/** * Show the entry ledger details */ function entryLedgers($id) { /* Load the Entry model */ App::import("Webzash.Model", "Entry"); $Entry = new Entry(); return $Entry->entryLedgers($id); }
public function performHandlerTasks() { if (($author_id = Application::param('author_id')) && ($entry_id = Application::param('entry_id'))) { $entry = new Entry(); $entry->clauseSafe('author_id', $author_id); $entry->clauseSafe('entry_id', $entry_id); $this->entry_to_manage_for = $entry; } else { $this->redirectOnAccessDenied(); } if (!LogbookAccess::currentUserCanManageAccess($this->entryToManageFor())) { $this->redirectOnAccessDenied(); } if ($group_id = Application::param('group_id')) { $this->group_to_manage_for = new Group(); $this->group_to_manage_for->clauseSafe('group_id', $group_id); } if (Application::formPosted()) { if (Application::param('choose_group')) { $this->chooseGroup(); } if (Application::param('manage_access')) { $this->manageAccess(); } } }
public function indexAction() { $entries = new Entry(); // test memcached if (extension_loaded('memcache')) { $mem = new Memcache(); $mem->addServer('localhost', 11211); $result = $mem->get('indexContent'); if (!$result) { $result = $entries->fetchLatest(100); $mem->set('indexContent', $result, 0, 4); } } else { $result = $entries->fetchLatest(100); } if ($result) { $this->view->entries = $result; // Zend_Paginator $page = $this->_request->getParam('page', 1); $paginator = Zend_Paginator::factory($result); $paginator->setItemCountPerPage(4); $paginator->setCurrentPageNumber($page); $this->view->paginator = $paginator; } }
public function add(Entry $entry) { if (!$entry instanceof Entry) { throw InvalidArgumentException('引数の型が不正です'); } $this->directory[] = $entry; $entry->setParent($this); }
public function addEntry($data, $program) { $entry = new Entry(); $entry->fromData($data, $program); array_push($this->entries, $entry); writeLog('Loaded entry for program ' . $program->id . ' (', $program->year . ')'); return $entry; }
public function postAdd($p, $z) { // update Zoop::Form so that it it can handle consolidating the edit and view pages here $entry = new Entry(); $entry->start = $_POST['start']; $entry->end = $_POST['end']; $entry->title = $_POST['title']; $entry->is_duration = isset($_POST['is_duration']) && $_POST['is_duration'] ? 1 : 0; $entry->save(); $this->redirect(''); }
public static function importEntry($path) { $parts = explode('/', $path); $info = explode('_', $parts[count($parts) - 2]); // do the database part $entry = new Entry((int) $info[0]); $entry->name = $info[1]; $entry->assignHeaders(); $entry->save(); // do the file system part $entry->cacheContent(); }
function getTags(Entry $entry) { $sql = "SELECT tags.id_tag as id, tags.tag_text\n\t\t\t\tFROM entry2tag\n\t\t\t\tINNER JOIN tags\n\t\t\t\tON entry2tag.id_tag = tags.id_tag\n\t\t\t\tWHERE entry2tag.id_entry = :id"; try { $query = $this->db->prepare($sql); $query->execute(array(':id' => $entry->getId())); } catch (PDOException $e) { return $e->getMessage(); } $tags = $query->fetchAll(PDO::FETCH_CLASS | PDO::FETCH_PROPS_LATE, "Tag"); $entry->setTags($tags); }
public static function importEntry($path) { $info = self::parsePath($path); // do the database part $entry = new Entry((int) $info['id']); $entry->name = $info['name']; $entry->simple = $info['simple']; $entry->assignHeaders(); $entry->save(); // do the file system part $entry->cacheContent(); }
public function entry_count() { $child_class = $this->class === 'category' ? 'entry' : 'page'; $blog_id = $this->blog_id; $cat_id = $this->id; $where = "entry_status = 2\n and entry_class = '{$child_class}'\n and entry_blog_id = {$blog_id}"; $join = array(); $join['mt_placement'] = array('condition' => "placement_entry_id = entry_id and placement_category_id = {$cat_id}"); require_once 'class.mt_entry.php'; $entry = new Entry(); $cnt = $entry->count(array('where' => $where, 'join' => $join)); return $cnt; }
/** * Create the view payload * @param \mdref\Entry $ref * @param \mdref\Generator\Renderer $view * @return \stdClass */ private function createPayload(Entry $ref = null) { $pld = new \stdClass(); $pld->quick = [$this->reference, "formatString"]; $pld->file = [$this->reference, "formatFile"]; $pld->refs = $this->reference; $pld->view = $this->renderer; if ($ref) { $pld->entry = $ref; $pld->ref = $ref->getName(); } return $pld; }
public function save() { $transaction = $this->beginTransaction(); try { $entry = new Entry(); $entry->newEntry($this->getEntry()); parent::save(); $transaction->commit(); } catch (\Exception $e) { $transaction->rollback(); throw new \Exception($e->getMessage()); } }
public function processData($data, Entry $entry = null) { $driver = Extension::load('members'); if (isset($entry->data()->{$this->{'element-name'}})) { $result = $entry->data()->{$this->{'element-name'}}; } else { $result = (object) array('value' => null); } if (!is_null($data)) { $result->value = $data; } return $result; }
public static function importEntry($path) { $parts = explode('/', $path); $dir = $parts[count($parts) - 2]; $id = (int) substr($dir, 0, strpos($dir, '_')); $name = substr($dir, strpos($dir, '_') + 1); // do the database part $entry = new Entry($id); $entry->name = $name; $entry->assignHeaders(); $entry->save(); // do the file system part $entry->cacheContent(); }
public function updateEntry($newEntry) { $transaction = $this->beginTransaction(); try { $this->setTimeLine(Base::updateTimeLine($this->getEntry(), $newEntry)); $entry = new Entry(); $entry->updateEntry($this->getEntry(), $newEntry); $this->setEntry($newEntry); parent::save(); $transaction->commit(); } catch (\Exception $e) { $transaction->rollback(); throw new \Exception($e->getMessage()); } }
public function __construct(\steam_room $room) { parent::__construct($room); $this->entryAttributes["academictype"] = array("attributeName" => PORTFOLIO_PREFIX . "ENTRY_ACADEMIC_TYPE", "label" => "Akademischer Abschluss", "description" => "", "values" => array(array("name" => "", "value" => 0), array("name" => "Bachelor", "value" => 1), array("name" => "Master", "value" => 2), array("name" => "Sonstiger", "value" => 3)), "defaultValue" => ""); $this->entryAttributes["academicinstitution"] = array("attributeName" => PORTFOLIO_PREFIX . "ENTRY_ACADEMIC_INSTITUTION", "label" => "Ausbildungseinrichtung", "description" => "", "values" => "", "defaultValue" => ""); $this->entryAttributes["academicgrade"] = array("attributeName" => PORTFOLIO_PREFIX . "ENTRY_ACADEMIC_GRADE", "label" => "Druchschnittsnote", "description" => "", "values" => array(array("name" => "", "value" => 0), array("name" => "Sehr gut (1)", "value" => 1), array("name" => "Gut (2)", "value" => 2), array("name" => "Befriedigend (3)", "value" => 3), array("name" => "Ausreichend (4)", "value" => 4)), "defaultValue" => ""); }
public function sdkLoader() { // Variables $category = []; $cart = []; unset($_SESSION); // Load the SDK $moltin = new \Moltin\SDK\SDK(new \Moltin\SDK\Storage\Session(), new \Moltin\SDK\Request\CURL(), ['url' => isset($this->config['moltin_api_url']) ? $this->config['moltin_api_url'] : null, 'auth_url' => isset($this->config['moltin_api_auth_url']) ? $this->config['moltin_api_auth_url'] : null, 'version' => isset($this->config['moltin_api_version']) ? $this->config['moltin_api_version'] : null]); \Moltin::Authenticate('ClientCredentials', ['client_id' => $this->config['api_client_id'], 'client_secret' => $this->config['api_client_secret']]); try { // Get categories $categories = \Category::Tree(['status' => 1]); } catch (\Exception $e) { exit($e->getMessage()); } try { // Get cart contents $cart = \Cart::Contents()['result']; } catch (\Exception $e) { exit($e->getMessage()); } try { // Get pages $pages = \Entry::Find('page', ['status' => 1])['result']; } catch (\Exception $e) { exit($e->getMessage()); } // add cart to app - so it can be accessed in controllers $this->app->cart = $cart; // Assign to view $this->app->view()->appendData(['categories' => $categories['result'], 'cart' => $cart]); }
/** * Execute the console command. * * @return void */ public function fire() { $x = 1; foreach (Group::all() as $group) { $contents = Content::where('group_id', $group->getKey())->count(); $entries = Entry::where('group_id', $group->getKey())->count(); $total = $contents + $entries; // Default activity is medium = 2 $group->activity = 2; // Low activity, when nothing was added last week if ($total == 0) { $group->activity = 1; } if ($total > 15) { $group->activity = 3; } if ($total > 50) { $group->activity = 4; } $group->save(); if (!($x % 100)) { $this->info($x . ' groups processed'); } $x++; } $this->info('All groups processed'); }
/** * The MarkdownGenerator constructor. * * @constructor * @param {string} $source The source code to parse. * @param {Array} $options The options array. */ public function __construct($source, $options = array()) { // juggle arguments if (is_array($source)) { $options = $source; } else { $options['source'] = $source; } if (isset($options['source']) && realpath($options['source'])) { $options['path'] = $options['source']; } if (isset($options['path'])) { preg_match('/(?<=\\.)[a-z]+$/', $options['path'], $ext); $options['source'] = file_get_contents($options['path']); $ext = array_pop($ext); if (!isset($options['lang']) && $ext) { $options['lang'] = $ext; } if (!isset($options['title'])) { $options['title'] = ucfirst(basename($options['path'])) . ' API documentation'; } } if (!isset($options['lang'])) { $options['lang'] = 'js'; } if (!isset($options['toc'])) { $options['toc'] = 'properties'; } $this->options = $options; $this->source = str_replace(PHP_EOL, "\n", $options['source']); $this->entries = Entry::getEntries($this->source); foreach ($this->entries as $index => $value) { $this->entries[$index] = new Entry($value, $this->source, $options['lang']); } }
function add_entry_or_merge($entry) { if (is_array($entry)) { $entry = new Entry($entry); } $key = $entry->key(); if (FALSE === $key) { return FALSE; } if (isset($this->entries[$key])) { $this->entries[$key]->merge_with($entry); } else { $this->entries[$key] =& $entry; } return TRUE; }
public function run() { $faker = Faker::create(); foreach (range(1, 10) as $index) { Entry::create([]); } }
protected function postFilter() { parent::postFilter(); if ($this->folder !== null) { $this->xml->setAttribute('folder', $this->folder); } }
public function show($groupName) { $group = Group::name($groupName)->with('creator')->firstOrFail(); $group->checkAccess(); $stats = ['contents' => intval(Content::where('group_id', $group->getKey())->count()), 'comments' => intval(Content::where('group_id', $group->getKey())->sum('comments')), 'entries' => intval(Entry::where('group_id', $group->getKey())->count()), 'banned' => intval(GroupBanned::where('group_id', $group->getKey())->count()), 'subscribers' => $group->subscribers, 'moderators' => intval(GroupModerator::where('group_id', $group->getKey())->count())]; return array_merge($group->toArray(), ['stats' => $stats]); }
function Save() { if (empty($this->entry_class)) { $this->entry_class = 'page'; } return parent::Save(); }
function __construct($date, $title, $soundpath, $imagepath) { parent::__construct($date, $title, $imagepath); $this->soundpath = $soundpath; $this->imagepath = $imagepath; return $this; }
/** * Returns the active entry or null if there is no active entry. * @return Entry || null */ public function getActiveEntry() { if ($this->_activeEntryId === null) { return null; } return Entry::model()->findByPk($this->_activeEntryId, 'deleted=0'); }
public function insert(array $data) { // set to item entry if (empty($data['type'])) { $data['type'] = 'item'; } return parent::insert($data); }
/** * @test */ function entryは複数まとめて保存可能() { $emapper = new EntryMapper(self::$pdo); $entry = new Entry(); $entry->author = 'Mr. Dummy'; $entry->title = 'Hello'; $entry->content = 'Hello, World!'; $entry->published = new DateTime(); $entry2 = new Entry(); $entry2->author = 'Mr. Dummy'; $entry2->title = 'Hello2'; $entry2->content = 'Hello, World!2'; $entry2->published = new DateTime(); $emapper->insert(array($entry, $entry2)); $this->assertArrayHasKey('entryId', $entry->toArray()); $this->assertArrayHasKey('entryId', $entry2->toArray()); }
public function __construct(\steam_room $room) { parent::__construct($room); $this->entryAttributes["employmentcompany"] = array("attributeName" => PORTFOLIO_PREFIX . "ENTRY_EMPLOYMENT_COMPANY", "label" => "Betrieb", "description" => "", "values" => "", "defaultValue" => ""); $this->entryAttributes["employmentduration"] = array("attributeName" => PORTFOLIO_PREFIX . "ENTRY_EMPLOYMENT_DURATION", "label" => "Dauer", "description" => "", "values" => "", "defaultValue" => ""); $this->entryAttributes["employmenttype"] = array("attributeName" => PORTFOLIO_PREFIX . "ENTRY_EMPLOYMENT_TYPE", "label" => "Art", "description" => "", "values" => array(array("name" => "", "value" => 0), array("name" => "Beschäftigung", "value" => 1), array("name" => "Praktikum", "value" => 2), array("name" => "Sonstiges", "value" => 3)), "defaultValue" => ""); $this->entryAttributes["employmentposition"] = array("attributeName" => PORTFOLIO_PREFIX . "ENTRY_EMPLOYMENT_POSITION", "label" => "Position", "description" => "", "values" => array(array("name" => "", "value" => 0), array("name" => "Chemikant", "value" => 2), array("name" => "Chemielaborant", "value" => 3), array("name" => "Chemietechniker", "value" => 4), array("name" => "Industriemeister Chemie", "value" => 5), array("name" => "Sonstige", "value" => 6)), "defaultValue" => ""); }
public function exportData($columns, $sessionKey = null) { $entries = Entry::all(); $entries->each(function ($subscriber) use($columns) { $subscriber->addVisible($columns); }); return $entries->toArray(); }