Ejemplo n.º 1
function smarty_modifier_rel($path)
    if (substr($path, -3) == 'css') {
        return FrankizPage::getCssPath($path);
    } else {
        return FrankizPage::getTplPath($path);
Ejemplo n.º 2
  * @param $page      The page
  * @param $login     The hruid of the user
  * @param $token     The hash_rss for identification
 public function run(FrankizPage $page, $login, $token)
     $uf = new UserFilter(new UFC_Hruid($login));
     $user = $uf->get(true);
     if (!$user) {
         return PL_FORBIDDEN;
     if ($user->hash_rss() != $token) {
         return PL_FORBIDDEN;
     $page->assign('rss_hash', $token);
     $this->iterator = $this->fetch($user);
     $page->coreTpl('feed.rss2.tpl', NO_SKIN);
     $page->assign_by_ref('feed', $this);
Ejemplo n.º 3
 public function __construct()
     global $globals;
     parent::__construct('Frankiz : Annonces', $globals->baseurl, 'Frankiz : le serveur des élèves de l\'École polytechnique', $globals->baseurl . '/css/' . FrankizPage::getCssPath('images/home_logo.png'), FrankizPage::getTplPath('news/rss.tpl'));
Ejemplo n.º 4
 function handler_ajax_admin($page)
     $json = json_decode(Env::v('json'));
     $id = $json->id;
     if (isset($json->admin)) {
         $a = new ActivityInstance($id);
         if (!S::user()->hasRights($a->target()->group(), Rights::admin())) {
             throw new Exception("Invalid credentials");
         $page->assign('activity', $a);
         if ($a->regular()) {
             $result = $page->fetch(FrankizPage::getTplPath('activity/modify_instance_regular.tpl'));
         } else {
             $result = $page->fetch(FrankizPage::getTplPath('activity/modify_punctual.tpl'));
         $page->jsonAssign('success', true);
         $page->jsonAssign('activity', $result);
     } elseif (isset($json->regular)) {
         $a = new Activity($id);
         if (!S::user()->hasRights($a->target()->group(), Rights::admin())) {
             throw new Exception("Invalid credentials");
         $page->assign('activity', $a);
         $result = $page->fetch(FrankizPage::getTplPath('activity/modify_regular_activity.tpl'));
         $page->jsonAssign('success', true);
         $page->jsonAssign('activity', $result);
     return PL_JSON;
Ejemplo n.º 5
 public function sendLater($html = true)
     global $globals;
     $this->page->assign('isHTML', $html);
     $tpl = FrankizPage::getTplPath($this->tpl);
     $content = $this->page->fetch($tpl);
     XDB::execute('INSERT INTO  mails
                           SET  target = {?}, writer = {?}, writername = {?}, title = {?}, body = {?}, ishtml = {?}', json_encode($this->To->export()), $this->From, $this->FromName, $this->Subject, trim($content), $html);
Ejemplo n.º 6
 function handler_ajax_ranking($page)
     $json = json_decode(Env::v('json'));
     $period = $json->period;
     $int = QDJ::interval();
     $date_min = mktime(1, 0, 0, floor(($int['date_min']->format('n') - 1) / 2) * 2 + 1, 1, $int['date_min']->format('Y'));
     $date_max = mktime(1, 0, 0, floor(($int['date_max']->format('n') + 1) / 2) * 2 + 1, 1, $int['date_max']->format('Y'));
     $date = $date_min;
     $begin_dates = array();
     $end_dates = array();
     while ($date < $date_max) {
         $begin_dates[] = $date;
         $date = strtotime('+2 months', $date);
         $end_dates[] = strtotime('-1 day', $date);
     $page->assign('results', $this->fetch_scores($begin_dates, $end_dates, $period));
     $result = $page->fetch(FrankizPage::getTplPath('qdj/ranking.tpl'));
     $page->jsonAssign('success', true);
     $page->jsonAssign('result', $result);
     return PL_JSON;
Ejemplo n.º 7
 function handler_tol_ajax_sheet($page, $uid)
     $f = new UserFilter(new UFC_Uid($uid));
     $u = $f->get(true);
     if ($u) {
     $page->assign('user', S::user());
     $page->assign('result', $u);
     try {
         $sheet = $page->filteredFetch(FrankizPage::getTplPath('tol/sheet.tpl'));
     } catch (Exception $e) {
         $sheet = "La fiche de l'utilisateur comporte des erreurs";
         XDB::execute('INSERT INTO tol_errors SET error = {?}', $u->id());
     $page->jsonAssign('sheet', $sheet);
     $page->jsonAssign('success', true);
     return PL_JSON;
Ejemplo n.º 8
 function handler_group_ajax_admin_users($page)
     $group = Group::fromId(Json::i('gid'));
     $limit = 10;
     $total = 0;
     $users = false;
     if ($group) {
         $users = array();
         $order = new UFO_Name(UFO_Name::LASTNAME);
         $filters = array();
         $rights = Rights::everybody();
         if (Json::s('rights', '') != '') {
             $rights = new Rights(Json::s('rights'));
         $filters[] = new UFC_Group($group, $rights);
         if (Json::t('promo', '') != '') {
             $filters[] = new UFC_Group(explode(';', Json::v('promo')));
         if (Json::t('name', '') != '') {
             $filters[] = new UFC_Name(Json::t('name'), UFC_Name::LASTNAME | UFC_Name::FIRSTNAME | UFC_Name::NICKNAME, UFC_Name::CONTAINS);
         $uf = new UserFilter(new PFC_And($filters), $order);
         $users = $uf->get(new PlLimit($limit, (Json::i('page', 1) - 1) * $limit));
         $total = $uf->getTotalCount();
         $export = array();
         if ($users->count() > 0) {
              * Fetching rights
             $users_rights = $group->selectRights($users);
              * Fetching comments
             $users_comments = array();
             $iter = XDB::iterRow('SELECT  uid, comment
                                     FROM  users_comments
                                    WHERE  gid = {?} AND uid IN {?}', $group->id(), $users->ids());
             while (list($uid, $comment) = $iter->next()) {
                 $users_comments[$uid] = $comment;
              * Exporting
             $page->assign('defaultrights', array(Rights::admin(), Rights::member(), Rights::friend()));
             foreach ($users as $uid => $u) {
                 $page->assign('user', $u);
                 $page->assign('rights', empty($users_rights[$uid]) ? array() : $users_rights[$uid]);
                 $page->assign('comment', empty($users_comments[$uid]) ? "" : $users_comments[$uid]);
                 $export[$uid] = $page->filteredFetch(FrankizPage::getTplPath('groups/admin_user.tpl'));
     $page->jsonAssign('limit', $limit);
     $page->jsonAssign('total', $total);
     $page->jsonAssign('users', $export);
     return PL_JSON;
Ejemplo n.º 9
 function handler_ajax_minimodules_add($page)
     $json = json_decode(Env::v('json'));
     $m = FrankizMiniModule::get($json->name);
     $row = S::user()->addMinimodule($m);
     if ($row === false) {
         $page->jsonAssign('error', "Impossible d'activer le minimodule");
     } else {
         $page->jsonAssign('name', $m->name());
         $page->jsonAssign('css', FrankizPage::getCssPath($m->css()));
         $page->assign('minimodule', $m);
         $page->jsonAssign('html', $page->fetch(FrankizPage::getTplPath('minimodule.tpl')));
     return PL_JSON;