Ejemplo n.º 1
  * The Grand Collecter of Tweets
  * Uses FilterTrackConsumer based on Phirehose library to connect to the Twitter Streaming API
 public function trackStream()
     $this->log('starting tracker', 'tracker');
     if (defined('LOG_DIR')) {
         ini_set('error_log', LOG_DIR . 'tracker.log');
     $this->db->exec('set wait_timeout = 43200');
     $tweetQueue = new TweetQueue($this->db);
     $sc = new FilterTrackConsumer(TWITTER_OAUTH_TOKEN, TWITTER_OAUTH_SECRET, Phirehose::METHOD_FILTER);
     // we only reach here on error
     $this->log('exiting tracker', 'tracker');
Ejemplo n.º 2
     * Enqueue each status
     * @param string $status
    public function enqueueStatus($status)
         * In this simple example, we will just display to STDOUT rather than enqueue.
         * NOTE: You should NOT be processing tweets at this point in a real application, instead they should be being
         *       enqueued and processed asyncronously from the collection process.
        $data = json_decode($status, true);
        if (is_array($data) && isset($data['user']['screen_name'])) {
            print $data['user']['screen_name'] . ': ' . urldecode($data['text']) . "\n";
// The OAuth credentials you received when registering your app at Twitter
define("TWITTER_CONSUMER_KEY", "TSqgx84SucxJ3yQ8gNCnlNSzY");
define("TWITTER_CONSUMER_SECRET", "TuXyHGbW82dM5i1fXTnulgmcS1ln25yR0MCPe9njCpUmGNtYOK");
// The OAuth data for the twitter account
define("OAUTH_TOKEN", "3172457999-cM13Lq49BI9ZCJJTtGjFQO7EQWIsLONaX4q2EjR");
define("OAUTH_SECRET", "3Pf25ggRqUmr2nwu0T0qgPkRO3elsXUbTPkcJ6vKclgFX");
// Start streaming
$sc = new FilterTrackConsumer(OAUTH_TOKEN, OAUTH_SECRET, Phirehose::METHOD_FILTER);
$sc->setTrack(array('morning', 'goodnight', 'hello', 'the'));
    public function enqueueStatus($status)
        $filePath = './tweet-' . time() . '_' . self::$tweetCounter . '.tweet';
        file_put_contents($filePath, $status);
define("TWITTER_CONSUMER_KEY", $tw_consumer_key);
define("TWITTER_CONSUMER_SECRET", $tw_consumer_secret);
// The OAuth data for the twitter account
define("OAUTH_TOKEN", $tw_token);
define("OAUTH_SECRET", $tw_token_secret);
// Start streaming
$sc = new FilterTrackConsumer(OAUTH_TOKEN, OAUTH_SECRET, Phirehose::METHOD_FILTER);
$sc->setLocations(array(array(52.516667 - 0.01, 13.383333 - 0.01, 52.516667 + 0.01, 13.383333 + 0.01)));

if($mainLng==999 && $mainLng==999 && $words[0]["word"]!="*"){

	$qq = "";
	for($i=0 ; $i<count($words) ; $i++){
		$qq = $qq . $words[$i]["word"];
			$qq = $qq . " OR ";

	$query = "q=" . $qq . "&result_type=recent&count=100";
Ejemplo n.º 4
class FilterTrackConsumer extends OauthPhirehose
     * Enqueue each status
     * @param string $status
    public function enqueueStatus($status)
         * In this simple example, we will just display to STDOUT rather than enqueue.
         * NOTE: You should NOT be processing tweets at this point in a real application, instead they should be being
         *       enqueued and processed asyncronously from the collection process.
        $data = json_decode($status, true);
        if (is_array($data) && isset($data['user']['screen_name'])) {
            print $data['user']['screen_name'] . ': ' . urldecode($data['text']) . "\n";
// The OAuth credentials you received when registering your app at Twitter
define("TWITTER_CONSUMER_KEY", "ot0tUgarTYxEBCQrRynDgdMKr");
// The OAuth data for the twitter account
define("OAUTH_TOKEN", "2816508089-1ImNswhZ0uEhq7xBwUAmZpF5hfGDcez4qbVokqN");
define("OAUTH_SECRET", "sf4EVHZ5A3UEv0Tf1Wun4w9jcQq7sHKfUkQUEZSjioXxh");
// Start streaming
$sc = new FilterTrackConsumer(OAUTH_TOKEN, OAUTH_SECRET, Phirehose::METHOD_FILTER);
$sc->setLocations(array(array(12.5685, 55.6754, 12.5913, 55.6882)));
Ejemplo n.º 5
     * Enqueue each status
     * @param string $status
    public function enqueueStatus($status)
         * In this simple example, we will just display to STDOUT rather than enqueue.
         * NOTE: You should NOT be processing tweets at this point in a real application, instead they should be being
         *       enqueued and processed asyncronously from the collection process.
        $data = json_decode($status, true);
        if (is_array($data) && isset($data['user']['screen_name'])) {
            print $data['user']['screen_name'] . ': ' . urldecode($data['text']) . "\n";
// The OAuth credentials you received when registering your app at Twitter
define("TWITTER_CONSUMER_KEY", "your twitter consumer key");
define("TWITTER_CONSUMER_SECRET", "Your twitter consumer secret");
// The OAuth data for the twitter account
define("OAUTH_TOKEN", "your twitter application token");
define("OAUTH_SECRET", "your twitter application secret");
// Start streaming
$sc = new FilterTrackConsumer(OAUTH_TOKEN, OAUTH_SECRET, Phirehose::METHOD_FILTER);
$sc->setLocations(array(array(-0.5103, 51.2868, 0.334, 51.6923)));
$sc->setTrack(array('@5liveSport', '@SW_Trains', '@GiveBloodNHS', '@BBCSport', '@bbcweather', '@ukhomeoffice', '@AboutTheBBC', '@EnvAgency', '@NHSEnglandLDN', '@TimeOutLondon', '@CityofLdnOnt', '@BBC', '@GOVUK', '@cityoflondon', '@bbc5live', '@SkyNews', '@BBCBreaking', '@FinancialTimes', '@bbcworldservice', '@BBCWorld', '@BBCNews', '@LondonSHP', '@metpoliceuk', '#LondonTraffic', '@londontraffic', '@TfLTrafficNews', '@LDNTraffic', '@WazeTrafficLON', '@TfLBusAlerts'));
$sc->setFollow(array(47331384, 31129844, 22906929, 1155611857, 338237494, 3216970444.0, 400051029));
Ejemplo n.º 6
 * Example of using Phirehose to display a live filtered stream using track words 
class FilterTrackConsumer extends Phirehose
   * Enqueue each status
   * @param string $status
  public function enqueueStatus($status)
     * In this simple example, we will just display to STDOUT rather than enqueue.
     * NOTE: You should NOT be processing tweets at this point in a real application, instead they should be being
     *       enqueued and processed asyncronously from the collection process. 
    $data = json_decode($status, true);
    if (is_array($data) && isset($data['user']['screen_name'])) {
      print $data['user']['screen_name'] . ': ' . urldecode($data['text']) . "\n";

// Start streaming
$sc = new FilterTrackConsumer('newshorts', 'GD_00bouer', Phirehose::METHOD_FILTER);
$sc->setTrack(array('sfsuperbowl', 'tweening'));
        //print $refinedData['user_screen_name'] . ': ' . $refinedData['text'] . "\n";
        /*$myFile = fopen('tweetsWithUppsala.json', 'a');
          fwrite($myFile, $refinedJSON . "\n");
function coordInUppsala($coordinates)
    if ($coordinates[0] > 17.51 && $coordinates[0] < 17.8) {
        if ($coordinates[1] > 59.79 && $coordinates[1] < 59.91) {
            return true;
        } else {
            return false;
    } else {
        return false;
// The OAuth credentials you received when registering your app at Twitter
// The OAuth data for the twitter account
define("OAUTH_TOKEN", "3150881842-bxomhSUyXuvGy12WAdq5uBz7OUwPi9qwMuebza6");
define("OAUTH_SECRET", "PebJAPeR2ej1fkzRg8nZfVffNCgOQpuUgeXTC8eFT3T9K");
// Start streaming
$sc = new FilterTrackConsumer(OAUTH_TOKEN, OAUTH_SECRET, Phirehose::METHOD_FILTER);
$sc->setLocations(array(array(17.51, 59.79, 17.8, 59.91)));
    public function enqueueStatus($status)
         * In this simple example, we will just display to STDOUT rather than enqueue.
         * NOTE: You should NOT be processing tweets at this point in a real application, instead they should be being
         *       enqueued and processed asyncronously from the collection process. 
        $data = json_decode($status, true);
        $refinedData = array('created_at' => $data['created_at'], 'tweet_id' => $data['id_str'], 'text' => urldecode($data['text']), 'user_id' => $data['user']['id_str'], 'user_name' => $data['user']['name'], 'user_screen_name' => $data['user']['screen_name'], 'coordinates' => $data['coordinates'], 'place' => $data['place'], 'language' => $data['lang'], 'retweeted' => $data['retweeted']);
        print $refinedData['user_screen_name'] . ': ' . $refinedData['text'] . "\n";
        $refinedJSON = json_encode($refinedData, true);
        $myFile = fopen('tweetsLocation.json', 'a');
        fwrite($myFile, $refinedJSON . "\n");
        $m = new MongoClient();
        $db = $m->SocialMedia;
        $collection = $db->tweetsByLocation;
// The OAuth credentials you received when registering your app at Twitter
// The OAuth data for the twitter account
define("OAUTH_TOKEN", "3150881842-bxomhSUyXuvGy12WAdq5uBz7OUwPi9qwMuebza6");
define("OAUTH_SECRET", "PebJAPeR2ej1fkzRg8nZfVffNCgOQpuUgeXTC8eFT3T9K");
// Start streaming
$sc = new FilterTrackConsumer(OAUTH_TOKEN, OAUTH_SECRET, Phirehose::METHOD_FILTER);
$sc->setLocations(array(array(17.51, 59.79, 17.8, 59.91)));
Ejemplo n.º 9

require_once '../lib/Phirehose.php';
 * Example of using Phirehose to display a live filtered stream using geo locations
class FilterTrackConsumer extends Phirehose
     * Enqueue each status
     * @param string $status
    public function enqueueStatus($status)
         * In this simple example, we will just display to STDOUT rather than enqueue.
         * NOTE: You should NOT be processing tweets at this point in a real application, instead they should be being
         *       enqueued and processed asyncronously from the collection process.
        $data = json_decode($status, true);
        if (is_array($data) && isset($data['user']['screen_name'])) {
            print $data['user']['screen_name'] . ': ' . urldecode($data['text']) . "\n";
// Start streaming
$sc = new FilterTrackConsumer('username', 'password', Phirehose::METHOD_FILTER);
$sc->setLocations(array(array(-122.75, 36.8, -121.75, 37.8), array(-74, 40, -73, 41)));
Ejemplo n.º 10
require_once '../vendor/fennb/phirehose/lib/Phirehose.php';
require_once '../vendor/fennb/phirehose//lib/OauthPhirehose.php';
 * Example of using Phirehose to display a live filtered stream using track words
class FilterTrackConsumer extends OauthPhirehose
     * Enqueue each status
     * @param string $status
    public function enqueueStatus($status)
        // For demonstrative purposes, write to STDOUT
        $data = json_decode($status, true);
        if (is_array($data) && isset($data['user']['screen_name'])) {
            print $data['user']['screen_name'] . ': ' . urldecode($data['text']) . "\n";
// The OAuth credentials you received when registering your app at Twitter
// The OAuth data for the twitter account
define("OAUTH_TOKEN", "");
define("OAUTH_SECRET", "");
// Start streaming
$streamConsumer = new FilterTrackConsumer(OAUTH_TOKEN, OAUTH_SECRET, Phirehose::METHOD_FILTER);
$streamConsumer->setTrack(array('endorses sanders', 'endorses bernie', 'endorses bernie sanders', 'endorsed sanders', 'endorsed bernie', 'endorsed bernie sanders'));
Ejemplo n.º 11
            $substr = explode(" ", $text);
            foreach ($substr as $word) {
                foreach ($this->getTrack() as $motcle) {
                    if ($word == $motcle) {
                        $mots_cles = $word;
            try {
                include 'connect.inc.php';
                $req = $bdd->prepare("INSERT into tweet(message, localisation, date, mots_cles) values (:message, :localisation, :date, :mots_cles);");
                $ok = $req->execute(array('message' => $text, 'localisation' => $localisation, 'date' => $date_r, 'mots_cles' => $mots_cles));
            } catch (PDOException $e) {
                echo "<BR/>" . $e . "<BR/>";
        if ($this->tweet_count >= 5) {
// The OAuth credentials you received when registering your app at Twitter
define("TWITTER_CONSUMER_KEY", "fxPiWdMXW0oHk9OLwIavMn3ns");
// The OAuth data for the twitter account
define("OAUTH_TOKEN", "763684332-g2P4tnD0xlXzwOc4cZFILrPkIUXOuU5PTiXMD2S6");
define("OAUTH_SECRET", "sIFafoYoFchI8KF4i3QSOXPzvi4L63lvnv2HRTtnz8pQP");
// Start streaming
$sc = new FilterTrackConsumer(OAUTH_TOKEN, OAUTH_SECRET, Phirehose::METHOD_FILTER);
$sc->setTrack(array('#attentat', '#catastrophe', '#désastre', '#alerte', '#secours', '#accident', '#rip', '#sos'));
Ejemplo n.º 12
     * Enqueue each status
     * @param string $status
    public function enqueueStatus($status)
         * In this simple example, we will just display to STDOUT rather than enqueue.
         * NOTE: You should NOT be processing tweets at this point in a real application, instead they should be being
         *       enqueued and processed asyncronously from the collection process.
        $data = json_decode($status, true);
        if (is_array($data) && isset($data['user']['screen_name'])) {
            print $data['user']['screen_name'] . ': ' . urldecode($data['text']) . "\n";
            // $this->AutoTranslate($data);
// The OAuth credentials you received when registering your app at Twitter
define("TWITTER_CONSUMER_KEY", "your twitter consumer key");
define("TWITTER_CONSUMER_SECRET", "Your twitter consumer secret");
// The OAuth data for the twitter account
define("OAUTH_TOKEN", "your twitter application token");
define("OAUTH_SECRET", "your twitter application secret");
// Start streaming
$sc = new FilterTrackConsumer(OAUTH_TOKEN, OAUTH_SECRET, Phirehose::METHOD_FILTER);
$sc->setLocations(array(array(10.18, 56.142, 10.234, 56.1721)));
$sc->setTrack(array('@StiftenAGF', '@jpaarhus', '#Aarhus', '@AarhusKultur', '@smagaarhus', '@AarhusNyheder', '@AarhusPortaldk', '@Aarhus2017', '@OpenDataAarhus', '@aarhusupdate', '@AskVest', '@SundhedOgOmsorg', '@ArhusVejr', '@aarhus_ints', '@AGFFANdk', '@AarhusCykelby', '@VisitAarhus', '@larshaahr'));
$sc->setFollow(array(3601200017.0, 3370065087.0, 3330970365.0, 2911388001.0, 2706568231.0, 2647614595.0, 2201213730.0, 1324132976, 1065597596, 210987829, 159110346, 112585923, 77749562, 38227253, 36040150));
Ejemplo n.º 13
        // Request list of active campaign slugs from Wordpress
        $response = $this->doPostRequest('tdr_promotions_list_active_campaign_hashtags');
        $contest_scrape_terms = json_decode($response);
        // Decode JSON response
        if ($contest_scrape_terms != $this->getTrack()) {
            // Update filter terms used for scrape if they have changed
     * Enqueue each status
     * @param string $status
    public function enqueueStatus($status)
        // Send collected tweet to Wordpress for processing
        // print 'status found' . "\n"; // DEBUGGING: show when tweets are found
        $this->doPostRequest('tdr_promotions_twitter_scrape', $status);
// Start streaming
// Get twitter username and password from Command line arguments
$options = getopt("u:p:", array("username:"******"password:"));
$twitter_username = $options['username'];
$twitter_password = $options['password'];
// Setup Scraper
$sc = new FilterTrackConsumer($twitter_username, $twitter_password, 60 * 60 * 12);
// Set twitter credentials & filter refresh interval
// Begin Scraping