Ejemplo n.º 1
  * Get the fields that are sent to the CMS. In
  * your decorators: updateCMSFields(&$fields)
  * @return Fieldset
 function getCMSFields()
     Requirements::javascript(CMS_DIR . "/javascript/SitetreeAccess.js");
     $fields = new FieldSet(new TabSet("Root", $tabMain = new Tab('Main', $titleField = new TextField("Title", _t('SiteConfig.SITETITLE', "Site title")), $taglineField = new TextField("Tagline", _t('SiteConfig.SITETAGLINE', "Site Tagline/Slogan")), new DropdownField("Theme", _t('SiteConfig.THEME', 'Theme'), $this->getAvailableThemes(), '', null, _t('SiteConfig.DEFAULTTHEME', '(Use default theme)'))), $tabAccess = new Tab('Access', new HeaderField('WhoCanViewHeader', _t('SiteConfig.VIEWHEADER', "Who can view pages on this site?"), 2), $viewersOptionsField = new OptionsetField("CanViewType"), $viewerGroupsField = new TreeMultiselectField("ViewerGroups", _t('SiteTree.VIEWERGROUPS', "Viewer Groups")), new HeaderField('WhoCanEditHeader', _t('SiteConfig.EDITHEADER', "Who can edit pages on this site?"), 2), $editorsOptionsField = new OptionsetField("CanEditType"), $editorGroupsField = new TreeMultiselectField("EditorGroups", _t('SiteTree.EDITORGROUPS', "Editor Groups")), new HeaderField('WhoCanCreateTopLevelHeader', _t('SiteConfig.TOPLEVELCREATE', "Who can create pages in the root of the site?"), 2), $topLevelCreatorsOptionsField = new OptionsetField("CanCreateTopLevelType"), $topLevelCreatorsGroupsField = new TreeMultiselectField("CreateTopLevelGroups", _t('SiteTree.TOPLEVELCREATORGROUPS', "Top level creators")))));
     $viewersOptionsSource = array();
     $viewersOptionsSource["Anyone"] = _t('SiteTree.ACCESSANYONE', "Anyone");
     $viewersOptionsSource["LoggedInUsers"] = _t('SiteTree.ACCESSLOGGEDIN', "Logged-in users");
     $viewersOptionsSource["OnlyTheseUsers"] = _t('SiteTree.ACCESSONLYTHESE', "Only these people (choose from list)");
     $editorsOptionsSource = array();
     $editorsOptionsSource["LoggedInUsers"] = _t('SiteTree.EDITANYONE', "Anyone who can log-in to the CMS");
     $editorsOptionsSource["OnlyTheseUsers"] = _t('SiteTree.EDITONLYTHESE', "Only these people (choose from list)");
     // Translatable doesn't handle updateCMSFields on DataObjects,
     // so add it here to save the current Locale,
     // because onBeforeWrite does not work.
     if (Object::has_extension('SiteConfig', "Translatable")) {
         $fields->push(new HiddenField("Locale"));
     if (!Permission::check('EDIT_SITECONFIG')) {
     $tabMain->setTitle(_t('SiteConfig.TABMAIN', "Main"));
     $tabAccess->setTitle(_t('SiteConfig.TABACCESS', "Access"));
     $this->extend('updateCMSFields', $fields);
     return $fields;
  * @param FieldSet $actions
  * @parma SiteTree $page
 public static function update_cms_actions(&$actions, $page)
     $openRequest = $page->OpenWorkflowRequest();
     // if user doesn't have publish rights
     if (!$page->canPublish() || $openRequest) {
         // authors shouldn't be able to revert, as this republishes the page.
         // they should rather change the page and re-request publication
     // Remove the one click publish if they are not an admin/workflow admin.
     if (self::$force_publishers_to_use_workflow && !Permission::checkMember(Member::currentUser(), 'IS_WORKFLOW_ADMIN')) {
     // Remove the save & publish button if you don't have edit rights
     if (!$page->canEdit()) {
     $liveVersion = Versioned::get_one_by_stage('SiteTree', 'Live', "\"SiteTree_Live\".\"ID\" = {$page->ID}");
     if ($liveVersion && $liveVersion->ExpiryDate != null && $liveVersion->ExpiryDate != '0000-00-00 00:00:00') {
         if ($page->canApprove()) {
             $actions->push(new FormAction('cms_cancelexpiry', _t('WorkflowPublicationRequest.BUTTONCANCELEXPIRY', 'Cancel expiry')));
     // Optional method
     $isPublishable = $page->hasMethod('isPublishable') ? $page->isPublishable() : true;
     if (!$openRequest && $page->canEdit() && $isPublishable && $page->stagesDiffer('Stage', 'Live') && ($page->Version > 1 || $page->Title != "New Page") && !$page->IsDeletedFromStage && (!$page->canPublish() || self::$publisher_can_create_wf_requests)) {
         $actions->push($requestPublicationAction = new FormAction('cms_requestpublication', _t('SiteTreeCMSWorkflow.BUTTONREQUESTPUBLICATION', 'Request Publication')));
         // don't allow creation of a second request by another author
         if (!self::can_create(null, $page)) {
  * Fields to display this {@link Payment} in the CMS, removed some of the 
  * unnecessary fields.
  * @see DataObjectDecorator::updateCMSFields()
  * @return FieldSet
 function updateCMSFields(FieldSet &$fields)
     $toBeRemoved = array('IP', 'ProxyIP', 'PaidForID', 'PaidForClass', 'PaymentDate', 'ExceptionError', 'Token', 'PayerID', 'RecurringPaymentID');
     foreach ($toBeRemoved as $field) {
     $toBeReadOnly = array('TransactionID', 'PaidByID');
     foreach ($toBeReadOnly as $field) {
         if ($fields->fieldByName($field)) {
     return $fields;
  * @param FieldSet $actions
  * @parma SiteTree $page
 public static function update_cms_actions(&$actions, $page)
     $openRequest = $page->OpenWorkflowRequest();
     // if user doesn't have publish rights, exchange the behavior from
     // "publish" to "request publish" etc.
     if (!$page->canDeleteFromLive() || $openRequest) {
         // "request removal"
     if (!$openRequest && $page->canEdit() && (!$page->canPublish() || self::$publisher_can_create_wf_requests) && $page->IsDeletedFromStage) {
         if ($page->ExistsOnLive) {
             $actions->push($requestDeletionAction = new FormAction('cms_requestdeletefromlive', _t('SiteTreeCMSWorkflow.BUTTONREQUESTREMOVAL', 'Request Removal')));
         // don't allow creation of a second request by another author
         if (!self::can_create(null, $page)) {
     // @todo deny deletion
 function testMakeFieldReadonly()
     $fieldSet = new FieldSet(new TabSet('Root', new Tab('Main', new TextField('A'), new TextField('B'))));
     $this->assertTrue($fieldSet->dataFieldByName('A')->isReadonly(), 'Field nested inside a TabSet and FieldSet can be marked readonly by FieldSet->makeFieldReadonly()');
Ejemplo n.º 6
  * Returns a FieldSet with which to create the CMS editing form.
  * You can override this in your child classes to add extra fields - first
  * get the parent fields using parent::getCMSFields(), then use
  * addFieldToTab() on the FieldSet.
  * @return FieldSet The fields to be displayed in the CMS.
 function getCMSFields()
     require_once "forms/Form.php";
     Requirements::javascript(SAPPHIRE_DIR . "/thirdparty/prototype/prototype.js");
     Requirements::javascript(SAPPHIRE_DIR . "/thirdparty/behaviour/behaviour.js");
     Requirements::javascript(CMS_DIR . "/javascript/SitetreeAccess.js");
     Requirements::add_i18n_javascript(SAPPHIRE_DIR . '/javascript/lang');
     Requirements::javascript(SAPPHIRE_DIR . '/javascript/UpdateURL.js');
     // Status / message
     // Create a status message for multiple parents
     if ($this->ID && is_numeric($this->ID)) {
         $linkedPages = $this->VirtualPages();
     $parentPageLinks = array();
     if (isset($linkedPages)) {
         foreach ($linkedPages as $linkedPage) {
             $parentPage = $linkedPage->Parent;
             if ($parentPage) {
                 if ($parentPage->ID) {
                     $parentPageLinks[] = "<a class=\"cmsEditlink\" href=\"admin/show/{$linkedPage->ID}\">{$parentPage->Title}</a>";
                 } else {
                     $parentPageLinks[] = "<a class=\"cmsEditlink\" href=\"admin/show/{$linkedPage->ID}\">" . _t('SiteTree.TOPLEVEL', 'Site Content (Top Level)') . "</a>";
         $lastParent = array_pop($parentPageLinks);
         $parentList = "'{$lastParent}'";
         if (count($parentPageLinks) > 0) {
             $parentList = "'" . implode("', '", $parentPageLinks) . "' and " . $parentList;
         $statusMessage[] = sprintf(_t('SiteTree.APPEARSVIRTUALPAGES', "This content also appears on the virtual pages in the %s sections."), $parentList);
     if ($this->HasBrokenLink || $this->HasBrokenFile) {
         $statusMessage[] = _t('SiteTree.HASBROKENLINKS', "This page has broken links.");
     $message = "STATUS: {$this->Status}<br />";
     if (isset($statusMessage)) {
         $message .= "NOTE: " . implode("<br />", $statusMessage);
     $dependentNote = '';
     $dependentTable = new LiteralField('DependentNote', '<p></p>');
     // Create a table for showing pages linked to this one
     $dependentPagesCount = $this->DependentPagesCount();
     if ($dependentPagesCount) {
         $dependentColumns = array('Title' => $this->fieldLabel('Title'), 'AbsoluteLink' => _t('SiteTree.DependtPageColumnURL', 'URL'), 'DependentLinkType' => _t('SiteTree.DependtPageColumnLinkType', 'Link type'));
         if (class_exists('Subsite')) {
             $dependentColumns['Subsite.Title'] = singleton('Subsite')->i18n_singular_name();
         $dependentNote = new LiteralField('DependentNote', '<p>' . _t('SiteTree.DEPENDENT_NOTE', 'The following pages depend on this page. This includes virtual pages, redirector pages, and pages with content links.') . '</p>');
         $dependentTable = new TableListField('DependentPages', 'SiteTree', $dependentColumns);
         $dependentTable->setFieldFormatting(array('Title' => '<a href=\\"admin/show/$ID\\">$Title</a>', 'AbsoluteLink' => '<a href=\\"$value\\">$value</a>'));
         $dependentTable->setPermissions(array('show', 'export'));
     // Lay out the fields
     $fields = new FieldSet($rootTab = new TabSet("Root", $tabContent = new TabSet('Content', $tabMain = new Tab('Main', new TextField("Title", $this->fieldLabel('Title')), new TextField("MenuTitle", $this->fieldLabel('MenuTitle')), new HtmlEditorField("Content", _t('SiteTree.HTMLEDITORTITLE', "Content", PR_MEDIUM, 'HTML editor title'))), $tabMeta = new Tab('Metadata', new FieldGroup(_t('SiteTree.URL', "URL"), new LabelField('BaseUrlLabel', Controller::join_links(Director::absoluteBaseURL(), self::nested_urls() && $this->ParentID ? $this->Parent()->RelativeLink(true) : null)), new UniqueRestrictedTextField("URLSegment", "URLSegment", "SiteTree", _t('SiteTree.VALIDATIONURLSEGMENT1', "Another page is using that URL. URL must be unique for each page"), "[^A-Za-z0-9-]+", "-", _t('SiteTree.VALIDATIONURLSEGMENT2', "URLs can only be made up of letters, digits and hyphens."), "", "", "", 50), new LabelField('TrailingSlashLabel', "/")), new LiteralField('LinkChangeNote', self::nested_urls() && count($this->Children()) ? '<p>' . $this->fieldLabel('LinkChangeNote') . '</p>' : null), new HeaderField('MetaTagsHeader', $this->fieldLabel('MetaTagsHeader')), new TextField("MetaTitle", $this->fieldLabel('MetaTitle')), new TextareaField("MetaKeywords", $this->fieldLabel('MetaKeywords'), 1), new TextareaField("MetaDescription", $this->fieldLabel('MetaDescription')), new TextareaField("ExtraMeta", $this->fieldLabel('ExtraMeta')))), $tabBehaviour = new Tab('Behaviour', new DropdownField("ClassName", $this->fieldLabel('ClassName'), $this->getClassDropdown()), new OptionsetField("ParentType", _t("SiteTree.PAGELOCATION", "Page location"), array("root" => _t("SiteTree.PARENTTYPE_ROOT", "Top-level page"), "subpage" => _t("SiteTree.PARENTTYPE_SUBPAGE", "Sub-page underneath a parent page (choose below)"))), $parentIDField = new TreeDropdownField("ParentID", $this->fieldLabel('ParentID'), 'SiteTree'), new CheckboxField("ShowInMenus", $this->fieldLabel('ShowInMenus')), new CheckboxField("ShowInSearch", $this->fieldLabel('ShowInSearch')), new CheckboxField("ProvideComments", $this->fieldLabel('ProvideComments')), new LiteralField("HomepageForDomainInfo", "<p>" . _t('SiteTree.NOTEUSEASHOMEPAGE', "Use this page as the 'home page' for the following domains: \n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t(separate multiple domains with commas)") . "</p>"), new TextField("HomepageForDomain", _t('SiteTree.HOMEPAGEFORDOMAIN', "Domain(s)", PR_MEDIUM, 'Listing domains that should be used as homepage'))), $tabToDo = new Tab(_t('SiteTree.TABTODO', 'To-do') . ($this->ToDo ? '**' : ''), new LiteralField("ToDoHelp", _t('SiteTree.TODOHELP', "<p>You can use this to keep track of work that needs to be done to the content of your site.  To see all your pages with to do information, open the 'Site Reports' window on the left and select 'To Do'</p>")), new TextareaField("ToDo", "", 10)), $tabDependent = new Tab('Dependent', $dependentNote, $dependentTable), $tabAccess = new Tab('Access', new HeaderField('WhoCanViewHeader', _t('SiteTree.ACCESSHEADER', "Who can view this page?"), 2), $viewersOptionsField = new OptionsetField("CanViewType", ""), $viewerGroupsField = new TreeMultiselectField("ViewerGroups", $this->fieldLabel('ViewerGroups')), new HeaderField('WhoCanEditHeader', _t('SiteTree.EDITHEADER', "Who can edit this page?"), 2), $editorsOptionsField = new OptionsetField("CanEditType", ""), $editorGroupsField = new TreeMultiselectField("EditorGroups", $this->fieldLabel('EditorGroups')))));
      * This filter ensures that the ParentID dropdown selection does not show this node,
      * or its descendents, as this causes vanishing bugs.
     $parentIDField->setFilterFunction(create_function('$node', "return \$node->ID != {$this->ID};"));
     // Conditional dependent pages tab
     if ($dependentPagesCount) {
         $tabDependent->setTitle(_t('SiteTree.TABDEPENDENT', "Dependent pages") . " ({$dependentPagesCount})");
     } else {
         $fields->removeFieldFromTab('Root', 'Dependent');
     // Make page location fields read-only if the user doesn't have the appropriate permission
     if (!Permission::check("SITETREE_REORGANISE")) {
         if ($this->ParentType == 'root') {
         } else {
     $viewersOptionsSource = array();
     $viewersOptionsSource["Inherit"] = _t('SiteTree.INHERIT', "Inherit from parent page");
     $viewersOptionsSource["Anyone"] = _t('SiteTree.ACCESSANYONE', "Anyone");
     $viewersOptionsSource["LoggedInUsers"] = _t('SiteTree.ACCESSLOGGEDIN', "Logged-in users");
     $viewersOptionsSource["OnlyTheseUsers"] = _t('SiteTree.ACCESSONLYTHESE', "Only these people (choose from list)");
     $editorsOptionsSource = array();
     $editorsOptionsSource["Inherit"] = _t('SiteTree.INHERIT', "Inherit from parent page");
     $editorsOptionsSource["LoggedInUsers"] = _t('SiteTree.EDITANYONE', "Anyone who can log-in to the CMS");
     $editorsOptionsSource["OnlyTheseUsers"] = _t('SiteTree.EDITONLYTHESE', "Only these people (choose from list)");
     if (!Permission::check('SITETREE_GRANT_ACCESS')) {
         if ($this->CanViewType == 'OnlyTheseUsers') {
         } else {
         if ($this->CanEditType == 'OnlyTheseUsers') {
         } else {
     $tabContent->setTitle(_t('SiteTree.TABCONTENT', "Content"));
     $tabMain->setTitle(_t('SiteTree.TABMAIN', "Main"));
     $tabMeta->setTitle(_t('SiteTree.TABMETA', "Metadata"));
     $tabBehaviour->setTitle(_t('SiteTree.TABBEHAVIOUR', "Behavior"));
     $tabAccess->setTitle(_t('SiteTree.TABACCESS', "Access"));
     if (file_exists(BASE_PATH . '/install.php')) {
         $fields->addFieldToTab("Root.Content.Main", new LiteralField("InstallWarningHeader", "<p class=\"message warning\">" . _t("SiteTree.REMOVE_INSTALL_WARNING", "Warning: You should remove install.php from this SilverStripe install for security reasons.") . "</p>"), "Title");
     if (self::$runCMSFieldsExtensions) {
         $this->extend('updateCMSFields', $fields);
     return $fields;
Ejemplo n.º 7
  * Returns fields related to configuration aspects on this record, e.g. access control.
  * See {@link getCMSFields()} for content-related fields.
  * @return FieldSet
 function getSettingsFields()
     $fields = new FieldSet($rootTab = new TabSet("Root", $tabBehaviour = new Tab('Settings', new DropdownField("ClassName", $this->fieldLabel('ClassName'), $this->getClassDropdown()), new OptionsetField("ParentType", _t("SiteTree.PAGELOCATION", "Page location"), array("root" => _t("SiteTree.PARENTTYPE_ROOT", "Top-level page"), "subpage" => _t("SiteTree.PARENTTYPE_SUBPAGE", "Sub-page underneath a parent page (choose below)"))), $parentIDField = new TreeDropdownField("ParentID", $this->fieldLabel('ParentID'), 'SiteTree', 'ID', 'MenuTitle'), new CheckboxField("ShowInMenus", $this->fieldLabel('ShowInMenus')), new CheckboxField("ShowInSearch", $this->fieldLabel('ShowInSearch')), new LiteralField("HomepageForDomainInfo", "<p>" . _t('SiteTree.NOTEUSEASHOMEPAGE', "Use this page as the 'home page' for the following domains: \n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t(separate multiple domains with commas)") . "</p>"), new TextField("HomepageForDomain", _t('SiteTree.HOMEPAGEFORDOMAIN', "Domain(s)", PR_MEDIUM, 'Listing domains that should be used as homepage'))), $tabAccess = new Tab('Access', $viewersOptionsField = new OptionsetField("CanViewType", _t('SiteTree.ACCESSHEADER', "Who can view this page?")), $viewerGroupsField = new TreeMultiselectField("ViewerGroups", $this->fieldLabel('ViewerGroups')), $editorsOptionsField = new OptionsetField("CanEditType", _t('SiteTree.EDITHEADER', "Who can edit this page?")), $editorGroupsField = new TreeMultiselectField("EditorGroups", $this->fieldLabel('EditorGroups')))));
      * This filter ensures that the ParentID dropdown selection does not show this node,
      * or its descendents, as this causes vanishing bugs.
     $parentIDField->setFilterFunction(create_function('$node', "return \$node->ID != {$this->ID};"));
     $tabBehaviour->setTitle(_t('SiteTree.TABBEHAVIOUR', "Behavior"));
     $tabAccess->setTitle(_t('SiteTree.TABACCESS', "Access"));
     // Make page location fields read-only if the user doesn't have the appropriate permission
     if (!Permission::check("SITETREE_REORGANISE")) {
         if ($this->ParentType == 'root') {
         } else {
     $viewersOptionsSource = array();
     $viewersOptionsSource["Inherit"] = _t('SiteTree.INHERIT', "Inherit from parent page");
     $viewersOptionsSource["Anyone"] = _t('SiteTree.ACCESSANYONE', "Anyone");
     $viewersOptionsSource["LoggedInUsers"] = _t('SiteTree.ACCESSLOGGEDIN', "Logged-in users");
     $viewersOptionsSource["OnlyTheseUsers"] = _t('SiteTree.ACCESSONLYTHESE', "Only these people (choose from list)");
     $editorsOptionsSource = array();
     $editorsOptionsSource["Inherit"] = _t('SiteTree.INHERIT', "Inherit from parent page");
     $editorsOptionsSource["LoggedInUsers"] = _t('SiteTree.EDITANYONE', "Anyone who can log-in to the CMS");
     $editorsOptionsSource["OnlyTheseUsers"] = _t('SiteTree.EDITONLYTHESE', "Only these people (choose from list)");
     if (!Permission::check('SITETREE_GRANT_ACCESS')) {
         if ($this->CanViewType == 'OnlyTheseUsers') {
         } else {
         if ($this->CanEditType == 'OnlyTheseUsers') {
         } else {
     if (self::$runCMSFieldsExtensions) {
         $this->extend('updateSettingsFields', $fields);
     return $fields;
Ejemplo n.º 8
	 * Returns a FieldSet with which to create the CMS editing form.
	 * You can override this in your child classes to add extra fields - first
	 * get the parent fields using parent::getCMSFields(), then use
	 * addFieldToTab() on the FieldSet.
	 * @return FieldSet The fields to be displayed in the CMS.
	function getCMSFields() {
		Requirements::javascript(CMS_DIR . "/javascript/SitetreeAccess.js");
		Requirements::javascript(SAPPHIRE_DIR . '/javascript/UpdateURL.js');

		// Status / message
		// Create a status message for multiple parents
		if($this->ID && is_numeric($this->ID)) {
			$linkedPages = DataObject::get("VirtualPage", "CopyContentFromID = $this->ID");

		if(isset($linkedPages)) {
			foreach($linkedPages as $linkedPage) {
				$parentPage = $linkedPage->Parent;
				$parentPageTitle = $parentPage->Title;

				if($parentPage->ID) {
					$parentPageLinks[] = "<a class=\"cmsEditlink\" href=\"admin/show/$linkedPage->ID\">{$parentPage->Title}</a>";
				} else {
					$parentPageLinks[] = "<a class=\"cmsEditlink\" href=\"admin/show/$linkedPage->ID\">" .
						_t('SiteTree.TOPLEVEL', 'Site Content (Top Level)') .

			$lastParent = array_pop($parentPageLinks);
			$parentList = "'$lastParent'";

			if(count($parentPageLinks) > 0) {
				$parentList = "'" . implode("', '", $parentPageLinks) . "' and "
					. $parentList;

			$statusMessage[] = sprintf(
				_t('SiteTree.APPEARSVIRTUALPAGES', "This content also appears on the virtual pages in the %s sections."),

		if($this->HasBrokenLink || $this->HasBrokenFile) {
			$statusMessage[] = _t('SiteTree.HASBROKENLINKS', "This page has broken links.");

		$message = "STATUS: $this->Status<br />";
		if(isset($statusMessage)) {
			$message .= "NOTE: " . implode("<br />", $statusMessage);
		$backLinksNote = '';
		$backLinksTable = new LiteralField('BackLinksNote', '<p>' . _t('NOBACKLINKEDPAGES', 'There are no pages linked to this page.') . '</p>');
		// Create a table for showing pages linked to this one
		if($this->BackLinkTracking() && $this->BackLinkTracking()->Count() > 0) {
			$backLinksNote = new LiteralField('BackLinksNote', '<p>' . _t('SiteTree.PAGESLINKING', 'The following pages link to this page:') . '</p>');
			$backLinksTable = new TableListField(
					'Title' => 'Title'
				'ChildID = ' . $this->ID,
				'LEFT JOIN SiteTree_LinkTracking ON SiteTree.ID = SiteTree_LinkTracking.SiteTreeID'
				'Title' => '<a href=\"admin/show/$ID\">$Title</a>'
		// Lay out the fields
		$fields = new FieldSet(
			new TabSet("Root",
				$tabContent = new TabSet('Content',
					$tabMain = new Tab('Main',
						new TextField("Title", $this->fieldLabel('Title')),
						new TextField("MenuTitle", $this->fieldLabel('MenuTitle')),
						new HtmlEditorField("Content", _t('SiteTree.HTMLEDITORTITLE', "Content", PR_MEDIUM, 'HTML editor title'))
					$tabMeta = new Tab('Metadata',
						new FieldGroup(_t('SiteTree.URL', "URL"),
							new LabelField('BaseUrlLabel',Director::absoluteBaseURL()),
							new UniqueRestrictedTextField("URLSegment",
								_t('SiteTree.VALIDATIONURLSEGMENT1', "Another page is using that URL. URL must be unique for each page"),
								_t('SiteTree.VALIDATIONURLSEGMENT2', "URLs can only be made up of letters, digits and hyphens."),
							new LabelField('TrailingSlashLabel',"/")
						new HeaderField('MetaTagsHeader',$this->fieldLabel('MetaTagsHeader')),
						new TextField("MetaTitle", $this->fieldLabel('MetaTitle')),
						new TextareaField("MetaDescription", $this->fieldLabel('MetaDescription')),
						new TextareaField("MetaKeywords", $this->fieldLabel('MetaKeywords')),
						new TextareaField("ExtraMeta",$this->fieldLabel('ExtraMeta'))
				$tabBehaviour = new Tab('Behaviour',
					new DropdownField(
					new CheckboxField("ShowInMenus", $this->fieldLabel('ShowInMenus')),
					new CheckboxField("ShowInSearch", $this->fieldLabel('ShowInSearch')),
					/*, new TreeMultiselectField("MultipleParents", "Page appears within", "SiteTree")*/
					new CheckboxField("ProvideComments", $this->fieldLabel('ProvideComments')),
					new LiteralField(
						"<p>" . 
							"Use this page as the 'home page' for the following domains: 
							(separate multiple domains with commas)") .
					new TextField(
						_t('SiteTree.HOMEPAGEFORDOMAIN', "Domain(s)", PR_MEDIUM, 'Listing domains that should be used as homepage')
				$tabToDo = new Tab($this->ToDo ? 'To-do **' : 'To-do',
					new LiteralField("ToDoHelp", _t('SiteTree.TODOHELP', "<p>You can use this to keep track of work that needs to be done to the content of your site.  To see all your pages with to do information, open the 'Site Reports' window on the left and select 'To Do'</p>")),
					new TextareaField("ToDo", "")
				$tabReports = new TabSet('Reports',
					$tabBacklinks = new Tab('Backlinks',
				$tabAccess = new Tab('Access',
					new HeaderField('WhoCanViewHeader',_t('SiteTree.ACCESSHEADER', "Who can view this page?"), 2),
					$viewersOptionsField = new OptionsetField(
					$viewerGroupsField = new TreeMultiselectField("ViewerGroups", $this->fieldLabel('ViewerGroups')),
					new HeaderField('WhoCanEditHeader',_t('SiteTree.EDITHEADER', "Who can edit this page?"), 2),
					$editorsOptionsField = new OptionsetField(
					$editorGroupsField = new TreeMultiselectField("EditorGroups", $this->fieldLabel('EditorGroups'))
			//new NamedLabelField("Status", $message, "pageStatusMessage", true)

		if(!Permission::check('SITETREE_GRANT_ACCESS')) {
		$viewersOptionsSource = array();
		if($this->Parent()->ID || $this->CanViewType == 'Inherit') $viewersOptionsSource["Inherit"] = _t('SiteTree.INHERIT', "Inherit from parent page");
		$viewersOptionsSource["Anyone"] = _t('SiteTree.ACCESSANYONE', "Anyone");
		$viewersOptionsSource["LoggedInUsers"] = _t('SiteTree.ACCESSLOGGEDIN', "Logged-in users");
		$viewersOptionsSource["OnlyTheseUsers"] = _t('SiteTree.ACCESSONLYTHESE', "Only these people (choose from list)");
		$editorsOptionsSource = array();
		if($this->Parent()->ID || $this->CanEditType == 'Inherit') $editorsOptionsSource["Inherit"] = _t('SiteTree.INHERIT', "Inherit from parent page");
		$editorsOptionsSource["LoggedInUsers"] = _t('SiteTree.EDITANYONE', "Anyone who can log-in to the CMS");
		$editorsOptionsSource["OnlyTheseUsers"] = _t('SiteTree.EDITONLYTHESE', "Only these people (choose from list)");
		$tabContent->setTitle(_t('SiteTree.TABCONTENT', "Content"));
		$tabMain->setTitle(_t('SiteTree.TABMAIN', "Main"));
		$tabMeta->setTitle(_t('SiteTree.TABMETA', "Metadata"));
		$tabBehaviour->setTitle(_t('SiteTree.TABBEHAVIOUR', "Behaviour"));
		$tabReports->setTitle(_t('SiteTree.TABREPORTS', "Reports"));
		$tabAccess->setTitle(_t('SiteTree.TABACCESS', "Access"));
		$tabBacklinks->setTitle(_t('SiteTree.TABBACKLINKS', "BackLinks"));
		if(self::$runCMSFieldsExtensions) {
			$this->extend('updateCMSFields', $fields);

		return $fields;
	 * Make a readonly transformation on all fields in the given
	 * FieldSet which have a name corresponding to a key in the
	 * given $values array.
	 * @param FieldSet &$fields
	 * @param array $values
	public function updateFieldSet(FieldSet &$fields, array $values) {
		foreach ($values as $field => $value) {
			if ($fields->dataFieldByName($field))