Ejemplo n.º 1

include "FeedWriter.php";
//Creating an instance of FeedWriter class.
//The constant RSS1 is passed to mention the version
$TestFeed = new FeedWriter(RSS1);
//Setting the channel elements
//Use wrapper functions for common elements
//For other optional channel elements, use setChannelElement() function
$TestFeed->setTitle('Testing the RSS writer class');
$TestFeed->setDescription('This is test of creating a RSS 1.0 feed by Universal Feed Writer');
//It's important for RSS 1.0
//Adding a feed. Genarally this protion will be in a loop and add all feeds.
//Create an empty FeedItem
$newItem = $TestFeed->createNewItem();
//Add elements to the feed item
//Use wrapper functions to add common feed elements
$newItem->setTitle('The first feed');
//The parameter is a timestamp for setDate() function
$newItem->setDescription('This is test of adding CDATA Encoded description by the php <b>Universal Feed Writer</b> class');
//Use core addElement() function for other supported optional elements
$newItem->addElement('dc:subject', 'Nothing but test');
//Now add the feed item
//Adding multiple elements from array
//Elements which have an attribute cannot be added by this way
$newItem = $TestFeed->createNewItem();