Ejemplo n.º 1
  * Validate the emptiness of a number
 protected function _validateNumber($value, $column)
     // Not much to check, since 0 is falsy but also a valid integer value.
     if (is_null($value)) {
         throw new Garp_Model_Validator_Exception(sprintf(__('%s is a required field'), __(Garp_Util_String::underscoredToReadable($column))));
Ejemplo n.º 2
 protected function _getAuthorName()
     $name = $this->_exec_cmd("git config user.name");
     if (!$name) {
         return '';
     $name = trim($name);
     $name = explode(' ', $name);
     return strtolower(Garp_Util_String::toDashed($name[0]));
Ejemplo n.º 3
  * Validate wether the given columns are long enough
  * @param array $data The data to validate
  * @param Garp_Model_Db $model
  * @param bool $onlyIfAvailable Wether to skip validation on fields that are not in the array
  * @return void
  * @throws Garp_Model_Validator_Exception
 public function validate(array $data, Garp_Model_Db $model, $onlyIfAvailable = true)
     $theFields = $this->_fields;
     $applicableFields = array_keys(array_get_subset($data, array_keys($theFields)));
     $tooShortFields = array_filter($applicableFields, function ($field) use($theFields, $data) {
         return !is_null($data[$field]) && strlen($data[$field]) < $theFields[$field];
     if (count($tooShortFields)) {
         $first = current($tooShortFields);
         throw new Garp_Model_Validator_Exception(Garp_Util_String::interpolate(__(self::ERROR_MESSAGE), array('value' => $first, 'min' => $theFields[$first])));
Ejemplo n.º 4
 public function testShouldSendEmail()
     if (!$this->_testsEnabled) {
     $pwless = new Garp_Auth_Adapter_Passwordless();
     $pwless->requestToken(array('email' => self::TEST_EMAIL));
     $userModel = new Model_User();
     $theUser = $userModel->fetchRow();
     $authModel = new Model_AuthPasswordless();
     $authRecord = $authModel->fetchRow();
     $tokenUrl = new Garp_Util_FullUrl(array(array('method' => 'passwordless'), 'auth_submit')) . '?uid=' . $theUser->id . '&token=' . $authRecord->token;
     $storedMessage = file_get_contents(GARP_APPLICATION_PATH . '/../tests/tmp/' . self::TEST_EMAIL . '.tmp');
     $expectedMessage = Garp_Util_String::interpolate($this->_getMockEmailMessage(), array('LOGIN_URL' => $tokenUrl));
     // Pass thru actual Mime part, otherwise the two wil never be the same
     $mp = new Zend_Mime_Part($expectedMessage);
     $mp->encoding = Zend_Mime::ENCODING_QUOTEDPRINTABLE;
     $mp->type = Zend_Mime::TYPE_TEXT;
     $mp->disposition = Zend_Mime::DISPOSITION_INLINE;
     $mp->charset = 'iso-8859-1';
     // Just check for the token url. Message is encoded so checking for entire message to be
     // correct is overly complex (and not the responsibility of this unit test).
     $this->assertTrue(strpos($storedMessage, $mp->getContent("\r\n")) !== false);
Ejemplo n.º 5
 protected function _validateSyncArguments(array $args)
     $valid = false;
     $argCount = count($args);
     if (!array_key_exists(0, $args)) {
         Garp_Cli::errorOut("No source environment provided.");
     } elseif (!array_key_exists(1, $args)) {
         Garp_Cli::errorOut("No target environment provided.");
     } elseif (!in_array($args[0], $this->_environments)) {
         Garp_Cli::errorOut("Source environment is invalid. Try: " . Garp_Util_String::humanList($this->_environments, null, 'or') . '.');
     } elseif (!in_array($args[1], $this->_environments)) {
         Garp_Cli::errorOut("Target environment is invalid. Try: " . Garp_Util_String::humanList($this->_environments, null, 'or') . '.');
     } else {
         $valid = true;
     if (!$valid) {
         return false;
     return true;
Ejemplo n.º 6
 protected function _interpolateEmailBody($body, $userId, $token)
     return Garp_Util_String::interpolate($body, array('LOGIN_URL' => $this->_getLoginUrl($userId, $token)));
Ejemplo n.º 7
 public function testFuzzyMatcher()
     // test match
     $this->assertTrue(Garp_Util_String::fuzzyMatch('munchkin', 'm19302390iu23983n2893ch28302jdk2399i2903910hfwen'));
     // test non match
     $this->assertFalse(Garp_Util_String::fuzzyMatch('munchkin', 'm19302390iu23983n2893ch28302jdk2399i2903910hfwe'));
     // another non match
     $this->assertFalse(Garp_Util_String::fuzzyMatch('rugmuncher', 'm19302390iu23983n2893ch28302jdk2399i2903910hfwe'));
     // check with funky string
     $this->assertTrue(Garp_Util_String::fuzzyMatch('(╯°□°)╯︵ ┻━┻', '(╯aejfekn°□°klewmwlkfm192)╯#(#)(#︵dsjkfwjkdn ┻━┻'));
     // don't match when case-sensitive
     $this->assertFalse(Garp_Util_String::fuzzyMatch('munchkin', 'm19302390iU23983n2893ch28302jdk2399i2903910hfwen', false));
Ejemplo n.º 8
  * Send validation email to the user
  * @param Garp_Db_Table_Row $user The user
  * @param String $code The validation code
  * @param String $updateOrInsert Wether this was caused by an insert or an update
  * @return Boolean
 public function sendEmailValidationEmail(Garp_Db_Table_Row $user, $code, $updateOrInsert = 'insert')
     $authVars = Garp_Auth::getInstance()->getConfigValues('validateemail');
     // Render the email message
     $activationUrl = '/g/auth/validateemail/c/' . $code . '/e/' . md5($user->email) . '/';
     if (!empty($authVars['email_partial'])) {
         $bootstrap = Zend_Controller_Front::getInstance()->getParam('bootstrap');
         $view = $bootstrap->getResource('View');
         $emailMessage = $view->partial($authVars['email_partial'], 'default', array('user' => $user, 'activationUrl' => $activationUrl, 'updateOrInsert' => $updateOrInsert));
         $messageParam = 'htmlMessage';
     } else {
         $snippetId = 'validate email ';
         $snippetId .= $updateOrInsert == 'insert' ? 'new user' : 'existing user';
         $snippetId .= ' email';
         $emailMessage = __($snippetId);
         $emailMessage = Garp_Util_String::interpolate($emailMessage, array('USERNAME' => (string) new Garp_Util_FullName($user), 'ACTIVATION_URL' => (string) new Garp_Util_FullUrl($activationUrl)));
         $messageParam = 'message';
     $mailer = new Garp_Mailer();
     return $mailer->send(array('to' => $user->email, 'subject' => __($authVars['email_subject']), $messageParam => $emailMessage));
Ejemplo n.º 9
 protected function _extractPeopleProp(SimpleXmlElement $response, $propName, $propChildName)
     if (property_exists($response, $propName) && property_exists($response->{$propName}, $propChildName) && count($response->{$propName}->{$propChildName})) {
         $people = array();
         foreach ($response->{$propName}->{$propChildName} as $person) {
             if (property_exists($person, 'name') && !empty($person->name)) {
                 $people[] = $person->name;
         if ($people) {
             return Garp_Util_String::humanList($people, null, 'en');
Ejemplo n.º 10
  * Fetch results from a model
  * @param array $options Various fetching options (e.g. limit, sorting, etc.)
  * @return array
 public function fetch(array $options = null)
     try {
     } catch (Garp_Auth_Exception $e) {
     if ($this->_model instanceof Garp_Model_Db) {
         $options = $options instanceof Garp_Util_Configuration ? $options : new Garp_Util_Configuration($options);
         $options->setDefault('sort', array())->setDefault('start', null)->setDefault('limit', null)->setDefault('fields', null)->setDefault('query', false)->setDefault('group', array())->setDefault('rule', null)->setDefault('bindingModel', null)->setDefault('bidirectional', false)->setDefault('filterForeignKeys', false);
         $options['sort'] = (array) $options['sort'];
         $options['fields'] = (array) $options['fields'];
         $tableName = $this->_getTableName($this->_model);
         $options = (array) $options;
         $modelInfo = $this->_model->info();
         $referenceMap = $modelInfo['referenceMap'];
         // SELECT
         // ============================================================
         $select = $this->_model->select();
         // ============================================================
         $related = array();
         if ($options['query'] && !empty($options['query'])) {
              * Check for other model names in the conditions.
              * These are indicated by a dot (".") in the name.
              * If available, add these models as joins to the Select object.
              * The format is <related-model-name>.<primary-key> => <value>.
             foreach ($options['query'] as $column => $value) {
                 if (strpos($column, '.') !== false) {
                     $related[$column] = $value;
         // FROM
         // ============================================================
         if ($options['fields']) {
             $fields = $options['fields'];
         } elseif (count($related)) {
             // When using a join filter (used for the relationpanel), it's more performant to
             // specify only a model's list fields, otherwise the query can get pretty heavy for
             // tables with 100.000+ records.
             $primary = array_values($this->_model->info(Zend_Db_Table_Abstract::PRIMARY));
             $fields = array_merge($this->_model->getListFields(), $primary);
         } else {
             $fields = Zend_Db_Table_Select::SQL_WILDCARD;
         // If filterForeignKeys is true, filter out the foreign keys
         if ($options['filterForeignKeys']) {
             $fields = $this->_filterForeignKeyColumns($fields, $referenceMap);
         $select->from($tableName, $fields);
         // JOIN
         // ============================================================
         if (count($related)) {
             $this->_addJoinClause($select, $related, $options['rule'], $options['bindingModel'], $options['bidirectional']);
         // WHERE
         // Add WHERE clause if there still remains something after
         // filtering.
         // ============================================================
         if ($options['query']) {
         // GROUP
         // ============================================================
         // ORDER
         // ============================================================
         // Prefix native columns with the table name (e.g. "id" becomes
         // "Thing.id")
         // Note that we create a mock table object based on the joint view
         // to collect column info.
         // This should be more accurate than reading that info from the table.
         $mockTable = new Zend_Db_Table(array(Zend_Db_Table_Abstract::NAME => $tableName, Zend_Db_Table_Abstract::PRIMARY => $this->_model->info(Zend_Db_Table_Abstract::PRIMARY)));
         $nativeColumns = $mockTable->info(Zend_Db_Table_Abstract::COLS);
         $select->order(array_map(function ($s) use($tableName, $nativeColumns) {
             $nativeColTest = preg_replace('/(ASC|DESC)$/', '', $s);
             $nativeColTest = trim($nativeColTest);
             if (in_array($nativeColTest, $nativeColumns) && strpos($s, '.') === false) {
                 $s = $tableName . '.' . $s;
             return $s;
         }, $options['sort']));
         // LIMIT
         // ============================================================
         // Do not limit when a COUNT(*) is performed, this skews results.
         $isCountQuery = count($fields) == 1 && !empty($fields[0]) && strtolower($fields[0]) == 'count(*)';
         if (!$isCountQuery) {
             $select->limit($options['limit'], $options['start']);
         $results = $this->_model->fetchAll($select)->toArray();
     } else {
         $results = $this->_model->fetchAll();
     foreach ($results as &$result) {
         foreach ($result as $column => $value) {
             if (strpos($column, '.') !== false) {
                 $keyParts = explode('.', $column, 2);
                 $newKey = $keyParts[1];
                 $relModelKey = Garp_Util_String::strReplaceOnce($this->_model->getNameWithoutNamespace(), '', $keyParts[0]);
                 $result['relationMetadata'][$relModelKey][$newKey] = $value;
     return $results;
Ejemplo n.º 11
 protected function _getForgotPasswordSnippet($user, $activationUrl)
     $authVars = $this->getConfigValues('forgotpassword');
     $snippet_column = !empty($authVars['email_snippet_column']) ? $authVars['email_snippet_column'] : 'text';
     $snippet_identifier = !empty($authVars['email_snippet_identifier']) ? $authVars['email_snippet_identifier'] : 'forgot password email';
     $snippetModel = $this->_getSnippetModel();
     $emailSnippet = $snippetModel->fetchByIdentifier($snippet_identifier);
     $emailMessage = $emailSnippet->{$snippet_column};
     return Garp_Util_String::interpolate($emailMessage, array('USERNAME' => (string) new Garp_Util_FullName($user), 'ACTIVATION_URL' => (string) new Garp_Util_FullUrl($activationUrl)));
Ejemplo n.º 12
  * Store targetUrl in session. After login the user is redirected
  * back to this url.
  * @return Void
 protected function _storeTargetUrl()
     $request = $this->getRequest();
     // Only store targetUrl when method = GET. A redirect to a POST request is useless.
     if (!$request->isGet()) {
     // Allow ?targetUrl=/path/to/elsewhere on any URL
     if (!($targetUrl = $request->getParam('targetUrl'))) {
         $targetUrl = $request->getRequestUri();
         $baseUrl = $request->getBaseUrl();
          * Remove the baseUrl from the targetUrl. This is neccessary
          * when Garp is installed in a subfolder.
         $targetUrl = Garp_Util_String::strReplaceOnce($baseUrl, '', $targetUrl);
     if ($targetUrl !== '/favicon.ico' && !$request->isXmlHttpRequest()) {
         $store = Garp_Auth::getInstance()->getStore();
         $store->targetUrl = $targetUrl;
Ejemplo n.º 13
 protected function _renderJoinForLocale($locale)
     $modelId = $this->getModel()->id;
     $tableName = $this->getTableName();
     $translatedTable = $tableName . self::TRANSLATED_TABLE_POSTFIX;
     $aliasForLocale = $tableName . '_' . $locale;
     $parentColumn = Garp_Util_String::camelcasedToUnderscored($modelId) . '_id';
     $sql = "LEFT OUTER JOIN `{$translatedTable}` `{$aliasForLocale}` ON " . "`{$aliasForLocale}`.`{$parentColumn}` = `{$tableName}`.id AND `{$aliasForLocale}`.lang = '{$locale}' ";
     return $sql;
Ejemplo n.º 14
  * Populate record with new data
  * @param array $output
  * @param string $key
  * @param string $value
  * @return void
 protected function _populateOutput(array &$output, $key, $value)
     if (strpos($key, '.') === false) {
         $output[$key] = $value;
     $array = Garp_Util_String::toArray($key, '.', $value);
     $output += $array;
Ejemplo n.º 15
  * Process the login request. @see G_AuthController::loginAction as to
  * why this is separate.
  * @return void
 public function processAction()
     // allow callers to set a targetUrl via the request
     if ($targetUrl = $this->_getSubmittedTargetUrl()) {
         Garp_Auth::getInstance()->getStore()->targetUrl = $targetUrl;
     // never cache the process request
     // This action does not render a view, it only redirects elsewhere.
     $method = $this->getRequest()->getParam('method') ?: 'db';
     $adapter = Garp_Auth_Factory::getAdapter($method);
     $authVars = Garp_Auth::getInstance()->getConfigValues();
     $postData = $this->getRequest()->getPost();
     // Before login hook.
     $this->_beforeLogin($authVars, $adapter, $postData);
      * Params can come from GET or POST.
      * The implementing adapter should decide which to use,
      * using the current request to fetch params.
     if (!($userData = $adapter->authenticate($this->getRequest(), $this->getResponse()))) {
     // Check if adapter issued a redirect (as is the case with oAuth for instance)
     if ($this->getResponse()->isRedirect()) {
     if ($userData instanceof Garp_Db_Table_Row) {
         $userData = $userData->toArray();
     // Save user data in a store.
     Garp_Auth::getInstance()->store($userData, $method);
     // Store User role in a cookie, so that we can use it with Javascript.
     if (!Garp_Auth::getInstance()->getStore() instanceof Garp_Store_Cookie) {
     // Determine targetUrl.
     // This is the URL the user was trying to access before logging in, or a default URL.
     $router = Zend_Controller_Front::getInstance()->getRouter();
     if (!empty($authVars['login']['successRoute'])) {
         $targetUrl = $router->assemble(array(), $authVars['login']['successRoute']);
     } elseif (!empty($authVars['login']['successUrl'])) {
         $targetUrl = $authVars['login']['successUrl'];
     } else {
         $targetUrl = '/';
     $store = Garp_Auth::getInstance()->getStore();
     if ($store->targetUrl) {
         $targetUrl = $store->targetUrl;
     // After login hook.
     $this->_afterLogin($userData, $targetUrl);
     // Set a Flash message welcoming the user.
     $flashMessenger = $this->_helper->getHelper('FlashMessenger');
     $fullName = new Garp_Util_FullName($userData);
     $successMsg = __($authVars['login']['successMessage']);
     if (strpos($successMsg, '%s') !== false) {
         $successMsg = sprintf($successMsg, $fullName);
     } elseif (strpos('%USERNAME%', $successMsg) !== false) {
         $successMsg = Garp_Util_String::interpolate($successMsg, array('USERNAME' => $fullName));
Ejemplo n.º 16
  * Generate a slug from a base string
  * @param String $base String to base the slug on.
  * @return String $slug The generated slug
 public function generateSlug($base)
     return strtolower(Garp_Util_String::toDashed($base));
Ejemplo n.º 17
  * Returns the database name for this environment, to be used as the index name for Elasticsearch.
 protected function _getDefaultIndex()
     $config = Zend_Registry::get('config');
     if (!isset($config->app->name)) {
         throw new Exception(self::ERROR_NO_APP_NAME_CONFIGURED);
     $appName = str_replace(' ', '', $config->app->name);
     $appName = Garp_Util_String::camelcasedToDashed($appName);
     if (!$appName) {
         throw new Exception(self::ERROR_APP_NAME_EMPTY);
     $indexName = $appName . '-' . APPLICATION_ENV;
     return $indexName;
Ejemplo n.º 18
 public function getName()
     return Garp_Util_String::toDashed(Zend_Registry::get('config')->app->name) . '-' . $this->_version;