Ejemplo n.º 1
  * returns $noOfObjects of the best objects for users in $usersArray
  * method just pick randomly demanded number of the objects from the allowed ones
  * @param <type> $usersArray array of (userID => similarity) of the selected users
  * @param <type> $noOfObjects number of objects, we search for
  * @param <type> $objectList list of allowed objects
  * @return <type> array( objectID => similarity: 1 ) )
 public function getBestObjectForUsers($usersArray, $noOfObjects, $objectList = "")
     $table = Config::$objectTableName;
     $objectIDName = Config::$objectIDColumnName;
     if (is_array($objectList) and sizeof($objectList) != 0) {
         $objectQuery = " `" . $objectIDName . "` in (";
         $first = 1;
         foreach ($objectList as $obj) {
             if ($first) {
                 $first = 0;
                 $objectQuery .= "" . $obj . "";
             } else {
                 $objectQuery .= ", " . $obj . "";
         $objectQuery .= ")";
     } else {
         $objectQuery = " 1 ";
     $query = "select distinct `" . $objectIDName . "` from `" . $table . "` where " . $objectQuery . " order by RAND() limit " . $noOfObjects . " ";
     //echo $query;
     $database = ComponentDatabase::get_instance();
     $qr = $database->executeQuery($query);
     $objectsList = $qr->getResponseList();
     //packing answer into the array
     if (!$objectsList) {
         //wrong query
         $errLog = ErrorLog::get_instance();
         $errLog->logError("Wrong SQL query, no prediction made", "Dummy");
         return false;
     } else {
         $returnlist = array();
         while ($record = $database->getNextRow($objectsList)) {
             $returnlist[$record[$objectIDName]] = 1;
         return $returnlist;
Ejemplo n.º 2
 protected function usersToObjectRate($dbQuery)
     $database = ComponentDatabase::get_instance();
     $qr = $database->executeQuery($dbQuery);
     $eventsList = $qr->getResponseList();
     //rating objects
     if (!$eventsList) {
         //wrong query
         $errLog = ErrorLog::get_instance();
         $errLog->logError("No events of the specified type found, no prediction made", "Standard");
         return false;
     } else {
         while ($record = $database->getNextRow($eventsList)) {
             if (array_key_exists($record["objectID"], $this->objectToScoreArray)) {
                 $objectRating = $this->objectToScoreArray[$record["objectID"]];
             } else {
                 $objectRating = 0;
             if (is_array($this->users) and array_key_exists($record["userID"], $this->users)) {
                 $userImportance = $this->users[$record["userID"]];
             } else {
                 $userImportance = 0;
             $objectRating = $this->ratingAggregation($objectRating, $record["eventValue"], $record["eventType"], $this->eventImportance, $userImportance);
             $this->objectToScoreArray[$record["objectID"]] = $objectRating;
Ejemplo n.º 3
  * returns $noOfObjects of the most similar objects to the $objectID
  * method counts score of similarity each object O to the object O1 like this:
  * objectScore O = sum_foreach_user(user_score(O1)*userScore(O))
  * this is based on assumption, that any positive score means positive interest in objects,
  * higher score means higher importance of the interest
  * @param <type> $noOfObjects number of similar objects, we search for
  * @param <type> $objectList list of allowed objects
  * @param <type> $usersArray array of (userID => similarity) of the selected users
  * @param <type> $implicitEventsList array of calculated implicitEvents
  * @param <type> $explicitEventsList array of calculated explicitEvents
  * @return <type> array( objectID => similarity: [0,1] ) )
 public function getSimilarObjects($objectID, $noOfObjects, $objectList = "", $implicitEventsList = "", $explicitEventsList = "")
     $this->objectsToScoreArray = array();
     if (is_array($objectList) and sizeof($objectList) != 0) {
         $objectQuery = " and `o1`.`oid` in (";
         $first = 1;
         foreach ($objectList as $obj) {
             if ($first) {
                 $first = 0;
                 $objectQuery .= "" . $obj . "";
             } else {
                 $objectQuery .= ", " . $obj . "";
         $objectQuery .= ")";
     } else {
         $objectQuery = "";
     //toto je drobna heuristika - nemelo by byt tak slozite to spocitat a udela to zakladni poradi objektu pro uzivatele a oreze zcela nevhodne objekty
     $query_objects = "SELECT `o1`.`oid` FROM `vsm_object_model` as `o1` left join `vsm_object_model` as `ref` on (`o1`.`feature`=`ref`.`feature` and `o1`.`oid`!=`ref`.`oid` and `ref`.`oid` = {$objectID}) " . " where 1 {$objectQuery} " . " group by `oid` " . " having sum(`o1`.`relevance`*`ref`.`relevance`)>0" . " order by  sum(`o1`.`relevance`*`ref`.`relevance`) desc" . " limit 0," . $noOfObjects * 5 . "";
     //       echo $query_objects;
     $database = ComponentDatabase::get_instance();
     $qr = $database->executeQuery($query_objects);
     $objects = $qr->getResponseList();
     if (!$objects) {
         //wrong query
         $errLog = ErrorLog::get_instance();
         $errLog->logError("No object passed the heuristics, no results", "VSM");
         return false;
     } else {
         $userFeatures = $this->getObjectFeatures($objectID);
         while ($record = $database->getNextRow($objects)) {
             $object_features = $this->getObjectFeatures($record["oid"]);
             $similarity = $this->computeCosineSimilarity($userFeatures, $object_features);
             $this->objectsToScoreArray[$record["oid"]] = $similarity;
     // print_r($userSimilarity);
     // echo $noOfUsers;
     // print_r($this->userToObjectScoreArray);
     // print_r($this->otherUsersToObjectScoreArray);
     // print_r(array_slice($this->objectsToScoreArray,0,$noOfObjects, true));
     return array_slice($this->objectsToScoreArray, 0, $noOfObjects, true);
Ejemplo n.º 4
  * returns $noOfUsers of the best objects from the $objectList
  * method aggregates object scores in eventValues of events from $aggregatedEventsList
  * @param <type> $objectID id of the selected object
  * @param <type> $noOfObjects number of similar objects, we search for
  * @param <type> $objectList list of allowed objects
  * @param <type> $aggregatedEventsList array of calculated aggregatedEvents
  * @return <type> array( objectID => similarity: [0-1]) )
 public function getBestObjects($noOfObjects, $objectList = "", $aggregatedEventsList = "", $eventsValuesList = "")
     $aggregatedTable = Config::$aggregatedEventStorageTable;
     $implicitTable = Config::$implicitEventStorageTable;
     $this->eventsArray = $aggregatedEventsList;
     if ($eventsValuesList != "") {
         $this->eventImportance = $eventsValuesList;
     $this->objectsScoreArray = array();
     if (is_array($aggregatedEventsList) and sizeof($aggregatedEventsList) != 0) {
         if (is_array($objectList) and sizeof($objectList) != 0) {
             $objectQuery = "and `objectID` in (";
             $first = 1;
             foreach ($objectList as $obj) {
                 if ($first) {
                     $first = 0;
                     $objectQuery .= "" . $obj . "";
                 } else {
                     $objectQuery .= ", " . $obj . "";
             $objectQuery .= ")";
         } else {
             $objectQuery = "";
         $implicit_events = array();
         $events = array();
         foreach ($aggregatedEventsList as $eType) {
             if (in_array($eType, Config::$recognizedAggregatedEvaluationEvent)) {
                 if ($eType == "opened_vs_shown_fraction") {
                     $events[] = "object_shown_in_list";
                     $events[] = "object_opened_from_list";
                 } else {
                     $events[] = $eType;
         $eventQuery = "`eventType` in (";
         $first = 1;
         foreach ($events as $eType) {
             if ($first) {
                 $first = 0;
                 $eventQuery .= "\"" . $eType . "\"";
             } else {
                 $eventQuery .= ", \"" . $eType . "\"";
         $eventQuery .= ")";
         $query = "select  distinct `objectID`,`eventType`,`eventValue`\n                                         from `" . $aggregatedTable . "`\n                                         where " . $eventQuery . $objectQuery . " order by `objectID`";
         //echo  $query;
     } else {
         $errLog = ErrorLog::get_instance();
         $errLog->logError("No events specified, no prediction made", "Aggregated");
     // echo $noOfUsers;
     // print_r($this->userToObjectScoreArray);
     //  print_r($this->otherUsersToObjectScoreArray);
     return array_slice($this->objectsScoreArray, 0, $noOfObjects, true);
Ejemplo n.º 5
  *Returns set of users, that this heuristic approved to be used in similarity measuring
 private function getUserHeuristics($userID, $table, $eventNames, $objects)
     $query = "select `userID`, count(DISTINCT `objectID`) as `count`\n               from `" . $table . "`\n                where `userID`!=" . $userID . " and " . $eventQueryImplicit . " " . $objects . "\n                group by `userID` having `count`>=2";
     //echo $query;
     $database = ComponentDatabase::get_instance();
     $qr = $database->executeQuery($query);
     $eventsList = $qr->getResponseList();
     if (!$eventsList) {
         //wrong query
         $errLog = ErrorLog::get_instance();
         $errLog->logError("No user passed the heuristics, keeping the full no. Of Users", "Standard");
         return " ";
     } else {
         $result = "and `userID` in (";
         $first = 1;
         while ($record = $database->getNextRow($eventsList)) {
             if ($first) {
                 $first = 0;
                 $result .= $record["userID"];
             } else {
                 $result .= "," . $record["userID"];
         $result .= " )";
         return $result;
Ejemplo n.º 6
  * returns  $noOfUsers the most similar object to the one with $objectID
  * similarity is measured on the specified attributes - in the same way as in the ExtendedQueryHandler
  * @param <type> $objectID id of the selected object
  * @param <type> $noOfObjects number of similar objects, we search for
  * @param <type> $objectList list of allowed objects
  * @param <type> $attributesSelectionSQL sql code which selects all necesary attributes (the most important is "FROM" part)
  * @param <type> $attributesList array of Attribute class instances - the attributes which we want to use for measuring the objects distance
  * @return array( objectID => similarity: [0-1]) )
 public function getSimilarObjects($objectID, $noOfObjects, $objectList = "", $attributesSelectionSQL = "", $attributesList = "")
     if (is_array($attributesList) and sizeof($attributesList) != 0 and $attributesSelectionSQL != "") {
         $table = Config::$objectTableName;
         $objectIDName = Config::$objectIDColumnName;
         $this->sqlObject = new Query($attributesSelectionSQL);
         $where = $this->sqlObject->getWhere();
         if ($where == "") {
             $where = "where `" . $table . "`.`" . $objectIDName . "`=" . $objectID . " ";
         } else {
             $where = $where . " and `" . $table . "`.`" . $objectIDName . "`=" . $objectID . " ";
         $select = "select ";
         $attrNo = 0;
         $first = true;
         foreach ($attributesList as $attribute) {
             if ($first) {
                 $first = false;
                 $select .= " " . $attribute->getAttributeName() . " as `attribute" . $attrNo . "`";
             } else {
                 $select .= ", " . $attribute->getAttributeName() . " as `attribute" . $attrNo . "`";
         //echo $this->sqlObject->getSQL();
         $bqHandler = new BasicQueryHandler($this->sqlObject->getSQL());
         $objectResponse = $bqHandler->getQueryResponse();
         if ($objectResponse->getQueryState()) {
             //we have the attribute values for demanded object
             $row = $objectResponse->getNextRow();
             $attrNo = 0;
             foreach ($attributesList as $attribute) {
                 if ($row["attribute" . $attrNo . ""] != "") {
                     $this->attributes[] = new Attribute($attribute->getAttributeName(), $attribute->getAttributeType(), $row["attribute" . $attrNo . ""], $row["attribute" . $attrNo . ""], $attribute->getToleranceFrom(), $attribute->getToleranceTo(), $attribute->getImportance(), $attribute->getExcludeUnsufficient());
             if (is_array($objectList) and sizeof($objectList) != 0) {
                 $objectQuery = " `" . $table . "`.`" . $objectIDName . "` in (";
                 $first = 1;
                 foreach ($objectList as $obj) {
                     if ($first) {
                         $first = 0;
                         $objectQuery .= "" . $obj . "";
                     } else {
                         $objectQuery .= ", " . $obj . "";
                 $objectQuery .= ")";
             } else {
                 $objectQuery = "";
             $this->sqlOtherObjects = new Query($attributesSelectionSQL);
             $where = $this->sqlOtherObjects->getWhere();
             if ($where == "") {
                 $where = "where " . $objectQuery . " and `" . $table . "`.`" . $objectIDName . "`!=" . $objectID . " ";
             } else {
                 $where = $where . " and " . $objectQuery . " and `" . $table . "`.`" . $objectIDName . "`!=" . $objectID . " ";
             $this->sqlOtherObjects->setSelect("select `" . $table . "`.`" . $objectIDName . "` ");
             $this->sqlOtherObjects->setLimit(" limit 0," . $noOfObjects . " ");
             $sql = $this->sqlOtherObjects->getSQL();
             //execute query
             $eqHandler = new ExtendedQueryHandler($sql, $this->attributes);
             $eResponse = $eqHandler->getQueryResponse();
             return $this->associateToArray($eResponse);
         } else {
             //somthing sinister happend in the database:))
             $errLog = ErrorLog::get_instance();
             $errLog->logError("Wrong Database query - no prediction made", "Attributes");
             return false;
     } else {
         $errLog = ErrorLog::get_instance();
         $errLog->logError("No attributes specified or no SQL selecting attributes provided, no prediction made", "Attributes");