Ejemplo n.º 1
 public function file_CHK()
     $content = NULL;
     $getContent = true;
     if (preg_match('/\\.(jpg|jpeg|png|gif)(?:[\\?\\#].*)?$/i', $this->filePath)) {
         $this->fileType = "image";
     $filePath = explode("?", $this->filePath);
     $filePath = $filePath[0];
     if (strpos($filePath, "../") !== false) {
         $this->filePath_local = FileFolder::getParDirFromSrc($filePath, $this->url_local . $this->src_dir);
         if (FileFolder::file_exists($this->filePath_local)) {
             $this->exist = true;
             $this->content = $this->getContent($this->filePath_local);
         $result = StringUtil::replaceOverlap($this->url_local, $this->filePath_local, "", "/");
         if ($this->relativeToSrc && $this->exist) {
             $this->save_path = $this->compilePath . str_replace($this->url_local, "", $this->filePath_local);
             if ($result['overlap'] != $this->url_local) {
                 krumo($this->filePath_local . " cannot be saved outside of " . $this->compilePath . " ,'relativeToSrc' will be set to 'false'");
                 $this->relativeToSrc = false;
         $filePath = str_replace($result["overlap"], "", $this->filePath_local);
     } else {
         if (strpos($filePath, "http://") !== false || strpos($filePath, "https://") !== false) {
             if (FileFolder::file_exists($filePath_local = GenFun::get_local_url($filePath))) {
                 $this->filePath_local = $filePath_local;
                 $this->content = $this->getContent($this->filePath_local);
                 $this->filePath_local_relative = Compiler::cleanURL($this->filePath_local, "");
                 $filePath = !is_null($this->save_dir) ? basename($this->filePath_local_relative) : $this->filePath_local_relative;
                 $this->exist = true;
             } else {
                 if (CurlUtil::is_url_exist($this->filePath)) {
                     $this->exist = true;
                     if ($this->forceDownload) {
                         $filePath = (!is_null($this->save_dir) ? "" : "global/forced/") . basename($filePath);
                         $this->content = $this->getContent($this->filePath);
                         $this->forced = true;
                     } else {
                         $this->link = Html::getExtLink($this->filePath);
         } else {
             if (!is_null($this->src_save_dir) && $this->src_content_type == "css") {
                 if (FileFolder::file_exists($this->filePath_local = (!is_null($this->src_dir) ? GenFun::get_local_url($this->src_dir) : $this->url_local) . $filePath)) {
                     $this->exist = true;
                 $this->content = $this->getContent($this->filePath_local);
                 if ($this->relativeToSrc) {
                     $filePath = $this->src_save_dir . $filePath;
                 $this->save_path = $this->compilePath . $filePath;
             } else {
                 if (FileFolder::file_exists($this->filePath_local = $this->url_local . $filePath)) {
                     $this->content = $this->getContent($this->filePath_local);
                     $filePath = $this->filePath;
                     $this->exist = true;
     if (!$this->base64 || $this->fileType != "image") {
         if ($this->relativeToSrc && $this->src_content_type == "css") {
             $this->save_path_relative = $filePath;
         } else {
             if (!is_null($this->filePath_local)) {
                 $this->save_path_relative = $this->get_savePath($filePath);
                 $this->save_path = $this->compilePath . $this->save_path_relative;
             } else {
                 //$this->save_path = $filePath;
         if ($this->relativeToSrc && !is_null($this->src_save_dir)) {
             $this->save_path_relative = StringUtil::pathRelativeToPath($this->save_path, $this->compilePath . $this->src_save_dir, "/", true);
     } else {
         if ($this->fileType == "image") {
             $info = getimagesize($this->filePath_local);
             if ($info['mime'] == "image/png") {
                 $this->base64_content = Image::compress_png($this->filePath_local, $this->quality, true);
             } else {
                 if ($info['mime'] == "image/jpeg") {
                     $this->base64_content = Image::compress_jpeg($this->filePath_local, $this->quality, true);
                 } else {
                     $this->base64_content = GenFun::fileToBase64($this->filePath_local, $info['mime']);
     if ($this->exist) {
         $this->src_content_updated = str_replace($this->filePath, !is_null($this->base64_content) ? $this->base64_content : $this->save_path_relative, $this->src_content);
     } else {
         $this->existCaseInsensitive = FileFolder::file_exists($this->filePath_local, false);
         array_push($this->compilerGlobal->notifications, array("existCaseInsensitive" => $this->existCaseInsensitive, "file" => $this->filePath));
Ejemplo n.º 2
indexExist($_REQUEST, array('service', 'functionName'));
preg_match("/{(.*?)}/", $_REQUEST['service'], $match);
$classPath = sizeof($match) == 0 ? Import::services() . $_REQUEST['service'] : MarkUp::go($_REQUEST['service']);
//if (!file_exists($classPath)) die($classPath." does not exist!!!!");
if (!isset($_REQUEST['service'])) {
    fail_CHK("service is not set!!");
} else {
    if (!FileFolder::file_exists($classPath)) {
        fail_CHK("service (" . $classPath . ") does not exist!!");
$class = explode(".", $classPath);
if ($class[1] != "php") {
    fail_CHK("service does not end with '.php'");
$class = explode("/", $class[sizeof($class) - 2]);
$class = end($class);
require_once $classPath;
Ejemplo n.º 3
 public static function fileExistInFolder($dir, $lookFor, $recursive = false)
     $dir = FileFolder::getPathFromFile($dir);
     $files = array();
     $arr = explode("/", $dir);
     $file_wType = NULL;
     $path = "";
     //$_POST['hey'] = array();
     //$_POST['hey']['dir'] = $dir;
     foreach ($arr as $value) {
         if ($value != "") {
             $path .= "/" . $value;
             if (strpos($path, $_ENV["werm_root"]) !== false) {
                 foreach ($lookFor as $lookFor_file) {
                     if (FileFolder::file_exists($file = $path . "/" . $lookFor_file)) {
                         array_push($files, $file);
     return $files;
Ejemplo n.º 4
 public function chk()
     //init var
     $bool = true;
     $delete = false;
     $file = $this->file_absolute;
     foreach (Import::$filesLoaded as &$value) {
         if ($file == $value) {
             $bool = false;
     if ($bool) {
         $bool = Import::fileExist($file, $this->notExistException);
         if (!$bool) {
             return $bool;
         array_push(Import::$filesLoaded, $file);
         if ($this->ext == "js") {
             echo Html::getExJs($file) . PHP_EOL;
             return $bool;
         } else {
             if ($this->ext == "css") {
                 echo Html::getExCss($file) . PHP_EOL;
                 return $bool;
             } else {
                 if ($this->ext == "scss") {
                     $file = GenFun::get_full_url(self::compileSass($file));
                     echo Html::getExCss($file) . PHP_EOL;
                     return $bool;
                 } else {
                     if ($this->importFunction == "include") {
                         require_once "Compiler.php";
                         $modified = "HHH" . filectime($file) . "HHH";
                         $newPath = $this->newPath_CFG($file) . "_" . $modified . ".php";
                         // krumo(Import::$latestFiles);
                         /*if (isset(Import::$latestFiles[$file]) && FileFolder::file_exists($newPath) && Import::$latestFiles[$file] == filectime($newPath)){
                         if (!FileFolder::file_exists($newPath)) {
                             $content = file_get_contents($file);
                             $prop = array("output" => $content, "onRemoveMatch" => array("Import", "onRemoveMatch"), "src_path" => $file, "matchProp" => array("ignoreIfExistInMatch" => array("<link")));
                             $css = new Compile_CSS($prop);
                             $content = $css->output_updated;
                             //$newPath = self::newPath_CFG($file);
                             /*$newScss = $newPath.".scss";
                             		$content = self::replaceEnv(Import::$uber_src_path."GlobalSass.scss");
                             		FileFolder::file_put_contents($newScss, $content.$css->mergedCode_noTag);
                             		$newCss = $newPath.".css";
                             		//$output = shell_exec("/usr/local/bin/sass --scss -t uncompressed --sourcemap=none ".$newScss." ".$newCss);
                             		exec("/usr/local/bin/sass --scss --sourcemap=none ".$newScss." ".$newCss." 2>&1", $output);*/
                             /*if (strpos(join($output), "Errno::") !== false) {
                             FileFolder::file_put_contents($newPath, $content);
                             $this->file_absolute_tmp = $file = $newPath;
                             $this->compile_css = $css;
                             $file = Compiler::brand_CFG($file);
                         } else {
                             $file = $newPath;
                             $file = Compiler::brand_CFG($file);
                         /*if (sizeof($code->tmpl->matches) > 0) {
                         			echo '<!--{'.$file.'}-->'.$code->tmpl->mergedCode;
                         /*$txt = Compiler::brand("script", $orig_txt, $file);
                         		$txt = Compiler::brand("style", $txt, $file);
                         		if ($txt != $orig_txt) {
                         			$delete = true;
                         			$file = FileFolder::getPathFromFile($file).FileFolder::getFileName($file).".".FileFolder::getFileExt($file);
                         			$file = str_replace(array(Import::$uber_src_path, Import::getImportPath()), Compiler::$unminifiedPath_raw, $file);
                         			FileFolder::file_put_contents($file, $txt);
                         //if($delete) FileFolder::delete($file);
         if ($bool && !is_null($this->importFunction) && !$this->externalLink) {
             eval($this->importFunction . " '" . $file . "';");
     return $bool;