Ejemplo n.º 1
  * This action creates a new category.
  * Request parameter is:
  *   - new-category
 public function createAction()
     $catDAO = new FreshRSS_CategoryDAO();
     $url_redirect = array('c' => 'subscription', 'a' => 'index');
     $limits = FreshRSS_Context::$system_conf->limits;
     $this->view->categories = $catDAO->listCategories(false);
     if (count($this->view->categories) >= $limits['max_categories']) {
         Minz_Request::bad(_t('feedback.sub.category.over_max', $limits['max_categories']), $url_redirect);
     if (Minz_Request::isPost()) {
         $cat_name = Minz_Request::param('new-category');
         if (!$cat_name) {
             Minz_Request::bad(_t('feedback.sub.category.no_name'), $url_redirect);
         $cat = new FreshRSS_Category($cat_name);
         if ($catDAO->searchByName($cat->name()) != null) {
             Minz_Request::bad(_t('feedback.sub.category.name_exists'), $url_redirect);
         $values = array('id' => $cat->id(), 'name' => $cat->name());
         if ($catDAO->addCategory($values)) {
             Minz_Request::good(_t('feedback.sub.category.created', $cat->name()), $url_redirect);
         } else {
             Minz_Request::bad(_t('feedback.sub.category.error'), $url_redirect);
     Minz_Request::forward($url_redirect, true);
Ejemplo n.º 2
  * Initialize the context.
  * Set the correct configurations and $categories variables.
 public static function init()
     // Init configuration.
     self::$system_conf = Minz_Configuration::get('system');
     self::$user_conf = Minz_Configuration::get('user');
     $catDAO = new FreshRSS_CategoryDAO();
     self::$categories = $catDAO->listCategories();
Ejemplo n.º 3
  * This action is called before every other action in that class. It is
  * the common boiler plate for every action. It is triggered by the
  * underlying framework.
 public function firstAction()
     if (!FreshRSS_Auth::hasAccess()) {
     $catDAO = new FreshRSS_CategoryDAO();
     $this->view->categories = $catDAO->listCategories(false);
     $this->view->default_category = $catDAO->getDefault();
Ejemplo n.º 4
function unreadCount()
    header('Content-Type: application/json; charset=UTF-8');
    $totalUnreads = 0;
    $totalLastUpdate = 0;
    $categoryDAO = new FreshRSS_CategoryDAO();
    foreach ($categoryDAO->listCategories(true, true) as $cat) {
        $catLastUpdate = 0;
        foreach ($cat->feeds() as $feed) {
            $lastUpdate = $feed->lastUpdate();
            $unreadcounts[] = array('id' => 'feed/' . $feed->id(), 'count' => $feed->nbNotRead(), 'newestItemTimestampUsec' => $lastUpdate . '000000');
            if ($catLastUpdate < $lastUpdate) {
                $catLastUpdate = $lastUpdate;
        $unreadcounts[] = array('id' => 'user/-/label/' . $cat->name(), 'count' => $cat->nbNotRead(), 'newestItemTimestampUsec' => $catLastUpdate . '000000');
        $totalUnreads += $cat->nbNotRead();
        if ($totalLastUpdate < $catLastUpdate) {
            $totalLastUpdate = $catLastUpdate;
    $unreadcounts[] = array('id' => 'user/-/state/com.google/reading-list', 'count' => $totalUnreads, 'newestItemTimestampUsec' => $totalLastUpdate . '000000');
    echo json_encode(array('max' => $totalUnreads, 'unreadcounts' => $unreadcounts)), "\n";
Ejemplo n.º 5
  * This action handles the article repartition statistic page.
  * It displays the number of article and the average of article for the
  * following periods:
  *   - hour of the day
  *   - day of the week
  *   - month
  * @todo verify that the metrics used here make some sense. Especially
  *       for the average.
 public function repartitionAction()
     $statsDAO = FreshRSS_Factory::createStatsDAO();
     $categoryDAO = new FreshRSS_CategoryDAO();
     $feedDAO = FreshRSS_Factory::createFeedDao();
     Minz_View::appendScript(Minz_Url::display('/scripts/flotr2.min.js?' . @filemtime(PUBLIC_PATH . '/scripts/flotr2.min.js')));
     $id = Minz_Request::param('id', null);
     $this->view->categories = $categoryDAO->listCategories();
     $this->view->feed = $feedDAO->searchById($id);
     $this->view->days = $statsDAO->getDays();
     $this->view->months = $statsDAO->getMonths();
     $this->view->repartition = $statsDAO->calculateEntryRepartitionPerFeed($id);
     $this->view->repartitionHour = $statsDAO->calculateEntryRepartitionPerFeedPerHour($id);
     $this->view->averageHour = $statsDAO->calculateEntryAveragePerFeedPerHour($id);
     $this->view->repartitionDayOfWeek = $statsDAO->calculateEntryRepartitionPerFeedPerDayOfWeek($id);
     $this->view->averageDayOfWeek = $statsDAO->calculateEntryAveragePerFeedPerDayOfWeek($id);
     $this->view->repartitionMonth = $statsDAO->calculateEntryRepartitionPerFeedPerMonth($id);
     $this->view->averageMonth = $statsDAO->calculateEntryAveragePerFeedPerMonth($id);
Ejemplo n.º 6
 public function importExportAction()
     require_once LIB_PATH . '/lib_opml.php';
     $catDAO = new FreshRSS_CategoryDAO();
     $this->view->categories = $catDAO->listCategories();
     $this->view->req = Minz_Request::param('q');
     if ($this->view->req == 'export') {
         header('Content-Type: application/xml; charset=utf-8');
         header('Content-disposition: attachment; filename=freshrss_feeds.opml');
         $feedDAO = new FreshRSS_FeedDAO();
         $catDAO = new FreshRSS_CategoryDAO();
         $list = array();
         foreach ($catDAO->listCategories() as $key => $cat) {
             $list[$key]['name'] = $cat->name();
             $list[$key]['feeds'] = $feedDAO->listByCategory($cat->id());
         $this->view->categories = $list;
     } elseif ($this->view->req == 'import' && Minz_Request::isPost()) {
         if ($_FILES['file']['error'] == 0) {
             // on parse le fichier OPML pour récupérer les catégories et les flux associés
             try {
                 list($categories, $feeds) = opml_import(file_get_contents($_FILES['file']['tmp_name']));
                 // On redirige vers le controller feed qui va se charger d'insérer les flux en BDD
                 // les flux sont mis au préalable dans des variables de Request
                 Minz_Request::_param('q', 'null');
                 Minz_Request::_param('categories', $categories);
                 Minz_Request::_param('feeds', $feeds);
                 Minz_Request::forward(array('c' => 'feed', 'a' => 'massiveImport'));
             } catch (FreshRSS_Opml_Exception $e) {
                 Minz_Log::record($e->getMessage(), Minz_Log::WARNING);
                 $notif = array('type' => 'bad', 'content' => Minz_Translate::t('bad_opml_file'));
                 Minz_Session::_param('notification', $notif);
                 Minz_Request::forward(array('c' => 'configure', 'a' => 'importExport'), true);
     $feedDAO = new FreshRSS_FeedDAO();
     $this->view->feeds = $feedDAO->listFeeds();
     // au niveau de la vue, permet de ne pas voir un flux sélectionné dans la liste
     $this->view->flux = false;
     Minz_View::prependTitle(Minz_Translate::t('import_export_opml') . ' · ');
Ejemplo n.º 7
 public function nbUnreadsPerFeedAction()
     header('Content-Type: application/json; charset=UTF-8');
     $catDAO = new FreshRSS_CategoryDAO();
     $this->view->categories = $catDAO->listCategories(true, false);
Ejemplo n.º 8
 public function indexAction()
     $output = Minz_Request::param('output');
     $token = $this->view->conf->token;
     // check if user is logged in
     if (!$this->view->loginOk && !Minz_Configuration::allowAnonymous()) {
         $token_param = Minz_Request::param('token', '');
         $token_is_ok = $token != '' && $token === $token_param;
         if ($output === 'rss' && !$token_is_ok) {
             Minz_Error::error(403, array('error' => array(Minz_Translate::t('access_denied'))));
         } elseif ($output !== 'rss') {
             // "hard" redirection is not required, just ask dispatcher to
             // forward to the login form without 302 redirection
             Minz_Request::forward(array('c' => 'index', 'a' => 'formLogin'));
     // construction of RSS url of this feed
     $params = Minz_Request::params();
     $params['output'] = 'rss';
     if (isset($params['search'])) {
         $params['search'] = urlencode($params['search']);
     if (!Minz_Configuration::allowAnonymous()) {
         $params['token'] = $token;
     $this->view->rss_url = array('c' => 'index', 'a' => 'index', 'params' => $params);
     if ($output === 'rss') {
         // no layout for RSS output
         header('Content-Type: application/rss+xml; charset=utf-8');
     } elseif ($output === 'global') {
         Minz_View::appendScript(Minz_Url::display('/scripts/global_view.js?' . @filemtime(PUBLIC_PATH . '/scripts/global_view.js')));
     $catDAO = new FreshRSS_CategoryDAO();
     $entryDAO = new FreshRSS_EntryDAO();
     $this->view->cat_aside = $catDAO->listCategories();
     $this->view->nb_favorites = $entryDAO->countUnreadReadFavorites();
     $this->view->nb_not_read = FreshRSS_CategoryDAO::CountUnreads($this->view->cat_aside, 1);
     $this->view->currentName = '';
     $this->view->get_c = '';
     $this->view->get_f = '';
     $get = Minz_Request::param('get', 'a');
     $getType = $get[0];
     $getId = substr($get, 2);
     if (!$this->checkAndProcessType($getType, $getId)) {
         Minz_Log::record('Not found [' . $getType . '][' . $getId . ']', Minz_Log::DEBUG);
         Minz_Error::error(404, array('error' => array(Minz_Translate::t('page_not_found'))));
     // mise à jour des titres
     $this->view->rss_title = $this->view->currentName . ' | ' . Minz_View::title();
     if ($this->view->nb_not_read > 0) {
         Minz_View::appendTitle(' (' . formatNumber($this->view->nb_not_read) . ')');
     Minz_View::prependTitle($this->view->currentName . ($this->nb_not_read_cat > 0 ? ' (' . formatNumber($this->nb_not_read_cat) . ')' : '') . ' · ');
     // On récupère les différents éléments de filtrage
     $this->view->state = $state = Minz_Request::param('state', $this->view->conf->default_view);
     $filter = Minz_Request::param('search', '');
     if (!empty($filter)) {
         $state = 'all';
         //Search always in read and unread articles
     $this->view->order = $order = Minz_Request::param('order', $this->view->conf->sort_order);
     $nb = Minz_Request::param('nb', $this->view->conf->posts_per_page);
     $first = Minz_Request::param('next', '');
     if ($state === 'not_read') {
         //Any unread article in this category at all?
         switch ($getType) {
             case 'a':
                 $hasUnread = $this->view->nb_not_read > 0;
             case 's':
                 $hasUnread = $this->view->nb_favorites['unread'] > 0;
             case 'c':
                 $hasUnread = !isset($this->view->cat_aside[$getId]) || $this->view->cat_aside[$getId]->nbNotRead() > 0;
             case 'f':
                 $myFeed = FreshRSS_CategoryDAO::findFeed($this->view->cat_aside, $getId);
                 $hasUnread = $myFeed === null || $myFeed->nbNotRead() > 0;
                 $hasUnread = true;
         if (!$hasUnread) {
             $this->view->state = $state = 'all';
     $today = @strtotime('today');
     $this->view->today = $today;
     // on calcule la date des articles les plus anciens qu'on affiche
     $nb_month_old = $this->view->conf->old_entries;
     $date_min = $today - 3600 * 24 * 30 * $nb_month_old;
     //Do not use a fast changing value such as time() to allow SQL caching
     $keepHistoryDefault = $this->view->conf->keep_history_default;
     try {
         $entries = $entryDAO->listWhere($getType, $getId, $state, $order, $nb + 1, $first, $filter, $date_min, $keepHistoryDefault);
         // Si on a récupéré aucun article "non lus"
         // on essaye de récupérer tous les articles
         if ($state === 'not_read' && empty($entries)) {
             Minz_Log::record('Conflicting information about nbNotRead!', Minz_Log::DEBUG);
             $this->view->state = 'all';
             $entries = $entryDAO->listWhere($getType, $getId, 'all', $order, $nb, $first, $filter, $date_min, $keepHistoryDefault);
         if (count($entries) <= $nb) {
             $this->view->nextId = '';
         } else {
             //We have more elements for pagination
             $lastEntry = array_pop($entries);
             $this->view->nextId = $lastEntry->id();
         $this->view->entries = $entries;
     } catch (FreshRSS_EntriesGetter_Exception $e) {
         Minz_Log::record($e->getMessage(), Minz_Log::NOTICE);
         Minz_Error::error(404, array('error' => array(Minz_Translate::t('page_not_found'))));
Ejemplo n.º 9
 public function getFeedTree()
     $include_empty = $this->param('include_empty', true);
     $tree = array('identifier' => 'id', 'label' => 'name', 'items' => array());
     $categoryDAO = new FreshRSS_CategoryDAO();
     $categories = $categoryDAO->listCategories(true, true);
     foreach ($categories as $cat) {
         $tree_cat = array('id' => 'CAT:' . $cat->id(), 'name' => $cat->name(), 'unread' => $cat->nbNotRead(), 'type' => 'category', 'bare_id' => $cat->id(), 'items' => array());
         foreach ($cat->feeds() as $feed) {
             $tree_cat['items'][] = array('id' => 'FEED:' . $feed->id(), 'name' => $feed->name(), 'unread' => $feed->nbNotRead(), 'type' => 'feed', 'error' => $feed->inError(), 'updated' => $feed->lastUpdate(), 'bare_id' => $feed->id());
         if (count($tree_cat['items']) > 0 || $include_empty) {
             $tree['items'][] = $tree_cat;
     $this->good(array('categories' => $tree));