Ejemplo n.º 1
  * Copy test
  * This function copies a test into the current content tree
  * <br/>Example:
  * <code>
  * $currentContent = new EfrontContentTree(5);           //Initialize content for lesson with id 5
  * $currentContent -> copyTest(3, false);   //Copy the corresponding test into the content tree (at its end)
  * </code>
  * @param int $testId The id of the test to be copied
  * @param mixed $targetUnit The id of the parent unit (or the parent EfrontUnit)in which the new unit will be copied, or false (the unit will be appended at the end)
  * @param boolean $copyQuestions Whether to copy questions as well. Copied questions will be attached to the test itself as parent unit
  * @return EfrontUnit The newly created test unit object
  * @since 3.5.0
  * @access public
 public function copyTest($testId, $targetUnit = false, $copyQuestions = true, $copyFiles = true, $linked_to = false)
     $oldTest = new EfrontTest($testId);
     $oldUnit = $oldTest->getUnit();
     $oldUnit['data'] = $oldTest->test['description'];
     //Hack in order to successfully copy files. It will be removed when we implement the new copy/export framework
     $newUnit = $this->copySimpleUnit($oldUnit, $targetUnit);
     $oldTest->test['description'] = $newUnit['data'];
     //As above
     $newTest = EfrontTest::createTest($newUnit, $oldTest->test);
     $newUnit['data'] = '';
     //As above
     //As above
     if ($copyQuestions) {
         $testQuestions = $oldTest->getQuestions(true);
         $newQuestions = array();
         if (sizeof($testQuestions) > 0) {
             $result = eF_getTableData("questions", "*", "id in (" . implode(",", array_keys($testQuestions)) . ")");
             foreach ($result as $value) {
                 $questionData[$value['id']] = $value;
         $ids_mapping = array();
         $lesson = new EfrontLesson($newUnit->offsetGet('lessons_ID'));
         $folderId = $lesson->lesson['share_folder'] ? $lesson->lesson['share_folder'] : $lesson->lesson['id'];
         foreach ($testQuestions as $key => $oldQuestion) {
             $questionData[$key]['content_ID'] = $newUnit->offsetGet('id');
             $questionData[$key]['lessons_ID'] = $newUnit->offsetGet('lessons_ID');
             if ($copyFiles) {
                 $questionData[$key]['text'] = replaceQuestionPaths($questionData[$key]['text'], $oldUnit['lessons_ID'], $folderId);
                 $questionData[$key]['explanation'] = replaceQuestionPaths($questionData[$key]['explanation'], $oldUnit['lessons_ID'], $folderId);
             $newQuestion = Question::createQuestion($questionData[$key]);
             $qid = $newQuestion->question['id'];
             if ($linked_to) {
                 $newQuestion->question['linked_to'] = $oldQuestion->question['id'];
             $newQuestions[$qid] = $oldTest->getAbsoluteQuestionWeight($oldQuestion->question['id']);
             $ids_mapping[$oldQuestion->question['id']] = $qid;
         //code for sorting $newQuestions based on $oldQuestion in order to be copied in same order(#2962)
         $newQuestionsSorted = array();
         foreach ($testQuestions as $key => $oldQuestion) {
             $newQuestionsSorted[$ids_mapping[$key]] = $newQuestions[$ids_mapping[$key]];
         $newQuestions = $newQuestionsSorted;
     return $newUnit;
Ejemplo n.º 2
                 $graph->label = _SCOREINUNIT;
                 $graph->meanValueLabel = _SCOREINTEST;
                 echo json_encode($graph);
         } catch (Exception $e) {
     if (isset($_GET['confirm'])) {
         //The user specified himself the size of the test
         if ($test->options['user_configurable']) {
             //Get the size of the test, so that we can verify that the value specified is at most equal to it
             //This way the test's questions are populated, and we will be needing this information
             if (empty($test->options['random_test'])) {
                 $test->options['random_pool'] && $test->options['random_pool'] <= sizeof($test->questions) ? $questionsNumber = $test->options['random_pool'] : ($questionsNumber = sizeof($test->questions));
             } else {
                 $questionsNumber = $test->getNumQuestionsForRandomTests();
             //Assigning the 'user_configurable' value to the 'random_pool' option gives us a test instance with the appropriate number of questions
             if (is_numeric($_GET['user_configurable']) && $_GET['user_configurable'] <= $questionsNumber && $_GET['user_configurable'] > 0) {
                 $test->options['random_pool'] = $_GET['user_configurable'];
             } else {
                 if (!isset($_GET['user_configurable']) || !$_GET['user_configurable']) {
                     eF_redirect(basename($_SERVER['PHP_SELF']) . "?view_unit=" . $_GET['view_unit'] . '&message=' . urlencode(_MUSTSPECIFYQUESTIONNUMBER));
                 } else {
                     if ($_GET['user_configurable'] > $questionsNumber || $_GET['user_configurable'] <= 0) {
Ejemplo n.º 3
         $graph = new EfrontGraph();
         $graph->type = 'line';
         for ($i = 0; $i < sizeof($labels); $i++) {
             $graph->data[] = array($i, $count[$i]);
             $graph->xLabels[] = array($i, formatTimestamp($labels[$i]));
         $graph->xTitle = _DAY;
         $graph->yTitle = _MINUTES;
         $graph->title = _MINUTESPERDAY;
         echo json_encode($graph);
     } else {
         if (isset($_GET['ajax']) && $_GET['ajax'] == 'graph_test_questions') {
             $test = new EfrontTest($_GET['entity']);
             $types = array();
             foreach ($test->getQuestions() as $value) {
                 isset($types[$value['type']]) ? $types[$value['type']]++ : ($types[$value['type']] = 1);
             $graph = new EfrontGraph();
             $graph->type = 'pie';
             $count = 0;
             foreach ($types as $key => $value) {
                 $graph->data[] = array(array($count, $value));
                 $graph->labels[] = array(Question::$questionTypes[$key]);
             echo json_encode($graph);
 } catch (Exception $e) {
Ejemplo n.º 4
  * Get statistic information about tests
  * This returns statistic info for a test
  * <br/>Example:
  * <code>
  * $tests = array(2, 4);
  * $info = EfrontStats :: getTestInfo($tests);                   //Get information for tests 2,4
  * </code>
  * @param mixed $tests Either an array of tests id or false (request information for all existing tests)
  * @param mixed $categories denotes in how many categories will the scores from 0-100% be divided (if not false)
  * @param mixed $show_all: denotes whether the function should return the stats for all the times a user took a test (default=no: just return for the active test)
  * @return array the tests' statistinc info
  * @since 3.5.0
  * @access public
  * @static
 public static function getTestInfo($tests = false, $categories = false, $show_all = false, $lesson = false, $users = false)
     if ($tests == false) {
         $tests = eF_getTableDataFlat("tests, content", "tests.id", "tests.content_ID=content.id and content.ctg_type = 'tests' and tests.lessons_ID != 0");
         //This way we get tests that have a corresponding unit
         $tests = $tests['id'];
     } elseif (!is_array($tests)) {
         $tests = array($tests);
     $lessonNames = eF_getTableDataFlat("lessons", "id,name");
     sizeof($lessonNames) > 0 ? $lessonNames = array_combine($lessonNames['id'], $lessonNames['name']) : ($lessonNames = array());
     if (!$users) {
         if ($lesson) {
             $lessonUsers = eF_getTableDataFlat("users_to_lessons ul, users u", "ul.users_LOGIN", "u.login=ul.users_LOGIN and u.archive=0 and ul.lessons_ID={$lesson} and ul.archive=0");
             $users = array_combine($lessonUsers['users_LOGIN'], $lessonUsers['users_LOGIN']);
         } else {
             $result = eF_getTableData("users", "name, surname, login");
             $users = array();
             foreach ($result as $user) {
                 $users[$user['login']] = $user;
     if ($users) {
         if (sizeof($tests) == 1) {
             $doneTests = EfrontStats::getDoneTestsPerTest(array_keys($users), current($tests), false, false, $lesson);
         } else {
             $doneTests = EfrontStats::getDoneTestsPerTest(array_keys($users), false, false, false, $lesson);
     foreach ($tests as $id) {
         $testInfo = array();
         $test = new EfrontTest($id);
         //$unit      = $test -> getUnit();
         $testInfo['general']['id'] = $id;
         //$testInfo['general']['name']            = $unit -> offsetGet('name');
         //$testInfo['general']['content_ID']      = $unit -> offsetGet('id');
         $testInfo['general']['name'] = $test->test['name'];
         $testInfo['general']['content_ID'] = $test->test['content_ID'];
         $testInfo['general']['lesson_name'] = $lessonNames[$test->test['lessons_ID']];
         $testInfo['general']['duration'] = $test->options['duration'];
         $testInfo['general']['duration_str'] = eF_convertIntervalToTime($test->options['duration']);
         $testInfo['general']['redoable'] = $test->options['redoable'];
         $testInfo['general']['redoable_str'] = $test->options['redoable'] >= 1 ? _YES : _NO;
         $testInfo['general']['onebyone'] = $test->options['onebyone'];
         $testInfo['general']['onebyone_str'] = $test->options['onebyone'] == 1 ? _YES : _NO;
         $testInfo['general']['answers'] = $test->options['answers'];
         $testInfo['general']['answers_str'] = $test->options['answers'] == 1 ? _YES : _NO;
         $testInfo['general']['description'] = $test->test['description'];
         //$testInfo['general']['timestamp']       = $unit -> offsetGet('timestamp');
         //$testInfo['general']['timestamp_str']   = strftime('%d-%m-%Y, %H:%M:%S', $testInfo['general']['timestamp']);
         $testInfo['general']['scorm'] = 0;
         $testInfo['questions']['total'] = 0;
         $testInfo['questions']['raw_text'] = 0;
         $testInfo['questions']['multiple_one'] = 0;
         $testInfo['questions']['multiple_many'] = 0;
         $testInfo['questions']['true_false'] = 0;
         $testInfo['questions']['match'] = 0;
         $testInfo['questions']['empty_spaces'] = 0;
         $testInfo['questions']['drag_drop'] = 0;
         $testInfo['questions']['low'] = 0;
         $testInfo['questions']['medium'] = 0;
         $testInfo['questions']['high'] = 0;
         if (!empty($test->options['random_test'])) {
             $questions = $test->getQuestionsForRandomSolvedTests(true);
         } else {
             $questions = $test->getQuestions(true);
         foreach ($questions as $question) {
         //@todo: Compatibility status with old versions, need to change
         $testInfo['done'] = array();
         // Create results score categories
         if ($categories) {
             $testInfo['score_categories'] = array();
             $step = 100 / $categories;
             for ($i = 0; $i < $categories; $i++) {
                 $testInfo['score_categories'][$i] = array("from" => $i * $step, "to" => ($i + 1) * $step, "count" => 0);
                 if ($i == $categories - 1) {
                     $testInfo['score_categories'][$i]["to"] = 100;
         foreach ($doneTests[$id] as $user => $done) {
             foreach ($done as $key => $dt) {
                 // Check that this $dt refers to a test occurence - and not average scores etc
                 if (eF_checkParameter($key, "id") && ($show_all || $dt['archive'] == 0) && $dt['status'] != 'incomplete' && $dt['status'] != '') {
                     $done_test = array('id' => $done['active_score'], 'users_LOGIN' => $dt['users_LOGIN'], 'name' => $users[$dt['users_LOGIN']]['name'], 'surname' => $users[$dt['users_LOGIN']]['surname'], 'score' => $dt['score'], 'active_score' => $done['active_score'], 'active_test_id' => $done['active_test_id'], 'timestamp' => $dt['time_end'], 'mastery_score' => $dt['mastery_score'], 'status' => $dt['status']);
                     $testInfo['done'][] = $done_test;
                     // Get the user's score in the correct stats category
                     if ($categories) {
                         $stat_cat = $dt['score'] / $step;
                         $testInfo['score_categories'][$stat_cat >= $categories ? $categories - 1 : $stat_cat]["count"]++;
         // Create results score categories
         if ($categories) {
             $doneTestsCount = sizeof($testInfo['done']);
             $sum_count = $doneTestsCount;
             // counts how many users have score equal or above each score_category
             if ($sum_count > 0) {
                 foreach ($testInfo['score_categories'] as $key => $score) {
                     $testInfo['score_categories'][$key]['percent'] = round(100 * ($testInfo['score_categories'][$key]['count'] / $doneTestsCount), 2);
                     $testInfo['score_categories'][$key]['sum_count'] = $sum_count;
                     $testInfo['score_categories'][$key]['sum_count_percent'] = round(100 * ($sum_count / $doneTestsCount), 2);
                     $sum_count -= $testInfo['score_categories'][$key]['count'];
         $testsInfo[$id] = $testInfo;
     return $testsInfo;
Ejemplo n.º 5
if ($configuration['math_content'] && $configuration['math_images']) {
    $loadScripts[] = 'ASCIIMath2Tex';
} elseif ($configuration['math_content']) {
    $loadScripts[] = 'ASCIIMathML';
if (isset($_GET['edit_test'])) {
    $currentTest = new EfrontTest($_GET['edit_test']);
    if (!$skillgap_tests) {
        $currentUnit = new EfrontUnit($currentTest->test['content_ID']);
        $is_linked = $currentUnit['linked_to'] ? true : false;
    if ($is_linked) {
        eF_redirect("" . ltrim(basename($_SERVER['PHP_SELF']), "/") . "?ctg=tests&message=" . urlencode(_LINKEDTESTSCANNOTBEEDITTED) . "&message_type=failure");
    if (!empty($currentTest->options['random_test']) && $_GET['random_test'] == 0) {
        $testQuestions = $currentTest->getQuestions(false, true);
    } else {
        $testQuestions = $currentTest->getQuestions();
    //if test contains a question from another lesson, display all lessons questions
    if (G_VERSIONTYPE != 'community') {
        #cpp#ifndef COMMUNITY
        if (G_VERSIONTYPE != 'standard') {
            #cpp#ifndef STANDARD
            if (EfrontUser::isOptionVisible('questions_pool') && !isset($_GET['showall'])) {
                $showAllFlag = false;
                foreach ($testQuestions as $key => $value) {
                    if ($value['lessons_ID'] != $_SESSION['s_lessons_ID']) {
                        $showAllFlag = true;
Ejemplo n.º 6
//Default url for the file manager
$url = basename($_SERVER['PHP_SELF']) . '?ctg=' . $_GET['ctg'] . '&' . (isset($_GET['edit_test']) ? 'edit_test=' . $_GET['edit_test'] : 'add_test=1');
$extraFileTools = array(array('image' => 'images/16x16/arrow_right.png', 'title' => _INSERTEDITOR, 'action' => 'insert_editor'));
/**The file manager*/
include "file_manager.php";
//This page also needs an editor and ASCIIMathML
$load_editor = true;
if ($configuration['math_content'] && $configuration['math_images']) {
    $loadScripts[] = 'ASCIIMath2Tex';
} elseif ($configuration['math_content']) {
    $loadScripts[] = 'ASCIIMathML';
if (isset($_GET['edit_test'])) {
    $currentTest = new EfrontTest($_GET['edit_test']);
    $testQuestions = $currentTest->getQuestions();
    //if test contains a question from another lesson, display all lessons questions
    if (G_VERSIONTYPE != 'community') {
        #cpp#ifndef COMMUNITY
        if (G_VERSIONTYPE != 'standard') {
            #cpp#ifndef STANDARD
            if (EfrontUser::isOptionVisible('questions_pool') && !isset($_GET['showall'])) {
                $showAllFlag = false;
                foreach ($testQuestions as $key => $value) {
                    if ($value['lessons_ID'] != $_SESSION['s_lessons_ID']) {
                        $showAllFlag = true;
                if ($showAllFlag) {
                    $_GET['showall'] = 1;