sql() public static method

Get a reference to the default SQL driver object.
See also: Gdn_Database::SQL()
public static sql ( ) : Gdn_SQLDriver
return Gdn_SQLDriver
Ejemplo n.º 1
  * List all update checks.
  * @param bool|false $Offset
  * @param string $SortField
 public function index($Offset = false, $SortField = '')
     $this->title('Remote Updates');
     $this->Form->Method = 'get';
     $Limit = 30;
     $SortField = $SortField == 'CountComments' ? 'c.CountComments' : 'c.DateInserted';
     // Input Validation
     $Offset = is_numeric($Offset) ? $Offset : 0;
     // What the actual model in my controller, guy?
     $this->UpdateData = Gdn::sql()->query("\n            select s.Location, s.RemoteIp, c.DateInserted, c.CountUsers, c.CountDiscussions, c.CountComments\n            from GDN_UpdateCheckSource s\n            join (select SourceID, max(UpdateCheckID) as UpdateCheckID from GDN_UpdateCheck group by SourceID) mc\n                on s.SourceID = mc.SourceID\n            join GDN_UpdateCheck c\n                on mc.UpdateCheckID = c.UpdateCheckID\n            order by {$SortField} desc\n            limit {$Offset}, {$Limit}");
     $TotalRecords = Gdn::sql()->select('SourceID', 'count', 'CountSources')->from('UpdateCheckSource')->get()->firstRow()->CountSources;
     // Build a pager
     $PagerFactory = new Gdn_PagerFactory();
     $this->Pager = $PagerFactory->getPager('MorePager', $this);
     $this->Pager->MoreCode = 'More';
     $this->Pager->LessCode = 'Previous';
     $this->Pager->ClientID = 'Pager';
     $this->Pager->Wrapper = '<tr %1$s><td colspan="6">%2$s</td></tr>';
     $this->Pager->configure($Offset, $Limit, $TotalRecords, 'updates/index/%1$s/' . urlencode($SortField));
     // Deliver json data if necessary
     if ($this->_DeliveryType != DELIVERY_TYPE_ALL) {
         $this->setJson('LessRow', $this->Pager->toString('less'));
         $this->setJson('MoreRow', $this->Pager->toString('more'));
Ejemplo n.º 2
  * @param $ForeignType
  * @param array $ForeignIDs
  * @return Gdn_DataSet
 public function getAll($ForeignType, $ForeignIDs = array())
     if (count($ForeignIDs) == 0) {
         return new Gdn_DataSet(array());
     return Gdn::sql()->select('*')->from('Regarding')->where('ForeignType', $ForeignType)->whereIn('ForeignID', $ForeignIDs)->get();
 public function pluginController_quoteMention_create($sender, $discussionID, $commentID, $username)
     $user = Gdn::userModel()->getByUsername($username);
     $discussionModel = new DiscussionModel();
     $discussion = $discussionModel->getID($discussionID);
     if (!$user || !$discussion) {
         throw notFoundException();
     // Make sure this endpoint can't be used to snoop around.
     $sender->permission('Vanilla.Discussions.View', true, 'Category', $discussion->PermissionCategoryID);
     // Find the previous comment of the mentioned user in this discussion.
     $item = Gdn::sql()->getWhere('Comment', ['DiscussionID' => $discussion->DiscussionID, 'InsertUserID' => $user->UserID, 'CommentID <' => $commentID], 'CommentID', 'desc', 1)->firstRow();
     // The items ID in the DOM used for highlighting.
     if ($item) {
         $target = '#Comment_' . $item->CommentID;
         // The mentioned user might be the discussion creator.
     } elseif ($discussion->InsertUserID == $user->UserID) {
         $item = $discussion;
         $target = '#Discussion_' . $item->DiscussionID;
     if (!$item) {
         // A success response code always means that a comment was found.
     $sender->renderData($item ? ['html' => nl2br(sliceString(Gdn_Format::plainText($item->Body, $item->Format), c('QuoteMention.MaxLength', 400))), 'target' => $target] : []);
Ejemplo n.º 4
 public function structure()
     // Get a user for operations.
     $UserID = Gdn::sql()->GetWhere('User', array('Name' => 'Akismet', 'Admin' => 2))->Value('UserID');
     if (!$UserID) {
         $UserID = Gdn::sql()->Insert('User', array('Name' => 'Akismet', 'Password' => RandomString('20'), 'HashMethod' => 'Random', 'Email' => '*****@*****.**', 'DateInserted' => Gdn_Format::toDateTime(), 'Admin' => '2'));
     saveToConfig('Plugins.Akismet.UserID', $UserID);
Ejemplo n.º 5
  * Initialize a new instance of the {@link CategoryCollection} class.
  * @param Gdn_SQLDriver|null $sql The database layer dependency.
  * @param Gdn_Cache|null $cache The cache layer dependency.
 public function __construct(Gdn_SQLDriver $sql = null, Gdn_Cache $cache = null)
     if ($sql === null) {
         $sql = Gdn::sql();
     $this->sql = $sql;
     if ($cache === null) {
         $cache = Gdn::cache();
     $this->cache = $cache;
Ejemplo n.º 6
 protected function getCount($Table)
     // Try and get the count from the cache.
     $Key = "{$Table}.CountRows";
     $Count = Gdn::cache()->get($Key);
     if ($Count !== Gdn_Cache::CACHEOP_FAILURE) {
         return $Count;
     // The count wasn't in the cache so grab it from the table.
     $Count = Gdn::sql()->select($Table . 'ID', 'count', 'CountRows')->from($Table)->get()->value('CountRows');
     // Save the value to the cache.
     Gdn::cache()->store($Key, $Count, array(Gdn_Cache::FEATURE_EXPIRY => 5 * 60 + mt_rand(0, 30)));
     return $Count;
Ejemplo n.º 7
  * Initialize a new instance of the {@link CategoryCollection} class.
  * @param Gdn_SQLDriver|null $sql The database layer dependency.
  * @param Gdn_Cache|null $cache The cache layer dependency.
 public function __construct(Gdn_SQLDriver $sql = null, Gdn_Cache $cache = null)
     if ($sql === null) {
         $sql = Gdn::sql();
     $this->sql = $sql;
     if ($cache === null) {
         $cache = Gdn::cache();
     $this->cache = $cache;
     $this->setStaticCalculator([$this, 'defaultCalculator']);
     $this->setUserCalculator(function (&$category) {
         // do nothing
Ejemplo n.º 8
 public function getData()
     if (Gdn::session()->isValid()) {
         $BookmarkIDs = Gdn::sql()->select('DiscussionID')->from('UserDiscussion')->where('UserID', Gdn::session()->UserID)->where('Bookmarked', 1)->get()->resultArray();
         $BookmarkIDs = consolidateArrayValuesByKey($BookmarkIDs, 'DiscussionID');
         if (count($BookmarkIDs)) {
             $DiscussionModel = new DiscussionModel();
             $DiscussionModel->SQL->whereIn('d.DiscussionID', $BookmarkIDs);
             $Bookmarks = $DiscussionModel->get(0, $this->Limit, array('w.Bookmarked' => '1'));
             $this->setData('Bookmarks', $Bookmarks);
         } else {
             $this->setData('Bookmarks', new Gdn_DataSet());
  * Add new filters to the discussion model
  * @param DiscussionModel $sender Sending controller instance.
  * @param array $args Event arguments.
 public function discussionModel_initStatic_handler($sender, $args)
     DiscussionModel::addFilterSet('prefix', 'Prefixes');
     DiscussionModel::addFilter('has-prefix', 'Has prefix', ['d.Prefix IS NOT NULL' => null], 'base-filter', 'prefix');
     DiscussionModel::addFilter('no-prefix', 'No prefix', ['d.Prefix IS NULL' => null], 'base-filter', 'prefix');
     $currentPrefixes = PrefixDiscussionPlugin::getPrefixes();
     $usedPrefixesResult = Gdn::sql()->select('Prefix')->from('Discussion')->where('Prefix IS NOT NULL')->get()->resultArray();
     foreach ($usedPrefixesResult as $row) {
         $prefix = $row['Prefix'];
         if (!isset($currentPrefixes[$prefix])) {
             $currentPrefixes[$prefix] = $prefix;
     foreach ($currentPrefixes as $prefix) {
         DiscussionModel::addFilter('prefix-' . $this->stringToSlug($prefix), $prefix, ['d.Prefix' => $prefix], 'prefix-filter', 'prefix');
Ejemplo n.º 10
  * Delete all of the Vanilla related information for a specific user.
  * @since 2.1
  * @param int $userID The ID of the user to delete.
  * @param array $options An array of options:
  *  - DeleteMethod: One of delete, wipe, or NULL
 public function deleteUserData($userID, $options = array(), &$data = null)
     $sql = Gdn::sql();
     // Remove discussion watch records and drafts.
     $sql->delete('UserDiscussion', array('UserID' => $userID));
     Gdn::userModel()->getDelete('Draft', array('InsertUserID' => $userID), $data);
     // Comment deletion depends on method selected
     $deleteMethod = val('DeleteMethod', $options, 'delete');
     if ($deleteMethod == 'delete') {
         // Get a list of category IDs that has this user as the most recent poster.
         $discussionCats = $sql->select('cat.CategoryID')->from('Category cat')->join('Discussion d', 'd.DiscussionID = cat.LastDiscussionID')->where('d.InsertUserID', $userID)->get()->resultArray();
         $commentCats = $sql->select('cat.CategoryID')->from('Category cat')->join('Comment c', 'c.CommentID = cat.LastCommentID')->where('c.InsertUserID', $userID)->get()->resultArray();
         $categoryIDs = array_unique(array_merge(array_column($discussionCats, 'CategoryID'), array_column($commentCats, 'CategoryID')));
         // Grab all of the discussions that the user has engaged in.
         $discussionIDs = $sql->select('DiscussionID')->from('Comment')->where('InsertUserID', $userID)->groupBy('DiscussionID')->get()->resultArray();
         $discussionIDs = array_column($discussionIDs, 'DiscussionID');
         Gdn::userModel()->getDelete('Comment', array('InsertUserID' => $userID), $data);
         // Update the comment counts.
         $commentCounts = $sql->select('DiscussionID')->select('CommentID', 'count', 'CountComments')->select('CommentID', 'max', 'LastCommentID')->whereIn('DiscussionID', $discussionIDs)->groupBy('DiscussionID')->get('Comment')->resultArray();
         foreach ($commentCounts as $row) {
             $sql->put('Discussion', array('CountComments' => $row['CountComments'] + 1, 'LastCommentID' => $row['LastCommentID']), array('DiscussionID' => $row['DiscussionID']));
         // Update the last user IDs.
         $sql->update('Discussion d')->join('Comment c', 'd.LastCommentID = c.CommentID', 'left')->set('d.LastCommentUserID', 'c.InsertUserID', false, false)->set('d.DateLastComment', 'coalesce(c.DateInserted, d.DateInserted)', false, false)->whereIn('d.DiscussionID', $discussionIDs)->put();
         // Update the last posts.
         $discussions = $sql->whereIn('DiscussionID', $discussionIDs)->where('LastCommentUserID', $userID)->get('Discussion');
         // Delete the user's discussions.
         Gdn::userModel()->getDelete('Discussion', array('InsertUserID' => $userID), $data);
         // Update the appropriate recent posts in the categories.
         $categoryModel = new CategoryModel();
         foreach ($categoryIDs as $categoryID) {
     } elseif ($deleteMethod == 'wipe') {
         // Erase the user's discussions.
         $sql->update('Discussion')->set('Body', t('The user and all related content has been deleted.'))->set('Format', 'Deleted')->where('InsertUserID', $userID)->put();
         $sql->update('Comment')->set('Body', t('The user and all related content has been deleted.'))->set('Format', 'Deleted')->where('InsertUserID', $userID)->put();
     } else {
         // Leave comments
     // Remove the user's profile information related to this application
     $sql->update('User')->set(array('CountDiscussions' => 0, 'CountUnreadDiscussions' => 0, 'CountComments' => 0, 'CountDrafts' => 0, 'CountBookmarks' => 0))->where('UserID', $userID)->put();
Ejemplo n.º 11
  * Delete all of the Vanilla related information for a specific user.
  * @since 2.1
  * @param int $UserID The ID of the user to delete.
  * @param array $Options An array of options:
  *  - DeleteMethod: One of delete, wipe, or NULL
 public function deleteUserData($UserID, $Options = array(), &$Data = null)
     $SQL = Gdn::sql();
     // Remove discussion watch records and drafts.
     $SQL->delete('UserDiscussion', array('UserID' => $UserID));
     Gdn::userModel()->GetDelete('Draft', array('InsertUserID' => $UserID), $Data);
     // Comment deletion depends on method selected
     $DeleteMethod = val('DeleteMethod', $Options, 'delete');
     if ($DeleteMethod == 'delete') {
         // Clear out the last posts to the categories.
         $SQL->update('Category c')->join('Discussion d', 'd.DiscussionID = c.LastDiscussionID')->where('d.InsertUserID', $UserID)->set('c.LastDiscussionID', null)->set('c.LastCommentID', null)->put();
         $SQL->update('Category c')->join('Comment d', 'd.CommentID = c.LastCommentID')->where('d.InsertUserID', $UserID)->set('c.LastDiscussionID', null)->set('c.LastCommentID', null)->put();
         // Grab all of the discussions that the user has engaged in.
         $DiscussionIDs = $SQL->select('DiscussionID')->from('Comment')->where('InsertUserID', $UserID)->groupBy('DiscussionID')->get()->resultArray();
         $DiscussionIDs = consolidateArrayValuesByKey($DiscussionIDs, 'DiscussionID');
         Gdn::userModel()->GetDelete('Comment', array('InsertUserID' => $UserID), $Data);
         // Update the comment counts.
         $CommentCounts = $SQL->select('DiscussionID')->select('CommentID', 'count', 'CountComments')->select('CommentID', 'max', 'LastCommentID')->whereIn('DiscussionID', $DiscussionIDs)->groupBy('DiscussionID')->get('Comment')->resultArray();
         foreach ($CommentCounts as $Row) {
             $SQL->put('Discussion', array('CountComments' => $Row['CountComments'] + 1, 'LastCommentID' => $Row['LastCommentID']), array('DiscussionID' => $Row['DiscussionID']));
         // Update the last user IDs.
         $SQL->update('Discussion d')->join('Comment c', 'd.LastCommentID = c.CommentID', 'left')->set('d.LastCommentUserID', 'c.InsertUserID', false, false)->set('d.DateLastComment', 'c.DateInserted', false, false)->whereIn('d.DiscussionID', $DiscussionIDs)->put();
         // Update the last posts.
         $Discussions = $SQL->whereIn('DiscussionID', $DiscussionIDs)->where('LastCommentUserID', $UserID)->get('Discussion');
         // Delete the user's dicussions
         Gdn::userModel()->GetDelete('Discussion', array('InsertUserID' => $UserID), $Data);
         // Update the appropriat recent posts in the categories.
         $CategoryModel = new CategoryModel();
         $Categories = $CategoryModel->getWhere(array('LastDiscussionID' => null))->resultArray();
         foreach ($Categories as $Category) {
     } elseif ($DeleteMethod == 'wipe') {
         // Erase the user's dicussions
         $SQL->update('Discussion')->set('Body', t('The user and all related content has been deleted.'))->set('Format', 'Deleted')->where('InsertUserID', $UserID)->put();
         $SQL->update('Comment')->set('Body', t('The user and all related content has been deleted.'))->set('Format', 'Deleted')->where('InsertUserID', $UserID)->put();
     } else {
         // Leave comments
     // Remove the user's profile information related to this application
     $SQL->update('User')->set(array('CountDiscussions' => 0, 'CountUnreadDiscussions' => 0, 'CountComments' => 0, 'CountDrafts' => 0, 'CountBookmarks' => 0))->where('UserID', $UserID)->put();
 protected function getBirthdays()
     $birthdays = json_decode(Gdn::get('BirthdayModule.Birthdays'));
     $token = date('y-m-d/H');
     if ($birthdays && $birthdays[0] == $token) {
         return $birthdays[1];
     $date = new DateTime();
     if ($guestTimeZone = C('Garden.GuestTimeZone')) {
         try {
             $timeZone = new DateTimeZone($guestTimeZone);
             $offset = $timeZone->getOffset(new DateTime('now', new DateTimeZone('UTC')));
             $offset = -floor($offset / 3600);
             $date->modify("{$offset} hours");
         } catch (Exception $e) {
     $birthdays = Gdn::sql()->select('UserID')->from('User')->where("DATE_FORMAT(DateOfBirth, '%m-%d')", $date->format("'m-d'"), false, false)->get()->resultArray();
     $birthdays = array_column($birthdays, 'UserID');
     Gdn::set('BirthdayModule.Birthdays', json_encode([$token, $birthdays]));
     return $birthdays;
  * Takes a set of discussion identifiers and returns their comment counts in the same order.
 public function getCommentCounts()
     $vanilla_identifier = val('vanilla_identifier', $_GET);
     if (!is_array($vanilla_identifier)) {
         $vanilla_identifier = array($vanilla_identifier);
     $vanilla_identifier = array_unique($vanilla_identifier);
     $FinalData = array_fill_keys($vanilla_identifier, 0);
     $Misses = array();
     $CacheKey = 'embed.comments.count.%s';
     $OriginalIDs = array();
     foreach ($vanilla_identifier as $ForeignID) {
         $HashedForeignID = ForeignIDHash($ForeignID);
         // Keep record of non-hashed identifiers for the reply
         $OriginalIDs[$HashedForeignID] = $ForeignID;
         $RealCacheKey = sprintf($CacheKey, $HashedForeignID);
         $Comments = Gdn::cache()->get($RealCacheKey);
         if ($Comments !== Gdn_Cache::CACHEOP_FAILURE) {
             $FinalData[$ForeignID] = $Comments;
         } else {
             $Misses[] = $HashedForeignID;
     if (sizeof($Misses)) {
         $CountData = Gdn::sql()->select('ForeignID, CountComments')->from('Discussion')->where('Type', 'page')->whereIn('ForeignID', $Misses)->get()->resultArray();
         foreach ($CountData as $Row) {
             // Get original identifier to send back
             $ForeignID = $OriginalIDs[$Row['ForeignID']];
             $FinalData[$ForeignID] = $Row['CountComments'];
             // Cache using the hashed identifier
             $RealCacheKey = sprintf($CacheKey, $Row['ForeignID']);
             Gdn::cache()->store($RealCacheKey, $Row['CountComments'], array(Gdn_Cache::FEATURE_EXPIRY => 60));
     $this->setData('CountData', $FinalData);
     $this->DeliveryMethod = DELIVERY_METHOD_JSON;
     $this->DeliveryType = DELIVERY_TYPE_DATA;
Ejemplo n.º 14
 public static function getViewsFallback($DiscussionID)
     // Not found. Check main table.
     $Views = val('CountViews', Gdn::sql()->select('CountViews')->from('Discussion')->where('DiscussionID', $DiscussionID)->get()->firstRow(DATASET_TYPE_ARRAY), null);
     // Found. Insert into denormalized table and return.
     if (!is_null($Views)) {
         return $Views;
     return null;
Ejemplo n.º 15
  * Delete cached data for user.
  * @param int|null $UserID The user to clear the cache for.
  * @return bool Returns **true** if the cache was cleared or **false** otherwise.
 public function clearCache($UserID, $CacheTypesToClear = null)
     if (is_null($UserID) || !$UserID) {
         return false;
     if (is_null($CacheTypesToClear)) {
         $CacheTypesToClear = ['user', 'roles', 'permissions'];
     if (in_array('user', $CacheTypesToClear)) {
         $UserKey = formatString(self::USERID_KEY, ['UserID' => $UserID]);
     if (in_array('roles', $CacheTypesToClear)) {
         $UserRolesKey = formatString(self::USERROLES_KEY, ['UserID' => $UserID]);
     if (in_array('permissions', $CacheTypesToClear)) {
         Gdn::sql()->put('User', ['Permissions' => ''], ['UserID' => $UserID]);
         $PermissionsIncrement = $this->getPermissionsIncrement();
         $UserPermissionsKey = formatString(self::USERPERMISSIONS_KEY, ['UserID' => $UserID, 'PermissionsIncrement' => $PermissionsIncrement]);
     return true;
 public function discussionModel_afterSaveDiscussion_handler($Sender)
     if (c('Plugins.PostUrl.Disable', false)) {
     if (!Gdn::session()->checkPermission('Plugins.PostUrl.Allow')) {
     $FormPostValues = val('FormPostValues', $Sender->EventArguments, array());
     $PostUrlValue = val('PostUrlValue', $FormPostValues, 0);
     $PostUrlValue = intval($PostUrlValue);
     if ($PostUrlValue == 0 || $PostUrlValue > 3) {
     $DiscussionID = val('DiscussionID', $Sender->EventArguments, 0);
     $SQL = Gdn::sql();
     $row = $SQL->select("*")->from("PostUrl")->where("DiscussionID", $DiscussionID)->get()->firstRow();
     if (!$row) {
         $SQL->insert("PostUrl", array('DiscussionID' => $DiscussionID, 'PostUrlValue' => $PostUrlValue, 'DateInserted' => date('Y-m-d H:i:s')));
     } else {
         $SQL->update("PostUrl", array("PostUrlValue" => $PostUrlValue), array("DiscussionID" => $DiscussionID))->put();
Ejemplo n.º 17
  * @throws Gdn_UserException
 public function setup()
     // Make sure the user has curl.
     if (!function_exists('curl_exec')) {
         throw new Gdn_UserException('This plugin requires curl.');
     // Save the twitter provider type.
     Gdn::sql()->replace('UserAuthenticationProvider', array('AuthenticationSchemeAlias' => 'twitter', 'URL' => '...', 'AssociationSecret' => '...', 'AssociationHashMethod' => '...'), array('AuthenticationKey' => self::ProviderKey));
Ejemplo n.º 18
        $Name = $Row['Name'];
        $CategoryID = $Row['CategoryID'];
        $TagID = $Row['TagID'];
        // Get the tags that need to be deleted.
        $DeleteTags = Gdn::sql()->getWhere('Tag', array('Name' => $Name, 'CategoryID' => $CategoryID, 'TagID <> ' => $TagID))->resultArray();
        foreach ($DeleteTags as $DRow) {
            // Update all of the discussions to the new tag.
            Gdn::sql()->options('Ignore', true)->put('TagDiscussion', array('TagID' => $TagID), array('TagID' => $DRow['TagID']));
            // Delete the tag.
            Gdn::sql()->delete('Tag', array('TagID' => $DRow['TagID']));
$Construct->table('Tag')->primaryKey('TagID')->column('Name', 'varchar(100)', false, 'unique')->column('FullName', 'varchar(100)', !$FullNameColumnExists, 'index')->column('Type', 'varchar(20)', '', 'index')->column('ParentTagID', 'int', true, 'key')->column('InsertUserID', 'int', true, 'key')->column('DateInserted', 'datetime')->column('CategoryID', 'int', -1, 'unique')->Engine('InnoDB')->set($Explicit, $Drop);
if (!$FullNameColumnExists) {
    Gdn::sql()->update('Tag')->set('FullName', 'Name', false, false)->put();
    $Construct->table('Tag')->column('FullName', 'varchar(255)', false, 'index')->set();
$Construct->table('Log')->primaryKey('LogID')->column('Operation', array('Delete', 'Edit', 'Spam', 'Moderate', 'Pending', 'Ban', 'Error'), false, 'index')->column('RecordType', array('Discussion', 'Comment', 'User', 'Registration', 'Activity', 'ActivityComment', 'Configuration', 'Group'), false, 'index')->column('TransactionLogID', 'int', null)->column('RecordID', 'int', null, 'index')->column('RecordUserID', 'int', null, 'index')->column('RecordDate', 'datetime')->column('RecordIPAddress', 'varchar(15)', null, 'index')->column('InsertUserID', 'int')->column('DateInserted', 'datetime', false, 'index')->column('InsertIPAddress', 'varchar(15)', null)->column('OtherUserIDs', 'varchar(255)', null)->column('DateUpdated', 'datetime', null)->column('ParentRecordID', 'int', null, 'index')->column('CategoryID', 'int', null, 'key')->column('Data', 'mediumtext', null)->column('CountGroup', 'int', null)->engine('InnoDB')->set($Explicit, $Drop);
$Construct->table('Regarding')->primaryKey('RegardingID')->column('Type', 'varchar(100)', false, 'key')->column('InsertUserID', 'int', false)->column('DateInserted', 'datetime', false)->column('ForeignType', 'varchar(32)', false)->column('ForeignID', 'int(11)', false)->column('OriginalContent', 'text', true)->column('ParentType', 'varchar(32)', true)->column('ParentID', 'int(11)', true)->column('ForeignURL', 'varchar(255)', true)->column('Comment', 'text', false)->column('Reports', 'int(11)', true)->engine('InnoDB')->set($Explicit, $Drop);
$Construct->table('Ban')->primaryKey('BanID')->column('BanType', array('IPAddress', 'Name', 'Email'), false, 'unique')->column('BanValue', 'varchar(50)', false, 'unique')->column('Notes', 'varchar(255)', null)->column('CountUsers', 'uint', 0)->column('CountBlockedRegistrations', 'uint', 0)->column('InsertUserID', 'int')->column('DateInserted', 'datetime')->column('InsertIPAddress', 'varchar(15)', true)->column('UpdateUserID', 'int', true)->column('DateUpdated', 'datetime', true)->column('UpdateIPAddress', 'varchar(15)', true)->engine('InnoDB')->set($Explicit, $Drop);
$Construct->table('Spammer')->column('UserID', 'int', false, 'primary')->column('CountSpam', 'usmallint', 0)->column('CountDeletedSpam', 'usmallint', 0)->set($Explicit, $Drop);
$Construct->table('Media')->primaryKey('MediaID')->column('Name', 'varchar(255)')->column('Path', 'varchar(255)')->column('Type', 'varchar(128)')->column('Size', 'int(11)')->column('InsertUserID', 'int(11)')->column('DateInserted', 'datetime')->column('ForeignID', 'int(11)', true, 'index.Foreign')->column('ForeignTable', 'varchar(24)', true, 'index.Foreign')->column('ImageWidth', 'usmallint', null)->column('ImageHeight', 'usmallint', null)->column('ThumbWidth', 'usmallint', null)->column('ThumbHeight', 'usmallint', null)->column('ThumbPath', 'varchar(255)', null)->set(false, false);
// Merge backup.
$Construct->table('UserMerge')->primaryKey('MergeID')->column('OldUserID', 'int', false, 'key')->column('NewUserID', 'int', false, 'key')->column('DateInserted', 'datetime')->column('InsertUserID', 'int')->column('DateUpdated', 'datetime', true)->column('UpdateUserID', 'int', true)->column('Attributes', 'text', true)->set();
$Construct->table('UserMergeItem')->column('MergeID', 'int', false, 'key')->column('Table', 'varchar(30)')->column('Column', 'varchar(30)')->column('RecordID', 'int')->column('OldUserID', 'int')->column('NewUserID', 'int')->set();
$Construct->table('Attachment')->primaryKey('AttachmentID')->column('Type', 'varchar(64)')->column('ForeignID', 'varchar(50)', false, 'index')->column('ForeignUserID', 'int', false, 'key')->column('Source', 'varchar(64)')->column('SourceID', 'varchar(32)')->column('SourceURL', 'varchar(255)')->column('Attributes', 'text', true)->column('DateInserted', 'datetime')->column('InsertUserID', 'int', false, 'key')->column('InsertIPAddress', 'varchar(64)')->column('DateUpdated', 'datetime', true)->column('UpdateUserID', 'int', true)->column('UpdateIPAddress', 'varchar(15)', true)->set($Explicit, $Drop);
// Save the current input formatter to the user's config.
// This will allow us to change the default later and grandfather existing forums in.
saveToConfig('Garden.InputFormatter', c('Garden.InputFormatter'));
// Make sure the default locale is in its canonical form.
Ejemplo n.º 19
  * Get all messages or one message.
  * @param int|bool $ID ID of message to get.
  * @return array|null
 public static function messages($ID = false)
     if ($ID === null) {
     $Messages = Gdn::cache()->get('Messages');
     if ($Messages === Gdn_Cache::CACHEOP_FAILURE) {
         $Messages = Gdn::sql()->get('Message', 'Sort')->resultArray();
         $Messages = Gdn_DataSet::index($Messages, array('MessageID'));
         Gdn::cache()->store('Messages', $Messages);
     if ($ID === false) {
         return $Messages;
     } else {
         return val($ID, $Messages);
Ejemplo n.º 20
  * Determine if this discussion has risen from the dead.
  * @param int $discussionID
  * @param string MySQL datetime.
  * @return bool
 protected function isRisen($discussionID, $revived)
     $results = Gdn::sql()->select('CommentID', 'count', 'NumComments')->from('Comment')->where('DiscussionID', $discussionID)->where('DateInserted >', $revived)->get()->firstRow();
     return val('NumComments', $results) >= c('Necro.CommentsToRevive', 10);
Ejemplo n.º 21
  * @param null $AddonCode
  * @param bool $Explicit
  * @param bool $Drop
  * @throws Exception
 public function runStructure($AddonCode = null, $Explicit = false, $Drop = false)
     // Get the structure files for all of the enabled applications.
     $ApplicationManager = new Gdn_ApplicationManager();
     $Apps = $ApplicationManager->EnabledApplications();
     $AppNames = consolidateArrayValuesByKey($Apps, 'Folder');
     $Paths = array();
     foreach ($Apps as $Key => $AppInfo) {
         $Path = PATH_APPLICATIONS . "/{$AppInfo['Folder']}/settings/structure.php";
         if (file_exists($Path)) {
             $Paths[] = $Path;
         Gdn::ApplicationManager()->RegisterPermissions($Key, $this->Validation);
     // Execute the structures.
     $Database = Gdn::database();
     $SQL = Gdn::sql();
     $Structure = Gdn::structure();
     foreach ($Paths as $Path) {
         include $Path;
     // Execute the structures for all of the plugins.
     $PluginManager = Gdn::pluginManager();
     $Registered = $PluginManager->RegisteredPlugins();
     foreach ($Registered as $ClassName => $Enabled) {
         if (!$Enabled) {
         try {
             $Plugin = $PluginManager->GetPluginInstance($ClassName, Gdn_PluginManager::ACCESS_CLASSNAME);
             if (method_exists($Plugin, 'Structure')) {
         } catch (Exception $Ex) {
             // Do nothing, plugin wouldn't load/structure.
             if (Debug()) {
                 throw $Ex;
Ejemplo n.º 22
  * Get the association for a user an a given authentication provider.
  * @param string $UserKey
  * @param bool $ProviderKey
  * @param string $KeyType
  * @return array|bool|stdClass
 public function getAssociation($UserKey, $ProviderKey = false, $KeyType = Gdn_Authenticator::KEY_TYPE_TOKEN)
     $Query = Gdn::sql()->select('ua.UserID, ua.ForeignUserKey, uat.Token')->from('UserAuthentication ua')->join('UserAuthenticationToken uat', 'ua.ForeignUserKey = uat.ForeignUserKey', 'left')->where('ua.ForeignUserKey', $UserKey)->where('UserID >', 0);
     if ($ProviderKey && $KeyType == Gdn_Authenticator::KEY_TYPE_TOKEN) {
         $Query->where('uat.Token', $ProviderKey);
     if ($ProviderKey && $KeyType == Gdn_Authenticator::KEY_TYPE_PROVIDER) {
         $Query->where('ua.ProviderKey', $ProviderKey);
     $UserAssociation = $Query->get()->firstRow(DATASET_TYPE_ARRAY);
     return $UserAssociation ? $UserAssociation : false;
Ejemplo n.º 23
  * @param bool $UserID
  * @throws Exception
  * @throws Gdn_UserException
 public function sso($UserID = false)
     $ProviderModel = new Gdn_AuthenticationProviderModel();
     $Form = new Gdn_Form();
     if ($this->Request->isAuthenticatedPostBack()) {
         // Make sure everything has been posted.
         $Form->validateRule('ClientID', 'ValidateRequired');
         $Form->validateRule('UniqueID', 'ValidateRequired');
         if (!validateRequired($Form->getFormValue('Username')) && !validateRequired($Form->getFormValue('Email'))) {
             $Form->addError('Username or Email is required.');
         $Provider = $ProviderModel->getProviderByKey($Form->getFormValue('ClientID'));
         if (!$Provider) {
             $Form->addError(sprintf('%1$s "%2$s" not found.', t('Provider'), $Form->getFormValue('ClientID')));
         if ($Form->errorCount() > 0) {
             throw new Gdn_UserException($Form->errorString());
         // Grab the user.
         $User = false;
         if ($Email = $Form->getFormValue('Email')) {
             $User = Gdn::userModel()->GetByEmail($Email);
         if (!$User && ($Username = $Form->getFormValue('Username'))) {
             $User = Gdn::userModel()->GetByUsername($Username);
         if (!$User) {
             throw new Gdn_UserException(sprintf(t('User not found.'), strtolower(t(UserModel::SigninLabelCode()))), 404);
         // Validate the user's password.
         $PasswordHash = new Gdn_PasswordHash();
         $Password = $this->Form->getFormValue('Password', null);
         if ($Password !== null && !$PasswordHash->CheckPassword($Password, val('Password', $User), val('HashMethod', $User))) {
             throw new Gdn_UserException(t('Invalid password.'), 401);
         // Okay. We've gotten this far. Let's save the authentication.
         $User = (array) $User;
         Gdn::userModel()->saveAuthentication(array('UserID' => $User['UserID'], 'Provider' => $Form->getFormValue('ClientID'), 'UniqueID' => $Form->getFormValue('UniqueID')));
         $Row = Gdn::userModel()->getAuthentication($Form->getFormValue('UniqueID'), $Form->getFormValue('ClientID'));
         if ($Row) {
             $this->setData('Result', $Row);
         } else {
             throw new Gdn_UserException(t('There was an error saving the data.'));
     } else {
         $User = Gdn::userModel()->getID($UserID);
         if (!$User) {
             throw notFoundException('User');
         $Result = Gdn::sql()->select('ua.ProviderKey', '', 'ClientID')->select('ua.ForeignUserKey', '', 'UniqueID')->select('ua.UserID')->select('p.Name')->select('p.AuthenticationSchemeAlias', '', 'Type')->from('UserAuthentication ua')->join('UserAuthenticationProvider p', 'ua.ProviderKey = p.AuthenticationKey')->where('UserID', $UserID)->get()->resultArray();
         $this->setData('Result', $Result);
     $this->render('Blank', 'Utility', 'Dashboard');
Ejemplo n.º 24
  * Discussions filter: Unresolved.
  * @return void
 public function discussionsController_unresolved_create($sender, $args)
     $page = val(0, $args, 0);
     // Determine offset from $Page
     list($page, $limit) = offsetLimit($page, C('Vanilla.Discussions.PerPage', 30));
     // Validate $Page
     if (!is_numeric($page) || $page < 0) {
         $page = 0;
     $discussionModel = new DiscussionModel();
     $wheres = array('d.Resolved' => '0');
     // Hack in our wheregroup.
     Gdn::sql()->beginWhereGroup()->whereNotIn('d.Type', array('page', 'Report', 'poll', 'SimplePage'))->orWhere('d.Type is null')->endWhereGroup();
     $sender->DiscussionData = $discussionModel->Get($page, $limit, $wheres);
     $sender->setData('Discussions', $sender->DiscussionData);
     $countDiscussions = $discussionModel->GetCount($wheres);
     $sender->setData('CountDiscussions', $countDiscussions);
     $sender->Category = false;
     $sender->setJson('Loading', $page . ' to ' . $limit);
     // Build a pager
     $pagerFactory = new Gdn_PagerFactory();
     $sender->EventArguments['PagerType'] = 'Pager';
     $sender->Pager = $pagerFactory->getPager($sender->EventArguments['PagerType'], $sender);
     $sender->Pager->ClientID = 'Pager';
     $sender->Pager->configure($page, $limit, $countDiscussions, 'discussions/unresolved/%1$s');
     if (!$sender->data('_PagerUrl')) {
         $sender->setData('_PagerUrl', 'discussions/unresolved/{Page}');
     $sender->setData('_Page', $page);
     $sender->setData('_Limit', $limit);
     // Deliver JSON data if necessary
     if ($sender->deliveryType() != DELIVERY_TYPE_ALL) {
         $sender->setJson('LessRow', $sender->Pager->toString('less'));
         $sender->setJson('MoreRow', $sender->Pager->toString('more'));
         $sender->View = 'discussions';
     // Add modules
     // Render default view
     $sender->setData('Title', T('Unresolved'));
     $sender->setData('Breadcrumbs', array(array('Name' => T('Unresolved'), 'Url' => '/discussions/unresolved')));
Ejemplo n.º 25
 public function structure()
     // Save the facebook provider type.
     Gdn::sql()->replace('UserAuthenticationProvider', array('AuthenticationSchemeAlias' => 'facebook', 'URL' => '...', 'AssociationSecret' => '...', 'AssociationHashMethod' => '...'), array('AuthenticationKey' => self::ProviderKey), true);
Ejemplo n.º 26
  * @param $Sender
  * @throws Exception
 public function controller_delete($Sender)
     list($Action, $MediaID) = $Sender->RequestArgs;
     $Delete = array('MediaID' => $MediaID, 'Status' => 'failed');
     $Media = $this->mediaModel()->getID($MediaID);
     $ForeignTable = val('ForeignTable', $Media);
     $Permission = false;
     // Get the category so we can figure out whether or not the user has permission to delete.
     if ($ForeignTable == 'discussion') {
         $PermissionCategoryID = Gdn::sql()->select('c.PermissionCategoryID')->from('Discussion d')->join('Category c', 'd.CategoryID = c.CategoryID')->where('d.DiscussionID', val('ForeignID', $Media))->get()->value('PermissionCategoryID');
         $Permission = 'Vanilla.Discussions.Edit';
     } elseif ($ForeignTable == 'comment') {
         $PermissionCategoryID = Gdn::sql()->select('c.PermissionCategoryID')->from('Comment cm')->join('Discussion d', 'd.DiscussionID = cm.DiscussionID')->join('Category c', 'd.CategoryID = c.CategoryID')->where('cm.CommentID', val('ForeignID', $Media))->get()->value('PermissionCategoryID');
         $Permission = 'Vanilla.Comments.Edit';
     if ($Media) {
         $Delete['Media'] = $Media;
         $UserID = val('UserID', Gdn::session());
         if (val('InsertUserID', $Media, null) == $UserID || Gdn::session()->checkPermission($Permission, true, 'Category', $PermissionCategoryID)) {
             $this->mediaModel()->delete($Media, true);
             $Delete['Status'] = 'success';
         } else {
             throw PermissionException();
     } else {
         throw NotFoundException('Media');
     $Sender->setJSON('Delete', $Delete);
Ejemplo n.º 27
  * @param array $Data
  * @param array $Columns The columns/table information for the join. Depending on the argument's index it will be interpreted differently.
  *  - <b>numeric</b>: This column will come be added to the resulting join. The value can be either a string or a two element array where the second element specifies an alias.
  *  - <b>alias</b>: The alias of the child table in the query.
  *  - <b>child</b>: The name of the child column.
  *  - <b>column</b>: The name of the column to put the joined data into. Can't be used with <b>prefix</b>.
  *  - <b>parent</b>: The name of the parent column.
  *  - <b>table</b>: The name of the child table in the join.
  *  - <b>prefix</b>: The name of the prefix to give the columns. Can't be used with <b>column</b>.
  * @param array $Options An array of extra options.
  *  - <b>sql</b>: A Gdn_SQLDriver with the child query.
  *  - <b>type</b>: The join type, either JOIN_INNER, JOIN_LEFT. This defaults to JOIN_LEFT.
 public static function join(&$Data, $Columns, $Options = array())
     $Options = array_change_key_case($Options);
     $Sql = Gdn::sql();
     //GetValue('sql', $Options, Gdn::SQL());
     $ResultColumns = array();
     // Grab the columns.
     foreach ($Columns as $Index => $Name) {
         if (is_numeric($Index)) {
             // This is a column being selected.
             if (is_array($Name)) {
                 $Column = $Name[0];
                 $ColumnAlias = $Name[1];
             } else {
                 $Column = $Name;
                 $ColumnAlias = '';
             if (($Pos = strpos($Column, '.')) !== false) {
                 $Sql->select($Column, '', $ColumnAlias);
                 $Column = substr($Column, $Pos + 1);
             } else {
                 $Sql->select(isset($TableAlias) ? $TableAlias . '.' . $Column : $Column, '', $ColumnAlias);
             if ($ColumnAlias) {
                 $ResultColumns[] = $ColumnAlias;
             } else {
                 $ResultColumns[] = $Column;
         } else {
             switch (strtolower($Index)) {
                 case 'alias':
                     $TableAlias = $Name;
                 case 'child':
                     $ChildColumn = $Name;
                 case 'column':
                     $JoinColumn = $Name;
                 case 'parent':
                     $ParentColumn = $Name;
                 case 'prefix':
                     $ColumnPrefix = $Name;
                 case 'table':
                     $Table = $Name;
                 case 'type':
                     // The type shouldn't be here, but handle it.
                     $Options['Type'] = $Name;
                     throw new Exception("Gdn_DataSet::Join(): Unknown column option '{$Index}'.");
     if (!isset($TableAlias)) {
         if (isset($Table)) {
             $TableAlias = 'c';
         } else {
             $TableAlias = 'c';
     if (!isset($ParentColumn)) {
         if (isset($ChildColumn)) {
             $ParentColumn = $ChildColumn;
         } elseif (isset($Table)) {
             $ParentColumn = $Table . 'ID';
         } else {
             throw Exception("Gdn_DataSet::Join(): Missing 'parent' argument'.");
     // Figure out some options if they weren't specified.
     if (!isset($ChildColumn)) {
         if (isset($ParentColumn)) {
             $ChildColumn = $ParentColumn;
         } elseif (isset($Table)) {
             $ChildColumn = $Table . 'ID';
         } else {
             throw Exception("Gdn_DataSet::Join(): Missing 'child' argument'.");
     if (!isset($ColumnPrefix) && !isset($JoinColumn)) {
         $ColumnPrefix = stringEndsWith($ParentColumn, 'ID', true, true);
     $JoinType = strtolower(val('Type', $Options, self::JOIN_LEFT));
     // Start augmenting the sql for the join.
     if (isset($Table)) {
         $Sql->from("{$Table} {$TableAlias}");
     // Get the IDs to generate an in clause with.
     $IDs = array();
     foreach ($Data as $Row) {
         $Value = val($ParentColumn, $Row);
         if ($Value) {
             $IDs[$Value] = true;
     $IDs = array_keys($IDs);
     $Sql->whereIn($ChildColumn, $IDs);
     $ChildData = $Sql->get()->resultArray();
     $ChildData = self::index($ChildData, $ChildColumn, array('unique' => GetValue('unique', $Options, isset($ColumnPrefix))));
     $NotFound = array();
     // Join the data in.
     foreach ($Data as $Index => &$Row) {
         $ParentID = val($ParentColumn, $Row);
         if (isset($ChildData[$ParentID])) {
             $ChildRow = $ChildData[$ParentID];
             if (isset($ColumnPrefix)) {
                 // Add the data to the columns.
                 foreach ($ChildRow as $Name => $Value) {
                     setValue($ColumnPrefix . $Name, $Row, $Value);
             } else {
                 // Add the result data.
                 setValue($JoinColumn, $Row, $ChildRow);
         } else {
             if ($JoinType == self::JOIN_LEFT) {
                 if (isset($ColumnPrefix)) {
                     foreach ($ResultColumns as $Name) {
                         setValue($ColumnPrefix . $Name, $Row, null);
                 } else {
                     setValue($JoinColumn, $Row, array());
             } else {
                 $NotFound[] = $Index;
     // Remove inner join rows.
     if ($JoinType == self::JOIN_INNER) {
         foreach ($NotFound as $Index) {
Ejemplo n.º 28
  * @since 2.0.0
  * @access public
  * @param array $Data
  * @param string $Permission
  * @param string $Column
 public static function joinModerators($Data, $Permission = 'Vanilla.Comments.Edit', $Column = 'Moderators')
     $Moderators = Gdn::sql()->select('u.UserID, u.Name, u.Photo, u.Email')->select('p.JunctionID as CategoryID')->from('User u')->join('UserRole ur', 'ur.UserID = u.UserID')->join('Permission p', 'ur.RoleID = p.RoleID')->where('`' . $Permission . '`', 1)->get()->resultArray();
     $Moderators = Gdn_DataSet::Index($Moderators, 'CategoryID', array('Unique' => false));
     foreach ($Data as &$Category) {
         $ID = val('PermissionCategoryID', $Category);
         $Mods = val($ID, $Moderators, array());
         $ModIDs = array();
         $UniqueMods = array();
         foreach ($Mods as $Mod) {
             if (!in_array($Mod['UserID'], $ModIDs)) {
                 $ModIDs[] = $Mod['UserID'];
                 $UniqueMods[] = $Mod;
         setValue($Column, $Category, $UniqueMods);
Ejemplo n.º 29
  * Hark, a model kludged into a controller!
  * @param string $mDay
  * @return array
 private function _getStats($mDay = '')
     $AssumeToday = $mDay == '';
     if ($AssumeToday) {
         $mDay = date("Y-m-d 00:00:00");
     // Get Vanilla Download Count
     Gdn::sql()->select('AddonID', 'count', 'Count')->from('Download')->where('AddonID', 465);
     // <---- Vanilla 1's AddonID
     if (!$AssumeToday) {
         Gdn::sql()->where('DateInserted <=', $mDay);
     $OrgData = Gdn::sql()->get();
     $VanillaDownloads = $OrgData->numRows() > 0 ? $OrgData->firstRow()->Count : 0;
     $VanillaDownloads += 311528;
     // There were 311,528 Vanilla downloads before moving to this new database
     // There were 1,171,794 plugin downloads when we started recording plugin downloads in LUM_Download
     Gdn::sql()->select('d.DownloadID', 'count', 'Count')->from('Download d')->join('Addon a', 'a.AddonID = d.AddonID')->join('AddonType t', 'a.AddonTypeID = t.AddonTypeID')->where('a.AddonID <>', 465);
     // Don't include Vanilla downloads in addon downloads.
     // ->Where('t.Label <>', 'Application');
     if (!$AssumeToday) {
         Gdn::sql()->where('d.DateInserted <=', $mDay);
     $OrgData = Gdn::sql()->get();
     $AddonDownloads = $OrgData->numRows() > 0 ? $OrgData->firstRow()->Count : 0;
     $AddonDownloads += 1232885;
     // This was the count when we migrated to garden
     $mDay = substr($mDay, 0, 10) . ' 00:00:00';
     return array('DateInserted' => $mDay, 'VanillaDownloads' => $VanillaDownloads, 'AddonDownloads' => $AddonDownloads);
  * @return bool
 public function updateCounts()
     // This option could take a while so set the timeout.
     set_time_limit(60 * 5);
     // Define the necessary SQL.
     $Sqls = array();
     if (!$this->importExists('Discussion', 'LastCommentID')) {
         $Sqls['Discussion.LastCommentID'] = $this->GetCountSQL('max', 'Discussion', 'Comment');
     if (!$this->importExists('Discussion', 'DateLastComment')) {
         $Sqls['Discussion.DateLastComment'] = "update :_Discussion d\n         left join :_Comment c\n            on d.LastCommentID = c.CommentID\n         set d.DateLastComment = coalesce(c.DateInserted, d.DateInserted)";
     if (!$this->importExists('Discussion', 'LastCommentUserID')) {
         $Sqls['Discussion.LastCommentUseID'] = "update :_Discussion d\n         join :_Comment c\n            on d.LastCommentID = c.CommentID\n         set d.LastCommentUserID = c.InsertUserID";
     if (!$this->importExists('Discussion', 'Body')) {
         // Update the body of the discussion if it isn't there.
         if (!$this->importExists('Discussion', 'FirstCommentID')) {
             $Sqls['Discussion.FirstCommentID'] = $this->GetCountSQL('min', 'Discussion', 'Comment', 'FirstCommentID', 'CommentID');
         $Sqls['Discussion.Body'] = "update :_Discussion d\n         join :_Comment c\n            on d.FirstCommentID = c.CommentID\n         set d.Body = c.Body, d.Format = c.Format";
         if ($this->importExists('Media') && Gdn::structure()->TableExists('Media')) {
             // Comment Media has to go onto the discussion.
             $Sqls['Media.Foreign'] = "update :_Media m\n            join :_Discussion d\n               on d.FirstCommentID = m.ForeignID and m.ForeignTable = 'comment'\n            set m.ForeignID = d.DiscussionID, m.ForeignTable = 'discussion'";
         $Sqls['Comment.FirstComment.Delete'] = "delete c.*\n         from :_Comment c\n         inner join :_Discussion d\n           on d.FirstCommentID = c.CommentID";
     if (!$this->importExists('Discussion', 'CountComments')) {
         $Sqls['Discussion.CountComments'] = $this->GetCountSQL('count', 'Discussion', 'Comment');
     if ($this->importExists('UserDiscussion') && !$this->importExists('UserDiscussion', 'CountComments') && $this->importExists('UserDiscussion', 'DateLastViewed')) {
         $Sqls['UserDiscussuion.CountComments'] = "update :_UserDiscussion ud\n         set CountComments = (\n           select count(c.CommentID)\n           from :_Comment c\n           where c.DiscussionID = ud.DiscussionID\n             and c.DateInserted <= ud.DateLastViewed)";
     if ($this->importExists('Tag') && $this->importExists('TagDiscussion')) {
         $Sqls['Tag.CoundDiscussions'] = $this->GetCountSQL('count', 'Tag', 'TagDiscussion', 'CountDiscussions', 'TagID');
     if ($this->importExists('Poll') && Gdn::structure()->TableExists('Poll')) {
         $Sqls['PollOption.CountVotes'] = $this->GetCountSQL('count', 'PollOption', 'PollVote', 'CountVotes', 'PollOptionID');
         $Sqls['Poll.CountOptions'] = $this->GetCountSQL('count', 'Poll', 'PollOption', 'CountOptions', 'PollID');
         $Sqls['Poll.CountVotes'] = $this->GetCountSQL('sum', 'Poll', 'PollOption', 'CountVotes', 'CountVotes', 'PollID');
     if ($this->importExists('Activity', 'ActivityType')) {
         $Sqls['Activity.ActivityTypeID'] = "\n            update :_Activity a\n            join :_ActivityType t\n               on a.ActivityType = t.Name\n            set a.ActivityTypeID = t.ActivityTypeID";
     if ($this->importExists('Tag') && $this->importExists('TagDiscussion')) {
         $Sqls['Tag.CoundDiscussions'] = $this->GetCountSQL('count', 'Tag', 'TagDiscussion', 'CountDiscussions', 'TagID');
     $Sqls['Category.CountDiscussions'] = $this->GetCountSQL('count', 'Category', 'Discussion');
     $Sqls['Category.CountComments'] = $this->GetCountSQL('sum', 'Category', 'Discussion', 'CountComments', 'CountComments');
     if (!$this->importExists('Category', 'PermissionCategoryID')) {
         $Sqls['Category.PermissionCategoryID'] = "update :_Category set PermissionCategoryID = -1";
     if ($this->importExists('Conversation') && $this->importExists('ConversationMessage')) {
         $Sqls['Conversation.FirstMessageID'] = $this->GetCountSQL('min', 'Conversation', 'ConversationMessage', 'FirstMessageID', 'MessageID');
         if (!$this->importExists('Conversation', 'CountMessages')) {
             $Sqls['Conversation.CountMessages'] = $this->GetCountSQL('count', 'Conversation', 'ConversationMessage', 'CountMessages', 'MessageID');
         if (!$this->importExists('Conversation', 'LastMessageID')) {
             $Sqls['Conversation.LastMessageID'] = $this->GetCountSQL('max', 'Conversation', 'ConversationMessage', 'LastMessageID', 'MessageID');
         if (!$this->importExists('Conversation', 'DateUpdated')) {
             $Sqls['Converstation.DateUpdated'] = "update :_Conversation c join :_ConversationMessage m on c.LastMessageID = m.MessageID set c.DateUpdated = m.DateInserted";
         if ($this->importExists('UserConversation')) {
             if (!$this->importExists('UserConversation', 'LastMessageID')) {
                 if ($this->importExists('UserConversation', 'DateLastViewed')) {
                     // Get the value from the DateLastViewed.
                     $Sqls['UserConversation.LastMessageID'] = "update :_UserConversation uc\n                     set LastMessageID = (\n                       select max(MessageID)\n                       from :_ConversationMessage m\n                       where m.ConversationID = uc.ConversationID\n                         and m.DateInserted >= uc.DateLastViewed)";
                 } else {
                     // Get the value from the conversation.
                     // In this case just mark all of the messages read.
                     $Sqls['UserConversation.LastMessageID'] = "update :_UserConversation uc\n                     join :_Conversation c\n                       on c.ConversationID = uc.ConversationID\n                     set uc.CountReadMessages = c.CountMessages,\n                       uc.LastMessageID = c.LastMessageID";
             } elseif (!$this->importExists('UserConversation', 'DateLastViewed')) {
                 // We have the last message so grab the date from that.
                 $Sqls['UserConversation.DateLastViewed'] = "update :_UserConversation uc\n                     join :_ConversationMessage m\n                       on m.ConversationID = uc.ConversationID\n                         and m.MessageID = uc.LastMessageID\n                     set uc.DateLastViewed = m.DateInserted";
     // User counts.
     if (!$this->importExists('User', 'DateFirstVisit')) {
         $Sqls['User.DateFirstVisit'] = 'update :_User set DateFirstVisit = DateInserted';
     if (!$this->importExists('User', 'CountDiscussions')) {
         $Sqls['User.CountDiscussions'] = $this->GetCountSQL('count', 'User', 'Discussion', 'CountDiscussions', 'DiscussionID', 'UserID', 'InsertUserID');
     if (!$this->importExists('User', 'CountComments')) {
         $Sqls['User.CountComments'] = $this->GetCountSQL('count', 'User', 'Comment', 'CountComments', 'CommentID', 'UserID', 'InsertUserID');
     if (!$this->importExists('User', 'CountBookmarks')) {
         $Sqls['User.CountBookmarks'] = "update :_User u\n            set CountBookmarks = (\n               select count(ud.DiscussionID)\n               from :_UserDiscussion ud\n               where ud.Bookmarked = 1\n                  and ud.UserID = u.UserID\n            )";
     //      if (!$this->importExists('User', 'CountUnreadConversations')) {
     //         $Sqls['User.CountUnreadConversations'] =
     //            'update :_User u
     //            set u.CountUnreadConversations = (
     //              select count(c.ConversationID)
     //              from :_Conversation c
     //              inner join :_UserConversation uc
     //                on c.ConversationID = uc.ConversationID
     //              where uc.UserID = u.UserID
     //                and uc.CountReadMessages < c.CountMessages
     //            )';
     //      }
     // The updates start here.
     $CurrentSubstep = val('CurrentSubstep', $this->Data, 0);
     //      $Sqls2 = array();
     //      $i = 1;
     //      foreach ($Sqls as $Name => $Sql) {
     //         $Sqls2[] = "/* $i. $Name */\n"
     //            .str_replace(':_', $this->Database->DatabasePrefix, $Sql)
     //            .";\n";
     //         $i++;
     //      }
     //      throw new Exception(implode("\n", $Sqls2));
     // Execute the SQL.
     $Keys = array_keys($Sqls);
     for ($i = $CurrentSubstep; $i < count($Keys); $i++) {
         $this->Data['CurrentStepMessage'] = sprintf(t('%s of %s'), $CurrentSubstep + 1, count($Keys));
         $Sql = $Sqls[$Keys[$i]];
         if ($this->Timer->ElapsedTime() > $this->MaxStepTime) {
             $this->Data['CurrentSubstep'] = $i + 1;
             return false;
     if (isset($this->Data['CurrentSubstep'])) {
     $this->Data['CurrentStepMessage'] = '';
     // Update the url codes of categories.
     if (!$this->importExists('Category', 'UrlCode')) {
         $Categories = CategoryModel::categories();
         $TakenCodes = array();
         foreach ($Categories as $Category) {
             $UrlCode = urldecode(Gdn_Format::url($Category['Name']));
             if (strlen($UrlCode) > 50) {
                 $UrlCode = 'c' . $Category['CategoryID'];
             } elseif (is_numeric($UrlCode)) {
                 $UrlCode = 'c' . $UrlCode;
             if (in_array($UrlCode, $TakenCodes)) {
                 $ParentCategory = CategoryModel::categories($Category['ParentCategoryID']);
                 if ($ParentCategory && $ParentCategory['CategoryID'] != -1) {
                     $UrlCode = Gdn_Format::url($ParentCategory['Name']) . '-' . $UrlCode;
                 if (in_array($UrlCode, $TakenCodes)) {
                     $UrlCode = $Category['CategoryID'];
             $TakenCodes[] = $UrlCode;
             Gdn::sql()->put('Category', array('UrlCode' => $UrlCode), array('CategoryID' => $Category['CategoryID']));
     // Rebuild the category tree.
     $CategoryModel = new CategoryModel();
     return true;