  * Should handle execution of the task, taking as much (optional) parameters as needed
  * The parameters should be optional and failing to provide them should be handled by
  * the task
 public function execute($lineNr = null, $roundData = null)
     $batch = $this->getBatch();
     $import = $batch->getVariable('import');
     if (!(isset($import['trackId']) && $import['trackId'])) {
         // Do nothing
     // Only save when export code is known and set
     if (!isset($roundData['survey_export_code'], $import['surveyCodes'][$roundData['survey_export_code']])) {
         // Do nothing, no survey export code or no known export code
     if (!$import['surveyCodes'][$roundData['survey_export_code']]) {
         // Export code not set to skip import of round
     $fieldCodes = $import['fieldCodes'];
     $roundOrders = isset($import['roundOrders']) ? $import['roundOrders'] : array();
     $tracker = $this->loader->getTracker();
     $trackEngine = $tracker->getTrackEngine($import['trackId']);
     $model = $trackEngine->getRoundModel(true, 'create');
     $roundData['gro_id_track'] = $import['trackId'];
     $roundData['gro_id_survey'] = $import['surveyCodes'][$roundData['survey_export_code']];
     if (isset($roundData['valid_after']) && $roundData['valid_after']) {
         if (isset($roundOrders[$roundData['valid_after']]) && $roundOrders[$roundData['valid_after']]) {
             $roundData['gro_valid_after_id'] = $roundOrders[$roundData['valid_after']];
         } else {
             $batch->addTask('Tracker\\Import\\UpdateRoundValidTask', $lineNr, $roundData['gro_id_order'], $roundData['valid_after'], 'gro_valid_after_id');
     if (isset($roundData['gro_valid_after_source'], $fieldData['gro_valid_after_field'])) {
         switch ($roundData['gro_valid_after_source']) {
             case self::APPOINTMENT_TABLE:
             case self::RESPONDENT_TRACK_TABLE:
                 if (isset($fieldCodes[$fieldData['gro_valid_after_field']])) {
                     $fieldData['gro_valid_after_field'] = $fieldCodes[$fieldData['gro_valid_after_field']];
     if (isset($roundData['valid_for']) && $roundData['valid_for']) {
         if (isset($roundOrders[$roundData['valid_for']]) && $roundOrders[$roundData['valid_for']]) {
             $roundData['gro_valid_for_id'] = $roundOrders[$roundData['valid_for']];
         } else {
             $batch->addTask('Tracker\\Import\\UpdateRoundValidTask', $lineNr, $roundData['gro_id_order'], $roundData['valid_for'], 'gro_valid_for_id');
     if (isset($roundData['gro_valid_for_source'], $fieldData['gro_valid_for_field'])) {
         switch ($roundData['gro_valid_for_source']) {
             case self::APPOINTMENT_TABLE:
             case self::RESPONDENT_TRACK_TABLE:
                 if (isset($fieldCodes[$fieldData['gro_valid_for_field']])) {
                     $fieldData['gro_valid_for_field'] = $fieldCodes[$fieldData['gro_valid_for_field']];
     $roundData = $model->save($roundData);
     $import['rounds'][$lineNr]['gro_id_round'] = $roundData['gro_id_round'];
     $import['roundOrders'][$roundData['gro_id_order']] = $roundData['gro_id_round'];
  * Hook that allows actions when the form is submitted, but it was not the submit button that was checked
  * When not rerouted, the form will be populated afterwards
 protected function onFakeSubmit()
     if (isset($this->formData['create_account']) && $this->formData['create_account']) {
         $mail = $this->loader->getMailLoader()->getMailer('staffPassword', $this->user->getUserId());
         if ($mail->setCreateAccountTemplate()) {
             $this->addMessage($this->_('Create account mail sent'));
         } else {
             $this->addMessage($this->_('No default Create Account mail template set in organization or project'));
     if (isset($this->formData['reset_password']) && $this->formData['reset_password']) {
         $mail = $this->loader->getMailLoader()->getMailer('staffPassword', $this->user->getUserId());
         if ($mail->setResetPasswordTemplate()) {
             $this->addMessage($this->_('Reset password mail sent'));
         } else {
             $this->addMessage($this->_('No default Reset Password mail template set in organization or project'));
  * Should handle execution of the task, taking as much (optional) parameters as needed
  * The parameters should be optional and failing to provide them should be handled by
  * the task
  * @param array $trackData Nested array of trackdata
 public function execute($lineNr = null, $fieldData = null)
     $batch = $this->getBatch();
     $import = $batch->getVariable('import');
     if (isset($fieldData['gtf_id_order']) && $fieldData['gtf_id_order']) {
         $import['fieldOrder'][$fieldData['gtf_id_order']] = false;
         if ($batch->hasVariable('trackEngine') && isset($fieldData['gtf_field_type']) && $fieldData['gtf_field_type']) {
             $trackEngine = $batch->getVariable('trackEngine');
             if ($trackEngine instanceof \Gems_Tracker_Engine_TrackEngineInterface) {
                 $fieldDef = $trackEngine->getFieldsDefinition();
                 $field = $fieldDef->getFieldByOrder($fieldData['gtf_id_order']);
                 if ($field instanceof FieldInterface) {
                     if ($field->getFieldType() != $fieldData['gtf_field_type']) {
                         $batch->addMessage(sprintf($this->_('Conflicting field types "%s" and "%s" for field orders %d specified on line %d.'), $field->getFieldType(), $fieldData['gtf_field_type'], $fieldData['gtf_id_order'], $lineNr));
     } else {
         $batch->addMessage(sprintf($this->_('No gtf_id_order specified for field at line %d.'), $lineNr));
     if (isset($fieldData['gtf_field_type']) && $fieldData['gtf_field_type']) {
         $model = $this->loader->getTracker()->createTrackClass('Model\\FieldMaintenanceModel');
         $fields = $model->getFieldTypes();
         if (!isset($fields[$fieldData['gtf_field_type']])) {
             $batch->addMessage(sprintf($this->_('Unknown field type "%s" specified on line %d.'), $fieldData['gtf_field_type'], $lineNr));
     } else {
         $batch->addMessage(sprintf($this->_('No field type specified on line %d.'), $lineNr));
  * Returns a text element for autosearch. Can be overruled.
  * The form / html elements to search on. Elements can be grouped by inserting null's between them.
  * That creates a distinct group of elements
  * @param array $data The $form field values (can be usefull, but no need to set them)
  * @return array Of \Zend_Form_Element's or static tekst to add to the html or null for group breaks.
 protected function getAutoSearchElements(array $data)
     $elements = parent::getAutoSearchElements($data);
     $user = $this->loader->getCurrentUser();
     if ($user->hasPrivilege('pr.respondent.select-on-track')) {
         $tracks = $this->searchData['__active_tracks'];
         $masks['show_all'] = $this->_('(all)');
         $masks['show_without_track'] = $this->_('(no track)');
         if (count($tracks) > 1) {
             $masks['show_with_track'] = $this->_('(with track)');
         if (count($tracks) > 1) {
             $elements[] = $this->_createSelectElement('gr2t_id_track', $masks + $tracks);
         } else {
             $element = $this->_createRadioElement('gr2t_id_track', $masks + $tracks);
             $element->setSeparator(' ');
             $elements[] = $element;
         $lineBreak = true;
     } else {
         $lineBreak = false;
     if ($user->hasPrivilege('pr.respondent.show-deleted')) {
         $elements[] = $this->_createCheckboxElement('grc_success', $this->_('Show active'));
     if ($this->model->isMultiOrganization()) {
         $element = $this->_createSelectElement(\MUtil_Model::REQUEST_ID2, $user->getRespondentOrganizations(), $this->_('(all organizations)'));
         if ($lineBreak) {
             $element->setLabel($this->_('Organization'))->setAttrib('onchange', 'this.form.submit();');
             $elements[] = \MUtil_Html::create('br');
         $elements[] = $element;
     return $elements;
  * Returns a text element for autosearch. Can be overruled.
  * The form / html elements to search on. Elements can be grouped by inserting null's between them.
  * That creates a distinct group of elements
  * @param array $data The $form field values (can be usefull, but no need to set them)
  * @return array Of \Zend_Form_Element's or static tekst to add to the html or null for group breaks.
 protected function getAutoSearchElements(array $data)
     $dbLookup = $this->util->getDbLookup();
     $translated = $this->util->getTranslated();
     $noRound = array(self::NoRound => $this->_('No round description'));
     $empty = $translated->getEmptyDropdownArray();
     $rounds = $empty + $noRound + $dbLookup->getRoundsForExport();
     $surveys = $dbLookup->getSurveysForExport();
     $elements[] = $this->_createSelectElement('gto_id_survey', $surveys, $this->_('(select a survey)'));
     $elements[] = $this->_createSelectElement('gto_id_track', $this->util->getTrackData()->getAllTracks(), $this->_('(select a track)'));
     $elements[] = $this->_createSelectElement('gto_round_description', $rounds, $this->_('(select a round)'));
     $orgs = $this->loader->getCurrentUser()->getRespondentOrganizations();
     if (count($orgs) > 1) {
         $elements[] = $this->_createSelectElement('gto_id_organization', $orgs, $this->_('(all organizations)'));
     $elements[] = null;
     $dates = array('gto_start_date' => $this->_('Track start'), 'gto_end_date' => $this->_('Track end'), 'gto_valid_from' => $this->_('Valid from'), 'gto_valid_until' => $this->_('Valid until'));
     // $dates = 'gto_valid_from';
     $this->_addPeriodSelectors($elements, $dates, 'gto_valid_from');
     $elements[] = null;
     $element = $this->form->createElement('checkbox', 'column_identifiers');
     $element->setLabel($this->_('Column Identifiers'));
     $element->setDescription($this->_('Prefix the column labels with an identifier. (A) Answers, (TF) Trackfields, (D) Description'));
     $elements[] = $element;
     $element = $this->form->createElement('checkbox', 'show_parent');
     $element->setLabel($this->_('Show parent'));
     $element->setDescription($this->_('Show the parent column even if it doesn\'t have answers'));
     $elements[] = $element;
     $element = $this->form->createElement('checkbox', 'prefix_child');
     $element->setLabel($this->_('Prefix child'));
     $element->setDescription($this->_('Prefix the child column labels with parent question label'));
     $elements[] = $element;
     $elements[] = null;
     return $elements;
  * Called after the check that all required registry values
  * have been set correctly has run.
  * @return void
 public function afterRegistry()
     if (!$this->user) {
         $this->user = $this->loader->getCurrentUser();
  * Should handle execution of the task, taking as much (optional) parameters as needed
  * The parameters should be optional and failing to provide them should be handled by
  * the task
 public function execute($tokenData = null, $userId = null)
     $batch = $this->getBatch();
     $tracker = $this->loader->getTracker();
     $token = $tracker->getToken($tokenData);
     $wasAnswered = $token->isCompleted();
     if ($result = $token->checkTokenCompletion($userId)) {
         if ($result & \Gems_Tracker_Token::COMPLETION_DATACHANGE) {
             $i = $batch->addToCounter('resultDataChanges');
             $batch->setMessage('resultDataChanges', sprintf($this->_('Results and timing changed for %d tokens.'), $i));
             if ($wasAnswered) {
                 $action = 'token.data-changed';
                 $message = sprintf($this->_("Token '%s' data has changed."), $token->getTokenId());
             } else {
                 $action = 'token.answered';
                 $message = sprintf($this->_("Token '%s' was answered."), $token->getTokenId());
             if (!$this->request instanceof \Zend_Controller_Request_Abstract) {
                 $this->request = \Zend_Controller_Front::getInstance()->getRequest();
             $this->accesslog->logEntry($this->request, $action, true, $message, $token->getArrayCopy(), $token->getRespondentId());
         if ($result & \Gems_Tracker_Token::COMPLETION_EVENTCHANGE) {
             $i = $batch->addToCounter('surveyCompletionChanges');
             $batch->setMessage('surveyCompletionChanges', sprintf($this->_('Answers changed by survey completion event for %d tokens.'), $i));
     if ($token->isCompleted()) {
         $batch->setTask('Tracker_ProcessTokenCompletion', 'tokproc-' . $token->getTokenId(), $tokenData, $userId);
     $batch->setMessage('checkedTokens', sprintf($this->_('Checked %d tokens.'), $batch->getCounter('checkedTokens')));
     // Free memory
  * Should handle execution of the task, taking as much (optional) parameters as needed
  * The parameters should be optional and failing to provide them should be handled by
  * the task
  * @param array $trackData Nested array of trackdata
 public function execute($formData = null)
     $batch = $this->getBatch();
     $import = $batch->getVariable('import');
     $tracker = $this->loader->getTracker();
     $model = $tracker->getTrackModel();
     $model->applyFormatting(true, true);
     $trackData = $import['trackData'];
     $trackData['gtr_track_name'] = $formData['gtr_track_name'];
     $trackData['gtr_organizations'] = $formData['gtr_organizations'];
     if ($batch->hasVariable('trackEngine')) {
         $trackEngine = $batch->getVariable('trackEngine');
         if ($trackEngine instanceof \Gems_Tracker_Engine_TrackEngineInterface) {
             $trackData['gtr_id_track'] = $trackEngine->getTrackId();
     // \MUtil_Echo::track($trackData);
     if ($trackData['gtr_date_start'] && !$trackData['gtr_date_start'] instanceof \Zend_Date) {
         $trackData['gtr_date_start'] = new \MUtil_Date($trackData['gtr_date_start'], 'yyyy-MM-dd');
     $output = $model->save($trackData);
     $import['trackId'] = $output['gtr_id_track'];
     $import['trackData']['gtr_id_track'] = $output['gtr_id_track'];
     $batch->addMessage($this->_('Merged track data'));
  * Should handle execution of the task, taking as much (optional) parameters as needed
  * The parameters should be optional and failing to provide them should be handled by
  * the task
 public function execute($respTrackData = null, $userId = null)
     $batch = $this->getBatch();
     $tracker = $this->loader->getTracker();
     $respTrack = $tracker->getRespondentTrack($respTrackData);
     $engine = $respTrack->getTrackEngine();
     $engine->checkRoundsFor($respTrack, $userId, $batch);
  * Get information on the field translations
  * @return array of fields sourceName => targetName
  * @throws \MUtil_Model_ModelException
 public function getFieldsTranslations()
     if (!$this->_targetModel instanceof \MUtil_Model_ModelAbstract) {
         throw new \MUtil_Model_ModelTranslateException(sprintf('Called %s without a set target model.', __FUNCTION__));
     $this->_targetModel->set('gto_id_token', 'label', $this->_('Token'), 'import_descr', $this->loader->getTracker()->getTokenLibrary()->getFormat(), 'required', true, 'order', 2);
     return array('token' => 'gto_id_token') + parent::getFieldsTranslations();
  * Creates the model
  * @return \MUtil_Model_ModelAbstract
 protected function createModel()
     if (!$this->model instanceof LogModel) {
         $this->model = $this->loader->getModels()->createLogModel();
     return $this->model;
  * Should handle execution of the task, taking as much (optional) parameters as needed
  * The parameters should be optional and failing to provide them should be handled by
  * the task
 public function execute($surveyId = null, $questionId = null, $order = null)
     $batch = $this->getBatch();
     $survey = $this->loader->getTracker()->getSurvey($surveyId);
     // Now save the questions
     $answerModel = $survey->getAnswerModel('en');
     $questionModel = new \MUtil_Model_TableModel('gems__survey_questions');
     \Gems_Model::setChangeFieldsByPrefix($questionModel, 'gsq');
     $label = $answerModel->get($questionId, 'label');
             if ($label instanceof \MUtil_Html_HtmlInterface) {
                 $label = $label->render($this->view);
             // */
     $question['gsq_id_survey'] = $surveyId;
     $question['gsq_name'] = $questionId;
     $question['gsq_name_parent'] = $answerModel->get($questionId, 'parent_question');
     $question['gsq_order'] = $order;
     $question['gsq_type'] = $answerModel->getWithDefault($questionId, 'type', \MUtil_Model::TYPE_STRING);
     $question['gsq_class'] = $answerModel->get($questionId, 'thClass');
     $question['gsq_group'] = $answerModel->get($questionId, 'group');
     $question['gsq_label'] = $label;
     $question['gsq_description'] = $answerModel->get($questionId, 'description');
     // \MUtil_Echo::track($question);
     try {
     } catch (\Exception $e) {
         $batch->addMessage(sprintf($this->_('Save failed for survey %s, question %s: %s'), $survey->getName(), $questionId, $e->getMessage()));
     if ($questionModel->getChanged()) {
     $batch->setMessage('questionschanged', sprintf($this->_('%d of %d questions changed.'), $batch->getCounter('changedQuestions'), $batch->getCounter('checkedQuestions')));
     $options = $answerModel->get($questionId, 'multiOptions');
     if ($options) {
         $optionModel = new \MUtil_Model_TableModel('gems__survey_question_options');
         \Gems_Model::setChangeFieldsByPrefix($optionModel, 'gsqo');
         $option['gsqo_id_survey'] = $surveyId;
         $option['gsqo_name'] = $questionId;
         $i = 0;
         // \MUtil_Echo::track($options);
         foreach ($options as $key => $label) {
             $option['gsqo_order'] = $i;
             $option['gsqo_key'] = $key;
             $option['gsqo_label'] = $label;
             try {
             } catch (\Exception $e) {
                 $batch->addMessage(sprintf($this->_('Save failed for survey %s, question %s, option "%s" => "%s": %s'), $survey->getName(), $questionId, $key, $label, $e->getMessage()));
         $batch->addToCounter('checkedOptions', count($options));
         $batch->addToCounter('changedOptions', $optionModel->getChanged());
         $batch->setMessage('optionschanged', sprintf($this->_('%d of %d options changed.'), $batch->getCounter('changedOptions'), $batch->getCounter('checkedOptions')));
  * Create the snippets content
  * This is a stub function either override getHtmlOutput() or override render()
  * @param \Zend_View_Abstract $view Just in case it is needed here
  * @return \MUtil_Html_HtmlInterface Something that can be rendered
 public function getHtmlOutput(\Zend_View_Abstract $view)
     $messages = false;
     if ($this->wasAnswered) {
         $this->currentToken = $this->token->getNextUnansweredToken();
     } else {
         $validator = $this->loader->getTracker()->getTokenValidator();
         if ($validator->isValid($this->token->getTokenId())) {
             $this->currentToken = $this->token;
         } else {
             $messages = $validator->getMessages();
             $this->currentToken = $this->token->getNextUnansweredToken();
     if ($this->currentToken instanceof \Gems_Tracker_Token) {
         $href = $this->getTokenHref($this->currentToken);
         $url = $href->render($this->view);
         // Redirect at once
         header('Location: ' . $url);
     // After the header() so that the patient does not see the messages after answering surveys
     if ($messages) {
     $org = $this->token->getOrganization();
     $html = $this->getHtmlSequence();
     $html->pInfo(sprintf($this->_('Thank you %s,'), $this->token->getRespondentName()));
     if ($welcome = $org->getWelcome()) {
         $html->pInfo()->raw(\MUtil_Markup::render($this->_($welcome), 'Bbcode', 'Html'));
     $p = $html->pInfo()->spaced();
     if ($this->wasAnswered) {
         $p->append($this->_('Thanks for answering our questions.'));
     } elseif (!$this->isValid) {
         if ($this->token->isExpired()) {
             $this->addMessage($this->_('This survey has expired. You can no longer answer it.'));
         } else {
             $this->addMessage($this->_('This survey is no longer valid.'));
     $p->append($this->_('We have no further questions for you at the moment.'));
     $p->append($this->_('We appreciate your cooperation very much.'));
     if ($sig = $org->getSignature()) {
         $html->pInfo()->raw(\MUtil_Markup::render($this->_($sig), 'Bbcode', 'Html'));
             $href = array($this->request->getActionKey() => 'index', \MUtil_Model::REQUEST_ID => null);
             $buttonDiv = $html->buttonDiv(array('class' => 'centerAlign'));
             $buttonDiv->actionLink($href, $this->_('OK'));
             // */
     return $html;
Ejemplo n.º 14
 public function afterRegistry()
     $this->user = $this->loader->getUserLoader()->getUserByStaffId($this->staffId);
     $this->user = $this->loader->getUserLoader()->getUserByStaffId($this->staffId);
     $mailFields = $this->user->getMailFields();
     $this->addTo($this->user->getEmailAddress(), $this->user->getFullName());
Ejemplo n.º 15
  * Creates a model for getModel(). Called only for each new $action.
  * The parameters allow you to easily adapt the model to the current action. The $detailed
  * parameter was added, because the most common use of action is a split between detailed
  * and summarized actions.
  * @param boolean $detailed True when the current action is not in $summarizedActions.
  * @param string $action The current action.
  * @return \MUtil_Model_ModelAbstract
 protected function createModel($detailed, $action)
     $model = $this->loader->getModels()->createLogModel();
     if ($detailed) {
     } else {
     return $model;
  * Creates the model
  * @return \MUtil_Model_ModelAbstract
 protected function createModel()
     if ($this->model instanceof \Gems_Model_StaffModel) {
         $model = $this->model;
     } else {
         $model = $this->loader->getModels()->getStaffModel();
     return $model;
 public function afterRegistry()
     if (!$this->respondent) {
         $this->respondent = $this->loader->getRespondent($this->patientId, $this->organizationId);
     if ($this->respondent) {
         $this->addTo($this->respondent->getEmailAddress(), $this->respondent->getName());
  * Returns a text element for autosearch. Can be overruled.
  * The form / html elements to search on. Elements can be grouped by inserting null's between them.
  * That creates a distinct group of elements
  * @param array $data The $form field values (can be usefull, but no need to set them)
  * @return array Of \Zend_Form_Element's or static tekst to add to the html or null for group breaks.
 protected function getAutoSearchElements(array $data)
     $elements = parent::getAutoSearchElements($data);
     $this->_addPeriodSelectors($elements, 'gla_created');
     $elements[] = null;
     $elements[] = $this->_('Specific action');
     $sql = "SELECT gls_id_action, gls_name\n                    FROM gems__log_setup\n                    WHERE gls_when_no_user = 1 OR gls_on_action = 1 OR gls_on_change = 1 OR gls_on_post = 1\n                    ORDER BY gls_name";
     $elements[] = $this->_createSelectElement('gla_action', $sql, $this->_('(any action)'));
     $elements[] = $this->_createSelectElement('gla_organization', $this->loader->getCurrentUser()->getAllowedOrganizations(), $this->_('(all organizations)'));
     return $elements;
Ejemplo n.º 19
  * @param \MUtil_Task_TaskBatch $batch Optional batch with different source etc..
  * @return \MUtil_Task_TaskBatch
 public function getImportOnlyBatch(\MUtil_Task_TaskBatch $batch = null)
     if (!$this->_importBatch instanceof \MUtil_Task_TaskBatch) {
         $batch = $this->loader->getTaskRunnerBatch(__CLASS__ . '_import_' . basename($this->sourceModel->getName()) . '_' . __FUNCTION__);
         $batch->setVariable('targetModel', $this->getTargetModel());
         $this->_importBatch = $batch;
     } else {
         $batch = $this->_importBatch;
     return parent::getImportOnlyBatch($batch);
  * Sets up the fixture, for example, opens a network connection.
  * This method is called before a test is executed.
 protected function setUp()
     $this->db = \Zend_Db::factory('pdo_sqlite', array('dbname' => ':memory:'));
     \Zend_Registry::set('db', $this->db);
     $settings = new \Zend_Config_Ini(GEMS_ROOT_DIR . '/configs/application.example.ini', APPLICATION_ENV);
     $sa = $settings->toArray();
     $this->loader = new \Gems_Loader(\Zend_Registry::getInstance(), $sa['loaderDirs']);
     \Zend_Registry::set('loader', $this->loader);
     $this->tracker = $this->loader->getTracker();
     \Zend_Registry::set('tracker', $this->tracker);
  * Should handle execution of the task, taking as much (optional) parameters as needed
  * The parameters should be optional and failing to provide them should be handled by
  * the task
 public function execute($sourceId = null, $userId = null)
     $batch = $this->getBatch();
     $source = $this->loader->getTracker()->getSource($sourceId);
     if (is_null($userId)) {
         $userId = $this->loader->getCurrentUser()->getUserId();
     $surveyCount = $batch->addToCounter('sourceSyncSources');
     $batch->setMessage('sourceSyncSources', sprintf($this->plural('Check %s source', 'Check %s sources', $surveyCount), $surveyCount));
     $source->synchronizeSurveyBatch($batch, $userId);
  * Should handle execution of the task, taking as much (optional) parameters as needed
  * The parameters should be optional and failing to provide them should be handled by
  * the task
 public function execute($sourceId = null, $command = null)
     $batch = $this->getBatch();
     $params = array_slice(func_get_args(), 2);
     $source = $this->loader->getTracker()->getSource($sourceId);
     if ($messages = call_user_func_array(array($source, $command), $params)) {
         foreach ($messages as $message) {
             $batch->addMessage($command . ': ' . $message);
  * Should handle execution of the task, taking as much (optional) parameters as needed
  * The parameters should be optional and failing to provide them should be handled by
  * the task
 public function execute()
     $batch = $this->getBatch();
     $import = $batch->getVariable('import');
     if (!(isset($import['trackId']) && $import['trackId'])) {
         // Do nothing
     $tracker = $this->loader->getTracker();
     $trackEngine = $tracker->getTrackEngine($import['trackId']);
  * Returns a text element for autosearch. Can be overruled.
  * The form / html elements to search on. Elements can be grouped by inserting null's between them.
  * That creates a distinct group of elements
  * @param array $data The $form field values (can be usefull, but no need to set them)
  * @return array Of \Zend_Form_Element's or static tekst to add to the html or null for group breaks.
 protected function getAutoSearchElements(array $data)
     // Search text
     $elements = parent::getAutoSearchElements($data);
     $this->_addPeriodSelectors($elements, array('grco_created' => $this->_('Date sent')));
     $br = \MUtil_Html::create()->br();
     $elements[] = null;
     $dbLookup = $this->util->getDbLookup();
     $elements[] = $this->_createSelectElement('gto_id_track', $this->util->getTrackData()->getAllTracks(), $this->_('(select a track)'));
     $elements[] = $this->_createSelectElement('gto_id_survey', $this->util->getTrackData()->getAllSurveys(), $this->_('(all surveys)'));
     $elements[] = $this->_createSelectElement('grco_organization', $this->loader->getCurrentUser()->getRespondentOrganizations(), $this->_('(all organizations)'));
     return $elements;
  * Should handle execution of the task, taking as much (optional) parameters as needed
  * The parameters should be optional and failing to provide them should be handled by
  * the task
 public function execute($respTrackData = null, $userId = null)
     $batch = $this->getBatch();
     $tracker = $this->loader->getTracker();
     $respTrack = $tracker->getRespondentTrack($respTrackData);
     $i = $batch->addToCounter('checkedRespondentTracks');
     if ($result = $respTrack->checkTrackTokens($userId)) {
         $a = $batch->addToCounter('tokenDateCauses');
         $b = $batch->addToCounter('tokenDateChanges', $result);
         $batch->setMessage('tokenDateChanges', sprintf($this->_('%2$d token date changes in %1$d tracks.'), $a, $b));
     $batch->setMessage('checkedRespondentTracks', sprintf($this->_('Checked %d tracks.'), $i));
  * Creates the model
  * @return \MUtil_Model_ModelAbstract
 protected function createModel()
     if ($this->model instanceof \Gems_Tracker_Model_StandardTokenModel) {
         $model = $this->model;
     } else {
         $model = $this->loader->getTracker()->getTokenModel();
     $model->addColumn('CASE WHEN gto_completion_time IS NULL THEN gto_valid_from ELSE gto_completion_time END', 'calc_used_date', 'gto_valid_from');
     $model->addColumn('CASE WHEN gto_completion_time IS NULL THEN gto_valid_from ELSE NULL END', 'calc_valid_from', 'gto_valid_from');
     $model->addColumn('CASE WHEN gto_completion_time IS NULL AND grc_success = 1 AND gto_valid_from <= CURRENT_TIMESTAMP AND gto_completion_time IS NULL AND (gto_valid_until IS NULL OR gto_valid_until >= CURRENT_TIMESTAMP) THEN gto_id_token ELSE NULL END', 'calc_id_token', 'gto_id_token');
     $model->addColumn('CASE WHEN gto_completion_time IS NULL AND grc_success = 1 AND gto_valid_from <= CURRENT_TIMESTAMP AND gto_completion_time IS NULL AND gto_valid_until < CURRENT_TIMESTAMP THEN 1 ELSE 0 END', 'was_missed');
     return $model;
  * Creates the model
  * @return \MUtil_Model_ModelAbstract
 protected function createModel()
     $model = $this->loader->getTracker()->getRespondentTrackModel();
     $model->addColumn('CONCAT(gr2t_completed, \'' . $this->_(' of ') . '\', gr2t_count)', 'progress');
     $model->set('gtr_track_name', 'label', $this->_('Track'));
     $model->set('gr2t_track_info', 'label', $this->_('Description'));
     $model->set('gr2t_start_date', 'label', $this->_('Start'), 'formatFunction', $this->util->getTranslated()->formatDate, 'default', \MUtil_Date::format(new \Zend_Date(), 'dd-MM-yyyy'));
     $model->set('progress', 'label', $this->_('Progress'));
     // , 'tdClass', 'rightAlign', 'thClass', 'rightAlign');
     $model->set('assigned_by', 'label', $this->_('Assigned by'));
     return $model;
  * Process the respondent and return true when data has changed.
  * The event has to handle the actual storage of the changes.
  * @param \Gems_Tracker_Respondent $respondent
  * @param int $userId The current user
  * @return boolean True when something changed
 public function processChangedRespondent(\Gems_Tracker_Respondent $respondent)
     $changes = 0;
     $tracker = $this->loader->getTracker();
     $respTracks = $tracker->getRespondentTracks($respondent->getId(), $respondent->getOrganizationId());
     $userId = $this->currentUser->getUserId();
     foreach ($respTracks as $respondentTrack) {
         if ($respondentTrack instanceof \Gems_Tracker_RespondentTrack) {
             $changes += $respondentTrack->checkTrackTokens($userId);
     // \MUtil_Echo::track('Hi there! ' . $changes);
     return (bool) $changes;
  * Returns a text element for autosearch. Can be overruled.
  * The form / html elements to search on. Elements can be grouped by inserting null's between them.
  * That creates a distinct group of elements
  * @param array $data The $form field values (can be usefull, but no need to set them)
  * @return array Of \Zend_Form_Element's or static tekst to add to the html or null for group breaks.
 protected function getAutoSearchElements(array $data)
     $elements = parent::getAutoSearchElements($data);
     $orgs = $this->currentUser->getRespondentOrganizations();
     if (count($orgs) > 1) {
         $elements[] = $this->_createSelectElement('gap_id_organization', $orgs, $this->_('(all organizations)'));
     $locations = $this->loader->getAgenda()->getLocations();
     if (count($locations) > 1) {
         $elements[] = $this->_createSelectElement('gap_id_location', $locations, $this->_('(all locations)'));
     $elements[] = null;
     $this->_addPeriodSelectors($elements, 'gap_admission_time');
     return $elements;
  * Should handle execution of the task, taking as much (optional) parameters as needed
  * The parameters should be optional and failing to provide them should be handled by
  * the task
 public function execute($tokenId = null)
     $batch = $this->getBatch();
     $tracker = $this->loader->getTracker();
     $token = $tracker->getToken($tokenId);
     $checked = $batch->addToCounter('ta-checkedTokens');
     if ($token->inSource()) {
         $survey = $token->getSurvey();
         if ($survey->copyTokenToSource($token, '')) {
     $cTokens = $batch->getCounter('ta-changedTokens');
     $batch->setMessage('ta-check', sprintf($this->plural('%d token out of %d tokens changed.', '%d tokens out of %d tokens changed.', $cTokens), $cTokens, $checked));