Ejemplo n.º 1
  * @todo - Worldcup video page
  * @author PhongTX
 public function indexAction()
     //set cache
     $this->_request->setParam('cache_file', 1);
     //Set category id for block_cate user in block
     $this->_request->setParam('block_cate', CATE_SEA_GAMES_VIDEO);
     //get instance Cate
     $objCate = Thethao_Model_Category::getInstance();
     //get page
     $intPage = max(1, $this->_request->getParam('p', 1));
     //Get article id
     $intVideoId = $this->_request->getParam('id', 0);
     //New object
     $objNews = new Thethao_Model_News();
     //Get instance
     $objArticle = $this->view->objArticle;
     $totalNew = 1;
     //trang chu video
     if ($intVideoId <= 0) {
         //Init params
         $arrParams = array('category_id' => CATE_SEA_GAMES_VIDEO, 'limit' => 1, 'offset' => 0);
         //get all article by rule 2
         $arrListVideo = $objNews->getListArticleIdsByRule2($arrParams);
         //get Video new
         $intVideoId = array_shift($arrListVideo['data']);
         //Get detail video
         $arrVideoInfo = $objArticle->getArticleFull($intVideoId);
         //Id tracking
         $articleTrackingId = $intVideoId;
     } else {
         //Id tracking
         $articleTrackingId = $intVideoId;
         //Get detail video
         $arrVideoInfo = $objArticle->getArticleFull($intVideoId);
         //check data not empty
         if (empty($arrVideoInfo)) {
         //check publish
         if (intval($arrVideoInfo['publish_time']) > time()) {
             $sig = md5($intVideoId . $arrVideoInfo['creation_time']);
             //gen sig
             if ($sig != $this->_request->getParam('sig')) {
                 $this->_redirect($this->view->configView['linkerror'][DEVICE_ENV], array('code' => 301));
         //str link
         $strLink = $this->_request->getPathInfo();
         $arrVideoInfo['share_url'] = $this->view->ShareurlSeagame($arrVideoInfo['share_url']);
         //check link
         //check redirect link
         if (strpos($arrVideoInfo['share_url'], $strLink) === false && APPLICATION_ENV != 'development') {
             $this->_redirect($arrVideoInfo['share_url'], array('code' => 301));
     //check pvtt
     if ($arrVideoInfo['privacy'] & 64) {
         $this->_redirect($this->view->configView['url_vne'] . "/phong-van-truc-tuyen/" . Fpt_Filter::setSeoLink($arrVideoInfo['title_format']) . '-' . $arrVideoInfo['article_id'] . '.html');
     /* Get video lien quan */
     //video exclude
     $videoExclude = array($intVideoId);
     //khoi tao so luong video lien quan
     $mRelateVideo = 0;
     //khoi tao data arrVideoRelate
     $arrVideoRelate = array();
     //get video lien quan -> by tag
     if (!empty($arrVideoInfo['list_tag_id'])) {
         //New object
         $obj = new Fpt_Data_News_Tag();
         $arrParams = array('tag_id' => $arrVideoInfo['list_tag_id'], 'site_id' => CATE_SEA_GAMES_VIDEO, 'article_type' => TYPE_VIDEO, 'limit' => LIMIT_RELATED_VIDEO + 1, 'offset' => 0);
         //get list video lien quan
         $arrVideoResult = $obj->getArticleUnionTag($arrParams);
         //neu co video lien quan
         if (!empty($arrVideoResult)) {
             //loai tru tin dang xem
             $arrVideoRelate = array_slice(array_diff($arrVideoResult, $videoExclude), 0, LIMIT_RELATED_VIDEO);
             $videoExclude = array_unique(array_merge($videoExclude, $arrVideoRelate));
     //tong so video lien quan nho hon so luong can lay
     //Nếu không đủ 2 video thì lấy thêm video cùng chuyên mục
     //Loại trừ Video đang xem
     //Sắp xếp Video mới lên trên
     //tinh tong so video lien quan + exclude
     $mRelateVideo = count($arrVideoRelate);
     if ($mRelateVideo < LIMIT_RELATED_VIDEO) {
         //Init params
         $arrParamsVideoRule2 = array('category_id' => CATE_SEA_GAMES_VIDEO, 'limit' => 2 * LIMIT_RELATED_VIDEO - $mRelateVideo + 1, 'offset' => 0);
         //Get news by rule 2 : set folder  X  +  ListOn vao folder  X  => order by publish_time
         $arrListVideoLasest = $objNews->getListArticleIdsByRule2($arrParamsVideoRule2);
         //Loai tru video dang xem + tin have
         $arrListVideoLasest = array_diff($arrListVideoLasest['data'], $videoExclude);
         //merge list video folder vao video lien de lay them cac video moi nhat
         // cung folder dang xem
         $arrVideoRelate = array_merge($arrVideoRelate, $arrListVideoLasest);
         //lay dung so luong hien thi
         $arrVideoRelate = array_slice(array_unique($arrVideoRelate), 0, LIMIT_RELATED_VIDEO);
     $videoExclude = array_unique(array_merge($videoExclude, $arrVideoRelate));
     //get list video of page video
     //Init params
     $arrParams = array('category_id' => CATE_SEA_GAMES_VIDEO, 'limit' => LIMIT_LIST_VIDEO + LIMIT_RELATED_VIDEO + 1, 'offset' => 0);
     //get all article by rule 2
     $arrListVideo = $objNews->getListArticleIdsByRule2($arrParams);
     if (!empty($arrListVideo['data'])) {
         $arrListVideo['data'] = array_diff($arrListVideo['data'], $videoExclude);
     $arrListVideo['data'] = array_slice($arrListVideo['data'], 0, LIMIT_LIST_VIDEO);
     //set vao article detail
     $objArticle->setIdBasic(array_merge($arrListVideo['data'], $videoExclude));
     ////////////////////get detail reference video //////////////////
     $list_object = $arrVideoInfo['list_object'];
     if (!empty($list_object)) {
         foreach ($list_object as $object) {
             $object_type = $object['object_type'];
             $object_id = $object['object_id'];
     if ($object_type == 202) {
         // lấy detail video từ library
         $arrDataRV = $objArticle->getDetailVideo(array($object_id));
         if (!empty($arrDataRV)) {
             $arrDataRV = array('url' => $arrDataRV[$object_id]['url'], 'object_id' => $object_id, 'object_type' => $object_type, 'have_license' => $arrDataRV[$object_id]['have_license']);
     } else {
         $arrParamRV = array('article_id' => $intVideoId, 'limit' => 1, 'offset' => 0);
         $arrDataRV = $objArticle->getObjectReferenceByArticleId($arrParamRV);
         if (isset($arrDataRV['data']) && !empty($arrDataRV['data'])) {
             $arrDataRV = current($arrDataRV['data']);
             //$arrDataRV['have_license'] = 0;
         } else {
             $arrDataRV = array();
     $arrVideoInfo['share_url'] = str_replace('http://thethao.vnexpress.net/', 'http://seagames.vnexpress.net/', $arrVideoInfo['share_url']);
     //init cate for set menu
     //set cate active
     $this->_request->setParam('cateActiveId', CATE_SEA_GAMES_VIDEO);
     //set cate id to show active in menu
     $this->_request->setParam('cateid', SEA_GAMES);
     //meta title + image + description
     $strMetaTitle = html_entity_decode($arrVideoInfo['title'], ENT_COMPAT, 'UTF-8') . ' SEA Games 28 - VnExpress';
     $strMetaImage = !empty($arrVideoInfo['thumbnail_url']) ? $this->view->Imageurl($arrVideoInfo['thumbnail_url'], 'size2') : 'http://m.f9.img.vnexpress.net/2014/01/10/fa68f81afe10b727852361b1894ccc74.jpg';
     $strMetaDescript = trim(strip_tags(html_entity_decode($arrVideoInfo['lead'], ENT_COMPAT, 'UTF-8'))) . ' - VnExpress';
     //Assign to views
     $this->view->assign(array('arrEx' => $videoExclude, 'data' => $arrVideoInfo, 'arrData' => $arrListVideo['data'], 'arrVideoRelate' => $arrVideoRelate, 'intArticleId' => $articleTrackingId, 'intCategoryId' => CATE_SEA_GAMES_VIDEO, 'notRefreshPage' => 1, 'strMetaTitle' => htmlspecialchars($strMetaTitle), 'strMetaImage' => $strMetaImage, 'strMetaDescript' => htmlspecialchars($strMetaDescript), 'isArticleHotVnE' => $arrVideoInfo['privacy'] & 512, 'arrDataRV' => $arrDataRV, 'ogType' => 'website', 'ogTitle' => $strMetaTitle, 'ogUrl' => $arrVideoInfo['share_url'], 'ogImage' => !empty($arrVideoInfo['thumbnail_url']) ? $this->view->Imageurl($arrVideoInfo['thumbnail_url'], 'size2') : 'http://m.f9.img.vnexpress.net/2014/01/10/fa68f81afe10b727852361b1894ccc74.jpg', 'ogDescription' => $strMetaDescript));
     //Add js
     /*$this->view->->headScript()->appendFile($this->view->configView['js'] . '/video.js')
     $keywords = 'SEA Games 28, tin tuc , bong da';
     $this->view->headMeta()->setName('description', $strMetaDescript);
     $this->view->headMeta()->setName('keywords', $keywords);
     //init cate for set menu
     //set cate active
     $this->_request->setParam('cateActiveId', CATE_SEA_GAMES_VIDEO);
     //set cateid to show active in menu
     $this->_request->setParam('cateid', SEA_GAMES);
Ejemplo n.º 2
  * Get suggest video
 function vneMoreAction()
     //Get video id
     $intVideoID = (int) $this->getRequest()->getParam('id', 0);
     $exclude = $this->getRequest()->getParam('exclude', '');
     //dataExclude bao gom ID dang xem va 2 video lien quan
     $dataExclude = isset($exclude) && !empty($exclude) ? explode(',', $exclude) : array();
     $countExclude = count($dataExclude);
     $arrArticle = array();
     if ($intVideoID > 0) {
         //Get model isntance
         $newsModel = Thethao_Model_News::getInstance();
         $modelTag = new Fpt_Data_News_Tag();
         $arrVideoInfo = $this->view->objArticle->getArticleFull($intVideoID);
         $cateID = $intVideoID > 0 && !empty($arrVideoInfo) ? $arrVideoInfo["category_id"] : CATE_ID_VIDEO;
         //get video lien quan
         if (!empty($arrVideoInfo['list_tag_id'])) {
             $arrParams = array('tag_id' => $arrVideoInfo['list_tag_id'], 'article_type' => VIDEO, 'limit' => LIMIT_VIDEO_MORE + $countExclude, 'offset' => 0);
             //get list article by tag
             $arrArticle = $modelTag->getArticleUnionTag($arrParams);
         //excluse video dang xem va 2 video lien quan
         $arrArticle = array_diff($arrArticle, $dataExclude);
         //toltal media
         $totalMedia = count($arrArticle);
         //if total media < 9 then get new video
         if ($totalMedia < LIMIT_VIDEO_MORE) {
             $limit_more = LIMIT_VIDEO_MORE - $totalMedia + $countExclude;
             //( $limitTopHot là total top & hot video)
             $arrParams = array('category_id' => $cateID, 'limit' => $limit_more, 'offset' => 0, 'article_type' => VIDEO);
             //get list articleid new
             $arrNewVideo = $newsModel->getListArticleIdsByRule2($arrParams);
             if (!empty($arrNewVideo["data"])) {
                 //merge media & new video
                 $arrArticle = array_merge($arrArticle, $arrNewVideo["data"]);
         //lay dung so luong hien thi
         $arrArticle = array_slice($arrArticle, 0, LIMIT_VIDEO_MORE);
         if (is_array($arrArticle) && count($arrArticle) > 0) {
             //get Instance Block
             $objBlock = Thethao_Plugin_Block::getInstance();
             //set excluses
             $arrArticleResult = array();
             foreach ($arrArticle as $intArticleID) {
                 $arrParams = array('article_id' => $intArticleID, 'limit' => 1, 'offset' => 0);
                 $arrMedia = $this->view->objArticle->getObjectReferenceByArticleId($arrParams);
                 $duration = 0;
                 if (!empty($arrMedia)) {
                     $arrMedia = current($arrMedia);
                     if ($arrMetaData = Zend_Json::decode($arrMedia['meta_data'])) {
                         $duration = (int) $arrMetaData['duration'];
                 $arrArticleDetail = $this->view->objArticle->getArticleBasic($intArticleID);
                 $arrArticleDetail['duration'] = $duration;
                 $arrArticleResult[] = $arrArticleDetail;
         $this->view->arrData = $arrArticleResult;