function ProcessImage($image)
    $image_mask = $image->IsImageMask();
    $interpolate = $image->IsImageInterpolate();
    $width = $image->GetImageWidth();
    $height = $image->GetImageHeight();
    $out_data_sz = $width * $height * 3;
    echo "Image: " . " width=\"" . $width . "\"" . " height=\"" . $height . "\n";
    // $mtx = $image->GetCTM(); // image matrix (page positioning info)
    // You can use GetImageData to read the raw (decoded) image data
    //$image->GetImageData();	// get raw image data
    // .... or use Image2RGB filter that converts every image to RGB format,
    // This should save you time since you don't need to deal with color conversions,
    // image up-sampling, decoding etc.
    $img_conv = new Image2RGB($image);
    // Extract and convert image to RGB 8-bpc format
    $reader = new FilterReader($img_conv);
    // A buffer used to keep image data.
    $image_data_out = $reader->Read($out_data_sz);
    // $image_data_out contains RGB image data.
    // Note that you don't need to read a whole image at a time. Alternatively
    // you can read a chuck at a time by repeatedly calling reader.Read(buf_sz)
    // until the function returns 0.
Ejemplo n.º 2
    debugLog("Converting and streaming file: \"" . $FILE_DIR . $fileName . "\"...");
    // set the correct content-type
    header("Content-Type: application/");
    // set the conversion option to not create thumbnails on XOD files because
    // they will not be streamed back to the client.
    $xodOptions = new XODOutputOptions();
    $filter = Convert::ToXod(realpath($FILE_DIR . $fileName), $xodOptions);
    $fReader = new FilterReader($filter);
    $bufferSize = 64 * 1024;
    $totalBytes = 0;
    debugLog("Start streaming...");
    do {
        $buffer = $fReader->Read($bufferSize);
        echo $buffer;
        // prevents buffering the response so the client can receive them as they are written to the stream.
        $totalBytes += strlen($buffer);
        debugLog("Sent total: " . $totalBytes . " bytes");
    } while (strlen($buffer) > 0);
} catch (Exception $e) {
    header("HTTP/1.1 500 Internal Server Error");
    echo "<h1>500 Internal Server Error</h1><br/>";
    echo "The server encountered an unexpected condition which prevented it from fulfilling the request.<br/><br/>";
    echo $e->getMessage() . "<br/>";
    echo $e->getTraceAsString();
Ejemplo n.º 3
// Copyright (c) 2001-2014 by PDFTron Systems Inc. All Rights Reserved.
// Consult LICENSE.txt regarding license information.
include "../../../PDFNetC/Lib/PDFNetPHP.php";
// Relative path to the folder containing the test files.
$input_path = getcwd() . "/../../TestFiles/";
$output_path = $input_path . "Output/";
// The following sample illustrates how to read/write a PDF document from/to
// a memory buffer.  This is useful for applications that work with dynamic PDF
// documents that don't need to be saved/read from a disk.
// Read a PDF document in a memory buffer.
$file = new MappedFile($input_path . "tiger.pdf");
$file_sz = $file->FileSize();
$file_reader = new FilterReader($file);
$mem = $file_reader->Read($file_sz);
$test = array();
for ($i = 0; $i < strlen($mem); $i++) {
    $test[] = ord($mem[$i]);
$doc = new PDFDoc($mem, $file_sz);
$num_pages = $doc->GetPageCount();
$writer = new ElementWriter();
$reader = new ElementReader();
// Create a duplicate of every page but copy only path objects
for ($i = 1; $i <= $num_pages; ++$i) {
    $itr = $doc->GetPageIterator(2 * $i - 1);
    $new_page = $doc->PageCreate($itr->Current()->GetMediaBox());
    $next_page = $itr;