Ejemplo n.º 1
function plugin_lastcomments_widget()
    if (false === ($f = io_load_file(LASTCOMMENTS_CACHE_FILE))) {
        // no comments in cache
        $list = array();
    } else {
        // if file exists and its correctly read, we get the stored list
        // (it is stored in encoded form)
        $list = unserialize($f);
    $content = '<ul class="last-comments">';
    // cimangi Aggiunta traduzione stringhe
    // load plugin strings
    // they're located under plugin.PLUGINNAME/lang/LANGID/
    $lang = lang_load('plugin:lastcomments');
    if ($count = count($list)) {
        while ($arr = array_pop($list)) {
            theme_comments_filters($arr, $id);
            $q = new FPDB_Query(array('id' => $arr['entry']), null);
            // first element of the array is dropped, as it is the ID, which
            // we already know
            @(list(, $entry) = $q->getEntry($query));
            if (!$entry) {
                $update = true;
            $content .= "<li>\n\t\t\t<blockquote class=\"comment-quote\" cite=\"comments.php?entry={$arr['entry']}#{$arr['id']}\">\n\t\t\t{$arr['content']}\n\t\t\t<p><a href=\"" . get_comments_link($arr['entry']) . "#{$arr['id']}\">{$arr['name']} - {$entry['subject']}</a></p>\n\t\t\t</blockquote></li>\n";
        $subject = $lang['plugin']['lastcomments']['last'] . ' ' . $count . ' ' . $lang['plugin']['lastcomments']['comments'];
    if (!$count) {
        if ($update) {
        $content .= '<li>' . $lang['plugin']['lastcomments']['no_comments'] . '</li>';
        $subject = $lang['plugin']['lastcomments']['no_new_comments'];
    $content .= '</ul>';
    $entry['subject'] = $subject;
    $entry['content'] = $content;
    return $entry;
Ejemplo n.º 2
function search_do($keywords)
    global $smarty, $srchresults;
    // get parameters
    $srchkeywords = $keywords;
    $params = array();
    $params['start'] = 0;
    $params['count'] = -1;
    !empty($_GET['Date_Day']) && $_GET['Date_Day'] != '--' ? $params['d'] = $_GET['Date_Day'] : null;
    isset($_GET['Date_Month']) && $_GET['Date_Month'] != '--' ? $params['m'] = $_GET['Date_Month'] : null;
    !empty($_GET['Date_Year']) && $_GET['Date_Year'] != '--' ? $params['y'] = substr($_GET['Date_Year'], 2) : null;
    isset($_GET['cats']) ? $params = $_GET['cats'] : null;
    $params['fullparse'] = false;
    if (!empty($_GET['stype']) && $_GET['stype'] == 'full') {
        $params['fullparse'] = true;
    $srchparams = $params;
    $list = array();
    $q = new FPDB_Query($params, null);
    while ($q->hasMore()) {
        list($id, $e) = $q->getEntry();
        $match = false;
        if ($keywords == '*') {
            $match = true;
        } else {
            $match = strpos(strtolower($e['subject']), $keywords) !== false;
            if (!$match && $params['fullparse']) {
                $match = strpos(strtolower($e['content']), $keywords) !== false;
        if ($match) {
            $list[$id] = $e;
    $smarty->register_block('search_result_block', 'smarty_search_results_block');
    $smarty->register_block('search_result', 'smarty_search_result');
    if (!$list) {
        $smarty->assign('noresults', true);
    $srchresults = $list;
Ejemplo n.º 3
function plugin_lastentries_widget()
    global $fpdb;
    // load plugin strings
    // they're located under plugin.PLUGINNAME/lang/LANGID/
    $lang = lang_load('plugin:lastentries');
    $num = 10;
    $queryId = $fpdb->query("fullparse:false,start:0,count:$num");
    $q = new FPDB_Query(array('fullparse' => false, 'start' => 0, 'count' => $num), null);
    $string = '<ul>';
    $count = 0;
    while ($q->hasmore()) {
        list($id, $entry) = $q->getEntry();
        $link = get_permalink($id);
        $string .= '<li>';
        $admin = BLOG_BASEURL . "admin.php?p=entry&amp;entry=";
        if (user_loggedin()) {
            // if loggedin prints a "edit" link
            $string .= "<a href=\"{$admin}{$id}\">[" . $lang['plugin']['lastentries']['edit'] . "]</a>";
        $string .= "<a href=\"{$link}\">{$entry['subject']}</a></li>\n";
    if ($string == '<ul>') {
        $string .= '<li><a href="admin.php?p=entry&amp;action=write">' . $lang['plugin']['lastentries']['add_entry'] . '</a></li>';
        $subject = $lang['plugin']['lastentries']['no_entries'];
    } else {
        $subject = $lang['plugin']['lastentries']['subject_before_count'] . $count . $lang['plugin']['lastentries']['subject_after_count'];
    $string .= '</ul>';
    $widget = array();
    $widget['subject'] = $subject;
    $widget['content'] = $string;
    return $widget;
Ejemplo n.º 4
 function cache_create()
     $this->index = array();
     		$o =& entry_init();
     		$entries = $o->getList();
     $o = new FPDB_Query(array('start' => 0, 'count' => -1, 'fullparse' => false), null);
     #foreach ($entries as $id => $contents) {
     while ($o->hasMore()) {
         list($id, $contents) = $o->getEntry();
         $date = date_from_id($id);
         echo $contents['subject'], "\n";
         $md5 = md5(sanitize_title($contents['subject']));
         $this->index[$date['y']][$date['m']][$date['d']][$md5] = $id;
     io_write_file(PRETTYURLS_CACHE, 'dummy');
Ejemplo n.º 5
function commentform()
    global $smarty, $lang, $fpdb, $fp_params;
    $comment_formid = 'fp-comments';
    $smarty->assign('comment_formid', $comment_formid);
    if (!empty($_POST)) {
        # utils_nocache_headers();
        // add http to url
        if (!empty($_POST['url']) && strpos($_POST['url'], 'http://') === false) {
            $_POST['url'] = 'http://' . $_POST['url'];
        // custom hook here!!
        if ($arr = comment_validate()) {
            global $fp_config;
            $id = comment_save($fp_params['entry'], $arr);
            do_action('comment_post', $fp_params['entry'], array($id, $arr));
            $q = new FPDB_Query(array('id' => $fp_params['entry'], 'fullparse' => false), null);
            list($entryid, $e) = $q->getEntry();
            if ($fp_config['general']['notify'] && !user_loggedin()) {
                global $post;
                $comm_mail = isset($arr['email']) ? "<{$arr['email']}>" : '';
                $from_mail = $fp_config['general']['email'];
                $post = $e;
                // plugin such as prettyurls might need this...
                $lang = lang_load('comments');
                $mail = str_replace(array('%toname%', '%fromname%', '%frommail%', '%entrytitle%', '%commentlink%', '%content%', '%blogtitle%'), array($fp_config['general']['author'], $arr['name'], $comm_mail, $e['subject'], get_comments_link($entryid) . '#' . $id, $arr['content'], $fp_config['general']['title']), $lang['comments']['mail']);
                @utils_mail($from_mail, "New comment on {$fp_config['general']['title']}", $mail);
            // if comment is valid, this redirect will clean the postdata
            $location = str_replace('&amp;', '&', get_comments_link($entryid)) . '#' . $id;
            utils_redirect($location, true);
        } else {
            $smarty->assign('values', $_POST);
    // Cookies
    $smarty->assign('cookie', array('name' => @$_COOKIE['comment_author_' . COOKIEHASH], 'email' => @$_COOKIE['comment_author_email_' . COOKIEHASH], 'url' => @$_COOKIE['comment_author_url_' . COOKIEHASH]));