protected function setGuideProcess(ICFlowType $flow, $curStep) { $guideProcess = $flow->guideprocess; $processPart = explode(",", $guideProcess); if (!in_array($curStep, $processPart)) { $processPart[] = $curStep; sort($processPart); $newProcess = implode(",", $processPart); FlowType::model()->updateByPk($flow->getID(), array("guideprocess" => $newProcess)); } }
public function del($ids) { $id = is_array($ids) ? implode(",", $ids) : $ids; $con = sprintf("FIND_IN_SET(catid,'%s')", $id); $flowCount = FlowType::model()->count($con); $formCount = FlowFormType::model()->count($con); if ($flowCount || $formCount) { return false; } else { return $this->deleteAll($con); } }
public function actionGetPrcs() { $flowId = EnvUtil::getRequest("flowid"); $runId = EnvUtil::getRequest("runid"); $flow = FlowType::model()->fetchByPk($flowId); if ($flow["type"] == 1) { $prcs = WfPreviewUtil::getFixedPrcs($flowId, $runId); } else { $prcs = WfPreviewUtil::getFreePrcs($runId); } $this->ajaxReturn($prcs); }
public function actionAdvanced() { $flowList = $sort = array(); $enabledFlowIds = WfNewUtil::getEnabledFlowIdByUid($this->uid); foreach (FlowType::model()->fetchAll() as $flow) { $catId = $flow["catid"]; $flowId = $flow["flowid"]; if (!isset($flowList[$catId])) { $sort[$catId] = array(); $cat = FlowCategory::model()->fetchByPk($catId); if ($cat) { $sort[$catId] = $cat; } } if ($flow["usestatus"] == 3) { continue; } $enabled = in_array($flowId, $enabledFlowIds); if (!$enabled && $flow["usestatus"] == 2) { continue; } $per = FlowPermission::model()->fetchPermission($this->uid, $flowId); if ($flow["type"] == 1 && Ibos::app()->user->isadministrator != "1" && !$per) { if (!WfNewUtil::checkProcessPermission($flowId, 0, $this->uid)) { continue; } } $handle = $done = 0; foreach (FlowRun::model()->fetchAllEndByFlowID($flowId) as $run) { if ($run["endtime"] == 0) { $handle++; } else { $done++; } } $flow["handle"] = $handle; $flow["done"] = $done; $flow["enabled"] = $enabled; $flowList[$catId][$flowId] = $flow; } ksort($flowList, SORT_NUMERIC); $this->setPageTitle(Ibos::lang("Select process")); $this->setPageState("breadCrumbs", array(array("name" => Ibos::lang("Workflow")), array("name" => Ibos::lang("Work query"), "url" => $this->createUrl("query/index")), array("name" => Ibos::lang("Advanced query"), "url" => $this->createUrl("query/advanced")), array("name" => Ibos::lang("Select process")))); $data = array("flows" => $flowList, "sort" => $sort); $this->render("advanced", $data); }
private function handleList($runProcess) { $category = $flows = $list = array(); foreach ($runProcess as $run) { $flowId = $run["flowid"]; if (isset($flows[$flowId])) { $flow = $flows[$flowId]; } else { $flows[$flowId] = $flow = FlowType::model()->fetchByPk($flowId); } $catId = $flow["catid"]; if (!isset($list[$catId])) { $category[$catId] = array(); $cat = FlowCategory::model()->fetchByPk($catId); if ($cat) { $category[$catId] = $cat; } } if (isset($list[$catId][$flowId])) { if ($this->type == "todo") { if ($run["flag"] == FlowConst::PRCS_UN_RECEIVE) { $list[$catId][$flowId]["unreceive"]++; } } $list[$catId][$flowId]["count"]++; } else { if ($this->type == "todo") { if ($run["flag"] == FlowConst::PRCS_UN_RECEIVE) { $flow["unreceive"] = 1; } else { $flow["unreceive"] = 0; } } $flow["count"] = 1; $list[$catId][$flowId] = $flow; } } ksort($list, SORT_NUMERIC); return array("catSort" => $category, "list" => $list); }
public function actionRestore() { $verID = intval(EnvUtil::getRequest("verid")); $ver = FlowFormVersion::model()->fetchByPk($verID); $formID = $ver["formid"]; foreach (FlowType::model()->fetchAllAssociatedFlowIDByFormID($formID) as $flowID) { $hasRun = FlowRun::model()->countAllByFlowId($flowID); if ($hasRun) { $this->ajaxReturn(array("isSuccess" => false, "msg" => Ibos::lang("Formversion Still has run"))); } else { continue; } } unset($ver["formid"]); unset($ver["id"]); unset($ver["time"]); unset($ver["mark"]); FlowFormType::model()->modify($formID, $ver); $form = new ICFlowForm($formID); $form->getParser()->parse(true); $this->ajaxReturn(array("isSuccess" => true)); }
public function actionCategory() { if (EnvUtil::submitCheck("formhash")) { if (isset($_POST["name"])) { foreach ($_POST["name"] as $id => $val) { if (!empty($val)) { $data = array("name" => StringUtil::filterCleanHtml($val), "sort" => intval($_POST["sort"][$id]), "deptid" => !empty($_POST["deptid"][$id]) ? implode(",", StringUtil::getId($_POST["deptid"][$id])) : ""); FlowCategory::model()->modify(intval($id), $data); } } } if (isset($_POST["newname"])) { foreach ($_POST["newname"] as $id => $val) { if (!empty($val)) { $data = array("name" => StringUtil::filterCleanHtml($val), "sort" => intval($_POST["newsort"][$id]), "deptid" => !empty($_POST["newdeptid"][$id]) ? implode(",", StringUtil::getId($_POST["newdeptid"][$id])) : ""); FlowCategory::model()->add($data); } } } if (!empty($_POST["delid"])) { $id = StringUtil::filterStr($_POST["delid"]); if (!FlowCategory::model()->del($id)) { $this->error(Ibos::lang("Category delete require")); } } $this->success(Ibos::lang("Operation succeed", "message")); } else { $categorys = FlowCategory::model()->fetchAll(array("order" => "sort ASC")); foreach ($categorys as $key => &$cat) { if ($cat["deptid"] !== "") { $cat["deptid"] = StringUtil::wrapId($cat["deptid"], "d"); } $cat["flownums"] = FlowType::model()->countByAttributes(array("catid" => $cat["catid"])); $cat["formnums"] = FlowFormType::model()->countByAttributes(array("catid" => $cat["catid"])); } $this->render("category", array("list" => $categorys)); } }
public static function import($id, $file, $importUser = false) { $content = FileUtil::readFile($file); $xml = XmlUtil::xmlToArray($content); unset($xml["base"]["flowid"]); unset($xml["base"]["name"]); unset($xml["base"]["formid"]); unset($xml["base"]["sort"]); $user = array("newuser", "deptid", "uid", "positionid", "autouserop", "autouser", "mailto"); $data = array(); foreach ($xml["base"] as $key => $value) { $key = strtolower($key); if (!$importUser && in_array($key, $user)) { continue; } $data[$key] = $value; } FlowType::model()->modify($id, $data); unset($xml["base"]); unset($data); FlowProcess::model()->deleteAllByAttributes(array("flowid" => $id)); if (!empty($xml)) { foreach ($xml as $process) { unset($process["id"]); $data = array(); $process["flowid"] = $id; foreach ($process as $k => $v) { if (!$importUser && in_array($k, $user)) { continue; } $data[$k] = $v; } FlowProcess::model()->add($data); } } FileUtil::deleteFile($file); }
protected function checkEntrustType($flowId) { $freeOther = FlowType::model()->fetchFreeOtherByFlowID($flowId); if ($freeOther == 0) { exit(Ibos::lang("No entrust permission")); } }
protected function handleStartFlowList(&$data) { $flowList = $commonlyFlowList = $sort = array(); $enabledFlowIds = WfNewUtil::getEnabledFlowIdByUid($this->uid); $commonlyFlowIds = FlowRun::model()->fetchCommonlyUsedFlowId($this->uid); foreach (FlowType::model()->fetchAll(array("order" => "sort,flowid")) as $flow) { $catId = $flow["catid"]; $flowId = $flow["flowid"]; if (!isset($flowList[$catId])) { $sort[$catId] = array(); $cat = FlowCategory::model()->fetchByPk($catId); if ($cat) { $sort[$catId] = $cat; } } if ($flow["usestatus"] == 3) { continue; } $enabled = in_array($flowId, $enabledFlowIds); if (!$enabled && $flow["usestatus"] == 2) { continue; } $flow["enabled"] = $enabled; if (in_array($flowId, $commonlyFlowIds)) { $commonlyFlowList[] = $flow; } $flowList[$catId][$flowId] = $flow; } ksort($flowList, SORT_NUMERIC); $data["flows"] = $flowList; $data["sort"] = $sort; $data["commonlyFlows"] = $commonlyFlowList; }
public static function getEnabledFlowIdByUid($uid) { $user = User::model()->fetchByUid(intval($uid)); $flowIds = array(); $fixedFlowPer = FlowProcess::model()->fetchAllFirstStepPermission(); foreach ($fixedFlowPer as $fixedFlow) { $deptAccess = self::compareIds($user["alldeptid"], $fixedFlow["deptid"], "d"); $userAccess = self::compareIds($uid, $fixedFlow["uid"], "u"); $posAccess = self::compareIds($user["allposid"], $fixedFlow["positionid"], "p"); if ($deptAccess || $userAccess || $posAccess) { $flowIds[] = $fixedFlow["flowid"]; } } $freeFlowPer = FlowType::model()->fetchAllFreePermission(); foreach ($freeFlowPer as $freeFlow) { $ids = $freeFlow["newuser"]; if (!empty($ids)) { $deptAccess = self::compareMixedIds($user["alldeptid"], $ids, "d"); $userAccess = self::compareMixedIds($uid, $ids, "u"); $posAccess = self::compareMixedIds($user["allposid"], $ids, "p"); if ($deptAccess || $userAccess || $posAccess) { $flowIds[] = $freeFlow["flowid"]; } } } return array_unique($flowIds); }
public static function export($condition, $param, $type = "html") { $name = FlowType::model()->fetchNameByFlowId($param["flowid"]); $list = Ibos::app()->db->createCommand()->select(" as runName, as typeName,fr.*,ft.*")->from("{{flow_run}} fr")->leftJoin("{{flow_type}} ft", "fr.flowid = ft.flowid")->where($condition)->queryAll(); $edata = self::getExportData($list, $param); $title = $edata["title"]; $data = $edata["data"]; $sum = $edata["sum"]; $sum_data = $edata["sum_data"]; $group = $edata["group"]; if (empty($data)) { EnvUtil::iExit("无符合条件的记录"); } $groupTitle = $title[$group]; if ($type == "html") { $html = " <html>\r\n <head>\r\n <title>工作流分组统计报表 - {$name}</title>\r\n <style>\r\n .TableData {\r\n background: none repeat scroll 0 0 #FFFFFF;\r\n color: #000000;\r\n }\r\n .TableContent {\r\n background: none repeat scroll 0 0 #F2F8FF;\r\n }\r\n </style>\r\n <meta http-equiv=\"Content-Type\" content=\"text/html; charset=utf-8\">\r\n </head>\r\n <body topmargin=\"5\">\r\n\t\t\t\t\t<table>\r\n\t\t\t\t\t\t<tr>"; } else { ob_end_clean(); header("Cache-control: private"); header("Content-type: application/"); header("Content-Disposition: attachment; filename= " . urlencode($name) . ".xls"); $html = " <html xmlns:o=\"urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:office\"\r\n xmlns:x=\"urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:excel\"\r\n xmlns=\"\">\r\n <meta http-equiv=\"Content-Type\" content=\"text/html; charset=utf-8\">\r\n\t\t\t\t<body>\r\n\t\t\t\t\t<table>\r\n\t\t\t\t\t<tr style=\"background: #D3E5FA; color: #000000; font-weight: bold;\">"; } $html .= " <td class=\"TableControl\" align=\"center\" nowrap><strong>分组:{$groupTitle} </strong></td>\n"; foreach ($title as $key => $name) { if ($key == $group || $name == "") { continue; } $html .= "<td align=\"center\" nowrap><strong>{$name} </strong></td>\n"; } $html .= "</tr>\n"; $rowCount = count($data); $colCount = count($data[0]); $data_index = $data_group = $sum_total_data = array(); for ($i = 0; $i < $rowCount; $i++) { $data_index[0][$i] = $data[$i][$group]; $data_index[1][$i] = $i; } if ($group == 0) { $sort_type = 1; } else { $sort_type = 2; } $sort_desc = 3; $sort_asc = 4; $sort_string = 1; if ($param["groupbyfields"]["order"] == "asc") { array_multisort($data_index[0], $sort_type, $sort_asc, $data_index[1], $sort_string, $sort_asc); } else { array_multisort($data_index[0], $sort_type, $sort_desc, $data_index[1], $sort_string, $sort_asc); } $cur_value_prev = "oa_null_value"; $group_count = -1; for ($i = 0; $i < $rowCount; $i++) { if ($data_index[0][$i] != $cur_value_prev) { $group_count++; } $data_group[$group_count][0] = $data_index[0][$i]; if (!isset($data_group[$group_count][1])) { $data_group[$group_count][1] = ""; } $data_group[$group_count][1] .= $data_index[1][$i] . ","; $cur_value_prev = $data_index[0][$i]; } for ($i = 0; $i <= $group_count; $i++) { $row_array = explode(",", $data_group[$i][1]); $array_count = count($row_array) - 1; $rowspan = $array_count; if (!empty($sum)) { $rowspan++; } for ($j = 0; $j < $array_count; $j++) { $html .= "<tr class=\"TableData\">\n"; if ($j == 0) { $html .= "<td rowspan=\"{$rowspan}\" class=\"TableContent\">\n"; $html .= $data_group[$i][0]; if ($param["groupbyfields"]["field"] != "runid") { $html .= "<br><strong>共" . $array_count . "项"; } $html .= "</td>\n"; } for ($k = 0; $k < $colCount; $k++) { if ($k == $group || $title[$k] == "") { continue; } if (in_array($k, $sum)) { if (!isset($sum_data[$k])) { $sum_data[$k] = ""; } if (!isset($sum_total_data[$k])) { $sum_total_data[$k] = ""; } $sum_data[$k] += $data[$row_array[$j]][$k]; $sum_total_data[$k] += $data[$row_array[$j]][$k]; } $html .= "<td"; if (in_array($k, $sum)) { $html .= " align=\"right\""; } $html .= ">" . $data[$row_array[$j]][$k] . "</td>\n"; } $html .= "</tr>\n"; } if (!empty($sum)) { $html .= "<tr class=\"TableData\">\n"; $flag = 0; for ($k = 0; $k < $colCount; $k++) { if ($k == $group) { continue; } if ($flag == 0) { $flag = 1; $html .= " <td class=\"TableControl\" align=right><b>小计</b></td>\n"; continue; } $html .= "<td class=\"TableControl\" align=right>" . (isset($sum_data[$k]) ? $sum_data[$k] : "") . " </td>\n"; } $html .= "</tr>\n"; } } if (!empty($sum)) { $html .= " \n<tr class=\"TableControl\">\r\n <td align=\"center\"><b>合计</b></td>\n"; for ($k = 0; $k < $colCount; $k++) { if ($k == $group) { continue; } $html .= "<td align=\"right\">" . (isset($sum_total_data[$k]) ? $sum_total_data[$k] : "") . " </td>\n"; } $html .= "</tr>\n"; } $html .= "</table></body></html>"; echo $html; }
protected function makeUserSelect($runId, $index, $process, $name, $flowId, $processId) { $lang = Ibos::getLangSource("workflow.default"); $tablestr = ""; if ($index) { $display = "none;"; } else { $display = ""; } if ($process["childflow"] != 0) { $flow = FlowType::model()->fetchByPk($process["childflow"]); if ($flow) { $type = $flow["type"]; } if ($type == 2) { $process["prcs_id_next"] = ""; } $subfp = FlowProcess::model()->fetchProcess($process["childflow"], 1); if ($subfp) { $prcsuser = WfHandleUtil::getPrcsUser($process["childflow"], $processId); } else { $prcsuser = ""; } $prcsuser = sprintf("[%s]", !empty($prcsuser) ? StringUtil::iImplode($prcsuser) : ""); if (empty($subfp["uid"]) && empty($subfp["deptid"]) && empty($subfp["positionid"])) { $nopriv = $lang["Not set step permissions"]; } $tablestr = " <div style='display:{$display};' id='user_select_{$index}'>\r\n <div class=\"control-group first-group\">\r\n <label class=\"control-label\">{$lang["Host"]}</label>\r\n <div class=\"controls\">\r\n <strong>{$name} {$nopriv}</strong>\r\n <input type=\"hidden\" name=\"topflag{$index}\" value=\"0\">\r\n <input id=\"prcs_user_op{$index}\" name=\"prcs_user_op{$index}\" type=\"text\" />\r\n </div>\r\n </div>\r\n <div class=\"control-group\">\r\n <label class=\"control-label\">{$lang["Agent"]}</label>\r\n <div class=\"controls\">\r\n <input id=\"prcs_user{$index}\" name=\"prcs_user{$index}\" type=\"text\" />\r\n </div>\r\n </div>\r\n </div>\r\n <script>\r\n\t\t\t\t\$(function(){\r\n\t\t\t\t\tvar prcsData{$index} = {$prcsuser};\r\n\t\t\t\t\t\$('#prcs_user_op{$index}').userSelect({\r\n\t\t\t\t\t\tbox:\$('<div id=\"prcs_user_op_box{$index}\"></div>').appendTo(document.body),\r\n\t\t\t\t\t\{$index}),\r\n\t\t\t\t\t\ttype:'user',\r\n\t\t\t\t\t\tmaximumSelectionSize:'1'\r\n\t\t\t\t\t});\r\n\t\t\t\t\t\$('#prcs_user{$index}').userSelect({\r\n\t\t\t\t\t\tbox:\$('<div id=\"prcs_user_box{$index}\"></div>').appendTo(document.body),\r\n\t\t\t\t\t\{$index}),\r\n\t\t\t\t\t\ttype:'user'\r\n\t\t\t\t\t});\r\n\t\t\t\t});\r\n\t\t\t</script>"; } else { if (empty($process["uid"]) && empty($process["deptid"]) && empty($process["positionid"])) { $nopriv = $lang["Not set step permissions"]; } $prcsOpUser = $prcsUserAuto = ""; $deptArr = DepartmentUtil::loadDepartment(); if ($process["autotype"] == 1) { $uid = FlowRun::model()->fetchBeginUserByRunID($runId); $prcsuser = User::model()->fetchByUid($uid); if ($process["deptid"] == "alldept" || StringUtil::findIn($process["uid"], $prcsuser["uid"]) || StringUtil::findIn($process["deptid"], $prcsuser["alldeptid"]) || StringUtil::findIn($process["positionid"], $prcsuser["allposid"])) { $prcsOpUser = $prcsuser["uid"]; $prcsUserAuto = $prcsuser["uid"] . ","; } } elseif (in_array($process["autotype"], array(2, 4, 5, 6))) { if ($process["autobaseuser"] != 0) { $baseUid = FlowRunProcess::model()->fetchBaseUid($runId, $process["autobaseuser"]); $baseuser = User::model()->fetchByUid($baseUid); $autodept = $baseuser["deptid"]; } else { $autodept = Ibos::app()->user->deptid; } if (0 < intval($autodept)) { if ($process["autotype"] == 2) { $tmpdept = $autodept; } else { if ($process["autotype"] == 4 || $process["autotype"] == 6) { $tmpdept = $deptArr[$autodept]["pid"] == 0 ? $autodept : $deptArr[$autodept]["pid"]; } elseif ($process["autotype"] == 5) { $deptStr = Department::model()->queryDept($autodept, true); $temp = explode(",", $deptStr); $count = count($temp); $dept = isset($temp[$count - 2]) ? $temp[$count - 2] : $autodept; if ($deptArr[$dept]["pid"] != 0) { $tmpdept = $deptArr[$dept]["deptid"]; } else { $tmpdept = $autodept; } } } $manager = $deptArr[$tmpdept]["manager"]; if ($process["autotype"] == 4 || $process["autotype"] == 6) { $leader = $deptArr[$autodept]["leader"]; $subleader = $deptArr[$autodept]["subleader"]; if ($leader != "0" && $process["autotype"] == 4) { $manager = $leader; } if ($subleader != "0" && $process["autotype"] == 6) { $manager = $subleader; } } if (!empty($manager)) { $muser = User::model()->fetchByUid($manager); if (!empty($muser)) { if ($process["deptid"] == "alldept" || StringUtil::findIn($process["uid"], $muser["uid"]) || StringUtil::findIn($process["deptid"], $muser["alldeptid"]) || StringUtil::findIn($process["positionid"], $muser["allposid"])) { $prcsUserAuto = $muser["uid"] . ","; } if ($prcsUserAuto != "") { $prcsOpUser = strtok($prcsUserAuto, ","); } } } else { $userPerMax = ""; foreach (User::model()->fetchAllOtherManager($tmpdept) as $user) { $user = User::model()->fetchByUid($user["uid"]); $uid = $user["uid"]; $position = $user["allposid"]; if ($process["deptid"] == "alldept" || StringUtil::findIn($process["uid"], $uid) || StringUtil::findIn($process["deptid"], $user["alldeptid"]) || StringUtil::findIn($process["positionid"], $position)) { if ($userPerMax == "") { $prcsOpUser = $uid; $prcsUserAuto .= $uid . ","; $userPerMax = $position; } elseif ($position == $userPerMax) { $prcsUserAuto .= $uid . ","; } } } } } } elseif ($process["autotype"] == 3) { $autouserop = User::model()->fetchByUid($process["autouserop"]); if (!empty($autouserop)) { if ($process["deptid"] == "alldept" || StringUtil::findIn($process["uid"], $autouserop["uid"]) || StringUtil::findIn($process["deptid"], $autouserop["alldeptid"]) || StringUtil::findIn($process["positionid"], $autouserop["allposid"])) { $prcsOpUser = $autouserop["uid"]; } } if (!empty($process["autouser"])) { foreach (User::model()->fetchAllByUids(explode(",", trim($process["autouser"], ","))) as $user) { if ($process["deptid"] == "alldept" || StringUtil::findIn($process["uid"], $user["uid"]) || StringUtil::findIn($process["deptid"], $user["alldeptid"]) || StringUtil::findIn($process["positionid"], $user["allposid"])) { $prcsUserAuto .= $user["uid"] . ","; } } } } elseif ($process["autotype"] == 7) { if (is_numeric($process["autouser"])) { $itemData = FlowDataN::model()->fetchItem($process["autouser"], $process["flowid"], $runId); $tmp = strtok($itemData, ","); $userarr = array(); while ($tmp) { $userarr[$tmp] = array(); $tmp = strtok(","); } $tempArray = explode(",", trim($itemData, ",")); foreach ($tempArray as $key => $value) { if (is_numeric($value)) { $value = User::model()->fetchRealnameByUid($value, ""); $tempArray[$key] = $value; } } foreach (User::model()->fetchAllByRealnames($tempArray) as $k => $v) { $dept = Department::model()->queryDept($v["alldeptid"]); if ($process["deptid"] == "alldept" || StringUtil::findIn($process["uid"], $v["uid"]) || StringUtil::findIn($process["deptid"], $dept) || StringUtil::findIn($process["positionid"], $v["allposid"])) { $prcsUserAuto .= $v["uid"] . ","; } } if ($prcsUserAuto != "") { $prcsOpUser = strtok($prcsUserAuto, ","); } } } else { if ($process["autotype"] == 8 && is_numeric($process["autouser"])) { $uid = FlowRunProcess::model()->fetchBaseUid($runId, $process["autouser"]); if ($uid) { $temp = User::model()->fetchByUid($uid); if ($temp) { if ($process["deptid"] == "alldept" || StringUtil::findIn($process["uid"], $temp["uid"]) || StringUtil::findIn($process["deptid"], $temp["alldeptid"]) || StringUtil::findIn($process["positionid"], $temp["allposid"])) { $prcsOpUser = $prcsUserAuto = $temp["uid"]; $prcsUserAuto .= ","; } } } } elseif ($process["autotype"] == 9) { $main = Ibos::app()->user->deptid; foreach (User::model()->fetchAllFitDeptUser($main) as $k => $v) { if ($process["deptid"] == "alldept" || StringUtil::findIn($process["uid"], $v["uid"]) || StringUtil::findIn($process["deptid"], $v["alldeptid"]) || StringUtil::findIn($process["positionid"], $v["allposid"])) { $prcsUserAuto .= $v["uid"] . ","; } } if (!empty($prcsUserAuto)) { $prcsOpUser = strtok($prcsUserAuto, ","); } } elseif ($process["autotype"] == 10) { $main = Ibos::app()->user->deptid; $deptStr = Department::model()->queryDept($main, true); $temp = explode(",", $deptStr); $count = count($temp); $dept = isset($temp[$count - 2]) ? $temp[$count - 2] : $main; if ($deptArr[$dept]["pid"] != 0) { $tmpdept = $deptArr[$dept]["deptid"]; } else { $tmpdept = $main; } foreach (User::model()->fetchAllFitDeptUser($tmpdept) as $k => $v) { if ($process["deptid"] == "alldept" || StringUtil::findIn($process["uid"], $v["uid"]) || StringUtil::findIn($process["deptid"], $v["alldeptid"]) || StringUtil::findIn($process["positionid"], $v["allposid"])) { $prcsUserAuto .= $v["uid"] . ","; } } if (!empty($prcsUserAuto)) { $prcsOpUser = strtok($prcsUserAuto, ","); } } else { if ($process["uid"] != "" && $process["deptid"] == "" && $process["positionid"] == "") { $prcsUserArr = explode(",", $process["uid"]); $prcsUserCount = count($prcsUserArr) - 1; if ($prcsUserCount == 1) { $prcsUserAuto = $process["uid"]; $prcsOpUser = $prcsUserAuto; } } } } $prcsuser = WfHandleUtil::getPrcsUser($flowId, $process["processid"]); $prcsuser = sprintf("[%s]", !empty($prcsuser) ? StringUtil::iImplode($prcsuser) : ""); if ($process["userlock"] != 1) { $attr = 'islock="1"'; } else { $attr = ''; } if (!empty($prcsOpUser)) { $prcsOpUser = StringUtil::wrapId($prcsOpUser); } if (!empty($prcsUserAuto)) { $prcsUserAuto = StringUtil::wrapId(StringUtil::filterStr($prcsUserAuto)); } $tablestr = " <div class=\"control-group\" style=\"display:{$display};\" id='user_select_{$index}'>\r\n <div class=\"control-group first-group\">\r\n <label class=\"control-label\">{$lang["Host"]}</label>\r\n <div class=\"controls\">\r\n\t\t\t\t\t<input type=\"hidden\" name=\"topflag{$index}\" value=\"{$process["topdefault"]}\">\r\n\t\t\t\t\t<input id=\"prcs_user_op{$index}\" {$attr} name=\"prcs_user_op{$index}\" value=\"{$prcsOpUser}\" type=\"text\" />\r\n\t\t\t\t</div>\r\n </div>\r\n <div class=\"control-group\">\r\n <label class=\"control-label\">{$lang["Agent"]}</label>\r\n <div class=\"controls\">\r\n\t\t\t\t\t<input id=\"prcs_user{$index}\" {$attr} name=\"prcs_user{$index}\" value=\"{$prcsUserAuto}\" type=\"text\" />\r\n\t\t\t\t</div>\r\n </div>\r\n </div>\r\n <script>\r\n \$(function(){\r\n\t\t\t\tvar prcsData{$index} = {$prcsuser};\r\n var puo = \$('#prcs_user_op{$index}');\r\n var pu = \$('#prcs_user{$index}');\r\n\t\t\t\tvar topdef = '{$process["topdefault"]}';\r\n puo.userSelect({\r\n box:\$('<div id=\"prcs_user_op_box{$index}\"></div>').appendTo(document.body),\r\n{$index}),\r\n\t\t\t\t\ttype:'user',\r\n maximumSelectionSize:'1'\r\n });\r\n if(puo.attr('islock')==1 || topdef != 0){\r\n puo.userSelect('setReadOnly');\r\n } \r\n pu.userSelect({\r\n\t\t\t\t\tbox:\$('<div id=\"prcs_user_box{$index}\"></div>').appendTo(document.body),\r\n{$index}),\r\n\t\t\t\t\ttype:'user'\r\n });\r\n if(pu.attr('islock')==1){\r\n pu.userSelect('setReadOnly');\r\n }\r\n });\r\n </script>"; } return $tablestr; }
protected function setAllGuideInfo($formID) { foreach (FlowType::model()->fetchAllFlowIDByFormID($formID) as $flow) { $this->setGuideProcess(new ICFlowType(intval($flow["flowid"]), false), 2); } }
public static function getFlowList($uid, $filterUseStatus = true) { $temp = array(); foreach (FlowType::model()->fetchAllFlow() as $flow) { if (!WfNewUtil::checkProcessPermission($flow["flowid"], 0, $uid)) { continue; } if ($filterUseStatus && $flow["usestatus"] == 3) { continue; } $data = array("id" => $flow["flowid"], "text" => $flow["name"]); if (!isset($temp[$flow["catid"]])) { $temp[$flow["catid"]]["text"] = $flow["catname"]; $temp[$flow["catid"]]["children"] = array(); } $temp[$flow["catid"]]["children"][] = $data; } $result = array_merge(array(), $temp); return $result; }
private function beforeSave() { $data =& $_POST; $process = array("processid" => intval($data["processid"]), "type" => intval($data["type"])); if (isset($data["attachpriv"]) && is_array($data["attachpriv"])) { $process["attachpriv"] = implode(",", $data["attachpriv"]); } else { $process["attachpriv"] = ""; } if (!empty($data["prcsuser"])) { $users = StringUtil::getId($data["prcsuser"], true); if (isset($users["c"])) { $process["deptid"] = "alldept"; } else { if (isset($users["d"])) { $process["deptid"] = implode(",", $users["d"]); } else { $process["deptid"] = ""; } if (isset($users["p"])) { $process["positionid"] = implode(",", $users["p"]); } else { $process["positionid"] = ""; } if (isset($users["u"])) { $process["uid"] = implode(",", $users["u"]); } else { $process["uid"] = ""; } } } else { $process["uid"] = $process["deptid"] = $process["positionid"] = ""; } if ($process["type"] == 1) { $childFlow = intval($data["childflow"]); $typeData = array("name" => FlowType::model()->fetchNameByFlowId($childFlow), "processto" => $data["prcsback"], "autouserop" => !empty($data["backuserop"]) ? implode(",", StringUtil::getId($data["backuserop"])) : "", "autouser" => !empty($data["backuser"]) ? implode(",", StringUtil::getId($data["backuser"])) : "", "childflow" => $childFlow, "relationout" => $data["map"]); } else { $autoUser = !empty($data["autouser"]) ? implode(",", StringUtil::getId($data["autouser"])) : ""; $autoType = intval($data["autotype"]); if ($autoType == 7) { $autoUser = intval($data["itemid"]); } elseif ($autoType == 8) { $autoUser = intval($data["autoprcsuser"]); } $typeData = array("name" => StringUtil::filterCleanHtml($data["name"]), "plugin" => $data["plugin"], "pluginsave" => $data["pluginsave"], "feedback" => intval($data["feedback"]), "signlook" => intval($data["signlook"]), "autotype" => $autoType, "autouserop" => !empty($data["autouserop"]) ? implode(",", StringUtil::getId($data["autouserop"])) : "", "autouser" => $autoUser, "userfilter" => intval($data["userfilter"]), "timeout" => $data["timeout"], "syncdeal" => intval($data["syncdeal"]), "userlock" => isset($data["userlock"]) ? 1 : 0, "turnpriv" => isset($data["turnpriv"]) ? 1 : 0, "topdefault" => intval($data["topdefault"]), "gathernode" => intval($data["gathernode"]), "allowback" => $data["allowback"], "childflow" => 0, "autobaseuser" => intval($data["autobaseuser"])); } $process = array_merge($process, $typeData); $write = isset($data["write"]) ? $data["write"] : array(); $secret = isset($data["secret"]) ? $data["secret"] : array(); $check = isset($data["check"]) ? $data["check"] : array(); $micro = isset($data["micro"]) ? $data["micro"] : array(); $checkSelect = isset($data["check_select"]) ? $data["check_select"] : array(); if (!empty($write)) { $prcsItem = $checkItem = array(); foreach ($write as $title) { $prcsItem[] = $title; if (in_array($title, $check)) { $key = array_search($title, $check); if (isset($checkSelect[$key])) { $checkItem[] = sprintf("%s=%s", $title, $checkSelect[$key]); } } } $process["processitem"] = implode(",", $prcsItem); $process["checkitem"] = implode(",", $checkItem); } else { $process["processitem"] = $process["checkitem"] = ""; } if (!empty($secret)) { $process["hiddenitem"] = implode(",", $secret); } else { $process["hiddenitem"] = ""; } if (!empty($micro)) { $process["processitemauto"] = implode(",", $micro); } else { $process["processitemauto"] = ""; } if (isset($data["conresult"])) { foreach ($data["conresult"] as $id => $cond) { FlowProcessTurn::model()->deleteAll(sprintf("`flowid` = '%d' AND `processid` = '%d' AND `to` = '%d'", $this->flow->getID(), $process["processid"], $id)); $desc = $data["condesc"][$id]; FlowProcessTurn::model()->add(array("processout" => $cond, "processid" => $process["processid"], "conditiondesc" => $desc, "flowid" => $this->flow->getID(), "to" => $id)); } } return $process; }
protected function setFlow($flowId) { $attr = FlowType::model()->fetchByPk(intval($flowId)); $this->setAttributes($attr); }
public function actionVerify() { $flowID = intval(EnvUtil::getRequest("flowid")); if ($flowID) { $result = FlowType::model()->examFlow($flowID, true); $data = array("result" => $result, "lang" => Ibos::getLangSources()); $this->renderPartial("verify", $data); } }