Ejemplo n.º 1
 public function initContent()
     $this->display_column_left = false;
     include_once _PS_MODULE_DIR_ . 'gcheckout/gcheckout.php';
     include_once _PS_MODULE_DIR_ . 'gcheckout/library/googlecart.php';
     include_once _PS_MODULE_DIR_ . 'gcheckout/library/googleitem.php';
     include_once _PS_MODULE_DIR_ . 'gcheckout/library/googleshipping.php';
     $gcheckout = new GCheckout();
     /*if (_PS_VERSION_ >= '1.5' && !Context::getContext()->customer->isLogged(true))
     		else if (_PS_VERSION_ < '1.5' && !$cookie->isLogged(true))
     		else if (!$gcheckout->context->cart->getOrderTotal(true, Cart::BOTH))
     			Tools::displayError('Error: Empty cart');*/
     // Prepare payment
     $currency = $gcheckout->getCurrency($this->context->cart->id_currency);
     if ($this->context->cart->id_currency != $currency->id) {
         $this->context->cart->id_currency = (int) $currency->id;
         $this->context->cookie->id_currency = (int) $this->context->cart->id_currency;
         Tools::redirect($link->getModuleLink('gcheckout', 'payment'));
     $googleCart = new GoogleCart(Configuration::get('GCHECKOUT_MERCHANT_ID'), Configuration::get('GCHECKOUT_MERCHANT_KEY'), Configuration::get('GCHECKOUT_MODE'), $currency->iso_code);
     foreach ($this->context->cart->getProducts() as $product) {
         $googleCart->AddItem(new GoogleItem(utf8_decode($product['name'] . ((isset($product['attributes']) and !empty($product['attributes'])) ? ' - ' . $product['attributes'] : '')), utf8_decode($product['description_short']), (int) $product['cart_quantity'], $product['price_wt'], strtoupper(Configuration::get('PS_WEIGHT_UNIT')), (double) $product['weight']));
     if ($wrapping = $this->context->cart->getOrderTotal(true, Cart::ONLY_WRAPPING)) {
         $googleCart->AddItem(new GoogleItem(utf8_decode($this->l('Wrapping')), '', 1, $wrapping));
     if (_PS_VERSION_ < '1.5') {
         foreach ($this->context->cart->getDiscounts() as $voucher) {
             $googleCart->AddItem(new GoogleItem(utf8_decode($voucher['name']), utf8_decode($voucher['description']), 1, '-' . $voucher['value_real']));
     } else {
         foreach ($this->context->cart->getCartRules() as $cart_tule) {
             $googleCart->AddItem(new GoogleItem(utf8_decode($cart_tule['code']), utf8_decode($cart_tule['name']), 1, '-' . $cart_tule['value_real']));
     if (!Configuration::get('GCHECKOUT_NO_SHIPPING')) {
         $carrier = new Carrier((int) $this->context->cart->id_carrier, $this->context->language->id);
         $googleCart->AddShipping(new GoogleFlatRateShipping(utf8_decode($carrier->name), $this->context->cart->getOrderShippingCost($this->context->cart->id_carrier)));
     $googleCart->SetEditCartUrl(Tools::getShopDomainSsl(true, true) . __PS_BASE_URI__ . 'order.php');
     $googleCart->SetContinueShoppingUrl(Tools::getShopDomainSsl(true, true) . __PS_BASE_URI__ . 'order-confirmation.php');
     $googleCart->SetMerchantPrivateData($this->context->cart->id . '|' . $this->context->cart->secure_key);
     $total = $this->context->cart->getOrderTotal();
     $this->context->smarty->assign(array('googleCheckoutExtraForm' => $googleCart->CheckoutButtonCode(), 'total' => $total, 'googleTotal' => $total, 'GC_Link' => $this->context->link->getPageLink('order', true, NULL)));
Ejemplo n.º 2
 function hookPayment($params)
     if (!$this->active) {
     global $smarty;
     require_once 'library/googlecart.php';
     require_once 'library/googleitem.php';
     require_once 'library/googleshipping.php';
     $currency = $this->getCurrency();
     $googleCart = new GoogleCart(Configuration::get('GCHECKOUT_MERCHANT_ID'), Configuration::get('GCHECKOUT_MERCHANT_KEY'), Configuration::get('GCHECKOUT_MODE'), $currency->iso_code);
     foreach ($params['cart']->getProducts() as $product) {
         $googleCart->AddItem(new GoogleItem(utf8_decode($product['name']), utf8_decode($product['description_short']), intval($product['quantity']), Tools::convertPrice($product['price_wt'], $currency)));
     if ($wrapping = $params['cart']->getOrderTotal(true, 6)) {
         $googleCart->AddItem(new GoogleItem(utf8_decode($this->l('Wrapping')), '', 1, Tools::convertPrice($wrapping, $currency)));
     foreach ($params['cart']->getDiscounts() as $voucher) {
         $googleCart->AddItem(new GoogleItem(utf8_decode($voucher['name']), utf8_decode($voucher['description']), 1, '-' . Tools::convertPrice($voucher['value_real'], $currency)));
     $googleCart->AddShipping(new GooglePickUp($this->l('Shipping costs'), Tools::convertPrice($params['cart']->getOrderShippingCost($params['cart']->id_carrier), $currency)));
     $googleCart->SetEditCartUrl(Tools::getHttpHost(true, true) . __PS_BASE_URI__ . 'order.php');
     $googleCart->SetContinueShoppingUrl(Tools::getHttpHost(true, true) . __PS_BASE_URI__ . 'order-confirmation.php');
     $smarty->assign('CheckoutButtonCode', $googleCart->CheckoutButtonCode($this->l('Pay with GoogleCheckout'), 'LARGE'));
     $smarty->assign('ModulePath', $this->_path);
     return $this->display(__FILE__, 'payment.tpl');
    public function start_ipn($data, $config)
        require_once 'assets/google-checkout/library/googlecart.php';
        require_once 'assets/google-checkout/library/googleitem.php';
        require_once 'assets/google-checkout/library/googleshipping.php';
        require_once 'assets/google-checkout/library/googletax.php';
        $merchant_id = $config['merchant_id'];
        // Your Merchant ID
        $merchant_key = $config['merchant_key'];
        // Your Merchant Key
        $server_type = $config['sandbox'];
        $currency = "USD";
        $cart = new GoogleCart($merchant_id, $merchant_key, $server_type, $currency);
        $cart->SetMerchantPrivateData(new MerchantPrivateData(array("transaction_id" => $data['transaction_id'])));
        $i = 1;
        foreach ($data["cart"]["items"] as $items) {
            ${'item_' . $i} = new GoogleItem($items['title'], "", $items['quantity'], $this->_currency_round($items["price"]));
            ${'item_' . $i}->SetMerchantItemId($items["product_id"]);
            $cart->AddItem(${'item_' . $i});
        // Applying a discount
        if ($data['cart_discount'] != 0) {
            ${'item_' . $i} = new GoogleItem("Discount Applied", "", 1, "-" . $this->_currency_round($data['cart_discount']));
            $cart->AddItem(${'item_' . $i});
        // Calculating the Tax by taking the subtotal, subtracting the discount and
        // dividing by the pre-calculated rate.
        // -- Then formatting the number by 2 decimal places
        if ($data['cart_tax'] == 0) {
            $taxrate = 0;
        } else {
            $taxrate = number_format($data['cart_subtotal'] - $data['cart_discount'] / $data['cart_tax'], 2);
        $tax_rule = new GoogleDefaultTaxRule($taxrate);
        $ship_1 = new GoogleFlatRateShipping("Shipping", $data['cart_shipping']);
        // Specify <edit-cart-url>
        // Specify "Return to xyz" link
        // Define rounding policy
        $cart->AddRoundingPolicy("CEILING", "TOTAL");
        echo '	<html>
   	        				<title>Google Checkout</title>
   	        			<body onLoad="document.forms[\'gateway_form\'].submit();">
							<form method="post" name="gateway_form" action="' . $cart->checkout_url . '">
			    				<input type="hidden" name="cart" value="' . base64_encode($cart->GetXML()) . '"/>
								<input type="hidden" name="signature" value="' . base64_encode($cart->CalcHmacSha1($cart->GetXML())) . '" />
								<p style="text-align:center;">
									Your order is being processed... will be redirected to the payment website.
								 	<br />
								 	<br />
								 	If you are not automatically redirected to Google Checkout within 5 seconds...<br /><br />
									<input type="submit" value="Click Here">
Ejemplo n.º 4
 public static function google_redirect($description, $amount, $user_id, $invoice_payment_id, $invoice_id, $currency_id)
     require_once 'library/googlecart.php';
     require_once 'library/googleitem.php';
     $server_type = self::is_sandbox() ? "sandbox" : '';
     $currency = module_config::get_currency($currency_id);
     self::add_payment_data($invoice_payment_id, 'log', 'Starting payment of ' . $server_type . ' in currency ' . $currency['code']);
     $cart = new GoogleCart(self::get_merchant_id(), self::get_merchant_key(), $server_type, $currency['code']);
     $total_count = 1;
     //  Check this URL for more info about the two types of digital Delivery
     //  http://code.google.com/apis/checkout/developer/Google_Checkout_Digital_Delivery.html
     //  Key/URL delivery
     self::add_payment_data($invoice_payment_id, 'log', 'Adding ' . $total_count . 'x ' . $description . ' (' . $amount . ' ' . $currency['code'] . ')');
     $item_1 = new GoogleItem($description, "", $total_count, $amount);
     // Unit price
     $item_1->SetURLDigitalContent(module_invoice::link_public_print($invoice_id), '', _l("Payment Receipt"));
     $private_data = new MerchantPrivateData(array('invoice_id' => $invoice_id, 'amount' => $amount, 'currency_id' => $currency_id, 'invoice_payment_id' => $invoice_payment_id));
     // Specify <edit-cart-url>
     // Specify "Return to xyz" link
     // Request buyer's phone number
     // This will do a server-2-server cart post and send an HTTP 302 redirect status
     // This is the best way to do it if implementing digital delivery
     // More info http://code.google.com/apis/checkout/developer/index.html#alternate_technique
     list($status, $error) = $cart->CheckoutServer2Server();
     // if i reach this point, something was wrong
     echo "An error had ocurred: <br />HTTP Status: " . $status . ":";
     echo "<br />Error message:<br />";
     echo $error;
function Usecase()
    $merchant_id = "";
    // Your Merchant ID
    $merchant_key = "";
    // Your Merchant Key
    $server_type = "sandbox";
    $currency = "USD";
    $cart = new GoogleCart($merchant_id, $merchant_key, $server_type, $currency);
    $total_count = 1;
    $certificate_path = "";
    // set your SSL CA cert path
    //  Check this URL for more info about the two types of digital Delivery
    //  http://code.google.com/apis/checkout/developer/Google_Checkout_Digital_Delivery.html
    //  Key/URL delivery
    $item_1 = new GoogleItem("Download Digital Item1", "With S/N", $total_count, 10.99);
    // Unit price
    $item_1->SetURLDigitalContent('http://example.com/download.php?id=15', 'S/N: 123.123123-3213', "Download Item1");
    //  Email delivery
    $item_2 = new GoogleItem("Email Digital Item2", "An email will be sent by the merchant", $total_count, 9.19);
    // Unit price
    // Add tax rules
    $tax_rule = new GoogleDefaultTaxRule(0.05);
    $tax_rule->SetStateAreas(array("MA", "FL", "CA"));
    // Specify <edit-cart-url>
    // Specify "Return to xyz" link
    // Request buyer's phone number
    // Add analytics data to the cart if its setted
    if (isset($_POST['analyticsdata']) && !empty($_POST['analyticsdata'])) {
    // This will do a server-2-server cart post and send an HTTP 302 redirect status
    // This is the best way to do it if implementing digital delivery
    // More info http://code.google.com/apis/checkout/developer/index.html#alternate_technique
    list($status, $error) = $cart->CheckoutServer2Server('', $certificate_path);
    // if i reach this point, something was wrong
    echo "An error had ocurred: <br />HTTP Status: " . $status . ":";
    echo "<br />Error message:<br />";
    echo $error;
 public function preparePayment()
     require_once dirname(__FILE__) . '/library/googlecart.php';
     require_once dirname(__FILE__) . '/library/googleitem.php';
     require_once dirname(__FILE__) . '/library/googleshipping.php';
     $currency = $this->getCurrency($this->context->cart->id_currency);
     if ($this->context->cart->id_currency != $currency->id) {
         $this->context->cart->id_currency = (int) $currency->id;
         $this->context->cookie->id_currency = (int) $this->context->cart->id_currency;
         Tools::redirect('modules/' . $this->name . '/payment.php');
     $googleCart = new GoogleCart(Configuration::get('GCHECKOUT_MERCHANT_ID'), Configuration::get('GCHECKOUT_MERCHANT_KEY'), Configuration::get('GCHECKOUT_MODE'), $currency->iso_code);
     foreach ($this->context->cart->getProducts() as $product) {
         $googleCart->AddItem(new GoogleItem(utf8_decode($product['name'] . ((isset($product['attributes']) and !empty($product['attributes'])) ? ' - ' . $product['attributes'] : '')), utf8_decode($product['description_short']), (int) $product['cart_quantity'], $product['price_wt'], strtoupper(Configuration::get('PS_WEIGHT_UNIT')), (double) $product['weight']));
     if ($wrapping = $this->context->cart->getOrderTotal(true, Cart::ONLY_WRAPPING)) {
         $googleCart->AddItem(new GoogleItem(utf8_decode($this->l('Wrapping')), '', 1, $wrapping));
     if (_PS_VERSION_ < '1.5') {
         foreach ($this->context->cart->getDiscounts() as $voucher) {
             $googleCart->AddItem(new GoogleItem(utf8_decode($voucher['name']), utf8_decode($voucher['description']), 1, '-' . $voucher['value_real']));
     } else {
         foreach ($this->context->cart->getCartRules() as $cart_tule) {
             $googleCart->AddItem(new GoogleItem(utf8_decode($cart_tule['code']), utf8_decode($cart_tule['name']), 1, '-' . $cart_tule['value_real']));
     if (!Configuration::get('GCHECKOUT_NO_SHIPPING')) {
         $carrier = new Carrier((int) $this->context->cart->id_carrier, $this->context->language->id);
         $googleCart->AddShipping(new GoogleFlatRateShipping(utf8_decode($carrier->name), $this->context->cart->getOrderShippingCost($this->context->cart->id_carrier)));
     $googleCart->SetEditCartUrl(Tools::getShopDomainSsl(true, true) . __PS_BASE_URI__ . 'order.php');
     $googleCart->SetContinueShoppingUrl(Tools::getShopDomainSsl(true, true) . __PS_BASE_URI__ . 'order-confirmation.php');
     $googleCart->SetMerchantPrivateData($this->context->cart->id . '|' . $this->context->cart->secure_key);
     $total = $this->context->cart->getOrderTotal();
     $this->context->smarty->assign(array('googleCheckoutExtraForm' => $googleCart->CheckoutButtonCode($this->l('Pay with GoogleCheckout'), 'LARGE'), 'total' => $total, 'googleTotal' => $total, 'GC_Link' => _PS_VERSION_ >= '1.5' ? $this->context->link->getPageLink('order', true, NULL) : $this->context->link->getPageLink('order.php', true)));
function Usecase($seperator, $sessionid, $fromcheckout)
    global $wpdb, $wpsc_cart;
    $purchase_log_sql = "SELECT * FROM `" . WPSC_TABLE_PURCHASE_LOGS . "` WHERE `sessionid`= " . $sessionid . " LIMIT 1";
    $purchase_log = $wpdb->get_results($purchase_log_sql, ARRAY_A);
    $cart_sql = "SELECT * FROM `" . WPSC_TABLE_CART_CONTENTS . "` WHERE `purchaseid`='" . $purchase_log[0]['id'] . "'";
    $wp_cart = $wpdb->get_results($cart_sql, ARRAY_A);
    $merchant_id = get_option('google_id');
    $merchant_key = get_option('google_key');
    $server_type = get_option('google_server_type');
    $currency = get_option('google_cur');
    $cart = new GoogleCart($merchant_id, $merchant_key, $server_type, $currency);
    $transact_url = get_option('transact_url');
    $returnURL = $transact_url . $seperator . "sessionid=" . $sessionid . "&gateway=google";
    $no = 1;
    //new item code
    $no = 0;
    //	$cart = new GoogleCart($merchant_id, $merchant_key, $server_type, $currency);
    //	foreach($wpsc_cart->cart_items as $item){
    //google prohibited items not implemented
    $curr = new CURRENCYCONVERTER();
    $currency_code = $wpdb->get_results("SELECT `code` FROM `" . WPSC_TABLE_CURRENCY_LIST . "` WHERE `id`='" . get_option('currency_type') . "' LIMIT 1", ARRAY_A);
    $local_currency_code = $currency_code[0]['code'];
    //	    exit('<pre>'.print_r($_REQUEST,true).'</pre>');
    $google_curr = get_option('google_cur');
    while (wpsc_have_cart_items()) {
        if ($google_curr != $local_currency_code) {
            $google_currency_productprice = $curr->convert(wpsc_cart_item_price(false) / wpsc_cart_item_quantity(), $google_curr, $local_currency_code);
            $google_currency_shipping = $curr->convert($wpsc_cart->selected_shipping_amount, $google_curr, $local_currency_code);
        } else {
            $google_currency_productprice = wpsc_cart_item_price(false) / wpsc_cart_item_quantity() + wpsc_cart_item_shipping(false);
            $google_currency_shipping = $wpsc_cart->selected_shipping_amount;
        //	exit('<pre>'.print_r(wpsc_cart_item_name(),true).'</pre>');
        $cartitem["{$no}"] = new GoogleItem(wpsc_cart_item_name(), '', wpsc_cart_item_quantity(), $google_currency_productprice);
    //If there are coupons applied add coupon as a product with negative price
    if ($wpsc_cart->coupons_amount > 0) {
        if ($google_curr != $local_currency_code) {
            $google_currency_productprice = $curr->convert($wpsc_cart->coupons_amount, $google_curr, $local_currency_code);
        } else {
            $google_currency_productprice = $wpsc_cart->coupons_amount;
        $cartitem[$no] = new GoogleItem('Discount', 'Discount Price', 1, '-' . $google_currency_productprice);
        // Unit price
    //	}
    // Add shipping options
    if (wpsc_uses_shipping() && $google_currency_shipping > 0) {
        $Gfilter = new GoogleShippingFilters();
        $google_checkout_shipping = get_option("google_shipping_country");
        $googleshippingcountries = count($google_checkout_shipping);
        //exit('<pre>'.print_r($googleshipping, true).'</pre>');
        if ($googleshippingcountries == 242) {
        } else {
            if (is_array($google_checkout_shipping)) {
                $google_shipping_country_ids = implode(",", $google_checkout_shipping);
            $google_shipping_country = $wpdb->get_col("SELECT `isocode` FROM " . WPSC_TABLE_CURRENCY_LIST . " WHERE id IN (" . $google_shipping_country_ids . ")");
            foreach ($google_shipping_country as $isocode) {
                if ($isocode == 'US') {
        $ship_1 = new GoogleFlatRateShipping('Flat Rate Shipping', $google_currency_shipping);
    // Add tax rules
    //if ($_SESSION['wpsc_selected_country']=='US'){
    //set default tax
    $sql = "SELECT `name`, `tax` FROM " . WPSC_TABLE_REGION_TAX . " WHERE id='" . $_SESSION['wpsc_selected_region'] . "'";
    //exit('<pre>'.print_r($sql, true).'</pre>');
    $state_name = $wpdb->get_row($sql, ARRAY_A);
    //exit('<pre>'.print_r($state_name, true).'</pre>');
    $defaultTax = $state_name['tax'] / 100;
    $tax_rule = new GoogleDefaultTaxRule($defaultTax);
    $sql = "SELECT `code` FROM " . WPSC_TABLE_REGION_TAX . " WHERE `country_id`='136' AND `tax` = " . $state_name['tax'];
    $states = $wpdb->get_col($sql);
    //exit('<pre>'.print_r($states, true).'</pre>');
    $tax_rule->SetStateAreas((array) $states);
    //get alternative tax rates
    $sql = "SELECT DISTINCT `tax` FROM " . WPSC_TABLE_REGION_TAX . " WHERE `tax` != 0 AND `tax` !=" . $state_name['tax'] . "  AND `country_id`='136' ORDER BY `tax`";
    $othertax = $wpdb->get_col($sql);
    $i = 1;
    //exit('<pre>'.print_r($othertax, true).'</pre>');
    foreach ($othertax as $altTax) {
        $sql = "SELECT `code` FROM " . WPSC_TABLE_REGION_TAX . " WHERE `country_id`='136' AND `tax`=" . $altTax;
        $alt = $wpdb->get_col($sql);
        $altTax = $altTax / 100;
        $alt_google_tax = new GoogleDefaultTaxRule($altTax);
        //$g = new GoogleAlternateTaxTable('Alt Tax'.$i);
        //			exit(print_r($alt,true));
    if (get_option('google_button_size') == '0') {
        $google_button_size = 'BIG';
    } elseif (get_option('google_button_size') == '1') {
        $google_button_size = 'MEDIUM';
    } elseif (get_option('google_button_size') == '2') {
        $google_button_size = 'SMALL';
    // Display Google Checkout button
    //echo '<pre>'.print_r($cart, true).'</pre>';
    echo $cart->CheckoutButtonCode($google_button_size);
function UseCase2()
    // Create a new shopping cart object
    $merchant_id = "";
    // Your Merchant ID
    $merchant_key = "";
    // Your Merchant Key
    $server_type = "sandbox";
    $currency = "USD";
    $cart = new GoogleCart($merchant_id, $merchant_key, $server_type, $currency);
    // Add items to the cart
    $item_1 = new GoogleItem("Dry Food Pack AA1453", "A pack of highly nutritious dried food for emergency", 2, 24.99);
    $item_2 = new GoogleItem("MegaSound 2GB MP3 Player", "Portable MP3 player - stores 500 songs", 1, 175.49);
    $item_2->SetMerchantPrivateItemData(new MerchantPrivateItemData(array("color" => "blue", "weight" => "3.2")));
    // Add shipping options
    $ship_1 = new GoogleFlatRateShipping("Ground", 15);
    $restriction_1 = new GoogleShippingFilters();
    $ship_2 = new GooglePickup("Pick Up", 5);
    // Add default tax rules
    $tax_rule_1 = new GoogleDefaultTaxRule(0.17);
    $tax_rule_1->AddPostalArea("GB", "SW*");
    $tax_rule_2 = new GoogleDefaultTaxRule(0.1);
    // Add alternate tax table
    $tax_table = new GoogleAlternateTaxTable("food");
    $tax_rule_1 = new GoogleAlternateTaxRule(0.05);
    $tax_rule_2 = new GoogleAlternateTaxRule(0.03);
    // Add <merchant-private-data>
    $cart->SetMerchantPrivateData(new MerchantPrivateData(array("animals" => array("type" => "cat,dog"))));
    // Specify <edit-cart-url>
    // Specify "Return to xyz" link
    // Request buyer's phone number
    // Define rounding policy
    $cart->AddRoundingPolicy("CEILING", "TOTAL");
    // Display XML data
    // echo "<pre>";
    // echo htmlentities($cart->GetXML());
    // echo "</pre>";
    // Display a medium size button
    echo $cart->GetXML();
function showCart()
    $user = $_SESSION['userid'];
    $cart = $_SESSION[$user . 'cart'];
    //No payment Checkout
    $genericCart = new GenericCart();
    //Google Checkout
    $config_file = "checkout/google_checkout/google.conf";
    $comment = "#";
    $fp = fopen($config_file, "r");
    while (!feof($fp)) {
        $line = trim(fgets($fp));
        if ($line && !ereg("^{$comment}", $line)) {
            list($option, $value) = split("=", $line, 2);
            $config_values[$option] = $value;
    $merchant_id = $config_values['CONFIG_MERCHANT_ID'];
    $merchant_key = $config_values['CONFIG_MERCHANT_KEY'];
    $server_type = $config_values['CONFIG_SERVER_TYPE'];
    $currency = $config_values['CONFIG_CURRENCY'];
    $editCartURL = $config_values['CONFIG_EDIT_URL'];
    $continueShoppingURL = $config_values['CONFIG_CONTINUE_URL'];
    $googlecart = new GoogleCart($merchant_id, $merchant_key, $server_type, $currency);
    if ($cart) {
        $items = explode(',', $cart);
        $contents = array();
        foreach ($items as $item) {
            $contents[$item] = isset($contents[$item]) ? $contents[$item] + 1 : 1;
        $formattedShopCartItems = array();
        $result = array();
        foreach ($contents as $i => $qty) {
            $type = substr($i, 0, 1);
            $id = substr($i, 2);
            $item = refactored_db_getItem($id);
            $subtotal = $item['price'] * $qty;
            $scitem = array($item['name'], $item['description'], $item['price'], $qty, $i, $subtotal, $item['id'], $type);
            array_push($formattedShopCartItems, $scitem);
            //No payment Checkout
            if (!$item['billable']) {
                $genericItem = new GenericItem($item['name'], $item['description'], $qty, 0);
                // Unit price
            //Google Checkout
            if ($item['billable']) {
                $googleitem = new GoogleItem($item['name'], $item['description'], $qty, $item['price']);
                // Unit price
                //TODO:Change email to order email
    //Checkout Buttons
    $output[] = '<div id="checkoutButtonsContainer">';
    $buttonsCount = 0;
    if (count($genericCart->item_arr)) {
        $output[] = $genericCart->CheckoutButtonCode();
    if (count($googlecart->item_arr)) {
        $output[] = $googlecart->CheckoutButtonCode("SMALL");
        $output[] = "<div class='ui-state-error' style='padding: 0pt 0.7em; float:left; width:30em;'><p><span class='ui-icon ui-icon-alert' style='float: left; margin-right: 0.3em;'></span>Please when you process the order with Google Checkout, <strong>DO NOT</strong> choose the option 'Keep my e-mail address confidential' because your order will be lost.</p></div>";
    $output[] = '</div>';
    $shoppingCart = $formattedShopCartItems;
    $checkoutButtons = join('', $output);
    $response = array("shoppingCart" => json_encode($formattedShopCartItems), "checkoutButtons" => $checkoutButtons, "buttonsCount" => $buttonsCount);
    $_SESSION[$user . 'cart'] = $cart;
    return $response;
Ejemplo n.º 10
function Usecase($separator, $sessionid, $fromcheckout)
    global $wpdb, $wpsc_cart;
    $purchase_log_sql = $wpdb->prepare("SELECT * FROM `" . WPSC_TABLE_PURCHASE_LOGS . "` WHERE `sessionid` = %s  LIMIT 1", $sessionid);
    $purchase_log = $wpdb->get_results($purchase_log_sql, ARRAY_A);
    $cart_sql = $wpdb->prepare("SELECT * FROM `" . WPSC_TABLE_CART_CONTENTS . "` WHERE `purchaseid` = %d", $purchase_log[0]['id']);
    $wp_cart = $wpdb->get_results($cart_sql, ARRAY_A);
    $merchant_id = get_option('google_id');
    $merchant_key = get_option('google_key');
    $server_type = get_option('google_server_type');
    $currency = get_option('google_cur');
    $transact_url = get_option('transact_url');
    $returnURL = $transact_url . $separator . "sessionid=" . $sessionid . "&gateway=google";
    $cart = new GoogleCart($merchant_id, $merchant_key, $server_type, $currency);
    //google prohibited items not implemented
    $currency_converter = new CURRENCYCONVERTER();
    $currency_code = $wpdb->get_results("SELECT `code` FROM `" . WPSC_TABLE_CURRENCY_LIST . "` WHERE `id`='" . get_option('currency_type') . "' LIMIT 1", ARRAY_A);
    $local_currency_code = $currency_code[0]['code'];
    $google_curr = get_option('google_cur');
    $currentcy_rate = 1;
    if ($google_curr != $local_currency_code) {
        $currentcy_rate = $currency_converter->convert(1, $local_currency_code, $google_curr);
    while (wpsc_have_cart_items()) {
        $google_currency_productprice = $currentcy_rate * (wpsc_cart_item_price(false) / wpsc_cart_item_quantity());
        $cart_item = new GoogleItem(wpsc_cart_item_name(), '', wpsc_cart_item_quantity(), $google_currency_productprice);
    //If there are coupons applied add coupon as a product with negative price
    if ($wpsc_cart->coupons_amount > 0) {
        $google_currency_productprice = $currentcy_rate * $wpsc_cart->coupons_amount;
        $coupon = new GoogleItem('Discount', 'Discount Price', 1, '-' . $google_currency_productprice);
    $shipping_country = $purchase_log[0]['shipping_country'];
    $shipping_region = $purchase_log[0]['shipping_region'];
    if ($shipping_country == "UK") {
        $shipping_country = "GB";
    // Add shipping options
    if (wpsc_uses_shipping()) {
        $shipping_name = ucfirst($wpsc_cart->selected_shipping_method) . " - " . $wpsc_cart->selected_shipping_option;
        if ($shipping_name == "") {
            $shipping_name = "Calculated";
        $shipping = new GoogleFlatRateShipping($shipping_name, $wpsc_cart->calculate_total_shipping() * $currentcy_rate);
        if (!empty($shipping_country)) {
            $shipping_filter = new GoogleShippingFilters();
            if (!empty($shipping_region) && is_numeric($shipping_region)) {
                $shipping_filter->AddAllowedPostalArea($shipping_country, wpsc_get_state_by_id($shipping_region, "code"));
                $shipping_filter->AddAllowedStateArea(wpsc_get_state_by_id($shipping_region, "code"));
            } else {
    // Add tax rules
    if (!empty($shipping_country)) {
        $tax_rule = new GoogleDefaultTaxRule(wpsc_cart_tax(false) / $wpsc_cart->calculate_subtotal());
    // Display Google Checkout button
    if (get_option('google_button_size') == '0') {
        $google_button_size = 'BIG';
    } elseif (get_option('google_button_size') == '1') {
        $google_button_size = 'MEDIUM';
    } elseif (get_option('google_button_size') == '2') {
        $google_button_size = 'SMALL';
    echo $cart->CheckoutButtonCode($google_button_size);
Ejemplo n.º 11
         * Generate the Google Checkout button link
        public function generate_googlecheckout_form($order_id)
            global $woocommerce;
            require_once GOOGLE_CHECKOUT_LIB . 'googlecart.php';
            require_once GOOGLE_CHECKOUT_LIB . 'googleitem.php';
            require_once GOOGLE_CHECKOUT_LIB . 'googleshipping.php';
            require_once GOOGLE_CHECKOUT_LIB . 'googletax.php';
            $order = new WC_Order($order_id);
            $shipping_name = explode(' ', $order->shipping_method);
            // Check if this is a test purchase
            if ($this->testmode == 'yes') {
                $server_type = "sandbox";
            } else {
                $server_type = "checkout";
            $merchant_id = $this->merchant_id;
            // Your Merchant ID
            $merchant_key = $this->merchant_key;
            // Your Merchant Key
            $currency = get_option('woocommerce_currency');
            $cart = new GoogleCart($merchant_id, $merchant_key, $server_type, $currency);
            // Specify <edit-cart-url>
            // Specify "Return to xyz" link
            $cart->SetContinueShoppingUrl(add_query_arg('key', $order->order_key, add_query_arg('order', $order_id, get_permalink(get_option('woocommerce_thanks_page_id')))));
            // Order key
            $cart->SetMerchantPrivateData(new MerchantPrivateData(array("cart-id" => $order->id)));
            // Request buyer's phone number
            // Default tax  - for shipping, if used
            if ($order->order_shipping_tax > 0) {
                // We manually calculate the shipping tax percentage here
                $calculated_shipping_tax_percentage = $order->order_shipping_tax / $order->order_shipping;
                $tax_rule_for_shipping = new GoogleDefaultTaxRule($calculated_shipping_tax_percentage, 'true');
            // Shipping Cost
            if ($order->order_shipping > 0) {
                $ship_1 = new GoogleFlatRateShipping($order->shipping_method, number_format($order->order_shipping, 2));
                $restriction_1 = new GoogleShippingFilters();
            // Cart Contents
            $item_loop = 0;
            $myvat = array();
            if (sizeof($order->get_items()) > 0) {
                foreach ($order->get_items() as $item) {
                    $_product = new WC_Product($item['id']);
                    if ($_product->exists() && $item['qty']) {
                        // Change tax format from 25.00 to 0.25
                        $item_tax_percentage = number_format($order->get_item_tax($item, false) / $order->get_item_total($item, false, false) * 100, 2, '.', '');
                        $item_vat = $item_tax_percentage / 100;
                        $myvat[$item_loop] = $item_vat;
                        ${"item_" . $item_loop} = new GoogleItem($item['name'], "", $item['qty'], $order->get_item_total($item, false, false));
                        // Name the alternate-tax-table
                        $vat_name = "vat" . $item_vat;
                        ${"item_" . $item_loop}->SetMerchantItemId($item['id']);
                        ${"item_" . $item_loop}->SetTaxTableSelector($vat_name);
                        $cart->AddItem(${"item_" . $item_loop});
            // Discount
            if ($order->order_discount > 0) {
                ${"item_" . $item_loop} = new GoogleItem(__('Discount', 'woothemes'), "", "1", -$order->order_discount);
                ${"item_" . $item_loop}->SetTaxTableSelector("no_tax");
                $cart->AddItem(${"item_" . $item_loop});
            // Tax
            // Loops through all tax classes that has been added to the cart and add these as Alternate tax tables to google Checkout.
            $taxrule_loop = 1;
            $no_duplicate_vat = array_unique($myvat);
            foreach ($no_duplicate_vat as $value) {
                // Name the alternate-tax-table
                $vat_name = "vat" . $value;
                $tax_table = new GoogleAlternateTaxTable($vat_name);
                ${"tax_rule_" . $taxrule_loop} = new GoogleAlternateTaxRule($value);
                ${"tax_rule_" . $taxrule_loop}->SetWorldArea(true);
                $tax_table->AddAlternateTaxRules(${"tax_rule_" . $taxrule_loop});
            // The form
            return $cart->CheckoutButtonCode("SMALL") . '<script type="text/javascript">
									message: "<img src=\\"' . $woocommerce->plugin_url() . '/assets/images/ajax-loader.gif\\" alt=\\"Redirecting...\\" />' . __('Thank you for your order. We are now redirecting you to Google Checkout to make payment.', 'woothemes') . '", 
										background: "#fff", 
										opacity: 0.6 
									css: { 
                                   		padding:        20, 
                                   		textAlign:      "center", 
                                   		color:          "#555", 
                                   		border:         "3px solid #aaa", 
                                   		cursor:         "wait",
                                   		lineHeight:        "32px"
Ejemplo n.º 12
function Usecase($seperator, $sessionid)
    global $wpdb;
    $purchase_log_sql = "SELECT * FROM `" . $wpdb->prefix . "purchase_logs` WHERE `sessionid`= " . $sessionid . " LIMIT 1";
    $purchase_log = $wpdb->get_results($purchase_log_sql, ARRAY_A);
    $cart_sql = "SELECT * FROM `" . $wpdb->prefix . "cart_contents` WHERE `purchaseid`='" . $purchase_log[0]['id'] . "'";
    $wp_cart = $wpdb->get_results($cart_sql, ARRAY_A);
    $merchant_id = get_option('google_id');
    $merchant_key = get_option('google_key');
    $server_type = get_option('google_server_type');
    $currency = get_option('google_cur');
    $cart = new GoogleCart($merchant_id, $merchant_key, $server_type, $currency);
    $no = 1;
    foreach ($wp_cart as $item) {
        $product_data = $wpdb->get_results("SELECT * FROM `" . $wpdb->prefix . "product_list` WHERE `id`='" . $item['prodid'] . "' LIMIT 1", ARRAY_A);
        $product_data = $product_data[0];
        $prohibited = $wpdb->get_results("SELECT * FROM `" . $wpdb->prefix . "wpsc_productmeta` WHERE `product_id`='" . $item['prodid'] . "' AND meta_key='google_prohibited' LIMIT 1", ARRAY_A);
        $prohibited_data = $prohibited_data[0];
        if (count($prohibited) > 0) {
            $_SESSION['google_prohibited'] = '1';
        } else {
            $_SESSION['google_prohibited'] = '0';
        $variation_count = count($product_variations);
        $variation_sql = "SELECT * FROM `" . $wpdb->prefix . "cart_item_variations` WHERE `cart_id`='" . $item['id'] . "'";
        $variation_data = $wpdb->get_results($variation_sql, ARRAY_A);
        $variation_count = count($variation_data);
        $extras_sql = "SELECT * FROM `" . $wpdb->prefix . "cart_item_extras` WHERE `cart_id`='" . $item['id'] . "'";
        $extras_data = $wpdb->get_results($extras_sql, ARRAY_A);
        $extras_count = count($extras_data);
        $price = nzshpcrt_calculate_tax($item['price'], $_SESSION['selected_country'], $_SESSION['selected_region']);
        if ($extras_count > 0) {
            foreach ($extras_data as $extras_datum) {
                $price += $wpdb->get_var("SELECT `price` FROM `" . $wpdb->prefix . "extras_values_associations` WHERE `product_id` = '" . $item['prodid'] . "' AND `extras_id` = '" . $extras_datum['extra_id'] . "' LIMIT 1");
        $local_currency_shipping = $item['pnp'];
        $base_shipping = $purchase_log[0]['base_shipping'];
        $total_shipping = $local_currency_shipping + $base_shipping;
        $cartitem["{$no}"] = new GoogleItem($product_data['name'], $product_data['description'], $item['quantity'], $price);
        // Unit price
    // Add shipping options
    $Gfilter = new GoogleShippingFilters();
    $google_checkout_shipping = get_option("google_shipping_country");
    $google_shipping_country_ids = implode(",", $google_checkout_shipping);
    $google_shipping_country = $wpdb->get_var("SELECT isocode FROM " . $wpdb->prefix . "currency_list WHERE id IN (" . $google_shipping_country_ids . ")");
    $ship_1 = new GoogleFlatRateShipping('Flat Rate Shipping', $total_shipping);
    // Add tax rules
    if ($_SESSION['selected_country'] == 'US') {
        $tax_rule = new GoogleDefaultTaxRule(0.05);
        $state_name = $wpdb->get_var("SELECT name FROM " . $wpdb->prefix . "region_tax WHERE id='" . $_SESSION['selected_region'] . "'");
    $_SESSION['nzshpcrt_cart'] = null;
    // Specify <edit-cart-url>
    // $cart->SetEditCartUrl("https://www.example.com/cart/");
    // Specify "Return to xyz" link
    // Request buyer's phone number
    // Display Google Checkout button
    echo $cart->CheckoutButtonCode("BIG");
 function process_button()
     global $osC_ShoppingCart, $osC_Tax, $osC_Language, $osC_Currencies, $osC_Session;
     require_once 'includes/classes/product.php';
     require_once 'ext/googlecheckout/googlecart.php';
     require_once 'ext/googlecheckout/googleitem.php';
     require_once 'ext/googlecheckout/googleshipping.php';
     //transfer the whole cart
         $products = $osC_ShoppingCart->getProducts();
         foreach ($products as $product) {
             $name = $product['name'];
             //gift certificate
             if ($product['type'] == PRODUCT_TYPE_GIFT_CERTIFICATE) {
                 $name .= "\n" . ' - ' . $osC_Language->get('senders_name') . ': ' . $product['gc_data']['senders_name'];
                 if ($product['gc_data']['type'] == GIFT_CERTIFICATE_TYPE_EMAIL) {
                     $name .= "\n" . ' - ' . $osC_Language->get('senders_email') . ': ' . $product['gc_data']['senders_email'];
                 $name .= "\n" . ' - ' . $osC_Language->get('recipients_name') . ': ' . $product['gc_data']['recipients_name'];
                 if ($product['gc_data']['type'] == GIFT_CERTIFICATE_TYPE_EMAIL) {
                     $name .= "\n" . ' - ' . $osC_Language->get('recipients_email') . ': ' . $product['gc_data']['recipients_email'];
                 $name .= "\n" . ' - ' . $osC_Language->get('message') . ': ' . $product['gc_data']['message'];
             $variants_array = array();
             if ($osC_ShoppingCart->hasVariants($product['id'])) {
                 foreach ($osC_ShoppingCart->getVariants($product['id']) as $variants) {
                     $variants_array[$variants['groups_id']] = $variants['variants_values_id'];
                     $name .= "\n" . ' - ' . $variants['groups_name'] . ': ' . $variants['values_name'];
             //get tax
             $tax = $osC_Tax->getTaxRate($product['tax_class_id'], $osC_ShoppingCart->getTaxingAddress('country_id'), $osC_ShoppingCart->getTaxingAddress('zone_id'));
             if (DISPLAY_PRICE_WITH_TAX == '1') {
                 $price = $osC_Currencies->addTaxRateToPrice($product['final_price'], $tax);
             } else {
                 $price = $product['final_price'] + osc_round($product['final_price'] * ($tax / 100), $osC_Currencies->currencies[DEFAULT_CURRENCY]['decimal_places']);
             $osC_Product = new osC_Product($product['id']);
             $gitem = new GoogleItem($name, $osC_Product->getDescription(), intval($product['quantity']), $price);
             $gitem->SetMerchantPrivateItemData(new MerchantPrivateItemData(array('item' => base64_encode(serialize($product)))));
         //add order totals modules into gcheckout cart as item such as: coupon, gift certificate, low order fee
         //exclude modules: sub_total, tax, total and shipping module
         $shipping_cost = 0;
         foreach ($osC_ShoppingCart->getOrderTotals() as $total) {
             if (!in_array($total['code'], $this->_ignore_order_totals) && strstr($total['code'], 'shipping') === FALSE) {
                 $gitem = new GoogleItem($total['title'], '', '1', $total['value'] + $total['tax']);
                 $gitem->SetMerchantPrivateItemData(new MerchantPrivateItemData(array('order_total' => base64_encode(serialize($total)))));
             } else {
                 if (strstr($total['code'], 'shipping') !== FALSE) {
                     $shipping_cost = $total['value'] + $total['tax'];
         //shipping method
         $cart->AddShipping(new GooglePickUp($osC_ShoppingCart->getShippingMethod('title'), $shipping_cost));
     } else {
         $gitem = new GoogleItem(STORE_NAME, '', 1, $osC_ShoppingCart->getTotal());
         $gitem->SetMerchantPrivateItemData(new MerchantPrivateItemData(array('item' => base64_encode(serialize(STORE_NAME)))));
     //continue shopping url
     $cart->SetContinueShoppingUrl(osc_href_link(FILENAME_CHECKOUT, 'process', 'NOSSL', null, null, true));
     //edit cart url
     $cart->SetEditCartUrl(osc_href_link(FILENAME_CHECKOUT, '', 'NOSSL', null, null, true));
     // Request buyer's phone number
     $private_data = $osC_Session->getID() . ';' . $osC_Session->getName();
     $cart->SetMerchantPrivateData(new MerchantPrivateData(array('orders_id' => $this->_order_id, 'session-data' => $private_data)));
     // Display Google Checkout button
     return $cart->CheckoutButtonCode();
Ejemplo n.º 14
function nzshpcrt_shopping_basket_internals($cart, $quantity_limit = false, $no_title = false)
    global $wpdb;
    if (get_option('permalink_structure') != '') {
        $seperator = "?";
    } else {
        $seperator = "&amp;";
    if (get_option('show_sliding_cart') == 1) {
        if (is_numeric($_SESSION['slider_state'])) {
            if ($_SESSION['slider_state'] == 0) {
                $collapser_image = 'plus.png';
            } else {
                $collapser_image = 'minus.png';
            $fancy_collapser = "<a href='#' onclick='return shopping_cart_collapser()' id='fancy_collapser_link'><img src='" . WPSC_URL . "/images/{$collapser_image}' title='' alt='' id='fancy_collapser' /></a>";
        } else {
            if ($_SESSION['nzshpcrt_cart'] == null) {
                $collapser_image = 'plus.png';
            } else {
                $collapser_image = 'minus.png';
            $fancy_collapser = "<a href='#' onclick='return shopping_cart_collapser()' id='fancy_collapser_link'><img src='" . WPSC_URL . "/images/{$collapser_image}' title='' alt='' id='fancy_collapser' /></a>";
    } else {
        $fancy_collapser = "";
    $current_url = "http://" . $_SERVER['SERVER_NAME'] . $_SERVER['REQUEST_URI'];
    if (get_option('cart_location') == 4) {
        $no_title = true;
    switch (get_option('cart_location')) {
        case 1:
            if ($no_title !== true) {
                $output .= "<h2>" . TXT_WPSC_SHOPPINGCART . " {$fancy_collapser}</h2>";
                $output .= "<span id='alt_loadingindicator'><img id='alt_loadingimage' src='" . WPSC_URL . "/images/indicator.gif' alt='Loading' title='Loading' /> " . TXT_WPSC_UDPATING . "...</span></strong><br />";
            $spacing = "";
        case 3:
            if ($no_title !== true) {
                $output .= "<strong class='cart_title'>" . TXT_WPSC_SHOPPINGCART . " {$fancy_collapser}</strong>";
            //$output .= "<a href='#' onclick='return shopping_cart_collapser()' class='cart_title' id='fancy_collapser_link'>".TXT_WPSC_SHOPPINGCART." </a>";
        case 4:
            if ($no_title !== true) {
                if (is_array($GLOBALS['registered_sidebars'])) {
                    $sidebar_args = end($GLOBALS['registered_sidebars']);
                } else {
                    $sidebar_args['before_title'] = "<h2>";
                    $sidebar_args['after_title'] = "</h2>";
                $output .= $sidebar_args['before_title'] . TXT_WPSC_SHOPPINGCART . " {$fancy_collapser}" . $sidebar_args['after_title'];
            if ($no_title !== true) {
                //$output .= "<strong class='cart_title'>".TXT_WPSC_SHOPPINGCART." $fancy_collapser</strong>";
    $cart_count = 0;
    foreach ((array) $cart as $item) {
        $cart_count += $item->quantity;
    $output .= "<div id='sliding_cart'>";
    if ($cart != null) {
        if ($quantity_limit == true || $_SESSION['out_of_stock'] == true) {
            $output .= "<span class='items'><span class='numberitems'>" . TXT_WPSC_NUMBEROFITEMS . ": </span><span class='cartcount'>" . $cart_count . "</span></span>";
            $output .= "<span class='nomore'>" . TXT_WPSC_NOMOREAVAILABLE . "</span>";
            $_SESSION['out_of_stock'] = false;
        } else {
            $output .= "<span class='items'><span class='numberitems'>" . TXT_WPSC_NUMBEROFITEMS . ": </span><span class='cartcount'>" . $cart_count . "</span></span>";
        $output .= "<table class='shoppingcart'>\n\r";
        $output .= "<tr><th id='thproduct'>" . TXT_WPSC_PRODUCT . "</th><th id='thqty'>" . TXT_WPSC_QUANTITY_SHORT . "</th><th id='thprice'>" . TXT_WPSC_PRICE . "</th></tr>\n\r";
        $all_donations = true;
        $all_no_shipping = true;
        $tax = 0;
        //written by allen
        $merchant_id = get_option('google_id');
        // Your Merchant ID
        $merchant_key = get_option('google_key');
        // Your Merchant Key
        $server_type = get_option('google_server_type');
        $currency = get_option('google_cur');
        if (get_option('payment_gateway') == 'google') {
            $google_cart = new GoogleCart($merchant_id, $merchant_key, $server_type, $currency);
        foreach ($cart as $cart_item) {
            $product_id = $cart_item->product_id;
            $quantity = $cart_item->quantity;
            $product = $wpdb->get_row("SELECT * FROM `" . $wpdb->prefix . "product_list` WHERE `id` = '{$product_id}' LIMIT 1", ARRAY_A);
            if ($product['donation'] == 1) {
                if (get_option('payment_gateway') == 'google') {
                    $google_unit_price = $cart_item->donation_price;
                $price = $quantity * $cart_item->donation_price;
            } else {
                if (get_option('payment_gateway') == 'google') {
                    $google_unit_price = calculate_product_price($product_id, $cart_item->product_variations, 'stay', $cart_item->extras);
                $price = $quantity * calculate_product_price($product_id, $cart_item->product_variations, 'stay', $cart_item->extras);
                if ($product['notax'] != 1) {
                    $tax += nzshpcrt_calculate_tax($price, $_SESSION['selected_country'], $_SESSION['selected_region']) - $price;
                $all_donations = false;
            if ($product['no_shipping'] != 1) {
                $all_no_shipping = false;
            if ($_SESSION['delivery_country'] != null) {
                $total_shipping += nzshpcrt_determine_item_shipping($product['id'], $quantity, $_SESSION['delivery_country']);
            $total += $price;
            $product['name'] = str_replace("™", "&trade;", $product['name']);
            $product['description'] = str_replace("™", "&trade;", $product['description']);
            if (get_option('payment_gateway') == 'google') {
                $google_item = new GoogleItem(utf8_decode($product['name']), utf8_decode($product['description']), $quantity, $google_unit_price);
                $google_cart->SetMerchantCalculations(get_option('siteurl'), "false", "false", "false");
                //echo serialize($cart_item->product_variations);
                $google_item->SetMerchantPrivateItemData("some variations");
            $output .= "<tr>";
            if (get_option("hide_name_link") == '1') {
                $output .= "<td class='tdproduct'>" . $product['name'] . "</td>";
            } else {
                $output .= "<td><a href='" . wpsc_product_url($product['id']) . "' >" . stripslashes($product['name']) . "</a></td>";
            $output .= "<td class='tdqty'>" . $quantity . "</td>";
            $output .= "<td class='tdprice'>" . nzshpcrt_currency_display($price, 1) . "</td>";
            $output .= "</tr>\n\r";
        //google checkout stuff.
        // 	if (get_option('payment_gateway') == 'google') {
        // 		$google_shipping = new GoogleFlatRateShipping("Flat Rate Shipping", $total_shipping);
        // 		$Gfilter = new GoogleShippingFilters();
        // 		$google_checkout_shipping=get_option("google_shipping_country");
        // 		$google_shipping_country_ids = implode(",",(array)$google_checkout_shipping);
        // 		if($google_shipping_country_ids != null) {
        // 			$google_shipping_country = $wpdb->get_var("SELECT isocode FROM ".$wpdb->prefix."currency_list WHERE id IN (".$google_shipping_country_ids.")");
        // 		}
        // 		$Gfilter->AddAllowedPostalArea($google_shipping_country);
        // 		$google_shipping->AddShippingRestrictions($Gfilter);
        // 		$google_cart->AddShipping($google_shipping);
        // 		if ($_SESSION['selected_country']=='US'){
        // 			$tax_rule = new GoogleDefaultTaxRule(0.05);
        // 			$state_name = $wpdb->get_var("SELECT name FROM ".$wpdb->prefix."region_tax WHERE id='".$_SESSION['selected_region']."'");
        // 			$tax_rule->SetStateAreas(array($state_name));
        // 			$tax_rule->AddPostalArea($google_shipping_country);
        // 			$google_cart->AddDefaultTaxRules($tax_rule);
        // 		}
        // 	}
        //end of google checkout.
        $output .= "</table>";
        if ($_SESSION['delivery_country'] != null) {
            $total_shipping = nzshpcrt_determine_base_shipping($total_shipping, $_SESSION['delivery_country']);
            $output .= "<span class='subtotal'><span class='subtotalhead'>" . TXT_WPSC_SUBTOTAL . ":</span>" . nzshpcrt_currency_display($total, 1) . "</span>";
            if (get_option('do_not_use_shipping') != 1 && $all_donations == false && $all_no_shipping == false) {
                $output .= "<span class='postage'><span class='postagehead'>" . TXT_WPSC_POSTAGE . ":</span>" . nzshpcrt_currency_display($total_shipping, 1) . "</span> ";
            if ($tax > 0) {
                $output .= "<span class='tax'><span class='taxhead'>" . TXT_WPSC_TAX . ":</span> &nbsp;&nbsp;" . nzshpcrt_currency_display($tax, 1) . "</span>";
            if ($_SESSION['coupon_num']) {
                $overall_total = nzshpcrt_overall_total_price_numeric($_SESSION['selected_country'], true);
                $discount = $overall_total - nzshpcrt_apply_coupon($overall_total, $_SESSION['coupon_num']);
                $total_after_discount = $overall_total - $discount;
                $_SESSION['wpsc_discount'] = $discount;
            } else {
                $_SESSION['wpsc_discount'] = 0;
            if ($discount > 0) {
                $output .= "<span class='discount'><span class='discounthead'>" . TXT_WPSC_DISCOUNT . ":</span>" . nzshpcrt_currency_display($discount, 1) . "</span>";
            $output .= "<span class='total'><span class='totalhead'>" . TXT_WPSC_TOTAL . ":</span>" . nzshpcrt_overall_total_price($_SESSION['delivery_country'], true) . "</span>";
        } else {
            if ($discount > 0) {
                $output .= "<span class='discount'><span class='discounthead'>" . TXT_WPSC_DISCOUNT . ":</span>" . nzshpcrt_currency_display($discount, 1) . "</span>";
            $output .= "<span class='total'><span class='totalhead'>" . TXT_WPSC_TOTAL . ":</span>" . nzshpcrt_overall_total_price($_SESSION['delivery_country'], true) . "</span>";
        if (get_option('permalink_structure') != '') {
            $seperator = "?";
        } else {
            $seperator = "&amp;";
        if ($discount > 0) {
            if (get_option('payment_gateway') == 'google') {
                $google_item = new GoogleItem(utf8_decode("Coupon Code: '" . $_SESSION['coupon_num'] . "'"), utf8_decode("A coupon redeem"), 1, -$discount);
                $google_item->SetMerchantPrivateItemData("Coupon Deduction");
        if (get_option('payment_gateway') == 'google') {
            if (!$total_shipping) {
                $total_shipping = 0;
            $pnp = $wpdb->get_var("SELECT SUM(pnp) FROM " . $wpdb->prefix . "product_list WHERE id IN (" . $google_product_id . ")");
            $local_shipping_price = nzshpcrt_determine_base_shipping($total_shipping, get_option('base_country'));
            $google_local_shipping = new GoogleFlatRateShipping("Local Shipping", $local_shipping_price + $pnp);
            $international_shipping_price = nzshpcrt_determine_base_shipping($total_shipping, get_option('base_country') . "-");
            $google_international_shipping = new GoogleFlatRateShipping("International Shipping", $international_shipping_price + $pnp);
            $Gfilter2 = new GoogleShippingFilters();
            $Gfilter = new GoogleShippingFilters();
            $google_checkout_shipping = get_option("google_shipping_country");
            if (!empty($google_checkout_shipping)) {
                $google_shipping_country_ids = implode(",", (array) $google_checkout_shipping);
                $google_shipping_country = $wpdb->get_results("SELECT isocode FROM " . $wpdb->prefix . "currency_list WHERE id IN (" . $google_shipping_country_ids . ")", ARRAY_A);
            foreach ((array) $google_shipping_country as $country) {
                if ($country['isocode'] != get_option('base_country')) {
            $local_tax = $wpdb->get_var("SELECT tax from " . $wpdb->prefix . "currency_list WHERE isocode='" . get_option('base_country') . "'");
            $tax_rule = new GoogleDefaultTaxRule($local_tax / 100);
            if ($_SESSION['selected_country'] == 'US' && get_option('base_country') == 'US') {
                $state_name = $wpdb->get_var("SELECT name FROM " . $wpdb->prefix . "region_tax WHERE id='" . $_SESSION['selected_region'] . "'");
                //foreach ($state_name as $state)
            } else {
            $alter_tax_rule = new GoogleDefaultTaxRule(0.0);
            foreach ((array) $google_shipping_country as $country) {
                if (get_option('base_country') != $country['isocode']) {
            if ($alter_tax_rule != '') {
        $output .= "<span class='emptycart'><a href='" . get_option('product_list_url') . $seperator . "category=" . $_GET['category'] . "&amp;cart=empty' onclick='emptycart();return false;'>" . TXT_WPSC_EMPTYYOURCART . "</a><span>";
        $output .= "<span class='gocheckout'><a href='" . get_option('shopping_cart_url') . "'>" . TXT_WPSC_GOTOCHECKOUT . "</a></span>";
        if (get_option('payment_gateway') == 'google') {
            if (get_option('google_button_size') == '0') {
                $google_button_size = 'BIG';
            } elseif (get_option('google_button_size') == '1') {
                $google_button_size = 'MEDIUM';
            } elseif (get_option('google_button_size') == '2') {
                $google_button_size = 'SMALL';
            $google_cart->SetMerchantCalculations(get_option('siteurl'), "false", "false");
            $google_session = md5(time());
            $_SESSION['google_session'] = $google_session;
            if (!preg_match("/\\?/", get_option('product_list_url'))) {
                $seperator = "?";
            } else {
                $seperator = "&";
            $continueshoppingurl = get_option('product_list_url') . $seperator . "action=bfg&session=" . $google_session;
            $_SESSION['google_shopping_cart'] = serialize($google_cart);
            // 		$output .= $google_cart->getXML();
            $output .= "<br>" . $google_cart->CheckoutButtonCode($google_button_size);
        //$output .= "<a href='".get_option('product_list_url')."'>".TXT_WPSC_CONTINUESHOPPING."</a>";
    } else {
        $output .= $spacing;
        $output .= "<p class='empty'>" . TXT_WPSC_YOURSHOPPINGCARTISEMPTY . ".</p>";
        $output .= "<p class='visitshop'><a href='" . get_option('product_list_url') . "'>" . TXT_WPSC_VISITTHESHOP . "</a></p>";
    $output .= "</div>";
    return $output;