafa', 'strokeWidth' => $this->getParam('gaugeStroke'), 'icon' => $icon, 'iconStyle' => $this->getGaugeIconStyle(), 'fontSize' => $this->getParam('gaugeIconSize'))); ?> </a> <?php echo wpautop(do_shortcode($this->getParam('content'))); echo $this->_renderReadMoreLink(); }
public function __construct() { $this->phpFlickr = new phpFlickr(self::API_KEY); $this->wpHelper = GummRegistry::get('Helper', 'Wp'); }
/** * @param array $class * @return array */ public function _filterPostClass($class) { global $post; switch ($post->post_type) { case 'portfolio': $class[] = $this->Layout->findLayoutForPortfolioPost($post->ID); break; } $class[] = 'gumm-filterable-item'; $categories = GummRegistry::get('Helper', 'Wp')->getPostCategories($post); foreach ($categories as $catId => $catName) { $class[] = 'for-category-' . $catId; } return $class; }
public function getPageIdForPostType($postType) { return GummRegistry::get('Model', 'Layout')->getPageIdForPostType($postType); }
public function printFooterScriptData() { if (!$this->scriptData) { return true; } $isAjax = GummRegistry::get('Component', 'RequestHandler')->isAjax(); ?> <script type="text/javascript"> <?php if (isset($this->scriptData[1])) { ?> (function( $ ){ <?php if (!$isAjax) { ?> $(window).load(function(){ <?php } foreach ($this->scriptData[1] as $scriptBlock) { echo $scriptBlock; } if (!$isAjax) { ?> }); <?php } ?> })( jQuery ); <?php } ?> </script> <?php return true; }
private function getSidebarElements() { $sidebars = GummRegistry::get('Model', 'Sidebar')->find('all', array('conditions' => array('id !=' => array('gumm-footer-sidebar-1', 'gumm-footer-sidebar-2', 'gumm-footer-sidebar-3', 'gumm-footer-sidebar-4')))); $elements = array(); foreach ($sidebars as $sidebar) { $elements[] = $this->requestAction(array('admin' => true, 'controller' => 'sidebars', 'action' => 'view', $sidebar), false); } $elements[] = '<li class="new-sidebar icon-plus"></li>'; return $elements; }
/** * @return void */ public function __construct() { parent::__construct(); $this->RequestHandler = GummRegistry::get('Component', 'RequestHandler'); }
protected function getMediaItems() { if (!$this->mediaItems) { $media = array(); if (!($mediaSource = $this->getParam('mediaSource'))) { return $media; } switch ($mediaSource) { case 'post': $posts = $this->queryPosts(); foreach ($posts as $post) { if ($post->Thumbnail) { $post->Thumbnail->post_parent = $post->ID; $media[] = $post->Thumbnail; } } break; case 'custom': case 'media': $media = GummRegistry::get('Model', 'Post')->findAttachmentPosts($this->getParam('media')); break; } $this->mediaItems = $media; } return $this->mediaItems; }
protected function _render($options) { $mediaIds = array(); foreach ($this->slides as $slideId => $slide) { if (isset($slide['media']) && $slide['media']) { $mediaIds[] = $slide['media'][0]; $this->slides[$slideId]['media'] = $slide['media'][0]; } else { $this->slides[$slideId]['media'] = false; } } $images = GummRegistry::get('Model', 'Post')->findAttachmentPosts(array_unique($mediaIds)); foreach ($this->slides as $slideId => $slide) { foreach ($images as $image) { if ($image->ID == $slide['media']) { $this->slides[$slideId]['media'] = $image; break; } } } foreach ($this->slides as $slideId => $slide) { if (!$slide['media']) { unset($this->slides[$slideId]); } } $rowSpan = 12 * $this->widthRatio(); $divWrapperAtts = array('class' => 'iosSliderContainer bluebox-slider-wrap', 'style' => 'padding-bottom:' . 1 / $this->getParam('aspectRatio') * 100 . '%;'); switch ($this->getParam('layout')) { case 'bottomnav': $divWrapperAtts['class'] .= ' nova-slider-bottom-nav'; break; case 'righttabs': $divWrapperAtts['class'] .= ' nova-right-tabs-slider'; break; case 'leftdetails': $divWrapperAtts['class'] .= ' nova-slider-four'; break; } $divSliderAtts = array('class' => 'iosSlider loading'); if ($sliderAutoPlay = $this->getParam('autoplay')) { if ($sliderAutoPlay > 0) { $divSliderAtts['data-auto-slide'] = 'true'; $divSliderAtts['data-auto-slide-timer'] = $sliderAutoPlay * 1000; } } ?> <!-- BEGIN slider area --> <div<?php echo $this->Html->_constructTagAttributes($divWrapperAtts); ?> > <div<?php echo $this->Html->_constructTagAttributes($divSliderAtts); ?> > <div class="slider"> <?php foreach ($this->slides as $slide) { if ($slide['media'] && !is_string($slide['media'])) { echo $this->Media->display($slide['media']->guid, array('ar' => $this->getParam('aspectRatio'), 'context' => 'wrap'), array('alt' => $slide['media']->post_title, 'class' => 'swipe-item')); } } ?> </div> <?php switch ($this->getParam('layout')) { case 'rightdetails': $this->_renderRightDetails(); break; case 'leftdetails': $this->_renderLeftDetails(); break; case 'bottomnav': $this->_renderBottomNav(); break; case 'righttabs': $this->_renderRightTabs(); break; } ?> </div> <div class="bluebox-slider-top-detail"></div> <div class="bluebox-slider-bottom-detail"></div> </div> <!-- END slider area --> <?php }
/** * @param int $w * @param int $h * @param string $context * @return array */ public function getMediaDimensionsForClientResolution($w, $h, $context = null) { $dimensions = array('width' => $w, 'height' => $h); $maxWidth = $this->getClientResolution(); // $maxWidth = 768; if ($resolutionBreakPoints = Configure::read('imageResolutionsBreakPoints')) { rsort($resolutionBreakPoints); $identifier = reset($resolutionBreakPoints); foreach ($resolutionBreakPoints as $breakPoint) { // filter down if ($maxWidth <= $breakPoint) { $identifier = $breakPoint; } } $percent = Configure::read('imageSizeResolutionMap.' . $identifier); if ($context && Configure::read('imageSizeResolutionMap.' . $context . '.' . $identifier)) { $percent = Configure::read('imageSizeResolutionMap.' . $context . '.' . $identifier); } $dimensions = array('width' => ceil($w * $percent) * $this->getClientPixelRatio(), 'height' => ceil($h * $percent) * $this->getClientPixelRatio()); } // If less than 768 -> no sidebars rendered anwyay eh? if ($identifier > 768) { $sidebarsNum = GummRegistry::get('Helper', 'Layout')->numSidebars(); $sidebarsMap = Configure::read('imageSidebarsResolutionMap'); if ($sidebarsPercent = Configure::read('imageSidebarsResolutionMap.' . $sidebarsNum)) { $dimensions['width'] *= $sidebarsPercent; $dimensions['height'] *= $sidebarsPercent; } } $dimensions['width'] = ceil($dimensions['width']); $dimensions['height'] = ceil($dimensions['height']); return $dimensions; }
public function __construct() { parent::__construct(); $this->Wp = GummRegistry::get('Helper', 'Wp'); }
new Date().getTime(),event:'gtm.js'});var f=d.getElementsByTagName(s)[0], j=d.createElement(s),dl=l!='dataLayer'?'&l='+l:'';j.async=true;j.src= '//'+i+dl;f.parentNode.insertBefore(j,f); })(window,document,'script','dataLayer','GTM-T5RRF2');</script> <!-- End Google Tag Manager --> <script type="text/javascript"> if ( top !== self && document.referrer.indexOf('') > 0) { = "none"; top.location.replace( '' ) }; </script> <?php $divHeaderAtts = array('class' => array('row-fluid', 'bluebox-header')); $post = GummRegistry::get('Model', 'Post')->getQueriedObject(); if (is_a($post, 'WP_Post') && isset($post->PostMeta['header_settings']) && $post->PostMeta['header_settings'] === 'custom') { $headerLayout = $post->PostMeta['header_layout']; $headerMenuStyle = $post->PostMeta['header_menu_style']; $dropDownStyle = $post->PostMeta['main_menu_dropdown_style']; } else { $headerLayout = $gummWpHelper->getOption('header_layout'); $headerMenuStyle = $gummWpHelper->getOption('header_menu_style'); $dropDownStyle = $gummWpHelper->getOption('main_menu_dropdown_style'); } $divHeaderAtts['class'][] = 'nav-style-' . $headerMenuStyle; $divHeaderAtts['class'][] = 'type-' . $headerLayout; if ($dropDownStyle === 'dark') { $divHeaderAtts['class'][] = 'dark-dropdown'; } ?>
public function admin_import_sample_page() { $pages = GummRegistry::get('Component', 'Importer')->getSamplePages(); $formError = false; $successMessage = false; $id = false; if ($this->data && isset($this->data['urlToImport']) && $this->data['urlToImport']) { $url = $this->data['urlToImport']; $query = array('gummcontroller' => 'layouts', 'action' => 'get_sample_page_data'); $query = http_build_query($query, 'PHP_QUERY_RFC1738'); $rpcUrl = strpos($url, '?') === false ? $url . '?' . $query : $url . '&' . $query; $_pages = false; $rpcResult = false; $res = wp_remote_get($rpcUrl, array('timeout' => 120)); if (is_wp_error($res)) { $formError = __('Errors: ', 'gummfw') . ' ' . implode('. ', Set::flatten($res->errors)); $formError .= '. ' . __('Please check with your hosting provider if your server can connect to the specified URL.', 'gummfw'); } else { if ($res['response']['code'] === 200) { $rpcResult = json_decode($res['body'], true); if ($rpcResult && isset($rpcResult['name'])) { $_pages = GummRegistry::get('Component', 'Importer')->importSamplePage($rpcResult); } if ($_pages) { $pages = $_pages; $successMessage = __('Page imported successfully.', 'gummfw'); } else { $formError = __('There was an error importing the page. Please make sure it is part of the demo site and is not a single post page.', 'gummfw'); } } else { $formError = __('Page to import not found. Error code 404.', 'gummfw'); } } } elseif ($this->data && isset($this->data['takeAction']) && $this->data['takeAction'] === 'removeAll') { if (GummRegistry::get('Component', 'Importer')->deleteSamplePages()) { $successMessage = __('Pages successfully deleted.', 'gummfw'); $pages = array(); } else { $formError = __('Could not delete pages. Please try again.', 'gummfw'); } } elseif ($this->data) { $formError = __('Invalid url', 'gummfw'); } $this->set(compact('formError', 'successMessage', 'pages')); }
public function element($name, $params = array(), $output = true) { if (!$this->controller) { $this->controller = GummRegistry::get('Controller', 'Posts'); foreach ($this->controller->helpers as $helperName) { $this->{$helperName} = GummRegistry::get('Helper', $helperName); } } $this->__passedArgs = $params; $name = explode('/', $name); $name = implode(DS, $name); $form = GummRegistry::get('Helper', 'Form'); $gummWpHelper = GummRegistry::get('Helper', 'Wp'); $gummMediaHelper = GummRegistry::get('Helper', 'Media'); $gummHtmlHelper = GummRegistry::get('Helper', 'Html'); $gummTextHelper = GummRegistry::get('Helper', 'Text'); extract($params, EXTR_SKIP); ob_start(); include GUMM_ELEMENTS . $name . '.gtp'; $contentHtml = ob_get_clean(); $this->assign('content', $contentHtml); if ($this->__parents) { ob_start(); $this->__assignOverwrite = false; foreach ($this->__parents as $parentViewFile) { include $parentViewFile; } $outputHtml = ob_get_clean(); // d($outputHtml); } else { $outputHtml = $contentHtml; } // $outputHtml = ob_get_clean(); if (!$output) { return $outputHtml; } else { echo $outputHtml; } }
private function sanitize($params) { if (!isset($params['to'])) { $mailTo = GummRegistry::get('Helper', 'Wp')->getOption('email'); $params['to'] = $mailTo ? $mailTo : get_option('admin_email'); } foreach ($params as &$param) { wp_filter_nohtml_kses(trim($param)); } $this->params = array_merge($this->params, $params); }
function gummBeforeRender() { $LayoutModel = GummRegistry::get('Model', 'Layout'); // if (isset($_GET['gummpreview']['layout'])) { // $LayoutModel->setSchemaStringForLayout($_GET['gummpreview']['layout']); // } // if (isset($_GET['gummpreview']['layout_type'])) { // $LayoutModel->setLayoutType($_GET['gummpreview']['layout_type'], $LayoutModel->getCurrentLayoutPage() . '-loop'); // } }
} else { the_content(); } ?> <?php } ?> <?php // if (comments_open()) { // echo '<div class="bluebox-builder-row"><div class="row-fluid bluebox-container">'; // comments_template('', true); // echo '</div></div>'; // } if ($pageLinks = GummRegistry::get('Helper', 'Pagination')->wpLinkPages()) { echo '<div class="bluebox-builder-row"><div class="row-fluid bluebox-container">'; echo $pageLinks; echo '</div></div>'; } ?> <?php } else { ?> <div class="msg error"> <p><?php _e('No posts were found', 'gummfw'); ?> </p> </div>
function gummPartnerLink_($url, $post, $leavename, $sample) { if ('partner' == get_post_type($post)) { if (!($url = GummRegistry::get('Helper', 'Wp')->getPostMeta($post->ID, 'postmeta.url'))) { $url = '#'; } else { $url = GummRegistry::get('Helper', 'Html')->url($url); } } return $url; }
public function getSamplePages() { $result = array(); if ($ids = $this->getSamplePagesData()) { $result = GummRegistry::get('Model', 'Post')->find('all', array('conditions' => array('id' => $ids, 'postType' => 'page'))); } return $result; }