Ejemplo n.º 1

// Include FML
require_once __DIR__ . '/../autoload.php';
// Create ManiaLink
$maniaLink = new \FML\ManiaLink();
// Create music element to play background music
$music = new \FML\Elements\Music();
// Print xml
echo $maniaLink;
Ejemplo n.º 2

// Include FML
require_once __DIR__ . '/../autoload.php';
// Create ManiaLink
$maniaLink = new \FML\ManiaLink();
// Create file entry element to allow uploading a ScreenShot file
$fileEntry = new \FML\Controls\FileEntry();
$fileEntry->setSize(50, 7)->setName('inputFile')->setFolder('ScreenShots');
// Add submit button
$submitButton = new \FML\Controls\Quads\Quad_Icons64x64_1();
$submitButton->setSize(10, 10)->setX(40)->setSubStyle($submitButton::SUBSTYLE_Outbox)->setManialink('POST(fancyml?fileentry&filename=inputFile,inputFile)');
// Display information about uploaded file
if (isset($_GET['filename'])) {
    // Get content of uploaded file
    $inputFile = file_get_contents('php://input');
    if ($inputFile) {
        // Temporarily save the file, determine size and delete it
        $fileUrl = tempnam(null, 'fml_');
        file_put_contents($fileUrl, $inputFile);
        $fileSize = round(filesize($fileUrl) / 1024.0, 2);
        // Build output labels showing file name and size
        $nameLabel = new \FML\Controls\Label();
        $nameLabel->setPosition(-20, -22)->setHorizontalAlign('left')->setText('File Name: ' . $_GET['filename']);
        $sizeLabel = new \FML\Controls\Label();
        $sizeLabel->setPosition(-20, -30)->setHorizontalAlign('left')->setText("File Size: {$fileSize} KB");
Ejemplo n.º 3

// Include FML
require_once __DIR__ . '/../autoload.php';
// Create ManiaLink
$maniaLink = new \FML\ManiaLink();
// Create map info button
$mapInfoQuad = new \FML\Controls\Quads\Quad_Icons128x128_1();
$mapInfoQuad->setSize(30, 30)->setSubStyle($mapInfoQuad::SUBSTYLE_Editor)->addMapInfoFeature();
// Print xml
echo $maniaLink;
Ejemplo n.º 4

// Include FML
require_once __DIR__ . '/../autoload.php';
// Create ManiaLink
$maniaLink = new \FML\ManiaLink();
// Create stylesheet object
$stylesheet = new \FML\Stylesheet\Stylesheet();
// Create new frame3d style
$style3d = new \FML\Stylesheet\Style3d();
// Create frame3d using the style
$frame3d = new \FML\Controls\Frame3d();
$frame3d->setY(30)->setStyle3d($style3d)->setSize(100, 40);
$label = new \FML\Controls\Label();
$label->setTextColor('000')->setText('My Style');
// Print xml
echo $maniaLink;
Ejemplo n.º 5

// Include FML
require_once __DIR__ . '/../autoload.php';
// Create ManiaLink
$maniaLink = new \FML\ManiaLink();
// Add toggled control
$toggleQuad = new \FML\Controls\Quad();
$toggleQuad->setX(10)->setSize(10, 10)->setBackgroundColor('00f');
// Add quad toggling another quad
$clickQuad = new \FML\Controls\Quad();
$clickQuad->setX(-10)->setSize(10, 10)->setBackgroundColor('0f0')->addToggleFeature($toggleQuad);
// Print xml
echo $maniaLink;
Ejemplo n.º 6

// Include FML
require_once __DIR__ . '/../autoload.php';
// Create ManiaLink
$maniaLink = new \FML\ManiaLink();
// Static action via xml
$homeLabel = new \FML\Controls\Label();
// Dynamic action via script
$enterLabel = new \FML\Controls\Label();
// Print xml
echo $maniaLink;
Ejemplo n.º 7

// Include FML
require_once __DIR__ . '/../autoload.php';
// Create ManiaLink
$maniaLink = new \FML\ManiaLink();
// Label element
$testLabel = new \FML\Controls\Label();
$testLabel->setText('Click Me!');
// Add custom script text to show a click counter
$scriptText = '
declare Counter for Label = 0;
Counter += 1;
Label.Value = Counter^"x! Click Me Again!";
// Print xml
echo $maniaLink;
Ejemplo n.º 8

// Include FML
require_once __DIR__ . '/../autoload.php';
// Create ManiaLink
$maniaLink = new \FML\ManiaLink();
$script = $maniaLink->createScript();
// Label element showing the current time
$timeLabel = new \FML\Controls\Label();
// Add custom script label to show the local date time
$scriptText = '
declare Label_Time <=> (Page.GetFirstChild("Label_Time") as CMlLabel);
Label_Time.Value = CurrentLocalDateText;
$script->addCustomScriptLabel(\FML\Script\ScriptLabel::LOOP, $scriptText);
// Add another custom part for fun
$scriptText = '
Event.Control.Scale *= 1.3;
$script->addCustomScriptLabel(\FML\Script\ScriptLabel::MOUSECLICK, $scriptText);
$scriptText = '
Event.Control.Scale = 1.;
$script->addCustomScriptLabel(\FML\Script\ScriptLabel::MOUSEOUT, $scriptText);
// Print xml
echo $maniaLink;

// Include FML
require_once __DIR__ . '/../autoload.php';
// Create ManiaLink
$maniaLink = new \FML\ManiaLink();
// Create frame model containing elements
$frameModel = new \FML\Elements\FrameModel();
$label = new \FML\Controls\Label();
$quad = new \FML\Controls\Quads\Quad_Copilot();
$quad->setY(-10)->setSize(10, 10)->setSubStyle($quad::SUBSTYLE_UpGood);
$quad = new \FML\Controls\Quads\Quad_Copilot();
$quad->setY(10)->setSize(10, 10)->setSubStyle($quad::SUBSTYLE_Down);
// Create frame instances at various positions
for ($i = -5; $i <= 5; $i++) {
    $frameInstance = new \FML\Controls\FrameInstance();
    $frameInstance->setModel($frameModel)->setX($i * 13);
// Print xml
echo $maniaLink;
Ejemplo n.º 10

// Include FML
require_once __DIR__ . '/../autoload.php';
// Create ManiaLink
$maniaLink = new \FML\ManiaLink();
// Create profile button
$profileQuad = new \FML\Controls\Quads\Quad_Icons128x128_1();
$profileQuad->setSize(30, 30)->setSubStyle($profileQuad::SUBSTYLE_Profile)->addPlayerProfileFeature('PlayerLogin');
// Print xml
echo $maniaLink;
Ejemplo n.º 11

// Include FML
require_once __DIR__ . '/../autoload.php';
// Create ManiaLink
$maniaLink = new \FML\ManiaLink();
// Create the tooltip label
$tooltipLabel = new \FML\Controls\Label();
// Create first quad
$firstQuad = new \FML\Controls\Quads\Quad_Emblems();
$firstQuad->setPosition(-20, 10)->setSize(20, 20)->setSubStyle($firstQuad::SUBSTYLE_1)->addTooltipLabelFeature($tooltipLabel, 'First Quad');
// Create second quad
$secondQuad = new \FML\Controls\Quads\Quad_Emblems();
$secondQuad->setPosition(20, 10)->setSize(20, 20)->setSubStyle($secondQuad::SUBSTYLE_2)->addTooltipLabelFeature($tooltipLabel, 'Second Quad', true);
// Print xml
echo $maniaLink;
Ejemplo n.º 12

// Include FML
require_once __DIR__ . '/../autoload.php';
// Create ManiaLink
$maniaLink = new \FML\ManiaLink();
// Image Urls to preload
$imageUrls = array("http://fml.steeffeen.com/does_not_exist.jpg", "http://fml.steeffeen.com/i_wish_i_would_have_images.png");
// Create preload feature
$preload = new \FML\Script\Features\Preload();
// Print xml
echo $maniaLink;
Ejemplo n.º 13

// Include FML
require_once __DIR__ . '/../autoload.php';
// Create ManiaLink
$maniaLink = new \FML\ManiaLink();
// Create pages
$page0 = new \FML\Controls\Quads\Quad_Emblems();
$page0->setSize(50, 50)->setSubStyle($page0::SUBSTYLE_0);
$page1 = new \FML\Controls\Quads\Quad_Emblems();
$page1->setSize(50, 50)->setSubStyle($page1::SUBSTYLE_1);
$page2 = new \FML\Controls\Quads\Quad_Emblems();
$page2->setSize(50, 50)->setSubStyle($page2::SUBSTYLE_2);
// Create paging buttons
$leftPagerQuad = new \FML\Controls\Quads\Quad_Icons64x64_1();
$leftPagerQuad->setPosition(-20, -30)->setSize(10, 10)->setSubStyle($leftPagerQuad::SUBSTYLE_ArrowPrev);
$rightPagerQuad = new \FML\Controls\Quads\Quad_Icons64x64_1();
$rightPagerQuad->setPosition(20, -30)->setSize(10, 10)->setSubStyle($rightPagerQuad::SUBSTYLE_ArrowNext);
// Create counter label (optional)
$counterLabel = new \FML\Controls\Label();
// Create paging
$paging = new \FML\Script\Features\Paging();
// Set pagers
Ejemplo n.º 14

// Include FML
require_once __DIR__ . '/../autoload.php';
// Create ManiaLink
$maniaLink = new \FML\ManiaLink();
// Create checkbox
$checkBox = new \FML\Components\CheckBox('TestCheckBox');
// Print xml
echo $maniaLink;
Ejemplo n.º 15

// Include FML
require_once __DIR__ . '/../autoload.php';
// Create ManiaLink
$maniaLink = new \FML\ManiaLink();
// Create audio element to play a sound
$audio = new \FML\Controls\Audio();
$audio->setSize(20, 20)->setVolume(30)->setData('http://fml.steeffeen.com/media/shoopdawhoop.ogg');
// Print xml
echo $maniaLink;
Ejemplo n.º 16

// Include FML
require_once __DIR__ . '/../autoload.php';
// Create ManiaLink
$maniaLink = new \FML\ManiaLink();
// Label element showing the current time
$timeLabel = new \FML\Controls\Label();
// Create script with plain script text showing the local date time
$script = new \FML\Elements\SimpleScript();
$scriptText = '
main() {
	declare Label_Time <=> (Page.GetFirstChild("Label_Time") as CMlLabel);
	while (True) {
		Label_Time.Value = CurrentLocalDateText;
// Print xml
echo $maniaLink;
Ejemplo n.º 17

// Include FML
require_once __DIR__ . '/../autoload.php';
// Create ManiaLink
$maniaLink = new \FML\ManiaLink();
// Add Key Actions to the Script
$script = $maniaLink->createScript();
$f1KeyAction = new \FML\Script\Features\KeyAction('F1PressedAction', 'F1');
$f2KeyAction = new \FML\Script\Features\KeyAction('F2PressedAction', 'F2');
// Print xml
echo $maniaLink;
Ejemplo n.º 18

// Include FML
require_once __DIR__ . '/../autoload.php';
// Create ManiaLink
$maniaLink = new \FML\ManiaLink();
// Create quad playing a sound on click
$soundQuad = new \FML\Controls\Quads\Quad_Icons64x64_1();
$soundQuad->setSize(40, 40)->setSubStyle($soundQuad::SUBSTYLE_ClipPlay)->addUISoundFeature(\FML\Script\Features\UISound::Capture);
// Print xml
echo $maniaLink;
Ejemplo n.º 19

// Include FML
require_once __DIR__ . '/../autoload.php';
// Create ManiaLink
$maniaLink = new \FML\ManiaLink();
// Create label with textid
$label = new \FML\Controls\Label();
// Create dico with translated texts
$dico = new \FML\Elements\Dico();
$dico->setEntry($dico::LANG_ENGLISH, 'hi', 'Hello!')->setEntry($dico::LANG_GERMAN, 'hi', 'Hallo!')->setEntry($dico::LANG_FRENCH, 'hi', 'Bonjour!')->setEntry($dico::LANG_SPANISH, 'hi', 'Hola!')->setEntry($dico::LANG_ITALIAN, 'hi', 'Ciao!')->setEntry($dico::LANG_PORTUGUESE, 'hi', 'Olá!')->setEntry($dico::LANG_HUNGARIAN, 'hi', 'Helló!')->setEntry($dico::LANG_DANISH, 'hi', 'Hej!')->setEntry($dico::LANG_RUSSIAN, 'hi', 'Алло!');
// Print xml
echo $maniaLink;
Ejemplo n.º 20

// Include FML
require_once __DIR__ . '/../autoload.php';
// Create ManiaLink
$maniaLink = new \FML\ManiaLink();
// Include another url
$include = new \FML\Elements\Including();
// Print xml
echo $maniaLink;
Ejemplo n.º 21

// Include FML
require_once __DIR__ . '/../autoload.php';
// Create ManiaLink
$maniaLink = new \FML\ManiaLink();
// Create menu item list
$menuItem0 = new \FML\Controls\Labels\Label_Button();
$menuItem0->setPosition(-50, 10)->setStyle($menuItem0::STYLE_CardButtonSmall)->setText('Neutral');
$menuItem1 = new \FML\Controls\Labels\Label_Button();
$menuItem1->setPosition(-50, 0)->setStyle($menuItem1::STYLE_CardButtonSmall)->setText('Blue Team');
$menuItem2 = new \FML\Controls\Labels\Label_Button();
$menuItem2->setPosition(-50, -10)->setStyle($menuItem2::STYLE_CardButtonSmall)->setText('Red Team');
// Create subMenus
$subMenu0 = new \FML\Controls\Quads\Quad_Emblems();
$subMenu0->setPosition(10, 0)->setSize(50, 50)->setSubStyle($subMenu0::SUBSTYLE_0);
$subMenu1 = new \FML\Controls\Quads\Quad_Emblems();
$subMenu1->setPosition(10, 0)->setSize(50, 50)->setSubStyle($subMenu1::SUBSTYLE_1)->setVisible(false);
$subMenu2 = new \FML\Controls\Quads\Quad_Emblems();
$subMenu2->setPosition(10, 0)->setSize(50, 50)->setSubStyle($subMenu2::SUBSTYLE_2)->setVisible(false);
// Create menu
$menu = new \FML\Script\Features\Menu();
$menu->addItem($menuItem0, $subMenu0)->addItem($menuItem1, $subMenu1, true)->addItem($menuItem2, $subMenu2);
// Print xml
Ejemplo n.º 22

// Include FML
require_once __DIR__ . '/../autoload.php';
// Create ManiaLink
$maniaLink = new \FML\ManiaLink();
// Create value picker
$valuePicker = new \FML\Components\ValuePicker('TestValuePicker');
$valuePicker->setValues(array('Hydrogen', 'Helium', 'Lithium', 'Beryllium', 'Boron'));
// Print xml
echo $maniaLink;
Ejemplo n.º 23

// Include FML
require_once __DIR__ . '/../autoload.php';
// Create ManiaLink
$maniaLink = new \FML\ManiaLink();
// Create the tooltip quad
$tooltipQuad = new \FML\Controls\Quads\Quad_Emblems();
$tooltipQuad->setPosition(50, 50)->setSize(50, 50)->setSubStyle($tooltipQuad::SUBSTYLE_2);
// Create quad for which a tooltip will be shown
$quad = new \FML\Controls\Quads\Quad_Emblems();
$quad->setSize(50, 50)->setSubStyle($quad::SUBSTYLE_1)->addTooltipFeature($tooltipQuad);
// Print xml
echo $maniaLink;
Ejemplo n.º 24

// Include FML
require_once __DIR__ . '/../autoload.php';
// Create ManiaLink
$maniaLink = new \FML\ManiaLink();
// Create entry element to allow input
$entry = new \FML\Controls\Entry();
$entry->setSize(50, 7)->setName('input');
// Add submit button
$submitButton = new \FML\Controls\Quads\Quad_Icons64x64_1();
$submitButton->setSize(10, 10)->setX(40)->setSubStyle($submitButton::SUBSTYLE_Outbox)->setManialink('fancyml?entry&input=input');
// Display input if any is given
if (!empty($_GET['input'])) {
    $outputLabel = new \FML\Controls\Label();
    $outputLabel->setY(-30)->setText("Your Input: '{$_GET['input']}'");
// Print xml
echo $maniaLink;
Ejemplo n.º 25

// Include FML
require_once __DIR__ . '/../autoload.php';
// Create ManiaLink
$maniaLink = new \FML\ManiaLink();
// Create frame containing some elements
$frame = new \FML\Controls\Frame();
// Add dark background for complete window
$backgroundQuad = new \FML\Controls\Quad();
$backgroundQuad->setZ(-3)->setSize(400, 200)->setBackgroundColor('222');
// Create ManiaPlanet icon in top right corner
$mpIconQuad = new \FML\Controls\Quads\Quad_ManiaPlanetLogos();
$mpIconQuad->setPosition(120, 70)->setSize(80, 20)->setSubStyle($mpIconQuad::SUBSTYLE_ManiaPlanetLogoWhite);
// Create emblem on the left side
$emblemQuad = new \FML\Controls\Quads\Quad_Emblems();
$emblemQuad->setX(-110)->setSize(70, 70)->setSubStyle($emblemQuad::SUBSTYLE_1);
// Create emblem on the right side
$emblemQuad = new \FML\Controls\Quads\Quad_Emblems();
$emblemQuad->setX(110)->setSize(70, 70)->setSubStyle($emblemQuad::SUBSTYLE_2);
// Create center background
$backgroundQuad = new \FML\Controls\Quads\Quad_UiSMSpectatorScoreBig();
$backgroundQuad->setPosition(0, -1, -2)->setSize(100, 150)->setSubStyle($backgroundQuad::SUBSTYLE_PlayerSlot);
// Create some lines with several elements
$y = 50;
Ejemplo n.º 26

// Include FML
require_once __DIR__ . '/../autoload.php';
// Create ManiaLink
$maniaLink = new \FML\ManiaLink();
// Create entry element to allow input
$entry = new \FML\Controls\Entry();
$entry->setSize(50, 7)->setName('input')->setAutoComplete(true);
// Add submit feature
// Display input if any is given
if (!empty($_GET['input'])) {
    $outputLabel = new \FML\Controls\Label();
    $outputLabel->setY(-30)->setText("Your Input: '{$_GET['input']}'");
// Print xml
echo $maniaLink;
Ejemplo n.º 27

// Include FML
require_once __DIR__ . '/../autoload.php';
// Create ManiaLink
$maniaLink = new \FML\ManiaLink();
// Create default time label
$label = new \FML\Controls\Label();
// Create time label without seconds
$label = new \FML\Controls\Label();
// Create full date label
$label = new \FML\Controls\Label();
$label->setY(-10)->addClockFeature(true, true);
// Print xml
echo $maniaLink;
Ejemplo n.º 28

// Include FML
require_once __DIR__ . '/../autoload.php';
// Create ManiaLink
$maniaLink = new \FML\ManiaLink();
// Create video element to play a short animation
$video = new \FML\Controls\Video();
$video->setSize(100, 60)->setData('http://fml.steeffeen.com/media/stylewalker.bik');
// Print xml
echo $maniaLink;