Ejemplo n.º 1

# Include FusionCharts PHP Class
include "../Class/FusionCharts_Gen.php";
# Create Column 2D chart Object
$FC = new FusionCharts("Column2D", "450", "350");
# set the relative path of the swf file
# Set colon (:) as delimiter
# Define chart attributes
$strParam = "caption=Weekly Sales:xAxisName=Week:yAxisName=Revenue:numberPrefix=\$";
# Set chart attributes
# add chart values and category names
$FC->addChartData("40800", "label=Week 1:alpha=80");
$FC->addChartData("31400", "label=Week 2:alpha=60");
$FC->addChartData("26700", "label=Week 3");
$FC->addChartData("54400", "label=Week 4");
# Set hash (#) as delimiter
# Add TrendLine
# Set semicolon (;) as delimiter
# Add TrendLine
    <title>First Chart - Set Delimiter : Using FusionCharts PHP Class</title>