function cmdLine(array $args) { if ($args[1] === '-c') { //If the command line triggers monitor, load monitor functionality. if (isset($args[2])) { $GLOBALS['custom'] = $args[2]; } releaseView(); } else { if ($args[1] === '-a') { remArt($args[2]); } else { if ($args[1] === '-i') { $flacwriter = new Flacwriter(); $flacwriter->setFile($args[2]); $res = json_encode($flacwriter->getMetadata()); scanLog($res); print $res; die; } else { if ($args[1] === '-x') { $ddexml = new Ddexml($args[2]); if (isset($args[3])) { if (isset($args[4])) { $res = $ddexml->getProperty($args[3], $args[4]); } else { $res = $ddexml->getProperty($args[3]); } } else { $res = $ddexml->xmlToJSON(); } print json_encode($res, JSON_PRETTY_PRINT); die; } else { print "No option specified."; die; } } } } }
function metaToFlac(array $array, $depth = false) { if (isset($GLOBALS['log'])) { $log = $GLOBALS['log']; } else { $log = new xmllog(); } //Accepts an array of modified files then recursively applies changes to them. ifecho("metaToFlac called. Depth: " . $depth); $tracks = false; $xml = ''; if ($depth == false) { $depth = DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR; } //Look for our XML first. Does not permit the presence of multiple XML files in one folder (because how do I know which is authoritative?) foreach ($array as $k => $v) { if ($k === 'xml') { if (count($v) > 1) { scanLog('Only one XML per folder is permitted.'); break; } else { if (!isset($v[0])) { continue; } else { $xml = $depth . $v[0]; ifecho("Begin parsing " . $xml); if (filesize($xml) > 12) { $ddexml = new Ddexml($xml); if ($album = $ddexml->parseRelease()) { scanLog('Found release ' . $album->isrc . ' in ' . $xml); $tracks = $album->getTracks(); } } break; } } } } if ($tracks) { //Establish temporary and completed paths. Create temp folder if it doesn't exist. if (isset($album->sku)) { $finalloc = $GLOBALS['cfg_processed_path'] . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . $album->sku; } elseif (isset($album->reference)) { $finalloc = $GLOBALS['cfg_processed_path'] . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . $album->reference; } else { trigger_error("Can't read release info from " . $xml); return false; } if (isset($album->sku)) { $tmploc = $GLOBALS['cfg_tmp_path'] . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . $album->sku; } elseif (isset($album->reference)) { $tmploc = $GLOBALS['cfg_tmp_path'] . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . $album->reference; } else { trigger_error("Can't read release info from " . $xml); return false; } if (!file_exists($GLOBALS['cfg_tmp_path'])) { mkdir($GLOBALS['cfg_tmp_path']); } if (!file_exists($GLOBALS['cfg_processed_path'])) { mkdir($GLOBALS['cfg_processed_path']); } if (!file_exists($finalloc)) { mkdir($finalloc); } if ($log->setLog($finalloc . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . "parse.log")) { $log->writeHead("DDEXML Process Log for " . $album->sku); } else { trigger_error("Couldn't create logfile " . $finalloc . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . "parse.log"); } if (!file_exists($tmploc)) { mkdir($tmploc); } //Empty the temporary and final folder of old files if they're already there. $emptydir = glob($tmploc . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . "*"); foreach ($emptydir as $eraseme) { if (is_file($eraseme)) { unlink($eraseme); } } $emptydir = glob($finalloc . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . "*"); foreach ($emptydir as $eraseme) { if (is_file($eraseme)) { unlink($eraseme); } } $i = 1; foreach ($tracks as $track) { ifecho('Parsing album track ' . $i . ' of ' . count($tracks)); //Now we process each track. First we'll look in primary folder, then in 'resources' sub-folder for the FLAC file itself. $locate = array_search_regex($track['isrc'], $array['flac']); if ($locate !== false) { $loc = $depth . $array['flac'][$locate]; $file = $array['flac'][$locate]; } else { ifecho($track['isrc'] . " not found. Searching in \\resources."); if (array_key_exists('resources', $array)) { $locate = array_search_regex($track['isrc'], $array['resources']['flac']); if ($locate !== false) { $loc = $depth . 'resources' . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . $array['resources']['flac'][$locate]; $file = $array['resources']['flac'][$locate]; } } } if ($locate !== false) { ifecho('Track found at: ' . $loc); //Write metadata to the FLAC file if we find it. $remloc = $loc; //Copy the original FLAC file to a temp folder (NEVER write to the original!) copy($remloc, $tmploc . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . $file); //We instantiate an instance of the Flacwriter object, point it to the FLAC file and provide an array containing metadata. $flacwriter = new Flacwriter(); $flacwriter->setFile($tmploc . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . $file); //Decide which attributes to write to file. $tagPack = array(); foreach ($track as $k => $v) { switch ($k) { case 'artist': $tagPack[$k] = $v; break; case 'title': $tagPack[$k] = $v; break; case 'date': $tagPack[$k] = $v; break; case 'tracknumber': $tagPack[$k] = $v; break; case 'albumartist': $tagPack[$k] = $v; break; case 'composer': $tagPack[$k] = $v; break; case 'isrc': $tagPack[$k] = $v; break; case 'album': $tagPack[$k] = $v; break; case 'publisher': $tagPack[$k] = $v; break; case 'copyright': $tagPack[$k] = $v; break; case 'genre': $tagPack[$k] = $v; break; case 'personnel': $tagPack[$k] = $v; break; case 'comment': $tagPack[$k] = $v; break; default: break; } } $wrote = $flacwriter->writeMetadata($tagPack, $tmploc . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . $file); foreach ($wrote as $wk => $wv) { if (is_array($wv)) { foreach ($wv as $wwk => $wwv) { $log->writeLine('Wrote ' . $wk . ' as ' . $wwv . ' to ' . $file); } } else { $log->writeLine('Wrote ' . $wk . ' as ' . $wv . ' to ' . $file); } } //If all goes well, we move the track to the completed folder. if (copy($tmploc . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . $file, $finalloc . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . $file)) { //Write success message to the log. scanLog("Wrote metadata to {$finalloc}" . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . "{$file}"); } } $i++; } //Final clean-up tasks. Moving other resources like cover art and sample clips over to the completed folder and removing temp files. ifecho('Track processing complete. Cleaning up...'); copyResources($depth, $finalloc); $emptydir = glob($tmploc . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . "*"); foreach ($emptydir as $eraseme) { if (is_file($eraseme)) { unlink($eraseme); } } rmdir($tmploc); ifecho('Completed clean up. Album ' . $album->sku . ' complete.'); $log->writeMetaBlock($album); $log->closeLog($album->sku); unset($album, $tracks, $ddexml, $xml); return true; } else { trigger_error("No track data found in XML."); return false; } }