Ejemplo n.º 1
 function clear_cache($module_id = false)
     $folder = new Folder(FEEDS_PATH, OPEN_NOW);
     $files = null;
     if ($module_id !== false) {
         $files = $folder->get_files('`' . $module_id . '_.*`');
     } else {
         $files = $folder->get_files();
     foreach ($files as $file) {
Ejemplo n.º 2
 private function delete_files(Folder $folder, $regex = '')
     $files_to_delete = $folder->get_files($regex, true);
     foreach ($files_to_delete as $file) {
 public static function load_distribution_properties($prefered_lang)
     //If the distribution properties exist in the prefered language
     if (is_file('distribution/' . $prefered_lang . '.php')) {
         //We load them
         include 'distribution/' . $prefered_lang . '.php';
     } else {
         //We try to load another lang
         $distribution_folder = new Folder('distribution');
         $distribution_files = $distribution_folder->get_files('`distribution_[a-z_-]+\\.php`i');
         if (count($distribution_files) > 0) {
             include 'distribution/distribution_' . $distribution_files[0]->get_name() . '.php';
         } else {
             //We couldn't load anything, we just have to define them to default values
             //Name of the distribution (localized)
             define('DISTRIBUTION_NAME', 'Default distribution');
             //Description of the distribution (localized)
             define('DISTRIBUTION_DESCRIPTION', 'This distribution is the default distribution. You will manage to install PHPBoost with the default configuration but it will install only the kernel without any module.');
             //Distribution default theme
             define('DISTRIBUTION_THEME', 'base');
             //Home page
             define('DISTRIBUTION_START_PAGE', UserUrlBuilder::home()->rel());
             //Can people register?
             define('DISTRIBUTION_ENABLE_USER', false);
             //Debug mode?
             define('DISTRIBUTION_ENABLE_DEBUG_MODE', true);
             //Enable bench?
             define('DISTRIBUTION_ENABLE_BENCH', false);
             //Modules list
             $DISTRIBUTION_MODULES = array();
Ejemplo n.º 4
function list_tu_recursive($directory, $recursive = false)
    $files = array();
    $folder = new Folder($directory);
    foreach ($folder->get_files('`^.+Test\\.php$`') as $file) {
        $files[] = preg_replace('`^[\\./]*kernel/`', '', $file->get_path());
    if ($recursive) {
        foreach ($folder->get_folders() as $folder) {
            $files = array_merge($files, list_tu_recursive($folder->get_path(), true));
    return $files;
Ejemplo n.º 5
function change_day()
    global $Sql, $CONFIG_USER;
    #######Taches de maintenance#######
    $yesterday_timestamp = time() - 86400;
    $Sql->query_inject("INSERT INTO " . DB_TABLE_STATS . " (stats_year, stats_month, stats_day, nbr, pages, pages_detail) VALUES ('" . gmdate_format('Y', $yesterday_timestamp, TIMEZONE_SYSTEM) . "', '" . gmdate_format('m', $yesterday_timestamp, TIMEZONE_SYSTEM) . "', '" . gmdate_format('d', $yesterday_timestamp, TIMEZONE_SYSTEM) . "', 0, 0, '')", __LINE__, __FILE__);
    $last_stats = $Sql->insert_id("SELECT MAX(id) FROM " . PREFIX . "stats");
    $Sql->query_inject("UPDATE " . DB_TABLE_STATS_REFERER . " SET yesterday_visit = today_visit", __LINE__, __FILE__);
    $Sql->query_inject("UPDATE " . DB_TABLE_STATS_REFERER . " SET today_visit = 0, nbr_day = nbr_day + 1", __LINE__, __FILE__);
    $Sql->query_inject("DELETE FROM " . DB_TABLE_STATS_REFERER . " WHERE last_update < '" . (time() - 604800) . "'", __LINE__, __FILE__);
    $pages_displayed = pages_displayed();
    $pages_file = new File(PATH_TO_ROOT . '/cache/pages.txt');
    $total_visit = $Sql->query("SELECT total FROM " . DB_TABLE_VISIT_COUNTER . " WHERE id = 1", __LINE__, __FILE__);
    $Sql->query_inject("DELETE FROM " . DB_TABLE_VISIT_COUNTER . " WHERE id <> 1", __LINE__, __FILE__);
    $Sql->query_inject("UPDATE " . DB_TABLE_VISIT_COUNTER . " SET time = '" . gmdate_format('Y-m-d', time(), TIMEZONE_SYSTEM) . "', total = 1 WHERE id = 1", __LINE__, __FILE__);
    $Sql->query_inject("INSERT INTO " . DB_TABLE_VISIT_COUNTER . " (ip, time, total) VALUES('" . USER_IP . "', '" . gmdate_format('Y-m-d', time(), TIMEZONE_SYSTEM) . "', '0')", __LINE__, __FILE__);
    $Sql->query_inject("UPDATE " . DB_TABLE_STATS . " SET nbr = '" . $total_visit . "', pages = '" . array_sum($pages_displayed) . "', pages_detail = '" . addslashes(serialize($pages_displayed)) . "' WHERE id = '" . $last_stats . "'", __LINE__, __FILE__);
    $week = 3600 * 24 * 7;
    $cache_image_folder_path = new Folder(PATH_TO_ROOT . '/images/maths/');
    foreach ($cache_image_folder_path->get_files('`\\.png$`') as $image) {
        if (time() - $image->get_last_modification_date() > $week) {
    $modules_loader = new ModulesDiscoveryService();
    $modules = $modules_loader->get_available_modules('on_changeday');
    foreach ($modules as $module) {
        if ($module->is_enabled()) {
    $CONFIG_USER['delay_unactiv_max'] = $CONFIG_USER['delay_unactiv_max'] * 3600 * 24;
    if (!empty($CONFIG_USER['delay_unactiv_max']) && $CONFIG_USER['activ_mbr'] != 2) {
        $Sql->query_inject("DELETE FROM " . DB_TABLE_MEMBER . " WHERE timestamp < '" . (time() - $CONFIG_USER['delay_unactiv_max']) . "' AND user_aprob = 0", __LINE__, __FILE__);
    if ($CONFIG_USER['verif_code'] == '1') {
        $Sql->query_inject("DELETE FROM " . DB_TABLE_VERIF_CODE . " WHERE timestamp < '" . (time() - 3600 * 24) . "'", __LINE__, __FILE__);
    new Updates();
 private function list_files($theme_selected)
     $files = array();
     $files[] = new FormFieldSelectChoiceOption('--', '');
     $folder = new Folder(PATH_TO_ROOT . $this->templates_path . $theme_selected . $this->tpl_files_path);
     foreach ($folder->get_files('`\\.tpl$`') as $file) {
         $files[] = new FormFieldSelectChoiceOption($file->get_name(), $file->get_name_without_extension());
     foreach (ModulesManager::get_activated_modules_map_sorted_by_localized_name() as $id => $module) {
         $folder = new Folder(PATH_TO_ROOT . '/' . $module->get_id() . '/templates');
         if ($folder->exists()) {
             foreach ($folder->get_files('`\\.tpl$`') as $file) {
                 $files[] = new FormFieldSelectChoiceOption(LangLoader::get_message('module', 'admin-modules-common') . ' ' . ModulesManager::get_module($module->get_id())->get_configuration()->get_name() . ' : ' . $file->get_name(), $module->get_id() . '/' . $file->get_name_without_extension());
     $folder = new Folder(PATH_TO_ROOT . '/user/templates');
     if ($folder->exists()) {
         foreach ($folder->get_files('`\\.tpl$`') as $file) {
             $files[] = new FormFieldSelectChoiceOption(LangLoader::get_message('users', 'user-common') . ' : ' . $file->get_name(), 'user/' . $file->get_name_without_extension());
     return $files;
Ejemplo n.º 7
  * @desc Clear the cache of the specified module_id.
  * @param mixed $module_id the module module_id or false. If false,
  * Clear all feeds data from the cache
  * @static
 public static function clear_cache($module_id = false)
     $folder = new Folder(FEEDS_PATH);
     $files = null;
     if ($module_id !== false) {
         // Clear only this module cache
         $files = $folder->get_files('`' . $module_id . '_.*`');
         foreach ($files as $file) {
     } else {
         // Clear the whole cache
Ejemplo n.º 8
define('DIR', str_replace('/install/install.php', '', $server_path));
define('SID', '');
$step = retrieve(GET, 'step', 1, TUNSIGNED_INT);
$step = $step > STEPS_NUMBER ? 1 : $step;
$lang = retrieve(GET, 'lang', DEFAULT_LANGUAGE);
if (!@(include_once 'lang/' . $lang . '/install_' . $lang . '.php')) {
    include_once 'lang/' . DEFAULT_LANGUAGE . '/install_' . DEFAULT_LANGUAGE . '.php';
@(include_once '../lang/' . $lang . '/errors.php');
if (is_file('distribution/distribution_' . $lang . '.php')) {
    include 'distribution/distribution_' . $lang . '.php';
} else {
    $distribution_folder = new Folder('distribution');
    $distribution_files = $distribution_folder->get_files('`distribution_[a-z_-]+\\.php`i');
    if (count($distribution_files) > 0) {
        include 'distribution/distribution_' . $distribution_files[0]->get_name() . '.php';
    } else {
        define('DISTRIBUTION_NAME', 'Default distribution');
        define('DISTRIBUTION_DESCRIPTION', 'This distribution is the default distribution. You will manage to install PHPBoost with the default configuration but it will install only the kernel without any module.');
        define('DISTRIBUTION_THEME', 'base');
        define('DISTRIBUTION_START_PAGE', '/member/member.php');
        define('DISTRIBUTION_ENABLE_USER', false);
        $DISTRIBUTION_MODULES = array();
$user_data = array('m_user_id' => 1, 'login' => 'login', 'level' => ADMIN_LEVEL, 'user_groups' => '', 'user_lang' => $lang, 'user_theme' => DISTRIBUTION_THEME, 'user_mail' => '', 'user_pm' => 0, 'user_editor' => 'bbcode', 'user_timezone' => 1, 'avatar' => '', 'user_readonly' => 0, 'user_id' => 1, 'session_id' => '');
$user_groups = array();
$User = new User($user_data, $user_groups);
  * {@inheritdoc}
 public function clear()
     $cache_dir = new Folder(PATH_TO_ROOT . '/cache');
     $files = $cache_dir->get_files('`^' . $this->prefix . '-.*`');
     foreach ($files as $file) {
Ejemplo n.º 10
    ###### Régénération du cache des rangs #######
    redirect(HOST . SCRIPT);
} elseif (!empty($_GET['del']) && !empty($get_id)) {
    $Sql->query_inject("DELETE FROM " . DB_TABLE_RANKS . " WHERE id = '" . $get_id . "'", __LINE__, __FILE__);
    ###### Régénération du cache des rangs #######
    redirect(HOST . SCRIPT);
} else {
    $Template->set_filenames(array('admin_ranks' => 'admin/admin_ranks.tpl'));
    $Template->assign_vars(array('THEME' => get_utheme(), 'L_REQUIRE_RANK_NAME' => $LANG['require_rank_name'], 'L_REQUIRE_NBR_MSG_RANK' => $LANG['require_nbr_msg_rank'], 'L_CONFIRM_DEL_RANK' => $LANG['confirm_del_rank'], 'L_RANKS_MANAGEMENT' => $LANG['rank_management'], 'L_ADD_RANKS' => $LANG['rank_add'], 'L_RANK_NAME' => $LANG['rank_name'], 'L_NBR_MSG' => $LANG['nbr_msg'], 'L_IMG_ASSOC' => $LANG['img_assoc'], 'L_DELETE' => $LANG['delete'], 'L_UPDATE' => $LANG['update'], 'L_RESET' => $LANG['reset'], 'L_ADD' => $LANG['add']));
    $rank_options_array = array();
    $image_folder_path = new Folder(PATH_TO_ROOT . '/templates/' . get_utheme() . '/images/ranks');
    foreach ($image_folder_path->get_files('`\\.(png|jpg|bmp|gif)$`i') as $image) {
        $file = $image->get_name();
        $rank_options_array[] = $file;
    $result = $Sql->query_while("SELECT id, name, msg, icon, special\n\tFROM " . DB_TABLE_RANKS . " \n\tORDER BY msg", __LINE__, __FILE__);
    while ($row = $Sql->fetch_assoc($result)) {
        if ($row['special'] == 0) {
            $del = '<a href="admin_ranks.php?del=1&amp;id=' . $row['id'] . '" onclick="javascript:return Confirm();"><img src="../templates/' . get_utheme() . '/images/' . get_ulang() . '/delete.png" alt="" title="" /></a>';
        } else {
            $del = $LANG['special_rank'];
        $rank_options = '<option value="">--</option>';
        foreach ($rank_options_array as $icon) {
            $selected = $icon == $row['icon'] ? ' selected="selected"' : '';
            $rank_options .= '<option value="' . $icon . '"' . $selected . '>' . $icon . '</option>';
Ejemplo n.º 11
 function Clear_cache()
     $thumb_folder_path = new Folder('./pics/thumbnails/');
     foreach ($thumb_folder_path->get_files('`\\.(png|jpg|bmp|gif)$`i') as $thumbs) {
         $this->delete_file('./pics/thumbnails/' . $thumbs->get_name());
Ejemplo n.º 12
 private static function clear_all_temporary_cache_files()
     //We delete all the images generated by the LaTeX formatter
     $cache_image_folder_path = new Folder(PATH_TO_ROOT . '/images/maths/');
     $files = $cache_image_folder_path->get_files('`\\.png$`');
     foreach ($files as $image) {
         if ($image->get_last_modification_date() < self::get_one_week_ago_timestamp()) {
Ejemplo n.º 13
 private static function add_classes($directory, $pattern, $recursive = true)
     $files = array();
     $folder = new Folder($directory);
     $relative_path = Path::get_path_from_root($folder->get_path());
     $files = $folder->get_files($pattern);
     foreach ($files as $file) {
         $filename = $file->get_name();
         $classname = $file->get_name_without_extension();
         self::$autoload[$classname] = $relative_path . '/' . $filename;
     if ($recursive) {
         $folders = $folder->get_folders('`^[a-z]{1}.*$`i');
         foreach ($folders as $a_folder) {
             if (!in_array($a_folder->get_path_from_root(), self::$exclude_paths) && !in_array($a_folder->get_name(), self::$exclude_folders_names)) {
                 self::add_classes($a_folder->get_path(), $pattern);
Ejemplo n.º 14
 $ckeck_module = $Sql->query("SELECT COUNT(*) FROM " . DB_TABLE_MODULES . " WHERE name = '" . strprotect($module_name) . "'", __LINE__, __FILE__);
 if (!empty($ckeck_module)) {
     $info_module = load_ini_file('../' . $module_name . '/lang/', get_ulang());
     $previous_version = $Sql->query("SELECT version FROM " . DB_TABLE_MODULES . " WHERE name = '" . strprotect($module_name) . "'", __LINE__, __FILE__);
     $dir_db_module = get_ulang();
     $dir = '../' . $module_name . '/db';
     $folder_path = new Folder($dir . '/' . $dir_db_module);
     foreach ($folder_path->get_folders('`^[a-z0-9_ -]+$`i') as $dir) {
         $dir_db_module = $dir->get_name();
     $filesupdate = array();
     $dir_db = '../' . urldecode($module_name) . '/db/' . $dir_db_module . '/';
     $folder_path = new Folder($dir_db);
     foreach ($folder_path->get_files('`.*\\.(php|sql)$`i') as $files) {
         $file = $files->get_name();
         if (strpos($file, DBTYPE) !== false) {
             $array_info = explode('_', $file);
             if (isset($array_info[1]) && version_compare($info_module['version'], $array_info[1], '>=') && version_compare($previous_version, $array_info[1], '<')) {
                 $filesupdate[$array_info[1]] = $file;
     uksort($filesupdate, 'version_compare');
     $_GET['filesupdate_errors'] = false;
     foreach ($filesupdate as $key => $module_update_name) {
         if (strpos($module_update_name, '.php') !== false) {
             @(include_once $dir_db . $module_update_name);
         } else {
             $Sql->parse($dir_db . $module_update_name, PREFIX);
Ejemplo n.º 15
 private function get_class($directory, $pattern, $type)
     $classes = array();
     $folder = new Folder($directory);
     foreach ($folder->get_files($pattern) as $file) {
         $classes[] = array('name' => $file->get_name_without_extension(), 'type' => $type);
     return $classes;
 private function generate_available_smileys_pictures_list()
     $smileys_array = $options = array();
     $folder_phpboost_smileys = new Folder($this->smileys_path);
     foreach ($folder_phpboost_smileys->get_files('`\\.(png|jpg|bmp|gif)$`i') as $smileys) {
         $smileys_array[] = $smileys->get_name();
     if (!$this->smiley['idsmiley']) {
         $result = PersistenceContext::get_querier()->select("SELECT url_smiley\n\t\t\tFROM " . PREFIX . "smileys");
         while ($row = $result->fetch()) {
             //On recherche les clés correspondante à celles trouvée dans la bdd.
             $key = array_search($row['url_smiley'], $smileys_array);
             if ($key !== false) {
             //On supprime ces clés du tableau.
         $options = array(new FormFieldSelectChoiceOption('--', ''));
     foreach ($smileys_array as $smiley) {
         $options[] = new FormFieldSelectChoiceOption($smiley, $smiley);
     return $options;
Ejemplo n.º 17
    $error = !empty($error) ? '?error=' . $error : '';
    redirect(HOST . SCRIPT . $error);
} else {
    $Template->set_filenames(array('admin_smileys_add' => 'admin/admin_smileys_add.tpl'));
    $get_error = retrieve(GET, 'error', '');
    $array_error = array('e_upload_invalid_format', 'e_upload_max_weight', 'e_upload_error', 'e_upload_failed_unwritable', 'e_smiley_already_exist');
    if (in_array($get_error, $array_error)) {
        $Errorh->handler($LANG[$get_error], E_USER_WARNING);
    if ($get_error == 'incomplete') {
        $Errorh->handler($LANG['e_incomplete'], E_USER_NOTICE);
    $smileys_array = array();
    $smileys_folder_path = new Folder('../images/smileys');
    foreach ($smileys_folder_path->get_files('`\\.(png|jpg|bmp|gif)$`i') as $smileys) {
        $smileys_array[] = $smileys->get_name();
    $result = $Sql->query_while("SELECT url_smiley\n\tFROM " . PREFIX . "smileys", __LINE__, __FILE__);
    while ($row = $Sql->fetch_assoc($result)) {
        $key = array_search($row['url_smiley'], $smileys_array);
        if ($key !== false) {
    $y = 0;
    $smiley_options = '<option value="" selected="selected">--</option>';
    foreach ($smileys_array as $smiley) {
        $smiley_options .= '<option value="' . $smiley . '">' . $smiley . '</option>';
Ejemplo n.º 18
     $cat_list .= '<option value="' . $row['id'] . '"' . $selected . '>' . $margin . ' ' . $row['name'] . '</option>';
     $cat_list_unselect .= '<option value="' . $row['id'] . '">' . $margin . ' ' . $row['name'] . '</option>';
 if (!empty($add_pic)) {
     $CAT_GALLERY[0]['name'] = $LANG['root'];
     $imageup = $Sql->query_array(PREFIX . "gallery", "idcat", "name", "path", "WHERE id = '" . $add_pic . "'", __LINE__, __FILE__);
     $Template->assign_block_vars('image_up', array('NAME' => $imageup['name'], 'IMG' => '<a href="admin_gallery.php?cat=' . $imageup['idcat'] . '&amp;id=' . $add_pic . '#pics_max"><img src="pics/' . $imageup['path'] . '" alt="" /></a>', 'L_SUCCESS_UPLOAD' => $LANG['success_upload_img'], 'U_CAT' => '<a href="admin_gallery.php?cat=' . $imageup['idcat'] . '">' . $CAT_GALLERY[$imageup['idcat']]['name'] . '</a>'));
 $Template->assign_vars(array('WIDTH_MAX' => $CONFIG_GALLERY['width_max'], 'HEIGHT_MAX' => $CONFIG_GALLERY['height_max'], 'WEIGHT_MAX' => $CONFIG_GALLERY['weight_max'], 'AUTH_EXTENSION' => 'JPEG, GIF, PNG', 'CATEGORIES' => $cat_list, 'IMG_HEIGHT_MAX' => $CONFIG_GALLERY['height'] + 10, 'L_GALLERY_MANAGEMENT' => $LANG['gallery_management'], 'L_GALLERY_PICS_ADD' => $LANG['gallery_pics_add'], 'L_GALLERY_CAT_MANAGEMENT' => $LANG['gallery_cats_management'], 'L_GALLERY_CAT_ADD' => $LANG['gallery_cats_add'], 'L_GALLERY_CONFIG' => $LANG['gallery_config'], 'L_ADD_IMG' => $LANG['add_pic'], 'L_WEIGHT_MAX' => $LANG['weight_max'], 'L_HEIGHT_MAX' => $LANG['height_max'], 'L_WIDTH_MAX' => $LANG['width_max'], 'L_UPLOAD_IMG' => $LANG['upload_pics'], 'L_AUTH_EXTENSION' => $LANG['auth_extension'], 'L_CATEGORY' => $LANG['category'], 'L_IMG_DISPO_GALLERY' => $LANG['img_dispo'], 'L_REQUIRE' => $LANG['require'], 'L_SELECT_IMG_ADD' => $LANG['select_img_add'], 'L_NAME' => $LANG['name'], 'L_UNIT_PX' => $LANG['unit_pixels'], 'L_UNIT_KO' => $LANG['unit_kilobytes'], 'L_SELECT' => $LANG['select'], 'L_CAT' => $LANG['categorie'], 'L_DELETE' => $LANG['delete'], 'L_SUBMIT' => $LANG['submit']));
 $dir = 'pics/';
 if (is_dir($dir)) {
     $array_pics = array();
     $image_folder_path = new Folder('./pics/');
     foreach ($image_folder_path->get_files('`.*\\.(png|jpg|bmp|gif|jpeg|tiff)$`i') as $image) {
         $array_pics[] = $image->get_name();
     if (is_array($array_pics)) {
         $result = $Sql->query_while("SELECT path\n\t\t\tFROM " . PREFIX . "gallery", __LINE__, __FILE__);
         while ($row = $Sql->fetch_assoc($result)) {
             $key = array_search($row['path'], $array_pics);
             if ($key !== false) {
         $nbr_pics = count($array_pics);
         $nbr_column_pics = $nbr_pics > $CONFIG_GALLERY['nbr_column'] ? $CONFIG_GALLERY['nbr_column'] : $nbr_pics;
         $nbr_column_pics = !empty($nbr_column_pics) ? $nbr_column_pics : 1;
         $column_width_pics = floor(100 / $nbr_column_pics);
Ejemplo n.º 19
 public function Clear_cache()
     //On recupère les dossier des thèmes contenu dans le dossier images/smiley.
     $thumb_folder_path = new Folder('./pics/thumbnails/');
     foreach ($thumb_folder_path->get_files('`\\.(png|jpg|jpeg|bmp|gif)$`i') as $thumbs) {
         $this->delete_file('./pics/thumbnails/' . $thumbs->get_name());