function is_unique() { $Gamer = new Gamer(); $Gamer->set_email($this->parent); $Gamer->load_by_email(); return !$Gamer->is_exists(); }
/** * Logout User and Send Url for redirect */ public function logout() { if (isset($_SESSION['gameID']) && $_SESSION['gameID'] != 0) { include_once 'controller/Gamer.php'; $gamer = new Gamer(); $gamer->EndGame(); } session_destroy(); return json_encode(array("uri" => Uri::getAction('Login', 'getMain'))); }
/** * displayRecentActivity - Displays Recent Activity */ function displayRecentActivity($event_id) { global $sql; global $time; global $pref; $events = array(); $nbr_events = 0; if ($event_id != '') { $eventid_match = " AND (" . TBL_MATCHS . ".Event = '{$event_id}')"; $eventid_award = " AND (" . TBL_EVENTS . ".EventID = '{$event_id}')"; } // Add recent games $rowsPerPage = $pref['eb_activity_number_of_items']; /* Stats/Results */ $q = "SELECT DISTINCT " . TBL_MATCHS . ".*" . " FROM " . TBL_MATCHS . ", " . TBL_SCORES . " WHERE (" . TBL_MATCHS . ".Status = 'active')" . " AND (" . TBL_SCORES . ".MatchID = " . TBL_MATCHS . ".MatchID)" . $eventid_match . " ORDER BY " . TBL_MATCHS . ".TimeReported DESC" . " LIMIT 0, {$rowsPerPage}"; $result = $sql->db_Query($q); $num_rows = mysql_numrows($result); if ($num_rows > 0) { /* Display table contents */ for ($i = 0; $i < $num_rows; $i++) { $match_id = mysql_result($result, $i, TBL_MATCHS . ".MatchID"); $match = new Match($match_id); $events[$nbr_events][0] = $match->getField('TimeReported'); $events[$nbr_events][1] = $match->displayMatchInfo(eb_MATCH_NO_EDIT_ICONS); $nbr_events++; } } // Add Awards events $q = "SELECT " . TBL_AWARDS . ".*, " . TBL_PLAYERS . ".*, " . TBL_USERS . ".*, " . TBL_EVENTS . ".*, " . TBL_GAMES . ".*" . " FROM " . TBL_AWARDS . ", " . TBL_PLAYERS . ", " . TBL_GAMERS . ", " . TBL_USERS . ", " . TBL_EVENTS . ", " . TBL_GAMES . " WHERE (" . TBL_AWARDS . ".Player = " . TBL_PLAYERS . ".PlayerID)" . " AND (" . TBL_PLAYERS . ".Gamer = " . TBL_GAMERS . ".GamerID)" . " AND (" . TBL_GAMERS . ".User = "******".user_id)" . " AND (" . TBL_PLAYERS . ".Event = " . TBL_EVENTS . ".EventID)" . " AND (" . TBL_EVENTS . ".Game = " . TBL_GAMES . ".GameID)" . $eventid_award . " ORDER BY " . TBL_AWARDS . ".timestamp DESC" . " LIMIT 0, {$rowsPerPage}"; $result = $sql->db_Query($q); $numAwards = mysql_numrows($result); if ($numAwards > 0) { /* Display table contents */ for ($i = 0; $i < $numAwards; $i++) { $aID = mysql_result($result, $i, TBL_AWARDS . ".AwardID"); $aUser = mysql_result($result, $i, TBL_USERS . ".user_id"); $gamer_id = mysql_result($result, $i, TBL_PLAYERS . ".Gamer"); $gamer = new Gamer($gamer_id); $aUserNickName = $gamer->getField('Name'); $aEventgame = mysql_result($result, $i, TBL_GAMES . ".Name"); $aEventgameicon = mysql_result($result, $i, TBL_GAMES . ".Icon"); $aType = mysql_result($result, $i, TBL_AWARDS . ".Type"); $aTime = mysql_result($result, $i, TBL_AWARDS . ".timestamp"); $aTime_local = $aTime + TIMEOFFSET; $date = date("d M Y, h:i A", $aTime_local); $aEventID = mysql_result($result, $i, TBL_EVENTS . ".EventID"); $aEventName = mysql_result($result, $i, TBL_EVENTS . ".Name"); switch ($aType) { case 'PlayerTookFirstPlace': $award = EB_AWARD_L2; $icon = '<img ' . getActivityIconResize(e_PLUGIN . "ebattles/images/awards/award_star_gold_3.png") . ' alt="' . EB_AWARD_L3 . '" title="' . EB_AWARD_L3 . '"/> '; break; case 'PlayerInTopTen': $award = EB_AWARD_L4; $icon = '<img ' . getActivityIconResize(e_PLUGIN . "ebattles/images/awards/award_star_bronze_3.png") . ' alt="' . EB_AWARD_L5 . '" title="' . EB_AWARD_L5 . '"/> '; break; case 'PlayerStreak5': $award = EB_AWARD_L6; $icon = '<img ' . getActivityIconResize(e_PLUGIN . "ebattles/images/awards/medal_bronze_3.png") . ' alt="' . EB_AWARD_L7 . '" title="' . EB_AWARD_L7 . '"/> '; break; case 'PlayerStreak10': $award = EB_AWARD_L8; $icon = '<img ' . getActivityIconResize(e_PLUGIN . "ebattles/images/awards/medal_silver_3.png") . ' alt="' . EB_AWARD_L9 . '" title="' . EB_AWARD_L9 . '"/> '; break; case 'PlayerStreak25': $award = EB_AWARD_L10; $icon = '<img ' . getActivityIconResize(e_PLUGIN . "ebattles/images/awards/medal_gold_3.png") . ' alt="' . EB_AWARD_L11 . '" title="' . EB_AWARD_L11 . '"/> '; break; case 'PlayerWonTournament': $award = EB_AWARD_L12; $icon = '<img ' . getActivityIconResize(e_PLUGIN . "ebattles/images/awards/trophy_gold.png") . ' alt="' . EB_AWARD_L13 . '" title="' . EB_AWARD_L13 . '"/> '; break; case 'PlayerRankFirst': $award = EB_AWARD_L14; $icon = '<img ' . getActivityIconResize(e_PLUGIN . "ebattles/images/awards/medal_gold_1.png") . ' alt="' . EB_AWARD_L15 . '" title="' . EB_AWARD_L15 . '"/> '; break; case 'PlayerRankSecond': $award = EB_AWARD_L16; $icon = '<img ' . getActivityIconResize(e_PLUGIN . "ebattles/images/awards/medal_silver_1.png") . ' alt="' . EB_AWARD_L17 . '" title="' . EB_AWARD_L17 . '"/> '; break; case 'PlayerRankThird': $award = EB_AWARD_L18; $icon = '<img ' . getActivityIconResize(e_PLUGIN . "ebattles/images/awards/medal_bronze_1.png") . ' alt="' . EB_AWARD_L19 . '" title="' . EB_AWARD_L19 . '"/> '; break; } $award_string = '<tr><td style="vertical-align:top">' . $icon . '</td>'; $award_string .= '<td><a href="' . e_PLUGIN . 'ebattles/userinfo.php?user='******'">' . $aUserNickName . '</a>'; $award_string .= ' ' . $award; $award_string .= ' ' . EB_MATCH_L12 . ' <img ' . getActivityGameIconResize($aEventgameicon) . ' title="' . $aEventgame . '"/> <a href="' . e_PLUGIN . 'ebattles/eventinfo.php?eventid=' . $aEventID . '">' . $aEventName . '</a>'; $award_string .= ' <div class="smalltext">'; if ($time - $aTime < INT_MINUTE) { $award_string .= EB_MATCH_L7; } else { if ($time - $aTime < INT_DAY) { $award_string .= get_formatted_timediff($aTime, $time) . ' ' . EB_MATCH_L8; } else { $award_string .= $date; } } $award_string .= '</div></td></tr>'; $events[$nbr_events][0] = $aTime; $events[$nbr_events][1] = $award_string; $nbr_events++; } } $q = "SELECT " . TBL_AWARDS . ".*, " . TBL_TEAMS . ".*, " . TBL_EVENTS . ".*, " . TBL_GAMES . ".*" . " FROM " . TBL_AWARDS . ", " . TBL_TEAMS . ", " . TBL_EVENTS . ", " . TBL_GAMES . " WHERE (" . TBL_AWARDS . ".Team = " . TBL_TEAMS . ".TeamID)" . " AND (" . TBL_TEAMS . ".Event = " . TBL_EVENTS . ".EventID)" . " AND (" . TBL_EVENTS . ".Game = " . TBL_GAMES . ".GameID)" . $eventid_award . " ORDER BY " . TBL_AWARDS . ".timestamp DESC" . " LIMIT 0, {$rowsPerPage}"; $result = $sql->db_Query($q); $numAwards = mysql_numrows($result); if ($numAwards > 0) { /* Display table contents */ for ($i = 0; $i < $numAwards; $i++) { $aID = mysql_result($result, $i, TBL_AWARDS . ".AwardID"); $aEventgame = mysql_result($result, $i, TBL_GAMES . ".Name"); $aEventgameicon = mysql_result($result, $i, TBL_GAMES . ".Icon"); $aType = mysql_result($result, $i, TBL_AWARDS . ".Type"); $aTime = mysql_result($result, $i, TBL_AWARDS . ".timestamp"); $aTime_local = $aTime + TIMEOFFSET; $date = date("d M Y, h:i A", $aTime_local); $aEventID = mysql_result($result, $i, TBL_EVENTS . ".EventID"); $aEventName = mysql_result($result, $i, TBL_EVENTS . ".Name"); $aClanTeam = mysql_result($result, $i, TBL_TEAMS . ".TeamID"); list($tclan, $tclantag, $tclanid) = getClanInfo($aClanTeam); switch ($aType) { case 'TeamTookFirstPlace': $award = EB_AWARD_L2; $icon = '<img ' . getActivityIconResize(e_PLUGIN . "ebattles/images/awards/award_star_gold_3.png") . ' alt="' . EB_AWARD_L3 . '" title="' . EB_AWARD_L3 . '"/> '; break; case 'TeamInTopTen': $award = EB_AWARD_L4; $icon = '<img ' . getActivityIconResize(e_PLUGIN . "ebattles/images/awards/award_star_bronze_3.png") . ' alt="' . EB_AWARD_L5 . '" title="' . EB_AWARD_L5 . '"/> '; break; case 'TeamStreak5': $award = EB_AWARD_L6; $icon = '<img ' . getActivityIconResize(e_PLUGIN . "ebattles/images/awards/medal_bronze_3.png") . ' alt="' . EB_AWARD_L7 . '" title="' . EB_AWARD_L7 . '"/> '; break; case 'TeamStreak10': $award = EB_AWARD_L8; $icon = '<img ' . getActivityIconResize(e_PLUGIN . "ebattles/images/awards/medal_silver_3.png") . ' alt="' . EB_AWARD_L9 . '" title="' . EB_AWARD_L9 . '"/> '; break; case 'TeamStreak25': $award = EB_AWARD_L10; $icon = '<img ' . getActivityIconResize(e_PLUGIN . "ebattles/images/awards/medal_gold_3.png") . ' alt="' . EB_AWARD_L11 . '" title="' . EB_AWARD_L11 . '"/> '; break; case 'TeamWonTournament': $award = EB_AWARD_L12; $icon = '<img ' . getActivityIconResize(e_PLUGIN . "ebattles/images/awards/trophy_gold.png") . ' alt="' . EB_AWARD_L13 . '" title="' . EB_AWARD_L13 . '"/> '; break; case 'TeamRankFirst': $award = EB_AWARD_L14; $icon = '<img ' . getActivityIconResize(e_PLUGIN . "ebattles/images/awards/medal_gold_1.png") . ' alt="' . EB_AWARD_L15 . '" title="' . EB_AWARD_L15 . '"/> '; break; case 'TeamRankSecond': $award = EB_AWARD_L16; $icon = '<img ' . getActivityIconResize(e_PLUGIN . "ebattles/images/awards/medal_silver_1.png") . ' alt="' . EB_AWARD_L17 . '" title="' . EB_AWARD_L17 . '"/> '; break; case 'TeamRankThird': $award = EB_AWARD_L18; $icon = '<img ' . getActivityIconResize(e_PLUGIN . "ebattles/images/awards/medal_bronze_1.png") . ' alt="' . EB_AWARD_L19 . '" title="' . EB_AWARD_L19 . '"/> '; break; } $award_string = '<tr><td style="vertical-align:top">' . $icon . '</td>'; $award_string .= '<td><a href="' . e_PLUGIN . 'ebattles/claninfo.php?clanid=' . $tclanid . '">' . $tclan . '</a>'; $award_string .= ' ' . $award; $award_string .= ' ' . EB_MATCH_L12 . ' <img ' . getActivityGameIconResize($aEventgameicon) . ' title="' . $aEventgame . '"/> <a href="' . e_PLUGIN . 'ebattles/eventinfo.php?eventid=' . $aEventID . '">' . $aEventName . '</a>'; $award_string .= ' <div class="smalltext">'; if ($time - $aTime < INT_MINUTE) { $award_string .= EB_MATCH_L7; } else { if ($time - $aTime < INT_DAY) { $award_string .= get_formatted_timediff($aTime, $time) . ' ' . EB_MATCH_L8; } else { $award_string .= $date; } } $award_string .= '</div></td></tr>'; $events[$nbr_events][0] = $aTime; $events[$nbr_events][1] = $award_string; $nbr_events++; } } $text .= '<table style="margin-left: 0px; margin-right: auto;">'; multi2dSortAsc($events, 0, SORT_DESC); for ($index = 0; $index < min($nbr_events, $rowsPerPage); $index++) { $text .= $events[$index][1]; } if ($index == 0) { $text .= '<tr><td>' . EB_ACTIVITY_L1 . '</td></tr>'; } $text .= '</table>'; return $text; }
function updateStats($event_id, $time, $serialize = TRUE) { global $sql; global $pref; $rater = new rater(); $file = e_PLUGIN . 'ebattles/cache/sql_cache_event_' . $event_id . '.txt'; $id = array(); $uid = array(); $team = array(); $name = array(); $avatar = array(); $games_played = array(); $ELO = array(); $Skill = array(); $G2 = array(); $win = array(); $loss = array(); $draw = array(); $windrawloss = array(); $streaks = array(); $victory_ratio = array(); $victory_percent = array(); $unique_opponents = array(); $opponentsELO = array(); $score = array(); $oppscore = array(); $scorediff = array(); $points = array(); $forfeits = array(); $forfeits_percent = array(); $banned = array(); $rating = array(); $games_played_score = array(); $ELO_score = array(); $Skill_score = array(); $G2_score = array(); $win_score = array(); $loss_score = array(); $draw_score = array(); $windrawloss_score = array(); $victory_ratio_score = array(); $victory_percent_score = array(); $unique_opponents_score = array(); $opponentsELO_score = array(); $streak_score = array(); $score_score = array(); $oppscore_score = array(); $scorediff_score = array(); $points_score = array(); $forfeits_score = array(); $forfeits_percent_score = array(); /* Event Info */ $event = new Event($event_id); $type = $event->getField('Type'); $competition_type = $event->getCompetitionType(); $hide_ratings_column = $event->getField('hide_ratings_column'); if ($event->getField('RankingType') == "Classic") { $hide_ratings_column = TRUE; } // Update Players stats $q_Players = "SELECT " . TBL_PLAYERS . ".*, " . TBL_USERS . ".*" . " FROM " . TBL_PLAYERS . ", " . TBL_GAMERS . ", " . TBL_USERS . " WHERE (" . TBL_PLAYERS . ".Event = '{$event_id}')" . " AND (" . TBL_PLAYERS . ".Gamer = " . TBL_GAMERS . ".GamerID)" . " AND (" . TBL_USERS . ".user_id = " . TBL_GAMERS . ".User)"; $result_Players = $sql->db_Query($q_Players); $numPlayers = mysql_numrows($result_Players); $players_rated = 0; for ($player = 0; $player < $numPlayers; $player++) { // For each player $pid = mysql_result($result_Players, $player, TBL_PLAYERS . ".PlayerID"); $puid = mysql_result($result_Players, $player, TBL_USERS . ".user_id"); $gamer_id = mysql_result($result_Players, $player, TBL_PLAYERS . ".Gamer"); $gamer = new Gamer($gamer_id); $pname = $gamer->getField('Name'); $pavatar = mysql_result($result_Players, $player, TBL_USERS . ".user_image"); $pteam = mysql_result($result_Players, $player, TBL_PLAYERS . ".Team"); $pgames_played = mysql_result($result_Players, $player, TBL_PLAYERS . ".GamesPlayed"); $pELO = mysql_result($result_Players, $player, TBL_PLAYERS . ".ELORanking"); $pTS_mu = mysql_result($result_Players, $player, TBL_PLAYERS . ".TS_mu"); $pTS_sigma = mysql_result($result_Players, $player, TBL_PLAYERS . ".TS_sigma"); $pSkill = $pTS_mu - 3 * $pTS_sigma; $pG2_r = mysql_result($result_Players, $player, TBL_PLAYERS . ".G2_r"); $pG2_RD = mysql_result($result_Players, $player, TBL_PLAYERS . ".G2_RD"); $pG2 = $pG2_r - 2 * $pG2_RD; $pwin = mysql_result($result_Players, $player, TBL_PLAYERS . ".Win"); $pdraw = mysql_result($result_Players, $player, TBL_PLAYERS . ".Draw"); $ploss = mysql_result($result_Players, $player, TBL_PLAYERS . ".Loss"); $pstreak = mysql_result($result_Players, $player, TBL_PLAYERS . ".Streak"); $pstreak_worst = mysql_result($result_Players, $player, TBL_PLAYERS . ".Streak_Worst"); $pstreak_best = mysql_result($result_Players, $player, TBL_PLAYERS . ".Streak_Best"); $pwindrawloss = $pwin . "/" . $pdraw . "/" . $ploss; $pwinloss = $pwin . "/" . $ploss; $pvictory_ratio = $ploss > 0 ? $pwin / $ploss : $pwin; //fm- draw here??? $pvictory_percent = $pwin + $pdraw + $ploss > 0 ? 100 * $pwin / ($pwin + $pdraw + $ploss) : 0; $pscore = mysql_result($result_Players, $player, TBL_PLAYERS . ".Score"); $poppscore = mysql_result($result_Players, $player, TBL_PLAYERS . ".ScoreAgainst"); $ppoints = mysql_result($result_Players, $player, TBL_PLAYERS . ".Points"); $pforfeits = mysql_result($result_Players, $player, TBL_PLAYERS . ".Forfeits"); $pforfeits_percent = $pgames_played > 0 ? 100 * $pforfeits / $pgames_played : 0; $pbanned = mysql_result($result_Players, $player, TBL_PLAYERS . ".Banned"); $popponentsELO = 0; $popponents = 0; $prating = 0; $prating_votes = 0; // Unique Opponents // Find all matches played by current player $q_Matches = "SELECT " . TBL_MATCHS . ".*, " . TBL_SCORES . ".*, " . TBL_PLAYERS . ".*" . " FROM " . TBL_MATCHS . ", " . TBL_SCORES . ", " . TBL_PLAYERS . " WHERE (" . TBL_SCORES . ".MatchID = " . TBL_MATCHS . ".MatchID)" . " AND (" . TBL_MATCHS . ".Status = 'active')" . " AND (" . TBL_PLAYERS . ".PlayerID = " . TBL_SCORES . ".Player)" . " AND (" . TBL_PLAYERS . ".PlayerID = '{$pid}')"; $result_Matches = $sql->db_Query($q_Matches); $numMatches = mysql_numrows($result_Matches); $players = array(); if ($numMatches > 0) { for ($match = 0; $match < $numMatches; $match++) { // For each match played by current player $mID = mysql_result($result_Matches, $match, TBL_MATCHS . ".MatchID"); $mplayermatchteam = mysql_result($result_Matches, $match, TBL_SCORES . ".Player_MatchTeam"); // Find all scores/players(+users) for that match $q_Scores = "SELECT " . TBL_MATCHS . ".*, " . TBL_SCORES . ".*, " . TBL_PLAYERS . ".*, " . TBL_USERS . ".*" . " FROM " . TBL_MATCHS . ", " . TBL_SCORES . ", " . TBL_PLAYERS . ", " . TBL_GAMERS . ", " . TBL_USERS . " WHERE (" . TBL_MATCHS . ".MatchID = '{$mID}')" . " AND (" . TBL_SCORES . ".MatchID = " . TBL_MATCHS . ".MatchID)" . " AND (" . TBL_PLAYERS . ".PlayerID = " . TBL_SCORES . ".Player)" . " AND (" . TBL_PLAYERS . ".Gamer = " . TBL_GAMERS . ".GamerID)" . " AND (" . TBL_USERS . ".user_id = " . TBL_GAMERS . ".User)"; $result_Scores = $sql->db_Query($q_Scores); $numScores = mysql_numrows($result_Scores); for ($scoreIndex = 0; $scoreIndex < $numScores; $scoreIndex++) { $osid = mysql_result($result_Scores, $scoreIndex, TBL_SCORES . ".ScoreID"); $ouid = mysql_result($result_Scores, $scoreIndex, TBL_USERS . ".user_id"); $oplayermatchteam = mysql_result($result_Scores, $scoreIndex, TBL_SCORES . ".Player_MatchTeam"); $oELO = mysql_result($result_Scores, $scoreIndex, TBL_PLAYERS . ".ELORanking"); if ($oplayermatchteam != $mplayermatchteam) { $players[] = "{$ouid}"; $popponentsELO += $oELO; $popponents += 1; } if ($ouid == $puid) { // Get user rating. $rate = $rater->GetRating("ebscores", $osid); $prating += $rate[0] * ($rate[1] + $rate[2] / 10); $prating_votes += $rate[0]; } } } } $punique_opponents = count(array_unique($players)); if ($popponents != 0) { $popponentsELO /= $popponents; } if ($prating_votes != 0) { $prating /= $prating_votes; } // For display $id[] = $pid; $uid[] = $puid; $name[] = $pname; $avatar[] = $pavatar; $team[] = $pteam; $games_played[] = $pgames_played; $ELO[] = $pELO; $Skill[] = max(0, number_format($pSkill, 0)); $G2[] = number_format($pG2_r, 0) . " +/- " . number_format($pG2_RD, 0); $win[] = $pwin; $loss[] = $ploss; $draw[] = $pdraw; $streaks[] = $pstreak . "|" . $pstreak_best . "|" . $pstreak_worst; $windrawloss[] = $pwindrawloss; $victory_ratio[] = $pwinloss; $victory_percent[] = number_format($pvictory_percent, 2) . "%"; $unique_opponents[] = $punique_opponents; $opponentsELO[] = floor($popponentsELO); $score[] = $pgames_played > 0 ? number_format($pscore / $pgames_played, 2) : 0; $oppscore[] = $pgames_played > 0 ? number_format($poppscore / $pgames_played, 2) : 0; $scorediff[] = $pgames_played > 0 ? number_format(($pscore - $poppscore) / $pgames_played, 2) : 0; $points[] = $ppoints; $forfeits[] = $pforfeits; $forfeits_percent[] = number_format($pforfeits_percent, 2) . "%"; $banned[] = $pbanned; $rating[] = displayRating($prating, $prating_votes); // Actual score (not for display) $games_played_score[] = $pgames_played; $ELO_score[] = $pELO; $Skill_score[] = $pSkill; $G2_score[] = $pG2; $win_score[] = $pwin; $loss_score[] = $ploss; $draw_score[] = $pdraw; $windrawloss_score[] = $pwin - $ploss; //fm - ??? $victory_ratio_score[] = $pvictory_ratio; $victory_percent_score[] = $pvictory_percent; $unique_opponents_score[] = $punique_opponents; $opponentsELO_score[] = $popponentsELO; $streaks_score[] = $pstreak_best; //max(0,$pstreak_best + $pstreak_worst); //fmarc- TBD $score_score[] = $pgames_played > 0 ? $pscore / $pgames_played : 0; $oppscore_score[] = $pgames_played > 0 ? -$poppscore / $pgames_played : 0; $scorediff_score[] = $pgames_played > 0 ? ($pscore - $poppscore) / $pgames_played : 0; $points_score[] = $ppoints; $forfeits_score[] = -$pforfeits; $forfeits_percent_score[] = -$pforfeits_percent; if ($pgames_played >= $event->getField('nbr_games_to_rank') && $pbanned == 0) { $players_rated++; } } $rating_max = 0; $q_Categories = "SELECT " . TBL_STATSCATEGORIES . ".*" . " FROM " . TBL_STATSCATEGORIES . " WHERE (" . TBL_STATSCATEGORIES . ".Event = '{$event_id}')" . " ORDER BY " . TBL_STATSCATEGORIES . ".CategoryMaxValue DESC"; $result_Categories = $sql->db_Query($q_Categories); $numCategories = mysql_numrows($result_Categories); $stat_cat_header = array(); $stat_min = array(); $stat_max = array(); $stat_a = array(); $stat_b = array(); $stat_score = array(); $stat_display = array(); $cat_index = 0; $categories = array(); for ($category = 0; $category < $numCategories; $category++) { $cat_name = mysql_result($result_Categories, $category, TBL_STATSCATEGORIES . ".CategoryName"); $cat_minpoints = mysql_result($result_Categories, $category, TBL_STATSCATEGORIES . ".CategoryMinValue"); $cat_maxpoints = mysql_result($result_Categories, $category, TBL_STATSCATEGORIES . ".CategoryMaxValue"); $cat_InfoOnly = mysql_result($result_Categories, $category, TBL_STATSCATEGORIES . ".InfoOnly"); if ($cat_maxpoints > 0) { //dbg- echo "$cat_name<br>"; $display_cat = 1; switch ($cat_name) { case "ELO": $cat_header_title = EB_STATS_L1; $cat_header_text = EB_STATS_L2; $min = min($ELO_score); $max = max($ELO_score); $stat_score[$cat_index] = $ELO_score; $stat_display[$cat_index] = $ELO; break; case "Skill": $cat_header_title = EB_STATS_L3; $cat_header_text = EB_STATS_L4; $min = min($Skill_score); $max = max($Skill_score); $stat_score[$cat_index] = $Skill_score; $stat_display[$cat_index] = $Skill; break; case "Glicko2": $cat_header_title = EB_STATS_L41; $cat_header_text = EB_STATS_L42; $min = min($G2_score); $max = max($G2_score); $stat_score[$cat_index] = $G2_score; $stat_display[$cat_index] = $G2; break; case "GamesPlayed": $cat_header_title = EB_STATS_L5; $cat_header_text = EB_STATS_L6; $min = 0; //min($games_played_score); $max = max($games_played); $stat_score[$cat_index] = $games_played_score; $stat_display[$cat_index] = $games_played; break; case "VictoryRatio": $cat_header_title = EB_STATS_L7; $cat_header_text = EB_STATS_L8; $min = 0; //min($victory_ratio_score); $max = max($victory_ratio_score); $stat_score[$cat_index] = $victory_ratio_score; $stat_display[$cat_index] = $victory_ratio; break; case "VictoryPercent": $cat_header_title = EB_STATS_L9; $cat_header_text = EB_STATS_L10; $min = 0; //min($victory_percent_score); $max = max($victory_percent_score); $stat_score[$cat_index] = $victory_percent_score; $stat_display[$cat_index] = $victory_percent; break; case "WinDrawLoss": $cat_header_title = EB_STATS_L11; $cat_header_text = EB_STATS_L12; $min = min($windrawloss_score); $max = max($windrawloss_score); $stat_score[$cat_index] = $windrawloss_score; $stat_display[$cat_index] = $windrawloss; break; case "UniqueOpponents": $cat_header_title = EB_STATS_L13; $cat_header_text = EB_STATS_L14; $min = 0; //min($unique_opponents_score); $max = max($unique_opponents_score); $stat_score[$cat_index] = $unique_opponents_score; $stat_display[$cat_index] = $unique_opponents; break; case "OpponentsELO": $cat_header_title = EB_STATS_L15; $cat_header_text = EB_STATS_L16; $min = min($opponentsELO_score); $max = max($opponentsELO_score); $stat_score[$cat_index] = $opponentsELO_score; $stat_display[$cat_index] = $opponentsELO; break; case "Streaks": $cat_header_title = EB_STATS_L17; $cat_header_text = EB_STATS_L18; $min = min($streaks_score); $max = max($streaks_score); $stat_score[$cat_index] = $streaks_score; $stat_display[$cat_index] = $streaks; break; case "Score": $cat_header_title = EB_STATS_L19; $cat_header_text = EB_STATS_L20; $min = min($score_score); $max = max($score_score); $stat_score[$cat_index] = $score_score; $stat_display[$cat_index] = $score; break; case "ScoreAgainst": $cat_header_title = EB_STATS_L21; $cat_header_text = EB_STATS_L22; $min = min($oppscore_score); $max = max($oppscore_score); $stat_score[$cat_index] = $oppscore_score; $stat_display[$cat_index] = $oppscore; break; case "ScoreDiff": $cat_header_title = EB_STATS_L23; $cat_header_text = EB_STATS_L24; $min = min($scorediff_score); $max = max($scorediff_score); $stat_score[$cat_index] = $scorediff_score; $stat_display[$cat_index] = $scorediff; break; case "Points": $cat_header_title = EB_STATS_L25; $cat_header_text = EB_STATS_L26; $min = min($points_score); $max = max($points_score); $stat_score[$cat_index] = $points_score; $stat_display[$cat_index] = $points; break; case "Forfeits": $cat_header_title = EB_STATS_L43; $cat_header_text = EB_STATS_L44; $min = min($forfeits_score); $max = max($forfeits_score); $stat_score[$cat_index] = $forfeits_score; $stat_display[$cat_index] = $forfeits; break; case "ForfeitsPercent": $cat_header_title = EB_STATS_L45; $cat_header_text = EB_STATS_L46; $min = min($forfeits_percent_score); $max = max($forfeits_percent_score); $stat_score[$cat_index] = $forfeits_percent_score; $stat_display[$cat_index] = $forfeits_percent; break; default: $display_cat = 0; } if ($display_cat == 1) { $stat_InfoOnly[$cat_index] = $cat_InfoOnly; switch ($event->getField('RankingType')) { case "CombinedStats": if ($cat_InfoOnly == TRUE) { $cat_header = '<b title="' . $cat_header_title . '">' . $cat_header_text . '</b>'; } else { $categories[] = $cat_index; $cat_header = '<b title="' . $cat_header_title . ' [' . number_format($cat_maxpoints, 2) . ' ' . EB_STATS_L27 . ']">' . $cat_header_text . '</b>'; /* $cat_header = ' <b title="'.$cat_header_title.'">'.$cat_header_text.'</b> <br /><div class="smalltext">['.number_format ($cat_maxpoints,2).' '.EB_STATS_L27.']</div> '; */ // a = (ymax-ymin)/(xmax-xmin) // b = ymin - a.xmin if ($max == $min) { $a = 0; $b = $cat_maxpoints; } else { $a = ($cat_maxpoints - $cat_minpoints) / ($max - $min); $b = $cat_minpoints - $a * $min; } $stat_min[$cat_index] = $min; $stat_max[$cat_index] = $max; $stat_a[$cat_index] = $a; $stat_b[$cat_index] = $b; $rating_max += $cat_maxpoints; } break; case "Classic": if ($cat_InfoOnly == TRUE) { $cat_header = '<span title="' . $cat_header_title . '">' . $cat_header_text . '</span>'; } else { $cat_header = '<b title="' . $cat_header_title . '">' . $cat_header_text . '</b>'; $categories[] = $cat_index; } break; default: } $stat_cat_header[$cat_index] = $cat_header; $cat_index++; } } } $numDisplayedCategories = $cat_index; $ranks = getRanking($stat_score, $categories); $stats = array("0" => array('header', '<b>' . EB_STATS_L28 . '</b>', '<b>' . EB_STATS_L29 . '</b>')); // user rating not shown // $stats[0][] = '<b>'.EB_STATS_L30.'</b>'; if ($hide_ratings_column == FALSE) { $stats[0][] = '<b title="' . EB_STATS_L31 . ' [' . number_format($rating_max, 2) . ' ' . EB_STATS_L27 . ']">' . EB_STATS_L32 . '</b>'; } //$stats[0][] = '<b title="'.EB_STATS_L31.'">'.EB_STATS_L32.'</b><br /><div class="smalltext">['.number_format ($rating_max,2).' '.EB_STATS_L27.']</div>'; for ($category = 0; $category < $numDisplayedCategories; $category++) { $stats[0][] = $stat_cat_header[$category]; } // Challenge column $stats[0][] = "<b>" . EB_CHALLENGE_L1 . "<b>"; switch ($event->getField('RankingType')) { case "CombinedStats": $OverallScoreThreshold = 0; $final_score = array(); for ($player = 0; $player < $numPlayers; $player++) { $OverallScore[$player] = 0; if ($games_played[$player] >= $event->getField('nbr_games_to_rank') && $banned[$player] == 0) { for ($category = 0; $category < $numDisplayedCategories; $category++) { if ($stat_InfoOnly[$category] == FALSE) { $final_score[$category][$player] = $stat_a[$category] * $stat_score[$category][$player] + $stat_b[$category]; $OverallScore[$player] += $final_score[$category][$player]; } } } else { for ($category = 0; $category < $numDisplayedCategories; $category++) { $final_score[$category][$player] = 0; } } $q_update = "UPDATE " . TBL_PLAYERS . " SET OverallScore = '" . floatToSQL($OverallScore[$player]) . "' WHERE (PlayerID = '{$id[$player]}') AND (Event = '{$event_id}')"; $result_update = $sql->db_Query($q_update); } break; case "Classic": $OverallScoreThreshold = $numPlayers; for ($player = 0; $player < $numPlayers; $player++) { if ($games_played[$player] >= $event->getField('nbr_games_to_rank') && $banned[$player] == 0) { $OverallScore[$player] = array_search($player, $ranks, false) + $numPlayers + 1; } else { $OverallScore[$player] = array_search($player, $ranks, false); } //dbg: echo "<br>Player $player ($name[$player]), os: $OverallScore[$player]"; $q_update = "UPDATE " . TBL_PLAYERS . " SET OverallScore = '" . floatToSQL($OverallScore[$player]) . "' WHERE (PlayerID = '{$id[$player]}') AND (Event = '{$event_id}')"; $result_update = $sql->db_Query($q_update); } break; default: } // Build results table //-------------------- $q_Players = "SELECT *" . " FROM " . TBL_PLAYERS . " WHERE (Event = '{$event_id}')" . " ORDER BY " . TBL_PLAYERS . ".OverallScore DESC, " . TBL_PLAYERS . ".GamesPlayed DESC, " . TBL_PLAYERS . ".ELORanking DESC, " . TBL_PLAYERS . ".Banned ASC"; $result_Players = $sql->db_Query($q_Players); $ranknumber = 1; for ($player = 0; $player < $numPlayers; $player++) { $pid = mysql_result($result_Players, $player, TBL_PLAYERS . ".PlayerID"); $puid = mysql_result($result_Players, $player, TBL_PLAYERS . ".User"); $prank = mysql_result($result_Players, $player, TBL_PLAYERS . ".Rank"); $prankdelta = mysql_result($result_Players, $player, TBL_PLAYERS . ".RankDelta"); $pstreak = mysql_result($result_Players, $player, TBL_PLAYERS . ".Streak"); // Find index of player $index = array_search($pid, $id); $prank_side_image = ""; if ($banned[$index] == 1) { $rank = '<span title="' . EB_STATS_L33 . '"><img class="eb_image" src="' . e_PLUGIN . 'ebattles/images/user_delete.ico" alt="' . EB_STATS_L34 . '" title="' . EB_STATS_L34 . '"/></span>'; $prankdelta_string = ""; $q_update = "UPDATE " . TBL_PLAYERS . " SET Rank = 0 WHERE (PlayerID = '{$pid}') AND (Event = '{$event_id}')"; $result_update = $sql->db_Query($q_update); } elseif ($OverallScore[$index] <= $OverallScoreThreshold) { $rank = '<span title="' . EB_STATS_L35 . '">' . EB_STATS_L36 . '</span>'; $prankdelta_string = ""; $q_update = "UPDATE " . TBL_PLAYERS . " SET Rank = 0 WHERE (PlayerID = '{$pid}') AND (Event = '{$event_id}')"; $result_update = $sql->db_Query($q_update); } else { $rank = $ranknumber; $ranknumber++; // increases $ranknumber by 1 $q_update = "UPDATE " . TBL_PLAYERS . " SET Rank = {$rank} WHERE (PlayerID = '{$pid}') AND (Event = '{$event_id}')"; $result_update = $sql->db_Query($q_update); $new_rankdelta = $prank - $rank; if ($new_rankdelta != 0) { $prankdelta += $new_rankdelta; $q_update = "UPDATE " . TBL_PLAYERS . " SET RankDelta = {$prankdelta} WHERE (PlayerID = '{$pid}') AND (Event = '{$event_id}')"; $result_update = $sql->db_Query($q_update); } if ($new_rankdelta != 0 && $rank == 1 && $competition_type == 'Ladder') { // Award: player took 1st place $q_Awards = "INSERT INTO " . TBL_AWARDS . "(Player,Type,timestamp)\r\n\t\t\t\tVALUES ({$pid},'PlayerTookFirstPlace',{$time})"; $result_Awards = $sql->db_Query($q_Awards); } if ($new_rankdelta != 0 && ($prank > 10 || $prank == 0) && $rank <= 10 && $competition_type == 'Ladder') { // Award: player enters top 10 $q_Awards = "INSERT INTO " . TBL_AWARDS . "(Player,Type,timestamp)\r\n\t\t\t\tVALUES ({$pid},'PlayerInTopTen',{$time})"; $result_Awards = $sql->db_Query($q_Awards); } $q_Awards = "SELECT " . TBL_AWARDS . ".*, " . TBL_PLAYERS . ".*" . " FROM " . TBL_AWARDS . ", " . TBL_PLAYERS . " WHERE (" . TBL_AWARDS . ".Player = " . TBL_PLAYERS . ".PlayerID)" . " AND (" . TBL_PLAYERS . ".PlayerID = '{$pid}')" . " ORDER BY " . TBL_AWARDS . ".timestamp DESC"; $result_Awards = $sql->db_Query($q_Awards); $numAwards = mysql_numrows($result_Awards); if ($numAwards > 0) { $paward = mysql_result($result_Awards, 0, TBL_AWARDS . ".AwardID"); $pawardType = mysql_result($result_Awards, 0, TBL_AWARDS . ".Type"); } if ($rank == 1) { $prank_side_image = '<img class="eb_image" src="' . e_PLUGIN . 'ebattles/images/awards/award_star_gold_3.png" alt="' . EB_AWARD_L3 . '" title="' . EB_AWARD_L3 . '"/>'; } else { if ($rank <= 10 && ($rank + $prankdelta > min(10, $numPlayers) || $rank + $prankdelta == 0)) { $prank_side_image = '<img class="eb_image" src="' . e_PLUGIN . 'ebattles/images/awards/award_star_bronze_3.png" alt="' . EB_AWARD_L5 . '" title="' . EB_AWARD_L5 . '"/>'; } else { if ($numAwards > 0 && $pawardType != 'PlayerTookFirstPlace' && $pawardType != 'PlayerInTopTen' && $pstreak >= 5) { switch ($pawardType) { case 'PlayerStreak5': if ($pstreak >= 5) { $award = EB_AWARD_L6; $prank_side_image = '<img class="eb_image" src="' . e_PLUGIN . 'ebattles/images/awards/medal_bronze_3.png" alt="' . EB_AWARD_L7 . '" title="' . EB_AWARD_L7 . '"/>'; } break; case 'PlayerStreak10': if ($pstreak >= 10) { $award = EB_AWARD_L8; $prank_side_image = '<img class="eb_image" src="' . e_PLUGIN . 'ebattles/images/awards/medal_silver_3.png" alt="' . EB_AWARD_L9 . '" title="' . EB_AWARD_L9 . '"/>'; } break; case 'PlayerStreak25': if ($pstreak >= 25) { $award = EB_AWARD_L10; $prank_side_image = '<img class="eb_image" src="' . e_PLUGIN . 'ebattles/images/awards/medal_gold_3.png" alt="' . EB_AWARD_L11 . '" title="' . EB_AWARD_L11 . '"/>'; } break; } } else { if ($prankdelta > 0) { $prank_side_image = '<img class="eb_image" src="' . e_PLUGIN . 'ebattles/images/arrow_up.gif" alt="+' . $prankdelta . '" title="+' . $prankdelta . '"/>'; } else { if ($prankdelta < 0 && $rank + $prankdelta != 0) { $prank_side_image = '<img class="eb_image" src="' . e_PLUGIN . 'ebattles/images/arrow_down.gif" alt="' . $prankdelta . '" title="' . $prankdelta . '"/>'; } else { if ($rank + $prankdelta == 0) { $prank_side_image = '<img class="eb_image" src="' . e_PLUGIN . 'ebattles/images/arrow_up.gif" alt="Up" title="' . EB_STATS_L37 . '"/>'; } } } } } } } list($pclan, $pclantag, $pclanid) = getClanInfo($team[$index]); if (strcmp(USERID, $puid) == 0) { $stats_row = array("row_highlight"); } else { $stats_row = array("row"); } $stats_row[] = "<b>{$rank}</b> {$prank_side_image}"; $image = ""; if ($pref['eb_avatar_enable_playersstandings'] == 1) { if ($avatar[$index]) { $image = '<img ' . getAvatarResize(avatar($avatar[$index])) . '/>'; } else { if ($pref['eb_avatar_default_image'] != '') { $image = '<img ' . getAvatarResize(getImagePath($pref['eb_avatar_default_image'], 'avatars')) . '/>'; } } } $stats_row[] = $image . ' <a href="' . e_PLUGIN . 'ebattles/userinfo.php?user='******'"><b>' . $pclantag . $name[$index] . '</b></a>'; // user rating not shown //$stats_row[] = $rating[$index]; if ($hide_ratings_column == FALSE) { $stats_row[] = number_format($OverallScore[$index], 2); } for ($category = 0; $category < $numDisplayedCategories; $category++) { if ($stat_InfoOnly[$category] == TRUE || $event->getField('RankingType') == "Classic") { $stats_row[] = $stat_display[$category][$index]; } else { $stats_row[] = $stat_display[$category][$index] . '<br /><div class="smalltext">[' . number_format($final_score[$category][$index], 2) . ']</div>'; } } // Add challenge button here $challenge_text = ' <a href="javascript:challenge_player_js(\'' . $pid . '\');" title="' . EB_CHALLENGE_L1 . ' ' . $pclantag . $name[$index] . '"><img class="eb_image" src="' . e_PLUGIN . 'ebattles/images/challenge.png" alt="' . EB_CHALLENGE_L1 . ' ' . $pclantag . $name[$index] . '"/></a>'; $stats_row[] = $challenge_text; $stats[] = $stats_row; } /* // debug print array print_r($stats); print_r($stat_score); echo "<br>"; print_r($ranks); */ if ($serialize) { // Serialize results array $OUTPUT = serialize($stats); $fp = fopen($file, "w"); // open file with Write permission if ($fp == FALSE) { // handle error $error .= EB_STATS_L38; echo $error; exit; } fputs($fp, $OUTPUT); fclose($fp); /* $stats = unserialize(implode('',file($file))); foreach ($stats as $id=>$row) { print $row['category_name']."<br />"; } */ } }
function getTeams() { global $sql; $teams = array(); $checkedin_str = ''; switch ($this->getMatchPlayersType()) { case 'Players': $q_Players = "SELECT " . TBL_GAMERS . ".*, " . TBL_PLAYERS . ".*, " . TBL_USERS . ".*" . " FROM " . TBL_GAMERS . ", " . TBL_PLAYERS . ", " . TBL_USERS . " WHERE (" . TBL_PLAYERS . ".Event = '" . $this->getField('EventID') . "')" . " AND (" . TBL_PLAYERS . ".Gamer = " . TBL_GAMERS . ".GamerID)" . " AND (" . TBL_USERS . ".user_id = " . TBL_GAMERS . ".User)" . $checkedin_str . " ORDER BY " . TBL_PLAYERS . ".Seed, " . TBL_PLAYERS . ".Joined"; $result = $sql->db_Query($q_Players); $nbrPlayers = mysql_numrows($result); for ($player = 0; $player < $nbrPlayers; $player++) { $playerID = mysql_result($result, $player, TBL_PLAYERS . ".PlayerID"); $gamerID = mysql_result($result, $player, TBL_GAMERS . ".GamerID"); $gamer = new Gamer($gamerID); $pname = $gamer->getField('Name'); $pugid = $gamer->getField('UniqueGameID'); $pavatar = mysql_result($result, $player, TBL_USERS . ".user_image"); $pteam = mysql_result($result, $player, TBL_PLAYERS . ".Team"); list($pclan, $pclantag, $pclanid) = getClanInfo($pteam); $pseed = mysql_result($result, $player, TBL_PLAYERS . ".Seed"); if ($pseed == 0) { $pseed = $player + 1; } $teams[$pseed - 1]['PlayerID'] = $playerID; $teams[$pseed - 1]['Name'] = $pname; $teams[$pseed - 1]['UniqueGameID'] = $pugid; $teams[$pseed - 1]['Avatar'] = $pavatar; $teams[$pseed - 1]['seed'] = $pseed; } break; case 'Teams': $q_Teams = "SELECT " . TBL_CLANS . ".*, " . TBL_TEAMS . ".*, " . TBL_DIVISIONS . ".* " . " FROM " . TBL_CLANS . ", " . TBL_TEAMS . ", " . TBL_DIVISIONS . " WHERE (" . TBL_CLANS . ".ClanID = " . TBL_DIVISIONS . ".Clan)" . " AND (" . TBL_TEAMS . ".Division = " . TBL_DIVISIONS . ".DivisionID)" . " AND (" . TBL_TEAMS . ".Event = '" . $this->getField('EventID') . "')" . $checkedin_str . " ORDER BY " . TBL_TEAMS . ".Seed, " . TBL_TEAMS . ".Joined"; $result = $sql->db_Query($q_Teams); $nbrTeams = mysql_numrows($result); for ($team = 0; $team < $nbrTeams; $team++) { $pteam = mysql_result($result, $team, TBL_TEAMS . ".TeamID"); $pavatar = ''; // TODO: no team avatar for now list($pclan, $pclantag, $pclanid) = getClanInfo($pteam); $pseed = mysql_result($result, $team, TBL_TEAMS . ".Seed"); if ($pseed == 0) { $pseed = $team + 1; } $teams[$pseed - 1]['PlayerID'] = $pteam; $teams[$pseed - 1]['Name'] = $pclan; $teams[$pseed - 1]['UniqueGameID'] = ''; $teams[$pseed - 1]['Avatar'] = $pavatar; $teams[$pseed - 1]['seed'] = $pseed; } break; } //var_dump($teams); return $teams; }
public function all() { $active = isset($_GET['active']) ? $_GET['active'] : 1; $gamers = Gamer::all($active); REST::returnJson(['status' => 'ok', 'gamers' => $gamers]); }
function displayMatchInfo($type = 0, $header = '') { global $time; global $sql; global $pref; $match_id = $this->fields['MatchID']; $string = ''; // Get info about the match $q = "SELECT DISTINCT " . TBL_MATCHS . ".*, " . TBL_USERS . ".*, " . TBL_EVENTS . ".*, " . TBL_GAMES . ".*" . " FROM " . TBL_MATCHS . ", " . TBL_SCORES . ", " . TBL_USERS . ", " . TBL_EVENTS . ", " . TBL_GAMES . " WHERE (" . TBL_MATCHS . ".MatchID = '" . $match_id . "')" . " AND (" . TBL_SCORES . ".MatchID = " . TBL_MATCHS . ".MatchID)" . " AND (" . TBL_USERS . ".user_id = " . TBL_MATCHS . ".ReportedBy)" . " AND (" . TBL_MATCHS . ".Event = " . TBL_EVENTS . ".EventID)" . " AND (" . TBL_EVENTS . ".Game = " . TBL_GAMES . ".GameID)"; $result = $sql->db_Query($q); $numMatchs = mysql_numrows($result); if ($numMatchs > 0) { $mReportedBy = mysql_result($result, 0, TBL_USERS . ".user_id"); $mReportedByNickName = mysql_result($result, 0, TBL_USERS . ".user_name"); $mEventgame = mysql_result($result, 0, TBL_GAMES . ".Name"); $mEventgameicon = mysql_result($result, 0, TBL_GAMES . ".Icon"); $mStatus = mysql_result($result, 0, TBL_MATCHS . ".Status"); $mTime = mysql_result($result, 0, TBL_MATCHS . ".TimeReported"); $mTime_local = $mTime + TIMEOFFSET; $date = date("d M Y, h:i A", $mTime_local); $mTimeScheduled = mysql_result($result, 0, TBL_MATCHS . ".TimeScheduled"); $mTimeScheduled_local = $mTimeScheduled + TIMEOFFSET; $dateScheduled = date("d M Y, h:i A", $mTimeScheduled_local); $mComments = mysql_result($result, 0, TBL_MATCHS . ".Comments"); $event_id = mysql_result($result, 0, TBL_EVENTS . ".EventID"); $event = new Event($event_id); // Calculate number of players and teams for the match $q = "SELECT DISTINCT " . TBL_SCORES . ".Player_MatchTeam" . " FROM " . TBL_SCORES . " WHERE (" . TBL_SCORES . ".MatchID = '" . $match_id . "')"; $result = $sql->db_Query($q); $nbr_teams = mysql_numrows($result); // Check if the match has several ranks $q = "SELECT DISTINCT " . TBL_MATCHS . ".*, " . TBL_SCORES . ".Player_Rank" . " FROM " . TBL_MATCHS . ", " . TBL_SCORES . " WHERE (" . TBL_MATCHS . ".MatchID = '" . $match_id . "')" . " AND (" . TBL_SCORES . ".MatchID = " . TBL_MATCHS . ".MatchID)"; $result = $sql->db_Query($q); $numRanks = mysql_numrows($result); if ($numRanks > 0) { //------------ permissions -------------- $permissions = $this->get_permissions(USERID); $userclass = $permissions['userclass']; $can_approve = $permissions['can_approve']; $can_report = $permissions['can_report']; $can_schedule = $permissions['can_schedule']; $can_delete = $permissions['can_delete']; $can_edit = $permissions['can_edit']; $orderby_str = " ORDER BY " . TBL_SCORES . ".Player_Rank, " . TBL_SCORES . ".Player_MatchTeam"; if ($nbr_teams == 2) { $orderby_str = " ORDER BY " . TBL_SCORES . ".Player_MatchTeam"; } switch ($event->getMatchPlayersType()) { case 'Players': $q = "SELECT " . TBL_MATCHS . ".*, " . TBL_SCORES . ".*, " . TBL_PLAYERS . ".*, " . TBL_USERS . ".*" . " FROM " . TBL_MATCHS . ", " . TBL_SCORES . ", " . TBL_PLAYERS . ", " . TBL_GAMERS . ", " . TBL_USERS . " WHERE (" . TBL_MATCHS . ".MatchID = '" . $match_id . "')" . " AND (" . TBL_SCORES . ".MatchID = " . TBL_MATCHS . ".MatchID)" . " AND (" . TBL_PLAYERS . ".PlayerID = " . TBL_SCORES . ".Player)" . " AND (" . TBL_PLAYERS . ".Gamer = " . TBL_GAMERS . ".GamerID)" . " AND (" . TBL_USERS . ".user_id = " . TBL_GAMERS . ".User)" . $orderby_str; break; case 'Teams': $q = "SELECT " . TBL_MATCHS . ".*, " . TBL_SCORES . ".*, " . TBL_CLANS . ".*, " . TBL_TEAMS . ".*, " . TBL_DIVISIONS . ".*" . " FROM " . TBL_MATCHS . ", " . TBL_SCORES . ", " . TBL_CLANS . ", " . TBL_TEAMS . ", " . TBL_DIVISIONS . " WHERE (" . TBL_MATCHS . ".MatchID = '" . $match_id . "')" . " AND (" . TBL_SCORES . ".MatchID = " . TBL_MATCHS . ".MatchID)" . " AND (" . TBL_TEAMS . ".TeamID = " . TBL_SCORES . ".Team)" . " AND (" . TBL_CLANS . ".ClanID = " . TBL_DIVISIONS . ".Clan)" . " AND (" . TBL_TEAMS . ".Division = " . TBL_DIVISIONS . ".DivisionID)" . $orderby_str; break; default: } $result = $sql->db_Query($q); $numPlayers = mysql_numrows($result); $pname = ''; $string .= '<tr>'; if ($header) { $string .= '<td>' . $header . '</td>'; } $scores = ''; if (($type & eb_MATCH_NOEVENTINFO) == 0) { $string .= '<td style="vertical-align:top">'; $string .= '<img ' . getActivityGameIconResize($mEventgameicon) . ' title="' . $mEventgame . '"/>'; $string .= '</td>'; } $string .= '<td>'; $matchteam = 0; for ($index = 0; $index < $numPlayers; $index++) { switch ($event->getMatchPlayersType()) { case 'Players': $puid = mysql_result($result, $index, TBL_USERS . ".user_id"); $gamer_id = mysql_result($result, $index, TBL_PLAYERS . ".Gamer"); $gamer = new Gamer($gamer_id); $pname = $gamer->getField('Name'); $pavatar = mysql_result($result, $index, TBL_USERS . ".user_image"); $pteam = mysql_result($result, $index, TBL_PLAYERS . ".Team"); break; case 'Teams': $pname = mysql_result($result, $index, TBL_CLANS . ".Name"); $pavatar = mysql_result($result, $index, TBL_CLANS . ".Image"); $pteam = mysql_result($result, $index, TBL_TEAMS . ".TeamID"); break; default: } list($pclan, $pclantag, $pclanid) = getClanInfo($pteam); $prank = mysql_result($result, $index, TBL_SCORES . ".Player_Rank"); $pmatchteam = mysql_result($result, $index, TBL_SCORES . ".Player_MatchTeam"); $pscore = mysql_result($result, $index, TBL_SCORES . ".Player_Score"); $pfaction = mysql_result($result, $index, TBL_SCORES . ".Faction"); $pfactionIcon = ""; //if (($pfaction!=0)&&($type!=0)) if ($pfaction != 0) { $q_Factions = "SELECT " . TBL_FACTIONS . ".*" . " FROM " . TBL_FACTIONS . " WHERE (" . TBL_FACTIONS . ".FactionID = '{$pfaction}')"; $result_Factions = $sql->db_Query($q_Factions); $numFactions = mysql_numrows($result_Factions); if ($numFactions > 0) { $fIcon = mysql_result($result_Factions, 0, TBL_FACTIONS . ".Icon"); $fName = mysql_result($result_Factions, 0, TBL_FACTIONS . ".Name"); $pfactionIcon = ' <img ' . getFactionIconResize($fIcon) . ' title="' . $fName . '"/>'; } } /* takes too long $image = ''; if ($pref['eb_avatar_enable_playersstandings'] == 1) { switch($event->getMatchPlayersType()) { case 'Players': if($pavatar) { $image = '<img '.getAvatarResize(avatar($pavatar)).'/>'; } else if ($pref['eb_avatar_default_image'] != ''){ $image = '<img '.getAvatarResize(getImagePath($pref['eb_avatar_default_image'], 'avatars')).'/>'; } break; case 'Teams': if($pavatar) { $image = '<img '.getAvatarResize(getImagePath($pavatar, 'team_avatars')).'/>'; } else if ($pref['eb_avatar_default_image'] != ''){ $image = '<img '.getAvatarResize(getImagePath($pref['eb_avatar_default_team_image'], 'team_avatars')).'/>'; } break; default: } } */ if ($index > 0) { $scores .= "-" . $pscore; if ($pmatchteam == $matchteam) { $string .= ' & '; } else { if (($type & eb_MATCH_SCHEDULED) != 0) { $str = ' vs. '; } else { if ($prank == $rank) { $str = ' ' . EB_MATCH_L2 . ' '; } else { if ($prank > $rank) { $str = ' ' . EB_MATCH_L3 . ' '; } else { $str = ' ' . EB_MATCH_L14 . ' '; } } } $string .= $str; $matchteam = $pmatchteam; $rank = $prank; } } else { $rank = $prank; $matchteam = $pmatchteam; $scores .= $pscore; } /* echo "rank: $rank, prank: $prank<br>"; echo "mt: $matchteam, pmt $pmatchteam<br>"; */ $string .= $pfactionIcon . ' '; switch ($event->getMatchPlayersType()) { case 'Players': $string .= '<a href="' . e_PLUGIN . 'ebattles/userinfo.php?user='******'">' . $pclantag . $pname . '</a>'; break; case 'Teams': $string .= '<a href="' . e_PLUGIN . 'ebattles/claninfo.php?clanid=' . $pclanid . '">' . $pclan . '</a>'; break; default: } } //score here if ($event->getField('AllowScore') == TRUE && ($type & eb_MATCH_SCHEDULED) == 0) { $string .= ' (' . $scores . ') '; } if (($type & eb_MATCH_NOEVENTINFO) == 0) { $string .= ' ' . EB_MATCH_L12 . ' <a href="' . e_PLUGIN . 'ebattles/eventinfo.php?eventid=' . $event_id . '">' . $event->getField('Name') . '</a>'; } if ($can_approve == 1) { $string .= ' <a href="' . e_PLUGIN . 'ebattles/matchinfo.php?matchid=' . $match_id . '"><img class="eb_image" src="' . e_PLUGIN . 'ebattles/images/exclamation.png" alt="' . EB_MATCH_L13 . '" title="' . EB_MATCH_L13 . '"/></a>'; } else { if (($type & eb_MATCH_SCHEDULED) == 0 || $can_schedule == 1) { $string .= ' <a href="' . e_PLUGIN . 'ebattles/matchinfo.php?matchid=' . $match_id . '"><img class="eb_image" src="' . e_PLUGIN . 'ebattles/images/magnify.png" alt="' . EB_MATCH_L5 . '" title="' . EB_MATCH_L5 . '"/></a>'; } } if (($type & eb_MATCH_SCHEDULED) == 0) { $string .= ' <div class="smalltext">'; $string .= EB_MATCH_L6 . ' <a href="' . e_PLUGIN . 'ebattles/userinfo.php?user='******'">' . $mReportedByNickName . '</a> '; if ($time - $mTime < INT_MINUTE) { $string .= EB_MATCH_L7; } else { if ($time - $mTime < INT_DAY) { $string .= get_formatted_timediff($mTime, $time) . ' ' . EB_MATCH_L8; } else { $string .= EB_MATCH_L9 . ' ' . $date . '.'; } } $nbr_comments = ebGetCommentTotal("ebmatches", $match_id); $nbr_comments += $mComments == '' ? 0 : 1; $string .= ' <a href="' . e_PLUGIN . 'ebattles/matchinfo.php?matchid=' . $match_id . '" title="' . EB_MATCH_L4 . ' ' . $match_id . '">' . $nbr_comments . ' '; $string .= $nbr_comments > 1 ? EB_MATCH_L10 : EB_MATCH_L11; $string .= '</a>'; $string .= '</div></td>'; } else { $string .= ' <div class="smalltext">'; $string .= EB_MATCH_L16 . ' '; $string .= EB_MATCH_L17 . ' ' . $dateScheduled . '.'; $string .= '</div></td>'; } if (($type & eb_MATCH_NO_EDIT_ICONS) == 0) { if ($can_delete == 1) { $delete_text = $competition_type == 'Tournament' ? EB_MATCHD_L29 : EB_MATCHD_L5; $string .= '<td>'; $string .= '<form action="' . e_PLUGIN . 'ebattles/matchdelete.php?eventid=' . $event_id . '" method="post">'; $string .= '<div>'; $string .= '<input type="hidden" name="eventid" value="' . $event_id . '"/>'; $string .= '<input type="hidden" name="matchid" value="' . $match_id . '"/>'; $string .= '</div>'; $string .= ebImageTextButton('deletematch', 'cross.png', '', 'simple', $delete_text, EB_MATCHD_L4); $string .= '</form>'; $string .= '</td>'; } if ($can_approve == 1) { $string .= '<td>'; $string .= '<form id="approvematch_form" action="' . e_PLUGIN . 'ebattles/matchprocess.php" method="post">'; $string .= '<div>'; $string .= '<input type="hidden" name="eventid" value="' . $event_id . '"/>'; $string .= '<input type="hidden" name="matchid" value="' . $match_id . '"/>'; $string .= '</div>'; $string .= ebImageTextButton('approvematch', 'accept.png', '', 'simple', '', EB_MATCHD_L17); $string .= '</form>'; $string .= '</td>'; } if ($can_edit == 1) { if ($this->getField('Status') == 'scheduled') { $string .= '<td>'; $string .= ebImageLink('matchschedulededit', EB_MATCHR_L46, '', e_PLUGIN . 'ebattles/matchreport.php?eventid=' . $event_id . '&matchid=' . $match_id . '&actionid=matchschedulededit&userclass=' . $userclass, 'page_white_edit.png', '', 'matchreport_link', '', EB_MATCHD_L27); $string .= '</td>'; } else { $string .= '<td>'; $string .= ebImageLink('matchedit', EB_MATCHR_L46, '', e_PLUGIN . 'ebattles/matchreport.php?eventid=' . $event_id . '&matchid=' . $match_id . '&actionid=matchedit&userclass=' . $userclass, 'page_white_edit.png', '', 'matchreport_link', '', EB_MATCHD_L27); $string .= '</td>'; } } if ($can_report == 1) { $string .= '<td>'; $string .= '<div>'; $string .= ebImageLink('matchscheduledreport', EB_MATCHR_L32, '', e_PLUGIN . 'ebattles/matchreport.php?eventid=' . $event_id . '&matchid=' . $match_id . '&actionid=matchscheduledreport&userclass=' . $userclass, 'report.png', '', 'matchreport_link', '', EB_MATCHD_L30); $string .= '</div>'; $string .= '</td>'; } } $string .= '</tr>'; } } return $string; }
function printGamerState(Gamer $gamer) { echo '所持金:' . $gamer->getMoney() . '円' . PHP_EOL; echo 'フルーツ:'; foreach ($gamer->getFruits() as $fruit) { echo $fruit . ' '; } echo PHP_EOL; echo PHP_EOL; }
<div class="spacer"> '; $text .= '<form action="' . e_PLUGIN . 'ebattles/matchprocess.php" method="post">'; $text .= ' <table> <tr> <td> Player: <select class="tbox" name="Player"> '; for ($i = 0; $i < $num_rows; $i++) { $pid = mysql_result($result, $i, TBL_PLAYERS . ".PlayerID"); $puid = mysql_result($result, $i, TBL_USERS . ".user_id"); $prank = mysql_result($result, $i, TBL_PLAYERS . ".Rank"); $gamer_id = mysql_result($result, $i, TBL_PLAYERS . ".Gamer"); $gamer = new Gamer($gamer_id); $pname = $gamer->getField('Name'); $pteam = mysql_result($result, $i, TBL_PLAYERS . ".Team"); list($pclan, $pclantag, $pclanid) = getClanInfo($pteam); if ($puid != USERID && ($uteam == 0 || $uteam != $pteam)) { if ($prank == 0) { $prank_txt = EB_EVENT_L54; } else { $prank_txt = "#{$prank}"; } $text .= '<option value="' . $pid . '">' . $pclantag . $pname . ' (' . $prank_txt . ')</option>'; } } $text .= ' </select> </td>
public function setGamer(Gamer $gamer){ $gamer->addScore($this); $this->gamer = $gamer; }
$text .= '</tr>'; } } } break; case "One Player Tournament": case "One Player Ladder": // One player event //------------ // Find gamer for that user $q = "SELECT " . TBL_GAMERS . ".*" . " FROM " . TBL_GAMERS . " WHERE (" . TBL_GAMERS . ".Game = '" . $event->getField('Game') . "')" . " AND (" . TBL_GAMERS . ".User = "******")"; $result = $sql->db_Query($q); $num_rows = mysql_numrows($result); if ($num_rows != 0) { $gamerID = mysql_result($result, 0, TBL_GAMERS . ".GamerID"); $gamer = new Gamer($gamerID); $gamerName = $gamer->getField('Name'); $gamerUniqueGameID = $gamer->getField('UniqueGameID'); } else { $gamerID = 0; $gamerName = ''; $gamerUniqueGameID = ''; } // Is the user already signed up? $q = "SELECT " . TBL_PLAYERS . ".*, " . TBL_GAMERS . ".*" . " FROM " . TBL_PLAYERS . ", " . TBL_GAMERS . " WHERE (" . TBL_PLAYERS . ".Event = '{$event_id}')" . " AND (" . TBL_PLAYERS . ".Gamer = " . TBL_GAMERS . ".GamerID)" . " AND (" . TBL_GAMERS . ".User = "******")"; $result = $sql->db_Query($q); if (!$result || mysql_numrows($result) < 1) { // User is not signed up if ($can_signup == 1) { $hide_password = $event->getField('password') == "" ? 'hide ignore' : ''; $text .= '<tr><td style="text-align:right">
// tabs-4 "Matches" $text .= '<div id="tabs-5">'; $rowsPerPage = $pref['eb_default_items_per_page']; $awards = array(); $nbr_awards = 0; /* Latest awards */ $q = "SELECT " . TBL_AWARDS . ".*, " . TBL_PLAYERS . ".*, " . TBL_USERS . ".*" . " FROM " . TBL_AWARDS . ", " . TBL_PLAYERS . ", " . TBL_GAMERS . ", " . TBL_USERS . " WHERE (" . TBL_AWARDS . ".Player = " . TBL_PLAYERS . ".PlayerID)" . " AND (" . TBL_PLAYERS . ".Gamer = " . TBL_GAMERS . ".GamerID)" . " AND (" . TBL_GAMERS . ".User = "******".user_id)" . " AND (" . TBL_PLAYERS . ".Event = '{$event_id}')" . " ORDER BY " . TBL_AWARDS . ".timestamp DESC" . " LIMIT 0, {$rowsPerPage}"; $result = $sql->db_Query($q); $numAwards = mysql_numrows($result); if ($numAwards > 0) { /* Display table contents */ for ($i = 0; $i < $numAwards; $i++) { $aID = mysql_result($result, $i, TBL_AWARDS . ".AwardID"); $aUser = mysql_result($result, $i, TBL_USERS . ".user_id"); $gamer_id = mysql_result($result, $i, TBL_PLAYERS . ".Gamer"); $gamer = new Gamer($gamer_id); $aUserNickName = $gamer->getField('Name'); $aType = mysql_result($result, $i, TBL_AWARDS . ".Type"); $aTime = mysql_result($result, $i, TBL_AWARDS . ".timestamp"); $aTime_local = $aTime + TIMEOFFSET; $date = date("d M Y, h:i A", $aTime_local); switch ($aType) { case 'PlayerTookFirstPlace': $award = EB_AWARD_L2; $icon = '<img ' . getActivityIconResize(e_PLUGIN . "ebattles/images/awards/award_star_gold_3.png") . ' alt="' . EB_AWARD_L3 . '" title="' . EB_AWARD_L3 . '"/> '; break; case 'PlayerInTopTen': $award = EB_AWARD_L4; $icon = '<img ' . getActivityIconResize(e_PLUGIN . "ebattles/images/awards/award_star_bronze_3.png") . ' alt="' . EB_AWARD_L5 . '" title="' . EB_AWARD_L5 . '"/> '; break; case 'PlayerStreak5':
/** * displayTeamDivisions - Displays ... */ function displayTeamDivisions($clan_id, $game_id) { global $sql; global $text; $q = "SELECT " . TBL_CLANS . ".*, " . TBL_DIVISIONS . ".*, " . TBL_USERS . ".*, " . TBL_GAMES . ".*" . " FROM " . TBL_CLANS . ", " . TBL_DIVISIONS . ", " . TBL_USERS . ", " . TBL_GAMES . " WHERE (" . TBL_CLANS . ".ClanID = '{$clan_id}')" . " AND (" . TBL_DIVISIONS . ".Clan = " . TBL_CLANS . ".ClanID)" . " AND (" . TBL_USERS . ".user_id = " . TBL_DIVISIONS . ".Captain)" . " AND (" . TBL_GAMES . ".GameID = " . TBL_DIVISIONS . ".Game)"; $result = $sql->db_Query($q); $num_divs = mysql_numrows($result); for ($i = 0; $i < $num_divs; $i++) { $gid = mysql_result($result, $i, TBL_GAMES . ".GameID"); $gname = mysql_result($result, $i, TBL_GAMES . ".Name"); $gicon = mysql_result($result, $i, TBL_GAMES . ".Icon"); $div_id = mysql_result($result, $i, TBL_DIVISIONS . ".DivisionID"); $div_captain = mysql_result($result, $i, TBL_USERS . ".user_id"); $div_captain_name = mysql_result($result, $i, TBL_USERS . ".user_name"); $clan_password = mysql_result($result, $i, TBL_CLANS . ".password"); $clan_id = mysql_result($result, $i, TBL_CLANS . ".ClanID"); if ($gid == $game_id) { $text .= '<div class="spacer">'; $text .= '<p>' . EB_CLAN_L9 . ': <a href="' . e_PLUGIN . 'ebattles/userinfo.php?user='******'">' . $div_captain_name . '</a></p>'; if (check_class(e_UC_MEMBER)) { // Find gamer for that user $q_2 = "SELECT " . TBL_GAMERS . ".*" . " FROM " . TBL_GAMERS . " WHERE (" . TBL_GAMERS . ".Game = '" . $gid . "')" . " AND (" . TBL_GAMERS . ".User = "******")"; $result_2 = $sql->db_Query($q_2); $num_Gamers = mysql_numrows($result_2); if ($num_Gamers != 0) { $gamerID = mysql_result($result_2, 0, TBL_GAMERS . ".GamerID"); $gamer = new Gamer($gamerID); $gamerName = $gamer->getField('Name'); $gamerUniqueGameID = $gamer->getField('UniqueGameID'); } else { $gamerID = 0; $gamerName = ''; $gamerUniqueGameID = ''; } $q_2 = "SELECT " . TBL_MEMBERS . ".*" . " FROM " . TBL_MEMBERS . " WHERE (" . TBL_MEMBERS . ".Division = '{$div_id}')" . " AND (" . TBL_MEMBERS . ".User = "******")"; $result_2 = $sql->db_Query($q_2); if (!$result_2 || mysql_numrows($result_2) < 1) { $hide_password = $clan_password == "" ? 'hide ignore' : ''; $text .= ' <div> <input type="hidden" name="division" value="' . $div_id . '"/> </div> ' . ebImageTextButton('joindivision', 'user_add.png', EB_CLAN_L12); $text .= gamerDivisionSignupModalForm($clan_id, $div_id, $gamerID, $gamerName, $gamerUniqueGameID, $hide_password); } else { // Check that the member has made no games with this division $q_MemberScores = "SELECT " . TBL_MEMBERS . ".*, " . TBL_TEAMS . ".*, " . TBL_PLAYERS . ".*, " . TBL_SCORES . ".*" . " FROM " . TBL_MEMBERS . ", " . TBL_TEAMS . ", " . TBL_PLAYERS . ", " . TBL_SCORES . " WHERE (" . TBL_MEMBERS . ".User = "******")" . " AND (" . TBL_MEMBERS . ".Division = '{$div_id}')" . " AND (" . TBL_TEAMS . ".Division = '{$div_id}')" . " AND (" . TBL_PLAYERS . ".Team = " . TBL_TEAMS . ".TeamID)" . " AND (" . TBL_SCORES . ".Player = " . TBL_PLAYERS . ".PlayerID)"; $result_MemberScores = $sql->db_Query($q_MemberScores); $numMemberScores = mysql_numrows($result_MemberScores); if ($numMemberScores == 0) { $text .= ' <form action="' . e_PLUGIN . 'ebattles/claninfo.php?clanid=' . $clan_id . '" method="post"> <div> <input type="hidden" name="division" value="' . $div_id . '"/> </div> ' . ebImageTextButton('quitdivision', 'user_delete.ico', EB_CLAN_L13, 'negative jq-button', EB_CLAN_L25) . ' </form>'; } } } $q_2 = "SELECT " . TBL_CLANS . ".*, " . TBL_DIVISIONS . ".*, " . TBL_MEMBERS . ".*, " . TBL_USERS . ".*, " . TBL_GAMES . ".*" . " FROM " . TBL_CLANS . ", " . TBL_DIVISIONS . ", " . TBL_USERS . ", " . TBL_MEMBERS . ", " . TBL_GAMES . " WHERE (" . TBL_CLANS . ".ClanID = '{$clan_id}')" . " AND (" . TBL_DIVISIONS . ".Clan = " . TBL_CLANS . ".ClanID)" . " AND (" . TBL_DIVISIONS . ".DivisionID = '{$div_id}')" . " AND (" . TBL_MEMBERS . ".Division = " . TBL_DIVISIONS . ".DivisionID)" . " AND (" . TBL_USERS . ".user_id = " . TBL_MEMBERS . ".User)" . " AND (" . TBL_GAMES . ".GameID = " . TBL_DIVISIONS . ".Game)"; $result_2 = $sql->db_Query($q_2); if (!$result_2 || mysql_numrows($result_2) < 1) { $text .= '<p>' . EB_CLAN_L14 . '</p>'; } else { $row = mysql_fetch_array($result_2); $numMembers = mysql_numrows($result_2); $text .= '<p>' . $numMembers . ' ' . EB_CLAN_L15 . '</p>'; $text .= '<table class="eb_table" style="width:95%"><tbody>'; $text .= '<tr> <th class="eb_th2">' . EB_CLAN_L16 . '</th> <th class="eb_th2">' . EB_CLAN_L17 . '</th> <th class="eb_th2">' . EB_CLAN_L18 . '</th> </tr>'; // Captain for ($j = 0; $j < $numMembers; $j++) { $mid = mysql_result($result_2, $j, TBL_USERS . ".user_id"); $mname = mysql_result($result_2, $j, TBL_USERS . ".user_name"); $mjoined = mysql_result($result_2, $j, TBL_MEMBERS . ".timestamp"); $mjoined_local = $mjoined + TIMEOFFSET; $date = date("d M Y", $mjoined_local); if ($mid == $div_captain) { $status = EB_CLAN_L9; $text .= '<tr>'; $text .= '<td class="eb_td"><b><a href="' . e_PLUGIN . 'ebattles/userinfo.php?user='******'">' . $mname . '</a></b></td> <td class="eb_td">' . $status . '</td> <td class="eb_td">' . $date . '</td></tr>'; } } // Other members for ($j = 0; $j < $numMembers; $j++) { $mid = mysql_result($result_2, $j, TBL_USERS . ".user_id"); $mname = mysql_result($result_2, $j, TBL_USERS . ".user_name"); $mjoined = mysql_result($result_2, $j, TBL_MEMBERS . ".timestamp"); $mjoined_local = $mjoined + TIMEOFFSET; $date = date("d M Y", $mjoined_local); if ($mid != $div_captain) { $status = EB_CLAN_L26; $text .= '<tr>'; $text .= '<td class="eb_td"><b><a href="' . e_PLUGIN . 'ebattles/userinfo.php?user='******'">' . $mname . '</a></b></td> <td class="eb_td">' . $status . '</td> <td class="eb_td">' . $date . '</td></tr>'; } } $text .= '</tbody></table>'; } $text .= '<br /></div>'; } } }