  * Search Facebook friends with names matching a given string up to a maximum number of results
  * @since 1.2
  * @param string $search_term search string
  * @param int $limit maximum number of results
  * @return array {
  *     friend results
  *     @type string 'object_type' user. Differentiate between User and Page results combined in one search.
  *     @type string 'id' Facebook User identifier.
  *     @type string 'name' Facebook User name.
  *     @type string 'picture' Facebook User picture URL.
  * }
 public static function search_friends($search_term, $limit = 4)
     if (!class_exists('Facebook_User')) {
         require_once dirname(dirname(dirname(dirname(__FILE__)))) . '/facebook-user.php';
     $facebook_user_id = Facebook_User::get_facebook_profile_id(get_current_user_id());
     if (!$facebook_user_id) {
         return array();
     // cached list of all friends
     $cache_key = 'facebook_13_friends_' . $facebook_user_id;
     $friends = get_transient($cache_key);
     if ($friends === false) {
         if (!class_exists('Facebook_WP_Extend')) {
             require_once dirname(dirname(dirname(dirname(__FILE__)))) . '/includes/facebook-php-sdk/class-facebook-wp.php';
         try {
             $friends = Facebook_WP_Extend::graph_api_with_app_access_token($facebook_user_id . '/friends', 'GET', array('fields' => 'id,name,picture', 'ref' => 'fbwpp'));
         } catch (WP_FacebookApiException $e) {
             return array();
         if (isset($friends['data']) && is_array($friends['data'])) {
             $friends = $friends['data'];
             $clean_friends = array();
             foreach ($friends as $friend) {
                 // FBID and name required
                 if (!(isset($friend['name']) && $friend['name'] && isset($friend['id']) && $friend['id'])) {
                 $clean_friend = array('id' => $friend['id'], 'name' => $friend['name'], 'name_lower' => strtolower($friend['name']));
                 if (isset($friend['picture']['data']['url'])) {
                     $clean_friend['picture'] = $friend['picture']['data']['url'];
                 $clean_friends[] = $clean_friend;
             $friends = $clean_friends;
         } else {
             $friends = array();
         set_transient($cache_key, $friends, 60 * 15);
         // cache friends list for 15 minutes
     // no friends to match against
     if (empty($friends)) {
         return array();
     $search_term = strtolower($search_term);
     // nothing to search against
     if (!$search_term) {
         return array();
     $matched_friends = array();
     $matched_count = 0;
     foreach ($friends as $friend) {
         if ($matched_count === $limit) {
         // does the search term appear in the name?
         if (strpos($friend['name_lower'], $search_term) !== false) {
             $friend['object_type'] = 'user';
             $matched_friends[] = $friend;
     return $matched_friends;
Ejemplo n.º 2
  * Mention WordPress users with manage_options capability who can also edit the Facebook app
  * @since 1.5.3
  * @param string $app_id Facebook application identifier
  * @return void
 public static function app_editors($app_id)
     // HTTP interface to Facebook
     if (!class_exists('Facebook_WP_Extend')) {
         require_once dirname(dirname(__FILE__)) . '/includes/facebook-php-sdk/class-facebook-wp.php';
     $app_roles = Facebook_WP_Extend::graph_api_with_app_access_token($app_id . '/roles', 'GET', array('fields' => 'user,role'));
     if (empty($app_roles) || !isset($app_roles['data'])) {
     $app_roles = $app_roles['data'];
     // Facebook to WordPress user helper class
     if (!class_exists('Facebook_User')) {
         require_once dirname(dirname(__FILE__)) . '/facebook-user.php';
     $current_user_facebook_id = Facebook_User::get_facebook_profile_id(get_current_user_id());
     $facebook_users_can_edit = array();
     foreach ($app_roles as $facebook_user) {
         if (!(isset($facebook_user['user']) && $facebook_user['user'] && isset($facebook_user['role']) && in_array($facebook_user['role'], array('administrators', 'developers'), true))) {
         // confirm the current WordPress user's ability to edit Facebook app values
         if ($current_user_facebook_id && $facebook_user['user'] == $current_user_facebook_id) {
             echo '<p>' . __('You have the ability to change these application settings on Facebook.', 'facebook') . '</p>';
         $facebook_users_can_edit[$facebook_user['user']] = true;
     if (empty($facebook_users_can_edit)) {
     // fb => [], wp => []
     $facebook_users = Facebook_User::get_wordpress_users_associated_with_facebook_accounts('manage_options');
     if (empty($facebook_users) || !isset($facebook_users['fb']) || empty($facebook_users['fb'])) {
     $facebook_users = $facebook_users['fb'];
     // WordPress accounts capable of managing WordPress site options who have associated a Facebook account capable of editing the current WordPress site's Facebook app
     $wordpress_users_can_edit = array();
     foreach ($facebook_users as $facebook_user) {
         if (isset($facebook_user->fb_data) && isset($facebook_user->fb_data['fb_uid']) && isset($facebook_users_can_edit[$facebook_user->fb_data['fb_uid']])) {
             $wordpress_users_can_edit[] = $facebook_user;
     if (empty($wordpress_users_can_edit)) {
     // display a list of people who could help edit Facebook app values
     // link to Facebook account page instead of email due to the more public nature of a Facebook account
     $wordpress_users_display = array();
     foreach ($wordpress_users_can_edit as $wordpress_user) {
         if (!isset($wordpress_user->display_name)) {
         $facebook_profile_link = Facebook_User::facebook_profile_link($wordpress_user->fb_data);
         if ($facebook_profile_link) {
             $wordpress_users_display[] = '<a href="' . esc_url($facebook_profile_link, array('http', 'https')) . '" target="_blank">' . esc_html($wordpress_user->display_name) . '</a>';
         } else {
             $wordpress_users_display[] = esc_html($wordpress_user->display_name);
     if (empty($wordpress_users_display)) {
     // format the display of the list of people
     $wordpress_users_display_count = count($wordpress_users_display);
     $ask_string = '';
     if ($wordpress_users_display_count === 1) {
         $ask_string = $wordpress_users_display[0];
     } else {
         if ($wordpress_users_display_count === 2) {
             $ask_string = $wordpress_users_display[0] . ' ' . _x('or', 'bridge between two options: this or that or these', 'facebook') . ' ' . $wordpress_users_display[1];
         } else {
             $ask_string = ', ' . _x('or', 'bridge between two options: this or that or these', 'facebook') . ' ' . array_pop($wordpress_users_display);
             $ask_string = implode(', ', $wordpress_users_display) . $ask_string;
     echo '<p>' . sprintf(__('%s can change these application settings on Facebook.', 'facebook'), $ask_string) . '</p>';
  * Publish a post to a Facebook User Timeline.
  * @since 1.0
  * @global \Facebook_Loader $facebook_loader Access Facebook application credentials
  * @param int $post_id WordPress post identifier
  * @param stdClass|WP_Post $post WordPress post object
  * @return void
 public static function publish_to_facebook_profile($post_id, $post)
     global $facebook_loader;
     $post_id = absint($post_id);
     if (!(isset($facebook_loader) && $facebook_loader->app_access_token_exists() && $post && $post_id)) {
     // does the current post have an existing Facebook post id stored? no need to publish again
     if (get_post_meta($post_id, 'fb_author_post_id', true)) {
     $meta_box_present = true;
     if (defined('XMLRPC_REQUEST') && XMLRPC_REQUEST) {
         $meta_box_present = false;
     if (!class_exists('Facebook_Social_Publisher_Meta_Box_Profile')) {
         require_once dirname(__FILE__) . '/publish-box-profile.php';
     if ($meta_box_present && get_post_meta($post_id, Facebook_Social_Publisher_Meta_Box_Profile::POST_META_KEY_FEATURE_ENABLED, true) === '0') {
     $post_type = get_post_type($post);
     if (!(self::post_type_is_public($post_type) && post_type_supports($post_type, 'author') && isset($post->post_author))) {
     $post_author = (int) $post->post_author;
     if (!$post_author) {
     // test the author, not the current actor
     if (!self::user_can_publish_to_facebook($post_author)) {
     if (!class_exists('Facebook_User')) {
         require_once $facebook_loader->plugin_directory . 'facebook-user.php';
     $author_facebook_id = Facebook_User::get_facebook_profile_id($post_author);
     if (!$author_facebook_id) {
     // check our assumptions about a valid link in place
     // fail if a piece of the filter process killed our response
     $link = apply_filters('facebook_rel_canonical', get_permalink($post_id));
     if (!$link) {
     $og_action = false;
     if (!class_exists('Facebook_Social_Publisher_Settings')) {
         require_once $facebook_loader->plugin_directory . 'admin/settings-social-publisher.php';
     if (get_option(Facebook_Social_Publisher_Settings::OPTION_OG_ACTION)) {
         $og_action = true;
     if (!class_exists('Facebook_Open_Graph_Protocol')) {
         require_once $facebook_loader->plugin_directory . 'open-graph-protocol.php';
     $path = $author_facebook_id . '/';
     if ($og_action && Facebook_Open_Graph_Protocol::get_post_og_type($post) === 'article') {
         $story = array('article' => $link);
         $path .= 'news.publishes';
         if ($meta_box_present) {
             $story['fb:explicitly_shared'] = 'true';
     } else {
         $story = array('link' => $link);
         $path .= 'feed';
     $message = get_post_meta($post_id, Facebook_Social_Publisher_Meta_Box_Profile::POST_META_KEY_MESSAGE, true);
     if (is_string($message) && $message) {
         $story['message'] = trim($message);
     if (!class_exists('Facebook_WP_Extend')) {
         require_once $facebook_loader->plugin_directory . 'includes/facebook-php-sdk/class-facebook-wp.php';
     $status_messages = array();
     try {
         $publish_result = Facebook_WP_Extend::graph_api_with_app_access_token($path, 'POST', $story);
         if (isset($publish_result['id'])) {
             update_post_meta($post_id, 'fb_author_post_id', sanitize_text_field($publish_result['id']));
             delete_post_meta($post_id, Facebook_Social_Publisher_Meta_Box_Profile::POST_META_KEY_MESSAGE);
             delete_post_meta($post_id, Facebook_Social_Publisher_Meta_Box_Profile::POST_META_KEY_FEATURE_ENABLED);
     } catch (WP_FacebookApiException $e) {
         $error_result = $e->getResult();
         $status_messages[] = array('message' => esc_html(__('Failed posting to your Facebook Timeline.', 'facebook')) . ' ' . esc_html(__('Error', 'facebook')) . ': ' . esc_html(json_encode($error_result['error'])), 'error' => true);
     if (isset($publish_result) && isset($publish_result['id'])) {
         $link = '<a href="' . esc_url('https://www.facebook.com/' . $publish_result['id'], array('http', 'https')) . '" target="_blank">' . esc_html(__('Facebook Timeline', 'facebook')) . '</a>';
         if (empty($message)) {
             $message = sprintf(esc_html(__('Posted to %s', 'facebook')), $link);
         } else {
             $message = sprintf(esc_html(__('Posted to %1$s with message "%2$s"', 'facebook')), $link, esc_html($message));
         $status_messages[] = array('message' => $message, 'error' => false);
     // add new status messages
     if (!empty($status_messages)) {
         $existing_status_messages = get_post_meta($post_id, 'fb_status_messages', true);
         if (is_array($existing_status_messages) && !empty($existing_status_messages)) {
             $status_messages = array_merge($existing_status_messages, $status_messages);
         update_post_meta($post_id, 'facebook_status_messages', $status_messages);
         add_filter('redirect_post_location', array('Facebook_Social_Publisher', 'add_new_post_location'));
Ejemplo n.º 4
  * Save custom user information.
  * @since 1.2
  * @uses current_user_can() current user must be able to edit the passed WordPress user ID
  * @param int $wordpress_user_id WordPress user identifier
  * @return void
 public static function save_data($wordpress_user_id)
     if (!($wordpress_user_id && current_user_can('edit_user', $wordpress_user_id))) {
     // allow decoupling of a WordPress account and a Facebook account
     if (isset($_POST['facebook_remove'])) {
         // WordPress Facebook User helper functions
         if (!class_exists('Facebook_User')) {
             require_once dirname(dirname(__FILE__)) . '/facebook-user.php';
         $facebook_user_id = Facebook_User::get_facebook_profile_id($wordpress_user_id);
         if ($facebook_user_id) {
             // delete mapped FBID and other data
             Facebook_User::delete_user_meta($wordpress_user_id, 'fb_data');
             // delete post to Timeline opt-in if stored
             Facebook_User::delete_user_meta($wordpress_user_id, 'facebook_timeline_disabled');
             // Load WP HTTP helpers
             if (!class_exists('Facebook_WP_Extend')) {
                 require_once dirname(dirname(__FILE__)) . '/includes/facebook-php-sdk/class-facebook-wp.php';
             // Revoke connection to app and all permissions
             Facebook_WP_Extend::graph_api_with_app_access_token($facebook_user_id . '/permissions', 'DELETE');
         // no need to store any other Facebook data
     if (isset($_POST['facebook_fbid']) && ctype_digit($_POST['facebook_fbid'])) {
         // WordPress Facebook User helper functions
         if (!class_exists('Facebook_User')) {
             require_once dirname(dirname(__FILE__)) . '/facebook-user.php';
         try {
             $facebook_user = Facebook_User::get_facebook_user($_POST['facebook_fbid'], array('fields' => array('id', 'username', 'link', 'third_party_id')));
             if (isset($facebook_user['id'])) {
                 $facebook_user_data = array('fb_uid' => $facebook_user['id'], 'activation_time' => time());
                 if (!empty($facebook_user['username'])) {
                     $facebook_user_data['username'] = $facebook_user['username'];
                 if (!empty($facebook_user['link'])) {
                     $facebook_user_data['link'] = $facebook_user['link'];
                 if (!empty($facebook_user['third_party_id'])) {
                     $facebook_user_data['third_party_id'] = $facebook_user['third_party_id'];
                 Facebook_User::update_user_meta($wordpress_user_id, 'fb_data', $facebook_user_data);
         } catch (Exception $e) {
     if (isset($_POST['facebook_timeline']) && $_POST['facebook_timeline'] == '1') {
         // WordPress Facebook User helper functions
         if (!class_exists('Facebook_User')) {
             require_once dirname(dirname(__FILE__)) . '/facebook-user.php';
         Facebook_User::delete_user_meta($wordpress_user_id, 'facebook_timeline_disabled');
         // delete if stored
     } else {
         // WordPress Facebook User helper functions
         if (!class_exists('Facebook_User')) {
             require_once dirname(dirname(__FILE__)) . '/facebook-user.php';
         Facebook_User::update_user_meta($wordpress_user_id, 'facebook_timeline_disabled', '1');