Ejemplo n.º 1
 public function import($school)
     if (EntityTable::getByExtensionQuery('Org')->addWhere('LOWER(org.name) LIKE ?', '%' . strtolower($school->instnm) . "%")->fetchOne()) {
         $this->printDebug("School exists in database: " . $school->instnm);
     } else {
         $address = new Address();
         $address->street1 = isset($school->addr) ? $school->addr : null;
         $address->street2 = isset($school->street2) ? $school->street2 : null;
         $address->city = $school->city;
         if ($state = AddressStateTable::retrieveByText($school->stabbr)) {
             $address->State = $state;
         $address->postal = $school->zip;
         $aliases = explode("|", $school->ialias);
         $website = null;
         if (!preg_match('/^http\\:\\/\\//i', trim($school->webaddr))) {
             $website = "http://" . strtolower($school->webaddr);
         $newschool = new Entity();
         $newschool->name = $school->instnm;
         $newschool->website = $website;
         foreach ($aliases as $alias) {
             try {
                 $newalias = new Alias();
                 $newalias->Entity = $newschool;
                 $newalias->name = $alias;
             } catch (Exception $e) {
                 $this->printDebug("An alias exception. No biggie. It's most likely that the name already exists. so we ignore it and move on: " . $e);
         $this->printDebug("Adding new school: " . $school->instnm);
 protected function import($url)
     $company = null;
     if (!$this->browser->get($url)->responseIsError()) {
         $text = $this->browser->getResponseText();
         $rank = null;
         $name = null;
         $industryName = null;
         $street1 = null;
         $street2 = null;
         $city = null;
         $state = null;
         $postal = null;
         $phone = null;
         $fax = null;
         $website = null;
         $blurb = null;
         $summary = null;
         $revenue = null;
         $employees = null;
         $ceoName = null;
         $ceoBirthYear = null;
         //get rank
         if ($this->year > 1999 && $this->year < 2005 && preg_match('/ForbesListRank" content="(\\d+)"/i', $text, $match)) {
             $rank = $match[1];
         } elseif ($this->year < 2000 && preg_match('/td class="highlightcolor1">(\\d+)/i', $text, $match)) {
             $rank = $match[1];
         } elseif ($this->year > 2004 && preg_match('/<b>#(\\d+) ([^<]+)<\\/b>/i', $text, $match)) {
             $rank = html_entity_decode($match[1]);
         //get name
         if ($this->year > 1995 && $this->year < 2005 && preg_match('/span class="mainlisttitle">([^<]+)<\\/span>/i', $text, $match)) {
             $name = html_entity_decode($match[1]);
         } elseif ($this->year > 2004 && preg_match('/<b>#(\\d+) ([^<]+)<\\/b>/i', $text, $match)) {
             $name = html_entity_decode($match[2]);
         } else {
             $this->printDebug("Company name not found");
         //get industry
         if ($this->year > 1995 && $this->year < 2001 && preg_match('/<b>See more private companies in <a [^>]+>([^<]+)<\\/a><\\/b>/ism', $text, $match)) {
             $industryName = trim(html_entity_decode($match[1]));
         } elseif ($this->year > 2000 && $this->year < 2005 && preg_match('/private companies\\<\\/a> in ([^\\.]+)/ism', $text, $match)) {
             $industryName = trim(html_entity_decode($match[1]));
         } elseif ($this->year > 2004 && preg_match('/<b>Industry:<\\/b> <a href="[^"]+">([^<]+)<\\/a>/ism', $text, $match)) {
             $industryName = trim(html_entity_decode($match[1]));
         //get address
         if ($this->year > 1995 && $this->year < 2000 && preg_match('/<td class="mainlisttxt"\\>(.+)phone/smU', $text, $match)) {
             $contactLines = explode('<br>', trim($match[1]));
             $street1 = $contactLines[0];
             $street2 = count($contactLines) == 3 ? $contactLines[2] : null;
             $city_state_zip = count($contactLines) == 3 ? LsLanguage::parseCityStatePostal($contactLines[2]) : LsLanguage::parseCityStatePostal($contactLines[1]);
             $city = $city_state_zip['city'];
             $state = $city_state_zip['state'];
             $postal = $city_state_zip['zip'];
         } elseif ($this->year > 1999 && $this->year < 2005 && preg_match('/(view private companies under this industry|in the same industry).+<br><br>(.+)phone/is', $text, $match)) {
             $contactLines = explode('<br>', trim($match[1]));
             $street1 = $contactLines[0];
             $street2 = count($contactLines) == 3 ? $contactLines[2] : null;
             $city_state_zip = count($contactLines) == 3 ? LsLanguage::parseCityStatePostal($contactLines[2]) : LsLanguage::parseCityStatePostal($contactLines[1]);
             $city = $city_state_zip['city'];
             $state = $city_state_zip['state'];
             $postal = $city_state_zip['zip'];
         } elseif ($this->year > 2004 && preg_match('/<div class="spaced">(.+)<\\/div>/ismU', $text, $match)) {
             $contactLines = explode('<br>', $match[1]);
             if (!preg_match('/Phone\\:|Fax\\:/i', $contactLines[0]) && !preg_match('/Phone\\:|Fax\\:/i', $contactLines[1])) {
                 $street1 = trim($contactLines[0]);
                 if (count($contactLines) == 4) {
                     if (preg_match('/^(.+?) ([A-Z]{2}) (\\d{5})($|-)/sU', trim($contactLines[1]), $match)) {
                         $city = $match[1];
                         $state = $match[2];
                         $postal = $match[3];
                 } elseif (count($contactLines) == 5) {
                     $street2 = $contactLines[1];
                     if (preg_match('/^(.+?) ([A-Z]{2}) (\\d{5})($|-)/sU', trim($contactLines[2]), $match)) {
                         $city = $match[1];
                         $state = $match[2];
                         $postal = $match[3];
         //get phone
         if ($this->year > 1995 && $this->year < 2005 && preg_match('/phone ([\\d\\-]{12})/is', $text, $match)) {
             $phone = trim(str_replace('-', '', $match[1]));
         } elseif ($this->year > 2004 && preg_match('/Phone: ([\\d\\-]{12})/is', $text, $match)) {
             $phone = trim(str_replace('-', '', $match[1]));
         //get fax
         if ($this->year > 1995 && $this->year < 2005 && preg_match('/fax ([\\d\\-]{12})/is', $text, $match)) {
             $fax = trim(str_replace('-', '', $match[1]));
         } else {
             if ($this->year > 2004 && preg_match('/Fax: ([\\d\\-]{12})/is', $text, $match)) {
                 $fax = trim(str_replace('-', '', $match[1]));
         //get website
         if ($this->year > 1995 && $this->year < 2005 && preg_match('/this company\'s web site[^>]+\\>(http[^\\<]+)/is', $text, $match)) {
             $website = $match[1];
         } elseif ($this->year > 2004 && preg_match('/<div class="spaced">.*<\\/div>\\s+<br>\\s+<a href="(http:\\/\\/[^"]+)">/ismU', $text, $match)) {
             $website = $match[1];
         //get ceo
         if ($this->year > 1995 && $this->year < 2005 && preg_match('/b>CEO: ([^<]+)<\\/b>/ism', $text, $match)) {
             $ceoName = $match[1];
         } elseif ($this->year > 2004 && preg_match('/CEO: ([^<]+)<\\/b> , (\\d+) <br>/ism', $text, $match)) {
             $ceoName = html_entity_decode($match[1]);
             $ceoBirthYear = date("Y");
         //get summary
         if ($this->year > 1995 && $this->year < 2000 && preg_match_all('/p class="mainlisttxt">(.*)<\\/p>/ismU', $text, $match)) {
             $summary = str_replace(array('  ', "\n"), array(' ', ' '), html_entity_decode(trim(strip_tags($match[1][1]))));
         } elseif ($this->year > 1999 && $this->year < 2005 && preg_match('/p class="mainlisttxt">(.*)<\\/p>/ismU', $text, $match)) {
             $summary = str_replace(array('  ', "\n"), array(' ', ' '), html_entity_decode(trim(strip_tags($match[1]))));
         } elseif ($this->year > 2004 && preg_match('/<blockquote class="spaced">(.*)<\\/blockquote>/ismU', $text, $match)) {
             $summary = str_replace(array('  ', "\n"), array(' ', ' '), html_entity_decode(trim(strip_tags($match[1]))));
         //get revenue
         if ($this->year > 1995 && $this->year < 2000 && preg_match('/<td class="mainlisttxt">\\$([\\S]+) mil<sup>e?<\\/sup><\\/td>/ismU', $text, $match)) {
             $revenue = str_replace(",", "", $match[1] . ",000,000");
         } elseif ($this->year > 1999 && $this->year < 2005 && preg_match('/<td class="mainlisttxt" nowrap>([^<]+)<sup>e?<\\/sup><\\/td>/ismU', $text, $match)) {
             $revenue = str_replace(",", "", $match[1] . ",000,000");
         } elseif ($this->year > 2004 && preg_match('/<td class="highlight" nowrap="nowrap">\\$([\\S]+) bil.*<\\/td> <td class="highlight" nowrap="nowrap">[^<]+<\\/td> <td class="highlight" nowrap="nowrap">([^<]+)<\\/td>/ismU', $text, $match)) {
             $revenue = 1000000000 * $match[1];
         //get employees
         if ($this->year > 1995 && $this->year < 2005 && preg_match('/mil<\\/td>.+<td class="mainlisttxt"( nowrap)?>(\\d[^<]+)<\\/td>.+<td class="mainlisttxt">[a-zA-Z]+<\\/td>/ismU', $text, $match)) {
             $employees = str_replace(',', '', $match[2]);
         } elseif ($this->year > 1999 && $this->year < 2005 && preg_match('/<sup>e?<\\/sup><\\/td> <td class="mainlisttxt"( nowrap)?>(\\d[^<]+)<sup>e?<\\/sup><\\/td> <td class="mainlisttxt">[a-zA-Z]+<\\/td>/ismU', $text, $match)) {
             $employees = str_replace(',', '', $match[2]);
         } elseif ($this->year > 2004 && preg_match('/<td class="highlight" nowrap="nowrap">([\\d,]+)<\\/td> <td class="highlight" nowrap="nowrap">[A-Z][a-z]{2,}<\\/td>/', $text, $match)) {
             $employees = str_replace(',', '', $match[1]);
         /*$this->printDebug( "URL: ". $url);
           $this->printDebug( "Rank: " . $rank );
           $this->printDebug( "Name: " . $name );
           $this->printDebug( "Industry: " . $industryName );
           $this->printDebug( "Street: " . $street1 );
           $this->printDebug( "Street2: " . $street2 );
           $this->printDebug( "City: " . $city );
           $this->printDebug( "State: " . $state );
           $this->printDebug( "Postal: " . $postal );
           $this->printDebug( "Phone: " . $phone );
           $this->printDebug( "Fax: " . $fax );
           $this->printDebug( "Website: " . $website );
           $this->printDebug( "CEO: " . $ceoName . "  " . $ceoBirthYear);
           $this->printDebug( "Summary: " . $summary );
           $this->printDebug( "Revenue: " . $revenue );
           $this->printDebug( "Employees: " . $employees );*/
         $search_company_name = trim(implode(' ', array_diff(explode(' ', ucwords(strtolower($name))), array_merge(LsLanguage::$business, LsLanguage::$businessAbbreviations))));
         $this->printDebug("{$search_company_name} == {$name}");
         if ($company = EntityTable::getByExtensionQuery(array('Org', 'PrivateCompany'))->addWhere("LOWER(REPLACE( org.name, '-' , '')) = ?", strtolower($name))->fetchOne()) {
             $this->printDebug("Company exists");
             $company->revenue = $revenue;
         } else {
             $this->printDebug("Creating new company {$name}");
             $company = new Entity();
             $company->name = LsLanguage::titleize($name);
             $company->employees = strlen($employees) ? $employees : null;
             $company->revenue = strlen($revenue) ? $revenue : null;
             $company->website = strlen($website) ? $website : null;
             $company->summary = strlen($summary) ? trim($summary) : null;
             //add address
             if ($phone) {
             if ($fax) {
             if ($city && $state) {
                 $address = new Address();
                 $address->street1 = strlen($street1) ? $street1 : null;
                 $address->street2 = strlen($street2) ? $street2 : null;
                 $address->city = strlen($city) ? $city : null;
                 if ($state = AddressStateTable::retrieveByText($state)) {
                     $address->State = $state;
                 $address->postal = $postal;
                 $address->addReference($source = $url, $excerpt = null, $fields = array('city', 'country_id', 'postal', 'state_id', 'street1'), $name = 'Forbes.com', $detail = null, $date = null);
         /*$this->printDebug( "URL: ". $url);
           $this->printDebug( "Rank: " . $rank );
           $this->printDebug( "Name: " . $name );
           $this->printDebug( "Industry: " . $industryName );
           $this->printDebug( "Street: " . $street1 );
           $this->printDebug( "Street2: " . $street2 );
           $this->printDebug( "City: " . $city );
           $this->printDebug( "State: " . $state );
           $this->printDebug( "Postal: " . $postal );
           $this->printDebug( "Phone: " . $phone );
           $this->printDebug( "Fax: " . $fax );
           $this->printDebug( "Website: " . $website );
           $this->printDebug( "CEO: " . $ceoName . "  " . $ceoBirthYear);
           $this->printDebug( "Summary: " . $summary );
           $this->printDebug( "Revenue: " . $revenue );
           $this->printDebug( "Employees: " . $employees );*/
         $company->addReference($source = $url, $excerpt = null, $fields = array('website', 'name', 'website', 'summary', 'revenue', 'employees'), $name = 'Forbes.com', $detail = null, $date = null);
         $this->saveToList($company, $rank);
     } else {
         $this->printDebug("Couldn't get company: " . $url);
Ejemplo n.º 3
 private function importFiling($org, $lda_filing)
     try {
         $this->printDebug('Starting import...');
         $excerpt = array();
         //$time = microtime(1);
         $date = null;
         $excerpt['Federal Filing Id'] = $lda_filing->federal_filing_id;
         $excerpt['Year'] = $lda_filing->year;
         $excerpt['Type'] = $lda_filing->LdaType->description;
         if (preg_match('/^[^T]*/su', $lda_filing->received, $match)) {
             $date = $match[0];
             $date = str_replace('/', '-', $date);
         $lda_registrant = Doctrine::getTable('LdaRegistrant')->find($lda_filing->registrant_id);
         $excerpt['Registrant'] = $lda_registrant->name;
         if ($lda_filing->client_id) {
             $lda_client = Doctrine::getTable('LdaClient')->find($lda_filing->client_id);
             $excerpt['Client'] = $lda_client->name;
         } else {
             return null;
         $lobbying_entity = null;
         if (strtolower(OrgTable::stripNamePunctuation($lda_client->name)) == strtolower(OrgTable::stripNamePunctuation($lda_registrant->name))) {
             $lobbying_entity = $org;
             $client_entity = null;
             if (!$lobbying_entity->lda_registrant_id) {
                 $lobbying_entity->lda_registrant_id = $lda_registrant->federal_registrant_id;
                 $lobbying_entity->addReference(self::$filing_url . $lda_filing->federal_filing_id, null, $lobbying_entity->getAllModifiedFields(), 'LDA Filing', null, $date, false);
             } else {
                 if ($lobbying_entity->lda_registrant_id != $lda_registrant->federal_registrant_id) {
                     $this->printDebug("LDA registrant ids did not match up for {$lobbying_entity->name} and {$lda_registrant->name} even though names matched {$lda_client->name}\n");
                     return null;
             $this->printDebug($lobbying_entity->name . ' noted (same as client ' . $lda_client->name . ')');
         } else {
             $client_entity = $org;
             if ($lda_client->description) {
                 $description = trim($lda_client->description);
                 if ($description != '' && preg_match('/[\\/\\-]\\d+[\\/\\-]/isu', $description) == 0) {
                     if (strlen($description) < 200) {
                         if (!$org->blurb || $org->blurb == '') {
                             $org->blurb = $description;
                     } else {
                         if (!$org->summary || $org->summary == '') {
                             $org->summary = $description;
             $this->printDebug($lda_client->name . ' is distinct from ' . $lda_registrant->name);
         $lda_lobbyists = $lda_filing->LdaLobbyists;
         $excerpt['Lobbyists'] = array();
         foreach ($lda_lobbyists as $lda_lobbyist) {
             $excerpt['Lobbyists'][] = $lda_lobbyist->name;
         $excerpt['Lobbyists'] = implode('; ', $excerpt['Lobbyists']);
         if (!$lobbying_entity) {
             $lobbyist_name = null;
             if (count($lda_lobbyists)) {
                 $lobbyist_parts = explode(',', $lda_lobbyists[0]->name);
                 if (count($lobbyist_parts) > 1) {
                     $lobbyist_last = trim($lobbyist_parts[0]);
                     $arr = LsString::split($lobbyist_parts[1]);
                     $lens = array_map('strlen', $arr);
                     $keys = array_keys($lens);
                     $lobbyist_longest = $arr[$keys[0]];
                     $lobbyist_name = trim($lobbyist_parts[1]) . ' ' . trim($lobbyist_parts[0]);
                     $existing_lobbyist_registrant = null;
                 } else {
                     $lobbyist_name = preg_replace('/^(Mr|MR|MS|Dr|DR|MRS|Mrs|Ms)\\b\\.?/su', '', $lda_lobbyists[0]->name);
                     $arr = LsString::split(trim($lobbyist_name));
                     $arr = LsArray::strlenSort($arr);
                     $lobbyist_last = array_pop($arr);
                     if (count($arr)) {
                         $lobbyist_longest = array_shift(LsArray::strlenSort($arr));
                     } else {
                         $lobbyist_longest = '';
             //check to see if registrant and lobbyist are same
             if (count($lda_lobbyists) == 1 && (strtoupper($lda_lobbyists[0]->name) == strtoupper($lda_registrant->name) || $lobbyist_last && stripos($lda_registrant->name, $lobbyist_last) == strlen($lda_registrant->name) - strlen($lobbyist_last) && stristr($lda_registrant->name, $lobbyist_longest))) {
                 $existing_lobbyist_registrant = EntityTable::getByExtensionQuery('Lobbyist')->addWhere('lobbyist.lda_registrant_id = ?', $lda_registrant->federal_registrant_id)->execute()->getFirst();
                 if ($existing_lobbyist_registrant) {
                     $lobbying_entity = $existing_lobbyist_registrant;
                     $this->printDebug('Existing lobbyist is lobbying entity: ' . $lobbying_entity->name);
                 } else {
                     $lobbyist = $this->prepLobbyistName($lda_lobbyists[0]->name);
                     if ($lobbyist) {
                         $lobbyist->lda_registrant_id = $lda_registrant->federal_registrant_id;
                         $lobbyist->addReference(self::$filing_url . $lda_filing->federal_filing_id, null, $lobbyist->getAllModifiedFields(), 'LDA Filing', null, $date, false);
                         $this->printDebug('New lobbyist/lobbying entity saved: ' . $lobbyist->name);
                         $lobbying_entity = $lobbyist;
             } else {
                 if ($existing_firm = EntityTable::getByExtensionQuery('Org')->addWhere('org.lda_registrant_id = ? ', $lda_registrant->federal_registrant_id)->execute()->getFirst()) {
                     $modified = array();
                     $lobbying_entity = $existing_firm;
                     if ($lda_registrant->description) {
                         $description = trim($lda_registrant->description);
                         if ($description != '' && preg_match('/[\\/\\-]\\d+[\\/\\-]/isu', $description) == 0) {
                             if (strlen($description) < 200) {
                                 if (!$existing_firm->blurb || $existing_firm->blurb == '') {
                                     $existing_firm->blurb = $description;
                                     $modified[] = 'blurb';
                             } else {
                                 if (!$existing_firm->summary || $existing_firm->summary == '') {
                                     $existing_firm->summary = $description;
                                     $modified[] = 'summary';
                     if ($lda_registrant->address && $lda_registrant->address != '' && count($existing_firm->Address) == 0) {
                         if ($address = $existing_firm->addAddress($lda_registrant->address)) {
                             $address->addReference(self::$filing_url . $lda_filing->federal_filing_id, null, $address->getAllModifiedFields(), 'LDA Filing', null, $date, false);
                     if (count($modified)) {
                         $existing_firm->addReference(self::$filing_url . $lda_filing->federal_filing_id, null, $modified, 'LDA Filing', null, $date, false);
                     $this->printDebug('Existing firm is lobbying entity: ' . $lobbying_entity->name);
                 } else {
                     $firm = new Entity();
                     $firm->name = LsLanguage::titleize(OrgTable::stripNamePunctuation($lda_registrant->name), true);
                     $firm->lda_registrant_id = $lda_registrant->federal_registrant_id;
                     if ($lda_registrant->description) {
                         $description = trim($lda_registrant->description);
                         if ($description != '' && preg_match('/[\\/\\-]\\d+[\\/\\-]/isu', $description) == 0) {
                             if (strlen($description) < 200) {
                                 $firm->blurb = $description;
                             } else {
                                 $firm->summary = $description;
                     if ($lda_registrant->address && $lda_registrant->address != '') {
                         if ($address = $firm->addAddress($lda_registrant->address)) {
                             $address->addReference(self::$filing_url . $lda_filing->federal_filing_id, null, $address->getAllModifiedFields(), 'LDA Filing', null, $date, false);
                     $this->printDebug('New lobbying firm/lobbying entity saved: ' . $firm->name);
                     $firm->addReference(self::$filing_url . $lda_filing->federal_filing_id, null, $firm->getAllModifiedFields(), 'LDA Filing', null, $date, false);
                     $lobbying_entity = $firm;
         //$this->printDebug('gov entities...');
         $lda_govts = $lda_filing->LdaGovts;
         //$this->printDebug('count of lda govs is ***** ' . count($lda_govts));
         $govt_entities = array();
         $excerpt['Government Bodies'] = array();
         foreach ($lda_govts as $lda_govt) {
             $excerpt['Government Bodies'][] = $lda_govt->name;
             $name_arr = $this->prepGovtName($lda_govt->name);
             if (!$name_arr) {
             if ($govt_entity = EntityTable::findByAlias($lda_govt->name, $context = 'lda_government_body')) {
                 $govt_entities[] = $govt_entity;
                 //$this->printDebug('Existing govt entity: ' . $govt_entity->name);
             } else {
                 if ($govt_entity = EntityTable::getByExtensionQuery(array('Org', 'GovernmentBody'))->addWhere('name = ?', array($name_arr[0]))->fetchOne()) {
                     $govt_entities[] = $govt_entity;
                     $alias = new Alias();
                     $alias->context = 'lda_government_body';
                     $alias->name = $lda_govt->name;
                     $alias->entity_id = $govt_entity->id;
                 } else {
                     $govt_entity = new Entity();
                     $govt_entity->name = $name_arr[0];
                     $govt_entity->name_nick = $name_arr[1];
                     $govt_entity->is_federal = 1;
                     $alias = new Alias();
                     $alias->context = 'lda_government_body';
                     $alias->name = $lda_govt->name;
                     $alias->entity_id = $govt_entity->id;
                     $govt_entity->addReference(self::$filing_url . $lda_filing->federal_filing_id, $excerpt, $govt_entity->getAllModifiedFields(), 'LDA Filing', null, $date, false);
                     $govt_entities[] = $govt_entity;
         $excerpt['Government Bodies'] = implode('; ', $excerpt['Government Bodies']);
         $excerpt_str = '';
         foreach ($excerpt as $k => $v) {
             $excerpt_str .= $k . ": ";
             $excerpt_str .= $v . "\n";
         $excerpt = trim($excerpt_str);
         $relationships = array();
         $lobbying_entity_extensions = $lobbying_entity->getExtensions();
         //$this->printDebug('lobbyist positions...');
         $category = Doctrine::getTable('RelationshipCategory')->findOneByName('Position');
         if (!in_array('Lobbyist', $lobbying_entity_extensions)) {
             $firm_lobbyists = array();
             if ($lobbying_entity->exists()) {
                 $q = LsDoctrineQuery::create()->from('Entity e')->leftJoin('e.Relationship r ON (r.entity1_id = e.id)')->where('r.entity2_id = ? AND r.category_id = ?', array($lobbying_entity->id, RelationshipTable::POSITION_CATEGORY));
                 $firm_lobbyists = $q->execute();
             $lobbyists = array();
             foreach ($lda_lobbyists as $lda_lobbyist) {
                 $lobbyist = $this->prepLobbyistName($lda_lobbyist->name);
                 if (!$lobbyist) {
                 $existing_lobbyist = null;
                 foreach ($firm_lobbyists as $fl) {
                     if (PersonTable::areNameCompatible($fl, $lobbyist)) {
                         $existing_lobbyist = $fl;
                 //echo "before lobb save or rel save: ";
                 if (!$existing_lobbyist) {
                     $lobbyist->addReference(self::$filing_url . $lda_filing->federal_filing_id, $excerpt, $lobbyist->getAllModifiedFields(), 'LDA Filing', null, $date, false);
                     //$this->printDebug('New lobbyist saved: ' . $lobbyist->name);
                     $r = new Relationship();
                     $r->Entity1 = $lobbyist;
                     $r->Entity2 = $lobbying_entity;
                     $r->description1 = 'Lobbyist';
                     $r->is_employee = 1;
                     $r->addReference(self::$filing_url . $lda_filing->federal_filing_id, $excerpt, $lobbyist->getAllModifiedFields(), 'LDA Filing', null, $date, false);
                     //$this->printDebug('New position relationship saved: ' . $lobbying_entity->name . ' and ' . $lobbyist->name);
                     $lobbyists[] = $lobbyist;
                 } else {
                     //$this->printDebug('Lobbyist exists: ' . $lobbyist->name . ' is same as ' . $existing_lobbyist->name);
                     $lobbyists[] = $existing_lobbyist;
         //PREP ISSUES
         $issues = array();
         $lda_issues = Doctrine_Query::create()->from('LdaFilingIssue f')->leftJoin('f.LdaIssue i')->where('f.filing_id = ?', $lda_filing->id)->execute();
         foreach ($lda_issues as $lda_issue) {
             $name = LsLanguage::nameize($lda_issue->LdaIssue->name);
             if (!($issue = Doctrine::getTable('LobbyIssue')->findOneByName($name))) {
                 $issue = new LobbyIssue();
                 $issue->name = $name;
                 //$this->printDebug('Lobbying issue saved: ' . $issue->name);
             $issues[] = array($issue, $lda_issue->specific_issue);
         //$this->printDebug('creating lobby filing:');
         $lobby_filing = new LobbyFiling();
         $lobby_filing->year = $lda_filing->year;
         $lobby_filing->amount = $lda_filing->amount;
         $lobby_filing->federal_filing_id = $lda_filing->federal_filing_id;
         $period = $lda_filing->LdaPeriod->description;
         $lobby_filing->start_date = $date;
         if ($paren = strpos($period, '(')) {
             $lobby_filing->period = trim(substr($period, 0, $paren));
         } else {
             $lobby_filing->period = 'Undetermined';
         $lobby_filing->report_type = LsLanguage::nameize($lda_filing->LdaType->description);
         foreach ($issues as $issue) {
             $filing_issue = new LobbyFilingLobbyIssue();
             $filing_issue->Issue = $issue[0];
             $filing_issue->Filing = $lobby_filing;
             $filing_issue->specific_issue = $issue[1];
         if (in_array('Lobbyist', $lobbying_entity_extensions)) {
             $lobby_filing->Lobbyist[] = $lobbying_entity;
             //$this->printDebug('Lobbying entity lobbyist added to lobbying relationship: ' . $lobbying_entity->name);
         } else {
             foreach ($lobbyists as $lobbyist) {
                 $lobby_filing->Lobbyist[] = $lobbyist;
         //$this->printDebug('starting transaction relationships:');
         $transaction = null;
         if ($client_entity != null) {
             $transaction = RelationshipTable::getByCategoryQuery('Transaction')->addWhere('r.entity1_id = ?', $client_entity->id)->addWhere('r.entity2_id = ?', $lobbying_entity->id)->addWhere('transaction.is_lobbying = ?', 1)->fetchOne();
             if ($transaction) {
                 $transaction->updateDateRange($date, true);
                 if ($lda_filing->amount && $lda_filing->amount != '') {
                     if (!$transaction->amount || $transaction->amount == '') {
                         $transaction->amount = $lda_filing->amount;
                     } else {
                         $transaction->amount += $lda_filing->amount;
                 $transaction->addReference(self::$filing_url . $lda_filing->federal_filing_id, $excerpt, $transaction->getAllModifiedFields(), 'LDA Filing', null, $date, false);
             } else {
                 $transaction = new Relationship();
                 $transaction->Entity1 = $client_entity;
                 $transaction->Entity2 = $lobbying_entity;
                 $transaction->description1 = 'Lobbying Client';
                 $transaction->is_lobbying = 1;
                 $transaction->filings = 1;
                 $transaction->updateDateRange($date, true);
                 if (in_array('Person', $lobbying_entity_extensions)) {
                     $transaction->description2 = 'Hired Lobbyist';
                 } else {
                     $transaction->description2 = 'Lobbying Firm';
                 if ($lda_filing->amount && $lda_filing->amount != '') {
                     $transaction->amount = $lda_filing->amount;
                 $transaction->addReference(self::$filing_url . $lda_filing->federal_filing_id, $excerpt, $transaction->getAllModifiedFields(), 'LDA Filing', null, $date, false);
                 //$this->printDebug('New lobbying transaction saved between client ' . $client_entity->name . ' and lobbying firm ' . $lobbying_entity->name);
             $relationships[] = $transaction;
         //$this->printDebug('starting lobbying relationships:');
         foreach ($govt_entities as $govt_entity) {
             $lobbying_relationship = RelationshipTable::getByCategoryQuery('Lobbying')->addWhere('r.entity1_id = ?', $lobbying_entity->id)->addWhere('r.entity2_id = ?', $govt_entity->id)->fetchOne();
             if ($lobbying_relationship) {
             } else {
                 $lobbying_relationship = new Relationship();
                 $lobbying_relationship->Entity1 = $lobbying_entity;
                 $lobbying_relationship->Entity2 = $govt_entity;
                 if ($transaction) {
                     $lobbying_relationship->description1 = 'Lobbying (for client)';
                 } else {
                     $lobbying_relationship->description1 = 'Direct Lobbying';
                 $lobbying_relationship->description2 = $lobbying_relationship->description1;
                 $lobbying_relationship->updateDateRange($date, true);
                 $lobbying_relationship->filings = 1;
                 $lobbying_relationship->addReference(self::$filing_url . $lda_filing->federal_filing_id, $excerpt, $lobbying_relationship->getAllModifiedFields(), 'LDA Filing', null, $date, false);
             $relationships[] = $lobbying_relationship;
         foreach ($relationships as $relationship) {
             $lobby_filing->Relationship[] = $relationship;
         $this->printDebug("Import Completed\n");
     } catch (Exception $e) {
         throw $e;
Ejemplo n.º 4
 private function importCompany($name, $ticker, $website, $address_raw, $telephone, $revenue, $url, $industry)
     $corp = new Entity();
     if ($ticker) {
         $corp->ticker = $ticker;
     } else {
     $corp->name = $name;
     $corp->revenue = LsNumber::formatDollarAmountAsNumber($revenue, 1000000);
     $corp->website = $website;
     $modified = $corp->getAllModifiedFields();
     if ($address = $corp->addAddress($address_raw)) {
         $addressModified = $address->getAllModifiedFields();
     if ($telephone) {
         $phone = $corp->addPhone($telephone);
         $phoneModified = $phone->getAllModifiedFields();
     $corp->addReference($url, null, $modified, 'Fortune Magazine Online');
     if ($address) {
         $address->addReference($url, null, $addressModified, 'Fortune Magazine Online');
     if ($phone) {
         $phone->addReference($url, null, $phoneModified, 'Fortune Magazine Online');
     if ($industry) {
     return $corp;