Ejemplo n.º 1
 function connect($host, $user, $pass, $port = 110, $ssl = false, $timeout = 30)
     $setver = true;
     if (is_string($host)) {
         $host = FUNC::str_clear($host);
         $host = trim($host);
         if ($host != "") {
             if (FUNC::is_ipv4($host)) {
                 $iphost = $host;
             } else {
                 $iphost = gethostbyname($host);
                 if ($iphost == $host) {
                     $setver = false;
                     trigger_error('Invalid 3 hostname value "' . $host . '" (doesn\'t have an IPv4 address), on class POP3::connect()', 512);
         } else {
             $setver = false;
             trigger_error('Invalid 2 hostname/ip value, on class POP3::connect()', 512);
     } else {
         $setver = false;
         trigger_error('Invalid 1 hostname/ip type value, on class POP3::connect()', 512);
     if (is_string($user)) {
         $user = FUNC::str_clear($user);
         $user = trim($user);
         if ($user == "") {
             $setver = false;
             trigger_error('Invalid 2 username value, on class POP3::connect()', 512);
     } else {
         $setver = false;
         trigger_error('Invalid 1 username type value, on class POP3::connect()', 512);
     if (is_string($pass)) {
         $pass = FUNC::str_clear($pass);
         $pass = trim($pass);
         if ($pass == "") {
             $setver = false;
             trigger_error('Invalid 2 password value, on class POP3::connect()', 512);
     } else {
         $setver = false;
         trigger_error('Invalid 1 password type value, on class POP3::connect()', 512);
     if (!is_int($port)) {
         $port = 110;
         trigger_error('Invalid port type value, on class POP3::connect()', 512);
     if (is_string($ssl)) {
         $ssl = FUNC::str_clear($ssl);
         $ssl = trim(strtolower($ssl));
         if (!($ssl == "tls" || $ssl == "ssl")) {
             $ssl = false;
             trigger_error('Invalid TLS/SSL value, on class POP3::connect()', 512);
     } else {
         if (is_bool($ssl)) {
             $ssl = $ssl ? 'ssl' : false;
         } else {
             $ssl = false;
             trigger_error('Invalid TLS/SSL type value, on class POP3::connect()', 512);
     if (!is_int($timeout)) {
         $timeout = 30;
         trigger_error('Invalid timeout type value, on class POP3::connect()', 512);
     if ($setver) {
         $proto = $ssl ? $ssl . '://' : '';
         if (!($fp = fsockopen($proto . $iphost, $port, $err_num, $err_msg, $timeout))) {
             $setver = false;
             trigger_error('Response 1 error "' . $err_msg . '", on class POP3::connect()', 512);
         } else {
             stream_set_timeout($fp, $timeout);
             $rcv = fgets($fp, 1024);
             if (substr($rcv, 0, 3) != '+OK') {
                 $setver = false;
                 trigger_error('Response 2 error "' . $rcv . '", on class POP3::connect()', 512);
             if ($setver) {
                 fputs($fp, "USER " . $user . "\r\n");
                 $rcv = fgets($fp, 1024);
                 if (substr($rcv, 0, 3) != '+OK') {
                     $setver = false;
                     trigger_error('Response 3 error "' . $rcv . '", on class POP3::connect()', 512);
             if ($setver) {
                 fputs($fp, "PASS " . $pass . "\r\n");
                 $rcv = fgets($fp, 1024);
                 if (substr($rcv, 0, 3) != '+OK') {
                     $setver = false;
                     trigger_error('Response 4 error "' . $rcv . '", on class POP3::connect()', 512);
             if ($setver) {
                 $setver = $fp;
     return $setver;
Ejemplo n.º 2
 function send($subject)
     $ret = false;
     if (is_string($subject)) {
         $subject = FUNC::str_clear($subject);
         $subject = trim($subject);
         if ($subject != "") {
             $this->_subject = $this->qpheader($subject);
             $ver = true;
             if (!($this->_toaddrs && count($this->_toaddrs) > 0)) {
                 $ver = false;
                 throw new Exception('You must set "To" e-mail address(es) using function "AddTo()", on class SMTP::send()', 512);
             if (!($this->_atext || $this->_ahtml)) {
                 $ver = false;
                 throw new Exception('You must set the mail message using function(s) "Text() or/and Html()", on class SMTP::send()', 512);
             if ($ver) {
                 if ($this->_ccaddrs && count($this->_ccaddrs) > 0) {
                     $clearcc1 = array();
                     foreach ($this->_ccaddrs as $ccaddrs1 => $ccname1) {
                         $vercc1 = true;
                         foreach ($this->_toaddrs as $toaddrs1 => $toname1) {
                             if ($ccaddrs1 == $toaddrs1) {
                                 $vercc1 = false;
                         if ($vercc1) {
                             $clearcc1[$ccaddrs1] = $ccname1;
                         } else {
                             throw new Exception('The e-mail address "' . $ccaddrs1 . '" appear in To and Cc, on class SMTP::send()', 512);
                     $this->_ccaddrs = $clearcc1;
                 if ($this->_bccaddrs && count($this->_bccaddrs) > 0) {
                     $clearbcc1 = array();
                     foreach ($this->_bccaddrs as $bccaddrs1 => $bccname1) {
                         $verbcc1 = true;
                         foreach ($this->_toaddrs as $toaddrs2 => $toname2) {
                             if ($bccaddrs1 == $toaddrs2) {
                                 $verbcc1 = false;
                         if ($verbcc1) {
                             $clearbcc1[$bccaddrs1] = $bccname1;
                         } else {
                             throw new Exception('The e-mail address "' . $bccaddrs1 . '" appear in To and Bcc, on class SMTP::send()', 512);
                     $this->_bccaddrs = $clearbcc1;
                 if ($this->_bccaddrs && count($this->_bccaddrs) > 0 && $this->_ccaddrs && count($this->_ccaddrs) > 0) {
                     $clearbcc2 = array();
                     foreach ($this->_bccaddrs as $bccaddrs2 => $bccname2) {
                         $verbcc2 = true;
                         foreach ($this->_ccaddrs as $ccaddrs2 => $ccname2) {
                             if ($bccaddrs2 == $ccaddrs2) {
                                 $verbcc2 = false;
                         if ($verbcc2) {
                             $clearbcc2[$bccaddrs2] = $bccname2;
                         } else {
                             throw new Exception('The e-mail address "' . $bccaddrs2 . '" appear in Cc and Bcc, on class SMTP::send()', 512);
                     $this->_bccaddrs = $clearbcc2;
                 $group = $alldom = array();
                 foreach ($this->_toaddrs as $toaddrs3 => $toname3) {
                     $exp1 = explode('@', $toaddrs3);
                     $group[$exp1[1]][] = $toaddrs3;
                     $alldom[] = $toaddrs3;
                 if ($this->_ccaddrs && count($this->_ccaddrs) > 0) {
                     foreach ($this->_ccaddrs as $ccaddrs3 => $ccname3) {
                         $exp2 = explode('@', $ccaddrs3);
                         $group[$exp2[1]][] = $ccaddrs3;
                         $alldom[] = $ccaddrs3;
                 if ($this->_bccaddrs && count($this->_bccaddrs) > 0) {
                     foreach ($this->_bccaddrs as $bccaddrs3 => $bccname3) {
                         $exp3 = explode('@', $bccaddrs3);
                         $group[$exp3[1]][] = $bccaddrs3;
                         $alldom[] = $bccaddrs3;
                 $this->_content = $this->_writemsg();
                 $success = false;
                 foreach ($this->_smtpconn as $conntype) {
                     if (!$success) {
                         if ($conntype == "local") {
                             $success = $this->_sendtohost('', $alldom, false);
                         } elseif ($conntype == "relay") {
                             if ($this->_relay) {
                                 $success = $this->_sendtohost($this->_relay['ip'], $alldom, true);
                             } else {
                                 throw new Exception('You must set relay options with function "Relay()" in order to use relay connection, on class SMTP::send()', 512);
                         } elseif ($conntype == "client") {
                             $back1 = $back2 = true;
                             foreach ($group as $hostname => $domaddrs) {
                                 $back1 = $this->_sendtohost($hostname, $domaddrs, false);
                                 if (!$back1) {
                                     $back2 = false;
                             $success = $back2;
                     } else {
                 $ret = $success;
         } else {
             throw new Exception('Invalid subject value, on class SMTP::send()', 512);
     } else {
         throw new Exception('Invalid subject type value, on class SMTP::send()', 512);
     return $ret;
Ejemplo n.º 3
 function mimetype($filename)
     $retm = "application/octet-stream";
     $mime = array('z' => "application/x-compress", 'xls' => "application/x-excel", 'gtar' => "application/x-gtar", 'gz' => "application/x-gzip", 'cgi' => "application/x-httpd-cgi", 'php' => "application/x-httpd-php", 'js' => "application/x-javascript", 'swf' => "application/x-shockwave-flash", 'tar' => "application/x-tar", 'tgz' => "application/x-tar", 'tcl' => "application/x-tcl", 'src' => "application/x-wais-source", 'zip' => "application/zip", 'kar' => "audio/midi", 'mid' => "audio/midi", 'midi' => "audio/midi", 'mp2' => "audio/mpeg", 'mp3' => "audio/mpeg", 'mpga' => "audio/mpeg", 'ram' => "audio/x-pn-realaudio", 'rm' => "audio/x-pn-realaudio", 'rpm' => "audio/x-pn-realaudio-plugin", 'wav' => "audio/x-wav", 'bmp' => "image/bmp", 'fif' => "image/fif", 'gif' => "image/gif", 'ief' => "image/ief", 'jpe' => "image/jpeg", 'jpeg' => "image/jpeg", 'jpg' => "image/jpeg", 'png' => "image/png", 'tif' => "image/tiff", 'tiff' => "image/tiff", 'css' => "text/css", 'htm' => "text/html", 'html' => "text/html", 'txt' => "text/plain", 'rtx' => "text/richtext", 'vcf' => "text/x-vcard", 'xml' => "text/xml", 'xsl' => "text/xsl", 'mpe' => "video/mpeg", 'mpeg' => "video/mpeg", 'mpg' => "video/mpeg", 'mov' => "video/quicktime", 'qt' => "video/quicktime", 'asf' => "video/x-ms-asf", 'asx' => "video/x-ms-asf", 'avi' => "video/x-msvideo", 'vrml' => "x-world/x-vrml", 'wrl' => "x-world/x-vrml");
     if (is_string($filename)) {
         $filename = FUNC::str_clear($filename);
         $filename = trim($filename);
         if ($filename != "") {
             $expext = explode(".", $filename);
             if (count($expext) >= 2) {
                 $extnam = strtolower($expext[count($expext) - 1]);
                 if (isset($mime[$extnam])) {
                     $retm = $mime[$extnam];
         } else {
             trigger_error('Invalid parameter value, on class FUNC::mimetype()', 512);
     } else {
         trigger_error('Invalid parameter type value, on class FUNC::mimetype()', 512);
     return $retm;