Ejemplo n.º 1
  * @brief Get the points
 function getPoint($member_srl, $from_db = false)
     $member_srl = abs($member_srl);
     // Get from instance memory
     if (!$from_db && $this->pointList[$member_srl]) {
         return $this->pointList[$member_srl];
     // Get from file cache
     $path = sprintf(_XE_PATH_ . 'files/member_extra_info/point/%s', getNumberingPath($member_srl));
     $cache_filename = sprintf('%s%d.cache.txt', $path, $member_srl);
     if (!$from_db && file_exists($cache_filename)) {
         return $this->pointList[$member_srl] = trim(FileHandler::readFile($cache_filename));
     // Get from the DB
     $args = new stdClass();
     $args->member_srl = $member_srl;
     $output = executeQuery('point.getPoint', $args);
     if (isset($output->data->member_srl)) {
         $point = (int) $output->data->point;
         $this->pointList[$member_srl] = $point;
         if (!is_dir($path)) {
         FileHandler::writeFile($cache_filename, $point);
         return $point;
     return 0;
Ejemplo n.º 2
function getNewsFromAgency()
    //Retrieve recent news and set them into context
    $newest_news_url = sprintf("http://www.xeshoppingmall.com/?module=newsagency&act=getNewsagencyArticle&inst=notice&top=6&loc=%s", _XE_LOCATION_);
    $cache_file = sprintf("%sfiles/cache/nstore_news.%s.cache.php", _XE_PATH_, _XE_LOCATION_);
    if (!file_exists($cache_file) || filemtime($cache_file) + 60 * 60 < time()) {
        // Considering if data cannot be retrieved due to network problem, modify filemtime to prevent trying to reload again when refreshing textmessageistration page
        // Ensure to access the textmessageistration page even though news cannot be displayed
        FileHandler::writeFile($cache_file, '');
        FileHandler::getRemoteFile($newest_news_url, $cache_file, null, 1, 'GET', 'text/html', array('REQUESTURL' => getFullUrl('')));
    if (file_exists($cache_file)) {
        $oXml = new XmlParser();
        $buff = $oXml->parse(FileHandler::readFile($cache_file));
        $item = $buff->zbxe_news->item;
        if ($item) {
            if (!is_array($item)) {
                $item = array($item);
            foreach ($item as $key => $val) {
                $obj = null;
                $obj->title = $val->body;
                $obj->date = $val->attrs->date;
                $obj->url = $val->attrs->url;
                $news[] = $obj;
            return $news;
Ejemplo n.º 3
  * check easy install
  * @return void
 function checkEasyinstall()
     $lastTime = (int) FileHandler::readFile($this->easyinstallCheckFile);
     if ($lastTime > $_SERVER['REQUEST_TIME'] - 60 * 60 * 24 * 30) {
     $oAutoinstallModel = getModel('autoinstall');
     $params = array();
     $params["act"] = "getResourceapiLastupdate";
     $body = XmlGenerater::generate($params);
     $buff = FileHandler::getRemoteResource(_XE_DOWNLOAD_SERVER_, $body, 3, "POST", "application/xml");
     $xml_lUpdate = new XmlParser();
     $lUpdateDoc = $xml_lUpdate->parse($buff);
     $updateDate = $lUpdateDoc->response->updatedate->body;
     if (!$updateDate) {
     $item = $oAutoinstallModel->getLatestPackage();
     if (!$item || $item->updatedate < $updateDate) {
         $oController = getAdminController('autoinstall');
Ejemplo n.º 4
  * @brief 외부 http로 요청되는 파일일 경우 파일을 받아와서 저장 후 return
 function getHtmlPage($path, $caching_interval, $cache_file)
     // 캐시 검사
     if ($caching_interval > 0 && file_exists($cache_file) && filemtime($cache_file) + $caching_interval * 60 > time()) {
         $content = FileHandler::readFile($cache_file);
     } else {
         FileHandler::getRemoteFile($path, $cache_file);
         $content = FileHandler::readFile($cache_file);
     // opage controller 생성
     $oOpageController =& getController('opage');
     // 외부 서버의 페이지 일 경우 이미지, css, javascript등의 url을 변경
     $content = $oOpageController->replaceSrc($content, $path);
     // 해당 문서를 utf-8로 변경
     $buff->content = $content;
     $buff = Context::convertEncoding($buff);
     $content = $buff->content;
     // title 추출
     $title = $oOpageController->getTitle($content);
     if ($title) {
     // header script 추출
     $head_script = $oOpageController->getHeadScript($content);
     if ($head_script) {
     // body 내용 추출
     $body_script = $oOpageController->getBodyScript($content);
     if (!$body_script) {
         $body_script = $content;
     return $content;
Ejemplo n.º 5
  * @brief 일반 요청시 출력
 function dispPageIndex()
     // 템플릿에서 사용할 변수를 Context::set()
     if ($this->module_srl) {
         Context::set('module_srl', $this->module_srl);
     // 캐시 파일 지정
     $cache_file = sprintf("%sfiles/cache/page/%d.%s.cache.php", _XE_PATH_, $this->module_info->module_srl, Context::getLangType());
     $interval = (int) $this->module_info->page_caching_interval;
     if ($interval > 0) {
         if (!file_exists($cache_file)) {
             $mtime = 0;
         } else {
             $mtime = filemtime($cache_file);
         if ($mtime + $interval * 60 > time()) {
             $page_content = FileHandler::readFile($cache_file);
         } else {
             $oWidgetController =& getController('widget');
             $page_content = $oWidgetController->transWidgetCode($this->module_info->content);
             FileHandler::writeFile($cache_file, $page_content);
     } else {
         if (file_exists($cache_file)) {
         $page_content = $this->module_info->content;
     Context::set('module_info', $this->module_info);
     Context::set('page_content', $page_content);
Ejemplo n.º 6
 function _getWidgetContent()
     // Arrange a widget ryeolro
     if ($this->module_info->mcontent) {
         $cache_file = sprintf("%sfiles/cache/page/%d.%s.m.cache.php", _XE_PATH_, $this->module_info->module_srl, Context::getLangType());
         $interval = (int) $this->module_info->page_caching_interval;
         if ($interval > 0) {
             if (!file_exists($cache_file) || filesize($cache_file) < 1) {
                 $mtime = 0;
             } else {
                 $mtime = filemtime($cache_file);
             if ($mtime + $interval * 60 > $_SERVER['REQUEST_TIME']) {
                 $page_content = FileHandler::readFile($cache_file);
                 $page_content = preg_replace('@<\\!--#Meta:@', '<!--Meta:', $page_content);
             } else {
                 $oWidgetController = getController('widget');
                 $page_content = $oWidgetController->transWidgetCode($this->module_info->mcontent);
                 FileHandler::writeFile($cache_file, $page_content);
         } else {
             if (file_exists($cache_file)) {
             $page_content = $this->module_info->mcontent;
     } else {
         $page_content = $this->module_info->content;
     return $page_content;
Ejemplo n.º 7
 function _getWidgetContent()
     // Arrange a widget ryeolro
     if ($this->module_info->mcontent) {
         $cache_file = sprintf("%sfiles/cache/page/%d.%s.m.cache.php", _XE_PATH_, $this->module_info->module_srl, Context::getLangType());
         $interval = (int) $this->module_info->page_caching_interval;
         if ($interval > 0) {
             if (!file_exists($cache_file) || filesize($cache_file) < 1) {
                 $mtime = 0;
             } else {
                 $mtime = filemtime($cache_file);
             if ($mtime + $interval * 60 > time()) {
                 $page_content = FileHandler::readFile($cache_file);
                 $page_content = preg_replace('@<\\!--#Meta:@', '<!--Meta:', $page_content);
             } else {
                 $oWidgetController =& getController('widget');
                 $page_content = $oWidgetController->transWidgetCode($this->module_info->mcontent);
                 FileHandler::writeFile($cache_file, $page_content);
         } else {
             if (file_exists($cache_file)) {
             $page_content = $this->module_info->mcontent;
     } else {
         preg_match_all('!(<img)([^\\>]*)(widget=)([^\\>]*?)(\\>)!is', $this->module_info->content, $matches);
         $page_content = '';
         for ($i = 0, $c = count($matches[0]); $i < $c; $i++) {
             $page_content .= preg_replace('/ style\\=\\"([^\\"]+)\\" /i', ' style="overflow:hidden;clear:both;margin:0 0 20px 0; _margin-right:10px;" ', $matches[0][$i]) . "\n\n";
     return $page_content;
Ejemplo n.º 8
 function getLicenseFromAgency($prodid, &$has_license = TRUE, &$expiration = NULL)
     $has_license = TRUE;
     $oLicenseModel =& getModel('license');
     $config = $oLicenseModel->getModuleConfig();
     if ($prodid == 'nstore') {
         $user_id = $config->user_id;
         $serial_number = $config->serial_number;
     } else {
         if ($prodid == 'nstore_digital') {
             $user_id = $config->d_user_id;
             $serial_number = $config->d_serial_number;
         } else {
             $user_id = $config->e_user_id;
             $serial_number = $config->e_serial_number;
     $cache_file = $this->checkLicense($prodid, $user_id, $serial_number);
     if (file_exists($cache_file)) {
         $oXml = new XmlParser();
         $buff = $oXml->parse(FileHandler::readFile($cache_file));
         // user
         $userObj = $buff->drm->user;
         if ($userObj) {
             $user = $userObj->body;
             if ($user != $user_id) {
                 $this->checkLicense($prodid, $user_id, $serial_number, TRUE);
                 return TRUE;
         // serial
         $serialObj = $buff->drm->serial;
         if ($serialObj) {
             $serial = $serialObj->body;
             if ($serial != $serial_number) {
                 $this->checkLicense($prodid, $user_id, $serial_number, TRUE);
                 return TRUE;
         // license
         $licenseObj = $buff->drm->license;
         if ($licenseObj) {
             $license = $licenseObj->body;
             if ($license == 'none') {
                 $url = getUrl('act', 'dispLicenseAdminConfig');
                 Context::set(sprintf('%s_MESSAGE_TYPE', strtoupper($prodid)), 'error');
                 Context::set(sprintf('%s_MESSAGE', strtoupper($prodid)), Context::getLang('not_registered'));
                 $has_license = FALSE;
         // expiration
         $expirationObj = $buff->drm->expiration;
         if ($expirationObj) {
             $expiration = $expirationObj->body;
     return FALSE;
Ejemplo n.º 9
  * Load a xml file specified by a filename and parse it to Return the resultant data object
  * @param string $filename a file path of file
  * @return array Returns a data object containing data extracted from a xml file or NULL if a specified file does not exist
 function loadXmlFile($filename)
     if (!file_exists($filename)) {
     $buff = FileHandler::readFile($filename);
     $oXmlParser = new XmlParser();
     return $oXmlParser->parse($buff);
Ejemplo n.º 10
 function dispNcenterliteAdminConfig()
     $oModuleModel = getModel('module');
     $oNcenterliteModel = getModel('ncenterlite');
     $oLayoutModel = getModel('layout');
     $config = $oNcenterliteModel->getConfig();
     Context::set('config', $config);
     $layout_list = $oLayoutModel->getLayoutList();
     Context::set('layout_list', $layout_list);
     $mobile_layout_list = $oLayoutModel->getLayoutList(0, 'M');
     Context::set('mlayout_list', $mobile_layout_list);
     $skin_list = $oModuleModel->getSkins($this->module_path);
     Context::set('skin_list', $skin_list);
     $mskin_list = $oModuleModel->getSkins($this->module_path, "m.skins");
     Context::set('mskin_list', $mskin_list);
     if (!$skin_list[$config->skin]) {
         $config->skin = 'default';
     Context::set('colorset_list', $skin_list[$config->skin]->colorset);
     if (!$mskin_list[$config->mskin]) {
         $config->mskin = 'default';
     Context::set('mcolorset_list', $mskin_list[$config->mskin]->colorset);
     $security = new Security();
     $security->encodeHTML('colorset_list..name', 'colorset_list..title');
     $mid_list = $oModuleModel->getMidList(null, array('module_srl', 'mid', 'browser_title', 'module'));
     Context::set('mid_list', $mid_list);
     // 사용환경정보 전송 확인
     $ncenterlite_module_info = $oModuleModel->getModuleInfoXml('ncenterlite');
     $agreement_file = FileHandler::getRealPath(sprintf('%s%s.txt', './files/ncenterlite/ncenterlite-', $ncenterlite_module_info->version));
     $agreement_ver_file = FileHandler::getRealPath(sprintf('%s%s.txt', './files/ncenterlite/ncenterlite_ver-', $ncenterlite_module_info->version));
     if (file_exists($agreement_file)) {
         $agreement = FileHandler::readFile($agreement_file);
         Context::set('_ncenterlite_env_agreement', $agreement);
         $agreement_ver = FileHandler::readFile($agreement_ver_file);
         if ($agreement == 'Y') {
             $_ncenterlite_iframe_url = 'http://sosifam.com/index.php?mid=ncenterlite_iframe';
             if (!$agreement_ver) {
                 $_host_info = urlencode($_SERVER['HTTP_HOST']) . '-NC' . $ncenterlite_module_info->version . '-PHP' . phpversion() . '-XE' . __XE_VERSION__;
             Context::set('_ncenterlite_iframe_url', $_ncenterlite_iframe_url . '&_host=' . $_host_info);
             Context::set('ncenterlite_module_info', $ncenterlite_module_info);
         FileHandler::writeFile($agreement_ver_file, 'Y');
     } else {
         Context::set('_ncenterlite_env_agreement', 'NULL');
Ejemplo n.º 11
  * @brief liveXE 30일 내의 인기 태그 추출
 function makeTagCache($module_srl, $list_cnt = 15, $period = 30)
     $cache_file = sprintf('%sfiles/cache/liveXE/%d.txt', _XE_PATH_, $module_srl);
     if (!file_exists($cache_file) || filemtime($cache_file) < time() - 60 * 5) {
         $args->module_srl = $module_srl;
         $args->list_count = $list_cnt;
         $args->date = date("YmdHis", time() - 60 * 60 * 24 * $period);
         $output = executeQueryArray('livexe.getPopularTags', $args);
         if (!$output->toBool() || !$output->data) {
             return array();
         $tags = array();
         $max = 0;
         $min = 99999999;
         foreach ($output->data as $key => $val) {
             $tag = trim($val->tag);
             if (!$tag) {
             $count = $val->count;
             if ($max < $count) {
                 $max = $count;
             if ($min > $count) {
                 $min = $count;
             $tags[] = $val;
         $mid2 = $min + (int) (($max - $min) / 2);
         $mid1 = $mid2 + (int) (($max - $mid2) / 2);
         $mid3 = $min + (int) (($mid2 - $min) / 2);
         $output = null;
         foreach ($tags as $key => $item) {
             if ($item->count > $mid1) {
                 $rank = 1;
             } elseif ($item->count > $mid2) {
                 $rank = 2;
             } elseif ($item->count > $mid3) {
                 $rank = 3;
             } else {
                 $rank = 4;
             $tags[$key]->rank = $rank;
         FileHandler::writeFile($cache_file, serialize($tags));
     $tags = unserialize(FileHandler::readFile($cache_file));
     return $tags;
Ejemplo n.º 12
  * Returns table information
  * Used for finding column type info (string/numeric) <br />
  * Obtains the table info from XE's XML schema files
  * @param object $query_id
  * @param bool $table_name
  * @return array
 function getTableInfo($query_id, $table_name)
     $column_type = array();
     $module = '';
     $id_args = explode('.', $query_id);
     if (count($id_args) == 2) {
         $target = 'modules';
         $module = $id_args[0];
         $id = $id_args[1];
     } else {
         if (count($id_args) == 3) {
             $target = $id_args[0];
             $targetList = array('modules' => 1, 'addons' => 1, 'widgets' => 1);
             if (!isset($targetList[$target])) {
             $module = $id_args[1];
             $id = $id_args[2];
     // get column properties from the table
     $table_file = sprintf('%s%s/%s/schemas/%s.xml', _XE_PATH_, 'modules', $module, $table_name);
     if (!file_exists($table_file)) {
         $searched_list = FileHandler::readDir(_XE_PATH_ . 'modules');
         $searched_count = count($searched_list);
         for ($i = 0; $i < $searched_count; $i++) {
             $table_file = sprintf('%s%s/%s/schemas/%s.xml', _XE_PATH_, 'modules', $searched_list[$i], $table_name);
             if (file_exists($table_file)) {
     if (file_exists($table_file)) {
         $table_xml = FileHandler::readFile($table_file);
         $xml_parser = new XmlParser();
         $table_obj = $xml_parser->parse($table_xml);
         if ($table_obj->table) {
             if (isset($table_obj->table->column) && !is_array($table_obj->table->column)) {
                 $table_obj->table->column = array($table_obj->table->column);
             foreach ($table_obj->table->column as $k => $v) {
                 $column_type[$v->attrs->name] = $v->attrs->type;
     return $column_type;
Ejemplo n.º 13
  * @brief 포인트를 구해옴
 function getPoint($member_srl, $from_db = false)
     $member_srl = abs($member_srl);
     $path = sprintf('./files/member_extra_info/point/%s', getNumberingPath($member_srl));
     if (!is_dir($path)) {
     $cache_filename = sprintf('%s%d.cache.txt', $path, $member_srl);
     if (!$from_db && file_exists($cache_filename)) {
         return trim(FileHandler::readFile($cache_filename));
     // DB에서 가져옴
     $args->member_srl = $member_srl;
     $output = executeQuery('point.getPoint', $args);
     $point = (int) $output->data->point;
     FileHandler::writeFile($cache_filename, $point);
     return $point;
Ejemplo n.º 14
  * @brief 계층구조 추출
  * document_category테이블을 이용해서 위키 문서의 계층 구조도를 그림
  * document_category테이블에 등록되어 있지 않은 경우 depth = 0 으로 하여 신규 생성
 function getWikiTreeList()
     header("Content-Type: text/xml; charset=UTF-8");
     header("Expires: Mon, 26 Jul 1997 05:00:00 GMT");
     header("Last-Modified: " . gmdate("D, d M Y H:i:s") . " GMT");
     header("Cache-Control: no-store, no-cache, must-revalidate");
     header("Cache-Control: post-check=0, pre-check=0", false);
     header("Pragma: no-cache");
     $oModuleModel =& getModel('module');
     $mid = Context::get('mid');
     $cache_file = sprintf('%sfiles/cache/wiki/%d.xml', _XE_PATH_, $this->module_srl);
     if ($this->grant->write_document || !file_exists($cache_file)) {
         FileHandler::writeFile($cache_file, $this->loadWikiTreeList($this->module_srl));
     print FileHandler::readFile($cache_file);
Ejemplo n.º 15
  * @brief Display Super Admin Dashboard
 function dispTextmessageAdminIndex()
     $oTextmessageModel = getModel('textmessage');
     $config = $oTextmessageModel->getConfig();
     if (!$config) {
         Context::set('isSetupCompleted', false);
     } else {
         Context::set('isSetupCompleted', true);
     Context::set('config', $config);
     //Retrieve recent news and set them into context
     $newest_news_url = sprintf("http://www.coolsms.co.kr/?module=newsagency&act=getNewsagencyArticle&inst=notice&loc=%s", _XE_LOCATION_);
     $cache_file = sprintf("%sfiles/cache/cool_news.%s.cache.php", _XE_PATH_, _XE_LOCATION_);
     if (!file_exists($cache_file) || filemtime($cache_file) + 60 * 60 < time()) {
         // Considering if data cannot be retrieved due to network problem, modify filemtime to prevent trying to reload again when refreshing textmessageistration page
         // Ensure to access the textmessage registration page even though news cannot be displayed
         FileHandler::writeFile($cache_file, '');
         FileHandler::getRemoteFile($newest_news_url, $cache_file, null, 1, 'GET', 'text/html', array('REQUESTURL' => getFullUrl('')));
     if (file_exists($cache_file)) {
         $oXml = new XmlParser();
         $buff = $oXml->parse(FileHandler::readFile($cache_file));
         $item = $buff->zbxe_news->item;
         if ($item) {
             if (!is_array($item)) {
                 $item = array($item);
             foreach ($item as $key => $val) {
                 $obj = new stdClass();
                 $obj->title = $val->body;
                 $obj->date = $val->attrs->date;
                 $obj->url = $val->attrs->url;
                 $news[] = $obj;
             Context::set('news', $news);
         Context::set('released_version', $buff->zbxe_news->attrs->released_version);
         Context::set('download_link', $buff->zbxe_news->attrs->download_link);
Ejemplo n.º 16
  * Delete if action is registerd to be encrypted by SSL.
  * @param string $action act name
  * @return void
 public static function subtractSSLAction($action)
     if (self::isExistsSSLAction($action)) {
         $sslActionCacheString = sprintf('$sslActions[\'%s\'] = 1;', $action);
         $buff = FileHandler::readFile(self::$_instance->sslActionCacheFile);
         $buff = str_replace($sslActionCacheString, '', $buff);
         FileHandler::writeFile(self::$_instance->sslActionCacheFile, $buff);
Ejemplo n.º 17
  * parse syntax.
  * @param string $buff template file
  * @return string compiled result in case of success or NULL in case of error
 protected function parse($buff = null)
     if (is_null($buff)) {
         if (!is_readable($this->file)) {
         // read tpl file
         $buff = FileHandler::readFile($this->file);
     // HTML tags to skip
     if (is_null($this->skipTags)) {
         $this->skipTags = array('marquee');
     // reset config for this buffer (this step is necessary because we use a singleton for every template)
     $previous_config = clone $this->config;
     $this->config = new stdClass();
     // detect existence of autoescape config
     $this->config->autoescape = strpos($buff, ' autoescape="') === FALSE ? NULL : 'off';
     // replace comments
     $buff = preg_replace('@<!--//.*?-->@s', '', $buff);
     // replace value of src in img/input/script tag
     $buff = preg_replace_callback('/<(?:img|input|script)(?:[^<>]*?)(?(?=cond=")(?:cond="[^"]+"[^<>]*)+|)[^<>]* src="(?!(?:https?|file):\\/\\/|[\\/\\{])([^"]+)"/is', array($this, '_replacePath'), $buff);
     // replace loop and cond template syntax
     $buff = $this->_parseInline($buff);
     // include, unload/load, import
     $buff = preg_replace_callback('/{(@[\\s\\S]+?|(?=[\\$\\\\]\\w+|_{1,2}[A-Z]+|[!\\(+-]|\\w+(?:\\(|::)|\\d+|[\'"].*?[\'"]).+?)}|<(!--[#%])?(include|import|(un)?load(?(4)|(?:_js_plugin)?)|config)(?(2)\\(["\']([^"\']+)["\'])(.*?)(?(2)\\)--|\\/)>|<!--(@[a-z@]*)([\\s\\S]*?)-->(\\s*)/', array($this, '_parseResource'), $buff);
     // remove block which is a virtual tag
     $buff = preg_replace('@</?block\\s*>@is', '', $buff);
     // form auto generation
     $temp = preg_replace_callback('/(<form(?:<\\?php.+?\\?>|[^<>]+)*?>)(.*?)(<\\/form>)/is', array($this, '_compileFormAuthGeneration'), $buff);
     if ($temp) {
         $buff = $temp;
     // prevent from calling directly before writing into file
     $buff = '<?php if(!defined("__XE__"))exit;?>' . $buff;
     // remove php script reopening
     $buff = preg_replace(array('/(\\n|\\r\\n)+/', '/(;)?( )*\\?\\>\\<\\?php([\\n\\t ]+)?/'), array("\n", ";\n"), $buff);
     // restore config to previous value
     $this->config = $previous_config;
     return $buff;
Ejemplo n.º 18
  * Change resource file path in Layout file
  * @param string $file
  * @return void
 function _changeFilepathInSource($file, $source, $target)
     $content = FileHandler::readFile($file);
     $content = str_replace($source, $target, $content);
     FileHandler::writeFile($file, $content);
Ejemplo n.º 19
 function dispTextyleToolLayoutConfigEdit()
     $oTextyleModel =& getModel('textyle');
     $skin_path = $oTextyleModel->getTextylePath($this->module_srl);
     $skin_file_list = $oTextyleModel->getTextyleUserSkinFileList($this->module_srl);
     $skin_file_content = array();
     foreach ($skin_file_list as $file) {
         if (preg_match('/^textyle/', $file)) {
             $skin_file_content[$file] = FileHandler::readFile($skin_path . $file);
     foreach ($skin_file_list as $file) {
         if (!in_array($file, $skin_file_content)) {
             $skin_file_content[$file] = FileHandler::readFile($skin_path . $file);
     Context::set('skin_file_content', $skin_file_content);
     $user_image_path = sprintf("%suser_images/", $oTextyleModel->getTextylePath($this->module_srl));
     $user_image_list = FileHandler::readDir($user_image_path);
     Context::set('user_image_path', $user_image_path);
     Context::set('user_image_list', $user_image_list);
  * Import data in module.xml format
  * @param int $key
  * @param int $cur
  * @param string $index_file
  * @param int $module_srl
  * @return int
 function importModule($key, $cur, $index_file, $module_srl)
     // Pre-create the objects needed
     $this->oXmlParser = new XmlParser();
     // Get category information of the target module
     $oDocumentController = getController('document');
     $oDocumentModel = getModel('document');
     $category_list = $category_titles = array();
     $category_list = $oDocumentModel->getCategoryList($module_srl);
     if (count($category_list)) {
         foreach ($category_list as $key => $val) {
             $category_titles[$val->title] = $val->category_srl;
     // Extract category information
     $category_file = preg_replace('/index$/i', 'category.xml', $index_file);
     if (file_exists($category_file)) {
         $buff = FileHandler::readFile($category_file);
         // Create the xmlParser object
         $xmlDoc = $this->oXmlParser->loadXmlFile($category_file);
         $categories = $xmlDoc->items->category;
         if ($categories) {
             if (!is_array($categories)) {
                 $categories = array($categories);
             $match_sequence = array();
             foreach ($categories as $k => $v) {
                 $category = trim(base64_decode($v->body));
                 if (!$category || $category_titles[$category]) {
                 $sequence = $v->attrs->sequence;
                 $parent = $v->attrs->parent;
                 $obj = null;
                 $obj->title = $category;
                 $obj->module_srl = $module_srl;
                 if ($parent) {
                     $obj->parent_srl = $match_sequence[$parent];
                 $output = $oDocumentController->insertCategory($obj);
                 if ($output->toBool()) {
                     $match_sequence[$sequence] = $output->get('category_srl');
             $oDocumentController = getController('document');
     $category_list = $category_titles = array();
     $category_list = $oDocumentModel->getCategoryList($module_srl);
     if (count($category_list)) {
         foreach ($category_list as $key => $val) {
             $category_titles[$val->title] = $val->category_srl;
     $ek_args->module_srl = $module_srl;
     $output = executeQueryArray('document.getDocumentExtraKeys', $ek_args);
     if ($output->data) {
         foreach ($output->data as $key => $val) {
             $extra_keys[$val->eid] = true;
     if (!$cur) {
         $cur = 0;
     // Open an index file
     $f = fopen($index_file, "r");
     // Pass if already read
     for ($i = 0; $i < $cur; $i++) {
         fgets($f, 1024);
     // Read each line until the condition meets
     for ($idx = $cur; $idx < $cur + $this->unit_count; $idx++) {
         if (feof($f)) {
         // Find a location
         $target_file = trim(fgets($f, 1024));
         if (!file_exists($target_file)) {
         // Importing data from now on
         $fp = fopen($target_file, "r");
         if (!$fp) {
         $obj = new stdClass();
         $obj->module_srl = $module_srl;
         $obj->document_srl = getNextSequence();
         $files = array();
         $extra_vars = array();
         $started = false;
         $buff = array();
         // Start from the body data
         while (!feof($fp)) {
             $str = fgets($fp, 1024);
             // Prepare an item
             if (trim($str) == '<post>') {
                 $started = true;
                 // Trackback inserted
             } else {
                 if (substr($str, 0, 11) == '<trackbacks') {
                     $obj->trackback_count = $this->importTrackbacks($fp, $module_srl, $obj->document_srl);
                     // Comments inserted
                 } else {
                     if (substr($str, 0, 9) == '<comments') {
                         $obj->comment_count = $this->importComments($fp, $module_srl, $obj->document_srl);
                         // Attachment inserted
                     } else {
                         if (substr($str, 0, 9) == '<attaches') {
                             $obj->uploaded_count = $this->importAttaches($fp, $module_srl, $obj->document_srl, $files);
                             // When starting extra variabls
                         } elseif (trim($str) == '<extra_vars>') {
                             $extra_vars = $this->importExtraVars($fp);
             if ($started) {
                 $buff[] = $str;
         $xmlDoc = $this->oXmlParser->parse(implode('', $buff));
         $category = base64_decode($xmlDoc->post->category->body);
         if ($category_titles[$category]) {
             $obj->category_srl = $category_titles[$category];
         $obj->member_srl = 0;
         $obj->is_notice = base64_decode($xmlDoc->post->is_notice->body) == 'Y' ? 'Y' : 'N';
         $obj->status = base64_decode($xmlDoc->post->is_secret->body) == 'Y' ? $oDocumentModel->getConfigStatus('secret') : $oDocumentModel->getConfigStatus('public');
         $obj->title = base64_decode($xmlDoc->post->title->body);
         $obj->content = base64_decode($xmlDoc->post->content->body);
         $obj->readed_count = base64_decode($xmlDoc->post->readed_count->body);
         $obj->voted_count = base64_decode($xmlDoc->post->voted_count->body);
         $obj->blamed_count = base64_decode($xmlDoc->post->blamed_count->body);
         $obj->password = base64_decode($xmlDoc->post->password->body);
         $obj->user_name = base64_decode($xmlDoc->post->user_name->body);
         $obj->nick_name = base64_decode($xmlDoc->post->nick_name->body);
         if (!$obj->user_name) {
             $obj->user_name = $obj->nick_name;
         $obj->user_id = base64_decode($xmlDoc->post->user_id->body);
         $obj->email_address = base64_decode($xmlDoc->post->email->body);
         $obj->homepage = base64_decode($xmlDoc->post->homepage->body);
         if ($obj->homepage && strncasecmp('http://', $obj->homepage, 7) !== 0 && strncasecmp('https://', $obj->homepage, 8) !== 0) {
             $obj->homepage = 'http://' . $obj->homepage;
         $obj->tags = base64_decode($xmlDoc->post->tags->body);
         $obj->regdate = base64_decode($xmlDoc->post->regdate->body);
         $obj->last_update = base64_decode($xmlDoc->post->update->body);
         $obj->last_updater = base64_decode($xmlDoc->post->last_updater->body);
         if (!$obj->last_update) {
             $obj->last_update = $obj->regdate;
         $obj->ipaddress = base64_decode($xmlDoc->post->ipaddress->body);
         $obj->list_order = $obj->update_order = $obj->document_srl * -1;
         $obj->commentStatus = base64_decode($xmlDoc->post->allow_comment->body) != 'N' ? 'ALLOW' : 'DENY';
         $obj->allow_trackback = base64_decode($xmlDoc->post->allow_trackback->body) != 'N' ? 'Y' : 'N';
         $obj->notify_message = base64_decode($xmlDoc->post->is_notice->body);
         // Change content information (attachment)
         if (count($files)) {
             foreach ($files as $key => $val) {
                 $obj->content = preg_replace('/(src|href)\\=(["\']?)' . preg_quote($key) . '(["\']?)/i', '$1="' . $val . '"', $obj->content);
                 $obj->content = preg_replace('/(["\']?).\\/files\\/(.+)\\/' . preg_quote($key) . '([^"\']+)(["\']?)/i', '"' . $val . '"', $obj->content);
                 $obj->content = preg_replace('/(["\']?)files\\/(.+)\\/' . preg_quote($key) . '([^"\']+)(["\']?)/i', '"' . $val . '"', $obj->content);
         $output = executeQuery('document.insertDocument', $obj);
         if ($output->toBool() && $obj->tags) {
             $tag_list = explode(',', $obj->tags);
             $tag_count = count($tag_list);
             for ($i = 0; $i < $tag_count; $i++) {
                 $args = new stdClass();
                 $args->tag_srl = getNextSequence();
                 $args->module_srl = $module_srl;
                 $args->document_srl = $obj->document_srl;
                 $args->tag = trim($tag_list[$i]);
                 $args->regdate = $obj->regdate;
                 if (!$args->tag) {
                 $output = executeQuery('tag.insertTag', $args);
         // Add extra variables
         if (count($extra_vars)) {
             foreach ($extra_vars as $key => $val) {
                 if (!$val->value) {
                 $e_args->module_srl = $module_srl;
                 $e_args->document_srl = $obj->document_srl;
                 $e_args->var_idx = $val->var_idx;
                 $e_args->value = $val->value;
                 $e_args->lang_code = $val->lang_code;
                 $e_args->eid = $val->eid;
                 // Create a key for extra vars if not exists (except vars for title and content)
                 if (!preg_match('/^(title|content)_(.+)$/i', $e_args->eid) && !$extra_keys[$e_args->eid]) {
                     $ek_args->module_srl = $module_srl;
                     $ek_args->var_idx = $val->var_idx;
                     $ek_args->var_name = $val->eid;
                     $ek_args->var_type = 'text';
                     $ek_args->var_is_required = 'N';
                     $ek_args->var_default = '';
                     $ek_args->eid = $val->eid;
                     $output = executeQuery('document.insertDocumentExtraKey', $ek_args);
                     $extra_keys[$ek_args->eid] = true;
                 $output = executeQuery('document.insertDocumentExtraVar', $e_args);
     // Sync category counts
     if (count($category_list)) {
         foreach ($category_list as $key => $val) {
             $oDocumentController->updateCategoryCount($module_srl, $val->category_srl);
     return $idx - 1;
Ejemplo n.º 21
  * @brief faceoff의 관리자 layout 수정
 function dispLayoutAdminLayoutModify()
     //layout_srl 를 가져온다
     $current_module_info = Context::get('current_module_info');
     $layout_srl = $current_module_info->layout_srl;
     // 파일로 임시저장을 하기때문에 남아 있을지 모르는 tmp를 지운다
     // to do 개선이 필요
     $delete_tmp = Context::get('delete_tmp');
     if ($delete_tmp == 'Y') {
         $oLayoutAdminController =& getAdminController('layout');
     $oLayoutModel =& getModel('layout');
     // layout file들은 temp로 사용한다.
     // css 를 inline style로 뽑는다
     $faceoffcss = $oLayoutModel->_getUserLayoutFaceOffCss($current_module_info->layout_srl);
     $css = FileHandler::readFile($faceoffcss);
     $match = null;
     preg_match_all('/([^\\{]+)\\{([^\\}]*)\\}/is', $css, $match);
     for ($i = 0, $c = count($match[1]); $i < $c; $i++) {
         $name = trim($match[1][$i]);
         $css = trim($match[2][$i]);
         if (!$css) {
         $css = str_replace('./images/', Context::getRequestUri() . $oLayoutModel->getUserLayoutImagePath($layout_srl), $css);
         $style[] .= sprintf('"%s":"%s"', $name, $css);
     if (count($style)) {
         $script = '<script type="text/javascript"> var faceOffStyle = {' . implode(',', $style) . '}; </script>';
     $oTemplate =& TemplateHandler::getInstance();
     Context::set('content', $oTemplate->compile($this->module_path . 'tpl', 'about_faceoff'));
     // 위젯 코드를 Javascript 수정모드로 변경
     $oWidgetController =& getController('widget');
     // 템플릿 파일 지정
Ejemplo n.º 22
  * Send a message (DB controll)
  * @param int $sender_srl member_srl of sender
  * @param int $receiver_srl member_srl of receiver_srl
  * @param string $title
  * @param string $content
  * @param boolean $sender_log (default true)
  * @return Object
 function sendMessage($sender_srl, $receiver_srl, $title, $content, $sender_log = true)
     $content = removeHackTag($content);
     $title = htmlspecialchars($title);
     // messages to save in the sendor's message box
     $sender_args->sender_srl = $sender_srl;
     $sender_args->receiver_srl = $receiver_srl;
     $sender_args->message_type = 'S';
     $sender_args->title = $title;
     $sender_args->content = $content;
     $sender_args->readed = 'N';
     $sender_args->regdate = date("YmdHis");
     $sender_args->related_srl = getNextSequence();
     $sender_args->message_srl = getNextSequence();
     $sender_args->list_order = getNextSequence() * -1;
     // messages to save in the receiver's message box
     $receiver_args->message_srl = $sender_args->related_srl;
     $receiver_args->related_srl = 0;
     $receiver_args->list_order = $sender_args->related_srl * -1;
     $receiver_args->sender_srl = $sender_srl;
     if (!$receiver_args->sender_srl) {
         $receiver_args->sender_srl = $receiver_srl;
     $receiver_args->receiver_srl = $receiver_srl;
     $receiver_args->message_type = 'R';
     $receiver_args->title = $title;
     $receiver_args->content = $content;
     $receiver_args->readed = 'N';
     $receiver_args->regdate = date("YmdHis");
     $oDB =& DB::getInstance();
     // messages to save in the sendor's message box
     if ($sender_srl && $sender_log) {
         $output = executeQuery('communication.sendMessage', $sender_args);
         if (!$output->toBool()) {
             return $output;
     // messages to save in the receiver's message box
     $output = executeQuery('communication.sendMessage', $receiver_args);
     if (!$output->toBool()) {
         return $output;
     // create a flag that message is sent (in file format)
     $flag_path = './files/member_extra_info/new_message_flags/' . getNumberingPath($receiver_srl);
     $flag_file = sprintf('%s%s', $flag_path, $receiver_srl);
     $flag_count = FileHandler::readFile($flag_file);
     FileHandler::writeFile($flag_file, ++$flag_count);
     return new Object(0, 'success_sended');
Ejemplo n.º 23
  * Remove admin icon
  * @return object|void
 function procAdminRemoveIcons()
     $iconname = Context::get('iconname');
     $file_exist = FileHandler::readFile(_XE_PATH_ . 'files/attach/xeicon/' . $iconname);
     if ($file_exist) {
         @FileHandler::removeFile(_XE_PATH_ . 'files/attach/xeicon/' . $iconname);
     } else {
         return new Object(-1, 'fail_to_delete');
Ejemplo n.º 24
  * @brief 전체 태그중 인기 태그 return
  * mid : 대상 플래닛 (null이면 전체 플래닛)
  * shuffle : 태그 결과값에 rank를 부여하고 shuffle
  * list_coutn : 추출 대상 수
 function getPopularTags($shuffle = false, $list_count = 100)
     if (!$this->isExists()) {
     if (!$this->isHome()) {
         $args->mid = $this->getMid();
     $cache_file = sprintf('%sfiles/cache/planet/%s/%d.%d.txt', _XE_PATH_, getNumberingPath($this->getModuleSrl(), 3), $shuffle ? 1 : 0, $list_count);
     if (!file_exists($cache_file) || filemtime($cache_file) < time() - 60 * 5) {
         $args->list_count = $list_count;
         // 24시간 이내의 태그중에서 인기 태그를 추출
         $args->date = date("YmdHis", time() - 60 * 60 * 24);
         $output = executeQueryArray('planet.getPlanetPopularTags', $args);
         if (!$output->toBool() || !$output->data) {
             return array();
         $tags = array();
         $max = 0;
         $min = 99999999;
         foreach ($output->data as $key => $val) {
             $tag = $val->tag;
             $count = $val->count;
             if ($max < $count) {
                 $max = $count;
             if ($min > $count) {
                 $min = $count;
             $tags[] = $val;
         if ($shuffle) {
             $mid2 = $min + (int) (($max - $min) / 2);
             $mid1 = $mid2 + (int) (($max - $mid2) / 2);
             $mid3 = $min + (int) (($mid2 - $min) / 2);
             $output = null;
             foreach ($tags as $key => $item) {
                 if ($item->count > $mid1) {
                     $rank = 1;
                 } elseif ($item->count > $mid2) {
                     $rank = 2;
                 } elseif ($item->count > $mid3) {
                     $rank = 3;
                 } else {
                     $rank = 4;
                 $tags[$key]->rank = $rank;
         FileHandler::writeFile($cache_file, serialize($tags));
     } else {
         $tags = unserialize(FileHandler::readFile($cache_file));
     return $tags;
Ejemplo n.º 25
 function getXmlFileContent($xml_file)
     return FileHandler::readFile($xml_file);
  * @brief module.xml 형식의 데이터 import
 function importModule($key, $cur, $index_file, $module_srl)
     // 필요한 객체 미리 생성
     $this->oXmlParser = new XmlParser();
     // 타겟 모듈의 카테고리 정보 구함
     $oDocumentController =& getController('document');
     $oDocumentModel =& getModel('document');
     $category_list = $category_titles = array();
     $category_list = $oDocumentModel->getCategoryList($module_srl);
     if (count($category_list)) {
         foreach ($category_list as $key => $val) {
             $category_titles[$val->title] = $val->category_srl;
     // 먼저 카테고리 정보를 입력함
     $category_file = preg_replace('/index$/i', 'category.xml', $index_file);
     if (file_exists($category_file)) {
         $buff = FileHandler::readFile($category_file);
         // xmlParser객체 생성
         $xmlDoc = $this->oXmlParser->loadXmlFile($category_file);
         $categories = $xmlDoc->items->category;
         if ($categories) {
             if (!is_array($categories)) {
                 $categories = array($categories);
             $match_sequence = array();
             foreach ($categories as $k => $v) {
                 $category = trim(base64_decode($v->body));
                 if (!$category || $category_titles[$category]) {
                 $sequence = $v->attrs->sequence;
                 $parent = $v->attrs->parent;
                 $obj = null;
                 $obj->title = $category;
                 $obj->module_srl = $module_srl;
                 if ($parent) {
                     $obj->parent_srl = $match_sequence[$parent];
                 $output = $oDocumentController->insertCategory($obj);
                 if ($output->toBool()) {
                     $match_sequence[$sequence] = $output->get('category_srl');
             $oDocumentController =& getController('document');
     $category_list = $category_titles = array();
     $category_list = $oDocumentModel->getCategoryList($module_srl);
     if (count($category_list)) {
         foreach ($category_list as $key => $val) {
             $category_titles[$val->title] = $val->category_srl;
     $ek_args->module_srl = $module_srl;
     $output = executeQueryArray('document.getDocumentExtraKeys', $ek_args);
     if ($output->data) {
         foreach ($output->data as $key => $val) {
             $extra_keys[$val->eid] = true;
     if (!$cur) {
         $cur = 0;
     // index파일을 염
     $f = fopen($index_file, "r");
     // 이미 읽혀진 것은 패스
     for ($i = 0; $i < $cur; $i++) {
         fgets($f, 1024);
     // 라인단위로 읽어들이면서 $cur보다 커지고 $cur+$this->unit_count개보다 작으면 중지
     for ($idx = $cur; $idx < $cur + $this->unit_count; $idx++) {
         if (feof($f)) {
         // 정해진 위치를 찾음
         $target_file = trim(fgets($f, 1024));
         if (!file_exists($target_file)) {
         // 이제부터 데이터를 가져오면서 처리
         $fp = fopen($target_file, "r");
         if (!$fp) {
         $obj = null;
         $obj->module_srl = $module_srl;
         $obj->document_srl = getNextSequence();
         $files = array();
         $extra_vars = array();
         $started = false;
         $buff = null;
         // 본문 데이터부터 처리 시작
         while (!feof($fp)) {
             $str = fgets($fp, 1024);
             // 한 아이템 준비 시작
             if (trim($str) == '<post>') {
                 $started = true;
                 // 엮인글 입력
             } else {
                 if (substr($str, 0, 11) == '<trackbacks') {
                     $obj->trackback_count = $this->importTrackbacks($fp, $module_srl, $obj->document_srl);
                     // 댓글 입력
                 } else {
                     if (substr($str, 0, 9) == '<comments') {
                         $obj->comment_count = $this->importComments($fp, $module_srl, $obj->document_srl);
                         // 첨부파일 입력
                     } else {
                         if (substr($str, 0, 9) == '<attaches') {
                             $obj->uploaded_count = $this->importAttaches($fp, $module_srl, $obj->document_srl, $files);
                             // 추가 변수 시작 일 경우
                         } elseif (trim($str) == '<extra_vars>') {
                             $extra_vars = $this->importExtraVars($fp);
             if ($started) {
                 $buff .= $str;
         $xmlDoc = $this->oXmlParser->parse($buff);
         $category = base64_decode($xmlDoc->post->category->body);
         if ($category_titles[$category]) {
             $obj->category_srl = $category_titles[$category];
         $obj->member_srl = 0;
         $obj->is_notice = base64_decode($xmlDoc->post->is_notice->body) == 'Y' ? 'Y' : 'N';
         $obj->is_secret = base64_decode($xmlDoc->post->is_secret->body) == 'Y' ? 'Y' : 'N';
         $obj->title = base64_decode($xmlDoc->post->title->body);
         $obj->content = base64_decode($xmlDoc->post->content->body);
         $obj->readed_count = base64_decode($xmlDoc->post->readed_count->body);
         $obj->voted_count = base64_decode($xmlDoc->post->voted_count->body);
         $obj->password = base64_decode($xmlDoc->post->password->body);
         $obj->user_name = $obj->nick_name = base64_decode($xmlDoc->post->nick_name->body);
         $obj->user_id = base64_decode($xmlDoc->post->user_id->body);
         $obj->email_address = base64_decode($xmlDoc->post->email->body);
         $obj->homepage = base64_decode($xmlDoc->post->homepage->body);
         if ($obj->homepage && !preg_match('/^http:\\/\\//i', $obj->homepage)) {
             $obj->homepage = 'http://' . $obj->homepage;
         $obj->tags = base64_decode($xmlDoc->post->tags->body);
         $obj->regdate = base64_decode($xmlDoc->post->regdate->body);
         $obj->last_update = base64_decode($xmlDoc->post->update->body);
         if (!$obj->last_update) {
             $obj->last_update = $obj->regdate;
         $obj->ipaddress = base64_decode($xmlDoc->post->ipaddress->body);
         $obj->list_order = $obj->update_order = $obj->document_srl * -1;
         $obj->allow_comment = base64_decode($xmlDoc->post->allow_comment->body) != 'N' ? 'Y' : 'N';
         $obj->lock_comment = base64_decode($xmlDoc->post->lock_comment->body) == 'Y' ? 'Y' : 'N';
         $obj->allow_trackback = base64_decode($xmlDoc->post->allow_trackback->body) != 'N' ? 'Y' : 'N';
         $obj->notify_message = base64_decode($xmlDoc->post->is_notice->body);
         // content 정보 변경 (첨부파일)
         if (count($files)) {
             foreach ($files as $key => $val) {
                 $obj->content = preg_replace('/(src|href)\\=(["\']?)' . preg_quote($key) . '(["\']?)/i', '$1="' . $val . '"', $obj->content);
                 $obj->content = preg_replace('/(["\']?).\\/files\\/(.+)\\/' . preg_quote($key) . '([^"\']+)(["\']?)/i', '"' . $val . '"', $obj->content);
                 $obj->content = preg_replace('/(["\']?)files\\/(.+)\\/' . preg_quote($key) . '([^"\']+)(["\']?)/i', '"' . $val . '"', $obj->content);
         $output = executeQuery('document.insertDocument', $obj);
         if ($output->toBool() && $obj->tags) {
             $tag_list = explode(',', $obj->tags);
             $tag_count = count($tag_list);
             for ($i = 0; $i < $tag_count; $i++) {
                 $args = null;
                 $args->tag_srl = getNextSequence();
                 $args->module_srl = $module_srl;
                 $args->document_srl = $obj->document_srl;
                 $args->tag = trim($tag_list[$i]);
                 $args->regdate = $obj->regdate;
                 if (!$args->tag) {
                 $output = executeQuery('tag.insertTag', $args);
         // 확장변수 추가
         if (count($extra_vars)) {
             foreach ($extra_vars as $key => $val) {
                 if (!$val->value) {
                 $e_args->module_srl = $module_srl;
                 $e_args->document_srl = $obj->document_srl;
                 $e_args->var_idx = $val->var_idx;
                 $e_args->value = $val->value;
                 $e_args->lang_code = $val->lang_code;
                 $e_args->eid = $val->eid;
                 // 등록된 확장변수 키가 없으면 생성(제목/내용 언어별 변수는 제외)
                 if (!preg_match('/^(title|content)_(.+)$/i', $e_args->eid) && !$extra_keys[$e_args->eid]) {
                     $ek_args->module_srl = $module_srl;
                     $ek_args->var_idx = $val->var_idx;
                     $ek_args->var_name = $val->eid;
                     $ek_args->var_type = 'text';
                     $ek_args->var_is_required = 'N';
                     $ek_args->var_default = '';
                     $ek_args->eid = $val->eid;
                     $output = executeQuery('document.insertDocumentExtraKey', $ek_args);
                     $extra_keys[$ek_args->eid] = true;
                 $output = executeQuery('document.insertDocumentExtraVar', $e_args);
     // 카테고리별 개수 동기화
     if (count($category_list)) {
         foreach ($category_list as $key => $val) {
             $oDocumentController->updateCategoryCount($module_srl, $val->category_srl);
     return $idx - 1;
Ejemplo n.º 27
  * Creates a table by using xml file path
  * @param string $file_name xml schema file path
  * @return void|object
 function createTableByXmlFile($file_name)
     if (!file_exists($file_name)) {
     // read xml file
     $buff = FileHandler::readFile($file_name);
     return $this->_createTable($buff);
Ejemplo n.º 28
  * @brief Language Settings menu, the output
 function displayLangSelect()
     $childs = array();
     $this->lang = FileHandler::readFile('./files/cache/addons/mobile/setLangType/personal_settings/' . md5(trim($_SERVER['HTTP_USER_AGENT']) . trim($_SERVER['HTTP_PHONE_NUMBER']) . trim($_SERVER['HTTP_HTTP_PHONE_NUMBER'])) . '.php');
     if ($this->lang) {
         $this->lang = str_replace(array('<?php /**', '**/ ?>'), array('', ''), $this->lang);
     $lang_supported = Context::get('lang_supported');
     $lang_type = Context::getLangType();
     $obj = array();
     $obj['link'] = $obj['text'] = Context::getLang('president_lang') . ' : ' . $lang_supported[$lang_type];
     $obj['href'] = getUrl('sel_lang', $lang_type);
     $childs[] = $obj;
     if (is_array($lang_supported)) {
         foreach ($lang_supported as $key => $val) {
             $obj = array();
             $obj['link'] = $obj['text'] = $val;
             $obj['href'] = getUrl('sel_lang', $key);
             $childs[] = $obj;
Ejemplo n.º 29
 function dispAttendanceAdminList()
     /*attendance model 객체 생성*/
     $oAttendanceModel = getModel('attendance');
     Context::set('Model', $oAttendanceModel);
     $selected_date = Context::get('selected_date');
     //선택한 날짜 받아오기
     $type = Context::get('type');
     /*attendance admin model 객체 생성*/
     $oAttendanceAdminModel = getAdminModel('attendance');
     Context::set('oAttendanceAdminModel', $oAttendanceAdminModel);
     if ($type != 'config' && $type != 'time') {
         $user_data = $oAttendanceAdminModel->getAttendanceMemberList(20, $type);
         Context::set('user_data', $user_data);
     // 멤버모델 객체 생성
     $oMemberModel = getModel('member');
     $group_list = $oMemberModel->getGroups();
     Context::set('group_list', $group_list);
     /*날짜 관련*/
     if (!$selected_date) {
         $selected_date = zDate(date('YmdHis'), "Ymd");
     $year = substr($selected_date, 0, 4);
     $month = substr($selected_date, 4, 2);
     $day = substr($selected_date, 6, 2);
     $end_day = date('t', mktime(0, 0, 0, $month, 1, $year));
     $oMemberModel = getModel('member');
     Context::set('end_day', $end_day);
     Context::set('year', $year);
     Context::set('selected', $selected_date);
     Context::set('month', $month);
     Context::set('day', $day);
     Context::set('ipaddress', $_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR']);
     Context::set('oMemberModel', $oMemberModel);
     //module의 설정값 가져오기
     $oModuleModel = getModel('module');
     $config = $oModuleModel->getModuleConfig('attendance');
     $oModuleAdminModel = getAdminModel('module');
     Context::set('config', $config);
     $start_time = new stdClass();
     $start_time->hour = substr($config->start_time, 0, 2);
     $start_time->min = substr($config->start_time, 2, 2);
     $end_time = new stdClass();
     $end_time->hour = substr($config->end_time, 0, 2);
     $end_time->min = substr($config->end_time, 2, 2);
     Context::set('start_time', $start_time);
     Context::set('end_time', $end_time);
     // 스킨 목록을 구해옴
     $oModuleModel = getModel('module');
     $module_info = $oModuleModel->getModuleInfoByMid('attendance');
     $skin_list = $oModuleModel->getSkins($this->module_path);
     Context::set('skin_list', $skin_list);
     $mskin_list = $oModuleModel->getSkins($this->module_path, "m.skins");
     Context::set('mskin_list', $mskin_list);
     // 레이아웃 목록을 구해옴
     $oLayoutModel = getModel('layout');
     $layout_list = $oLayoutModel->getLayoutList();
     Context::set('layout_list', $layout_list);
     $mobile_layout_list = $oLayoutModel->getLayoutList(0, "M");
     Context::set('mlayout_list', $mobile_layout_list);
     // 모듈 카테고리 목록을 구함
     $module_category = $oModuleModel->getModuleCategories();
     Context::set('module_category', $module_category);
     // 공통 모듈 권한 설정 페이지 호출
     $skin_content = $oModuleAdminModel->getModuleSkinHTML($module_info->module_srl);
     Context::set('skin_content', $skin_content);
     Context::set('module_info', $module_info);
     Context::set('module_srl', $module_info->module_srl);
     // 사용환경정보 전송 확인
     $attendance_module_info = $oModuleModel->getModuleInfoXml('attendance');
     $agreement_file = FileHandler::getRealPath(sprintf('%s%s.txt', './files/cache/attendance/attendance-', $attendance_module_info->version));
     if (file_exists($agreement_file)) {
         $agreement = FileHandler::readFile($agreement_file);
         Context::set('_attendance_env_agreement', $agreement);
         if ($agreement == 'Y') {
             $_attendance_iframe_url = 'http://sosifam.com/index.php?mid=attendance_iframe';
             $_host_info = urlencode($_SERVER['HTTP_HOST']) . '-NC' . $attendance_module_info->version . '-PHP' . phpversion() . '-XE' . __XE_VERSION__;
             Context::set('_attendance_iframe_url', $_attendance_iframe_url . '&_host=' . $_host_info);
             Context::set('attendance_module_info', $attendance_module_info);
     } else {
         Context::set('_attendance_env_agreement', 'NULL');
     /*템플릿 설정*/
     $this->setTemplatePath($this->module_path . 'tpl');
Ejemplo n.º 30
     * @brief css나 js파일을 묶어서 하나의 파일로 만들고 gzip 압축이나 헤더등을 통제하기 위해서 php파일을 별도로 만들어서 진행함
    function makeOptimizedFile($path, $filename, $targets, $type)
         * 실제 css나 js의 내용을 합친 것을 구함
        // 대상 파일의 내용을 구해오고 css 파일일 경우 url()내의 경로를 변경
        foreach ($targets as $file) {
            $str = FileHandler::readFile($file['file']);
            $str = Context::convertEncodingStr($str);
            // css 일경우 background:url() 변경 / media 적용
            if ($type == 'css') {
                $str = $this->replaceCssPath($file['file'], $str);
                if ($file['media'] != 'all') {
                    $str = '@media ' . $file['media'] . ' {' . "\n" . $str . "\n" . '}';
            $content_buff .= $str . "\n";
        if ($type == 'css') {
            $content_buff = '@charset "UTF-8";' . "\n" . $content_buff;
        $content_filename = substr($filename, 0, -4);
        FileHandler::writeFile($path . '/' . $content_filename, $content_buff);
         * 캐시 타임을 제대로 이용하기 위한 헤더 파일 구함
        // 확장자별 content-type 체크
        if ($type == 'css') {
            $content_type = 'text/css';
        } elseif ($type == 'js') {
            $content_type = 'text/javascript';
        // 캐시를 위한 처리
        $unique = crc32($content_filename);
        $size = filesize($path . '/' . $content_file);
        $mtime = filemtime($path . '/' . $content_file);
        // js, css 파일을 php를 통해서 출력하고 이 출력시에 헤더값을 조작하여 캐싱과 압축전송이 되도록 함 (IE6는 CSS파일일 경우 gzip압축하지 않음)
        $header_buff = '<?php
$content_filename = "' . $content_filename . '";
$mtime = ' . $mtime . ';
$cached = false;
$type = "' . $type . '";

    $time = strtotime(preg_replace("/;.*$/", "", $_SERVER["HTTP_IF_MODIFIED_SINCE"])); 
    if($mtime == $time) {
        header("HTTP/1.1 304"); 
        $cached = true;

if( preg_match("/MSIE 6.0/i",$_SERVER["HTTP_USER_AGENT"]) || strpos($_SERVER["HTTP_ACCEPT_ENCODING"], "gzip")===false || !function_exists("ob_gzhandler") ) {
    $size = filesize($content_filename);
} else {
    $f = fopen($content_filename,"r");
    $buff = fread($f, filesize($content_filename));
    $buff = ob_gzhandler($buff, 5);
    $size = strlen($buff);
    header("Content-Encoding: gzip");

header("Content-Type: ' . $content_type . '; charset=UTF-8");
header("Date: ' . substr(gmdate('r'), 0, -5) . 'GMT");
header("Expires: ' . substr(gmdate('r', strtotime('+1 MONTH')), 0, -5) . 'GMT");
header("Cache-Control: private, max-age=2592000"); 
header("Pragma: cache"); 
header("Last-Modified: ' . substr(gmdate('r', $mtime), 0, -5) . 'GMT");
header("ETag: \\"' . dechex($unique) . '-".dechex($size)."-' . dechex($mtime) . '\\""); 

if(!$cached) {
    if(empty($buff)) {
        $f = fopen($content_filename,"r");
    } else print $buff;
        FileHandler::writeFile($path . '/' . $filename, $header_buff);