The followings are the available columns in table '{{FeedBack}}':
Inheritance: extends yupe\models\YModel
Ejemplo n.º 1
  * @param IFeedbackForm $form
  * @return bool
 public function send(IFeedbackForm $form)
     $feedback = new FeedBack();
     $feedback->setAttributes(['name' => $form->getName(), 'email' => $form->getEmail(), 'theme' => $form->getTheme(), 'text' => $form->getText(), 'phone' => $form->getPhone(), 'type' => $form->getType()]);
     if ($feedback->save()) {
         if ($this->module->sendConfirmation) {
             return $this->sendConfirmation($form, $feedback);
         return true;
     return false;
Ejemplo n.º 2
 public function send(FeedBackForm $form)
     $feedback = new FeedBack();
     $feedback->setAttributes(array('name' => $form->name, 'email' => $form->email, 'theme' => $form->theme, 'text' => $form->text, 'phone' => $form->phone, 'type' => $form->type));
     if ($feedback->save()) {
         if ($this->module->sendConfirmation) {
             return $this->sendConfirmation($form, $feedback);
         return true;
     return false;
Ejemplo n.º 3
 function contact(Request $request)
     $values = $request->all();
     $feedback = FeedBack::create($values);
     $items = Item::all();
     $i = 0;
     return view('main', ['i' => $i, 'contact' => $feedback, 'items' => $items]);
Ejemplo n.º 4
 public function actionFaqView($id)
     $id = (int) $id;
     if (!$id) {
         throw new CHttpException(404, Yii::t('', 'Page was not found!'));
     $model = FeedBack::model()->answered()->faq()->findByPk($id);
     if (null === $model) {
         throw new CHttpException(404, Yii::t('', 'Page was not found!'));
     $this->render('faqView', array('model' => $model));
Ejemplo n.º 5
 public function run()
     $users = User::all();
     for ($i = 0; $i < count($users); $i++) {
         $user = $users[$i];
         FeedBack::create(["user_id" => $user->user_id, "type" => "1", "title" => "title_" . $i . "_type_1_untreated", "status" => false, "content" => "content_" . $i . "_type_1_untreated"]);
         FeedBack::create(["user_id" => $user->user_id, "type" => "1", "title" => "title_" . $i . "_type_1_treated", "status" => true, "content" => "content_" . $i . "_type_1_treated"]);
         FeedBack::create(["user_id" => $user->user_id, "type" => "2", "title" => "title_" . $i . "_type_2_untreated", "status" => false, "content" => "content_" . $i . "_type_2_untreated"]);
         FeedBack::create(["user_id" => $user->user_id, "type" => "2", "title" => "title_" . $i . "_type_2_treated", "status" => true, "content" => "content_" . $i . "_type_2_treated"]);
         FeedBack::create(["user_id" => $user->user_id, "type" => "3", "title" => "title_" . $i . "_type_3_untreated", "status" => false, "content" => "content_" . $i . "_type_3_untreated"]);
         FeedBack::create(["user_id" => $user->user_id, "type" => "3", "title" => "title_" . $i . "_type_3_treated", "status" => true, "content" => "content_" . $i . "_type_3_treated"]);
Ejemplo n.º 6
 public function actionIndex()
     $form = new FeedBackForm();
     if (Yii::app()->request->isPostRequest && !empty($_POST['FeedBackForm'])) {
         $module = Yii::app()->getModule('feedback');
         if ($form->validate()) {
             // обработка запроса
             $backEnd = array_unique($module->backEnd);
             if (is_array($backEnd) && count($backEnd)) {
                 // запись в базу
                 if (in_array('db', $backEnd)) {
                     $feedback = new FeedBack();
                     $feedback->setAttributes(array('name' => $form->name, 'email' => $form->email, 'theme' => $form->theme, 'text' => $form->text, 'type' => $form->type));
                     if ($feedback->save()) {
                         Yii::log(Yii::t('feedback', 'Обращение пользователя добавлено в базу!'), CLogger::LEVEL_INFO, FeedbackModule::$logCategory);
                         Yii::app()->user->setFlash(YFlashMessages::NOTICE_MESSAGE, Yii::t('feedback', 'Ваше сообщение отправлено! Спасибо!'));
                     } else {
                         Yii::log(Yii::t('feedback', 'Ошибка при добавлении обращения пользователя в базу!'), CLogger::LEVEL_ERROR, FeedbackModule::$logCategory);
                         Yii::app()->user->setFlash(YFlashMessages::ERROR_MESSAGE, Yii::t('feedback', 'При отправке сообщения произошла ошибка! Повторите попытку позже!'));
                         $this->render('index', array('model' => $form));
                 if (in_array('email', $backEnd) && count($module->emails)) {
                     $emailBody = $this->renderPartial('', array('model' => $feedback), true);
                     foreach ($module->emails as $mail) {
                         Yii::app()->mail->send($module->notifyEmailFrom, $mail, $form->theme, $emailBody);
                     Yii::log(Yii::t('feedback', 'Обращение пользователя отправлено на email!'), CLogger::LEVEL_INFO, FeedbackModule::$logCategory);
                     Yii::app()->user->setFlash(YFlashMessages::NOTICE_MESSAGE, Yii::t('feedback', 'Ваше сообщение отправлено! Спасибо!'));
     $this->render('index', array('model' => $form));
Ejemplo n.º 7
 public function checkSelf()
     $messages = [];
     if (in_array(FeedbackModule::BACKEND_EMAIL, $this->backEnd) && (!$this->emails || !count(explode(',', $this->emails)))) {
         $messages[WebModule::CHECK_ERROR][] = ['type' => WebModule::CHECK_ERROR, 'message' => Yii::t('', 'Select feedback message email receivers (emails) {link}', ['{link}' => CHtml::link(Yii::t('', 'Change module settings'), ['/yupe/backend/modulesettings/', 'module' => $this->id])])];
     if (!$this->notifyEmailFrom) {
         $messages[WebModule::CHECK_ERROR][] = ['type' => WebModule::CHECK_ERROR, 'message' => Yii::t('', 'Select email which will be display in "From" field {link}', ['{link}' => CHtml::link(Yii::t('', 'Change module settings'), ['/yupe/backend/modulesettings/', 'module' => $this->id])])];
     $count = FeedBack::model()->new()->cache($this->cacheTime)->count();
     if ($count) {
         $messages[WebModule::CHECK_NOTICE][] = ['type' => WebModule::CHECK_NOTICE, 'message' => Yii::t('', 'You have {{count}} ', ['{{count}}' => $count]) . Yii::t('', 'new message |new messages |new messages ', $count) . ' ' . CHtml::link(Yii::t('', 'Show and reply?'), ['/feedback/feedbackBackend/index/', 'order' => 'status.asc', 'FeedbBack_sort' => 'status'])];
     return isset($messages[WebModule::CHECK_ERROR]) || isset($messages[WebModule::CHECK_NOTICE]) ? $messages : true;
Ejemplo n.º 8

require __DIR__ . '/../vendor/autoload.php';
require_once '../config.php';
require_once '../classes/boot.php';
require_once '../classes/FeedBack.php';
$out = [];
if (isset($_POST['name']) && isset($_POST['email']) && isset($_POST['feedback'])) {
    if (FeedBack::create($_POST)) {
        $out['status'] = "success";
        $out['error'] = "none";
    } else {
        $out['status'] = "fail";
        $out['error'] = "none";
} else {
    $out['status'] = "fail";
    $out['error'] = "none";
header('Content-type: text/plain');
echo json_encode($out);
Ejemplo n.º 9
 public function run()
     $models = FeedBack::model()->answered()->faq()->cache($this->cacheTime)->findAll(['limit' => $this->limit, 'order' => 'id DESC']);
     $this->render($this->view, ['models' => $models]);
Ejemplo n.º 10
 public function getName()
     $count = FeedBack::model()->new()->cache(5)->count();
     return $count ? Yii::t('feedback', 'Сообщения с сайта') . " ({$count})" : Yii::t('feedback', 'Сообщения с сайта');
Ejemplo n.º 11
  * Returns the data model based on the primary key given in the GET variable.
  * If the data model is not found, an HTTP exception will be raised.
 public function loadModel()
     if ($this->_model === null) {
         if (isset($_GET['id'])) {
             $this->_model = FeedBack::model()->findbyPk($_GET['id']);
         if ($this->_model === null) {
             throw new CHttpException(404, 'The requested page does not exist.');
     return $this->_model;
Ejemplo n.º 12
 function contact(Request $request)
     $values = $request->all();
     return view('main', ['values' => $values]);
Ejemplo n.º 13

require_once './FeedBack.php';
$data = $_POST['feedback'];
if (isset($_POST['no_canvas'])) {
    $feedback = new FeedBack($data, FALSE);
} else {
    $feedback = new FeedBack($data, TRUE);
$is_successful = $feedback->storeFeedBack();
echo "{$is_successful}";
  * private function isConversationIDValid()
  * Checks if ConversationID given in feedback object is valid
  * @return boolean - TRUE IFF userID is valid
 private function isConversationIDValid()
     return $this->m_dataBase->isConversationIDValid($this->m_feedBackObject->getConversationID());
Ejemplo n.º 15
  * Returns the data model based on the primary key given in the GET variable.
  * If the data model is not found, an HTTP exception will be raised.
  * @param int $id - record value
  * @return FeedBack $model
  * @throws CHttpException
 public function loadModel($id = null)
     if ($this->_model === null) {
         $id = $id ?: Yii::app()->getRequest()->getParam('id');
         if (($this->_model = FeedBack::model()->findByPk($id)) === null) {
             throw new CHttpException(404, Yii::t('', 'Requested page was not found!'));
     return $this->_model;
Ejemplo n.º 16
     if (!empty($string['filterSelectedBreeds'])) {
         $filterSelectedBreeds = $string['filterSelectedBreeds'];
     if (!empty($string['filterSelectedAge'])) {
         $filterSelectedAge = $string['filterSelectedAge'];
     if (!empty($string['filterSelectedGender'])) {
         $filterSelectedGender = $string['filterSelectedGender'];
     $response['showPetMateDetailsResponse'] = $objFilter->filterPetMateLists($email, $currentPage, $filterSelectedCategories, $filterSelectedBreeds, $filterSelectedAge, $filterSelectedGender);
     deliver_response($string['format'], $response, false);
 } else {
     if (strcasecmp($method, 'userFeedback') == 0) {
         $response['code'] = 1;
         $response['status'] = $api_response_code[$response['code']]['HTTP Response'];
         $objuserFeedback = new FeedBack();
         $email = $string['email'];
         $feedback = $string['feedback'];
         $objuserFeedback->mapIncomingFeedbackParams($email, $feedback);
         $response['saveFeedbackResponse'] = $objuserFeedback->sendFeedbackEmailToAdmin();
         deliver_response($string['format'], $response, false);
     } else {
         if (strcasecmp($method, 'submitClinicFeedback') == 0) {
             $response['code'] = 1;
             $response['status'] = $api_response_code[$response['code']]['HTTP Response'];
             $objClinicFeedbackDetails = new ClinicFeedbackDetails();
             $clinicRatings = $string['ratings'];
             $clinicFeedback = $string['feedback'];
             $email = $string['email'];
             $clinicId = $string['clinicId'];
             $objClinicFeedbackDetails->mapIncomingClinicFeedbackDetails($clinicRatings, $clinicFeedback, $email, $clinicId);
Ejemplo n.º 17
  * @throws CException
 public function run()
     $dataProvider = new CActiveDataProvider('FeedBack', ['sort' => ['defaultOrder' => 'id DESC'], 'pagination' => ['pageSize' => (int) $this->limit]]);
     $cacheTime = Yii::app()->getController()->yupe->coreCacheTime;
     $this->render('panel-feedback-stat', ['feedbackCount' => FeedBack::model()->cache($cacheTime)->count('create_time >= :time', [':time' => time() - 24 * 60 * 60]), 'allFeedbackCount' => FeedBack::model()->cache($cacheTime)->count(), 'needAnswerCount' => FeedBack::model()->new()->cache($cacheTime)->count(), 'dataProvider' => $dataProvider]);