Ejemplo n.º 1
 * Function to encrypt the sensitive data on its first run. For rest of the run, this function decrypts the encrypted data for use.
 * @return string       The string in plain-text
 * @throws FileNotWritable  Thrown when the file is not writable
function confidentialString()
    $trace = debug_backtrace();
    //get the trace of this function call.
    //From this trace, find the proper sub-array which contains this function call. That call would be when the array's function parameter would contain this __FUNCTION__ value.
    $arraySlot = null;
    foreach ($trace as $count => $oncCall) {
        if ($oncCall['function'] == __FUNCTION__) {
            $arraySlot = $count;
    //If no value is passed to this function, then there is nothing to protect. Hence exit.
    if (count($trace[$arraySlot]['args']) == 0) {
        return "";
    //Every encrypted string will contain ":" in the beginning. If this character is found in the string, then this is an encrypted string.
    if ($trace[$arraySlot]['args'][0][0] == ":") {
        $decodedString = substr($trace[$arraySlot]['args'][0], 1);
        //remove the ":" character form the string.
        $decodedString = base64_decode($decodedString);
        //the string was base64 encoded. Hence decode it back.
        $decryptedString = mcrypt_decrypt(Encryption::getCipher(), Encryption::getKey(), $decodedString, Encryption::getMode(), Encryption::getIV());
        //decrypt the string.
        return unserialize(rtrim($decryptedString, ""));
        //return the decrypted string.
    } else {
        $origString = $trace[$arraySlot]['args'][0];
        //store the original value.
        $encryptedString = mcrypt_encrypt(Encryption::getCipher(), Encryption::getKey(), serialize($origString), Encryption::getMode(), Encryption::getIV());
        //encrypt the value.
        $encryptedString = base64_encode($encryptedString);
        //base 64 encode it.
        $encryptedString = ":" . $encryptedString;
        //append ":" at the beginning of the encrypted string.
        $fileData = file($trace[$arraySlot]['file']);
        //get file contents as an array.
        $prevLine = $fileData[(int) $trace[$arraySlot]['line'] - 1];
        //get the line that needs to be replaced i.e. the string that contains the plain-text sensitive data.
        $functionName = str_replace(__NAMESPACE__ . "\\", '', __FUNCTION__);
        //calculate the function name of this function (without any namespace).
        $pos = strpos($prevLine, $functionName);
        //find the position of this function-name in the original string.
        $endPos = strpos($prevLine, ")", $pos);
        //search where this function ends, but start the search from the start of the function.
        $newLine = substr($prevLine, 0, $pos) . $functionName . "('{$encryptedString}')";
        //generate the new line i.e. with encrypted String.
        $fileData[(int) $trace[$arraySlot]['line'] - 1] = $newLine . substr($prevLine, $endPos + 1);
        //replace the old line with the new line.
        $fileData = implode("", $fileData);
        //get the data from the array.
        //check if file is writable or not.
        if (!is_writable($trace[$arraySlot]['file'])) {
            throw new FileNotWritable("ERROR: This file is not Writable!!");
        //write this new data to file.
        $fp = fopen($trace[$arraySlot]['file'], 'w');
        fwrite($fp, $fileData);
        //return the un-encrypted string for use.
        return $origString;