Ejemplo n.º 1
 public function deleteAction()
     //delete fish
     //delete metadata fish done by DB
     $request = $this->getRequest();
     $fishId = intval($this->getRequest()->getParam(Fish::COL_ID));
     $fish = new Fish();
     $rowset = $fish->find($fishId);
     if (count($rowset) == 1) {
         //note: delete of metadata is executed from db
         $fish->delete($fish->getAdapter()->quoteInto(Fish::COL_ID . ' = ?', $fishId));
     $redirect = new Zend_Controller_Action_Helper_Redirector();
     $redirect->setGoto('search', 'search', 'fish');
Ejemplo n.º 2
 function __construct($name, $flavor, $record, $species)
     $this->common_name = $name;
     $this->flavor = $flavor;
     $this->record_weight = $record;
     $this->species = $species;
 public function run()
     // clear our database ------------------------------------------
     // seed our bears table -----------------------
     // we'll create three different bears
     // bear 1 is named Lawly. She is extremely dangerous. Especially when hungry.
     $bearLawly = Bear::create(array('name' => 'Lawly', 'type' => 'Grizzly', 'danger_level' => 8));
     // bear 2 is named Cerms. He has a loud growl but is pretty much harmless.
     $bearCerms = Bear::create(array('name' => 'Cerms', 'type' => 'Black', 'danger_level' => 4));
     // bear 3 is named Adobot. He is a polar bear. He drinks vodka.
     $bearAdobot = Bear::create(array('name' => 'Adobot', 'type' => 'Polar', 'danger_level' => 3));
     $this->command->info('The bears are alive!');
     // seed our fish table ------------------------
     // our fish wont have names... because theyre going to be eaten
     // we will use the variables we used to create the bears to get their id
     $fishOne = Fish::create(array('weight' => 5, 'bear_id' => $bearLawly->id));
     $fishTwo = Fish::create(array('weight' => 12, 'bear_id' => $bearCerms->id));
     $fishThree = Fish::create(array('weight' => 4, 'bear_id' => $bearAdobot->id));
     $this->command->info('They are eating fish!');
     // seed our trees table ---------------------
     // give two trees to lawly
     Tree::create(array('type' => 'Redwood', 'age' => 500, 'bear_id' => $bearLawly->id));
     Tree::create(array('type' => 'Oak', 'age' => 400, 'bear_id' => $bearLawly->id));
     $this->command->info('Climb bears! Be free!');
     // seed our picnics table ---------------------
     // we will create one picnic and apply all bears to this one picnic
     $picnicYellowstone = Picnic::create(array('name' => 'Yellowstone', 'taste_level' => 6));
     $picnicGrandCanyon = Picnic::create(array('name' => 'Grand Canyon', 'taste_level' => 5));
     // link our bears to picnics ---------------------
     // for our purposes we'll just add all bears to both picnics for our many to many relationship
     $this->command->info('They are terrorizing picnics!');
Ejemplo n.º 4
 function __construct($name, $flavor, $record, $species)
     parent::__construct($name, $flavor, $record);
     $this->species = $species;
Ejemplo n.º 5
 public function indexAction()
     $addFish = false;
     if ($this->getRequest()->isPost()) {
         $params = $this->getRequest()->getParams();
         if ($this->form->isValid($params)) {
             //TODO wenn fishsamplecode noch nicht in der datenbank,
             //dann lege fisch an mit diesem samplecode (erledigt)
             //und SPRINGE IN Fish_CreateController (am Ende des Controllers)
             //TODO mit getElement und Konstanten arbeiten
             $fishSampleCode = $this->form->getValue(Fish::COL_SAMPLE_CODE);
             $fishTable = new Fish();
             $row = $fishTable->fetchRow($fishTable->select()->where(Fish::COL_SAMPLE_CODE . '= ?', $fishSampleCode));
             if (is_null($row)) {
                 //echo 'Warnung: Fish Sample Code nicht vorhanden.';
                 $fishId = $fishTable->insert(array(Fish::COL_SAMPLE_CODE => $fishSampleCode));
                 $addFish = true;
                 $constFishId = Fish::COL_ID;
                 $fishId->{$constFishId} = $fishId;
             } else {
                 $addFish = false;
                 $fishId = $row->FISH_ID;
             //TODO dateinamen mit leerzeichen
             //könnte ein problem bei der weiterverarbeitung in linux sein
             //ggf. akzeptieren und umwandeln oder verweigern?
             //don't call $form->getValues() - causes physical upload immediately
             //look ZFDoc 19.1.3
             //note: if using Zend_Form_Element_File (in view) you can't use new instance of Zend_File_Transfer_Adapter_Http in controller!
             // http://www.zfforums.com/zend-framework-forum-8/general-talks-12/file_transfer-illegal-uploaded-possible-attack-1737.html
             // http://www.nabble.com/Zend_File_Transfer-td19024470.html
             $upload = $this->form->uploadElement->getTransferAdapter();
             // Returns all known internal file informations
             $files = $upload->getFileInfo();
             $imageTable = new Image();
             $medimTable = new MetaDataImage();
             //look ZFDoc 19.3.3
             //iterates over all file elemens
             $numberImagesUploaded = 0;
             $userId = AuthQuery::getUserId();
             foreach ($files as $file => $info) {
                 /*handle only uploaded files, skip blank file elements
                 	 store original file in certain path
                 	 file is saved without excplicit temp directory with Zend Filter
                 	 image import uses temp directory instead
                 if (!$upload->isUploaded($file)) {
                 $creator_guid = new Ble422_Guid();
                 $guid = $creator_guid->__toString();
                 $fileName = $info['name'];
                 $path_parts = pathinfo($fileName);
                 $originalFileName = $path_parts['basename'];
                 //used later to create Image dataset
                 $newFileNameWithGuid = $guid . '.' . strtolower($path_parts['extension']);
                 //save extension in lower-case
                 //relative path with new filename, prefix dot&slash required
                 $completeTarget = './' . Image::RELATIVE_UPLOAD_PATH . '/' . $newFileNameWithGuid;
                 //apply filter only for uploaded file $fileName
                 $upload->addFilter('Rename', array('target' => $completeTarget, 'overwrite' => false), $fileName);
                 //TODO write protect files
                 try {
                     $ratio = $this->form->getValue(Image::COL_RATIO_EXTERNAL);
                     $tn_ratio = $imageTable->processImage($completeTarget);
                     //ratio is filled from form
                     $imageId = $imageTable->insertImageDataset($completeTarget, $originalFileName, $fishId, $guid, $userId, $ratio, $tn_ratio);
                     $imageTable->updateImageAndMetadata($this->form, $imageId);
                 } catch (Exception $e) {
                     echo "Exception: " . $e->getMessage();
             Zend_Registry::set('MESSAGE', $numberImagesUploaded . ' image(s) successfully inserted');
             if ($addFish) {
                 $next = array('nextAction' => 'index', 'nextController' => 'upload', 'nextModul' => 'image');
                 $namespace = new Zend_Session_Namespace('default');
                 $namespace->next = $next;
                 $redirect = new Zend_Controller_Action_Helper_Redirector();
                 $redirect->setGotoSimple('update', 'edit', 'fish', array(Fish::COL_ID => $fishId));
         } else {
             //form isn't valid
             $this->view->form = $this->form;
     //$this->view->form = $form;
Ejemplo n.º 6
 public function characteristics()
     echo "I am carnivorous<br/>";
Ejemplo n.º 7
        return "Book Price: " . $this->bookPrice();
$book = new book();
$book->title = "Lord of the Rings. ";
$book->author = "JR Tolkien";
$book->yearOfPublishing = "1928";
// ="Hardcover";
echo "Title: " . $book->title . $book->summary();
class Animal
    var $color;
    var $location = "North America. ";
    function getColor()
        return $this->color;
    function getLocation()
        return $this->location;
class Fish extends Animal
$jellyfish = new Fish();
$jellyfish->location = "Pacific Ocean. ";
$jellyfish->color = "blue. ";
echo $jellyfish->getColor() . $jellyfish->getLocation();
Ejemplo n.º 8
  * @param $key the subdirectory for csv and image files
  * @return unknown_type importImages/importFishes arrays with the IDs as key to see where dataimport eventually went wrong
 public function beginImport($key)
     $this->key = $key;
     $this->logger = new Ble422_ArrayLogger(self::RELATIVE_PATH_IMPORT_LOGS . $this->key . '_import_log.txt');
     foreach ($this->rowHasUniqueUploadedFile as $key => $value) {
         $preparedDatasets[$key] = $this->preparedDatasets[$key];
     $importedFishes = array();
     $importedImages = array();
     $i = 0;
     $j = 0;
     $fishForm = new Fish_Form_Edit();
     $fish = new Fish();
     $imageForm = new Image_Form_Edit();
     $image = new Image();
     $numberCopiedFiles = 0;
     $dbAdapter = $fish->getAdapter();
     try {
         //changed to local preparedDatasets to filter datasets with uploaded files used in other datasets of import
         foreach ($preparedDatasets as $rowNo => $dataset) {
             if (Default_SimpleQuery::isValueInTableColumn($dataset['fishFormDataset'][Fish::COL_SAMPLE_CODE], $fish, Fish::COL_SAMPLE_CODE, 'string')) {
                 //get id from already existing fish dataset and go on
                 if ($values = Default_SimpleQuery::getValuesFromTableColumnWhere($fish, Fish::COL_ID, Fish::COL_SAMPLE_CODE, $dataset['fishFormDataset'][Fish::COL_SAMPLE_CODE], 'string')) {
                     //test for amount of values, must be 1
                     if (count($values) == 1) {
                         $fishId = $values[0];
                     } else {
                         throw new Zend_Exception('Error: more/less than 1 id found for fish sample code');
             } else {
                 //create new fish dataset
                 $fishBaseData = array(Fish::COL_SAMPLE_CODE => $dataset['fishFormDataset'][Fish::COL_SAMPLE_CODE], Fish::COL_USER_ID => $this->userId);
                 $fishMetaData = $dataset['fishFormDataset'];
                 //insert fish
                 $fishId = $fish->insert($fishBaseData);
                 //now update fish with fish meta data
                 $fish->updateFishAndMetadata($fishForm, $fishId, $fishBaseData);
                 $importedFishes[$i][Fish::COL_ID] = $fishId;
                 $importedFishes[$i]['sourceCsvRow'] = $rowNo;
             // check wether a image shall be imported ------------------------
             $qu = new Default_ReferenceQuery();
             $filenames = $qu->getImageNames($dataset['fishFormDataset'][Fish::COL_SAMPLE_CODE]);
             //case non-sensitive
             foreach ($filenames as &$file) {
                 $file = strtolower($file);
             $importImageFile = false;
             if (!empty($filenames)) {
                 //case non-sensitive
                 if (in_array(strtolower($dataset['imageFormDataset'][Image::COL_ORIGINAL_FILENAME]), $filenames) != FALSE) {
                     // Image is already in database
                     $importImageFile = false;
                 } else {
                     $importImageFile = true;
             } else {
                 $importImageFile = true;
             // end check ------------------------------------------------------
             // import the images
             if ($importImageFile) {
                 //copy file to new path and rename
                 $completeSource = self::RELATIVE_PATH_UPLOAD_CACHE . $this->key . '/' . $dataset['imageFormDataset'][Image::COL_ORIGINAL_FILENAME];
                 $creator_guid = new Ble422_Guid();
                 $guid = $creator_guid->__toString();
                 $path_parts = pathinfo($completeSource);
                 $originalFileName = $path_parts['basename'];
                 //used later to create Image dataset
                 $newFileNameWithGuid = $guid . '.' . strtolower($path_parts['extension']);
                 //save extension in lower-case, needed for further processing in flex
                 //relative path with new filename, prefix dot&slash required
                 $completeDestination = './' . Image::RELATIVE_UPLOAD_PATH . '/' . $newFileNameWithGuid;
                 if (!copy($completeSource, $completeDestination)) {
                     throw new Zend_Exception("Error: copy fails, source: {$fileName}, destination: {$completeDestination}");
                 $ratio = $dataset['imageFormDataset'][Image::COL_RATIO_EXTERNAL];
                 $this->logger->log(array('received original file' => $completeSource));
                 $this->logger->log(array('copied uploaded file' => $completeDestination));
                 //TODO write protect files
                 //create other image files
                 $tn_ratio = $image->processImage($completeDestination);
                 //case sensibility: original file name is saved like spelled in CSV file
                 $imageId = $image->insertImageDataset($completeDestination, $originalFileName, $fishId, $guid, $this->userId, $ratio, $tn_ratio);
                 //create image base and meta datasets
                 $imageMetaData = $dataset['imageFormDataset'];
                 //$imageId = $image->insert($imageBaseData);
                 $image->updateImageAndMetadata($imageForm, $imageId);
                 $importedImages[$j]['sourceCsvRow'] = $rowNo;
                 $importedImages[$j][Image::COL_ID] = $imageId;
                 $importedImages[$j][Image::COL_FISH_ID] = $fishId;
                 $importedImages[$j][Image::COL_ORIGINAL_FILENAME] = $originalFileName;
                 $importedImages[$j]['completeDestination'] = $completeDestination;
                 $relativePathAndFileNameWorkingCopy = './' . Image::RELATIVE_PATH_IMAGE_SHRINKED_WORKING_COPIES . '/' . $guid . '.jpg';
                 $relativePathAndFileNameThumbnail = './' . Image::RELATIVE_PATH_IMAGE_THUMBNAILS . '/' . $guid . '.jpg';
                 $importedImages[$j]['completeWorkingCopy'] = $relativePathAndFileNameWorkingCopy;
                 $importedImages[$j]['completeThumbnail'] = $relativePathAndFileNameThumbnail;
         $this->logger->log(array('datasets committed, number of copied files into system' => $numberCopiedFiles));
         $returnCode = 'success';
         //delete upload cache dir
         Ble422_FileHelper::delete_directory(self::RELATIVE_PATH_UPLOAD_CACHE . $this->key);
     } catch (Exception $e) {
         $returnCode = 'error';
         //delete copied/created files, else there will be orphaned files
         foreach ($importedImages as $image) {
         $this->logger->log(array('Error exception' => $e->getMessage()), 'ERROR, roll back of imported datasets and unsetting of files, see below');
         $this->logger->log(array('Roll back of importedFishes' => $importedFishes));
         $this->logger->log(array('Roll back of importedImages' => $importedImages));
         //delete upload cache dir
         Ble422_FileHelper::delete_directory(self::RELATIVE_PATH_UPLOAD_CACHE . $this->key);
         echo $e->getMessage();
     $returnArray = array('returnCode' => $returnCode, 'importFishes' => $importedFishes, 'importImages' => $importedImages, 'numberCopiedFiles' => $numberCopiedFiles);
     $this->logger->log(array('data import' => $returnArray));
     return $returnArray;
Ejemplo n.º 9

include 'animal.php';
include 'cat.php';
include 'fish.php';
//$catObj = new cat();
$fishObj = new Fish();