parse() public static method

There are various formats supported for the name, mostly due to legacy concerns. - http(s)://domain/path.ext: A fully qualified url. - /path/from/uploads.ext: This is a locally uploaded file. - /path/to/uploads/path.ext: A full path starting from the uploads directory (deprecated). - ~type/path.ext: A specific type of upload provided by a plugin (deprecated). - type://domain/path.ext: A specific type of upload provied by a plugin with additional domain information.
public static parse ( string $Name ) : array | boolean
$Name string The virtual name of the file.
return array | boolean Returns an array of parsed information or false if the parse failed.
Ejemplo n.º 1
  * Generate a Gravatar image URL based on the provided email address.
  * @link Gravatar Image Requests
  * @param string $email Email address for the user, used to generate the avatar ID.
  * @param int $size Target image size.
  * @return string A formatted Gravatar image URL.
 public static function generateUrl($email, $size = 80)
     $avatarID = md5(strtolower($email));
     // Figure out our base URLs.  Gravatar doesn't support SVGs, so we're stuck with using Vanillicon v1.
     if (Gdn::request()->scheme() === 'https') {
         $baseUrl = '';
         $vanilliconBaseUrl = '';
     } else {
         $baseUrl = '';
         $vanilliconBaseUrl = '';
     if (c('Plugins.Gravatar.UseVanillicon', true)) {
         // Version 1 of Vanillicon only supports three sizes.  Figure out which one is best for this image.
         if ($size <= 50) {
             $vanilliconSize = 50;
         } elseif ($size <= 100) {
             $vanilliconSize = 100;
         } else {
             $vanilliconSize = 200;
         $default = "{$vanilliconBaseUrl}/{$avatarID}_{$vanilliconSize}.png";
     } else {
         $configuredDefaultAvatar = c('Plugins.Gravatar.DefaultAvatar', c('Garden.DefaultAvatar'));
         if ($configuredDefaultAvatar) {
             $defaultParsed = Gdn_Upload::parse($configuredDefaultAvatar);
             $default = val('Url', $defaultParsed);
     if (empty($default)) {
         $default = asset($size <= 50 ? 'plugins/Gravatar/default.png' : 'plugins/Gravatar/default_250.png', true);
     $query = ['default' => $default, 'rating' => c('Plugins.Gravatar.Rating', 'g'), 'size' => $size];
     return $baseUrl . "/{$avatarID}/?" . http_build_query($query);
Ejemplo n.º 2
  * If passed path leads to an image, return size
  * @param string $Path Path to file.
  * @return array [0] => Height, [1] => Width.
 public static function getImageSize($Path)
     // Static FireEvent for intercepting non-local files.
     $Sender = new stdClass();
     $Sender->Returns = array();
     $Sender->EventArguments = array();
     $Sender->EventArguments['Path'] =& $Path;
     $Sender->EventArguments['Parsed'] = Gdn_Upload::parse($Path);
     Gdn::pluginManager()->callEventHandlers($Sender, 'Gdn_Upload', 'CopyLocal');
     if (!in_array(strtolower(pathinfo($Path, PATHINFO_EXTENSION)), array('gif', 'jpg', 'jpeg', 'png'))) {
         return array(0, 0);
     $ImageSize = @getimagesize($Path);
     if (is_array($ImageSize)) {
         if (!in_array($ImageSize[2], array(IMAGETYPE_GIF, IMAGETYPE_JPEG, IMAGETYPE_PNG))) {
             return array(0, 0);
         return array($ImageSize[0], $ImageSize[1]);
     return array(0, 0);
Ejemplo n.º 3
  * Create and display a thumbnail of an uploaded file.
 public function utilityController_mediaThumbnail_create($sender, $media_id)
     // When it makes it into core, it will be available in
     // functions.general.php
     require 'generate_thumbnail.php';
     $model = new Gdn_Model('Media');
     $media = $model->getID($media_id, DATASET_TYPE_ARRAY);
     if (!$media) {
         throw notFoundException('File');
     // Get actual path to the file.
     $local_path = Gdn_Upload::copyLocal($media['Path']);
     if (!file_exists($local_path)) {
         throw notFoundException('File');
     $file_extension = pathinfo($local_path, PATHINFO_EXTENSION);
     // Generate new path for thumbnail
     $thumb_path = $this->getBaseUploadDestinationDir() . '/' . 'thumb';
     // Grab full path with filename, and validate it.
     $thumb_destination_path = $this->getAbsoluteDestinationFilePath($local_path, $file_extension, $thumb_path);
     // Create thumbnail, and grab debug data from whole process.
     $thumb_payload = generate_thumbnail($local_path, $thumb_destination_path, array('height' => c('Plugins.FileUpload.ThumbnailHeight', 128)));
     if ($thumb_payload['success'] === true) {
         // Thumbnail dimensions
         $thumb_height = round($thumb_payload['result_height']);
         $thumb_width = round($thumb_payload['result_width']);
         // Move the thumbnail to its proper location. Calling SaveAs with
         // cloudfiles enabled will trigger the move to cloudfiles, so use
         // same path for each arg in SaveAs. The file will be removed from the local filesystem.
         $parsed = Gdn_Upload::parse($thumb_destination_path);
         $target = $thumb_destination_path;
         // $parsed['Name'];
         $Upload = new Gdn_Upload();
         $filepath_parsed = $Upload->saveAs($thumb_destination_path, $target, array('source' => 'content'));
         // Save thumbnail information to DB.
         $model->save(array('MediaID' => $media_id, 'StorageMethod' => $filepath_parsed['Type'], 'ThumbWidth' => $thumb_width, 'ThumbHeight' => $thumb_height, 'ThumbPath' => $filepath_parsed['SaveName']));
         // Remove cf scratch copy, typically in cftemp, if there was actually a file pulled in from CF.
         if (strpos($local_path, 'cftemp') !== false) {
             if (!unlink($local_path)) {
                 // Maybe add logging for local cf copies not deleted.
         $url = $filepath_parsed['Url'];
     } else {
         // Fix the thumbnail information so this isn't requested again and again.
         $model->save(array('MediaID' => $media_id, 'ImageWidth' => 0, 'ImageHeight' => 0, 'ThumbPath' => ''));
         $url = asset('/plugins/FileUpload/images/file.png');
     redirect($url, 301);
Ejemplo n.º 4
  * Delete an uploaded file & its media record.
  * @param int $MediaID Unique ID on Media table.
 protected function trashFile($MediaID)
     $Media = $this->mediaModel()->getID($MediaID);
     if ($Media) {
         $Deleted = false;
         // Allow interception
         $this->EventArguments['Parsed'] = Gdn_Upload::parse($Media->Path);
         $this->EventArguments['Handled'] =& $Deleted;
         // Allow skipping steps below
         if (!$Deleted) {
             $DirectPath = MediaModel::pathUploads() . DS . $Media->Path;
             if (file_exists($DirectPath)) {
                 $Deleted = @unlink($DirectPath);
         if (!$Deleted) {
             $CalcPath = FileUploadPlugin::findLocalMedia($Media, true, true);
             if (file_exists($CalcPath)) {
Ejemplo n.º 5
  * Saves the specified image at $Target in the specified format with the
  * specified dimensions (or the existing dimensions if height/width are not provided.
  * @param string The path to the source image. Typically this is the tmp file name returned by $this->ValidateUpload();
  * @param string The full path to where the image should be saved, including image name.
  * @param int An integer value indicating the maximum allowed height of the image (in pixels).
  * @param int An integer value indicating the maximum allowed width of the image (in pixels).
  * @param array Options additional options for saving the image.
  *  - <b>Crop</b>: Image proportions will always remain constrained. The Crop parameter is a boolean value indicating if the image should be cropped when one dimension (height or width) goes beyond the constrained proportions.
  *  - <b>OutputType</b>: The format in which the output image should be saved. Options are: jpg, png, and gif. Default is jpg.
  *  - <b>ImageQuality</b>: An integer value representing the qualityof the saved image. Ranging from 0 (worst quality, smaller file) to 100 (best quality, biggest file).
  *  - <b>SourceX, SourceY</b>: If you want to create a thumbnail that is a crop of the image these are the coordinates of the thumbnail.
  *  - <b>SourceHeight. SourceWidth</b>: If you want to create a thumbnail that is a crop of the image these are it's dimensions.
 public static function saveImageAs($Source, $Target, $Height = '', $Width = '', $Options = array())
     $Crop = false;
     $OutputType = '';
     $ImageQuality = c('Garden.UploadImage.Quality', 100);
     // Make function work like it used to.
     $Args = func_get_args();
     $SaveGif = false;
     if (count($Args) > 5) {
         $Crop = val(4, $Args, $Crop);
         $OutputType = val(5, $Args, $OutputType);
         $ImageQuality = val(6, $Args, $ImageQuality);
     } elseif (is_bool($Options)) {
         $Crop = $Options;
     } else {
         $Crop = val('Crop', $Options, $Crop);
         $OutputType = val('OutputType', $Options, $OutputType);
         $ImageQuality = val('ImageQuality', $Options, $ImageQuality);
         $SaveGif = val('SaveGif', $Options);
     // Set some boundaries for $ImageQuality
     if ($ImageQuality < 10) {
         $ImageQuality = 10;
     if ($ImageQuality > 100 || !is_numeric($ImageQuality)) {
         $ImageQuality = 100;
     // Make sure type, height & width are properly defined.
     if (!function_exists('gd_info')) {
         throw new Exception(T('The uploaded file could not be processed because GD is not installed.'));
     $GdInfo = gd_info();
     $Size = getimagesize($Source);
     list($WidthSource, $HeightSource, $Type) = $Size;
     $WidthSource = val('SourceWidth', $Options, $WidthSource);
     $HeightSource = val('SourceHeight', $Options, $HeightSource);
     if ($Height == '' || !is_numeric($Height)) {
         $Height = $HeightSource;
     if ($Width == '' || !is_numeric($Width)) {
         $Width = $WidthSource;
     if (!$OutputType) {
         $OutputTypes = array(1 => 'gif', 2 => 'jpeg', 3 => 'png', 17 => 'ico');
         $OutputType = val($Type, $OutputTypes, 'jpg');
     } elseif ($Type == 17 && $OutputType != 'ico') {
         // Icons cannot be converted
         throw new Exception(T('Upload cannot convert icons.'));
     // Figure out the target path.
     $TargetParsed = Gdn_Upload::parse($Target);
     $TargetPath = PATH_UPLOADS . '/' . ltrim($TargetParsed['Name'], '/');
     if (!file_exists(dirname($TargetPath))) {
         mkdir(dirname($TargetPath), 0777, true);
     // Don't resize if the source dimensions are smaller than the target dimensions or an icon
     $XCoord = val('SourceX', $Options, 0);
     $YCoord = val('SourceY', $Options, 0);
     if (($HeightSource > $Height || $WidthSource > $Width) && $Type != 17) {
         $AspectRatio = (double) $WidthSource / $HeightSource;
         if ($Crop === false) {
             if (round($Width / $AspectRatio) > $Height) {
                 $Width = round($Height * $AspectRatio);
             } else {
                 $Height = round($Width / $AspectRatio);
         } else {
             $HeightDiff = $HeightSource - $Height;
             $WidthDiff = $WidthSource - $Width;
             if ($WidthDiff > $HeightDiff) {
                 // Crop the original width down
                 $NewWidthSource = round($Width * $HeightSource / $Height);
                 // And set the original x position to the cropped start point.
                 if (!isset($Options['SourceX'])) {
                     $XCoord = round(($WidthSource - $NewWidthSource) / 2);
                 $WidthSource = $NewWidthSource;
             } else {
                 // Crop the original height down
                 $NewHeightSource = round($Height * $WidthSource / $Width);
                 // And set the original y position to the cropped start point.
                 if (!isset($Options['SourceY'])) {
                     $YCoord = 0;
                     // crop to top because most portraits show the face at the top.
                 $HeightSource = $NewHeightSource;
     } else {
         // Neither target dimension is larger than the original, so keep the original dimensions.
         $Height = $HeightSource;
         $Width = $WidthSource;
     $Process = true;
     if ($WidthSource <= $Width && $HeightSource <= $Height && $Type == 1 && $SaveGif) {
         $Process = false;
     // Never process icons
     if ($Type == 17) {
         $Process = false;
     if ($Process) {
         // Create GD image from the provided file, but first check if we have the necessary tools
         $SourceImage = false;
         switch ($Type) {
             case 1:
                 if (val('GIF Read Support', $GdInfo) || val('GIF Write Support', $GdInfo)) {
                     $SourceImage = imagecreatefromgif($Source);
             case 2:
                 if (val('JPG Support', $GdInfo) || val('JPEG Support', $GdInfo)) {
                     $SourceImage = imagecreatefromjpeg($Source);
             case 3:
                 if (val('PNG Support', $GdInfo)) {
                     $SourceImage = imagecreatefrompng($Source);
                     imagealphablending($SourceImage, true);
         if (!$SourceImage) {
             throw new Exception(sprintf(T('You cannot save images of this type (%s).'), $Type));
         // Create a new image from the raw source
         if (function_exists('imagecreatetruecolor')) {
             $TargetImage = imagecreatetruecolor($Width, $Height);
             // Only exists if GD2 is installed
         } else {
             $TargetImage = imagecreate($Width, $Height);
             // Always exists if any GD is installed
         if ($OutputType == 'png') {
             imagealphablending($TargetImage, false);
             imagesavealpha($TargetImage, true);
         imagecopyresampled($TargetImage, $SourceImage, 0, 0, $XCoord, $YCoord, $Width, $Height, $WidthSource, $HeightSource);
         // Check for EXIF rotation tag, and rotate the image if present
         if (function_exists('exif_read_data') && ($Type == IMAGETYPE_JPEG || $Type == IMAGETYPE_TIFF_II || $Type == IMAGETYPE_TIFF_MM)) {
             $ImageExif = exif_read_data($Source);
             if (!empty($ImageExif['Orientation'])) {
                 switch ($ImageExif['Orientation']) {
                     case 3:
                         $TargetImage = imagerotate($TargetImage, 180, 0);
                     case 6:
                         $TargetImage = imagerotate($TargetImage, -90, 0);
                         list($Width, $Height) = array($Height, $Width);
                     case 8:
                         $TargetImage = imagerotate($TargetImage, 90, 0);
                         list($Width, $Height) = array($Height, $Width);
         // No need to check these, if we get here then whichever function we need will be available
         if ($OutputType == 'gif') {
             imagegif($TargetImage, $TargetPath);
         } elseif ($OutputType == 'png') {
             imagepng($TargetImage, $TargetPath, 10 - (int) ($ImageQuality / 10));
         } elseif ($OutputType == 'ico') {
             self::imageIco($TargetImage, $TargetPath);
         } else {
             imagejpeg($TargetImage, $TargetPath, $ImageQuality);
     } else {
         copy($Source, $TargetPath);
     // Allow a plugin to move the file to a differnt location.
     $Sender = new stdClass();
     $Sender->EventArguments = array();
     $Sender->EventArguments['Path'] = $TargetPath;
     $Parsed = self::parse($TargetPath);
     $Parsed['Width'] = $Width;
     $Parsed['Height'] = $Height;
     $Sender->EventArguments['Parsed'] =& $Parsed;
     $Sender->Returns = array();
     Gdn::pluginManager()->callEventHandlers($Sender, 'Gdn_Upload', 'SaveAs');
     return $Sender->EventArguments['Parsed'];
Ejemplo n.º 6
  * Determine if a URI matches the format of a valid type/domain upload.
  * @param string $uri The URI to test. This would be the value saved in the database (ex. GDN_User.Photo).
  * @return bool Returns **true** if {@link uri} looks like an uploaded file or **false** otherwise.
 public static function isUploadUri($uri)
     $parsed = Gdn_Upload::parse($uri);
     return !empty($parsed['Url']) && val('Type', $parsed) !== 'external';