  * @param File $f
  * @throws Exception
 public function put(File $f)
     $fp = fopen($f->getFullPath(), 'r');
     if (!$fp) {
         throw new Exception('Unable to open file: ' . $f->getFilename());
     $uploader = UploadBuilder::newInstance()->setClient($this->client)->setSource($f->getFullPath())->setBucket($this->containerName)->setKey($this->getRelativeLinkFor($f))->build();
     try {
     } catch (MultipartUploadException $e) {
  * @param File $f
  * @throws Exception
 public function put(File $f)
     $fp = fopen($f->getFullPath(), 'r');
     if (!$fp) {
         throw new Exception('Unable to open file: ' . $f->getFilename());
     $uploader = new MultipartUploader($this->client, $f->getFullPath(), array('bucket' => $this->containerName, 'key' => $this->getRelativeLinkFor($f)));
     try {
     } catch (MultipartUploadException $e) {
         // warning: below exception gets silently swallowed!
         error_log('S3Bucket: failed to put file: ' . $e->getPrevious()->getMessage());
         throw new Exception('S3Bucket: failed to put file: ' . $e->getPrevious()->getMessage(), 0, $e);
  * @param \File $file
  * @param null|Key $key
  * @return bool|\File
  * @throws InvalidInput
  * @throws CryptoException
 public function decryptFile($file, $key = null)
     $key = $this->getKey($key);
     $decryptedFilename = str_replace('.enc', '', $file->getFullPath());
     try {
         File::decryptFile($file->getFullPath(), $decryptedFilename, $key);
         $file->Filename = str_replace('.enc', '', $file->Filename);
         $file->Name = str_replace('.enc', '', $file->Name);
         return $file;
     } catch (Exception $e) {
         SS_Log::log(sprintf('Decryption exception while parsing "%s": %s', $file->Name, $e->getMessage()), SS_Log::ERR);
         return false;
  * update the uploaded image with an optimized kraked file
  * @param File $file
  * @param Array $tmpFile     
  * @TODO need to remake cropped images
 public function onAfterLoad($file, $tmpFile)
     $siteConfig = SiteConfig::current_site_config();
     if (!$siteConfig->DisableKraken && $file->appCategory() === 'image') {
         $krakenService = new KrakenService();
         $data = $krakenService->optimizeImage($file->getFullPath());
         //check if optimization was success
         if ($data['success']) {
             //attempt to download the kraked file
             $krakedFile = $krakenService->getOptimizedImage($data['kraked_url']);
             //update the uploaded file
             file_put_contents($file->getFullPath(), $krakedFile);
             $file->Kraked = true;
  * @param File $f
  * @throws Exception
 public function put(File $f)
     $fp = fopen($f->getFullPath(), 'r');
     if (!$fp) {
         throw new Exception("Unable to open file: " . $f->getFilename());
     $headers = array();
     if (!empty($this->config[self::FORCE_DL])) {
         $headers['Content-Disposition'] = 'attachment; filename=' . ($f->hasMethod('getFriendlyName') ? $f->getFriendlyName() : $f->Name);
     $this->getContainer()->uploadObject($this->getRelativeLinkFor($f), $fp, $headers);
Ejemplo n.º 6
 function rename($new_name)
     if (strstr($new_name, "/") !== false) {
         throw new InvalidParameterException("Il nome contiene caratteri non ammessi ( / )!!");
     $this_dir = $this->getDirectory();
     $target_path = $this_dir->getPath() . "/" . $new_name;
     $target_file = new File($target_path);
     if ($target_file->exists()) {
         return false;
     return rename($this->__full_path, $target_file->getFullPath());
Ejemplo n.º 7
 static function extract($f, $dir)
     $reader = $f->openReader();
     $binarydata = $reader->read(3);
     $data = unpack("a3", $binarydata);
     if ($data[1] !== self::FF_ARCHIVE_HEADER) {
         throw new InvalidDataException("Intestazione del file non valida : " . $data[1]);
     $binarydata = $reader->read(2 + 2 + 2);
     $data = unpack("v3", $binarydata);
     if ($data[1] !== self::CURRENT_MAJOR || $data[2] !== self::CURRENT_MINOR || $data[3] !== self::CURRENT_REV) {
         throw new InvalidDataException("Versione del file non supportata!! : " . $data[1] . "-" . $data[2] . "-" . $data[3]);
     $binarydata = $reader->read(2);
     $data = unpack("v", $binarydata);
     $num_entries = $data[1];
     $i = 0;
     while ($i < $num_entries) {
         $binarydata = $reader->read(2);
         $data = unpack("v", $binarydata);
         $entry_type = $data[1];
         $binarydata = $reader->read(2);
         $data = unpack("v", $binarydata);
         $path_length = $data[1];
         $binarydata = $reader->read($path_length);
         $data = unpack("a*", $binarydata);
         $path = $data[1];
         if ($entry_type === self::ENTRY_TYPE_DIR) {
             $d = $dir->newSubdir($path);
         if ($entry_type === self::ENTRY_TYPE_FILE) {
             $binarydata = $reader->read(4);
             $data = unpack("V", $binarydata);
             $num_bytes = $data[1];
             $compressed_file_data = $reader->read($num_bytes);
             $uncompressed_file_data = gzuncompress($compressed_file_data);
             $f = new File($dir->getPath() . $path);
             $writer = $f->openWriter();
             $sha1_checksum = $reader->read(20);
             if (strcmp($sha1_checksum, sha1_file($f->getFullPath(), true)) !== 0) {
                 throw new InvalidDataException("La somma sha1 non corrisponde per il file : " . $f->getPath());
Ejemplo n.º 8
 public static function expandArchive($zip_file, $target_folder)
     $zip_archive = new ZipArchive();
     if ($zip_file instanceof File) {
         $real_zip_file = $zip_file;
     } else {
         $real_zip_file = new File($zip_file);
     if ($target_folder instanceof Dir) {
         $target_dir = $target_folder;
     } else {
         $target_dir = new Dir($target_folder);
Ejemplo n.º 9
 public function run(File $file)
     $fpath = $file->getFullPath();
     $fpathlen = strlen($fpath);
     $res = new Tool_Result();
     $cmd = 'xmllint --noout ' . escapeshellarg($fpath) . ' 2>&1';
     exec($cmd, $output, $retval);
     if ($retval == 0) {
         $res->annotations['general'][] = new Tool_Result_Line('XML is well-formed', 'ok');
         return $res;
     for ($i = 0; $i < count($output); $i += 3) {
         $line = $output[$i];
         if (substr($line, 0, $fpathlen) != $fpath) {
             throw new Exception('xmllint does not behave as expected: ' . $line);
         list($linenum, $msg) = explode(':', substr($line, $fpathlen + 1), 2);
         $res->annotations[$linenum][] = new Tool_Result_Line($msg, 'error');
     $res->annotations['general'][] = new Tool_Result_Line('XML is not well-formed', 'error');
     return $res;
Ejemplo n.º 10
 public function run(File $file)
     $fpath = $file->getFullPath();
     $fpathlen = strlen($fpath);
     $res = new Tool_Result();
     $cmd = 'php -l ' . escapeshellarg($fpath) . ' 2>&1';
     exec($cmd, $output, $retval);
     if ($retval == 0) {
         $res->annotations['general'][] = new Tool_Result_Line('No syntax errors detected', 'ok');
         return $res;
     $regex = '#^(.+) in ' . preg_quote($fpath) . ' on line ([0-9]+)$#';
     for ($i = 0; $i < count($output) - 1; $i++) {
         $line = $output[$i];
         if (!preg_match($regex, trim($line), $matches)) {
             throw new Exception('"php -l" does not behave as expected: ' . $line);
         $msg = $matches[1];
         $linenum = $matches[2];
         $res->annotations[$linenum][] = new Tool_Result_Line($msg, 'error');
     $res->annotations['general'][] = new Tool_Result_Line('PHP code has syntax errors', 'error');
     return $res;
Ejemplo n.º 11
  * Moves this element and all its content to the specified target directory.
  * @param \Mbcraft\Piol\Dir|string $target_dir The target directory as string path or Dir instance.
  * @param string $new_name The optional new full name of the moved element.
  * @return boolean true if this operation was succesfull, false otherwise.
  * @api
 public function moveTo($target_dir, $new_name = null)
     $target = Dir::asDir($target_dir);
     if ($new_name != null) {
         $name = $new_name;
     } else {
         if ($this->isDir()) {
             $name = $this->getName();
         } else {
             $name = $this->getFullName();
     if ($this->isDir()) {
         $dest = new Dir($target->getPath() . DS . $name);
     } else {
         $dest = new File($target->getPath() . DS . $name);
     return rename($this->getFullPath(), $dest->getFullPath());
  * @param File $file
  * @return void
 public function sendFileToBrowser($file)
     $path = $file->getFullPath();
     if (SapphireTest::is_running_test()) {
         return file_get_contents($path);
     $basename = basename($path);
     $length = $file->getAbsoluteSize();
     $type = HTTP::get_mime_type($file->getRelativePath());
     //handling time limitation
     if ($threshold = $this->config()->bandwidth_threshold) {
         increase_time_limit_to((int) ($length / $threshold));
     } else {
     // send header
     header('Content-Description: File Transfer');
      * allow inline 'save as' popup, double quotation is present to prevent browser (eg. Firefox) from handling
      * wrongly a file with a name with whitespace, through a file in SilverStripe should not contain any whitespace
      * if the file is uploaded through SS interface
      * http://kb.mozillazine.org/Filenames_with_spaces_are_truncated_upon_download
     header('Content-Type: ' . $type);
     header('Content-Disposition: inline; filename=' . $basename);
     header('Content-Transfer-Encoding: binary');
     header('Content-Length: ' . $length);
      * issue fixes for IE6,7,8  when downloading a file over HTTPS (http://support.microsoft.com/kb/812935)
      * http://www.dotvoid.com/2009/10/problem-with-downloading-files-with-internet-explorer-over-https/
     if (Director::is_https()) {
         header('Pragma: ');
     header('Expires: 0');
     header('Cache-Control: must-revalidate');
      * unload the php session file
      * see http://konrness.com/php5/how-to-prevent-blocking-php-requests
     // if output buffering is active, we clear it to prevent the script from trying to to allocate memory for entire file.
     while (ob_get_level() > 0) {
  * COPIED CODE!!!!!
  * This is copied from here:
  * https://github.com/silverstripe-labs/silverstripe-secureassets/blob/master/code/SecureFileController.php
  * @param File $file
 protected function sendFile($file)
     $path = $file->getFullPath();
     if (SapphireTest::is_running_test()) {
         return file_get_contents($path);
     header('Content-Description: File Transfer');
     // Quotes needed to retain spaces (http://kb.mozillazine.org/Filenames_with_spaces_are_truncated_upon_download)
     header('Content-Disposition: inline; filename="' . basename($path) . '"');
     header('Content-Length: ' . $file->getAbsoluteSize());
     header('Content-Type: ' . HTTP::get_mime_type($file->getRelativePath()));
     header('Content-Transfer-Encoding: binary');
     // Fixes IE6,7,8 file downloads over HTTPS bug (http://support.microsoft.com/kb/812935)
     header('Pragma: ');
     if ($this->config()->min_download_bandwidth) {
         // Allow the download to last long enough to allow full download with min_download_bandwidth connection.
         increase_time_limit_to((int) (filesize($path) / ($this->config()->min_download_bandwidth * 1024)));
     } else {
         // Remove the timelimit.
     // Clear PHP buffer, otherwise the script will try to allocate memory for entire file.
     while (ob_get_level() > 0) {
     // Prevent blocking of the session file by PHP. Without this the user can't visit another page of the same
     // website during download (see http://konrness.com/php5/how-to-prevent-blocking-php-requests/)
Ejemplo n.º 14
 static function extract($f, $dir)
     if ($f instanceof File) {
         $source_file = $f;
     } else {
         $source_file = new File($f);
     if ($dir instanceof Dir) {
         $target_dir = $dir;
     } else {
         $target_dir = new Dir($dir);
     $reader = $source_file->openReader();
     $binarydata = $reader->read(3);
     $data = unpack("a3", $binarydata);
     if ($data[1] !== self::FF_ARCHIVE_HEADER) {
         throw new InvalidDataException("Intestazione del file non valida : " . $data[1]);
     $binarydata = $reader->read(2 + 2 + 2);
     $data = unpack("v3", $binarydata);
     if ($data[1] !== self::CURRENT_MAJOR || $data[2] !== self::CURRENT_MINOR || $data[3] !== self::CURRENT_REV) {
         throw new InvalidDataException("Versione del file non supportata!! : " . $data[1] . "-" . $data[2] . "-" . $data[3]);
     $binarydata = $reader->read(2);
     $data = unpack("v", $binarydata);
     $properties_length = $data[1];
     if ($properties_length > 0) {
         $binarydata = $reader->read($properties_length);
         $data = unpack("a*", $binarydata);
         $properties = PropertiesUtils::readFromString($data[1], false);
     } else {
         $properties = array();
     //num entries
     $binarydata = $reader->read(2);
     $data = unpack("v", $binarydata);
     $num_entries = $data[1];
     $i = 0;
     while ($i < $num_entries) {
         //entry type
         $binarydata = $reader->read(2);
         $data = unpack("v", $binarydata);
         $entry_type = $data[1];
         //path length
         $binarydata = $reader->read(2);
         $data = unpack("v", $binarydata);
         $path_length = $data[1];
         $binarydata = $reader->read($path_length);
         $data = unpack("a*", $binarydata);
         $path = $data[1];
         if ($entry_type === self::ENTRY_TYPE_DIR) {
             $d = $target_dir->newSubdir($path);
         if ($entry_type === self::ENTRY_TYPE_FILE) {
             //compressed size
             $binarydata = $reader->read(4);
             $data = unpack("V", $binarydata);
             $num_bytes = $data[1];
             //compressed data
             $compressed_file_data = $reader->read($num_bytes);
             $uncompressed_file_data = gzuncompress($compressed_file_data);
             $f = new File($target_dir->getPath() . $path);
             $writer = $f->openWriter();
             //sha1 sum
             $sha1_checksum = $reader->read(20);
             if (strcmp($sha1_checksum, sha1_file($f->getFullPath(), true)) !== 0) {
                 throw new InvalidDataException("La somma sha1 non corrisponde per il file : " . $f->getPath());
     return true;
  * Returns true if the local file is not available
  * @return bool
 public function isLocalMissing()
     return !file_exists($this->owner->getFullPath()) || $this->containsPlaceholder();
  * Sends the given file by whatever method is appropriate. Uses php's
  * header() instead of silverstripe's HTTPResponse class to prevent other
  * headers from being added and so we can just use readfile() instead of
  * pulling the whole file into a string for setBody().
  * @param File $file
 protected function sendFile(File $file)
     // this is for optional compatibility with markguinn/silverstripe-cloudassets
     if ($file->hasExtension('CloudFileExtension') && $file->CloudStatus === 'Live') {
         header('Location: ' . $file->getAbsoluteURL());
     // this is the normal way to send the files
     header('Content-Type: application/octet-stream');
     header('Content-Disposition: attachment; filename="' . $file->Name . '"');
     if (Config::inst()->get('Downloadable', 'use_xsendfile')) {
         header('X-Sendfile: ' . $file->getURL());
     } else {
         header('Content-Length: ' . $file->getAbsoluteSize());
 public static function recycle(File $file, $verbose = true)
     $recylcingFolder = Folder::find_or_make(Config::inst()->get("MetaTagCMSControlFiles", "recycling_bin_name"));
     if ($recylcingFolder) {
         if ($file) {
             if ($file->exists()) {
                 if (file_exists($file->getFullPath())) {
                     $valid = $file->validate();
                     if ($valid->valid()) {
                         $record = new MetaTagCMSControlFileUse_RecyclingRecord();
                         $record->FileID = $file->ID;
                         $record->FromFolderID = $file->ParentID;
                         //doing it.....
                         $file->ParentID = $recylcingFolder->ID;
                         return true;
                 $record = new MetaTagCMSControlFileUse_RecyclingRecord();
                 $record->FileID = $file->ID;
                 $record->FromFolderID = $file->ParentID;
                 DB::query("UPDATE \"File\" SET \"ParentID\" = " . $recylcingFolder->ID . " WHERE \"File\".\"ID\" = " . $file->ID);
                 return true;
     return false;
 protected function getKey(File $file)
     return md5($file->getFullPath());
Ejemplo n.º 19
 function move_to($target_dir, $new_name = null)
     if ($new_name != null) {
         $name = $new_name;
     } else {
         $name = $this->getName();
     if ($this->isDir()) {
         $dest = new Dir($target_dir->getPath() . "/" . $name);
     } else {
         $dest = new File($target_dir->getPath() . "/" . $name);
     return rename($this->getFullPath(), $dest->getFullPath());
  * We need to test that the _versions folder isn't completed wiped by
  * {@link VersionedFileExtension::onBeforeDelete()} when there is more than the file currently being deleted.
 public function testOnBeforeDelete()
     // Create the second file
     $file2 = $this->folder->getFullPath() . 'test-file2.txt';
     file_put_contents($file2, 'first-version');
     $file2Obj = new File();
     $file2Obj->ParentID = $this->folder->ID;
     $file2Obj->Filename = $this->folder->getFilename() . 'test-file2.txt';
     // Create a second version of the second file
     file_put_contents($file2Obj->getFullPath(), 'second-version');
     // Delete the second file
     // Ensure the _versions folder still exists
     $this->assertTrue(is_dir($this->folder->getFullPath() . '/_versions'));
     // Now delete the first file, and ensure the _versions folder no longer exists
     $this->assertFalse(is_dir($this->folder->getFullPath() . '/_versions'));
     // Now create another file to ensure that the _versions folder can be successfully re-created
     $file3 = $this->folder->getFullPath() . 'test-file3.txt';
     file_put_contents($file3, 'first-version');
     $file3Obj = new File();
     $file3Obj->ParentID = $this->folder->ID;
     $file3Obj->Filename = $this->folder->getFilename() . 'test-file3.txt';
     $this->assertTrue(is_dir($this->folder->getFullPath() . '/_versions'));
Ejemplo n.º 21
  * Renames this file. Rename does not allow moving the file.
  * @param string $new_name the new file name.
  * @return boolean true if the operation was succesfull, false otherwise
  * @throws \Mbcraft\Piol\IOException if the name contains invalid characters.
  * @api
 public function rename($new_name)
     $this_dir = $this->getParentDir();
     $target_path = $this_dir->getPath() . DS . $new_name;
     $target_file = new File($target_path);
     if ($target_file->exists()) {
         return false;
     return rename($this->__full_path, $target_file->getFullPath());
  * Action to handle upload of a single file
  * @param SS_HTTPRequest $request
  * @return string json
 public function upload(SS_HTTPRequest $request)
     if (!$this->currentVersionFile) {
     if ($this->isDisabled() || $this->isReadonly()) {
         return $this->httpError(403);
     // Protect against CSRF on destructive action
     $token = $this->getForm()->getSecurityToken();
     if (!$token->checkRequest($request)) {
         return $this->httpError(400);
     $name = $this->getName();
     $tmpfile = $request->postVar($name);
     $record = $this->getRecord();
     // Check if the file has been uploaded into the temporary storage.
     if (!$tmpfile) {
         $return = array('error' => _t('UploadField.FIELDNOTSET', 'File information not found'));
     } else {
         $return = array('name' => $tmpfile['name'], 'size' => $tmpfile['size'], 'type' => $tmpfile['type'], 'error' => $tmpfile['error']);
     // Check for constraints on the record to which the file will be attached.
     if (!$return['error'] && $this->relationAutoSetting && $record && $record->exists()) {
         $tooManyFiles = false;
         // Some relationships allow many files to be attached.
         if ($this->getConfig('allowedMaxFileNumber') && ($record->has_many($name) || $record->many_many($name))) {
             if (!$record->isInDB()) {
             $tooManyFiles = $record->{$name}()->count() >= $this->getConfig('allowedMaxFileNumber');
             // has_one only allows one file at any given time.
         } elseif ($record->has_one($name)) {
             $tooManyFiles = $record->{$name}() && $record->{$name}()->exists();
         // Report the constraint violation.
         if ($tooManyFiles) {
             if (!$this->getConfig('allowedMaxFileNumber')) {
                 $this->setConfig('allowedMaxFileNumber', 1);
             $return['error'] = _t('UploadField.MAXNUMBEROFFILES', 'Max number of {count} file(s) exceeded.', array('count' => $this->getConfig('allowedMaxFileNumber')));
     // Process the uploaded file
     if (!$return['error']) {
         // Get the uploaded file into a new file object.
         try {
             $currentFilePath = $this->currentVersionFile->getFullPath();
             if (file_exists($currentFilePath)) {
             // If $folderName == assets (by default), then this will try and create a file inside assets/assets
             // instead of creating it in the root. This check ensures that the newly uploaded files overwrites the
             // old file in the assets root directory.
             $folderName = $this->folderName;
             if ($folderName == basename(ASSETS_PATH)) {
                 $folderName = "/";
             $this->upload->loadIntoFile(array_merge($tmpfile, array('name' => $this->currentVersionFile->Name)), $this->currentVersionFile, $folderName);
         } catch (Exception $e) {
             // we shouldn't get an error here, but just in case
             $return['error'] = $e->getMessage();
         if (!$return['error']) {
             if ($this->upload->isError()) {
                 $return['error'] = implode(' ' . PHP_EOL, $this->upload->getErrors());
             } else {
                 $file = $this->upload->getFile();
                 // Attach the file to the related record.
                 if ($this->relationAutoSetting) {
                 // Collect all output data.
                 $file = $this->customiseFile($file);
                 $return = array_merge($return, array('id' => $file->ID, 'name' => $file->getTitle() . '.' . $file->getExtension(), 'url' => $file->getURL(), 'thumbnail_url' => $file->UploadFieldThumbnailURL, 'edit_url' => $file->UploadFieldEditLink, 'size' => $file->getAbsoluteSize(), 'buttons' => $file->UploadFieldFileButtons));
     $response = new SS_HTTPResponse(Convert::raw2json(array($return)));
     $response->addHeader('Content-Type', 'text/plain');
     return $response;
 public function renderPath(File $file)
     $upload = $file->getUpload();
     return file_exists($file->getFullPath()) ? $this->renderTd($file->getDisplayFilename()) : $this->renderTd('<div class="reupload-conteiner"><span class="upload-name">' . $this->escape($file->getDisplayFilename()) . '</span><br />' . '<div class="reupload-conteiner-hide"><span class="error">' . ___('File was removed from disk or corrupted. Please re-upload it.') . '</span>' . '<div><span class="reupload" data-upload_id="' . $upload->pk() . '" id="reupload-' . $upload->pk() . '"></span></div></div></div>', false);
Ejemplo n.º 24
 public static function get_image_data($source_file)
     if ($source_file instanceof File) {
         $f = $source_file;
     } else {
         $f = new File($source_file);
     $data = getimagesize($f->getFullPath());
     $result = array();
     $result["width"] = $data[0];
     $result["height"] = $data[1];
     $result["mime_type"] = $data["mime"];
     return $result;
  * @param File $f
 public function put(File $f)
     $this->uploads[] = $f->Filename;
     $this->uploadContents[$f->Filename] = file_get_contents($f->getFullPath());
Ejemplo n.º 26
 function testCreateNewFile()
     $f_new = new File("/" . FRAMEWORK_CORE_PATH . "tests/io/test_dir/content_dir/new_file.txt");
     $this->assertNotEqual("", $f_new->getFullPath());
     //$current_mtime = $f_new->getModificationTime();
     $this->assertFalse($f_new->exists(), "Il file esiste!!");
     //$new_mtime = $f_new->getModificationTime();
     //$this->assertNotEqual($current_mtime, $new_mtime);
     $this->assertTrue($f_new->exists(), "Il file non è stato creato!");
     $this->assertFalse($f_new->exists(), "Il file esiste!!");