public function testSiteCount()
     include_once dirname(__DIR__) . '/lib/GeoliveHelper.php';
     include_once dirname(__DIR__) . '/lib/AjaxRequest.php';
     $access = array('public', 'special', 'site-planning');
     $c = GeoliveHelper::CountSitesInAreas(array("Douglas Gardner"), $access);
     $this->assertEquals(22, $c);
     $count = 0;
     GeoliveHelper::QueriedSiteListInAreas(array("Douglas Gardner"), function ($i) use(&$count) {
     }, $access);
     $this->assertEquals(22, $count, GeoliveHelper::Database()->lastQuery());
         $sitesArray[] = get_object_vars($row);
 // die(Core::GetDatasource()->getQuery());
 if (UrlVar('exportOutput') == 'kml') {
     // export kmz file, this requires writing
     // to a temprotary file, kmz is a zip file with
     // .kmz extensions
     $filename = tempnam(__DIR__, 'zip');
     include_once 'lib/KmlWriter.php';
     $kmlWriter = new KmlWriter();
     $zip = new ZipArchive();
     // add kml file
     if (count($sitesArray) == 0) {
         throw new Exception('No sites in site list:' . json_encode($siteList) . ' or paddling areas: ' . json_encode($paArray) . '  --  ' . GeoliveHelper::Database()->lastQuery());
     $zip->addFromString('default.kml', $kmlWriter->writeKml($sitesArray));
     // add each icon linked in kml
     foreach ($kmlWriter->getStyles() as $icon) {
         $fileicon = __DIR__ . DS . $icon;
         if (!file_exists($fileicon)) {
             throw new Exception("unable to find file: " . $fileicon);
         if (filesize($fileicon) == 0) {
             throw new Exception("file appears to be empty: " . $fileicon);
         $zip->addFile(__DIR__ . DS . $icon, $icon);
     header('Content-Type: application/kmz+zip;');
 public static function QueriedSiteListInAreasInIdList($areas, $ids, $iteratorCallback)
     $from = "FROM " . GeoliveHelper::AttributeTable() . " a inner join " . GeoliveHelper::MapitemTable() . " m on a.mapitem = WHERE m.lid IN (" . implode(', ', array_map(function ($layer) {
         return $layer->getId();
     }, self::VisibleLayers())) . ") AND IN(" . implode(', ', array_map(function ($id) {
         return (int) $id;
     }, $ids)) . ")";
     $paWhere = 'AND (' . implode(' OR ', array_map(function ($pa) {
         return 'lower(trim(a.paddlingArea))  = lower(trim(\'' . GeoliveHelper::Database()->escape($pa) . '\'))';
     }, $areas)) . ')';
     $query = "SELECT * {$from} {$paWhere} order by";
     self::Database()->iterate($query, $iteratorCallback);