Ejemplo n.º 1
  * Saves a resource
  * Redirects to main listing
  * @return  void
 public function saveTask()
     // Check for request forgeries
     // Initiate extended database class
     $row = new Resource($this->database);
     if (!$row->bind($_POST)) {
         throw new Exception($row->getError(), 400);
     $isNew = 0;
     if ($row->id < 1) {
         $isNew = 1;
     if ($isNew) {
         // New entry
         $row->created = $row->created ? $row->created : Date::toSql();
         $row->created_by = $row->created_by ? $row->created_by : User::get('id');
         $row->access = 0;
     } else {
         $old = new Resource($this->database);
         $created_by_id = Request::getInt('created_by_id', 0);
         // Updating entry
         $row->modified = Date::toSql();
         $row->modified_by = User::get('id');
         if ($created_by_id) {
             $row->created_by = $row->created_by ? $row->created_by : $created_by_id;
         } else {
             $row->created_by = $row->created_by ? $row->created_by : User::get('id');
     // publish up
     $row->publish_up = Date::of($row->publish_up, Config::get('offset'))->toSql();
     // publish down
     if (!$row->publish_down || trim($row->publish_down) == '0000-00-00 00:00:00' || trim($row->publish_down) == 'Never') {
         $row->publish_down = '0000-00-00 00:00:00';
     } else {
         $row->publish_down = Date::of($row->publish_down, Config::get('offset'))->toSql();
     // Get parameters
     $params = Request::getVar('params', array(), 'post');
     if (is_array($params)) {
         $txt = new \Hubzero\Config\Registry('');
         foreach ($params as $k => $v) {
             $txt->set($k, $v);
         $row->params = $txt->toString();
     // Get attributes
     $attribs = Request::getVar('attrib', array(), 'post');
     if (is_array($attribs)) {
         $txta = new \Hubzero\Config\Registry('');
         foreach ($attribs as $k => $v) {
             if ($k == 'timeof') {
                 if (strtotime(trim($v)) === false) {
                     $v = NULL;
                 $v = trim($v) ? Date::of($v, Config::get('offset'))->toSql() : NULL;
             $txta->set($k, $v);
         $row->attribs = $txta->toString();
     // Get custom areas, add wrappers, and compile into fulltxt
     if (isset($_POST['nbtag'])) {
         $type = new Type($this->database);
         include_once PATH_CORE . DS . 'components' . DS . 'com_resources' . DS . 'models' . DS . 'elements.php';
         $elements = new \Components\Resources\Models\Elements(array(), $type->customFields);
         $schema = $elements->getSchema();
         $fields = array();
         foreach ($schema->fields as $field) {
             $fields[$field->name] = $field;
         $nbtag = $_POST['nbtag'];
         $found = array();
         foreach ($nbtag as $tagname => $tagcontent) {
             $f = '';
             $row->fulltxt .= "\n" . '<nb:' . $tagname . '>';
             if (is_array($tagcontent)) {
                 $c = count($tagcontent);
                 $num = 0;
                 foreach ($tagcontent as $key => $val) {
                     if (trim($val)) {
                     $row->fulltxt .= '<' . $key . '>' . trim($val) . '</' . $key . '>';
                 if ($c == $num) {
                     $f = 'found';
             } else {
                 $f = trim($tagcontent);
                 if ($f) {
                     $row->fulltxt .= trim($tagcontent);
             $row->fulltxt .= '</nb:' . $tagname . '>' . "\n";
             if (!$tagcontent && isset($fields[$tagname]) && $fields[$tagname]->required) {
                 throw new Exception(Lang::txt('RESOURCES_REQUIRED_FIELD_CHECK', $fields[$tagname]->label), 500);
             $found[] = $tagname;
         foreach ($fields as $field) {
             if (!in_array($field->name, $found) && $field->required) {
                 $found[] = $field->name;
                 $this->setError(Lang::txt('COM_CONTRIBUTE_REQUIRED_FIELD_CHECK', $field->label));
     // Code cleaner for xhtml transitional compliance
     if ($row->type != 7) {
         $row->introtext = str_replace('<br>', '<br />', $row->introtext);
         $row->fulltxt = str_replace('<br>', '<br />', $row->fulltxt);
     // Check content
     if (!$row->check()) {
         throw new Exception($row->getError(), 500);
     // Store content
     if (!$row->store()) {
         throw new Exception($row->getError(), 500);
     // Checkin resource
     // Rename the temporary upload directory if it exist
     $tmpid = Request::getInt('tmpid', 0, 'post');
     if ($tmpid != Html::niceidformat($row->id)) {
         // Build the full paths
         $path = Html::dateToPath($row->created);
         $dir_id = Html::niceidformat($row->id);
         $tmppath = Utilities::buildUploadPath($path . DS . $tmpid);
         $newpath = Utilities::buildUploadPath($path . DS . $dir_id);
         // Attempt to rename the temp directory
         if (\Filesystem::exists($tmppath)) {
             $result = \Filesystem::move($tmppath, $newpath);
             if ($result !== true) {
         $row->path = str_replace($tmpid, Html::niceidformat($row->id), $row->path);
     // Incoming tags
     $tags = Request::getVar('tags', '', 'post');
     // Save the tags
     $rt = new Tags($row->id);
     $rt->setTags($tags, User::get('id'), 1, 1);
     // Incoming authors
     if ($row->type != 7) {
         $authorsOldstr = Request::getVar('old_authors', '', 'post');
         $authorsNewstr = Request::getVar('new_authors', '', 'post');
         if (!$authorsNewstr) {
             $authorsNewstr = $authorsOldstr;
         include_once dirname(dirname(__DIR__)) . DS . 'tables' . DS . 'contributor.php';
         $authorsNew = explode(',', $authorsNewstr);
         $authorsOld = explode(',', $authorsOldstr);
         // We have either a new ordering or new authors or both
         if ($authorsNewstr) {
             for ($i = 0, $n = count($authorsNew); $i < $n; $i++) {
                 $rc = new Contributor($this->database);
                 $rc->subtable = 'resources';
                 $rc->subid = $row->id;
                 if (is_numeric($authorsNew[$i])) {
                     $rc->authorid = $authorsNew[$i];
                 } else {
                     $rc->authorid = $rc->getUserId($authorsNew[$i]);
                 $rc->ordering = $i;
                 $rc->role = trim(Request::getVar($authorsNew[$i] . '_role', ''));
                 $rc->name = trim(Request::getVar($authorsNew[$i] . '_name', ''));
                 $rc->organization = trim(Request::getVar($authorsNew[$i] . '_organization', ''));
                 $authorsNew[$i] = $rc->authorid;
                 if (in_array($authorsNew[$i], $authorsOld)) {
                     //echo 'update: ' . $rc->authorid . ', ' . $rc->role . ', ' . $rc->name . ', ' . $rc->organization . '<br />';
                     // Updating record
                 } else {
                     //echo 'create: ' . $rc->authorid . ', ' . $rc->role . ', ' . $rc->name . ', ' . $rc->organization . '<br />';
                     // New record
         // Run through previous author list and check to see if any IDs had been dropped
         if ($authorsOldstr) {
             $rc = new Contributor($this->database);
             for ($i = 0, $n = count($authorsOld); $i < $n; $i++) {
                 if (!in_array($authorsOld[$i], $authorsNew)) {
                     $rc->deleteAssociation($authorsOld[$i], $row->id, 'resources');
     // If this is a child, add parent/child association
     $pid = Request::getInt('pid', 0, 'post');
     if ($isNew && $pid) {
         $this->_attachChild($row->id, $pid);
     // Is this a standalone resource and we need to email approved submissions?
     if ($row->standalone == 1 && $this->config->get('email_when_approved')) {
         // If the state went from pending to published
         if ($row->published == 1 && $old->published == 3) {
             $this->_emailContributors($row, $this->database);
     // Redirect
     App::redirect($this->buildRedirectURL($pid), Lang::txt('COM_RESOURCES_ITEM_SAVED'));
Ejemplo n.º 2
  * Method to rename the template in the XML files and rename the language files
  * @return	boolean   true if successful, false otherwise
  * @since	2.5
 protected function fixTemplateName()
     // Rename Language files
     // Get list of language files
     $result = true;
     $files = Filesystem::files($this->getState('to_path'), '.ini', true, true);
     $newName = strtolower($this->getState('new_name'));
     $oldName = $this->getTemplate()->element;
     foreach ($files as $file) {
         $newFile = str_replace($oldName, $newName, $file);
         $result = Filesystem::move($file, $newFile) && $result;
     // Edit XML file
     $xmlFile = $this->getState('to_path') . '/templateDetails.xml';
     if (Filesystem::exists($xmlFile)) {
         $contents = Filesystem::read($xmlFile);
         $pattern[] = '#<name>\\s*' . $oldName . '\\s*</name>#i';
         $replace[] = '<name>' . $newName . '</name>';
         $pattern[] = '#<language(.*)' . $oldName . '(.*)</language>#';
         $replace[] = '<language${1}' . $newName . '${2}</language>';
         $contents = preg_replace($pattern, $replace, $contents);
         $result = Filesystem::write($xmlFile, $contents) && $result;
     return $result;
Ejemplo n.º 3
  * Uploads a file to a given directory and returns an attachment string
  * that is appended to report/comment bodies
  * @param   string  $listdir  Directory to upload files to
  * @return  string  A string that gets appended to messages
 public function uploadTask($listdir, $comment_id = 0)
     if (!$listdir) {
         return '';
     // Construct our file path
     $path = PATH_APP . DS . trim($this->config->get('webpath', '/site/tickets'), DS) . DS . $listdir;
     $row = new Tables\Attachment($this->database);
     // Rename temp directories
     if ($tmp = Request::getInt('tmp_dir')) {
         $tmpPath = PATH_APP . DS . trim($this->config->get('webpath', '/site/tickets'), DS) . DS . $tmp;
         if (is_dir($tmpPath)) {
             if (!\Filesystem::move($tmpPath, $path)) {
                 throw new Exception(Lang::txt('COM_SUPPORT_ERROR_UNABLE_TO_MOVE_UPLOAD_PATH'), 500);
                 return '';
             $row->updateTicketId($tmp, $listdir);
     // Incoming file
     $file = Request::getVar('upload', '', 'files', 'array');
     if (!isset($file['name']) || !$file['name']) {
         return '';
     // Incoming
     $description = Request::getVar('description', '');
     // Build the path if it doesn't exist
     if (!is_dir($path)) {
         if (!Filesystem::makeDirectory($path)) {
             return '';
     // Make the filename safe
     $file['name'] = Filesystem::clean($file['name']);
     $file['name'] = str_replace(' ', '_', $file['name']);
     $ext = strtolower(Filesystem::extension($file['name']));
     //make sure that file is acceptable type
     if (!in_array($ext, explode(',', $this->config->get('file_ext')))) {
         return Lang::txt('COM_SUPPORT_ERROR_INCORRECT_FILE_TYPE');
     $filename = Filesystem::name($file['name']);
     while (file_exists($path . DS . $filename . '.' . $ext)) {
         $filename .= rand(10, 99);
     $finalfile = $path . DS . $filename . '.' . $ext;
     // Perform the upload
     if (!Filesystem::upload($file['tmp_name'], $finalfile)) {
         return '';
     } else {
         // Scan for viruses
         if (!\Filesystem::isSafe($finalfile)) {
             if (\Filesystem::delete($finalfile)) {
                 return Lang::txt('COM_SUPPORT_ERROR_FAILED_VIRUS_SCAN');
         // File was uploaded
         // Create database entry
         $description = htmlspecialchars($description);
         $row->bind(array('id' => 0, 'ticket' => $listdir, 'comment_id' => $comment_id, 'filename' => $filename . '.' . $ext, 'description' => $description));
         if (!$row->check()) {
         if (!$row->store()) {
         if (!$row->id) {
         return '{attachment#' . $row->id . '}';
Ejemplo n.º 4
  * Save a wiki page
  * @return  void
 public function saveTask()
     // Check for request forgeries
     // Check if they are logged in
     if (User::isGuest()) {
         $url = Request::getVar('REQUEST_URI', '', 'server');
         App::redirect(Route::url('index.php?option=com_users&view=login&return=' . base64_encode($url)));
     // Incoming revision
     $rev = Request::getVar('revision', array(), 'post', 'none', 2);
     //$rev['pageid'] = (isset($rev['pageid'])) ? intval($rev['pageid']) : 0;
     $this->revision = $this->page->revision('current');
     $this->revision->set('version', $this->revision->get('version') + 1);
     if (!$this->revision->bind($rev)) {
     $this->revision->set('id', 0);
     // Incoming page
     $page = Request::getVar('page', array(), 'post', 'none', 2);
     $this->page = new Article(intval($rev['pageid']));
     if (!$this->page->bind($page)) {
     $this->page->set('pagename', trim(Request::getVar('pagename', '', 'post')));
     $this->page->set('scope', trim(Request::getVar('scope', '', 'post')));
     // Get parameters
     $params = new \Hubzero\Config\Registry($this->page->get('params', ''));
     $params->merge(Request::getVar('params', array(), 'post'));
     $this->page->set('params', $params->toString());
     // Get the previous version to compare against
     if (!$rev['pageid']) {
         // New page - save it to the database
         $this->page->set('created_by', User::get('id'));
         $old = new Revision(0);
     } else {
         // Get the revision before changes
         $old = $this->page->revision('current');
     // Was the preview button pushed?
     $this->preview = trim(Request::getVar('preview', ''));
     if ($this->preview) {
         // Set the component task
         if (!$rev['pageid']) {
             Request::setVar('task', 'new');
             $this->_task = 'new';
         } else {
             Request::setVar('task', 'edit');
             $this->_task = 'edit';
         // Push on through to the edit form
     // Check content
     // First, make sure the pagetext isn't empty
     if ($this->revision->get('pagetext') == '') {
     // Store new content
     if (!$this->page->store(true)) {
     // Get allowed authors
     if (!$this->page->updateAuthors(Request::getVar('authors', '', 'post'))) {
     // Get the upload path
     $wpa = new Tables\Attachment($this->database);
     $path = $wpa->filespace();
     // Rename the temporary upload directory if it exist
     $lid = Request::getInt('lid', 0, 'post');
     if ($lid != $this->page->get('id')) {
         if (is_dir($path . DS . $lid)) {
             if (!\Filesystem::move($path . DS . $lid, $path . DS . $this->page->get('id'))) {
                 $this->setError(\Filesystem::move($path . DS . $lid, $path . DS . $this->page->get('id')));
             $wpa->setPageID($lid, $this->page->get('id'));
     $this->revision->set('pageid', $this->page->get('id'));
     $this->revision->set('pagename', $this->page->get('pagename'));
     $this->revision->set('scope', $this->page->get('scope'));
     $this->revision->set('group_cn', $this->page->get('group_cn'));
     $this->revision->set('version', $this->revision->get('version') + 1);
     if ($this->page->param('mode', 'wiki') == 'knol') {
         // Set revisions to NOT approved
         $this->revision->set('approved', 0);
         // If an author or the original page creator, set to approved
         if ($this->page->get('created_by') == User::get('id') || $this->page->isAuthor(User::get('id'))) {
             $this->revision->set('approved', 1);
     } else {
         // Wiki mode, approve revision
         $this->revision->set('approved', 1);
     // Compare against previous revision
     // We don't want to create a whole new revision if just the tags were changed
     if (rtrim($old->get('pagetext')) != rtrim($this->revision->get('pagetext'))) {
         // Transform the wikitext to HTML
         $this->revision->set('pagehtml', '');
         $this->revision->set('pagehtml', $this->revision->content('parsed'));
         // Parse attachments
         /*$a = new Tables\Attachment($this->database);
         			$a->pageid = $this->page->id;
         			$a->path = $path;
         			$this->revision->pagehtml = $a->parse($this->revision->pagehtml);*/
         if ($this->page->access('manage') || $this->page->access('edit')) {
             $this->revision->set('approved', 1);
         // Store content
         if (!$this->revision->store(true)) {
         $this->page->set('version_id', $this->revision->get('id'));
         $this->page->set('modified', $this->revision->get('created'));
     } else {
         $this->page->set('modified', Date::toSql());
     if (!$this->page->store(true)) {
         // This really shouldn't happen.
     // Process tags
     $this->page->tag(Request::getVar('tags', ''));
     // Redirect
Ejemplo n.º 5
  * Process an image
  * @return  boolean  True if no errors
 public function process()
     $docRoot = $this->path;
     $image = $this->image;
     $cropratio = $this->cropratio;
     $quality = $this->quality;
     $color = $this->color;
     // Make sure that the requested file is actually an image
     if (!$image) {
         $this->setError(Lang::txt('No image set.'));
         return false;
     // Make sure that the requested file is actually an image
     if (!$docRoot) {
         $this->setError(Lang::txt('No image path set.'));
         return false;
     // Strip the possible trailing slash off the document root
     //$docRoot = preg_replace('/\/$/', '', $docRoot);
     if (!is_file($docRoot . $image)) {
         $this->setError(Lang::txt('File/path not found.'));
         return false;
     // Get the size and MIME type of the requested image
     $size = GetImageSize($docRoot . $image);
     $mime = $size['mime'];
     // Make sure that the requested file is actually an image
     if (substr($mime, 0, 6) != 'image/') {
         $this->setError(Lang::txt('File is not an image.'));
         return false;
     $width = $size[0];
     $height = $size[1];
     $maxWidth = $this->maxWidth;
     $maxHeight = $this->maxHeight;
     if ($maxWidth >= $width && $maxHeight >= $height) {
         return true;
     if ($color) {
         $color = preg_replace('/[^0-9a-fA-F]/', '', (string) $color);
     } else {
         $color = FALSE;
     // Ratio cropping
     $offsetX = 0;
     $offsetY = 0;
     if ($cropratio) {
         $cropRatio = explode(':', (string) $cropratio);
         if (count($cropRatio) == 2) {
             $ratioComputed = $width / $height;
             $cropRatioComputed = (double) $cropRatio[0] / (double) $cropRatio[1];
             if ($ratioComputed < $cropRatioComputed) {
                 // Image is too tall so we will crop the top and bottom
                 $origHeight = $height;
                 $height = $width / $cropRatioComputed;
                 $offsetY = ($origHeight - $height) / 2;
             } else {
                 if ($ratioComputed > $cropRatioComputed) {
                     // Image is too wide so we will crop off the left and right sides
                     $origWidth = $width;
                     $width = $height * $cropRatioComputed;
                     $offsetX = ($origWidth - $width) / 2;
     // Setting up the ratios needed for resizing. We will compare these below to determine how to
     // resize the image (based on height or based on width)
     $xRatio = $maxWidth / $width;
     $yRatio = $maxHeight / $height;
     if ($xRatio * $height < $maxHeight) {
         // Resize the image based on width
         $tnHeight = ceil($xRatio * $height);
         $tnWidth = $maxWidth;
     } else {
         // Resize the image based on height
         $tnWidth = ceil($yRatio * $width);
         $tnHeight = $maxHeight;
     // Before we actually do any crazy resizing of the image, we want to make sure that we
     // haven't already done this one at these dimensions. To the cache!
     // Note, cache must be world-readable
     // We store our cached image filenames as a hash of the dimensions and the original filename
     $resizedImageSource = $tnWidth . 'x' . $tnHeight . 'x' . $quality;
     if ($cropratio) {
         $resizedImageSource .= 'x' . (string) $cropratio;
     $resizedImageSource .= '-' . $image;
     $resizedImage = $resizedImageSource;
     $resized = $docRoot . $resizedImage;
     // We don't want to run out of memory
     ini_set('memory_limit', $this->_MEMORY_TO_ALLOCATE);
     // Set up a blank canvas for our resized image (destination)
     $dst = imagecreatetruecolor($tnWidth, $tnHeight);
     // Set up the appropriate image handling functions based on the original image's mime type
     switch ($size['mime']) {
         case 'image/gif':
             // We will be converting GIFs to PNGs to avoid transparency issues when resizing GIFs
             // This is maybe not the ideal solution, but IE6 can suck it
             $creationFunction = 'ImageCreateFromGif';
             $outputFunction = 'ImagePng';
             $mime = 'image/png';
             // We need to convert GIFs to PNGs
             $doSharpen = FALSE;
             $quality = round(10 - $quality / 10);
             // We are converting the GIF to a PNG and PNG needs a compression level of 0 (no compression) through 9
         case 'image/x-png':
         case 'image/png':
             $creationFunction = 'ImageCreateFromPng';
             $outputFunction = 'ImagePng';
             $doSharpen = FALSE;
             $quality = round(10 - $quality / 10);
             // PNG needs a compression level of 0 (no compression) through 9
             $creationFunction = 'ImageCreateFromJpeg';
             $outputFunction = 'ImageJpeg';
             $doSharpen = TRUE;
     // Read in the original image
     $src = $creationFunction($docRoot . $image);
     if (in_array($size['mime'], array('image/gif', 'image/png'))) {
         if (!$color) {
             // If this is a GIF or a PNG, we need to set up transparency
             imagealphablending($dst, false);
             imagesavealpha($dst, true);
         } else {
             // Fill the background with the specified color for matting purposes
             if ($color[0] == '#') {
                 $color = substr($color, 1);
             $background = FALSE;
             if (strlen($color) == 6) {
                 $background = imagecolorallocate($dst, hexdec($color[0] . $color[1]), hexdec($color[2] . $color[3]), hexdec($color[4] . $color[5]));
             } else {
                 if (strlen($color) == 3) {
                     $background = imagecolorallocate($dst, hexdec($color[0] . $color[0]), hexdec($color[1] . $color[1]), hexdec($color[2] . $color[2]));
             if ($background) {
                 imagefill($dst, 0, 0, $background);
     // Resample the original image into the resized canvas we set up earlier
     ImageCopyResampled($dst, $src, 0, 0, $offsetX, $offsetY, $tnWidth, $tnHeight, $width, $height);
     if ($doSharpen) {
         // Sharpen the image based on two things:
         //  (1) the difference between the original size and the final size
         //  (2) the final size
         $sharpness = $this->findSharp($width, $tnWidth);
         $sharpenMatrix = array(array(-1, -2, -1), array(-2, $sharpness + 12, -2), array(-1, -2, -1));
         $divisor = $sharpness;
         $offset = 0;
         if (function_exists('imageconvolution')) {
             imageconvolution($dst, $sharpenMatrix, $divisor, $offset);
     // Write the resized image to the cache
     $outputFunction($dst, $resized, $quality);
     // Yes - remove it
     $overwrite = $this->overwrite;
     if ($overwrite) {
         $outputName = $this->outputName;
         if ($outputName) {
             $image = $outputName;
         if (file_exists($resized)) {
             if (file_exists($docRoot . $image)) {
                 if (!\Filesystem::delete($docRoot . $image)) {
                     return false;
             if (!\Filesystem::move($resized, $docRoot . $image)) {
                 return false;
     return true;
Ejemplo n.º 6
  * Process the compose step
  * @return  void
 public function step_compose_process()
     // Initiate extended database class
     $fields = Request::getVar('fields', array(), 'post');
     $row = Resource::oneOrNew($fields['id'])->set($fields);
     $isNew = $row->get('id') < 1 || substr($row->get('id'), 0, 4) == '9999';
     //$row->created    = ($row->created)    ? $row->created    : Date::toSql();
     //$row->created_by = ($row->created_by) ? $row->created_by : User::get('id');
     // Set status to "composing"
     if ($isNew) {
         $row->set('published', 2);
     $row->set('published', (int) $row->get('published', 2));
     $row->set('publish_up', $row->get('publish_up') && $row->get('publish_up') != '0000-00-00 00:00:00' ? $row->get('publish_up') : Date::toSql());
     $row->set('publish_down', $row->get('publish_down') && $row->get('publish_down') != '0000-00-00 00:00:00' ? $row->get('publish_down') : '0000-00-00 00:00:00');
     $row->set('modified', Date::toSql());
     $row->set('modified_by', User::get('id'));
     $row->set('access', (int) $row->get('access', 0));
     $row->set('fulltxt', trim(preg_replace('/\\\\/', "%5C", $row->get('fulltxt'))));
     $row->set('introtext', String::truncate(strip_tags($row->get('fulltxt')), 500));
     // Get custom areas, add wrapper tags, and compile into fulltxt
     $type = Type::oneOrFail($row->get('type'));
     include_once PATH_CORE . DS . 'components' . DS . 'com_resources' . DS . 'models' . DS . 'elements.php';
     $elements = new Elements(array(), $type->customFields);
     $schema = $elements->getSchema();
     $fields = array();
     if (is_object($schema)) {
         foreach ($schema->fields as $field) {
             $fields[$field->name] = $field;
     $fulltxt = $row->get('fulltxt');
     $nbtag = Request::getVar('nbtag', array(), 'post');
     $found = array();
     foreach ($nbtag as $tagname => $tagcontent) {
         $f = '';
         $fulltxt .= "\n" . '<nb:' . $tagname . '>';
         if (is_array($tagcontent)) {
             $c = count($tagcontent);
             $num = 0;
             foreach ($tagcontent as $key => $val) {
                 if (trim($val)) {
                 $fulltxt .= '<' . $key . '>' . trim($val) . '</' . $key . '>';
             if ($c == $num) {
                 $f = 'found';
         } else {
             $f = trim($tagcontent);
             if ($f) {
                 $fulltxt .= trim($tagcontent);
         $fulltxt .= '</nb:' . $tagname . '>' . "\n";
         if (!$f && isset($fields[$tagname]) && $fields[$tagname]->required) {
             $this->setError(Lang::txt('COM_CONTRIBUTE_REQUIRED_FIELD_CHECK', $fields[$tagname]->label));
         $found[] = $tagname;
     $row->set('fulltxt', $fulltxt);
     foreach ($fields as $field) {
         if (!in_array($field->name, $found) && $field->required) {
             $found[] = $field->name;
             $this->setError(Lang::txt('COM_CONTRIBUTE_REQUIRED_FIELD_CHECK', $field->label));
     $row->set('title', preg_replace('/\\s+/', ' ', $row->get('title')));
     $row->set('title', $this->_txtClean($row->get('title')));
     // Strip any scripting there may be
     if (trim($row->get('fulltxt'))) {
         $row->set('fulltxt', \Components\Resources\Helpers\Html::stripStyles($row->get('fulltxt')));
         $row->set('fulltxt', $this->_txtClean($row->get('fulltxt')));
         $row->set('footertext', $this->_txtClean($row->get('footertext')));
     // Fall back to step if any errors found
     if ($this->getError()) {
         $this->view->step = $this->step;
         return $this->step_compose($row);
     // reset id
     if ($isNew) {
         $row->set('id', 0);
     // Store new content
     if (!$row->save()) {
         $this->setError(Lang::txt('Error: Failed to store changes.'));
         $this->view->step = $this->step;
         return $this->step_compose($row);
     // build path to temp upload folder and future permanent folder
     $session = App::get('session');
     $created = Date::format('Y-m-d 00:00:00');
     $oldPath = $row->basepath() . Html::build_path($created, $session->get('resources_temp_id'), '');
     $newPath = $row->filespace();
     // if we have a temp dir, move it to permanent location
     if (is_dir($oldPath)) {
         \Filesystem::move($oldPath, $newPath);
         $old = DS . $session->get('resources_temp_id') . DS;
         $new = DS . $row->id . DS;
         // update all images in abstract
         $row->set('introtext', str_replace($old, $new, $row->get('introtext')));
         $row->set('fulltxt', str_replace($old, $new, $row->get('fulltxt')));
         // clear temp id
     // Is it a new resource?
     if ($isNew) {
         // Automatically attach this user as the first author
         Request::setVar('pid', $row->get('id'));
         Request::setVar('id', $row->get('id'));
         Request::setVar('authid', User::get('id'));
         include_once __DIR__ . DS . 'authors.php';
         $authors = new Authors();
     // Log activity
     $recipients = array(['resource', $row->get('id')], ['user', $row->get('created_by')]);
     foreach ($row->authors()->where('authorid', '>', 0)->rows() as $author) {
         $recipients[] = ['user', $author->get('authorid')];
     Event::trigger('system.logActivity', ['activity' => ['action' => $isNew ? 'updated' : 'created', 'scope' => 'resource', 'scope_id' => $row->get('id'), 'description' => Lang::txt('COM_RESOURCES_ACTIVITY_ENTRY_' . (!$isNew ? 'UPDATED' : 'CREATED'), '<a href="' . Route::url('index.php?option=com_resources&id=' . $row->get('id')) . '">' . $row->get('title') . '</a>'), 'details' => array('title' => $row->get('title'), 'url' => Route::url('index.php?option=com_resources&id=' . $row->get('id')))], 'recipients' => $recipients]);
Ejemplo n.º 7
  * Process the compose step
  * @return     void
 public function step_compose_process()
     // Initiate extended database class
     $row = new Resource($this->database);
     $row->load(Request::getInt('id', 0));
     if (!$row->bind($_POST)) {
         throw new Exception($row->getError(), 500);
     $isNew = $row->id < 1 || substr($row->id, 0, 4) == '9999';
     $row->created = $row->created ? $row->created : Date::toSql();
     $row->created_by = $row->created_by ? $row->created_by : User::get('id');
     // Set status to "composing"
     if ($isNew) {
         $row->published = 2;
     } else {
         $row->published = $row->published ?: 2;
     $row->publish_up = $row->publish_up && $row->publish_up != '0000-00-00 00:00:00' ? $row->publish_up : Date::toSql();
     $row->publish_down = $row->publish_down && $row->publish_down != '0000-00-00 00:00:00' ? $row->publish_down : '0000-00-00 00:00:00';
     $row->modified = Date::toSql();
     $row->modified_by = User::get('id');
     $row->access = $row->access ?: 0;
     $row->fulltxt = trim(preg_replace('/\\\\/', "%5C", $row->fulltxt));
     $row->introtext = String::truncate(strip_tags($row->fulltxt), 500);
     //$row->fulltxt   = $this->_txtAutoP($row->fulltxt, 1);
     // Get custom areas, add wrapper tags, and compile into fulltxt
     $type = new Type($this->database);
     include_once PATH_CORE . DS . 'components' . DS . 'com_resources' . DS . 'models' . DS . 'elements.php';
     $elements = new Elements(array(), $type->customFields);
     $schema = $elements->getSchema();
     $fields = array();
     if (is_object($schema)) {
         foreach ($schema->fields as $field) {
             $fields[$field->name] = $field;
     $nbtag = isset($_POST['nbtag']) ? $_POST['nbtag'] : array();
     $found = array();
     foreach ($nbtag as $tagname => $tagcontent) {
         $f = '';
         $row->fulltxt .= "\n" . '<nb:' . $tagname . '>';
         if (is_array($tagcontent)) {
             $c = count($tagcontent);
             $num = 0;
             foreach ($tagcontent as $key => $val) {
                 if (trim($val)) {
                 $row->fulltxt .= '<' . $key . '>' . trim($val) . '</' . $key . '>';
             if ($c == $num) {
                 $f = 'found';
         } else {
             $f = trim($tagcontent);
             if ($f) {
                 $row->fulltxt .= trim($tagcontent);
                 //(isset($fields[$tagname]) && $fields[$tagname]->type == 'textarea') ? $this->_txtAutoP(trim($tagcontent), 1) : trim($tagcontent);
         $row->fulltxt .= '</nb:' . $tagname . '>' . "\n";
         if (!$f && isset($fields[$tagname]) && $fields[$tagname]->required) {
             $this->setError(Lang::txt('COM_CONTRIBUTE_REQUIRED_FIELD_CHECK', $fields[$tagname]->label));
         $found[] = $tagname;
     foreach ($fields as $field) {
         if (!in_array($field->name, $found) && $field->required) {
             $found[] = $field->name;
             $this->setError(Lang::txt('COM_CONTRIBUTE_REQUIRED_FIELD_CHECK', $field->label));
     $row->title = preg_replace('/\\s+/', ' ', $row->title);
     $row->title = $this->_txtClean($row->title);
     // Strip any scripting there may be
     if (trim($row->fulltxt)) {
         $row->fulltxt = \Components\Resources\Helpers\Html::stripStyles($row->fulltxt);
         $row->fulltxt = $this->_txtClean($row->fulltxt);
         //$row->fulltxt   = $this->_txtAutoP($row->fulltxt, 1);
         $row->footertext = $this->_txtClean($row->footertext);
     // Check content
     if (!$row->check()) {
     // Fall back to step if any errors found
     if ($this->getError()) {
         $this->view->step = $this->step;
     // reset id
     if ($isNew) {
         $row->id = null;
     // Store new content
     if (!$row->store()) {
         $this->setError(Lang::txt('Error: Failed to store changes.'));
         $this->view->step = $this->step;
     // build path to temp upload folder and future permanent folder
     $session = App::get('session');
     $created = Date::format('Y-m-d 00:00:00');
     $oldPath = PATH_APP . DS . trim($this->config->get('uploadpath', '/site/resources'), DS) . Html::build_path($created, $session->get('resources_temp_id'), '');
     $newPath = PATH_APP . DS . trim($this->config->get('uploadpath', '/site/resources'), DS) . Html::build_path($row->created, $row->id, '');
     // if we have a temp dir, move it to permanent location
     if (is_dir($oldPath)) {
         \Filesystem::move($oldPath, $newPath);
         $old = DS . $session->get('resources_temp_id') . DS;
         $new = DS . $row->id . DS;
         // update all images in abstract
         $row->introtext = str_replace($old, $new, $row->introtext);
         $row->fulltxt = str_replace($old, $new, $row->fulltxt);
         // clear temp id
     // Checkin the resource
     // Is it a new resource?
     if ($isNew) {
         // Get the resource ID
         if (!$row->id) {
             $row->id = $row->insertid();
         // Automatically attach this user as the first author
         Request::setVar('pid', $row->id);
         Request::setVar('id', $row->id);
         Request::setVar('authid', User::get('id'));
         include_once __DIR__ . DS . 'authors.php';
         $authors = new Authors();
  * This method allows you to do any additional work beyond unpacking 
  * the files that is required. This could include work such as downloading
  * and unpacking an archive.
  * The following are some of the methods available to you in this file:
  * $this->curlFile($url, $destFolder)
  * $this->move($src, $dest)
  * $this->unzip($file, $destFolder)
 public function doWork()
     $fs = new Filesystem();
     // Ensure tmp working dir exists
     $tmp = $this->mRootPath . "\\tmp";
     $this->log("Creating temporary build directory: " . $tmp);
     if ($this->p->get('source') != '' && $fs->exists($this->p->get('source'))) {
         // Use WordPress codebase from source parameter
         $this->log("Copying WordPress from " . $this->p->get('source'));
         $fs->copy($this->p->get('source'), $this->mAppRoot);
     } else {
         // Download and unpack WordPress
         $this->log('Downloading WordPress');
         $file = $this->curlFile(WP_URL, $tmp);
         $this->log('Extracting WordPress');
         $this->unzip($file, $tmp);
         $this->log('Moving WordPress files to ' . $this->mAppRoot);
         $fs->move("{$tmp}\\wordpress", $this->mAppRoot);
     // Download and unpack DB abstraction layer
     $this->log('Downloading Database Abstraction Layer');
     $file = $this->curlFile(DB_ABSTRACTION_URL, $tmp);
     $this->log('Extracting Database Abstraction Layer');
     $this->unzip($file, $tmp);
     $this->log('Moving Database Abstraction Layer files to ' . $this->mAppRoot . "\\wp-content\\mu-plugins");
     $fs->copy("{$tmp}\\wordpress-database-abstraction\\wp-db-abstraction\\db.php", $this->mAppRoot . "\\wp-content\\db.php");
     $fs->move("{$tmp}\\wordpress-database-abstraction", $this->mAppRoot . "\\wp-content\\mu-plugins");
     // Download and unpack Azure Storage Plugin
     $this->log('Downloading Azure Storage Plugin');
     $file = $this->curlFile(WAZ_STORAGE_URL, $tmp);
     $this->log('Extracting Azure Storage Plugin');
     $this->unzip($file, $tmp);
     $this->log('Moving Azure Storage Plugin files to ' . $this->mAppRoot . "\\wp-content\\plugins");
     $fs->move("{$tmp}\\windows-azure-storage", $this->mAppRoot . "\\wp-content\\plugins\\windows-azure-storage");
     if ($this->p->get('WP_ALLOW_MULTISITE') && $this->p->get('WP_ALLOW_MULTISITE') != 'false') {
         $fs->mkdir($this->mAppRoot . "\\wp-content\\blogs.dir");
         if ($this->p->get('SUBDOMAIN_INSTALL')) {
             copy($this->mAppRoot . "\\resources\\Web-network-subdomains.config", $this->mAppRoot . "\\Web.config");
         } else {
             copy($this->mAppRoot . "\\resources\\Web-network-subfolders.config", $this->mAppRoot . "\\Web.config");
     // Remove tmp build folder
     $fs->rm($this->mRootPath . "/Params.class.php");
     $fs->rm($this->mRootPath . "/FileSystem.class.php");
     echo "\n\nCongratulations! You now have a brand new Windows Azure WordPress project at " . $this->mRootPath . "\n";
Ejemplo n.º 9
  * Save a wiki page
  * @return  void
 public function saveTask()
     // Check for request forgeries
     // Check if they are logged in
     if (User::isGuest()) {
         $url = Request::getVar('REQUEST_URI', '', 'server');
         App::redirect(Route::url('index.php?option=com_users&view=login&return=' . base64_encode($url), false));
     // Incoming revision
     $revision = $this->page->version;
     $revision->set('version', $revision->get('version') + 1);
     $revision->set(Request::getVar('revision', array(), 'post', 'none', 2));
     $revision->set('id', 0);
     // Incoming page
     $page = Request::getVar('page', array(), 'post', 'none', 2);
     if (!isset($page['protected']) || !$page['protected']) {
         $page['protected'] = 0;
     $this->page = Page::oneOrNew(intval($revision->get('page_id')));
     $this->page->set('pagename', trim(Request::getVar('pagename', '', 'post')));
     // Get parameters
     $params = new \Hubzero\Config\Registry($this->page->get('params', ''));
     $params->merge(Request::getVar('params', array(), 'post'));
     $this->page->set('params', $params->toString());
     // Get the previous version to compare against
     if (!$revision->get('page_id')) {
         // New page - save it to the database
         $this->page->set('created_by', User::get('id'));
         $old = Version::blank();
     } else {
         // Get the revision before changes
         $old = $this->page->version;
     // Was the preview button pushed?
     $this->preview = trim(Request::getVar('preview', ''));
     if ($this->preview) {
         // Set the component task
         if (!$page['id']) {
             Request::setVar('task', 'new');
             $this->_task = 'new';
         } else {
             Request::setVar('task', 'edit');
             $this->_task = 'edit';
         // Push on through to the edit form
         return $this->editTask($revision);
     // Check content
     // First, make sure the pagetext isn't empty
     if ($revision->get('pagetext') == '') {
         return $this->editTask($revision);
     // Store new content
     if (!$this->page->save()) {
         return $this->editTask($revision);
     // Get allowed authors
     if (!Author::setForPage(Request::getVar('authors', '', 'post'), $this->page->get('id'))) {
         return $this->editTask($revision);
     // Get the upload path
     $path = Attachment::blank()->filespace();
     // Rename the temporary upload directory if it exist
     $lid = Request::getInt('lid', 0, 'post');
     if ($lid != $this->page->get('id')) {
         if (is_dir($path . DS . $lid)) {
             if (!\Filesystem::move($path . DS . $lid, $path . DS . $this->page->get('id'))) {
                 $this->setError(\Filesystem::move($path . DS . $lid, $path . DS . $this->page->get('id')));
         foreach (Attachment::all()->whereEquals('page_id', $lid)->rows() as $attachment) {
             $attachment->set('page_id', $this->page->get('id'));
             if (!$attachment->save()) {
     $revision->set('page_id', $this->page->get('id'));
     $revision->set('version', $revision->get('version') + 1);
     if ($this->page->param('mode', 'wiki') == 'knol') {
         // Set revisions to NOT approved
         $revision->set('approved', 0);
         // If an author or the original page creator, set to approved
         if ($this->page->get('created_by') == User::get('id') || $this->page->isAuthor(User::get('id'))) {
             $revision->set('approved', 1);
     } else {
         // Wiki mode, approve revision
         $revision->set('approved', 1);
     // Compare against previous revision
     // We don't want to create a whole new revision if just the tags were changed
     if (rtrim($old->get('pagetext')) != rtrim($revision->get('pagetext'))) {
         // Transform the wikitext to HTML
         $revision->set('pagehtml', '');
         $revision->set('pagehtml', $revision->content($this->page));
         if ($this->page->access('manage') || $this->page->access('edit')) {
             $revision->set('approved', 1);
         // Store content
         if (!$revision->save()) {
             return $this->editTask($revision);
         $this->page->set('version_id', $revision->get('id'));
         $this->page->set('modified', $revision->get('created'));
     } else {
         $this->page->set('modified', Date::toSql());
     if (!$this->page->save()) {
         // This really shouldn't happen.
         return $this->editTask($revision);
     // Process tags
     $this->page->tag(Request::getVar('tags', ''));
     // Log activity
     $recipients = array(['wiki.site', 1], ['user', $this->page->get('created_by')], ['user', $revision->get('created_by')]);
     if ($this->page->get('scope') != 'site') {
         $recipients[] = [$this->page->get('scope'), $this->page->get('scope_id')];
         $recipients[0] = ['wiki.' . $this->page->get('scope'), $this->page->get('scope_id')];
     Event::trigger('system.logActivity', ['activity' => ['action' => $page['id'] ? 'updated' : 'created', 'scope' => 'wiki.page', 'scope_id' => $this->page->get('id'), 'description' => Lang::txt('COM_WIKI_ACTIVITY_PAGE_' . ($page['id'] ? 'UPDATED' : 'CREATED'), '<a href="' . Route::url($this->page->link()) . '">' . $this->page->title . '</a>'), 'details' => array('title' => $this->page->title, 'url' => Route::url($this->page->link()), 'name' => $this->page->get('pagename'), 'revision' => $revision->get('id'))], 'recipients' => $recipients]);
     // Redirect