Ejemplo n.º 1
  * Verify that $callback is a valid function callback
  * This is used to be absolutely sure a callback is valid before registering
  * it, to avoid later errors on the throwing of an error
  * @param string|array
  * @return true|Error_Raise_Error
  * @throws ERROR_UTIL_ERROR_FUNCTION_DOESNT_EXIST If the callback is a
  *         string and isn't the name of any function
  * @throws ERROR_UTIL_ERROR_INTERNAL_FUNCTION If the callback is the name
  *         of an internal, pre-defined function like "function_exists"
  * @throws ERROR_UTIL_ERROR_INVALID_INPUT If the callback is neither
  *         a string, an array(classname, method), or an array(object, method)
  * @throws ERROR_UTIL_ERROR_METHOD_DOESNT_EXIST if the callback is an
  *         array, and the method is not a method of the class
  * @access private
 function _validCallback($callback)
     static $init = false;
     if (!$init) {
         $init = true;
         Error_Raise::setErrorMsgGenerator('Error_Util', array('Error_Util', 'genErrorMessage'));
     if (is_string($callback)) {
         if (!function_exists($callback)) {
             return Error_Raise::exception('Error_Util', ERROR_UTIL_ERROR_FUNCTION_DOESNT_EXIST, array('function' => $callback));
         $a = get_defined_functions();
         if (in_array($callback, $a['internal'])) {
             return Error_Raise::exception('Error_Util', ERROR_UTIL_ERROR_INTERNAL_FUNCTION, array('function' => $callback));
         return true;
     if (is_array($callback)) {
         if (!isset($callback[0]) || !isset($callback[1])) {
             return Error_Raise::exception('Error_Util', ERROR_UTIL_ERROR_INVALID_INPUT, array('expected' => array(0, 1), 'was' => array_keys($callback), 'var' => 'array_keys($callback)', 'paramnum' => 1));
         if (is_string($callback[0])) {
             if (!is_string($callback[1])) {
                 return Error_Raise::exception('Error_Util', ERROR_UTIL_ERROR_INVALID_INPUT, array('expected' => 'string', 'was' => gettype($callback[1]), 'var' => '$callback[1]', 'paramnum' => 1));
             if (!class_exists($callback[0])) {
                 return Error_Raise::exception('Error_Util', ERROR_UTIL_ERROR_CLASS_DOESNT_EXIST, array('class' => $callback[0]));
             if (!in_array(strtolower($callback[1]), get_class_methods($callback[0]))) {
                 return Error_Raise::exception('Error_Util', ERROR_UTIL_ERROR_METHOD_DOESNT_EXIST, array('method' => $callback[1], 'class' => $callback[0]));
             return true;
         } elseif (is_object($callback[0])) {
             if (!method_exists($callback[0], $callback[1])) {
                 return Error_Raise::exception('Error_Util', ERROR_UTIL_ERROR_METHOD_DOESNT_EXIST, array('method' => $callback[1], 'class' => get_class($callback[0])));
             return true;
         } else {
             return Error_Raise::exception('Error_Util', ERROR_UTIL_ERROR_INVALID_INPUT, array('expected' => array('array', 'string'), 'was' => gettype($callback[0]), 'var' => '$callback[0]', 'paramnum' => 1));
         // is a callback method
         return true;
     return Error_Raise::exception('error_util', ERROR_UTIL_ERROR_INVALID_INPUT, array('expected' => array('array', 'string'), 'was' => gettype($callback), 'var' => '$callback', 'paramnum' => 1));
Ejemplo n.º 2
  * Initialize error raising for a package
  * Use this method to assign an error message handler to a package.  Note:
  * This is an alias to {@link set ErrorMsgGenerator()}
  * As an example, here is a simple Error_Raise usage:
  * <code>
  * <?php
  * // define error constants for package foo
  * define("FOO_ERROR_NOT_NUMBER", 1);
  * define("FOO_ERROR_NOT_STRING", 2);
  * /**
  *  * Error message generator for package Foo
  *  {@*}
  * function getFooMsg($code, $args, $state)
  * {
  *     $msgs = array(
  *        FOO_ERROR_NOT_NUMBER => 'parameter %p% is a %type%, not a number',
  *        FOO_ERROR_NOT_STRING => 'parameter %p% is a %type%, not a string',
  *     );
  *     if (isset($msgs[$code])) {
  *         $message = $msgs[$code];
  *     } else {
  *         $message = 'Code ' . $code . ' is not a valid error code';
  *     }
  *     return Error_Raise::sprintfErrorMessageWithState(
  *        $message, $args, $state);
  * }
  * // initialize error creation
  * Error_Raise::initialize('foo', 'getFooMsg');
  * // that's it!  Now you can do this any of these:
  * Error_Raise::warning('foo', FOO_ERROR_NOT_STRING,
  *    array('p' => 'bar', 'type' => 'object'));
  * Error_Raise::notice('foo', FOO_ERROR_NOT_STRING,
  *    array('p' => 'bar', 'type' => 'object'));
  * Error_Raise::exception('foo', FOO_ERROR_NOT_NUMBER,
  *    array('p' => 'bar', 'type' => 'object'));
  * $e = Error_Raise::error('foo', FOO_ERROR_NOT_NUMBER,
  *    array('p' => 'bar', 'type' => 'object'));
  * echo $e->getMessage();
  * // displays 'foo error : parameter bar is a object, not a number'
  * echo $e->getMessage(ERROR_RAISE_HTML);
  * // displays '<strong>foo error :</strong> parameter <strong>bar</strong>
  * // is a <strong>object</strong>, not a number
  * ?>
  * </code>
  * @param string package name
  * @param array|string call_user_func_array-compatible function/method
  *                     This function name can be either be a
  *                     global function (string), static class method
  *                     array(classname, method), or object method
  *                     array(&$obj, method).  Be sure to assign by
  *                     reference in PHP 4
  * @static
 function initialize($package, $errorMsgGenerator)
     return Error_Raise::setErrorMsgGenerator($package, $errorMsgGenerator);