Ejemplo n.º 1
* @desc Visualiza todas los etiquetas existentes
function showTags()
    global $xoopsModule, $xoopsSecurity, $xoopsModuleConfig;
    $db = Database::getInstance();
    $mc =& $xoopsModuleConfig;
    $page = isset($_REQUEST['page']) ? $_REQUEST['page'] : 1;
    $page = $page < 1 ? 1 : $page;
    $limit = 15;
    $search = isset($_REQUEST['search']) ? $_REQUEST['search'] : '';
    //Barra de Navegación
    $sql = "SELECT COUNT(*) FROM " . $db->prefix('gs_tags');
    $sql1 = '';
    $words = array();
    if ($search) {
        //Separamos en palabras
        $words = explode(" ", $search);
        foreach ($words as $k) {
            $k = trim($k);
            if (strlen($k) < $mc['min_tag'] || strlen($k) > $mc['max_tag']) {
            $sql1 .= $sql1 == '' ? " WHERE (tag LIKE '%{$k}%')" : " OR (tag LIKE '%{$k}%')";
    list($num) = $db->fetchRow($db->query($sql . $sql1));
    $start = $num <= 0 ? 0 : ($page - 1) * $limit;
    $tpages = ceil($num / $limit);
    $nav = new RMPageNav($num, $limit, $page, 5);
    $nav->target_url("tags.php?search=" . urlencode($search) . "&amp;page={PAGE_NUM}");
    $showmax = $start + $limit;
    $showmax = $showmax > $num ? $num : $showmax;
    //Fin de barra de navegación
    $sql = "SELECT * FROM " . $db->prefix('gs_tags');
    $sql2 = " LIMIT {$start},{$limit}";
    $result = $db->query($sql . $sql1 . $sql2);
    $tags = array();
    while ($rows = $db->fetchArray($result)) {
        foreach ($words as $k) {
            $rows['tag'] = eregi_replace("({$k})", "<span class='searchResalte'>\\1</span>", $rows['tag']);
        $tag = new GSTag();
        //Obtenemos todas las imágenes pertenecientes a la etiqueta
        $sql = "SELECT COUNT(*) FROM " . $db->prefix('gs_tagsimages') . " WHERE id_tag=" . $tag->id();
        list($pics) = $db->fetchRow($db->query($sql));
        $tags[] = array('id' => $tag->id(), 'name' => $tag->tag(), 'pics' => $pics, 'url' => $tag->url());
    xoops_cp_location("<a href='./'>" . $xoopsModule->name() . "</a> &raquo; " . __('Tags Management', 'galleries'));
    RMTemplate::get()->assign('xoops_pagetitle', __('Tags Management', 'galleries'));
    $cHead = '<link href="' . XOOPS_URL . '/modules/galleries/styles/admin.css" media="all" rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" />';
    include RMTemplate::get()->get_template("admin/gs_tags.php", 'module', 'galleries');
    RMTemplate::get()->add_script(RMCURL . '/include/js/jquery.checkboxes.js');
    RMTemplate::get()->add_head("<script type='text/javascript'>\nvar delete_warning='" . __('Do you really wish to delete selected tags?', 'galleries') . "';\n</script>");
Ejemplo n.º 2
  * @desc Devuelve las etiquetas asignadas a un imágen
  * @param bool $obj Determina si se obtienen los objetos GSTag
  * @return array
 public function tags($obj = true, $field = '*')
     $db =& $this->db;
     if (empty($this->_tags) || $this->_tagtype != $obj) {
         $this->_tags = array();
         $tbl1 = $db->prefix("gs_tags");
         $tbl2 = $db->prefix("gs_tagsimages");
         $sql = "SELECT a.{$field} FROM {$tbl1} a, {$tbl2} b WHERE b.id_image='" . $this->id() . "' AND a.id_tag=b.id_tag";
         $result = $db->query($sql);
         while ($row = $db->fetchArray($result)) {
             if ($obj) {
                 $tag = new GSTag();
                 $this->_tags[] = $tag;
             } else {
                 $this->_tags[] = $row[$field];
     return $this->_tags;
Ejemplo n.º 3
* @desc Visualiza las etiquetas existentes
function tags()
    global $tpl, $xoopsOption, $xoopsUser, $xoopsModuleConfig, $db, $pag, $usr, $xoopsConfig, $tag;
    $xoopsOption['template_main'] = 'gs_tags.html';
    $xoopsOption['module_subpage'] = 'tags';
    include 'header.php';
    $mc =& $xoopsModuleConfig;
    //Verificamos si el usuario existe
    if (isset($usr)) {
        $user = new GSUser($usr);
        if ($user->isNew()) {
            redirect_header(GSFunctions::get_url(), 1, __('Specified user does not exists!', 'galleries'));
    //Obtenemos la etiqueta de mayor hit
    if (!$usr) {
        $sql = "SELECT MAX(hits) FROM " . $db->prefix('gs_tags');
    } else {
        $sql = "SELECT  MAX(hits) FROM " . $db->prefix('gs_tags') . " a INNER JOIN " . $db->prefix('gs_tagsimages');
        $sql .= " b INNER JOIN " . $db->prefix('gs_images') . " c ON (a.id_tag=b.id_tag AND  b.id_image=c.id_image ";
        $sql .= " AND c.owner=" . $user->uid() . ")";
    list($maxhit) = $db->fetchRow($db->query($sql));
    //Obtenemos la lista de etiquetas
    if (!$usr) {
        $sql = "SELECT * FROM " . $db->prefix('gs_tags') . " ORDER BY tag";
    } else {
        $sql = "SELECT a.* FROM " . $db->prefix('gs_tags') . " a INNER JOIN " . $db->prefix('gs_tagsimages');
        $sql .= " b INNER JOIN " . $db->prefix('gs_images') . " c ON (a.id_tag=b.id_tag AND  b.id_image=c.id_image ";
        $sql .= " AND c.owner=" . $user->uid() . ")";
        $sql .= "  GROUP BY a.id_tag ORDER BY tag LIMIT 0," . $mc['num_tags'];
    $result = $db->query($sql);
    $sz = $maxhit > 0 ? $mc['font_tags'] / $maxhit : 11;
    while ($rows = $db->fetchArray($result)) {
        $tag = new GSTag();
        $size = intval($tag->hits() * $sz);
        if ($size < 10) {
            $size = 10;
        if ($mc['urlmode']) {
            $link = GSFunctions::get_url() . "explore/tags/tag/" . $tag->getVar('nameid') . '/';
            $link .= $usr ? "usr/" . $user->uname() . "/" : '';
        } else {
            $link = GSFunctions::get_url() . "?explore=tags&amp;tag=" . $tag->getVar('nameid');
            $link .= $usr ? "&amp;usr="******"usr/" . $user->uname() . '/' : "?usr="******"explore/sets/usr/" . $user->uname() . "/" : "?explore=sets&amp;usr="******"cp/bookmarks/" : "?cp=bookmarks"));
    include 'footer.php';