Ejemplo n.º 1
function eme_localised_date($mydate,$date_format='') {
   global $eme_date_format, $eme_timezone;
   if (empty($date_format))
      $date_format = $eme_date_format;
   // $mydate contains the timezone, but in case it doesn't we provide it
   $eme_date_obj = new ExpressiveDate($mydate,$eme_timezone);
   // Currently in the backend, the timezone is UTC, but maybe that changes in future wp versions
   //   so we search for the current timezone using date_default_timezone_get
   // Since DateTime::format doesn't respect the locale, we use date_i18n here
   //   but date_i18n uses the WP backend timezone, so we need to account for the timezone difference
   // All this because we don't want to use date_default_timezone_set() and wp doesn't set the backend
   //   timezone correctly ...
   $wp_date = new ExpressiveDate($eme_date_obj->getDateTime(),date_default_timezone_get());
   $result = date_i18n($date_format, $eme_date_obj->getTimestamp()+$tz_diff);
   return $result;